
Tweets for the week of January 4th, 2010

  • Earthship at dawn: -12°C (10°F) outside, 20°C (68°F) inside. Massive condensation on windows makes me wonder how long they'll last though. #
  • Went for a nice 8 mile hike along the Rio Grande gorge outside of Taos. Saw 40 bighorn sheep too. #
  • Suspect that just like real ships, these earthships can only be operated by someone with an understanding of how they work. #
  • Drinking Bryan's margaritas in Taos, without Bryan. Light snow falling under a nearly full moon. Snowshoeing tomorrow in the mountains. #
  • Dug my 3rd snow cave. Got cold wet fingers. Now heating soup, and taking a hot bath. #
  • Remembering Barcelona, when I should be remembering Sea Ranch. #
  • The headline reads grad school, but that's not where the memories came from. The twenty-oughts, a decade in review: #
  • Migrating data from the elder Stempel computer to their new Apple lappy. #

Tweets for the week of December 28th, 2009

  • Long slog back to Denver, but I made it. Feels like I've been gone a long time. Can't imagine what getting back to Pasadena will be like. #
  • Looking forward to the long slow return of the Sun. #
  • It's a dark day when I hope for a long and dreamless night. #
  • Gave up on sleeping after three hours of staring at the ceiling. #
  • Going to get some groceries for the next couple of days. And booze. Plenty of booze. #
  • It isn't easy to be the trouble I want to see in the world. #
  • Halfway through Energy at the Crossroads ( We now return you to our regularly scheduled infinite Christmas music. Ugh. #
  • Gifted skills and information for Xmas. Financial plans, compost, computational savvy. Roasted a turkey, making soup stock overnight. Yum! #
  • Sitting in an Earthship outside of Taos. It's 80°F in here, and 25°F outside. We'll see what happens tonight… #

Tweets for the week of December 21st, 2009

  • Finished the (long) eligibility questionnaire for George Church's Personal Genome Project. Gattaca, here we come. #
  • Revising AGU poster. Hoping there's some lemon merangue left. I wonder if Obama read HST's "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 1972"? #
  • Went to Richard Alley's (of the 2 mile time machine) talk at #AGU09. He speaks like he writes. Would be a fun guy to take a class from. #
  • If you tell the other players you've got an ace up your sleeve, and they keep playing, is it still cheating? #
  • Thai takeout from Chile Lime and Garlic for our beer swilling slumber party in downtown SF. #AGU09 #
  • Got Sally's wireless internet connection set up. Glad the modem arrived before I left. #
  • During this visit for the first time SF has felt comfortable and accessible to me, not confining and frenetic. I wonder what changed? #
  • Glad I got the time of my flight back to Denver wrong in the right direction. Automatic timezone adjustment be damned. #

Tweets for the week of December 13th, 2009

  • I love going to bed tired, and waking up refreshed. However, that's not what just happened. #
  • I have to choose between spending half an hour biking or 30 minutes waiting for the bus, in snowy, icy -10°C. #
  • Enraged by how the financial "services" industry treats the people who trust it with their savings. Like marks at a traveling carnival. #
  • Phantom winds rushing down from the mountains with no warning, shaking the house, setting off windchimes in all directions. #
  • Ah well. So much for managing upwards. #
  • Funny, I didn't see anybody else out cycling on the Bear Creek Path tonight. At midnight. In -10°C weather. Bonus: frostnip. #
  • Rainy SF day w/ Sally. Pie for breakfast, then worms & compost, laundry & coffee, finance & tech consulting. Now time for dinner & a movie. #
  • Bus driver made fun of me for chasing the bus (they come every 5 min) and I discovered timed BART transfers. Good mass transit is great. #

Tweets for the week of December 6th, 2009

  • I am reminded of Plutarch's dialog between Pyrrhus and Cineas on the eve of their invasion of Italy. #
  • Is it me, or did the Google Toolbar just get real uppity? #
  • Cormac McCarty joined the Santa Fe Institute at the invitation of Murray Gell-Mann. Who would have guessed? #
  • Full moon light on fresh fallen snow. #
  • I'm gonna go waaay out on a limb here and bet that my dissertation gets rejected for some kind of formatting minutia. #
  • Grad school sez: "Your submission is complete". #
  • Alas, submission does not actually appear to be complete. #
  • In theory, I could be stoned out of my gourd on mescaline from now to Dec. 18th, and still get a PhD. But I should ask my attorney, Raoul. #
  • It would be great if every time the government wanted to have a war, it had to levy a special transparently itemized tax to pay for it. #
  • Currently hating my phone. iSync Plugins from Nova Media is borken. So now I have no contacts. Great. And I *paid* for this software. #
  • Somebody should start a customer owned health insurance company, modeled after Vanguard's ownership structure. #
  • I am weak and foolish. Having lost all the contacts in my phone, I am lusting with no real justification for an iPhone or a Droid. #
  • I'm older than I've ever been. And now I'm even older. Let the catharsis begin: #
  • Looking forward to a few more days of the swirling crystalline white stuff. #
  • Once again, disappointed by AT&T. No iPhone upgrade for me. #
  • Registered for a climate change science/media communication workshop at #AGU09 w/ Matt Nisbet: #
  • Somehow @gregmortenson ( manages to educate 22,000 students each year for the annual cost of 5 US soldiers in Afghanistan. #
  • in SF 12/11-12/20 for #AGU09. I could probably linger for a month and not see everyone I know, so call/email if you want to hang out. #

Tweets for the week of November 29th, 2009

  • It takes about as much energy to make a disposable aluminum roasting pan as it does to roast a turkey. #
  • making a chipotle quinoa stuffing for the 10kg bird in the oven, which only cost $6.88. Ah, loss-leaders, how do I love thee. #
  • Craig Venter reminds me a little of Hunter S. Thompson. A gonzo scientist. Oh yeah? F**k you. I'm gonna sequence myself anyway. #
  • The lower half of my face is covered with a paste of henna, lemon juice, and sugar, and my head is wrapped in plastic bags and tape. #
  • Arrrr, redbeard be bikin' down to the Museum of Natural History to learn about Genghis Khan, pirate king o' the central Asian steppes. #
  • The natural history museum was further away than expected… and the night a bit colder, and the bike routes could really be signed better. #
  • Going to climb Mt. Falcon in the late November sun. #
  • Just watched "Sleep Dealer". We need more thoughtful near-future sci-fi from the developing world. #
  • I'm thankful that I'm still interested in learning new and difficult things, despite my excessive schooling. #
  • Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it. #
  • Happy Buy Nothing Day! Do your part to help ensure the so-called global "economy" remains in shambles. Yeah, Dubai, that means you, too. #
  • very sad to realize that the last 7 years of my life have been pretty much a complete waste. #
  • Things could be worse. Things can always be worse. However, I'm starting to wonder whether or not they can ever be better. #
  • Why does it always seem like I've got 7 +/- 2 things to do? #
  • Found a middle-eastern grocery in Denver near the Platte River bike trail. Also, I need some more pants. #
  • Got some tasty olives, some pants, and a 42 mile bike ride. #
  • English is wonderfully flexible. I'm going to try using xor when I mean exclusive or, and just plain 'or' for the and/or case. #

Tweets for the week of November 22nd, 2009

  • Adopted Uighur little sister conscientiously morning-stomping on my bedroom ceiling, not realizing I've actually been up since 3:30am. #
  • If you think something's supposed to hurt, you're less likely to notice if you're doing it wrong. cf.: graduate school #
  • Thesis beard is beginning to impinge on the lower portion of my peripheral vision. Must mean I'm almost done. #
  • Feeling inexplicably calm looking forward to Friday. Fixing those errors helped. I guess mostly I just feel like the die is already cast. #
  • Trying to get a whole PhD into one 45 minute talk is just as ridiculous as trying to get a whole paper into a 10 minute AGU talk. #
  • In 24 hours I'll either have a PhD, or be a raving unemployed homeless person. Or maybe both. #
  • Finished making my presentation a whole 3 hours early. I could even like, practice it. Or revise it. Or something. #
  • The only question now is, who wants to play Doctor? #
  • Checked out a new diving location, in the natural refrigerator that is Colorado November. Got 20lbs of fresh produce, mostly greens. #
  • Defended PhD wearing Hunter S. Thompson's Gonzo Fist emblem. Gonna read his Fear and Loathing on the 1972 Campaign Trail now. #
  • I love libraries: Energy at the Crossroads, Intro to Bioinformatics Algorithms, Ghost Wars, Biological Networks, Sleeping w/ the Devil, etc. #

Tweets for the week of November 15th, 2009

  • Ahhhh. The thesis draft is really done. Now on to fixing known errors, reading background papers, and making a talk. But first, a nap. #
  • Silly me. I thought *writing* the thesis would be the hard part. Never offer to give someone a 136 page hardcopy of anything. #
  • I can't remember the last day I didn't drink any coffee. #
  • Rode 30 miles in a warm November sun to turn in the paper copies of my thesis. BIkes make me happy. #
  • Mark Twain's "War Prayer": #
  • Getting plenty of sleep is soooo nice. Being woken up in the middle of a dream fight scene with Ed Norton & a fireplace poker, not so much. #
  • Having my new prescription spex makes me wish I had Rx sunglasses. #
  • Sometimes it is surprisingly difficult just to remember to breathe. #
  • Ahh, fixed my sign error. Nice consistent story, both techniques playing well together. Everyone lives happily ever after now, right? #
  • I see no way to differentiate the 9/11 prosecutions from show trials. #
  • Anybody have a favorite bioinformatics text, good for someone with more background on the info side than the bio? #
  • I just applied to the Personal Genome Project. They probably have enough young white males already though: #

Tweets for the week of November 8th, 2009

  • A good holy book is like a good horoscope: given the right cues and context, it can mean whatever you, or your dear leader, need it to mean. #
  • Anybody interested in going to the CO Environmental Film Festival, Fri or Sat night in Golden? Help me celebrate turning my thesis in! #
  • Road raging anti-cyclist Dr. Thompson of Mandeville Canyon guilty on all 7 counts, & held w/o bail pending sentencing: #
  • Yet again I find the problem I'm working on has already been considered, and deemed difficult, for >100yrs. Thanks, Richard Dedekind. #
  • I do have to wonder what greens will turn to next year if COP15 flops, as seems likely. Just how dark are we? #
  • I think @longnow should host a debate between @AlexSteffen and Derrick Jensen. Or maybe it should be a gladiatorial death match… #
  • Tired. Irish cream and milk. Steamy shower. No more graphs tonight please. #
  • I'm obviously not going to be doing any sleeping any time soon. #
  • This is not going to be a disaster. This is not going to be a disaster. This is not going to be a disaster. This is going to be a disaster. #
  • Four hours of sleep, but then I took a shower, so I can't be tired, right? #
  • Why am I such a loser sometimes. #
  • Regained perspective over dinner. At least I'm not going to be deported in January. Making a thesis triage list helped too. #
  • wooziness setting in. brain shutting down involuntarily. #
  • Even this is not in my written up yet! #
  • Gorgeous warm autumn day in Boulder. Too bad my thesis is not about looking out the library window at girls as they walk and bike past. #
  • Now if only it were a week ago, I'd only be half a day behind schedule. #
  • I feel like science is this beautiful thing, and I'm puking all over it. Thank goodness I usually feel better after puking. #
  • 50% of all US food is thrown away. Producing that waste requires 30% of all US water, or as much as all non-agricultural water use combined. #
  • If 1% of the food LA grocery stores send to landfills was rescued it would feed every hungry person in LA. Go see Dive! #
  • Am I being neurotic, or does my thesis really suck? Hard to decide. I guess that's what the defense is for. Here's hoping for neurotic. #

Tweets for the week of November 1st, 2009

  • Having sampled all of the options, I can say there really is something special about getting up with the sun. #
  • I have a hard time imagining a modern day Smaug curled up on a pile of mutual funds, futures contracts, ETFs and CDOs. #
  • It's surreal to see photos of someone I biked across Europe with in 1994, in the Guatemalan city I studied Spanish in 2005. Ah, technology. #
  • 6-12" of snow last night, another 24-36" predicted. Glad my commute is currently about 1 meter. #
  • AUGH. It's time for good enough to be. #
  • Snow still falling. Zane still freaking out. #
  • Going to sleep. Hopefully fewer dreams tonight about my thesis, and more about, well, just about anything else would be fine. #
  • Having trouble maintaining momentum. Or maybe it's momenergy. #
  • This weekend I finish writing up the GSNs, next week I try to get the whole pile-o-crap tied together. Maybe what I need is a rug… #
  • I probably shouldn't be cursing at the computer this much at this late date. #
  • In my own personal hell, I will be plagued by an eternity of mysterious algebraic sign errors. #
  • Stomatopod eyes are beyond awesome: 12 color channels, IR to UV, polarizing (full Stokes parameters) and *each* eye has trinocular vision. #