
Tweets for the week of October 25th, 2009

  • Harvard just paid $500M to get out of an interest rate swap. I wonder how Caltech's parking structure CEFA bond swaps are doing. #
  • Pi Time! #
  • Starting to write up the chapter on geographic superposition networks. Should have lots of pretty plots. #
  • Lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy Zane, he wants a drink of coffee, so he waits and waits and waits and waits and waits for it to rain. #
  • Am I really going to be done in a month? The idea seems almost surreal. #
  • I'll probably never really get used to snow. That's okay though. It's more fun for it always to seem like magic. #
  • Sometimes de-bugging seems to turn into re-bugging. #
  • Sliding forward in time, I'm phase shifted by pi. #
  • The lights and the computer and I (~350W total) can keep this basement room plenty warm, just about until it starts snowing outside. #
  • somehow I imagine that getting old, mentally, will feel a lot like staying up for too long. #
  • I'm going to reward myself for all this hard work by getting the mail and going to the bathroom. Ahh, luxury. #
  • 21 hrs up, 2 hrs down, 4 hrs up, 6 hrs down. Six lousy hours? That's all I can muster? Are you kidding?!? #
  • Texas emits more CO2 than all of sub-Saharan Africa combined. #
  • Apparently in Denmark "going postal" has a slightly different meaning… #
  • You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole. #
  • Running lineament statistics. Making coffee. Wearing a silly hat. Wishing my redheaded niece a happy birthday. #
  • Holy crap, I made something that actually looks Gaussian. Best. Distribution. Evar. #
  • OMFG, I have conclusive support of NSR from the GSNs. #
  • Colorado Bohemian Foundation is matching donations to the Central Asia Institute up to $500k #
  • Being emotionally bound to the outcome of a research problem is much simpler than being attached to people. It's also really lame. #

Tweets for the week of October 19th, 2009

  • Geological superposition networks (GSNs) appear to support steady-state lineament formation, activity, visibility, quiescence, and erasure. #
  • The Sleeper has awoken. #
  • New Surgeon General's Warning: sleep deprivation/use of hallucinagens while mapping fuzzy pictures of squiggly lines may degrade accuracy. #
  • Is it easier to just be yourself all the time, or is it just a different kind of difficult? #
  • Is it just me, or does all innovation happen in the shower, on a bike ride, or while talking to somebody else? #
  • We want railroads and fiber, not tulips and exurbs. #
  • Eight hours was, as it turns out, a grotesque underestimate. #
  • OMG, now we're really in the future. Magnetic monopoles have been found, in spin ice. (don't worry, it barely makes any sense to me either) #
  • Again with the thinking in the shower. Maybe I should bathe more often… #
  • I cannot stop the thumping trance. I kill-dash-nined iTunes 15 minutes ago, and it's still playing. Guess the lappy just wants to dance! #
  • Coding seems downright recreational compared to mapping. #
  • not even 10am, and all my errands are done… #
  • Had an eye exam. Lens price mysteriously increased by $100. Mail order without insurance is cheaper than Target with it. Lame. #
  • Somebody's banging on a djembe upstairs. #
  • How am I already getting up at 4pm again? #
  • It makes me sad how closed the world's borders are. #
  • Definitely missing my ergonomic chair. #

Tweets for the week of October 12th, 2009

  • I wish bike shops would let you schedule same-day service, or had decent loaners (or even rentals) you could use. #
  • Losing a day's work to mysterious data corruption shouldn't be this demoralizing, but honestly, I feel like my computer betrayed me. #
  • T-minus 31 days and counting. #
  • The Democrats are going to rubber-stamp renew the Patriot Act? Who says we have a multi-party govt? Or a free press? #
  • Atoms for peace! (nuclei for war) #
  • carpel tunneling / haven't clicked this much in years / end the mapping please! #
  • I am more than happy to be fielding questions from grad students who are trying to use my code. It makes me feel loved. Well, kinda… #
  • I got a ton of stuff done today. Somehow it never seems like enough. Now I should seriously go to sleep. #
  • This cannot be over soon enough. Except that, of course, I feel like I need more time. Go figure. #
  • "Taxi to the Dark Side" (about US torture/interrogation) was much better than "Standard Operating Procedure". Still dark, but less spun. #
  • Woke up at 4:30am. Can't we outsource scientific data entry to India or something? #
  • I'm, dreaming of a, white, Columbus Day… #
  • I'm inspired by events to remember the exits in back of me… #
  • Dang, PCC teaches Spanish, Arabic, Russian *and* Chinese. Next year will be fun. #
  • Four different greeting cards for National Coming Out Day: #
  • Damian Martinez, wherever you are, thank you for coming out at Blacker dinner 16 years ago today. It took courage, and I think it did good. #

Tweets for the week of October 4th, 2009

  • Not only can I not concentrate, I also can't sleep. #
  • How Boulder became bikeable. This is at least half the reason I want to live there: (video by Bikes Belong) #
  • qGIS 1.3.0 is named after one of Saturn's moons (Mimas), and it's not crashing on my computer. That's good. #
  • I'm so tired of hating the world. #
  • Getting extraterrestrial GIS working always takes too long. It's like they think the Earth is the center of the universe or something. #
  • Tomorrow, I am for to be mapping some tectonics of the ices. Again. For the third time. #
  • Carl Sagan: "The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars." Talk about a big 'if'… #
  • I really don't look forward to coffee any more. #
  • I wish I could make an update about something more personal than the geospatial databases which are giving me a headache., but I can't. #
  • Two interplanetary exploration show-stoppers: Pu-238 RTGs and DSN bandwidth #
  • Back to mapping, and the land of the living… right after I get some coffee. #
  • Snow returning to Siberia; Europe & the Niger delta twinkling in a thin sliver of moonless night; southern ocean vortices: I see you, Earth. #
  • I remind me of an asshole. #
  • Okay, I'm getting dizzy from the lineaments now. Maybe that's enough for now. #
  • If the Earth had an intelligence agency, I would totally interview with them. #
  • I knew there was some reason I kept putting off mapping. These overalls have never felt this loose before. #
  • "Accidentally" spiced everyone out at dinner with bean sprouts+chiles+garlic. #
  • More than 1000 intersections to classify, at 30 seconds each that's… still 8+ mind-numbing hours. Ugh. #
  • Huh, I wonder where all that mapping I did earlier today went. *poof* ERROR, ERROR, ERROR. p.o.s. 🙁 #

Tweets for the week of September 28th, 2009

  • Got closer on the entropy problem. Also have much, much better autogenerated network diagrams. Still need to make a real intersection map. #
  • Fuck entropy. I choose you, N-choose-2. #
  • Come with us to where man has never been, but to where he will go as certain as the passage of time. Come with us to the moon. The rocket… #
  • No more research until Saturday. Now on to packing and shipping, making presentation slides, flying, practicing. But first: some sleeping. #
  • Instead of putting me on hold, Southwest's system asked for my phone number and called me back when it was my turn. I love Southwest. #
  • The only key left on my keychain goes to my bike lock. #
  • Bike is boxed. Hands blackened and bloodied as always. I hate packing it, and it hates being packed. We'll miss each other in transit. #
  • Working on a presentation on an airplane. I feel so… professional. Or something. #
  • Back at Chez Stempel in Lakewood. I like having parents I can borrow occasionally. #
  • A liter of coffee on the desk at 10pm. It's going to be a long night. #
  • naptime. #
  • Fitter. Healthier. More Productive… #
  • So much for trusting my bits to Google. Gmail down again. Will reconsider my whole hosting setup in January. #
  • It's so early, and yet, so so late. #
  • Are you ready to ruuuuuuummmmmble!?!?! #
  • As expected, that went better than expected. (Expectation is the mother of disappointment, so I try to keep mine low.) #
  • To my many half blind friends: how much should an eye exam and prescription cost if you pay cash? (glasses exam/Rx, no contacts). #
  • Stayed at Julie's too late talking. Now have to sleep in Boulder. I don't have a problem with her couch. It's more like a relationship. #
  • Back in Lakewood. Need to make up a writing schedule for myself, and re-assemble my bike! #
  • Probably not the best idea to antagonize someone on my thesis committee over minutia, but actually it encourages me to do a good job. #
  • Only obvious FedEx casualty is a smashed taillight. Thankfully whatever poked the big hole in the monitor box was harmless. #
  • Apparently I needed to catch up on some sleeping last night… #
  • Finding it very difficult to concentrate, and feeling angry about it. #

Tweets for the week of September 21st, 2009

  • Just FYI, the next person who congratulates me on having a PhD defense date runs the risk of being punched in the face. #
  • Trying to feel good about making a bunch of progress on the stratigraphic sorting. #
  • And then every so often I'm like, "Maybe I could enjoy a being Postdoc, given a sufficiently long vacation first." #
  • Okay, enough of this nonsense. I'm going home. Right after I pilfer some toilet paper… #
  • I'd much rather get a partnership out of my PhD, than a PhD out of my partnership. #
  • I have a bunch of good day-old ciabatta bread in my office, if anybody wants some. #
  • Mmmm, PB&J. Mike would be proud. (Or jealous…) #
  • Sacrificing the ornamental plants in the courtyard to the Ice Queen Europa. #
  • Pasadena Bicycle Master Plan Meeting 6:30-8:30pm, October 1st at 1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave. More details here: #
  • The Wall Street Journal just contacted me about being interviewed for an article about dumpster diving. What should I do? #
  • It's hard to believe that many of our grandparents (or even our parents!) remember a world before modern China existed: #
  • There's no food in my office, so what are these ants looking for? #
  • not sure what to think of being told I am too articulate and enlightened to be useful by a journalist from the WSJ. Compliment? Insult? #
  • either rationality *or* intelligibility would be a big improvement in our landlady. We can't even tell what kind of crazy she's talking. #
  • Trying to measure a reduction in entropy. As much as anything, I associate entropy with evil, and someday it will win, but not yet. #

Tweets for the week of September 13th, 2009

  • I guess waking up at 4am is closer to being on a "normal" schedule… #
  • Mmm. French toast made with English muffins. Is that culturally insensitive, or does the maple syrup from Quebec make it okay? #
  • getting occasional random ~10 second hangs in just about all apps under #snowleopard Annoying! #
  • I find the fact that we still nominally celebrate Labor Day in this country somehow darkly comic, or ironic, or something. #
  • Holland has about the same population and land area as LA+Ventura+San Diego+Orange County. If only we had their bikes and healthcare. #
  • WTF? I'm at Caltech and I can't read old Icarus articles online. I hate the scientific publishing industry with an unhealthy passion. #
  • Amazing how tiring getting up at 4am is… #
  • The last day of a long weekend is apparently not the best time to get dumpster bread. Too much accumulated garbage obscuring the quarry. #
  • Don't you think you're playing God? Oh, I'm not playing. -Craig Venter Synthetic Biology Masters Class w/ George Church #
  • I think I'm losing weight as my thesis gains it. That's probably not terribly healthy. #
  • I hate getting gigantic e-mails that have been hopelessly garbled by an ancient version of some GUI e-mail client. #
  • Reading a review of the work in my field, it sometimes feels unclear whether it's even worth the effort to tell them they're wrong. #
  • It's 2:30am, does anybody know where my Michelle is? #
  • Well I can only hope that the mystery sleepover isn't happening in a medical facility. #
  • gall dernit, I still ain't registrated! #
  • Well that was exhausting. Even if I hadn't been up since 2:30am. #
  • Can't find a good full-screen slideshow for new @HubbleTelescope pix. They should set up a @flickr acct. or mediarss feed. #
  • I'm on the verge of being genuinely creeped out by the preternatural relevance of the webcomics I follow. Telepathy will only make it worse #
  • Ah, mobile phones and cars. Thankfully nobody was seriously injured, and I got to see an urban geyser. #
  • I wonder if Apple lets artists pay to get played more frequently in the iTunes Genius mixes and playlists? #
  • Back of the envelope: ~50 m^3 of water was wasted by that broken hydrant = ~8 lbs beef = 1 BBQ <= last night's dumpster diving haul. #
  • Outlined data structures for geographic superposition networks, now on to pseudocode algorithm for DAG enforcement, & stratigraphic sorting. #
  • Wikipedia has improved dramatically since I last worked on graph theory. #
  • Seems absurd that it took all day to write 15 lines of code, but using osgeo and networkx I can now take a map and turn it into a graph. #
  • It's a sad morning inbox that contains nothing but a bunch of notifications of backups, successfully completed. At least my data loves me. #
  • Why on Earth do all of the geographic processing libraries act like the world is flat? I am so tired of hacking in Euclidean space! #

Tweets for the week of September 7th, 2009

  • Terrifying time lapse of Station Fire: Mt. Wilson cam is all shadow, and flame: #
  • I suppose technically this is the land of milk and honey. And also beta-phenyl-isopropylamine. #
  • The air outside is so bad it makes my eyes sting, and every street light has a bright yellow cone of haze beneath it. #
  • People are asking the UK government to apologize for the persecution of Alan Turing which led to his suicide #
  • sleeping soon. #
  • Went grocery shopping, and on the way home down San Pasqual, saw more bikes than cars, including one with a skirt guard! #
  • Sign up to help do the first ever LA bicycle count, September 22nd and 23rd! #
  • How much of a paper you aren't first author on can go into your thesis? #
  • Drinking two liters of tea seems so much less ridiculous than drinking half a gallon. #
  • Cost (to me) of student healthcare at CU has doubled since I entered grad school from $500 to $1000 per semester. #
  • Godspeed You Black Emperor goes great with forest fires. #
  • If nothing else, it seems assured that the Apocalypse will be well documented. Yet another fire timelapse: #
  • My life always feels so boring an inhuman when I work like this. #
  • Publishing a scientific technique & releasing a buggy closed implementation effectively prohibits anyone from improving on your work. Lame! #
  • Only three weeks to my committee meeting?!? Feeling desperate. Also, I think I really need to brush my teeth. #
  • Seems absurd that the overwhelming majority of our roads, buildings, and other urban infrastructure is used only half of the time, or less. #
  • Pulled in and re-organized all my existing thesis content, except for the geological superposition networks stuff. 101 pages so far. #
  • Annoyed that I can't go to Caltrans BAC mtg to evangelize b/c of my PhD committee mtg. Same day & time, different state. #
  • AGU abstract functionally done. Going to reward myself by upgrading my OS. At least, I hope it ends up being a reward. #
  • Installing a bunch of crap from source makes me feel kind of nostalgic. Nostalgic for what I'm not sure. Maybe for a time before computers. #
  • python 2.6 + ipython + readline + snow leopard == 🙁 #
  • nobody should die because they can't afford the longevity treatments, and nobody should go broke because they got old #
  • Sometimes it's just best to lie to the computer outright. #
  • It's amazing what a decent table of contents will do for the soul. #
  • And that's all the phase there is to shift. #
  • Are babies had or made? Do we give or lose our virginity? I vote for making and giving. #
  • Being nocturnal feels like living in some kind of weird, silent, de-populated world. #
  • It's phenomenal that our oldest genes are about as durable as the oldest whole rocks on Earth, but have passed through billions of bodies. #
  • tonight, I will finish the introduction and background section. #
  • I gave myself a haircut, making my beard by far the longest hair on my head. Now I look like some kind of villain from Imperial Russia. #
  • Need spicy noodles, and a "nap". Got bogged down in crater counting and it's weaknesses in the outer solar system… #
  • We can all vote tomorrow to suspend gravity, but we'll still be gravity's bitch. #

Tweets for the week of August 30th, 2009

  • The blindering continues: unfollowing all non-personal Twitter contacts until 2010, after my PhD is done. #
  • I know, this shouldn't seem strange, but I'm actually looking forward to going to AGU. #
  • Petitioning CU for my fall registration (email has been in my inbox since… May 4th) and writing my AGU abstract. #
  • I'm not completely trustworthy. The weird thing is, I feel compelled to tell people that up front. Sometimes. #
  • I wish it was really possible for headphones to do bass well. #
  • 1 liter smoothie + 1 liter tea = too much liquid for breakfast. Solution? Make smoothie w/ iced tea instead of juice! Fruity stimulation. #
  • Somehow having 1000+ unread RSS feed items makes it so much easier to just ignore them all. #
  • both disgusted by and enamored with homemade baconfat tostada shells. #
  • we will change the world, whether we want to or not. #
  • Did I just find that bug, or create it? Bedtime. #
  • Looking forward to our crazy landlady's first visit in years tomorrow! Not. #
  • wrote a script to chain together all my accumulated analysis so far… letting it slog through the morning. Now sleep, and await the heat. #
  • You have done well my silicon minions. You do not know fear! You do not know pain! You will taste manflesh! #
  • Landlady was contacted by insurance co. (not City). Has less idea what's going on than we do. This one, maybe I fix. #
  • Michelle has actually aged since we met. It's comforting and disturbing at the same time. #
  • Wrote a thesis todo list. I'm sure it's incomplete, but I'm going to have a pint of cider anyway. #
  • vote for bike trails and directions in Google Maps! #
  • It almost looks like Brown Mountain has turned into a volcano. #
  • It almost looks like Brown Mountain has turned into a volcano: #
  • good overview of bicycle health and safety statistics (helmets, accidents, obesity, etc): #
  • I hope it's possible for poor employees to be good business owners. #
  • I made fresh pesto from the garden. Eating some with polenta that I cooked in my big insulated french press. #
  • Economists talk about the price of anarchy. I think what Popper is talking about is the price of order. Efficiency instead of resilience. #
  • Thyrsus is definitely my new favorite word: #
  • I may just have to ship my laptop out to Colorado separately, to avoid the possibility of any digital body cavity searches by the TSA. #
  • maxing out both cores, all 4GB of memory in use, and I have the gall to be annoyed that my music is skipping. #
  • I can't believe I've been sitting here for 13 hours. #
  • Feeling strangely fascinated by the prospect of friending all my cousins in Fresno on FB. #
  • going to go eat dinner on the roof and watch Mount Wilson burn. #

Tweets for the week of August 24th, 2009

  • Early to bed, early to rise actually feels kinda nice. But also totally abnormal. #
  • Got my 30 inch display back from Apple service. Somehow they got a white thread sandwiched into the LCD. *sigh* #
  • Your latest song is leaked as a torrent, what do you do? If you're Radiohead, you capitalize on the free publicity: #
  • Okay I give in, I'll do the golden section search thing. #
  • Interdisciplinary work in the natural sciences gets more citations. Curiously, this is not true in the social sciences: #
  • Trying to think only in vectors. And failing. #
  • Advocates of Neptune/Triton exploration are enlisting the youngest scientists, because of multi-decade planning and travel times. #longnow #
  • Must. Contact. Thesis. Committee. Now. #
  • I'm feeling computationally limited. #
  • Both vindicatied and annoyed that what I was doing before works just as well, and is like a bazillion times faster. #
  • Okay, today I'm totally going to contact my committee. For reals this time. #
  • Leaked memo from oil industry detailing their astroturf campaign against CO2 emission reductions, via Greenpeace: #
  • I miss the worms, but they're in a better place now (SF). #
  • Wow, Pasadena water shortage violations carry up to a $1000 fine (for repeat offenders): #
  • Got editorial feedback from Aaron. He says of the paper "It's done, just kill it already!". Confidence for committee calling acquired. #
  • I hope AGU will let me submit an abstract for the fall meeting even though I paid my 2009 dues a day after the August 20th deadline… #
  • Okay okay. I. Did. It. Now hopefully there won't be any drama or fireworks. #
  • Need to organize a weekly foraging trip, with a variety of possible destinations so we don't end up burning any one of them out. #
  • I find myself with only half-caf coffee in the house. I suppose I'll just have to use twice as much. #
  • It's nice to spend an evening in thoughtful disagreement with someone. Probably better than mindless affirmation. #
  • The poorest humans spend 10 times as much on alcohol and prostitutes as on educating their children. Ah, men. #
  • Bank that owns next door house called in our yard to CIty, who sent notice to wrong address, then we failed the 2nd inspection. Now what? #
  • Looks like I'll probably be defending Nov. 20th. #