
Tweets for the week of 2010-03-20

  • Utah weather was not cooperative. Missed my bicycle more than the Internet. Turns out some of the world's best information is in books. 🙂 #
  • Looking forward to bike/ped friendly NYC transpo kmish Janette Sadik-Khan's talk at Oxy Thursday night. Wanna come? #
  • US DoT sez "Consider walking and bicycling as equals with other transpo". Then how bout $ proportional to modeshare? #
  • Misread @flyingpigeonla hours, biked down to pick up an order and found them closed. *sigh* #
  • I totally feel like blowing the whole world off at this point. #
  • Sagan is dead! Long live Sagan! #
  • Used the back-end of a clothespin instead of a $23 pair of retaining ring installation pliers. #iloveopposablethumbs #
  • Panning around Google Earth at high zoom cannot possibly be the best way to find the Tijuana bus station. #
  • Ugh. @LAStreetSummit is feeling a little bit too much like a scientific conference. #
  • Lack of open WiFi at @LAStreetSummit is going to make my workshop on crowd-sourced mapping…. uh, challenging. #
  • My @LAStreetSummit talk could have been smoother. Listening to @lacbc talk about 1st LA bike counts, then on to Don Shoup/parking cash-out. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-03-06

  • Retirement talk seems to have gone pretty well… It was probably the tie. #
  • US to require all cars have brake-override. Great. I feel so much safer. Personally I'd prefer we just banned engines. #
  • The handyman from Beven and Brock was a sociology major, liked the play Copenhagen, and also metaphysical quantum mechanics… #
  • I realized today that my black bike actually makes me want to dress up when I ride it. #
  • Is Facebook really censoring a NYTimes article about gay marriage in DC? Or is a link-shortening glitch? #
  • Saying goodbye to the Internet for about 10 days. I'm sure it will be fine without me. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-02-27

  • Rode up the toll road into the clouds, home before the rain, squeezed oranges, chicken soup, talked science, society, shared spaces. #
  • Given 2 simultaneous deadlines, is it better to work on both things in parallel, or serially? I wish I knew. #
  • Hallelujah, my thesis is now findable via Google Scholar! It must really exist if Google knows about it: #
  • Oh Amtrak, I would gladly accept your slowness if you were convenient and comparable in price to Southwest Airlines, but you are not. #
  • Made (dumpster) banana bread w/ zest from (salvaged) naranjas agrias, and flaxseed. Breakfast for before climate and media talk tomorrow. #
  • Made a poster for a conference I'm not going to. Working on my talk for next week. This retirement seems a little bit like employment… #
  • Pasadena Babalon was good. A kind of Caltech/JPL/Pasadena folk art/history. We need more of that kind of thing. #
  • Laid low all day long by some stupid stomach bug. Now missing @CICLEorg party too 🙁 #

Tweets for the week of 2010-02-20

  • Spoke-n-Art ride was great. Bought 2 Mayan posters, 3 tacos. The Propaganda Porteur served me well, dumpster chicken, ganja in San Marino. #
  • Signal lost. Searching… #
  • RT @AlexSteffen: Why Bill Gates' #TED talk was the most important environmental statement of the year so far: #
  • If only I had a network cable, I could play some music to drown out the screaming Asian couple next door while I napped. Ah, technology. #
  • Dressed up like someone who's trying to look like a science geek. #
  • Just found the last bits of my Dr. Science: Uncertified Financial Planner costume, outfit, thing. I'm so not ready for a job interview yet. #
  • I'm apparently closer than I thought to being officially persona non grata at Caltech. What can I say? After 17 years, it's about time! #
  • The first of a few posts on my Retirement Investing for Scientists and Engineers talk: #
  • Hmm. Caltech Social Science PhD student who interned at the Fed is coming to my retirement investing talk. But then, what did I expect? #
  • Multitasking is so not my strong point. Maybe I need to get in touch with my feminine side. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-02-13

  • What better way to avoid the Superbowl than brunch with friends and building bicycle wheels with dynamo hubs? #
  • Ugh. Working on this paper is giving me thesis flashbacks. #
  • Pasadena's bike plan draft is out. Check it out and give feedback on Feb 23rd at 6:30pm in City Council Chambers: #
  • Deadlines are for quitters… #
  • I'm giving a talk on retirement investing for scientists and engineers at Caltech: Please come heckle! #
  • Considering changing the licensing on all my photos to be Wikipedia compatible CC-BY-SA instead of CC-BY-SA-NC. #
  • Hyperactive sauerkraut fermentation all over the counter. Website migration scripting. Where's my coffee? #
  • The always dripping shower makes me feel like I live in a cave. That, and the 10°C inside air temperature no matter how nice it is outside. #
  • On my way down to @CICLEorg HQ to talk like a web monkey. #
  • Whoa, post-meeting pre-dumpster nap ran into overtime. So much for my freegan evening. Guess I'll do some more web monkeying. #
  • Anybody want to come out with me for the Spoke(n) Art ride tonight? #

Tweets for the week of 2010-02-06

  • Zane the bike zombie got distracted by an internally geared hub for more than an hour, and totally forgot he had food cooking on the stove. #
  • Too much paperless paperwork piling up. Bookkeeping, reimbursements, billing, etc. Makes me want to go bike touring, sans home. #
  • Still up with this stupid lingering cough. #
  • Making yeast-leavened mash-grain buttermilk pancakes. Experimental food. #
  • More than 90% of the energy we put into our water heater leaks out before we use it. Our bills are nearly constant, irrespective of usage. #
  • My morning meeting with The Man went as well as could be expected. Glad to have this mess progressing finally in the right direction. #
  • The CA state senate finally realized free parking isn't really free, but there's backlash that needs managing: #
  • Happy New Year Y2K! I'm thankful for friendships so old that I can get a card ten years late. #
  • Having a hard time getting myself to actually commit to taking a Spanish class at PCC. It just seems so… structured. #
  • I'd forgotten how much I like wearing tights. They make me feel like some kind of superhero. A bicycle superhero, obviously. #
  • When I go into the garage for a bicycle viewing I make myself to do as many pullups as possible. Might get stuck in there otherwise… #

Tweets for the week of 2010-01-31

  • New sesame orange garlic habañero chicken and tofu recipe was great. I was wondering how we'd finish off that gallon of marmalade. #
  • Did my first training ride for Barrancas del Cobre, up into the snow-capped (!) San Gabriel Mountains. #
  • Heading down to Caltrans to present on Wearing my safety-orange shirt, so they'll think I'm one of them. #
  • Think my talk at Caltrans went well. Got to ride 60km too! Visited Flying Pigeon LA, went climbing w/ @michelleselvans. A great day! #
  • Soggy and cold, but feeling good about my role in the universe. This coffee will make it ever more better! #
  • Enough database futzing. Need to guzzle this tea and fall asleep. #
  • Okay okay, mebbe I call you back, now I busy. Yah yah, mebbe I fix. Okay. *click* #
  • I didn't go away from religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. #
  • Let the cavalcade of rent increases begin! At what price I will go homeless instead? Or will they spend the $50k to bring us up to code? #
  • Biking up to the Chantry Flats helipad is *definitely* better on a weekday. #
  • My cute cute black bike has brakes! Now it's totally a velocipede. Retirement present to self. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-01-23

  • The rain falling in Los Angeles this week would be enough water to supply the city for 1-2 years, if we didn't just send it all out to sea. #
  • C'mon immune system, I know you're better than this. You know you're better than this. Stop procrastinating and take this virus out! #
  • Oh, right, I forgot to have my coffee. No wonder. #
  • In California we throw away roughly 3 times as much food as the entire nation of Haiti consumes. #
  • Finally, all new traffic actuated signals in California must by law detect bicycles: (PDF) #
  • Was weirded out by several back-to-back pharmaceutical ads on the radio in the dentist's office. When did society get so messed up? #
  • Working on a talk entitled "Retirement investing for scientists and engineers". Let me know if you're interested. #
  • Wow. I had forgotten how spectacularly incompetent Charter Communications was. #
  • I live in a disposable house, ten years past its 'use-by' date. #
  • I am not understanding RNAi from the Wikipedia article. Anybody have another good introductory reference? #
  • More than any other flavor, berry jam mixed with black tea reminds me of my summer in Russia. #
  • Time for a bike ride in clean air with a view of the snow. And maybe the mudslides, too. #

Tweets for the week of January 17th, 2010

  • not currently interested in employment of any kind, but thanks for thinking of me. #
  • Looks like I'll be traveling with a sore throat today. Bummer. #
  • Either I caught a cold from someone at Bryan's birthday party, or proximity to LA makes me physically ill. Welcome home. #
  • ya buscado para mapas topograficas de Chihuahua, y horarios de autobuses de Tijuana y Cd. Juarez a las Barrancas del Cobre! #
  • Maybe I should engineer the xero- and halophillic frankenfoods of tomorrow in a walled semi-autonomous desert compound: #
  • If you're unemployed, have books to read, and want to take a bike with you, Amtrak's not a bad deal. #
  • I am a little bit daunted even by the prospect of writing my todo list for the next few months. #
  • Gonna go get me a few library cards. Hallmarks of civilization. #
  • Dangit, I was going to try and avoid building another bike, but it didn't work very well. #
  • Deprived of sleep by endless coughing last night. Just want to be able to rest. All because of some stupid little strands of RNA. #
  • going for a short bike ride before the storm hits. Will get a "before" picture of the Eaton Canyon wash, for comparison. #

Tweets for the week of January 10th, 2010

  • I am finally missing SoCal. Today I just don't feel like biking in the snow. #
  • And of course just to spite me, it's going to be -20°C tomorrow morning when I ride to catch the bus. My eyes will probably freeze shut. #
  • Green, of course. #
  • Thinking about bike touring through las Barrancas de Cobre with Bryan for three weeks this spring. #
  • Whipping Bryan's place in to party-shape: music, lower lights, do dishes, mix a batch of french press full of Caucasians. But where's Bryan? #
  • Looks like it'll be easier to box and ship my bike from here. Bike shop, burritos, FedEx, all within easy walking distance. I love Boulder. #
  • Packing up after 3.5 months in CO, I seem to have developed an PTSD aversion to my thesis room. Glad it's here and not at home! #