
Tweets for the week of 2011-01-30

  • Great reason #628 to ride a bike: no license plate for the mall rent-a-cops to OCR: #
  • Yikes! @NREL has an evil twin @fossilenergygov “Ensuring the US can continue to rely on clean, affordable energy from domestic fossil fuels” #
  • As if Massey and Exxon needed any help with that task. #
  • A look at the economics of fixing our solar-thermal hot water vs. a higher efficiency boiler or hot water heater #
  • Having trouble psyching myself up to go to the CU job fair. Bleah. #
  • At least based on job fair mix, the forces of evil definitely pay better. #
  • Bike ride wins out over 2nd round of job fair. #
  • Joe Biden: “Mubarak is an ally, not a dictator”. Sadly those aren’t mutually exclusive. I’m embarrassed by my government. #
  • It’s warm enough that I’ve opened all the windows to air out the house. Hooray for Colorado winter! #

Tweets for the week of 2011-01-23

  • I should take advantage of this incredible January weather and go for a lunch ride since MySQL doesn't care about the weather or the time. #
  • "Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted." (MLK, 1963) #
  • Going to bed with "Sustainable Energy" from MIT Press and a glass of the only beer that's got a public carbon footprint #
  • I am Jack's persistent raging insomnia. Come on brain, why can't we go to sleep now? #
  • Still can't sleep. Finished Bill McKibben's Eaarth. Mostly good, except for some latent anti-urban sentiment. #
  • No amount of editing can make my resume look like it matches the jobs I'm applying for. Cover letters FTW! #
  • Bike touring is almost a Buddhist activity. Getting too attached to any particular plan will usually lead to some kind of suffering. #
  • In Serbian, the letter R is a vowel. And the acronym for USA is SAD. No kidding 🙁 #
  • Heading up Flagstaff in the winter sun, and then
 a nap! #

Tweets for the week of 2011-01-16

  • Outside: 263°K. Front room: 285°K. Tea kettle, computer, lights and me in the bedroom yields 291°K. I call it my PassivRaum. #
  • Uh oh. Snow on the outside, and no coffee on the inside! I guess this is why we have tea. #
  • Yowza, I clearly need some new gloves or I'm going to end up with frostbite here before too long. #
  • Applied for Argosy Fellowship @RockyMtnInst doing deep energy efficiency retrofits (saving >50% energy, net $ positive) #
  • OH: "Unless we're having sex, maybe one of us should keep our pants on." #
  • Scoring Bicycle Friendly Businesses for @bouldergobldr and @CommunityCycles We got 43 completed surveys in just 1 week! #
  • Early indications are it's going to be more difficult to return to Earth than I had hoped. #
  • Just filled out the @bouldercounty Transportation Master Plan survey: #

Tweets for the week of 2011-01-09

  • Is it just me, or are Boulder's new building energy efficiency standards a little bit passive aggressive? #
  • I love that Boulder has a Winter Bike to Work Day in January. Hopefully I'll have some awesome Winter Work to Bike to! #
  • Got a big pot of mean green Thai curry on the stove. Now if only there was someone to share it with. #
  • Yowza… 32 hours awake + mug of mulled cider + monolake/gobi the desert == sleeepytime. #
  • Listening to a librarian trying to explain eBook DRM arcana to a senior citizen with an eReader. Talk about torture. #
  • Thoughts on "Toward a Zero Energy Home" which I just read. Probably overly critical. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood: #
  • Holy crap. Is this for real? Did we seriously just have a political assassination in Arizona? @Rep_Giffords #
  • Thank you to @amac for resisting subpoenas of Twitter user data as permitted by law. Now if only telcos would do the same. #cablegate #

What I’m reading at the begining of 2011

Zane's reading at the end of 2010

Generally a cities and sustainability theme:


Tweets for the week of 2011-01-02

  • Found a good source for Sichuan ingredients! However, it's 50 km ride round trip. #
  • Headed out to ride around a bit on the second to last warm sunny day of the year, and find me an LED light bulb. #
  • Hopefully one can attend Green Drinks without actually getting any drinks… Guess we'll see. #
  • Social meetups in locations where the walls are lined with televisions… maybe not so good. #
  • Made a new rĂ©sumĂ©. Comments? Feedback? #

Tweets for the week of 2010-12-26

  • Slowly returning to the land of the living. Just in time for the darkest day of the year. #
  • Having failed to get any sleep whatsoever, I will now attempt to schmooze at #BOCC And I hate schmoozing. Even when well slept. #
  • #BOCC was good fun, even underslept. Informal, chit-chatty. All the suits relegated to a lonely corner. Will definitely go again. #
  • I sure hope when Boulder @bcycle gets started next year it stays open after 11pm. And, um, after November would be nice too! #
  • Headed up to Brainard to snowshoe in the full moon light. #
  • Snowshoeing was clear, windless, but forgot my poles in the parking lot. So warm today, almost biked up to look for them, rode east instead. #
  • Ideotrope photo archives now available, with full embedded metadata. Contact me for details. Merry Christmas! #

Yahoo! is De-rezzing

Where does the data go when the host dies? Yahoo is coming apart at the seams, and they’re taking the social bookmarking site Delicious with them.  I use this service to generate the linkstream in my sidebar here.  Thankfully, I’ve had WordPress importing all that content weekly for a long time, so I’m not in danger of losing any information.  I just have to deal with the pain in the ass of figuring out a new way to implement this functionality.  If you care about information you must be constantly vigilant against entropy.  Ideotrope photo archives with full metadata are now available by the way…


Tweets for the week of 2010-12-12

  • If Antarctic Yeti seeking an ice-free homeland were responsible for climate change, what would we do? #
  • Want the Guardian to search for stuff in the full #cablegate archive? Tweet search terms to @GdnCables #wikileaks #
  • Oh LaTeX, how I've missed you. Not. #
  • Headed off to do the Winterbike Workshop @CommunityCycles Thankfully we were able to get winter postponed until next week. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-12-05

  • Drove for the 1st time since @BurningMan today. Borrowed @SomeR_andom truck to pick up 50 bikes from the Boulder police for @CommunityCycles #
  • I used to feel silly for thinking of coal fired power plants as terraforming stations, but not any more: #
  • Listening to Geir Jenssen and writing about ice. #
  • Taking a break from the YHP to go to the Boulder Tool Library opening. #