- cooking with things from the garden. #
- I really wish Worldchanging had per-author RSS feeds. #
- Okay, here we go. #
- Damn, I go away for the weekend and a pandemic breaks out. How weird is that? #
- obsessing about the economics of information. #
- Just listed myself in the http://localtweeps.com local Twitter directory in ZIP/Postal Code 91107 #
- I wish this job involved more being outside. Like, as in, any. #
- Thoughts on Josh Spurgeon’s Everhart Lecture at Caltech on Si microwire PV. I can’t belive he got it to work in one PhD: http://is.gd/vtCk #
- Hokay, enuf o this. Alaska can come to. #
- Tell your CA assemblyman/senator to support AB 1186, making the cost of parking more transparent: http://is.gd/vGIL #
- I have reprints from Icarus of my first paper! How archaic. #
- a headache is definitely a productivity damper. #
- Mayday mayday mayday! Chrysler’s now a (55%) worker owned business! Of course, it’s also bankrupt… #
- I love Netflix, and I am such a sucker for nature documentaries. Must be that PBS childhood. #
- The more I read, the happier I am I wasn’t born in Afghanistan: http://is.gd/vWmi #
- My thanks to Richard Rhodes for writing The Making of the Atomic Bomb, and a suggestion that the BBC serialize it: http://is.gd/w1Gq #
- Good grief. I just broke into tears reading my own letter to Rhodes. #
- I want to go for a bike ride that isn’t in LA. #
- had a crappy day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. #
- today is definitely better than yesterday. #
- holy cow I’m white and nerdy. #