
Tweets for the week of 2011-01-16

  • Outside: 263°K. Front room: 285°K. Tea kettle, computer, lights and me in the bedroom yields 291°K. I call it my PassivRaum. #
  • Uh oh. Snow on the outside, and no coffee on the inside! I guess this is why we have tea. #
  • Yowza, I clearly need some new gloves or I'm going to end up with frostbite here before too long. #
  • Applied for Argosy Fellowship @RockyMtnInst doing deep energy efficiency retrofits (saving >50% energy, net $ positive) #
  • OH: "Unless we're having sex, maybe one of us should keep our pants on." #
  • Scoring Bicycle Friendly Businesses for @bouldergobldr and @CommunityCycles We got 43 completed surveys in just 1 week! #
  • Early indications are it's going to be more difficult to return to Earth than I had hoped. #
  • Just filled out the @bouldercounty Transportation Master Plan survey: #

Tweets for the week of 2011-01-09

  • Is it just me, or are Boulder's new building energy efficiency standards a little bit passive aggressive? #
  • I love that Boulder has a Winter Bike to Work Day in January. Hopefully I'll have some awesome Winter Work to Bike to! #
  • Got a big pot of mean green Thai curry on the stove. Now if only there was someone to share it with. #
  • Yowza… 32 hours awake + mug of mulled cider + monolake/gobi the desert == sleeepytime. #
  • Listening to a librarian trying to explain eBook DRM arcana to a senior citizen with an eReader. Talk about torture. #
  • Thoughts on "Toward a Zero Energy Home" which I just read. Probably overly critical. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood: #
  • Holy crap. Is this for real? Did we seriously just have a political assassination in Arizona? @Rep_Giffords #
  • Thank you to @amac for resisting subpoenas of Twitter user data as permitted by law. Now if only telcos would do the same. #cablegate #

Tweets for the week of 2011-01-02

  • Found a good source for Sichuan ingredients! However, it's 50 km ride round trip. #
  • Headed out to ride around a bit on the second to last warm sunny day of the year, and find me an LED light bulb. #
  • Hopefully one can attend Green Drinks without actually getting any drinks… Guess we'll see. #
  • Social meetups in locations where the walls are lined with televisions… maybe not so good. #
  • Made a new résumé. Comments? Feedback? #

Tweets for the week of 2010-12-26

  • Slowly returning to the land of the living. Just in time for the darkest day of the year. #
  • Having failed to get any sleep whatsoever, I will now attempt to schmooze at #BOCC And I hate schmoozing. Even when well slept. #
  • #BOCC was good fun, even underslept. Informal, chit-chatty. All the suits relegated to a lonely corner. Will definitely go again. #
  • I sure hope when Boulder @bcycle gets started next year it stays open after 11pm. And, um, after November would be nice too! #
  • Headed up to Brainard to snowshoe in the full moon light. #
  • Snowshoeing was clear, windless, but forgot my poles in the parking lot. So warm today, almost biked up to look for them, rode east instead. #
  • Ideotrope photo archives now available, with full embedded metadata. Contact me for details. Merry Christmas! #

Tweets for the week of 2010-12-12

  • If Antarctic Yeti seeking an ice-free homeland were responsible for climate change, what would we do? #
  • Want the Guardian to search for stuff in the full #cablegate archive? Tweet search terms to @GdnCables #wikileaks #
  • Oh LaTeX, how I've missed you. Not. #
  • Headed off to do the Winterbike Workshop @CommunityCycles Thankfully we were able to get winter postponed until next week. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-12-05

  • Drove for the 1st time since @BurningMan today. Borrowed @SomeR_andom truck to pick up 50 bikes from the Boulder police for @CommunityCycles #
  • I used to feel silly for thinking of coal fired power plants as terraforming stations, but not any more: #
  • Listening to Geir Jenssen and writing about ice. #
  • Taking a break from the YHP to go to the Boulder Tool Library opening. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-11-28

  • Strangely, I'm kind of looking forward to a hermit holiday season. #
  • I've never had control of the thermostat in a truly cold place. I'm sure I'll lose this game of chicken eventually. #
  • Saturating my net connection with a panoply of shared digital memories for local manipulation. Trust me… 2+2=5. #ideotrope #
  • 50,000 images spanning more than a decade. Enough metadata wrangling for one day. #
  • Giving thanks that our server hardware and data have survived so much neglect. Geeky but true! #
  • William Gibson's "The Road to Oceania" comes to mind in these strange days. @wikileaks #
  • It's a good sign when tasting the soup inadvertently becomes eating out of the soup pot. Tomato, butternut, broccoli w/ caramelized onions. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-11-21

  • Happy to finally get around to demonstrating that the no-knead bread works in Colorado, too. Twice in one day, no less! #
  • Leaky, uninsulated, uncomfortable tub with no cover. *sigh* Sometimes I do miss お風呂. #
  • This weather is good for coding… but not so good for drying laundry. #
  • IEA says Peak (conventional) Oil was 2006, w/ world on track to stabilize CO2 at ~650ppm, or 3.5°C of warming: #
  • Does using my laptop to keep bread dough warm and rising overnight even though the heat is off count as being energy efficient? #
  • Sliding into some electronica mediated nocturnal database manipulation. Yeehaw! Thank you Software Carpentry. #
  • You know your software is out of date when the only docs you can find are 4 years old, 3rd party, and already referred to it as out of date. #
  • We all have (inaccurate) internal copies of our shared memories, but how do we decide who "owns" the ones we've externalized? #ideotrope #
  • An evening of bike pr0n hosted by a local welding shop, afterparty at potato vodka distillery. Whoa. She had a penis on her forehead. #
  • Off to see what the last farmers market of the year has to offer. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-11-14

  • Grocery shopping on the last day of (indian) summer. #
  • Boulder peeps, the city needs your input on proposed sustainability plans: Please share with others! #
  • My winterbike workshop outline: Let me know what you think! #
  • Oh man, that stuff falling outside is definitely not rain. Not even close! I'm gonna go downstairs and get studded. #
  • Great to see the city talking to planners from Amsterdam. I hope we can learn from them. Thanks @bouldergobldr for arranging the visit! #
  • Headed out to the @communitycycles wheelbuilding party. I'll be stoked if I can finish 2 in 5 hours. We'll see. #
  • Insomnia. Reading "7 Rules for Sustainable Communities" at suggestion of @worldchanging but even urban planning won't put me to sleep. #
  • Unlike Pasadena, I guess it *will* eventually get cold enough that I *need* to turn the heat on here. If only I lived in a PassivHaus! #
  • Every war has more than one side, and less than one victory. Some thoughts from Mark Twain: #
  • Right. Interacting with people is complex. How did I forget that? Out of practice, if ever I was in practice to begin with. #

Tweets for the week of 2010-11-07

  • Today is a work day. Going to generate xmp sidecar files from exif and text data. I know, it sounds exciting, doesn't it. #
  • Reorganizing my external memory. I wish old photos didn't make me cry. Part of why I put off this DB migration? #
  • Taking Jane Jacobs to downtown Boulder for some coffee and a little livable streets research. #
  • On being car-free in Boulder, how it's different from SoCal, and how the advocacy might be different too: #
  • Bioneers so far seems aimed at homestead and not city scale systems… The 18th and not the 21st century. #
  • Saddened by Dark Green dismissal of 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, I salvaged 15kg of organic grapes from a dumpster. #
  • Shocked and appalled by the breadth and depth of anti-urban sentiment in America. *sigh* #