- @ericmbudd You just like it because it starts with E! in reply to ericmbudd 21:25:57, 2019-05-18
- Seriously the amount of money we spend on automobile infrastructure is bonkers. https://t.co/J2dMzX7KoW 16:23:23, 2019-05-18
- This is an interesting problem for anyone who wants a consultative policy process — if others grab the sweeping id… https://t.co/jF7mtxYXoR 15:33:56, 2019-05-18
- @ericmbudd Oooh, what kinds? You'll have to add them to Falling Fruit 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 15:17:07, 2019-05-18
- @chrisnelder Huh, probably good for wildfire risk reduction too. in reply to chrisnelder 10:11:23, 2019-05-18
- RT @DrLindseyFitz: (1/10) Today is the 270th birthday of #EdwardJenner, pioneer of vaccination who arguably saved more lives than anyone el… 08:19:31, 2019-05-18
- Aedes aegypti seems much harder to kill than the mosquitoes I'm used to, which is annoying since it carries the Zik… https://t.co/fkntmcMoZO 06:04:37, 2019-05-18
- @ericmbudd I was off by an order of magnitude. They're planning 4,000,000 square feet. https://t.co/zli6vVhlMd in reply to ericmbudd 22:31:55, 2019-05-17
- @ericmbudd to be fair, I think they are planning on building several hundred thousand square feet out there… no? in reply to ericmbudd 22:27:25, 2019-05-17
- @markgelband No rest for the wicked! in reply to markgelband 15:25:31, 2019-05-17
- About 70% of global historic emissions have take place since I was born (1976).
80% since my dad was born (1943).
9… https://t.co/Uvn4mZxp3I 14:58:38, 2019-05-17 - @ericmbudd Well, as Max Planck said: Funeral by funeral. in reply to ericmbudd 09:57:39, 2019-05-17
- @VladGutman @drvox @adele_peters Like bullshit. in reply to VladGutman 06:02:44, 2019-05-17
- @drvox @adele_peters This smells an awful lot like solar roads to me. in reply to drvox 21:37:46, 2019-05-16
- @shwinnebego By savings model I mean charge enough to cover all the long term O&M, depreciation, etc. and invest wh… https://t.co/xgMIMXuFpU in reply to shwinnebego 19:49:23, 2019-05-16
- RT @JacquelynGill: Tomorrow, I’m having a hysterectomy to treat my adenomyosis. There are things I would rather do right now than talk abou… 18:33:04, 2019-05-16
- RT @JulieSLalonde: Just to be abundantly clear, my support of abortion is not just limited to "Rape, incest & if the mother's life is at ri… 18:32:56, 2019-05-16
- @welcomehomebldr Well that's nuts. I was definitely thinking I'd definitely need to see the per-unit capital reser… https://t.co/YdOslMFxkj in reply to welcomehomebldr 17:20:58, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd I wander the Earth, leaving a trail of Surly Long Haul Truckers, Vanguard retirement accounts, and polit… https://t.co/hpRsM9UHV5 in reply to ericmbudd 17:18:16, 2019-05-16
- @welcomehomebldr OTOOH, deferred maintenance, for better or for worse, also allows for so-called "naturally occurri… https://t.co/j9PR5KHILu in reply to welcomehomebldr 16:33:49, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd When we met you were Happy (potentially Drunken) Twitter Eric. What happened man?! in reply to ericmbudd 16:32:07, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd I feel bad about this, but I do enjoy unelectable Twitter Eric. in reply to ericmbudd 16:10:36, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd @LaurenGifford Also note that in-lieu fees generate something like 1.5-2.0x as many affordable units per… https://t.co/yd3c3MRWE6 in reply to ericmbudd 16:09:31, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd But is it uncomfortable, really? in reply to ericmbudd 16:08:25, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd How the hell is Boulder so on-message with this one? I seriously thought it was just a bizarre one-off.… https://t.co/6rzYjWy2GJ 15:11:15, 2019-05-16
- The Red Vienna approach here is interesting: they wrote off the *entire* initial (public) capital cost of the land… https://t.co/TaQIi0lngP in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:58:51, 2019-05-16
- At the same time, autonomous affordable housing that is member governed (like co-ops) has a short term incentive to… https://t.co/v9ZgremHKS in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:54:49, 2019-05-16
- A combination of stringent affordability requirements (rent caps) and insufficient public equity up front can make… https://t.co/KCYHTzPyMO in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:53:30, 2019-05-16
- Which is another reason I'm a fan of dealing with the long-term capital investment needs within the affordable hous… https://t.co/WZqjHyI95L in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:52:06, 2019-05-16
- And if you're planning on relying on future public capital then it may only be affordable until rich homeowners dec… https://t.co/Gru83TXmG8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:50:23, 2019-05-16
- If you're not thinking about the long-term capital investment strategy for the housing, then it's not "permanently"… https://t.co/KUlxwIvsK3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:49:25, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd "Long term" aka… "Permanently" 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 14:41:44, 2019-05-16
- Also… note that this problem isn't unique to affordable housing. Plenty of condo associations choose to keep HOA… https://t.co/mQmwN95bVJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:38, 2019-05-16
- But I'm curious what other models have been used to deal with this problem in the US and elsewhere — in limited eq… https://t.co/3ze6uNG546 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:38, 2019-05-16
- Personally I prefer the savings model — it makes the true sustainable cost of the housing transparent, and also al… https://t.co/FoH5RIWSNJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:37, 2019-05-16
- If you want housing to be affordable forever, you need to compensate for depreciation either with ongoing capital m… https://t.co/pTkXBQihgh in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:37, 2019-05-16
- Historically, most affordable housing in the US hasn't been permanent — after 15-40 years, the subsidized financin… https://t.co/vw1PvtMbak in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:37, 2019-05-16
- Setting aside enough money to cover depreciation (say… 1-3% of building replacement value annually?) can seem ext… https://t.co/dsgKFEudfr in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:36, 2019-05-16
- But permanently affordable housing with deed restrictions isn't like that — the permanent affordability covenants… https://t.co/v7R6gRWx7l in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:36, 2019-05-16
- Long term capital investment and maintenance budgeting for affordable housing is… hard. Especially in hot real es… https://t.co/y9D5Bw9CM9 14:39:36, 2019-05-16
- Pero, no hay nada aquí para proteger los que están afuera del coche. https://t.co/StFZyCS1Kx 09:46:01, 2019-05-16
- @drvox No man, that what *makes* the joke. in reply to drvox 16:09:43, 2019-05-15
- Es la verdad. https://t.co/D1QDmUEwQf 12:38:50, 2019-05-15
- To paraphrase Justice Brandeis… "If we desire respect for the zoning, we must first make the zoning respectable." https://t.co/Kg1jtul3EY 10:40:00, 2019-05-15
- Securitization is a powerful tool, and used well it can help get a lot of carbon intensive assets offline quickly.… https://t.co/Yg8Oba3F5s 09:47:39, 2019-05-15
- @ericmbudd Ah, scooters. in reply to ericmbudd 09:26:28, 2019-05-15
- Fox turned my dad into a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, hoarding bullets, diesel fuel, and silver ingots… https://t.co/TxHM5E2bdG 15:31:35, 2019-05-14
- #BoulderProblems https://t.co/7CQZidAOsz 15:25:07, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu And sadly, getting 100 people out repeatedly to public meetings that go until 1am also seems… https://t.co/U1yqOgtmfR in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:01:45, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu What matters is Power, and the ability to vote the fuckers out when they adopt shitty policies. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:00:25, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu And… I'm clearly cynical here but, I feel like those other channels trump any public input.… https://t.co/8Jncg9TN0N in reply to CHThiem 14:59:42, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu My experience was that the demographics were very similar regardless of the venue, unless a c… https://t.co/LGXwalD3Zf in reply to CHThiem 11:11:15, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem It showed an obvious skew, and when they pointed that out, and suggested ways to address it like proactive… https://t.co/WoFUXEkZzs in reply to CHThiem 07:42:45, 2019-05-14
- @vb_jens Oh, never mind, it was just my very slow Guatemalan internet! in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:47:34, 2019-05-13
- @vb_jens Hey, is the Teardowns data story still working? It seems like it's frozen on Chrome on OSX and on Firefox… https://t.co/shwrZhjI7f 19:26:06, 2019-05-13
- @CHThiem How about some quiet walkable neighborhoods with… absolutely no single family housing? https://t.co/9plYbSpmCy in reply to CHThiem 17:37:54, 2019-05-13
- @CHThiem I got the sense they felt burned by the demographic data in the past. Better just not to know…. in reply to CHThiem 17:32:49, 2019-05-13
- A dispatch from the land (one of many…) of Missing Single Family Housing, or what happens when the Missing Middle… https://t.co/gtvceYhQPS 12:14:03, 2019-05-13
- I dunno if Neighbourlytics has historical data access but… it would sure be interesting to see how these kinds of… https://t.co/4Rkg2kbKdL in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:16:28, 2019-05-13
- And then there was the "protest concert" over the so-called "Songbird Open Space" aka the South CU Campus… https://t.co/F0DwKV54DP in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:14:56, 2019-05-13
- @ericmbudd @GalaCF I also promised to send along some of his greatest hits like The Twin Lakes Owl Preserve (in lie… https://t.co/1APgm8u8Jo in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:12:13, 2019-05-13
- @ericmbudd & @willtoor you'll be amused to hear that Ken Beitel's propaganda made it all the way to Australia!… https://t.co/3fLLAC8Jtr 09:03:47, 2019-05-13
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop I can't believe you roped Val into another co-op garden re-model. She swore never again! Al… https://t.co/B8OYiKZGhL in reply to ericmbudd 08:47:57, 2019-05-13
- This was a great overview of the open analysis stack that's being built around @ProjectJupyter. My biggest remainin… https://t.co/c0igBgIMGW 12:47:16, 2019-05-12
- RT @OKFN: Attn grad students, postdocs, or other early career researchers interested in #openscience & reproducible research! @okfn is laun… 10:54:36, 2019-05-12
- RT @alexbaca: "If you’re having trouble making rent with a six-figure salary, your problem ought to be solved in your local housing market—… 10:43:48, 2019-05-12
- Happy Mother's Day! https://t.co/nGgajCR6XD 10:41:16, 2019-05-12
- RT @PPchef: I didn't think anyone in @6point626's thread gave him a good answer here, maybe because no one leaves their bubble. So here's m… 10:39:03, 2019-05-12
- RT @mickeyd1971: ICYMI: The private company that owns Chicago's parking meters has made back all of the $1.2 billion it paid for the system… 01:35:01, 2019-05-12
- RT @BigMeanInternet: For the NYT Sunday Review I wrote about kids selling shares in their future to private capital rather than taking out… 01:33:27, 2019-05-12
Tag: twitter
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu @askwpgirl Wasn't there one that went to Chautauqua too? in reply to CHThiem 22:22:53, 2019-05-10
- Nice write-up! And some fightin' words from @bryanlbowen: "Right now the paradigm of Boulder as a predominantly sin… https://t.co/ux3nEofjAD 14:05:09, 2019-05-10
- Anyway, it was all very affirming of the choices we've made at @CatalystCoop, to keep the PUDL code and data totall… https://t.co/eacVD4CkoB in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:01:42, 2019-05-10
- @ProjectJupyter There are branching choose-your-own-adventure notebooks, cloud based research reproduction models,… https://t.co/Lng1gkgT4D in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:59:35, 2019-05-10
- I was especially struck by how @ProjectJupyter is changing. I started using it because it was "Like Matlab, but ope… https://t.co/lvGEtbWpO7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:57:27, 2019-05-10
- But with a good community that's supporting each other to learn and improve and grow and respond to the needs of us… https://t.co/SgeMagI22k in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:56:00, 2019-05-10
- Whenever I find a new software tool that looks interesting, the first thing I look at before committing to using it… https://t.co/jz059WXYAT in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:53:22, 2019-05-10
- And to me this feels reflective of what makes open projects work — yes, the software needs to work but… without… https://t.co/pUUpRRhEYs in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:51:40, 2019-05-10
- Also, I swear like half the talks I saw were about how we can support each other in our learning processes, and bui… https://t.co/frCic26exb in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:50:30, 2019-05-10
- @elthenerd Sorry we didn't manage to have a full conversation yesterday! Definitely want to follow up about how to… https://t.co/xx21TZ5Im8 13:13:31, 2019-05-10
- @switzerly Sorry we didn't have more time to chat at #csvconf! We (@CatalystCoop) definitely need to know more abou… https://t.co/xRcIW7rXGx 13:11:26, 2019-05-10
- @ericmbudd Have you ever heard of Neighbourlytics? I met their head of analytics, @GalaCF at #csvconf and it seems… https://t.co/BT4dmJ15if 12:02:55, 2019-05-10
- A bird's eye view photographic exploration of large scale solar installations in the US. This is only the beginning… https://t.co/tv5952ltLA 09:21:02, 2019-05-10
- I think #csvconf may have been the best conference I've ever attended in terms of attendees. The mix of shared valu… https://t.co/UX0EslBnqi 02:03:51, 2019-05-10
- @ericmbudd Nope, heading south tomorrow. in reply to ericmbudd 00:03:13, 2019-05-10
- @sharethecities and @josemhe are you familiar with each other? Both working on housing instability in Seattle with… https://t.co/Bt0rvr8JhF 16:38:24, 2019-05-09
- .@infinite_scream https://t.co/fFiLCywaap 12:12:21, 2019-05-09
- RT @emmy_ft: Praying to the 0.05 gods ?????? #csvconf 12:10:57, 2019-05-09
- RT @skyetetra: A valuable note from @teonbrooks: commit messages is a love letter from your past #csvconf https://t.co/f1X4a2GzAw 12:10:52, 2019-05-09
- Loving the Last Mile Problem analogy for working with @ProjectJupyter Open source tools are the public infrastructu… https://t.co/8XJBDMvcdN 12:10:04, 2019-05-09
- @VickySteeves Cc @infinite_scream in reply to VickySteeves 11:48:42, 2019-05-09
- @teonbrooks are you familiar with @tatoeba_org ? They've got hundreds of thousands of sentences in a bunch of langu… https://t.co/vv48Y2IBGQ 11:46:21, 2019-05-09
- @seancllns Wow. in reply to seancllns 23:36:16, 2019-05-08
- @bduckles Ugh. I tried and failed to bail on my PhD. Ostracized and told I was ruining my life by quitting. Got ree… https://t.co/Der4FlfIXZ in reply to bduckles 21:22:19, 2019-05-08
- @alixtrot the Purpose Economy folks have tried to look at how organizational structure affects values and ethics im… https://t.co/1HelCPOJMb 18:27:45, 2019-05-08
- Human senses ingest information at 10Mbps, but boil it down to only 50bps for high level decision making. Building… https://t.co/axa5TygXLW in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:00:49, 2019-05-08
- So many great talks from folks working with data for the civic realm at #csvconf today. Now @alixtrot on ethics and… https://t.co/7Ieui7S0su 17:46:17, 2019-05-08
- Never been to a conference with a pipe organ before! At @CSVConference v4 to hear the #OpenData gospel in #pdx. https://t.co/kPJ1srFX3A 11:14:26, 2019-05-08
- On the moral hazards of the passive voice. https://t.co/FR4AcNmtDc 23:39:35, 2019-05-07
- @ericmbudd @thmscwlls go. towards. the. light. in reply to ericmbudd 23:11:32, 2019-05-07
- #BoulderProblems https://t.co/Tph6IsnR9p 20:51:32, 2019-05-07
- Especially if they're filled with quiet trees and people instead of roaring machines. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:48:29, 2019-05-07
- Whenever folks complain about buildings making canyons, I wonder if they've been to Southern Utah. Canyons can be p… https://t.co/dCXOHvivMC 15:39:27, 2019-05-07
- RT @SarahTaber_bww: Real conversations about how to *do* big, systemic, bigger-than-anybody's-personal-wardrobe-or-shopping-choices, BIG th… 09:16:51, 2019-05-07
- *cough* Denver *cough* https://t.co/LbkN4jRDb5 08:55:34, 2019-05-07
- @ericmbudd I'll bet a burrito they're happy to overrule. in reply to ericmbudd 22:15:50, 2019-05-06
- It turns out half a dozen pigeons together can be trained to diagnose breast cancer just as well as a pathologist.… https://t.co/MhwXwptfI5 21:04:00, 2019-05-06
- @mateosfo Does the "Stand Your Ground" law apply in driver v. bike rider violence? (this is maybe actually kind of… https://t.co/8YUo961BHI in reply to mateosfo 19:16:13, 2019-05-06
- A summary (PDF) of the incredible raft of climate & energy legislation passed by #coleg this session, via @willtoor… https://t.co/GEqJ0zrHKE 18:29:00, 2019-05-06
- @WillToor @COEnergyOffice Is there a direct link somewhere? The PDF buried in the slider is kind of stealth… in reply to WillToor 16:47:43, 2019-05-06
- Named after the famous ice core scientist Richard B. Alley! https://t.co/C4RkXHWHhU 15:29:05, 2019-05-06
- @CSVConference I'm enjoying going through old conference talks on YouTube, but wondering if they might not get a lo… https://t.co/XYqJYzHrtH 15:26:33, 2019-05-06
- I *wondered* why they were all using the same arguments. Everyone's just riffing of the original! https://t.co/VYFQaDkv4A 14:56:48, 2019-05-06
- A talk about how messy data collected by the USPS for junk-mail senders and laundered through mortgage bankers ende… https://t.co/oRi9omPJVr 12:14:01, 2019-05-06
- Relatedly, an interesting @nytopinion piece, looking at how some Chinese feel about living with — and without — B… https://t.co/ITAcQBNMgV in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:42:00, 2019-05-06
- A roundup of articles about the links between the Chinese surveillance state, Huawei's "Smart Cities" tech, and the… https://t.co/TC9ZdTLxvR 09:33:28, 2019-05-06
- And yourself from 4 years ago… does not answer emails. https://t.co/AgpMzeEsXh 09:10:13, 2019-05-06
- @gschivley And yourself from 4 years ago does not answer emails. in reply to gschivley 09:09:26, 2019-05-06
- @alexbaca It's like he's wearing a Santa beard! in reply to alexbaca 17:35:34, 2019-05-03
- @CHThiem @bryanlbowen I nominate 'WA' for #WellActually in reply to CHThiem 17:35:03, 2019-05-03
- RT @erinoverturf: Hey #energytwitter and other assorted nerds! The CO legislative session ends today and there have been a TON of big clim… 15:11:20, 2019-05-03
- @erinoverturf Any word on HB 1037? in reply to erinoverturf 15:11:14, 2019-05-03
- RT @spatrickhogan: @balcom_holly @alexbaca I want a Vision Zero for growth… Vision Zero displacement, Vision Zero people excluded from jo… 12:19:43, 2019-05-03
- RT @balcom_holly: "Why don't we have a Vision Zero, but for growth" cc: @alexbaca https://t.co/1mrhxN6LqL 12:19:36, 2019-05-03
- This is the real War on Cars, and against congestion, cars don't have a chance. https://t.co/FzfrNykgjK 12:17:59, 2019-05-03
- RT @radioambulante: Colegas y oyentes en #CDMX, ¿a quién nos recomiendan para esta posición? Necesitamos a alguien que nos ayude a producir… 10:43:41, 2019-05-03
- @PauliJllo Tal vez les faltan vendedores bilingües… "B de burro" y "V de vaca" son especialmente confusos en espa… https://t.co/5oH6FNFaCM in reply to PauliJllo 12:39:05, 2019-05-02
- Acabo de escuchar al último capitulo de @lasraraspodcast, caminando por el vecindario. Al final yo estaba sollozand… https://t.co/aiL88KgiVm 22:21:14, 2019-05-01
- And I mean, is this crazytalk? Yeah, kinda, but also… the Pearl River Delta megacity has a population of ~100,000… https://t.co/eLXJdqSSxp in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:00:19, 2019-05-01
- In a renewable dominated zero carbon energy system, this also means that we'd vastly reduce the land area which wil… https://t.co/MNjXPFNB4r in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:57:50, 2019-05-01
- Vastly less energy would be needed to heat & cool the buildings, which would use vastly less materials than every w… https://t.co/cXLW0RtVc3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:56:06, 2019-05-01
- The 175,000,000 inhabitants of this megacity would also use a small fraction of the energy they do today — all mob… https://t.co/ZJUYtZb6C2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:54:58, 2019-05-01
- And if we actually housed everyone from post-independence Mexico's geography within this city, all the developed la… https://t.co/NsO9ek9wDn in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:53:19, 2019-05-01
- You could get out of the city on public transit (express, dedicated ROW) in less than an hour. This city would be *… https://t.co/W5vl7Ua7KF in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:50:49, 2019-05-01
- To expand on this (admittedly extreme) example, in the spirit of the spherical cows so popular in astronomy, this w… https://t.co/jAS0VXDEOE in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:47:21, 2019-05-01
- @bryanlbowen From Sea to Shining Sea. in reply to bryanlbowen 21:41:03, 2019-05-01
- It's hard for me not to like Portland in May. #pdx Cc @welcomehomebldr https://t.co/e5e2fMdwZS 17:10:44, 2019-05-01
- @ericmbudd And plus the company loses money hand over fist! A paragon of modern capitalism! in reply to ericmbudd 17:04:46, 2019-05-01
- @alfred_twu @CHThiem @AlexFischCC Alfred your illustrations are so fabulous. I hope you put out an illustrated guid… https://t.co/1VZ22HTSHa in reply to alfred_twu 16:52:54, 2019-05-01
- And if you built the metro area out to the density of Paris, you could fit more than half the US population… or e… https://t.co/DqhAmlHeIs 14:43:15, 2019-05-01
- RT @sevensixfive: Happy May 1st! https://t.co/Y1zohyGW21 11:01:49, 2019-05-01
- @ericmbudd BUT THIS TIME IT'S DIFFERENT. in reply to ericmbudd 22:42:51, 2019-04-30
- @ericmbudd rope @joshdr83 into your local conspiracies if you can. https://t.co/LaWxARC1W9 12:11:03, 2019-04-30
- RT @schmangee: Tech guys be like: The next big thing in transit is… cars. But taxpayers pay us to operate them exchange for ~no social be… 09:37:32, 2019-04-30
- @Hall4Six @raludwick @LauraLoeSeattle When does it come up for historic preservation? in reply to Hall4Six 09:05:15, 2019-04-30
- …may not be tax-credit investable, because they can't be attributed to specific housing units. Similarly, tax-cre… https://t.co/RiKAucRY8g in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:09:27, 2019-04-29
- Existing affordable housing finance mechanisms like LIHTC are also not designed to allow sharing — common faciliti… https://t.co/pgYVzSxJbQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:09:27, 2019-04-29
- The idea being that, if you want more community led development because you think it's better than what the city wi… https://t.co/BaT3r191LJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:09:26, 2019-04-29
- There are also "regulatory subsidies" — allowing more intensive land use (more units, higher FAR, etc.), or relaxi… https://t.co/MPFI9gpvHy in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:09:26, 2019-04-29
- If there's underdeveloped public land available, especially smaller lots that might be difficult or undesirable for… https://t.co/nSdmoQwzZc in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:09:26, 2019-04-29
- @LauraLoeSeattle ¡Temptress! in reply to LauraLoeSeattle 09:58:50, 2019-04-29
- There are a couple of other ways cities can offer support to the model, beyond giving self-developed, community-ori… https://t.co/Jy83bqVuNN 09:58:21, 2019-04-29
- RT @InternetHippo: Medicare For All? No thanks, I don't want to pay for other people's health care. I like private insurance, where I pay f… 01:16:11, 2019-04-29
- Ya puedo intuir que algún día pronto, no podré acordarme ser incapaz de entender español. Es extraño. 23:44:53, 2019-04-28
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/yhKVFAs1cz 23:28:03, 2019-04-28
- RT @TheElderParty: The Elder Party does not suppress freedom to make weakness appear strong. We uphold the freedom of all mankind to call o… 23:19:50, 2019-04-28
- @drvox And after vanquishing climate change they lived happily ever after. in reply to drvox 23:10:18, 2019-04-28
- @ericmbudd Aaarrrrgh. Why god why would anyone run this campaign?¡ in reply to ericmbudd 21:17:22, 2019-04-28
- Especially in the US, our notion of ownership hopeless entangles usufructuary and abusive property rights: to own i… https://t.co/vnwETc4r0k in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:19:29, 2019-04-28
- This is the problem that the "young" (post 1990) German co-ops and organizations like Meitshauser Syndikat and Edit… https://t.co/qQzbovcOCN in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:16:39, 2019-04-28
- Another risk, that's been a big issue in Germany, is that someday the accrued equity could become so large that hou… https://t.co/zYZWuvV8IM in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:16, 2019-04-28
- Another option would be to use the extra cashflow to support the creation of additional projects, like the solidari… https://t.co/DEb3zGgv8e in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:15, 2019-04-28
- Having big income disparities between new and old members would also both create weird dynamics, as I imagine… https://t.co/cN6IaUSA6J in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:15, 2019-04-28
- I would imagine some challenging conversations in those annual business meetings, if original members and new membe… https://t.co/5vB4VjaQjG in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:15, 2019-04-28
- The current plan is to pay out accrued equity retrospectively, to early members based on the amount that their rent… https://t.co/nteQLHSl8e in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:15, 2019-04-28
- This ought to eventually create a lot of headroom in the operating budget as time goes on — but to what end? They… https://t.co/HjZbSPxxKu in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:14, 2019-04-28
- However, the current expectation at CHUC is that new incoming members will pay whatever the going market rate rent… https://t.co/zVohXHpgSA in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:14, 2019-04-28
- This model is common in the German speaking world, and was used for a while in Canada too — there are a bunch of l… https://t.co/xOmQwDDSDS in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:14, 2019-04-28
- CHUC has yet to experience any turnover, but it's structured such that outgoing members only get their membership f… https://t.co/nbW9VzvBG0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:13, 2019-04-28
- I don't think there's any fundamental reason why a city with a good credit rating couldn't create such a financing… https://t.co/aZPxCU0JAb in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:48, 2019-04-28
- If we want this kind of housing to be replicated, it needs the same kind of preferential access to low interest, lo… https://t.co/0lNEHSpOYy in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:47, 2019-04-28
- Elsewhere this kind of housing is seen as providing social value – satisfying a basic human need for shelter, and g… https://t.co/0TQqizpoI7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:47, 2019-04-28
- Unfortunately, in the US there's almost no experience financing this kind of collaborative, mutually beneficial ent… https://t.co/6tGX0lprjW in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:46, 2019-04-28
- The members aren't trying to make a profit, but most lenders depend on upside (rising market rents) as a margin of… https://t.co/bHrayaTlXE in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:45, 2019-04-28
- To make up the difference, some members with more liquid assets gave private subordinate loans to the LLC at below… https://t.co/qHatY9hRCe in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:45, 2019-04-28
- This puts the buy-in somewhere between a traditional down payment on a condo and the few thousand dollars you'd typ… https://t.co/qCUQqcEJwY in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:44, 2019-04-28
- Each member has to put in a $30,000 membership fee, and rents are set at an annual business meeting to service the… https://t.co/E5ZBirAkJr in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:42, 2019-04-28
- Unusually for US cohousing, CHUC is all rental – the building is owned by an LLC that's in turn owned by the reside… https://t.co/y1SRWXz7fZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:01, 2019-04-28
- Does anyone have favorite talks/tutorials/examples of @scikit_learn feature engineering with Pipelines using the ne… https://t.co/SrFZhgiul3 14:40:48, 2019-04-28
- Housing and land tenure in the US seem to be structurally incapable of facilitating equitable change. https://t.co/z2SL2CSzeT 12:29:46, 2019-04-28
- Here's to the modern "moral deviants." Ban the cars. Share the cities. Keep the carbon in the ground. https://t.co/7JVSTppBir 22:07:57, 2019-04-27
- @SarahdawnH I hope they're up for it! in reply to SarahdawnH 21:54:43, 2019-04-27
- RT @LittleMissFlint: Say it again for those in the back. https://t.co/AWabnlOJiT 21:50:16, 2019-04-27
- I made an indelible commitment to @extinctsymbol 3 years ago, fully aware that its cultural connotations were not y… https://t.co/wzN3aJwGzz 20:35:25, 2019-04-27
- @CHThiem Well hopefully now that all the basic boring organizational stuff is in place membership will be easier to focus on. in reply to CHThiem 18:21:06, 2019-04-27
- @CHThiem Hi w did the board election pan out? in reply to CHThiem 17:06:00, 2019-04-27
- RT @BoulderCoopFood: We had our 3rd annual member meeting, potluck brunch, and bulk-foods swap at Wild Sage Cohousing. Our 90+ co-op member… 17:04:56, 2019-04-27
- I know they blew billions undergrounding this thing, but there's still something visceral that keeps me coming back… https://t.co/fHefPmpmpH 16:53:59, 2019-04-27
- But then again, is this literally a freeway temple? https://t.co/FtfvJz00jw in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:56:33, 2019-04-27
- Then I was like "Hey I wonder if there's a ramen place nearby." And there were three and this one was 300m away and… https://t.co/bojzFHUsK0 14:55:00, 2019-04-27
- Spending the day at @GraceKimArch's Capitol Hill Urban Cohousing for their annual open house and a workshop. Gorgeo… https://t.co/A1YNa4XlIf 12:02:14, 2019-04-27
- @ericmbudd The electric bikeshare bikes in Seattle do feel a little bit that way… in reply to ericmbudd 11:53:57, 2019-04-27
- Healing this gash in the city by lidding I-5 seems like a good idea, but it's weird to me that the leading supporti… https://t.co/MXb1W97bDx 10:38:07, 2019-04-27
- @ericmbudd However, cobblestones. in reply to ericmbudd 09:18:16, 2019-04-27
- @drvox Victorian time traveler hate mail. in reply to drvox 07:39:28, 2019-04-27
- @ericmbudd Really? It's all paved, and the longest continuous climb on CO I think. Like 50 miles at 2%. However, th… https://t.co/cyWPMuRtld in reply to ericmbudd 07:35:03, 2019-04-27
- It's still bicycles. https://t.co/HpX4zrwHeD 22:29:00, 2019-04-26
- @ericmbudd The pass to the north is also totally reasonable, from Ft. Collins. Not as spectacular at the top, but still very nice. in reply to ericmbudd 22:20:35, 2019-04-26
- Spent the day working from the Seattle Public Library. https://t.co/rmRzpa8jrz 20:10:42, 2019-04-26
- A sunny afternoon e-bike share tour of Seattle's paths, courtesy of @typewriteralley https://t.co/PrLepCcDxA 18:59:14, 2019-04-26
- Love the juxtaposition with the old Christmas lights and city parking sign… "You've got a Car, and we've got a Sp… https://t.co/fcvMeNpDAc in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:42:02, 2019-04-26
- The machines are swarming over the Alaskan Way Viaduct like carrion eating dinosaurs, nibbling it to bits and piece… https://t.co/UC70K56jlr 11:36:36, 2019-04-26
- @hynkle Or… they don't come back. in reply to hynkle 09:38:43, 2019-04-26
- @bryanlbowen Yeah, there were some good visuals of what duplex/triplex/ADU combos look like in currently single family home lots. in reply to bryanlbowen 21:37:53, 2019-04-25
- @rdchappell My sister lives in Visalia now. All the rest of the family is either in Sanger or Delano. Somehow I escaped. in reply to rdchappell 21:01:58, 2019-04-25
- @bryanlbowen Do you know Grace Kim? She's the commissioner who lives in urban cohousing here and raised a kid with no car. in reply to bryanlbowen 20:09:20, 2019-04-25
- And that's a wrap. All in all pretty civil! Especially given the vision outlined by the commissioners. Maybe there'… https://t.co/HoZZ5fxMxG in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:07:27, 2019-04-25
- Lots of discussion now about self-developed housing, and allowing/encouraging baugruppen and cohousing instead of l… https://t.co/FP6CuDXn6O in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:02:14, 2019-04-25
- A comment suggesting that old people can't really live in cities because of stairs… inability to use transit.
Th… https://t.co/63I9cOL93x in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:50:50, 2019-04-25
- Mention of a prefab ADU company called Dweller in Portland that will either let you buy one outright, or sign a 25y… https://t.co/hW3KMcdEwU in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:47:47, 2019-04-25
- One of the planning commissioners here notes that she raised her daughter (living in Capitol Hill) without a car. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:44:30, 2019-04-25
- Man, what do these conversations even sound like in cities that aren't auto dependent? Almost every comment comes d… https://t.co/TZmIJkUkCU in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:42:44, 2019-04-25
- General sense that Council has an interest in these ideas (esp. Mosqueda), less confidence in the mayor's office. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:39:34, 2019-04-25
- They are talking about rent caps on ADUs under some circumstances. Worried that it will be too risky for homeowners… https://t.co/b2M8EA52a8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:38:30, 2019-04-25
- Person who complained about parking lives in Ballard, works downtown, and suggests that that's not a workable trans… https://t.co/dIzCO5kpKE in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:35:01, 2019-04-25
- Another comment suggesting that scaling commercial development down and spreading it around would help with the dri… https://t.co/LjlgSTdZ9r in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:32:49, 2019-04-25
- Note that big houses are getting built now, obliterating yards, but housing only one family. Suggestion that it wou… https://t.co/gka4za9qGX in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:26:44, 2019-04-25
- Oh man, cue the white fragility. How dare you suggest I've benefitted from past racist policies? Also, what about t… https://t.co/91sbJ83eer in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:24:03, 2019-04-25
- A lot of framing existing SFZ as a one size fits all solution that's too broad and not reflective of the variety of circumstances. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:21:03, 2019-04-25
- A1: Seattle is the only city in the US with rapidly expanding transit usage. We're doing something right, and thing… https://t.co/TUyntlysB9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:19:37, 2019-04-25
- Oh man, now the Q&A, with copious requests for civility.
Q1: I support density but… parking. I have kids and the… https://t.co/RLITHL3DwC in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:17:35, 2019-04-25
- Highlighting similarities between Seattle and Portland, Vancouver, and Minneapolis, all if which face similar issues. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:15:01, 2019-04-25
- Want to enable many more kinds of households to live in existing neighborhoods. Including intentional communities.… https://t.co/W82GkOJ6P2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:10:29, 2019-04-25
- Can retain existing houses while adding more units – converting big houses into several small units, esp. if they h… https://t.co/9EQU83Qzwz in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:08:15, 2019-04-25
- Seattle Planning Commission is suggesting that Single Family zoning really refers more to who is supposed to live i… https://t.co/DhGnFkiyNH in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:06:11, 2019-04-25
- @AaronBrockett12 The Alaskan Way Viaduct. in reply to AaronBrockett12 19:02:10, 2019-04-25
- 95% of all new housing units have been built in the mixed use and multi-unit zones over the last decade.
Not all n… https://t.co/NDQmmzgYS1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:00:39, 2019-04-25
- Many of the most sought after Seattle neighborhoods are filled with small multi-unit buildings that were built by right back in the day. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:58:19, 2019-04-25
- Large apartment buildings have been a disproportionate fraction of the new housing units over the last decade, and… https://t.co/zIMOhR8mEy in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:56:59, 2019-04-25
- 75% of Seattle's residentially zoned land is single family detached homes only, and they have seen substantial popu… https://t.co/IJeF0PSERA in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:55:12, 2019-04-25
- And the first slide is a redlining map of Seattle. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:51:01, 2019-04-25
- @AaronBrockett12 "Civic Tourism" in reply to AaronBrockett12 18:48:55, 2019-04-25
- @AaronBrockett12 Seattle and Portland. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:48:07, 2019-04-25
- @AaronBrockett12 I just go to city meetings for fun in other cities. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:47:00, 2019-04-25
- @AaronBrockett12 I'm up here for an open data conference, and to renew my visa. Headed back down there May 10th. in reply to AaronBrockett12 18:46:22, 2019-04-25
- @rdchappell Haha me too! Sanger, near Fresno. in reply to rdchappell 18:39:20, 2019-04-25
- Got distracted by a freeway removal on my way to a talk about abolishing single family zoning by a cohousing develo… https://t.co/1XAo5M05QY 18:36:55, 2019-04-25
- If only I had kept up with my Russian studies, this would be right up my alley… Лед растает, и мы все умрем https://t.co/UovsloYDvG 18:29:01, 2019-04-25
- A 15 minute walk in Antigua gets me halfway across town, past like 4 earthquake destroyed cathedral ruins, multiple… https://t.co/IEGAzdqbbv in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:30:58, 2019-04-25
- I'm visiting Seattle & Portland this month. After nine months in Zürich, Antalya, and Antigua, US cities seem weird… https://t.co/yQoPBNkUJ5 16:26:17, 2019-04-25
- @DavidZipper Crabgrass Frontier is another good book in this genre, but with more emphasis on land use. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:27:51, 2019-04-25
- @DavidZipper I probably recommended Fighting Traffic by Peter D. Norton, but this also looks interesting! in reply to DavidZipper 09:24:54, 2019-04-25
- @sea_Baugruppe Sitting here in the gorgeous sun with @LauraLoeSeattle and wondering if there's a German word for th… https://t.co/2mdkV0ul32 15:57:02, 2019-04-24
- Similar styles and lot sizes in the same Seattle neighborhood (Queen Anne). Five homes vs. one. #MissingMiddle https://t.co/6wG0LfStJl 13:29:26, 2019-04-24
- @CHThiem Hoping to avoid yard having for the rest of my days! in reply to CHThiem 21:24:40, 2019-04-23
- @ericmbudd My god at first I thought this was unironic. in reply to ericmbudd 09:55:37, 2019-04-23
- RT @ericmbudd: yes, that is literally the problem! ? https://t.co/KHKsVpJngw 18:57:10, 2019-04-21
- RT @jeffnesbit: If bipartisanship is done, which might be the case, then the 2020 agenda for Dems:
Win the WH.
Flip the Senate.
Add 2 se… 12:54:09, 2019-04-21
- An interesting example of historic preservation and cities for people coming into structural conflict. @ericmbudd https://t.co/vzxdHi0wbx 12:51:11, 2019-04-21
- Well this is an interesting conversation. Facial recognition against a government DB required in order to board fli… https://t.co/4pZ0dRklKU 15:27:12, 2019-04-20
- RT @ewarren: Mueller put the next step in the hands of Congress: “Congress has authority to prohibit a President’s corrupt use of his autho… 16:34:22, 2019-04-19
- It's almost as if the lack of action, due to cowardice (D) or partisan loyalty (R) justifies the maniacal ongoing b… https://t.co/kRMNDwe3Ic 16:32:11, 2019-04-19
- @drvox Virtue signalling. in reply to drvox 09:28:18, 2019-04-19
- RT @rgunns: i’m confused. what does “unity” actually mean to the dem party? because this seems to be…not that. https://t.co/Yq3ayIaJau 08:20:52, 2019-04-15
- @armchairshrink @drvox @mtreyens @onlxn For sure, but most of Barcelona isn't that old — I'm thinking of the 18th… https://t.co/kcziQTRtDB in reply to armchairshrink 08:19:00, 2019-04-15
- Bicycles. https://t.co/AxJtZe3FS1 23:25:26, 2019-04-14
- Studying Spanish has definitely made me question whether or not I really know English, and whether anybody really s… https://t.co/zaCJYTSJyF 17:15:10, 2019-04-14
- RT @CHThiem: Filed income taxes today for @BoulderCoopFood, the best little bulk buying club in the bubble. Boulder-area friends interested… 20:35:17, 2019-04-13
- Todavía tengo demasiadas pertenencias. https://t.co/3JjJAEOGeF 15:41:10, 2019-04-13
- @NeverSassyLaura @IDoTheThinking @Richard_Florida Wtaf. in reply to NeverSassyLaura 11:04:05, 2019-04-13
- @LauraLoeSeattle For me it's only ever done when I finally move out… in reply to LauraLoeSeattle 11:01:12, 2019-04-13
- RT @thisgreyspirit: (1/7) So apparently some (I hope very few) people online are using the fact that I am the primary developer of the eht-… 10:58:45, 2019-04-13
- Or how can they join forces to ensure we never do? https://t.co/xHYKUHZfg3 08:52:15, 2019-04-13
- @samim @johnffarrell @ilsr The work of @otherlab also has this feeling to me. And maybe orgs like @grid alternative… https://t.co/mtbVPXll6y in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:38:06, 2019-04-13
- @samim I would probably put the "energy democracy" movement in that category. The idea behind Germany's energiewend… https://t.co/uTCAAm30nP in reply to samim 08:34:50, 2019-04-13
- @ericmbudd And yet, these attacks are also a core idea of America. in reply to ericmbudd 08:30:27, 2019-04-13
- At what point would the refusal of the the Democratic establishment to defend some of its members against the attac… https://t.co/YtvDlnNgkU 21:37:38, 2019-04-12
- Yeah so after 9 months on Instagram it pretty much just recommends that I follow women who are bicycling in Latin A… https://t.co/eut69jglKh 21:20:51, 2019-04-12
- RT @mekkaokereke: Hacker News is a toxic place, but not because of all the people who make it hard for under-represented folks. But because… 19:39:35, 2019-04-12
- Just like, hypothetically speaking. Or maybe theoretically. Depending on how much evidence you've gathered. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:34:52, 2019-04-12
- @drvox @mtreyens @onlxn I first went there for Y2K in 1999, and when I came back, and spent years living in LA, I c… https://t.co/hvU69mKh36 in reply to drvox 16:38:43, 2019-04-12
- And if just wanna get stoned and stare at a black hole for half an hour this one is nice… https://t.co/wTzj5r7bhK in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:14:00, 2019-04-12
- And a simulation from NASA of what two supermassive black holes orbiting each other would look like… https://t.co/GWlH0ODj7Z in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:13:06, 2019-04-12
- A fun talk from Black Hole Seer, Katie Bouman: https://t.co/FYPM6ecFm5 16:12:16, 2019-04-12
- @drvox I'm sure you would do a great job of explaining land value dynamics to the masses if you put your mind to it 🙂 in reply to drvox 16:08:00, 2019-04-12
- @drvox Ironically, I think there's one big advantage that the US may have in this kind of project, if we decided to… https://t.co/UUugPzndbT in reply to drvox 15:42:12, 2019-04-12
- @PaulRoales @sepzilla @ericmbudd @Thatmushroom @AaronBrockett12 @elemdoubleu And that's why we spend so much time on it. in reply to PaulRoales 15:16:41, 2019-04-12
- @PaulRoales @ericmbudd @Thatmushroom @AaronBrockett12 @elemdoubleu @sepzilla It's virtue signalling. Which (for be… https://t.co/bLkrJQwDn0 in reply to PaulRoales 12:51:58, 2019-04-12
- Join us to learn more about open energy modeling frameworks, and how they can move the policy discussion forward in… https://t.co/Jww7YGRTol 12:48:59, 2019-04-12
- RT @becyea: Ohio just signed an abortion ban. That means abortion is effectively banned in Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Georgia. Texas… 05:54:39, 2019-04-12
- Spent the evening watching a lightning storm behind a giant volcano. Pretty good evening. 19:38:34, 2019-04-11
- @ericmbudd @PaulRoales @AaronBrockett12 @elemdoubleu @sepzilla There's reading the packets, going to public engagem… https://t.co/glYVzQaDSf in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:51:57, 2019-04-11
- @ericmbudd @PaulRoales @AaronBrockett12 @elemdoubleu @sepzilla At the height of my engagement in Boulder as a membe… https://t.co/AXDFLiYLIK in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:50:09, 2019-04-11
- @ericmbudd @PaulRoales @AaronBrockett12 @elemdoubleu @sepzilla I don't think it's possible to just tell folks to sp… https://t.co/IOu1cmP9QN in reply to ericmbudd 17:49:11, 2019-04-11
- @joesmyth @erinoverturf TSG&T? in reply to joesmyth 15:45:29, 2019-04-11
- It really is just a propaganda outlet. https://t.co/B0gMDr3n0t 23:30:40, 2019-04-10
- @drvox You're still wise. You're just grumpier.
And there's more CO2 in the atmosphere. in reply to drvox 21:20:30, 2019-04-10
- @cstefan206 @LauraLoeSeattle @ElectScott2019 @jessynfarrell1 @danbertolet @Nullthread @grquetin @autumngales… https://t.co/I5RrG9q9UP in reply to cstefan206 21:17:09, 2019-04-10
- @CHThiem @wordpressdotcom @drvox It is so totally worth it. There's a huge newly built cooperatively owned co-housi… https://t.co/tvatCzfmBc in reply to CHThiem 21:11:13, 2019-04-10
- @welcomehomebldr @LynnGuissinger @JSadikKhan If only the political obstacles for obliterating every coastal city in the world were so big. in reply to welcomehomebldr 17:36:12, 2019-04-10
- This is my kind of tourism. https://t.co/1iZ7uVhsml 17:33:50, 2019-04-10
- RT @vboykis: The hottest thing in tech – AI – is still mostly driven by improving datasets, which is driven by people spending thousands of… 17:20:08, 2019-04-10
- RT @matthewstoller: And China being a 21st century authoritarian surveillance state and then just setting up old school concentration camps… 17:15:55, 2019-04-10
- @CHThiem @wordpressdotcom Have you been following @drvox series on Barcelona? https://t.co/IMC4lsDC0k in reply to CHThiem 17:01:28, 2019-04-10
- @ericmbudd But these two facts are not in conflict at all. Personally I think they are related. The lack of pay ens… https://t.co/mHxZvdvOUc in reply to ericmbudd 16:56:49, 2019-04-10
- @TeddyWeverka More than happy to pay for storage! But not storage that keeps me locked in. And happy to pay for sof… https://t.co/HngP05fRum in reply to TeddyWeverka 13:59:22, 2019-04-10
- @drvox IIRC, the Poblenou superblock is largely composed of social housing that's publicly owned, or otherwise prot… https://t.co/yhVHBeHFGu in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:35:52, 2019-04-09
- @drvox Maybe I'm recalling incorrectly (or maybe you're getting to it later) but I thought that the choice of the P… https://t.co/r32woerUKR 17:34:27, 2019-04-09
- RT @techreview_es: Cada vez más voces urgen que la IA se diseñe desde la sociología
https://t.co/WL5fLQ3VOe #Tecnología #InteligenciaArtifi… 17:08:02, 2019-04-09 - Me dijo que sería mejor si refugis fueran al lugares seguros, como Guatemala, o México, o Suramerica. Y esta me di… https://t.co/6RMV7MmLsE in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:54:21, 2019-04-09
- Mi maestra y yo tuvimos una conversación esta mañana sobre la separación de familias migrantes en los EEUU. Ella me… https://t.co/LSbzAdZ3IC 16:53:09, 2019-04-09
- Would a nascent super-intelligence that cares about climate stability be more likely to befriend or exterminate hum… https://t.co/yfBmxHIIwJ 13:48:01, 2019-04-09
- @ZackBergerMDPhD Oh man. I went on a hike with a soon-to-be med student volunteering here in Guatemala for 2 weeks… https://t.co/4LKqz7hfbe in reply to ZackBergerMDPhD 23:27:31, 2019-04-08
- @CHThiem Yeah, parties in… Barcelona when it was occupied by Napoleon!
But looking forward to seeing my friend t… https://t.co/L74u5GJLgi in reply to CHThiem 22:42:42, 2019-04-08
- I feel like mobile home abuses could be the gateway drug that helps people understanding the relationship between l… https://t.co/PHYesYsUoW 22:33:26, 2019-04-08
- @drvox Could it be proximity of the thermostat to heat sources? In the winter the cold is enough to overwhelm them… https://t.co/Vipdktpxu6 in reply to drvox 14:28:06, 2019-04-08
- Okay so maybe harvesting a few months worth of Spanish vocab out of an Isabelle Allende novel set in the late 18th… https://t.co/AtLDDiVR6r 13:21:36, 2019-04-08
- @drvox Jeeebus finally! I was afraid it had been lost into the mists of time. in reply to drvox 13:16:58, 2019-04-08
- Meredith is great. You should hire her. https://t.co/snPD1x9Llz 13:14:31, 2019-04-08
- @btx91 Honestly I'd even go for the website option if there was a clean workflow and I had confidence in the long-t… https://t.co/H9QZookfKs in reply to btx91 23:12:50, 2019-04-07
- And it's especially sad because I know it's not a particularly hard problem from a technical point of view. It's ha… https://t.co/NHkYJh2fJD in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:47:29, 2019-04-07
- The burden of "movage" feels insuperable — if you put in the time to add rich metadata or retouch the images… it… https://t.co/7PABECG29C in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:45:29, 2019-04-07
- This makes me pretty sad. I never really took film photos because of the cost and hassle, and got into digital phot… https://t.co/7iKQqhivTm in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:43:54, 2019-04-07
- On the verge of selling my camera because… software. Photo management on Linux is lousy, and it feels like there'… https://t.co/Iku3WM35Az 22:40:34, 2019-04-07
- My god this is some next level performance art from Canada. https://t.co/ZNTFWK9fvr 21:12:24, 2019-04-07
- @arielwaldman SEND DUNES! in reply to arielwaldman 19:56:43, 2019-04-07
- @IDoTheThinking I bailed on city hall and went for part time Spanish learner, part time programmer, part time bike tourist in Latin America. in reply to IDoTheThinking 00:08:11, 2019-04-07
- Estoy aprendiendo español via una mezcla de humanos y maquinas, viviendo en el extranjero mientras trabajando remot… https://t.co/cR10hEPVvw 21:02:18, 2019-04-06
- @LuisvonAhn Muchísimo gracias por su trabajo en educación distribuida! En 2016 yo reempecé aprender español con… https://t.co/V5HcpA6QPz 20:49:51, 2019-04-06
- But I don't think it's a total coincidence that so many technological and information-based products with high up f… https://t.co/VsWPJWZL8R in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:33:41, 2019-04-06
- The same technical systems that can put a moat around a zero marginal cost product allowing recovery of up-front co… https://t.co/KQK1aFxZmC in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:32:08, 2019-04-06
- Fixed and variable costs; capital and operating expenses, they're everywhere, not just in electric utilities. Low o… https://t.co/aIw6o7kyNr 15:25:25, 2019-04-06
- My god what a profoundly dick move. https://t.co/avbq791BDr 13:02:33, 2019-04-06
- @operaqueenie @otherlab @ARPAE Both of which are big problems if you think technology should, ultimately, (at least… https://t.co/0zMXqKMJD3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:01:08, 2019-04-06
- @operaqueenie @otherlab @ARPAE Yeah, it's a looong piece! It seems like there's a general problem that the paths te… https://t.co/Bklc838HI4 in reply to operaqueenie 12:59:49, 2019-04-06
- @operaqueenie Saul Griffith from @otherlab wrote a good long piece about this issue and how it can be mitigated by… https://t.co/0Ysov7r8up in reply to operaqueenie 08:58:34, 2019-04-06
- Technological learning curves and industry scale work for energy demand reduction technologies just as well as rene… https://t.co/76Pa79EBV9 08:47:41, 2019-04-06
- @fishnette https://t.co/CzNmJtECGR 22:17:39, 2019-04-05
- RT @tarah: I always wanted to be like those cute girls on Instagram with the coifs and martinis and fabulous lives but every time I try to… 21:58:06, 2019-04-05
- @EricHolthaus I highly recommend following @SarahTaber_bww on this topic. in reply to EricHolthaus 21:50:06, 2019-04-05
- Having spent many years living in housing cooperatives, I'm very interested to see how living in an actual boarding… https://t.co/3V03JWZiea 15:12:54, 2019-04-05
- @ericmbudd I usually agree on the 2 bikes… but only having one bike is incredibly clarifying. If the bike is brok… https://t.co/8iHZhz2i4m in reply to ericmbudd 15:08:11, 2019-04-05
- It's almost as if we need anti-virus software for our brains. https://t.co/szABwdRNdv 15:06:45, 2019-04-05
- I always wondered where that expression came from. https://t.co/MPhRzuBDXf 14:43:23, 2019-04-05
- @ericmbudd Life is easier with one bike, of which one bike is functional at all times. Despite the slow leak I have… https://t.co/EDV3lGgucu in reply to ericmbudd 10:14:36, 2019-04-05
- The rolling stock is a little dated, but headways are short (5-10 min?) and the fare is only $0.25 even with two em… https://t.co/punc9AK6Nj 09:21:02, 2019-04-05
- In the End, nothing happens… and it keeps on not happening… forever: https://t.co/dxCgftzCsC 21:58:02, 2019-04-04
- Antigua is clearly the Boulder of Guatemala, for better and worse. 20:56:34, 2019-04-04
- @ericmbudd It would be darkly satisfying if Lisa's pet project of many years were shut down by NIMBYs. in reply to ericmbudd 20:52:03, 2019-04-04
- RT @squoilin: Great news for the whole @OpenMod community. The "Public Utility Data Liberation" (PUDL) project is similar to the EU/German… 14:48:18, 2019-04-04
- @drvox Great minds, great minds. in reply to drvox 20:44:30, 2019-04-03
- @drvox Because of this I ultimately decided Huxley was the better dystopian writer. He knew it would be dumb. in reply to drvox 17:07:59, 2019-04-03
- Looking forward to learning a bunch at @CSVConference in #PDX in May. Get your tickets now if making and sharing da… https://t.co/6WBXNYIufj 16:23:10, 2019-04-03
- @CatalystCoop Many thanks to @cmgosnell @alanawlsn @joshdr83 @MichelsonEvan @gschivley @priyald17 @CostaSamaras… https://t.co/ibL5l9ncCA in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:13:37, 2019-04-03
- After ~2.5 years of obsessing over the liberation of US utility data for activists and researchers on a mostly volu… https://t.co/q9JQjpfm5b 16:07:01, 2019-04-03
- @drvox You really are a good ranter. And you have so many good things to rant about. in reply to drvox 22:30:59, 2019-04-02
- @ramez @greentechmedia Especially if states are caught off-guard by this, there may be a risk of a more costly, cha… https://t.co/Osf4GjB4We in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:34:05, 2019-04-02
- @ramez @greentechmedia The transition will take off with or without this tool, but at least in regulated markets th… https://t.co/ZvNNKuxX4N in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:32:12, 2019-04-02
- @ramez @greentechmedia did a nice write-up of some of the resulting legislation, including provisions to help suppo… https://t.co/xjlDLZE9nI in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:28:55, 2019-04-02
- @ramez We noticed this beginning in Colorado several years ago, and started working on financing mechanisms to ease… https://t.co/vlhm0aRlv9 in reply to ramez 16:26:08, 2019-04-02
- @erinoverturf Since leaving Boulder and purging myself from every list I can, I now routinely go several days witho… https://t.co/flV4W0TTiJ in reply to erinoverturf 16:18:51, 2019-04-02
- There's a bakery on my way to work after class and the little strawberry turnovers only cost Q1 ($0.12) each so hel… https://t.co/0uQWIHLWLk 14:04:53, 2019-04-02
- @TheCharlier BUT DO OWLS EXIST JIM DO THEY? in reply to TheCharlier 13:58:17, 2019-04-02
- Regresaría solo para mirar El Fuego toda la noche. https://t.co/VaC829MqSX in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:16, 2019-04-01
- From the top, we could see Volcánes: Pacaya (also erupting), Agua, Atitlán, Santa Maria, and Tajamulco, poking out… https://t.co/34DjS35dcn in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:05:10, 2019-03-31
- Arrived at base camp (~3700m) late afternoon, clouds cleared up by dark, and then the light show from Fuego began.… https://t.co/pYU0OvsALy in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:00:10, 2019-03-31
- I guess I'll go climb a volcano. 06:59:19, 2019-03-30
- RT @StephEvz43: So I want to share something that happened at work this week that happens to #WomanInSTEM A LOT, and it SUCKS. I wasn’t sur… 20:29:45, 2019-03-29
- @cesargalicia_ @darkolina A veces, hablas demasiado rapido para mi, pero a traves de la magica del internet, yo pue… https://t.co/slEwhdm08u in reply to cesargalicia_ 20:21:20, 2019-03-29
- RT @APStylebook: Do not use racially charged or similar terms as euphemisms for racist or racism when the latter terms are truly applicable… 16:29:53, 2019-03-29
- @darkolina @CSIngobernable ¿Conoces @CooperativeCity? https://t.co/raEWSqJldb in reply to darkolina 13:23:09, 2019-03-29
- @ericmbudd I guess she'd rather just be OG in reply to ericmbudd 23:36:48, 2019-03-28
- @DavidZipper I highly recommend Peter D. Norton's book Fighting Traffic, about the period from 1915-1930 when the t… https://t.co/hRMLTyIIGg in reply to DavidZipper 23:32:32, 2019-03-28
- @ZLabe @NASAGISS for the love of god where did they get that color map? in reply to ZLabe 23:07:21, 2019-03-28
- Mood. https://t.co/HtpjrTsdOo 23:05:39, 2019-03-28
- @ericmbudd As the Onion once said… "End racism: kill everyone." in reply to ericmbudd 16:16:46, 2019-03-28
- @darkolina @cesargalicia_ En genial espacio público. Por supuesto. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:20:17, 2019-03-28
- @darkolina @cesargalicia_ Y como casi todo mis conocimientos del internet en español, gracias por el vinculo. Esper… https://t.co/Nt1971Jbqp in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:19:10, 2019-03-28
- @darkolina Al mismo tiempo, ha sido divertido mirar @cesargalicia_ y sexplaining con los subtitulos en español. in reply to darkolina 15:14:09, 2019-03-28
- RT @wesmckinn: If all Americans had guaranteed healthcare I think we would see a lot more open source development and entrepreneurship. Man… 15:08:02, 2019-03-28
- The NIMBYs wage their war in support of catastrophic climate change on many fronts. https://t.co/Azp5Zk1VZY 14:48:30, 2019-03-28
- I find grammar textbook example sentences weirdly alienating. The "normal" things they talk about feel distant. Bu… https://t.co/pGMDZDvDA7 14:09:35, 2019-03-28
- @ericvschultz @drvox @rgunns All the more important to stake out your territory early! in reply to ericvschultz 14:03:56, 2019-03-28
- @drvox @rgunns The dumpsters of America are downright cornucopian. You'll be fine. in reply to drvox 06:39:29, 2019-03-28
- @DynamicWebPaige https://t.co/hat2DGh12X in reply to DynamicWebPaige 22:56:10, 2019-03-27
- @rgunns @otherlab @longnow Ironically that seemed like an optimistic shift in my point of view (and still does…).… https://t.co/wyvPdxz2Ss in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:32:15, 2019-03-27
- @rgunns I came to climate work from a PhD in geophysics, and started in a very dark place — where failure seemed c… https://t.co/vIa3oHZSiF in reply to rgunns 20:29:40, 2019-03-27
- ¿Tacos? ¿Datos? ¿Visualizaciones? @darkolina https://t.co/QpdwKeTfUT 20:24:22, 2019-03-27
- @ericmbudd @bitsweat Now if only Google Drive worked on Linux. And there was decent music & photo management softwa… https://t.co/SQi8HlAD8u in reply to ericmbudd 20:15:14, 2019-03-27
- @bitsweat Ahh yes. The buttfly kyboad. Indeed. @ericmbudd in reply to bitsweat 17:57:16, 2019-03-27
- Little earthquakes and unusually big explosions from Volcán Fuego all day today. 15km is… not very far away. 17:00:37, 2019-03-27
- Hick is… so on message here. https://t.co/pMiDogEXwZ 13:29:13, 2019-03-27
- @MattBakerEnergy @brendanpierpont @drvox @cody_a_hill @ElephantEating With otters. in reply to MattBakerEnergy 23:04:58, 2019-03-26
- @MattBakerEnergy Something @Dig2Grow touched on in Dirt but didn't delve into that I want to read more about is soi… https://t.co/xjqLtMscMi in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:37:11, 2019-03-26
- @MattBakerEnergy David Montgomery at UW wrote a fun book about the archeological / geological history of soil conse… https://t.co/ELQfoeKMvg in reply to MattBakerEnergy 17:28:45, 2019-03-26
- @ericmbudd Ref: https://t.co/9P9v9G6Pbf in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:22:52, 2019-03-26
- @ericmbudd *sigh* in reply to ericmbudd 16:14:35, 2019-03-26
- @ericmbudd "Freedom is an endless meeting." in reply to ericmbudd 16:12:53, 2019-03-26
- @darkolina Todavía no lo he visto, pero respeto a los dos de @KateRaworth y @MLiebreich, entonces espero que sea interesante. in reply to darkolina 12:17:13, 2019-03-26
- A nice write-up of the fossil power plant securitization bill @CatalystCoop has been supporting with data and analy… https://t.co/MJdrztQKzf 09:21:01, 2019-03-26
- Bicycles did interesting things to society back in the day. They still can. https://t.co/zeuT0B724P 20:32:16, 2019-03-25
- @ericmbudd Asking for House Bolton. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:24:58, 2019-03-25
- RT @duncan__c: Decarbonizing petrochemicals with CRISPR modified yeast enzymes and a bespoke reactor. Pretty cool stuff.
A nice @ramez quo… 18:23:32, 2019-03-25
- @drvox #WokePrecambrian in reply to drvox 18:15:48, 2019-03-25
- @rgunns How can a #GND remove existing federal incentives & regulations that encourage or mandate sprawling, car-de… https://t.co/j2IDHDrXvB in reply to rgunns 17:42:11, 2019-03-25
- RT @JillFilipovic: Warren, who taught at Harvard, was one of the most well-regarded law professors in the country and one of the most intel… 17:37:21, 2019-03-25
- @darkolina Una charla con una de esas autoras que yo menté. https://t.co/6eIAKkAD4O 17:35:17, 2019-03-25
- @ericmbudd Can you flay a clementine? in reply to ericmbudd 17:33:00, 2019-03-25
- @drvox I hope you will also dispense with the notion of someone having a "pair" of gonads, so as to avoid discrimin… https://t.co/jZz1Naxfpu in reply to drvox 17:27:18, 2019-03-25
- La verdad. https://t.co/FRbS4szyjK 12:16:11, 2019-03-25
- @hal_harvey @VaclavSmil @Revkin Here's a paper from a few years ago exploring the same general leakage / mass balan… https://t.co/YbuHnTjGJY in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:13:45, 2019-03-24
- @hal_harvey @VaclavSmil @Revkin One thing he doesn't touch on here, which Nate Lewis at Caltech has, is the need fo… https://t.co/SPI6Vfl1uc in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:12:06, 2019-03-24
- @hal_harvey In case you haven't come across it already, @VaclavSmil went on a very enjoyable numerical rant on just… https://t.co/t2G9675Uch in reply to hal_harvey 17:57:08, 2019-03-24
- @ntnsndr @CatalystCoop @jasonwienerpc @rmeocenter @ldp7744 This seems pretty annoying. Why should the owners of a… https://t.co/gOuFL8xpj3 in reply to ntnsndr 16:38:47, 2019-03-24
- This is… potentially annoying since it means that the profits from a worker co-op are taxed as income — at a hig… https://t.co/Jku9rUgmch in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:33:36, 2019-03-24
- I was wrong about this (though the instructions in TurboTax are confuuuusing). Worker Co-op Patronage Dividends 109… https://t.co/OXznQ2ICJ1 16:31:32, 2019-03-24
- @jasonwienerpc @CatalystCoop @ntnsndr @rmeocenter @ldp7744 Ah, it looks like now 1099-PATR goes under self employme… https://t.co/wTUDuQyc6F in reply to jasonwienerpc 16:25:51, 2019-03-24
- @CostaSamaras Broadly, the 1st generation of "traffic engineers" recognized the danger, spatial inequity & ineffici… https://t.co/Fzccxjd2cE in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:49:05, 2019-03-24
- @CostaSamaras All about feedbacks / relationships between social norms about street uses, industry lobbying, public… https://t.co/NJ6GgJ7se6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:45:23, 2019-03-24
- @CostaSamaras Have you read Peter Norton's book "Fighting Traffic?" Interesting in-depth look at how cars took over… https://t.co/6REdv89AQP in reply to CostaSamaras 12:43:45, 2019-03-24
- @ericmbudd Most of what's on The Screen is engineerd-to-be-addictive crap with no redeeming qualities. You have to… https://t.co/ew9b9IhqBG in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:06:06, 2019-03-24
- @ericmbudd "This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and even it can inspire. But it can do so only to th… https://t.co/TO51VqTyL7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:02:39, 2019-03-24
- @ericmbudd Also… going all in on learning a language, while living with a family that has kids, has been an inter… https://t.co/xbtY6XoziM in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:00:56, 2019-03-24
- @ericmbudd "Some of the world's best information is in books." — Larry Page in reply to ericmbudd 11:56:11, 2019-03-24
- @ericmbudd Have you read Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age? It's got some interesting tropes in this area. in reply to ericmbudd 11:53:39, 2019-03-24
- El domingo. https://t.co/HbZYgS6TRc 09:27:05, 2019-03-24
- I find the whole electric sportscar thing so depressing. https://t.co/Zyr1Z08bFk 20:19:46, 2019-03-23
- @CHThiem @Amtrak Just cross your fingers they don't reach their contract max hours on the job. I remember being stu… https://t.co/GS9fGOnpLB in reply to CHThiem 19:55:23, 2019-03-23
- @GR_G_R @bolderbekah @ed_hawkins I would totally make a warming scarf if I could knit… https://t.co/ef8VtzGOOr in reply to GR_G_R 12:40:00, 2019-03-23
- @GR_G_R @bolderbekah Have you seen any of the @ed_hawkins #WarmingStripes inspired crochet & knitting projects? https://t.co/5tRCysBCUW in reply to GR_G_R 12:36:22, 2019-03-23
- @GR_G_R @bolderbekah Not sure this particular sweater counts Gregor… in reply to GR_G_R 12:26:56, 2019-03-23
- Insulin rationing, courtesy of the US pharmaceutical oligopolies. #MedicareForAll https://t.co/lYYWNmWtSO 12:22:07, 2019-03-23
- Apparently my @CatalystCoop patronage dividend (1099-PATR) has to be filed under "farm income" so I have to describ… https://t.co/crNzfNdsH4 12:02:05, 2019-03-23
- @bolderbekah Este caso es el más sencillo, y no demasiado complicado. Pero las clausulas adverbiales temporal y abs… https://t.co/IR9Pzyn7aS in reply to bolderbekah 09:46:37, 2019-03-23
- @GR_G_R @chaspinrad Me parece que es un asunto especial dentro de Español, que hace la lengua distinto y interesant… https://t.co/zOUWzrBG5p in reply to GR_G_R 09:40:59, 2019-03-23
- Claro que preferiría estudiar el subjuntivo en vez de preparar mis impuestos. 09:37:44, 2019-03-23
- RT @alexbaca: I mean this is a lot more relevant than The Revanchist City. https://t.co/bbv2ChvP0f 09:32:53, 2019-03-23
- RT @ericmbudd: Elizabeth Warren "has the folksy demeanor of Joe Biden, the ferocious conviction of Bernie Sanders, the deep intelligence of… 09:31:11, 2019-03-23
- RT @CityLab: For years now, Barcelona has been making a threat to landlords: If you don’t find tenants for your empty buildings, we will fi… 09:25:48, 2019-03-23
- @chaspinrad I will have to count how many I'm finding per page. I'm pretty sure it's more than 3! But it's one of m… https://t.co/BUEWe370bi in reply to chaspinrad 20:09:01, 2019-03-22
- This probably explains why they also don't sell bicycles. https://t.co/eANbr0PzDP 23:36:03, 2019-03-21
- It was 332.16ppm the month I was born. Even if the rate of increase flattened out now, I'd probably live to see 500… https://t.co/wAxDVsWWJg 23:31:20, 2019-03-21
- It's also been amazing to see just how many more words there are in books than… anywhere else. I pick up a new wo… https://t.co/Kwdq1cgltR in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:43:42, 2019-03-21
- I can't tell if this is because I'm coming from English, or because the subjunctive is about feelings relative to t… https://t.co/vL4J0dmwRh in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:41:26, 2019-03-21
- It has been wild to try and wrap my head around the subjunctive mood, which is very common in Spanish, but kind of… https://t.co/tg0TNQxqdY 21:38:41, 2019-03-21
- @darkolina @KateRaworth @mathbabedotorg @FryRsquared And I suspect @alexbaca might have good suggestions for female… https://t.co/tjDHV3pZuB in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:33:52, 2019-03-21
- @darkolina vi tu pedido para autoras sugeridas. Todas son en inglés, pero algunas que te podría interesar, si quier… https://t.co/aguN9P6Pge 21:31:13, 2019-03-21
- Is it trivial? Impossible? Or somewhere in between?
Order of magnitude calculations FTW. https://t.co/GHs06QPbYH 19:50:48, 2019-03-21
- @drvox @rgunns Thoughts on the potential parallels between China's decision to invest ~$100 billion in solar panel… https://t.co/Oo7mqvfggQ in reply to drvox 14:40:54, 2019-03-21
- @cody_a_hill @drvox @rgunns Ditto the land use / urban design issue. SOOOO much space for simultaneous improvement… https://t.co/yymUg2Pjan in reply to cody_a_hill 14:38:25, 2019-03-21
- @drvox @rgunns Curious about her thoughts on how to balance the potentially enormous amount of time that broad & in… https://t.co/orbpht77zk in reply to drvox 13:26:15, 2019-03-21
- But thankfully we wouldn't have to give up any of our 40,000+ traffic fatalities or any of the billions of hours we… https://t.co/FpJgwqFmYd 12:50:14, 2019-03-21
- RT @erinoverturf: Hey, #EnergyTwitter, please help me get the word out on these great opportunities to come work with me at @wradv and adva… 12:45:52, 2019-03-21
- @bencasselman It's an unavoidably growing market. in reply to bencasselman 17:36:50, 2019-03-20
- Public comment session in opposition to 5G wireless coverage at #BoulderCouncil. https://t.co/r6wlpf3WSu 13:59:54, 2019-03-20
- @ericmbudd *sigh* So many things are broken on purpose. in reply to ericmbudd 13:47:32, 2019-03-20
- @seancllns Blockchain, but for bicycles. in reply to seancllns 13:47:00, 2019-03-20
- @drvox How about "Building Electrocution" instead? in reply to drvox 16:21:42, 2019-03-19
- @ericmbudd Though, to be honest, ensuring that the city has crappy cell data coverage going forward is an *excellen… https://t.co/uDRz5cMkS0 in reply to ericmbudd 16:20:26, 2019-03-19
- @BikeChoir Estoy pensando en mudarme a Oaxaca despues de mi tiempo aquí, pero clases allí son duplica el precio. in reply to BikeChoir 13:08:31, 2019-03-19
- @BikeChoir Tambien he estudiado en Xela (Quetzaltenango) — si tú quieres mas imersión en la lengua, me parece que… https://t.co/R3ivRwWbUn in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:55:48, 2019-03-19
- @BikeChoir Ahora estoy estudiando en Antigua Guatemala. Hay muchas opciónes. Cuesta $100 por semana por 20 horas de… https://t.co/abOAdHz02T in reply to BikeChoir 12:49:53, 2019-03-19
- I'd vote for @staceyabrams in a heartbeat if I got the chance. https://t.co/UfAhES0ZaW 22:27:56, 2019-03-18
- Finalmente, esta semana empiezo… el modo subjuntivo! Desde hoy quiero que me piense como un estudiante de nivel a… https://t.co/kovbnj1SMh 20:47:32, 2019-03-18
- My rear tire has a slow leak. I've been pumping it up ever three days since… September. In Switzerland. 20:34:41, 2019-03-18
- Asombroso. Quiero verlas otra vez. https://t.co/iFZfrZfM1u 20:33:11, 2019-03-18
- @ericmbudd I eargly await a similar but more upbeat dynamic for, like, heat pumps, energy recovering ventilators, a… https://t.co/wZEVhly95k in reply to ericmbudd 20:25:50, 2019-03-18
- @cityatlas @drvox @SierraClub @longnow @davidjcmackay Yeah, the math (W/m^2) on this has been clear since… like f… https://t.co/VGuVdPdFFX in reply to cityatlas 13:29:54, 2019-03-18
- @drvox @SierraClub This is a big fear I've had ever since seeing Saul Griffith's @LongNow talk, and reading… https://t.co/A9zS4rBhaJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:10:17, 2019-03-18
- @drvox @SierraClub It seems like a dynamic that is only going to get more difficult with cost effective renewables… https://t.co/ZxrFXgjfE4 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:08:30, 2019-03-18
- @drvox Have you looked into the issue of growing environmentalist (including local @SierraClub chapters) opposition… https://t.co/bS2dN1dgYw in reply to drvox 13:06:15, 2019-03-18
- @sepzilla @ericmbudd Local @SierraClub chapters are also increasingly coming out to block renewable energy faciliti… https://t.co/4m3BcyzZer in reply to sepzilla 13:03:55, 2019-03-18
- RT @OKFN: ? 6 weeks left to apply! if you want to build an #OpenSource tool for science, @okfn will fund you through the #FrictionlessData… 07:31:30, 2019-03-18
- @drvox Do you think at this point that the folks arguing over these non-existent details really don't know the deta… https://t.co/1kk3TcqVgD in reply to drvox 22:16:11, 2019-03-17
- @andrew_leach @bcshaffer Probably would have just induced more demand. in reply to andrew_leach 21:37:45, 2019-03-17
- @drvox Sold off all my possessions and left the US. Becoming fluent in Spanish living in Latin America. The languag… https://t.co/iTwJMvfLPF in reply to drvox 16:48:52, 2019-03-17
- Fewer, better designed, longer lasting possessions look a lot like renewable energy financially. Lower total cost o… https://t.co/TLmG7bPe4B 13:16:14, 2019-03-16
- Over the last few years all of the other major Powder River Basin operators have gone bankrupt ($ANR in 2015, $ARCH… https://t.co/q5P36drMcG 13:08:38, 2019-03-16
- @ClarkWDerry Woo hoo! The last of the big PRB operators to end up there. in reply to ClarkWDerry 13:00:25, 2019-03-16
- @cmgosnell I can almost see a double rainbow. in reply to cmgosnell 16:06:53, 2019-03-15
- Same. https://t.co/B0L3QeIyaG 13:39:17, 2019-03-15
- @rgunns Also, if you want a present-day snapshot or highlights reel of the EV regulatory environment state-by-state… https://t.co/a6FMzUHKzb in reply to rgunns 17:53:22, 2019-03-14
- It's two-for-one scams in the @ImpactHub Antigua courtyard today. First the homeopathic "memory of water" followed… https://t.co/FMBO1OPUs4 17:23:38, 2019-03-14
- @EvanSchultheis Also this! in reply to EvanSchultheis 17:19:48, 2019-03-14
- @ty_fi @rgunns I was going to point you toward RAP as well. in reply to ty_fi 16:42:00, 2019-03-14
- We will have to slog through a lot more of this before we get renewable energy deployed at the scale required. Or w… https://t.co/N9PLVlG4uP 18:06:16, 2019-03-13
- @ericmbudd Is there any reason to think this isn't purposeful? New OS "upgrade" maybe? in reply to ericmbudd 16:26:00, 2019-03-12
- @ericmbudd @ewarren @jefflesser I cannot fucking believe Bernie and Biden are polling first. It is so depressing. in reply to ericmbudd 21:52:28, 2019-03-11
- @ericmbudd @ewarren @jefflesser Seriously this would make me want to vote for her even harder. in reply to ericmbudd 21:43:04, 2019-03-11
- @ericmbudd @ewarren @jefflesser What are the chances that Warren's team knew all this, and used this predictable ch… https://t.co/cLmmwe8b8E in reply to ericmbudd 21:39:54, 2019-03-11
- Kudos to the @csvconf organizers for seeking out a diverse slate of keynote speakers. Looking forward to visiting… https://t.co/R6LR2BFAgr 18:29:04, 2019-03-11
- I think I got my first (unexplained) joke in Spanish this weekend, while listening to this @TEDenEspanol talk. It w… https://t.co/1sbd5ZWKtG 13:45:42, 2019-03-11
- RT @fabiochiusi: “We should not be haunted by the specter of being automated out of work. We should be excited by that. But the reason we’r… 19:58:23, 2019-03-10
- @ericmbudd The Peripheral is a fun quick read, set both pre- and post- a novel kind of multi-causal apocalyptic unr… https://t.co/mgeUcasqBa in reply to ericmbudd 19:51:54, 2019-03-10
- @ericmbudd @otherlab Oh right, link: https://t.co/QgtNzDi7y9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:43:33, 2019-03-10
- @ericmbudd Highly recommend this piece from Saul Griffith (on whom I have a shamless nerd-crush). We need 100 more… https://t.co/YrHbRa0ZUs in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:43:14, 2019-03-10
- @ericmbudd Uh, no. The profit motives in tech are catastrphically fucked, and dedicated to intentionally dysfunctio… https://t.co/LIxskpHjrW in reply to ericmbudd 19:41:04, 2019-03-10
- Some interesting musings (and Congressional testimony) from Saul Griffith of @otherlab on @ARPAE & what would be po… https://t.co/wIQRpQXiOj 19:26:38, 2019-03-10
- @Noahpinion Saul Griffith from @Otherlab wrote up some good thoughts (and congressional testimony) on this topic, i… https://t.co/0xG5MsMnLw in reply to Noahpinion 19:20:14, 2019-03-10
- @ericmbudd I think there are Next Big Things to be had with the means on hand, but they need to be re-arranged for… https://t.co/v6PSTpVXPS in reply to ericmbudd 19:12:45, 2019-03-10
- Normalmente el asunto de género en español me molesta. No me gusta deber elegir entre "maestra" y "maestro", sino m… https://t.co/eiwlEMZBcs 10:02:06, 2019-03-10