- @ericmbudd You just like it because it starts with E! in reply to ericmbudd 21:25:57, 2019-05-18
- Seriously the amount of money we spend on automobile infrastructure is bonkers. https://t.co/J2dMzX7KoW 16:23:23, 2019-05-18
- This is an interesting problem for anyone who wants a consultative policy process — if others grab the sweeping id… https://t.co/jF7mtxYXoR 15:33:56, 2019-05-18
- @ericmbudd Oooh, what kinds? You'll have to add them to Falling Fruit 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 15:17:07, 2019-05-18
- @chrisnelder Huh, probably good for wildfire risk reduction too. in reply to chrisnelder 10:11:23, 2019-05-18
- RT @DrLindseyFitz: (1/10) Today is the 270th birthday of #EdwardJenner, pioneer of vaccination who arguably saved more lives than anyone el… 08:19:31, 2019-05-18
- Aedes aegypti seems much harder to kill than the mosquitoes I'm used to, which is annoying since it carries the Zik… https://t.co/fkntmcMoZO 06:04:37, 2019-05-18
- @ericmbudd I was off by an order of magnitude. They're planning 4,000,000 square feet. https://t.co/zli6vVhlMd in reply to ericmbudd 22:31:55, 2019-05-17
- @ericmbudd to be fair, I think they are planning on building several hundred thousand square feet out there… no? in reply to ericmbudd 22:27:25, 2019-05-17
- @markgelband No rest for the wicked! in reply to markgelband 15:25:31, 2019-05-17
- About 70% of global historic emissions have take place since I was born (1976).
80% since my dad was born (1943).
9… https://t.co/Uvn4mZxp3I 14:58:38, 2019-05-17 - @ericmbudd Well, as Max Planck said: Funeral by funeral. in reply to ericmbudd 09:57:39, 2019-05-17
- @VladGutman @drvox @adele_peters Like bullshit. in reply to VladGutman 06:02:44, 2019-05-17
- @drvox @adele_peters This smells an awful lot like solar roads to me. in reply to drvox 21:37:46, 2019-05-16
- @shwinnebego By savings model I mean charge enough to cover all the long term O&M, depreciation, etc. and invest wh… https://t.co/xgMIMXuFpU in reply to shwinnebego 19:49:23, 2019-05-16
- RT @JacquelynGill: Tomorrow, I’m having a hysterectomy to treat my adenomyosis. There are things I would rather do right now than talk abou… 18:33:04, 2019-05-16
- RT @JulieSLalonde: Just to be abundantly clear, my support of abortion is not just limited to "Rape, incest & if the mother's life is at ri… 18:32:56, 2019-05-16
- @welcomehomebldr Well that's nuts. I was definitely thinking I'd definitely need to see the per-unit capital reser… https://t.co/YdOslMFxkj in reply to welcomehomebldr 17:20:58, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd I wander the Earth, leaving a trail of Surly Long Haul Truckers, Vanguard retirement accounts, and polit… https://t.co/hpRsM9UHV5 in reply to ericmbudd 17:18:16, 2019-05-16
- @welcomehomebldr OTOOH, deferred maintenance, for better or for worse, also allows for so-called "naturally occurri… https://t.co/j9PR5KHILu in reply to welcomehomebldr 16:33:49, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd When we met you were Happy (potentially Drunken) Twitter Eric. What happened man?! in reply to ericmbudd 16:32:07, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd I feel bad about this, but I do enjoy unelectable Twitter Eric. in reply to ericmbudd 16:10:36, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd @LaurenGifford Also note that in-lieu fees generate something like 1.5-2.0x as many affordable units per… https://t.co/yd3c3MRWE6 in reply to ericmbudd 16:09:31, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd But is it uncomfortable, really? in reply to ericmbudd 16:08:25, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd How the hell is Boulder so on-message with this one? I seriously thought it was just a bizarre one-off.… https://t.co/6rzYjWy2GJ 15:11:15, 2019-05-16
- The Red Vienna approach here is interesting: they wrote off the *entire* initial (public) capital cost of the land… https://t.co/TaQIi0lngP in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:58:51, 2019-05-16
- At the same time, autonomous affordable housing that is member governed (like co-ops) has a short term incentive to… https://t.co/v9ZgremHKS in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:54:49, 2019-05-16
- A combination of stringent affordability requirements (rent caps) and insufficient public equity up front can make… https://t.co/KCYHTzPyMO in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:53:30, 2019-05-16
- Which is another reason I'm a fan of dealing with the long-term capital investment needs within the affordable hous… https://t.co/WZqjHyI95L in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:52:06, 2019-05-16
- And if you're planning on relying on future public capital then it may only be affordable until rich homeowners dec… https://t.co/Gru83TXmG8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:50:23, 2019-05-16
- If you're not thinking about the long-term capital investment strategy for the housing, then it's not "permanently"… https://t.co/KUlxwIvsK3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:49:25, 2019-05-16
- @ericmbudd "Long term" aka… "Permanently" 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 14:41:44, 2019-05-16
- Also… note that this problem isn't unique to affordable housing. Plenty of condo associations choose to keep HOA… https://t.co/mQmwN95bVJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:38, 2019-05-16
- But I'm curious what other models have been used to deal with this problem in the US and elsewhere — in limited eq… https://t.co/3ze6uNG546 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:38, 2019-05-16
- Personally I prefer the savings model — it makes the true sustainable cost of the housing transparent, and also al… https://t.co/FoH5RIWSNJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:37, 2019-05-16
- If you want housing to be affordable forever, you need to compensate for depreciation either with ongoing capital m… https://t.co/pTkXBQihgh in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:37, 2019-05-16
- Historically, most affordable housing in the US hasn't been permanent — after 15-40 years, the subsidized financin… https://t.co/vw1PvtMbak in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:37, 2019-05-16
- Setting aside enough money to cover depreciation (say… 1-3% of building replacement value annually?) can seem ext… https://t.co/dsgKFEudfr in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:36, 2019-05-16
- But permanently affordable housing with deed restrictions isn't like that — the permanent affordability covenants… https://t.co/v7R6gRWx7l in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:39:36, 2019-05-16
- Long term capital investment and maintenance budgeting for affordable housing is… hard. Especially in hot real es… https://t.co/y9D5Bw9CM9 14:39:36, 2019-05-16
- Pero, no hay nada aquí para proteger los que están afuera del coche. https://t.co/StFZyCS1Kx 09:46:01, 2019-05-16
- @drvox No man, that what *makes* the joke. in reply to drvox 16:09:43, 2019-05-15
- Es la verdad. https://t.co/D1QDmUEwQf 12:38:50, 2019-05-15
- To paraphrase Justice Brandeis… "If we desire respect for the zoning, we must first make the zoning respectable." https://t.co/Kg1jtul3EY 10:40:00, 2019-05-15
- Securitization is a powerful tool, and used well it can help get a lot of carbon intensive assets offline quickly.… https://t.co/Yg8Oba3F5s 09:47:39, 2019-05-15
- @ericmbudd Ah, scooters. in reply to ericmbudd 09:26:28, 2019-05-15
- Fox turned my dad into a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, hoarding bullets, diesel fuel, and silver ingots… https://t.co/TxHM5E2bdG 15:31:35, 2019-05-14
- #BoulderProblems https://t.co/7CQZidAOsz 15:25:07, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu And sadly, getting 100 people out repeatedly to public meetings that go until 1am also seems… https://t.co/U1yqOgtmfR in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:01:45, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu What matters is Power, and the ability to vote the fuckers out when they adopt shitty policies. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:00:25, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu And… I'm clearly cynical here but, I feel like those other channels trump any public input.… https://t.co/8Jncg9TN0N in reply to CHThiem 14:59:42, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem @elemdoubleu My experience was that the demographics were very similar regardless of the venue, unless a c… https://t.co/LGXwalD3Zf in reply to CHThiem 11:11:15, 2019-05-14
- @CHThiem It showed an obvious skew, and when they pointed that out, and suggested ways to address it like proactive… https://t.co/WoFUXEkZzs in reply to CHThiem 07:42:45, 2019-05-14
- @vb_jens Oh, never mind, it was just my very slow Guatemalan internet! in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:47:34, 2019-05-13
- @vb_jens Hey, is the Teardowns data story still working? It seems like it's frozen on Chrome on OSX and on Firefox… https://t.co/shwrZhjI7f 19:26:06, 2019-05-13
- @CHThiem How about some quiet walkable neighborhoods with… absolutely no single family housing? https://t.co/9plYbSpmCy in reply to CHThiem 17:37:54, 2019-05-13
- @CHThiem I got the sense they felt burned by the demographic data in the past. Better just not to know…. in reply to CHThiem 17:32:49, 2019-05-13
- A dispatch from the land (one of many…) of Missing Single Family Housing, or what happens when the Missing Middle… https://t.co/gtvceYhQPS 12:14:03, 2019-05-13
- I dunno if Neighbourlytics has historical data access but… it would sure be interesting to see how these kinds of… https://t.co/4Rkg2kbKdL in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:16:28, 2019-05-13
- And then there was the "protest concert" over the so-called "Songbird Open Space" aka the South CU Campus… https://t.co/F0DwKV54DP in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:14:56, 2019-05-13
- @ericmbudd @GalaCF I also promised to send along some of his greatest hits like The Twin Lakes Owl Preserve (in lie… https://t.co/1APgm8u8Jo in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:12:13, 2019-05-13
- @ericmbudd & @willtoor you'll be amused to hear that Ken Beitel's propaganda made it all the way to Australia!… https://t.co/3fLLAC8Jtr 09:03:47, 2019-05-13
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop I can't believe you roped Val into another co-op garden re-model. She swore never again! Al… https://t.co/B8OYiKZGhL in reply to ericmbudd 08:47:57, 2019-05-13
- This was a great overview of the open analysis stack that's being built around @ProjectJupyter. My biggest remainin… https://t.co/c0igBgIMGW 12:47:16, 2019-05-12
- RT @OKFN: Attn grad students, postdocs, or other early career researchers interested in #openscience & reproducible research! @okfn is laun… 10:54:36, 2019-05-12
- RT @alexbaca: "If you’re having trouble making rent with a six-figure salary, your problem ought to be solved in your local housing market—… 10:43:48, 2019-05-12
- Happy Mother's Day! https://t.co/nGgajCR6XD 10:41:16, 2019-05-12
- RT @PPchef: I didn't think anyone in @6point626's thread gave him a good answer here, maybe because no one leaves their bubble. So here's m… 10:39:03, 2019-05-12
- RT @mickeyd1971: ICYMI: The private company that owns Chicago's parking meters has made back all of the $1.2 billion it paid for the system… 01:35:01, 2019-05-12
- RT @BigMeanInternet: For the NYT Sunday Review I wrote about kids selling shares in their future to private capital rather than taking out… 01:33:27, 2019-05-12