- @meltzere @dailycamera BLARGH! in reply to meltzere 09:17:11, 2014-08-08
- RT @johnrobb: #Millennials http://t.co/F68EAWk3MN 09:12:05, 2014-08-08
- RT @conorsen: "You're anti-housing" will be the political pejorative to moderate Millennials the way "you're anti-business" has been to Boo… 09:10:52, 2014-08-08
- RT @johnrobb: Consumption used to be the name of a terrible and deadly disease (TB). It's still true today, but the disease is different. 09:00:00, 2014-08-08
- Heading to the Arise music festival to talk about our energy policy work. It might be a different kind of “energy work” than they thought… 08:57:19, 2014-08-08
- @alex_burness @ericmbudd Based on Leonard’s comments, it looked like this was going down. Bah. in reply to alex_burness 21:45:11, 2014-08-07
- Whoa, crazy sideways low-gravity ice mountains on a comet the size of Mont Blanc: http://t.co/chmopYbCwp http://t.co/130uY8RAwy 14:15:29, 2014-08-07
- Would be great to enable this kind of courtyard multi-family housing in Boulder. But… of course, parking 🙁 http://t.co/vfbbjaJjuF 13:54:30, 2014-08-07
- @ericmbudd We really gotta get a freaking @WordPress install up on the @CommunityCycles site. in reply to ericmbudd 11:14:17, 2014-08-07
- RT @ericmbudd: take a few minutes today to write Boulder's planning board and council to support ROW changes for biking/walking: http://t.c… 11:12:40, 2014-08-07
- Just what is @RepJaredPolis calculation on oil & gas? And just when will @coloradodems start going down in flames on energy? cc: @hickforco 13:12:40, 2014-08-06
- this is my brain there are many like it but this one is mine w/o me my brain is useless w/o my brain I am useless… http://t.co/9r8RuytlCl 12:46:47, 2014-08-06
- RT @ESA_Rosetta: “Hello, Comet!” http://t.co/mvFIxGWC8y 09:43:14, 2014-08-06
- Grassroots placemaking workshop in Boulder Aug. 14-17: https://t.co/CtIgTh6yXo Sounds cosmetic… but an improvement over sterile autopia… 21:51:20, 2014-08-05
- Not to mention the fact that many neighborhood associations actively exclude members with dissenting opinions on parking, development, etc. 21:34:04, 2014-08-05
- OH: “Come back and talk to me again when you own a home in Martin Acres.” — guy who inherited home in Martin Acres, to a long-term renter. 21:21:21, 2014-08-05
- Singling out one old, rich, white, property owning constituency for special inclusion in public process smacks of landed gentry, feudalism. 21:18:17, 2014-08-05
- Apparently #Boulder can’t make any kind of decision without begging for “neighborhood” input. What about condo owners? Renters? Students? 21:15:18, 2014-08-05
- Entitlement of single-family neighborhood homeowner association members is breathtaking, demanding special outreach & notice on… everything. 21:14:25, 2014-08-05
- 4000sf LEED Platinum poptop suburban ranch houses w/ 3 residents — the sustainable urbanism we’ve been waiting for in #Boulder. #IronyIsDead 21:10:00, 2014-08-05
- Homeowners resist urbanization in #Boulder because buildings might block views of the mountains… from their cars while driving. #IronyIsDead 21:07:03, 2014-08-05
- RT @AlexSteffen: A huge portion of what US economy makes is waste that never serves a purpose: eliminating that bears few if any prosperity… 17:02:48, 2014-08-05
- RT @mattsebastian: Anti-frackers chant, picket ahead of #Boulder Rep. @jaredpolis appearance http://t.co/p8AceSIHeN 16:47:28, 2014-08-05
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Just filed w/ @DORAColorado to intervene in @XcelEnergyCO rate case 14AL-0660E. Who speaks for the climate? Looks like… 14:31:59, 2014-08-05
- How is it that we see the throughput incentive as an issue in utility markets, but not in our hyper consumptive economy as a whole? 13:03:03, 2014-08-04
- RT @EnergyCollectiv: Utilities Decoupling to Cover Their Assets by @ZaneSelvans http://t.co/eMY60gEHpi 08:47:32, 2014-08-04
Tag: tweets
- Late night pirate shanties: awesome. Realizing you’re on Friday kitchen clean upon arriving home after said shanties: less awesome #CoOpLife 01:36:57, 2014-08-02
- What better to do on a Friday night in August than sing pirate shanties at a co-op potluck? 18:37:50, 2014-08-01
- Sometimes public boards don’t want to change anything, but don’t have the guts to say it straight out, so they make things broken instead. 11:34:30, 2014-08-01
- RT @AliMarieWatkins: Following briefing from #CIA, @MarkUdall calls for DCIA Brennan's resignation. 02:56:01, 2014-08-01
- Well, @Switch__Energy 4 was awesome. I’ll definitely go again. Boulder Planning Board on the other hand sounds like it was a midnight wreck. 01:01:54, 2014-08-01
- RT @mmasnick: Noticing that the @CIA twitter account is silent on the whole "we illegally spied on the Senate" thing… 23:45:12, 2014-07-31
- The awful calculation: pay $1350 for 3 MRIs, but it doesn’t go toward my $5500 @COHealthOP deductible, or submit to insurance and pay $5000. 08:45:38, 2014-07-31
- @brucenilles In Denver only a handful of speakers against rules yesterday. Mostly it was “These are great” vs. “They don’t go far enough!" in reply to brucenilles 23:08:21, 2014-07-30
- @AlexSteffen Sounds like this would be a subset of “stranded assets” — those stranded by virtue of their unsustainability? in reply to AlexSteffen 23:00:20, 2014-07-30
- RT @AlexSteffen: Good development (affordable, walkable, green) one of the best things a city can do; reactionary NIMBYism (esp based on pa… 22:53:47, 2014-07-30
- RT @AlexSteffen: One of the many place our politics is direly outdated is in the mythic story of evil developer vs. virtuous neighborhood a… 22:50:14, 2014-07-30
- @ericmbudd What happens at the end of the month? in reply to ericmbudd 22:38:15, 2014-07-30
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Come dive into the weeds of the utility wonkosphere with us on Xcel’s new rate case this Monday night! http://t.co/RW5… 19:13:07, 2014-07-30
- RT @mitchellbyars: I know it's weird considering the weather, but still looking to talk to #CUBoulder students who bike to campus. 303-473-… 16:48:19, 2014-07-30
- @ericmbudd What the hell else would you do? 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 16:46:00, 2014-07-30
- @sugarmags3 Holy alphabet soup batman! Also, I don’t suppose you know the depreciation/amortization schedules for various DSM investments? in reply to sugarmags3 16:43:09, 2014-07-30
- The @bouldergobldr and @BoulderParking bicycle counts in @downtownboulder have been cancelled for this evening due to the rain. 16:39:10, 2014-07-30
- RT @BoCo_trails: Is it a trail in Boulder County? Then yes it's too wet. 10:27:22, 2014-07-30
- @meltzere Perhaps highlighting the fact that we should have a student housing working group as part of the housing strategy process… in reply to meltzere 18:15:18, 2014-07-29
- @meltzere some comments from the co-op community on PB Housing Strategy update for Thursday if you’re interested… http://t.co/w9n4FpkbI0 16:35:03, 2014-07-29
- Some comments from #MakeBoulderHome on @bouldercolorado Housing Strategy “early wins” going to Planning Board on 7/31 http://t.co/w9n4FpkbI0 16:30:33, 2014-07-29
- Holycrap. Definitely shop around if you need an MRI! At @BCH_HealthED it’s $3074 while @medical_imaging is “just" $650. #MarketFail 14:17:36, 2014-07-29
- Meh, it doesn’t matter. Or it matters, but I’m ignoring it. Or trying to ignore it, and failing. It’s hard to tell the difference sometimes. 01:27:28, 2014-07-29
- @switch__energy Also, I think the tilde (~) in your username might be preventing Twitter’s autocomplete features from ever finding you. 00:41:28, 2014-07-29
- @switch__energy You might want to change your Twitter profile not to say “Oct 25th at the Fox Theater in Boulder" 00:40:28, 2014-07-29
- My slides for @switch__energy are done. Now I just need the words! How is a coal plant like a Soviet Hummer? http://t.co/TQXpKgocm7 00:39:17, 2014-07-29
- RT @BenRossTransit: If DOTs want cyclists to obey road signs, why do they put "No Outlet" signs on roads that lead to bike paths? @DOTsNeve… 22:49:59, 2014-07-28
- RT @MasalaCoop: Our cooperative cousins at the Picklebricolage are celebrating 2 months of getting all their food not from stores: http://t… 22:45:57, 2014-07-28
- @ericmbudd Freaky little microcosm of the sprawl funding debacle. Ironically in a county that no longer does sprawl! #GravelRoadsForEveryone in reply to ericmbudd 10:24:30, 2014-07-28
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: New Post: Can @XcelEnergyCO become a 21st century energy services utility? Or are they just covering their… assets? … 10:08:44, 2014-07-28
- RT @MasalaCoop: Masalan got home at 8am, after a sleepless, Grateful Dead infused night attending her first birth as a doula. Felt like tri… 09:27:35, 2014-07-28
- @StrongTowns @StreetsblogNet Interestingly, Boulder has stopped making sprawl O&M commitments. These subdivisions are a 40 yr old hangover. in reply to StrongTowns 08:51:01, 2014-07-28
- @StrongTowns @StreetsblogNet This will be an interesting showdown. New taxes require popular vote in CO. How badly do we want our pavement? in reply to StrongTowns 08:47:54, 2014-07-28
- A look at taxes vs. special assessments from @StrongTowns Interesting in context of County roads story http://t.co/yVF6lD90dk @dailycamera 08:38:25, 2014-07-28
- Judge ruled local improvement district funds could only be spent on new things (improvements) not maintenance. @StrongTowns @StreetsblogNet 08:28:10, 2014-07-28
- Boulder county residents sue to get roads repaved "without new taxes", and they win? http://t.co/FQWn37xdu2 cc @StrongTowns @StreetsblogNet 08:26:03, 2014-07-28
- @schmangee A man. A plan. A canal. Cleveland. in reply to schmangee 21:29:09, 2014-07-27
- Classic @drgrist posts on the #MediumChill: http://t.co/VXc0MNXDDX http://t.co/7L7QEBIdi9 A big part of why I work on co-ops, good cities. 15:43:15, 2014-07-27
- @ericmbudd thankfully home by then, eating cobbler. Them cars is dangerous. in reply to ericmbudd 11:19:39, 2014-07-27
- The @nytimes "The US should legalize pot. But we probably won't, since congress can't do anything useful at all." http://t.co/8S7LChr9FU 10:34:19, 2014-07-27
- After biking for 2 days straight… I found a warm peach cobbler on the kitchen table at 2am. Nom nom nom! #CoOpLife 03:45:44, 2014-07-27
- Back at the @MasalaCoop after 50 hrs, 187 miles. 3.7mph average… or about 2.7x my normal 1000 miles a month touring speed… 03:41:44, 2014-07-27
- Dynamo powered lights are a mixed blessing. Geat for riding all night, but then riding all night seems like a totally reasonable option. 00:38:35, 2014-07-27
- @ericmbudd sooooo not tropical on Trail Ridge. Jeebus. Thank god for pho! Now, can I make it to Boulder tonight? in reply to ericmbudd 20:06:40, 2014-07-26
- Panorama from Trail Ridge Road… before the rain caught me. http://t.co/hGL56VGFHt 19:37:56, 2014-07-26
- Drenched, frigid, numb hands & feet. On the upside, not struck by lightning, and I found a pho restaurant in Estes Park. 19:35:08, 2014-07-26
- Hard not to stop for coffee and breakfast… also, hard not to stop for second breakfast. Probably not ideal timing for Trail Ridge Road… 10:02:17, 2014-07-26
- Slept in a large culvert. How obvious is it that I'm not homeless to the passersby? I'm ignored, invisible in plain sight. Fine with me. 07:20:46, 2014-07-26
- #ProTip: I just checked, & 16 hours into a dirt road bicycle odyssey w/o any sleep is not the time to experiment with "alternate routes." 19:41:40, 2014-07-25
- Off to circumnavigate Longs Peak by bike, via Rollins Pass and Trail Ridge Road. Send out the search drones if I’m not back by Sunday night… 22:55:21, 2014-07-24
- RT @MasalaCoop: .@ZaneSelvans Also wanted on charges of lazing around, never actually following through on those chores he promised to do. … 21:34:17, 2014-07-24
- Arrest warrant out for Tyler Marx. He’s been stealing laptops etc. from couch surfing hosts and co-ops in Boulder. http://t.co/mgqnmiTFll 21:12:21, 2014-07-24
- RT @MasalaCoop: Who the hell is pouring honey from the honey jar!?! Use a spoon motherf*cker! Big. Sticky. Kitchen. Mess. #CoOpProblems 09:49:04, 2014-07-24
- While we might be moving forward on gay marriage… it’s hard to say the same about, oh I dunno, freedom of movement? https://t.co/Y7S8UbiH2j 00:19:46, 2014-07-24
- Feedback weirds causality. Especially in social norms. Am I like this because I’m in #Boulder? Or am I in Boulder because I’m like this? 23:59:29, 2014-07-23
- There must be a betting pool somewhere for predicting the date on which we’ve got #MarriageEquality in all 50 states: http://t.co/3CD8TFe0N3 22:56:53, 2014-07-23
- Results from latest @visionprize poll of climate scientists (including me!). Biggest problem: retiring coal plants. http://t.co/jvE8gYxtij 22:18:59, 2014-07-23
- Nearly half of US food is discarded. Beautiful food waste portraits w/ transport & footprint info. http://t.co/VtBi3aOc1h @BldrFoodRescue 08:50:24, 2014-07-23
- @Stphn_Lacey @MWenergynews If utilities don’t do it others will. Nice PV+EE+EV financing pitch from @SnuggHome here: https://t.co/c6Lv1xjVt0 in reply to Stphn_Lacey 08:33:38, 2014-07-23
- Oh look, it’s the throughput incentive for water! You just gotta love them banksters. http://t.co/tELd0byNc6 21:25:09, 2014-07-22
- It’s funny how utilities and regulators are so selective about when “broader cost to society” is considered an important constraint. (2/2) 15:18:26, 2014-07-22
- Total Resource Cost (TRC) includes both utility & customer DSM investments, to reflect “broader cost to society” of energy efficiency. (1/2) 15:15:37, 2014-07-22
- Ugh, I hate when my wonky web searches return nothing but 200 page PDFs and .doc files… when does @drgrist get back? https://t.co/N4qMrwqyif 14:40:37, 2014-07-22
- More traditional @EcoDistricts approach in Denver's Sun Valley. Without gentrification. Good luck with that! Seriously: hope you can do it. 10:17:50, 2014-07-22
- Which is probably more important than all of the touchy feely incremental changes they've pursued explicitly… 10:09:32, 2014-07-22
- Denver/Lakewood sustainable neighborhoods program has successfully created a constituency that actually participates in public processes. 10:08:33, 2014-07-22
- Wonderful smaller places need to learn how to grow gracefully. Or start building walls, moats. Crappy small places can become wonderful too. 09:57:01, 2014-07-22
- Burlington, VT like #boulder, a beautiful progressive college town, now attracting work-anywhere tech industry. Facing housing shortage. 09:50:56, 2014-07-22
- Boston also talking about low density residential neighborhoods exporting energy to downtown. Having a hard time imagining the math working. 09:44:17, 2014-07-22
- Boston also getting utilities, regulators, steam generators, sitting down to hard talk about enabling district energy systems. 09:38:29, 2014-07-22
- Boston innovation district supposed to be robust against 2ft sea level rise, w/ occasional barricades to 4ft. Huge existing investments. 09:35:07, 2014-07-22
- Large "innovation district" in South Boston Seaport. 20,000,000 square feet of new construction. Awfully close to sea level… @EcoDistricts 09:27:20, 2014-07-22
- Net Zero annual energy use looks to be one of @EcoDistricts goals. How do they not see this as intrinsically anti-urban? @AlexSteffen 09:24:52, 2014-07-22
- At @EcoDistricts presentation in @bouldercolorado for city boards. Some good ideas, but does the public actually want the needed change? 09:20:16, 2014-07-22
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Our research director Dr. @ZaneSelvans gets the last word in this @BloombergNews piece on shifting economics of #coal … 08:41:01, 2014-07-22
- RT @MasalaCoop: House meeting goes much faster sitting in snowmelt! With @ZaneSelvans @erikrodne & the rest of a @MasalaCoop quorum! http:/… 23:18:46, 2014-07-21
- @bikepedbrian @ericmbudd Maybe we could have all the EEA meetings at the Avalon & prohibit anyone from driving to encourage better visions… in reply to bikepedbrian 21:07:38, 2014-07-21
- RT @IvanTheK: Totally agree. RT @JeffCNYC: I love the internet. Where else can one find such amazing confirmation bias? 20:46:22, 2014-07-21
- @maesetote D’oh! So it does. in reply to maesetote 20:41:26, 2014-07-21
- RT @MasalaCoop: It’s too hot for house meeting, and we’re all exhausted from workday yesterday. So we’re gonna go jump in Boulder Creek to… 19:46:09, 2014-07-21
- .@JeremyWNA @atrembath @MarsOpportunity has been roving Mars for more than a decade under solar power. But of course that’s #nuclear too… in reply to JeremyWNA 09:03:22, 2014-07-21
- @ericmbudd Great example of social normative spending. Interesting juxtaposed w/ e.g. @JesseJenkins on carbon pricing http://t.co/NyuhYEO3AR in reply to ericmbudd 08:58:15, 2014-07-21
- RT @MasalaCoop: Lincoln in 2006 "I don't know where people get the idea that of they're successful, they have to be wasteful." (2/2). http:… 20:20:28, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: Found in The Nest at Chrysalis: 2006 Women's Magazine clipping. 10 Questions w/ Lincoln Miller "Men We Like" (1/2) http://t… 20:20:21, 2014-07-20
- @ggreenwald A Nazi and a Commie too! in reply to ggreenwald 16:52:01, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: Dan finishing up the mulching in our north garden beds. Might plant currants here next year… http://t.co/xWbPu2Xulz 14:50:01, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: Cooperative ladies of the front yard. Weeding up a storm! http://t.co/31DwZ0jMnb 14:49:57, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: Kevin Phan: stoic rototiller. http://t.co/FBDTAu1SbE 14:49:50, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: How would a real patriot weed whack? http://t.co/jNCzxU9kFW 14:49:40, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: Cardboard, sand, river rocks, and mulch. http://t.co/dzNK7z1UXm 14:49:27, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: In pursuit of curb appeal… http://t.co/O6Qv4rktbY 13:16:53, 2014-07-20
- RT @TitanSaturnMoon: Titan (T-103) Flyby Coverage: Cassini makes observations of Titan’s upper haze layers http://t.co/2BBGjS1qQF http://t.… 12:09:58, 2014-07-20
- RT @MasalaCoop: It’s gonna be a hot, sweaty co-op workday… RT @NWSBoulder: Above normal temps expected again today across the region. http:… 10:12:20, 2014-07-20
- 1957: first artificial satellite. 4 years later, a human in orbit. 8 years after that we walked on the moon. It’s been 45 years since then. 10:10:06, 2014-07-20
- RT @thereaIbanksy: #banksy http://t.co/H1gW1aBizK 21:10:37, 2014-07-19
- Of course the googlebot knows. The question is when will it — or did it — begin to care? 08:32:03, 2014-07-19
- It enrages me that my friends cannot publicly disclose how few material resources they need to be happy, because living that way is illegal. 23:26:22, 2014-07-18
- RT @ericmbudd: in California, the state will fine you if you water your lawn and city will fine you if your lawn is brown http://t.co/SrDW4… 21:19:29, 2014-07-18
- RT @JeffSpeckAICP: Holy moly, what the heck are they smoking in Denver? Someone missed the memo on Induced Demand.
http:/… 21:16:22, 2014-07-18 - Not all rational ideas are good. Not all good ideas are rational. The same goes double for feelings. 21:00:40, 2014-07-18
- Too. Many. Responsibilities. I kinda feel like checking out entirely. 20:48:12, 2014-07-18
- RT @ericmbudd: new product idea: carless drivers. could be worth billions. 11:19:37, 2014-07-18
- @elgindy_ @ggreenwald But, you know, it’s the *principle* of fighting the terrorists & their ideologically motivated violence. Oh, wait… in reply to elgindy_ 19:01:14, 2014-07-17
- RT @MasalaCoop: Wow! 3 Masalans presenting at @switch__energy: @ZaneSelvans of @ClnEnergyAction, Claire Henly of @RockyMtnInst + Adam S. fr… 18:52:44, 2014-07-17
- RT @meltzere: BREAKING: #Boulder begins condemnation proceedings to acquire Xcel Energy distribution system http://t.co/UsmAUnhDlO 18:45:42, 2014-07-17
- RT @meltzere: The moment we've all been waiting for … 18:45:11, 2014-07-17
- @ericmbudd Bleah. @hickforco is begging to go down in flames in November. This is all lame in so many ways simultaneously. in reply to ericmbudd 18:33:56, 2014-07-17
- @BadAstronomer Sometimes it’s hard to believe these are real places. in reply to BadAstronomer 09:24:20, 2014-07-17
- RT @MasalaCoop: Big Masala work day this weekend. Trying to get the yard more permanently under control and improve our co-op curb appeal. 08:25:58, 2014-07-17
- Do you have any good pictures of cargo bikes or bikes with trailers having trouble parking in Boulder? If so let me and @bouldergobldr know! 08:23:48, 2014-07-17
- My non-work browser: draft letter to City Council, Portland ADU study, BoCHA advocacy notes, history of US anti-urbanism, food co-op order… 00:26:12, 2014-07-17
- Apparently construction on the Boulder bike station was supposed to start this week. Still waiting on the final go ahead from @RideRTD. 00:10:42, 2014-07-17
- RT @RogerPielkeJr: "Coal in the US is dying off on its own, and at most what we’re doing is equivalent to taking it off life support" http:… 16:00:04, 2014-07-16
- @ericmbudd I wonder how many I’ve got at this point 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 15:37:28, 2014-07-16
- Wasn't the @bouldergobldr bike station supposed to be under construction at 14th & Walnut this summer? 09:20:44, 2014-07-16
- RT @BrentToderian: #London's Oxford Circus, before/after the new pedestrian scramble. Cars allowed, but no longer king. http://t.co/4h0kr5I… 23:43:50, 2014-07-15
- @ericmbudd @rorowe Also, if you would like to write up your experience as input into Boulder’s housing policy mess… I think it’d be good. in reply to ericmbudd 15:43:38, 2014-07-15
- @ericmbudd @rorowe Boo! Suck. 🙁 in reply to ericmbudd 15:41:29, 2014-07-15
- @rorowe Did you somehow get exiled to darkest exurbia? Or is this an anthropological experiment? in reply to rorowe 15:31:02, 2014-07-15
- @alexsteffen Seriously. That essay almost made me head butt my computer. *sigh* in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:12:27, 2014-07-15
- NYC utility @ConEdison wants to deploy $100M in efficiency to stave construction of a $1B substation for a decade http://t.co/58SDTb06pc 09:44:28, 2014-07-15
- @ericmbudd You gotta read this (and weep): http://t.co/8W5ec4J2VQ 09:28:33, 2014-07-15
- This essay on the axiomatic value of increased human speed/range almost sounds like a paleofuture from @theretronaut http://t.co/8W5ec4J2VQ 09:26:16, 2014-07-15
- @egocarshare @DenPublicWorks @MayorHancock I think he must be smoking some of our state's finest legal ganja. in reply to egocarshare 09:22:14, 2014-07-15
- @TheBTI I don’t buy the “range” instinct. In a modern context access — esp. to non-material resources — is easier w/ density than speed. in reply to TheBTI 09:20:13, 2014-07-15
- RT @nils_gilman: It is very difficult to understand anything profound about your own culture and society unless you have spent time immerse… 08:58:49, 2014-07-15
- Uh oh, looks like I’m speaking at @switch__energy July 31st at @AllSustCO in Denver! Tix on sale now! http://t.co/QDekQSNeVB 22:01:05, 2014-07-14
- Help fund this awesome film project from my friends at @RootHouseStudio exploring the human microbiome! https://t.co/tsI0dwwS1N 21:31:40, 2014-07-14
- Got asked what I’ve done last 5 years, what I’m doing now & would like to be doing in 5 years. I’m either in a rut, or have found my groove. 20:12:39, 2014-07-14
- Ought to help with perceived safety on the creek path, and also giving bikes & pedestrians some more space to avoid conflicts. 19:32:42, 2014-07-14
- Council looking at short-term funding for bike/ped connections east/west of Civic Area. Lighting, widening, better underpass sight lines… 19:30:56, 2014-07-14
- Longer term we should look at having a managed parking district in NoBo. Commercial users say parking is “inadequate”. (Because it’s free!) 19:26:52, 2014-07-14
- Planning dept. is looking at bringing protected bike facilities to North Broadway. Few other good north-south connections exist today. 19:18:01, 2014-07-14
- Sounds like the bike corral program is going to get regularized, made permanent… and more aesthetically pleasing. Yay! 19:13:36, 2014-07-14
- I’m beginning to think Dom specifically plans his monthly TAB reference to Gainesville, Florida. 19:06:46, 2014-07-14
- Also looking at updating the city’s bike parking requirements — both long & short term. How about cargo bikes? 19:03:16, 2014-07-14
- .@CommunityCycles is one of the most consistent and thoughtful commenters on transportation issues in Boulder. But where is everybody else? 18:56:04, 2014-07-14
- Boulder trying to update its ordinances to allow for the creation of “shared streets” where pedestrians & bikes have priority. 18:47:05, 2014-07-14
- TAB discussing the city’s 72hr on-street parking limit. Widely disregarded in residential areas… especially by folks who don’t drive much. 18:18:02, 2014-07-14
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Dammit, just missed. http://t.co/eaWLn3I5Zv 15:58:04, 2014-07-14
- Saddle of my middle ages, 2014-2030? It's gonna take us a long time to get to know each other well… http://t.co/VA8wpJMZW7 12:27:42, 2014-07-14
- RIP saddle of my youth. Brooks B17, 2001-2014. Tensioning screw seized up. http://t.co/IUc2x9SzHI 12:11:14, 2014-07-14
- RT @andrew_leach: Summary of all economic impact analysis: "9 times a number is a much larger number. Do you like large numbers? Then do th… 11:26:47, 2014-07-14
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with people that are reckless with yours. 10:39:27, 2014-07-14
- .@bouldercolorado wants input how how to make housing here more affordable… how about letting people live together? http://t.co/dDM3l2mPSd 10:22:39, 2014-07-14
- Summer is nice because you can leave on a 40 mile bike ride after 6pm, and only have to see by moonlight for a little bit of it… 18:30:33, 2014-07-13
- Blissfully quiet summer Sunday at @CommunityCycles during #WorldCupFinal. New headset, seat post, bar tape. Almost feels like a new bike! 18:00:10, 2014-07-13
- Apparently I prefer life to be filled with intense feelings and novel experiences rather than predictable simplicity. So be it. 12:01:42, 2014-07-13
- Shared housing doesn’t have to mean renting… these 2 DC couples just made a tiny equity co-op together: http://t.co/xZZIgHzrPL 10:18:39, 2014-07-12
- The @newbelgium Clips beer & film fest to benefit @CommunityCycles is winding down in Boulder. Looking forward to a full night's sleep! 22:53:05, 2014-07-11
- @ericmbudd @woodardj Its in the little fake main street area in middle of the mall… in reply to ericmbudd 17:10:50, 2014-07-11
- RT @ericmbudd: Clips of Faith in Boulder—29th street mall at 8PM! rain is looking to pass by then. http://t.co/SwCIOn89hx 14:44:18, 2014-07-11
- RT @AlexSteffen: In general, idea that cities should meet their needs within their own boundaries misunderstands both how cities work+ urba… 14:43:54, 2014-07-11
- On the set of Split Incentives, a @ClnEnergyAction film about CO energy markets… Interns freezing, in July. http://t.co/UKugTkak12 13:57:11, 2014-07-11
- RT @StreetsblogNet: Accessory dwellings in basements and backyards help make Portland more walkable, study finds http://t.co/vYHVlnLHBY via… 10:24:08, 2014-07-11
- If civilization is committed to this extinction event, I wonder how can some of us make it less bad? #NotAllHumans http://t.co/kLPgoaSHSf 09:45:16, 2014-07-11
- RT @CarbonBubble: …'Yet the sheer scale of "stranded assets" and potential write-offs in the fossil industry raises eyebrows.' http://t.c… 07:32:37, 2014-07-11
- It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the extinction event… A few thoughts on humans as curators: http://t.co/kLPgoaSHSf 01:32:40, 2014-07-11
- RT @mbostock: Why isn’t the government required to release data in open formats? We shouldn’t need reverse-engineering to read public data. 01:30:08, 2014-07-11
- RT @anica7news: #BREAKING: Judge rules the @bouldercounty clerk can continue to issue gay marriage licenses, but they may not be valid. #Su… 10:51:57, 2014-07-10
- RT @MasalaCoop: Just submitted our 1st independent co-op system bulk food order, post @tskboulder. $100k/yr should be enough for a bulk buy… 12:45:03, 2014-07-09
- Transportation system metrics changing in California. Nixing automotive Level of Service is much better for cities: http://t.co/m8sggaBgM8 12:42:18, 2014-07-09
- "The new assessment also underscores the pointlessness of small, incremental emissions cuts.” http://t.co/KAMkX7xyxn 11:02:13, 2014-07-09
- RT @mitchellbyars: Whether dead elk or gay marriage, apparently whenever #Boulder's in the news all the rest of the country thinks is "Them… 11:45:26, 2014-07-08
- @MikeSalisbury78 @ConsumerReports Uh, is there *any* context where this advice doesn’t apply? Salespeople are paid liars. in reply to MikeSalisbury78 11:43:32, 2014-07-08
- RT @neil21: But then maybe batteries and solar power are the new picks and shovels in the robotaxi gold rush. I'm sure he'll do fine. 22:54:09, 2014-07-07
- RT @neil21: Niche gearheads will always want gas, like horseriders and LP aficionados. The rest of us will walk, bike, robobus, skytrain an… 22:54:05, 2014-07-07
- RT @neil21: I feel a bit bad for Elon because I honestly believe electric cars that you have to drive yourself will come and go like DVD pl… 22:53:57, 2014-07-07
- "Everybody is honking for us," she said. "It's only a matter of time.” http://t.co/r0Ewb1IX3o http://t.co/Gja485uCk0 22:22:26, 2014-07-07
- As a sentient being, what’s the right moral response to realizing you live amidst a mass extinction event of your own design? 22:09:39, 2014-07-07
- The view from my bed right now at the @MasalaCoop. The Creator is angry. http://t.co/KiGYSKc6Jk 20:45:49, 2014-07-07
- And speaking of plutocratic insurgencies… RT @voxdotcom: The US could start running out of money for roads in August. http://t.co/Ifthpm0Yqc 17:08:13, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd you might like @nils_gilman (who wrote that plutocrats+criminals essay) and his alter-ego @deviantglobal 16:28:22, 2014-07-07
- Plutocratic & criminal insurgencies vying only for their own autonomy, creating pocket empires as the state withers: http://t.co/PjZyT7FI1v 16:27:01, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd A whole genre of @kickstarter projects that just hack our attention centers. Like #SolarRoadways. Maybe it’s natural selection. in reply to ericmbudd 16:10:24, 2014-07-07
- @EricHolthaus But is that a function of the storm, or the fact that it’s going to hit a rich & resilient Japan instead of the Philippines? in reply to EricHolthaus 16:01:33, 2014-07-07
- Glad to see the Radish Collective is on it. MT @mitchellbyars: folks w/ dissenting views have joined in on the corner http://t.co/jNe6SUVG0O 11:49:02, 2014-07-07
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Locally and globally, if you’re building something that will last decades, build it for climate change: http://t.co/2v… 11:38:25, 2014-07-07
- Makes me think of #NotAllCars MT riding a bike in the US "is awfully similar to being a woman" https://t.co/8SNVDHZyCI by @nkkl 11:22:12, 2014-07-07
- @bikepedbrian @ericmbudd @boyonabike62 Ugh, the @HomeDepot in the @TwentyNinthSt mall desperately needs some decent bike/cargo bike parking. in reply to bikepedbrian 11:19:23, 2014-07-07
- @SunFoundation Might liberating detailed utility data held in an archaic @FERC DB be within your funding sphere? e.g. http://t.co/qVRKj4GvkA 11:02:26, 2014-07-07
- @egocarshare Also, if you wanted to work w/ @mrmoneymustache on promoting carsharing in Longmont… he might be a good PR/outreach resource. in reply to egocarshare 10:34:36, 2014-07-07
- @egocarshare I think you probably meant @lennstar_de in reply to egocarshare 10:21:48, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd I just set up @venmo payments for the @MasalaCoop, so hopefully, my meatspace banking days are numbered. in reply to ericmbudd 10:06:23, 2014-07-07
- Painfully slow guy in front of me at the bank would rather keep using compromised debit card than set up a bunch of new automatic payments. 09:57:29, 2014-07-07
- RT @schmangee: Too much of this going on in the Midwest http://t.co/8UCS3r4289 08:41:36, 2014-07-07
- RT @mkodransky: Sao Paulo eliminates #parking minimums citywide, sets maximum at transit corridors and introduces parking impact fees. Big … 08:37:10, 2014-07-07
- Insomnia isn’t nearly as bad when I'm sleeping out under the stars. I love my little deck. 08:25:54, 2014-07-07
- I wish I could just accept stories like this. Sadly, electricity costs and pricing are much more complicated: http://t.co/1jZwLJC0oA 01:35:41, 2014-07-07
- In other news, I had no idea @DarrenAronofsky’s Noah was a giant thundering biblical climate change allegory. Whoa. Pleasant surprise. 00:42:19, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd Which brings me back to just the seat, headset, cables, housing. Whew! Good thing there’s no 3/8” 26tpi @surlybikes trailer nuts! in reply to ericmbudd 00:30:42, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd But at this point the whole upgrade scheme has become clearly ridiculous and circularly self justifying. in reply to ericmbudd 00:26:32, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd Because the incompatibility would *totally* justify my getting a cargo bike as my third bike. It could be a @YubaBicycles Mundo. in reply to ericmbudd 00:24:40, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd That one would be a Surly Straggler with an IGH & disc brakes too. Thankfully also incompatible w/ the Surly trailer yoke. in reply to ericmbudd 00:23:12, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd Then I could get rid of the Troll and LHT, and have just one adventure bike… and build a CITYBIKE as my new second bike! Genius! in reply to ericmbudd 00:21:20, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd It would be like my @surlybikes Troll and LHT had a lovechild. in reply to ericmbudd 00:19:44, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd Oh wait, I know, I could just get a new frame. Then it could have disc brakes! http://t.co/plgAAI9Pup Oh wait, that’s a new bike. in reply to ericmbudd 00:18:23, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd But belt drives need a special frame, and tensioning an IGH drivetrain w/o horizontal dropouts or an eccentric hub is ugly. in reply to ericmbudd 00:15:44, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd And the rear hub could be black too, and the drivetrain would be much cleaner if it were a belt driven internally geared system. in reply to ericmbudd 00:13:34, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd And wouldn’t it be nice if the cranks and chainrings were black too? To match the new seat and seat post and headset? in reply to ericmbudd 00:12:03, 2014-07-07
- @ericmbudd Seat (and seatpost?), headset, handlebar tape. And cables. And housing. And drivetrain is soooo filthy. in reply to ericmbudd 00:11:10, 2014-07-07
- @interfluidity Whoa. An app I would pay for, but only if it were already popular. @whispersystems could make it. in reply to interfluidity 23:53:36, 2014-07-06
- I don’t actually need to replace these bike parts that have between 5 and 15 years of wear on them. #ThigsIActuallyKeepTellingMyself 23:50:51, 2014-07-06
- Replacing a couple of parts that have between 5 and 15 years of wear on them is much better than a new bike. #ThingsIKeepTellingMyself. 23:48:28, 2014-07-06
- Hells yeah! "BART is the largest parking-lot owner west of the Mississippi. That’s a lot of housing you could build." http://t.co/LFKJb7TZDF 20:53:09, 2014-07-06
- @ericmbudd Ah, yes. For some reason few non-competitive folks want to do this stuff… looking for more of a cooperative mountain randonnée 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 19:17:50, 2014-07-06
- @ericmbudd Where do you find these people? I never seem to run into them. in reply to ericmbudd 19:05:08, 2014-07-06
- Oooh, J.Paks looks like a nice local Colorado bespoke bikepacking gear maker: http://t.co/RLTOsoyFJu Not that I need more bicycle things… 19:04:39, 2014-07-06
- @ericmbudd does this Rocky Mountain Randonnée look stupid? Probably 2 days. Clockwise, or counter-clockwise? https://t.co/OQLxDcgXij 18:40:24, 2014-07-06
- Why I make co-ops: MT @Kurt_Vonnegut: Humans will be happy, not when we cure cancer or get to Mars, but when we inhabit communities again. 18:35:25, 2014-07-06
- Being missed in the short term feels like it affirms my connection to another human being, but in the long term, it ends up feeling tragic. 17:22:50, 2014-07-06
- Do you care about the energy and climate impacts of food? Then stop talking about food-miles: http://t.co/w0sr57rRKs http://t.co/Yl4uhDrFRM 14:26:29, 2014-07-06
- With the hostel in Frasier closed, my annual Rollins Pass ride might have to turn into a Rocky Mountain Randonnée… https://t.co/OQLxDcgXij 11:28:15, 2014-07-06
- Nice long dirt ride up to the Peak to Peak highway and back all day Saturday with Amy of the Picklebricolage… http://t.co/rs47cZ9mVX 09:18:39, 2014-07-06
- RT @mrmoneymustache: Hey @egocarshare, any plans to expand to Longmont? Hundreds of us here would love a car share! @BicycleLongmont http:/… 23:05:27, 2014-07-05
- Summer sunset concert at Chautauqua. Bela Fleck on banjo. Sadly @colochautauqua seems intent on keeping the sliders closed from now on. 20:41:08, 2014-07-05
- RT @Naparstek: We *should* be using fossil fuel profits (and taxes) to fund alternative energy sources, technologies and advocacy. http:/… 00:01:51, 2014-07-05
- RT @lessig: That's it. We did it. For US. For @aaronsw. Tears, and sleep, and endless thanks. #MayDayPAC http://t.co/wULvKvIv73 23:47:05, 2014-07-04
- RT @Max_Fisher: 1. What is Amtrak
Amtrak is a heavily-subsidized rail service with Russian quality at Swiss prices. It is the shame of the… 23:40:46, 2014-07-04
- RT @MasalaCoop: Huge inter-co-op showing for Picklebric's America Day celebration. Blessing the bread: http://t.co/cxbGJg8eQS 23:39:38, 2014-07-04
- RT @MasalaCoop: Some early season garden goodies. Cilantro, mizuna, radishes. Soon the tomato tsunami will begin! http://t.co/dJBKAVFQ7Q 16:26:44, 2014-07-04
- A cool blog exploring cooperative living in the Bay Area: http://t.co/Unln1dJCgl 15:06:13, 2014-07-04
- What do psychedelic mushrooms really do? http://t.co/Xsr1u0ja0x 13:38:14, 2014-07-04
- RT @RL_Miller: I don't get why North Carolinians are so worred re #Arthur. Can't they just pass a law declaring that storm surge won't happ… 13:31:58, 2014-07-04
- @ericmbudd @BoulderParking Yeah, I’ve never understood why we seem most intent on making parking free on the days with highest demand. in reply to ericmbudd 13:21:14, 2014-07-04
- .@MayOneUS needs about $1000 per minute for the next 15 hours to reach $5M goal & continue fight against SuperPACs: https://t.co/Z4BkdNIVnM 13:10:42, 2014-07-04
- @ericmbudd There’s a big east-facing plateau between the trailhead at the end of University Ave. and the first road overlook. Good views. in reply to ericmbudd 12:59:05, 2014-07-04
- Declare independence from corporate elections! Help the @MayOneUS SuperPAC end SuperPACs! $5M matching $ at stake: https://t.co/Z4BkdNIVnM 12:45:35, 2014-07-04
- Hmm, looks like I needed to catch up on some sleep. 11:36:20, 2014-07-04
- RT @MasalaCoop: Gonna celebrate our cooperative interdependence with a little Picklebricolage this evening, then hike up Flagstaff to watch… 11:35:22, 2014-07-04
- Indulging in (yet) another vicarious bike build… leaving a trail of @surlybikes & @Vanguard_Group accts in my wake. http://t.co/SV9Xl02LOx 17:50:33, 2014-07-03
- RT @schmangee: There's some kind of word for this. Something bias … The everything-will-be-the-same-in-the-future bias, when we know for … 12:50:54, 2014-07-03
- RT @schmangee: Like "look at this adorable kid arguing we shouldn't repeat our failures, over and over and over. Yeah, right!" 12:50:46, 2014-07-03
- RT @schmangee: Sometimes, trying to explain to people that we don't have to do transportation the way we've done it in the past, is like sp… 12:50:41, 2014-07-03
- I'm starting to wonder with what frequency I really want to fall in love. 00:57:58, 2014-07-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: I don’t suppose anybody else out there has already liberated the @FERC data collected from major utilities in Form 1 o… 16:25:43, 2014-07-02
- @andrew_leach @ericmbudd Issues seem related to having a volumetric market, in which some players have only non-volumetric costs. in reply to andrew_leach 15:18:34, 2014-07-02
- @ericmbudd you might want to follow @andrew_leach in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:05:40, 2014-07-02
- @soto97 I dunno… that tribal orgy/rave scene in the 2nd Matrix movie looked pretty sweet, actually… in reply to soto97 15:02:42, 2014-07-02
- Zeroing out the marginal cost of production weirds economics. Not just movies & music, renewable energy too: http://t.co/zcdtDyVjSg 15:01:44, 2014-07-02
- @soto97 Bleak, and sweaty. Air conditioning as life support system. Xenoforming the Homeworld… in reply to soto97 14:48:58, 2014-07-02
- The not-so-tiny problem with tiny houses: http://t.co/j1l9VBLWtU All I can say is: Duh. 10:43:46, 2014-07-02
- RT @NASA: LAUNCH! of #OCO2 — our 1st mission dedicated to studying atmospheric carbon dioxide. Watch: http://t.co/CRIMw5oD5v http://t.co/W… 05:39:27, 2014-07-02
- @bruteforceblog Seriously. Seems like a no-brainer for any oligarch worth his salt… in reply to bruteforceblog 00:09:34, 2014-07-02
- “Show me a highly unequal society, and I’ll show you a police state. Or an uprising.” Police FTW! #PlutocratProblems
http://t.co/emwUtz3uj2 00:08:06, 2014-07-02 - Unclear to me why this billionaire thinks his peers won’t opt for a police state over a pitchfork wielding uprising:
http://t.co/emwUtz3uj2 23:59:58, 2014-07-01 - RT @voxdotcom: Here's an UPDATED map of the countries where the pill is fully subsidized (it includes Iran) http://t.co/UQUVdLr7WY http://t… 23:47:19, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd Though if it serves as negative cost social entertainment (as it does for me a bit), there’s a role for it. Just not scalable. in reply to ericmbudd 21:32:27, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd We gotta get that Diagonal Bikeway built or you’re going to have an aneurism. in reply to ericmbudd 21:30:36, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd Suspect there is a problematic element of “more profitable… but smaller” in there somewhere. As with energy services utilities. in reply to ericmbudd 21:29:31, 2014-07-01
- @soto97 You’ve seen this PNAS paper, no? http://t.co/FEUV26gf3V Under runaway climate scenario, something like 1/2 of Earth = uninhabitable. in reply to soto97 18:45:08, 2014-07-01
- @CommunityCycles If you’re feeling engaged… ask @BoulderColorado City Council to make this kind of event easier in public (non-mall) spaces! in reply to CommunityCycles 18:31:54, 2014-07-01
- RT @CommunityCycles: Short indie bike films & some esoteric brews from @newbelgium next Friday 7/11. All proceeds go to @CommunityCycles! h… 18:28:52, 2014-07-01
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: .@BLMColorado climate #fail MT @ClimateWest: #BLM schedules CO #coal lease ignoring coal exports & #carbon pollution h… 16:28:51, 2014-07-01
- @sugarmags3 @ericmbudd At least it lets us know you care 😉 in reply to sugarmags3 15:09:59, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd Luxury or an alternative opiate of the masses. Better than TV b/c it contains no corporate memetic poison, but still distracting. in reply to ericmbudd 15:09:34, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd The attraction to time/labor intensive DIY projects (e.g. backyard chickens), w/o attacking our centralized systemic failures. in reply to ericmbudd 14:50:55, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd It’s not a coincidence that I have “free” time to spend on civic engagement. It’s a choice. A priority. Over backyard chickens… in reply to ericmbudd 14:47:21, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd And this is *exactly* why I am so down on the new-homesteader mentality. Low-value time-sinks that do not create systemic change. in reply to ericmbudd 14:46:03, 2014-07-01
- Under-appreciated radical act: Achieving financial autonomy on modest income by limiting consumption enables your own deep civic engagement. 14:42:46, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd Radical Frugality FTW… enough money to live on, and enough free time to tell the system to go fuck itself in an organized way. in reply to ericmbudd 14:25:28, 2014-07-01
- Our energy & material economies aren’t looking for least cost solutions, they seek most easily externalized & deferred cost options. 14:09:04, 2014-07-01
- @ericmbudd Maybe because there are vast, multi-billion dollar industries dedicated to encouraging people to make bad financial choices? in reply to ericmbudd 12:29:48, 2014-07-01
- RT @MarianSwain: There are only 8 GMO crops in the US: Corn (field and sweet), Soybeans, Cotton, Canola, Alfalfa, Sugar Beets, Papaya, Squa… 21:31:26, 2014-06-30
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: It’s like @FERC is trying to comply with an open-data mandate as begrudgingly as humanly possible. Coincidence? http:/… 16:09:26, 2014-06-30
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The @FERC sayeth: “The Form 1 software has been tested … with Windows 2000, Windows 95 and Windows 98” and also “If yo… 16:01:50, 2014-06-30
- @fishnette #BoulderProblems in reply to fishnette 15:53:47, 2014-06-30
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Uh, @FERC your data is in an unsupported format older than our interns… which when output results in an image of a tab… 15:38:55, 2014-06-30
- If @IamOCO2 launch goes well tonight, we can start mapping global carbon sources & sinks. Very important bookkeeping: http://t.co/SEzHNEPZF4 15:18:03, 2014-06-30
- Bank manager had to step away to run payroll. She said “We still have to pay people to work here unfortunately. At least it’s not my money!" 12:31:55, 2014-06-30
- #SCOTUS is highlighting how dumb it is to have employer sponsored healthcare. Right? So we’ll vote for single payer? http://t.co/E0ZuMh6eeM 11:07:53, 2014-06-30
- @ericmbudd HULK SMASH LOOMS! in reply to ericmbudd 10:57:40, 2014-06-30
- The @nytimes reporter who penned that Blackwater piece now faces prison for refusing to disclose (unrelated) sources: http://t.co/JmPS9qMMsj 02:46:44, 2014-06-30
- Blackwater threatened to kill a US official in Iraq for investigating company misconduct, before the Nisour massacre: http://t.co/PWxKbZOFBt 02:44:47, 2014-06-30
- I never see anybody else biking up Flagstaff at night, but the divide is so pretty silhouetted by the stars. 01:13:59, 2014-06-30
- California looking to nix automotive Level of Service (LOS) as transportation metric. How about Boulder too? http://t.co/k5sPEGhcGn 16:46:08, 2014-06-29
- Yet another good overview of @DonaldShoup’s High Cost of Free Parking, this time from @josephstromberg at @voxdotcom http://t.co/yKXChCAJcL 11:40:15, 2014-06-29
- If you’re crazy enough to buy a new car on credit, make it an EV & bundle it w/ PV & home EE upgrades: @SnuggHome https://t.co/c6Lv1xjVt0 15:07:45, 2014-06-28
- Drinking lemonade and caging rambling tomatoes. http://t.co/X0Ijs1MNuZ 14:28:29, 2014-06-28
- RT @CommunityCycles: An inspirational article on how to move truly large things by bike from @mrmoneymustache out in Longmont: http://t.co/… 00:54:31, 2014-06-28
- Manipulating the emotions of hundreds of thousands of Facebook users FOR SCIENCE… http://t.co/gf0NlujqoN (Next up: for fun and profit.) 00:02:19, 2014-06-28
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: GHG emissions broken into sectors & sub-categories, look at that, biggest rectangle goes to passenger vehicles in CA. h… 23:53:51, 2014-06-27
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: Afternoon ritual burning of ancient limited pools of energy to move metal shells away from the sea at a snails pace. ht… 23:51:50, 2014-06-27
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: Anyone who is not up to task of pushing back on our car culture even a little bit, they are just not serious about Cali… 23:50:00, 2014-06-27
- There’s something satisfying about putting the co-op’s address down as the official address for a political campaign committee. 09:22:39, 2014-06-27
- A realtime visualization of global cyberattacks? Really? http://t.co/gnrpQy0TpP 17:19:28, 2014-06-26
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: An overview of US utility decoupling policies from 2009… is there anything more recent out there? http://t.co/zni8F50W… 17:17:57, 2014-06-26
- RT @RMEnergyTracker: ICYMI: 2013 #Wind contracts in Midwest hit “lowest prices we have ever seen in the U.S.” http://t.co/BNeRChFvom http:/… 17:06:09, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Discontinuous change scares the crap out of me. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:45:05, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Certainly exists in city planning context too… incumbent NIMBYs, facing demand for different kinds of cities, holding out. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:44:52, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Mostly thinking about it now in context of utility regulation. Overhangs from defunct biz models w/ cash + regulatory capture. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:43:58, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen I think it’s mine. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone else had come up with it too though. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:42:07, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Overhangs created by incumbent resistance also lead to more discontinuous and dislocating change when it finally happens. in reply to AlexSteffen 22:47:19, 2014-06-25
- Boss just stormed in, spandex clad. Guess it’s Bike to Work day. Funny. Kinda just felt like a normal day… 10:27:18, 2014-06-25
- Decoupling is just a means to an end, of creating utilities in the biz of helping people use less energy while getting more (ha!) utility. 14:07:40, 2014-06-24
- Utility revenue decoupling alone isn’t enough. Splitting total system cost evenly across all customers would be “decoupled” & also awful. 14:05:51, 2014-06-24
- What is “enough” in the context of a #highenergyplanet? 2kW/person is ~20 human equivalents, working 24/7. Where do we draw the line? 12:48:24, 2014-06-24
- Juno Reactor + 215 pages of wonktastic utility decoupling goodness courtesy of CPUC 14AL-0660E. Makes me kind of tingly all over. 12:23:05, 2014-06-24
- I'm starting to wonder if "complicated" isn't just another way of saying "intimate" 00:27:38, 2014-06-24
- I’m about to go on @WBAI to talk about coal supplies & economics for @ClnEnergyAction. Will be on @pacificaradio tomorrow noon-ish I think… 17:26:20, 2014-06-23
- @ericmbudd Oh. I read one book of hers. That was enough. in reply to ericmbudd 16:38:05, 2014-06-23
- My dudes include: Carl Sagan, Edward Abbey, @VaclavSmil, Kim Stanley Robinson, @AlexSteffen, Jan Gehl… 16:33:35, 2014-06-23
- Putting together a list of my influences & suggested reading. It’s very male. What women should I read on humanity’s place in the universe? 16:31:15, 2014-06-23
- Risk oblivion = high variance: @GSElevator: #1: The most and least successful people all share the same trait: thinking they’re never wrong. 15:31:13, 2014-06-23
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Hank Paulson, former head of @GSElevator er Goldman Sachs, on pricing the enormous but fuzzy risks of climate change: … 23:22:27, 2014-06-22
- Scouting for an adventure. Sunset over the mist shrouded continental divide. Come out and play with me. http://t.co/oyh5BFRciW 22:06:25, 2014-06-22
- I am indescribably happy to be part of the co-op community in Boulder. Thank you for existing. 15:17:29, 2014-06-22
- @ericmbudd What is it you wish we would build but don’t have the cash for? https://t.co/B5xwGqVQrS in reply to ericmbudd 15:16:24, 2014-06-22
- So we might as well do our best to get them to build the right kind of bubbles. 03:35:01, 2014-06-21
- Sometimes a bubble leaves behind valuable infrastructure. Railroads. Dark fiber. Gifts to the public from misallocated private capital. 03:09:08, 2014-06-21
- Are people who grow up poor or female more risk averse? If so, would it be a problem for civilization that mostly rich dudes run things? 02:18:41, 2014-06-21
- Feed-in-Tariffs are simple… but to stay effective they require constant adjustment, which is politically difficult: http://t.co/usbT44JY1q 02:48:27, 2014-06-20
- Why does it feel better when something has a nice latin sounding name, even if it still hurts? Cervical Radiculopathy. Bleah. 02:20:25, 2014-06-20
- @trueanomalies What?!? Only just a few months ago? They’re wonderful with binoculars in the desert… in reply to trueanomalies 22:03:23, 2014-06-19
- @kelseykccody And the rent is too damn high! http://t.co/CA8bIjU3ON in reply to kelseykccody 22:00:29, 2014-06-19
- RT @WIRED: A new kind of bike lane that could save lives and make cycling more popular http://t.co/z8VXgFXRP5 http://t.co/aYaOm9r28H 21:54:39, 2014-06-19
- It's always entertaining to watch other scientists advocate against scientists advocating. @CIRESnews 13:50:45, 2014-06-19
- 3) Then the question isn't whether investment in mitigation hurts "The Economy" or not, it's about what kind of economy we actually want. 12:27:28, 2014-06-19
- 2) This becomes especially interesting if you're willing to admit that costs are a function of subjective risk tolerance/time preferences. 12:27:15, 2014-06-19
- 1) Do people really think that carbon pricing is a macroeconomic downer if the revenues are spent on negative-cost emissions mitigation? 12:26:56, 2014-06-19
- Small is both green and affordable. Why not allow downsizing in place by making a big home into two smaller ones? http://t.co/QSXyLCmVBi 08:58:34, 2014-06-19
- If China wants to subsidize our solar, why don't we let them? via @nelderini: http://t.co/NiHv23GWj9 http://t.co/ww1Nr8SWYU in reply to nelderini 14:59:58, 2014-06-18
- You can double street activity by doubling the number of people who come, or just doubling how long they stay: http://t.co/Nwfl1P1Z2a 14:43:23, 2014-06-18
- @ericmbudd of course, the other side I that is the hedonic adaptation of the West. We use 5x the energy required for a good life. in reply to ericmbudd 11:46:55, 2014-06-18
- Sadly the co-op herb garden just got whacked. Weed whacked, that is. The problem with #outsourcing… http://t.co/Pd1cjR2mNS 11:25:53, 2014-06-18
- @pc0101 @astro_alex Ugh, wow, that's not the greatest search interface… Is it indexed by the Google? Maybe I can use their search by image… in reply to PC0101 11:06:39, 2014-06-18
- RT @JeffSpeckAICP: This just in on Climate Change: http://t.co/u5s7pByfkC 11:02:37, 2014-06-18
- @ericmbudd Problem is much of the world is still on the part of the curve where *more* energy is vital, thus that graph I retweeted earlier. in reply to ericmbudd 11:01:54, 2014-06-18
- @ericmbudd Maybe talk to @bouldergobldr and see what racks they went with for the downtown bike station at @RideRTD transit center. in reply to ericmbudd 11:00:00, 2014-06-18
- @ericmbudd Energy will always be necessary, but I think the proportion of growth/productivity it's responsible for could change dramatically in reply to ericmbudd 10:58:38, 2014-06-18
- @ericmbudd How about https://t.co/krD001iPuY or https://t.co/K39zdLfEhU in reply to ericmbudd 10:56:21, 2014-06-18
- @ericmbudd Time to double-deck that shit. Like every train station in Germany and the Netherlands… in reply to ericmbudd 10:52:54, 2014-06-18
- Utilities pass both risks & costs on to customers, but risks don't show up on your bill. What if they did? http://t.co/ADEg7X7gxO 10:47:37, 2014-06-18
- A great overview of induced traffic demand from @Wired. The more people who understand feedback loops the better! http://t.co/SxqEhpqPdu 10:38:19, 2014-06-18
- Gonna have a little Skype chat with @greenman3610 about US coal costs & supplies. Fast track to fame and fortune? Ha! cc @ClnEnergyAction 08:52:00, 2014-06-18
- .@SustRevLgmt is hosting an event tonight on a new co-housing community taking shape in Longmont, CO: http://t.co/B8I4bBSaUm 08:47:16, 2014-06-18
- Hedonic adaptation is a blessing in hard times, but an easily exploitable curse when the living's easy. The fountain of our unlimited wants. 08:33:50, 2014-06-18
- RT @RogerPielkeJr: The attache graph shows carbon intensity of global energy consumption 1965-2013.
Discussion: http://t.co/VlS46gjyfd http… 08:24:55, 2014-06-18 - RT @Astro_Alex: Look at what a fragile, thin layer of air protects our #BlueDot http://t.co/CCeY9W7AI8 23:27:53, 2014-06-17
- @astro_alex Are the full resolution versions of the awesome earth pics you take posted somewhere? Would make great desktop wallpapers. in reply to Astro_Alex 23:27:10, 2014-06-17
- In which I try to explain split incentives & unpriced utility fuel cost risks to a lay audience. Riiiight. Good luck: http://t.co/ADEg7X7gxO 16:47:03, 2014-06-17
- RT @bradplumer: SolarCity is planning to build one of the largest solar manufacturing plants in the world in New York: http://t.co/VBUzknTl… 16:25:24, 2014-06-17
- @kelseykccody Yeah, it's a bootstrapping problem. Which I think FITs do a good job of addressing, personally. in reply to kelseykccody 16:24:26, 2014-06-17
- @laplacanancy We're gonna do another two of them one in Boulder this summer and then a CU student focused one in the fall. in reply to laplacanancy 14:46:50, 2014-06-17
- @energycollectiv Just FYI, you're getting some weird HTML escaped characters in your tweets. Dunno if it's easy to fix. in reply to EnergyCollectiv 14:46:01, 2014-06-17
- @garyridesbikes i.e. > $100/bbl, with further exploration and development being a total waste of money, given necessary carbon budgets? in reply to GaryRidesBikes 13:32:19, 2014-06-17
- RT @alexgdodds: "People are willing to pay 74% more for office space in a walkable, urban neighborhood than in an office park." #FootTraffi… 13:27:11, 2014-06-17
- Which is why feed-in-tariffs (fixed ROI based on costs at time of construction) don't seem completely crazy. 13:02:02, 2014-06-17
- Except that much of what drives the decline in pricing is economies of scale and the learning curve that comes with more deployment. 13:00:47, 2014-06-17
- If the cost of the resource declines over time, the profitable thing to do would seem to be to wait and build it later. 12:59:59, 2014-06-17
- Deploying capital to build wind & solar power strikes me as similar to the problem of spurring investment in a deflationary environment. 12:58:50, 2014-06-17
- Let the vertical integration of Big Solar begin: @SolarCity buys Silevo to scale up production of high efficiency PV: http://t.co/rEsOuHBQCG 10:32:22, 2014-06-17
- RT @marynewsom: Dan Burden: We need to stop thinking people don't want density. "What they don't want to do is live in ugly places." #doabl… 10:14:52, 2014-06-17
- @andrew_leach If $ from carbon pricing was used to fund cost-effective energy efficiency, would it still be a macroeconomic drag? in reply to andrew_leach 10:10:17, 2014-06-17
- RT @CommunityCycles: @BoulderWalkBike Today 5% of proceeds at @IdealMarket will go to @CommunityCycles.We'll also have free mini bike tune-… 10:04:30, 2014-06-17
- RT @CommunityCycles: Looking forward to talking carbon-zero transportation w/ some of you at tonight's @ClnEnergyAction speakeasy! https://… 17:00:40, 2014-06-16
- Good use of gas… @EnergyCollectiv: Barclays throwing Gasoline on the Fire that is Battle Between Utilities & Solar… http://t.co/AIg1qlcu9y in reply to EnergyCollectiv 16:29:58, 2014-06-16
- @ericmbudd @bouldercolorado I knew there was a reason I didn't like that area… There's hope for the right half at least. cc @BoulderParking in reply to ericmbudd 14:10:54, 2014-06-16
- Coal's on the ropes in the US, but in Asia it be like… BURN MOAR!!! http://t.co/PfyXvQaxND http://t.co/MT8qOfu0ns @KenCaldeira #Xenoforming in reply to KenCaldeira 12:55:33, 2014-06-16
- Looking at oil alone, companies responsible for 39% of non-OPEC production spend nearly $400B/yr on exploration: http://t.co/qgWMiIXeTa 11:10:29, 2014-06-16
- If the entire fossil carbon industry redirected those capital flows, it would represent a HUGE influx of cash for zero-carbon energy. 11:08:32, 2014-06-16
- Were last year's failed BLM coal lease auctions in Wyoming's Powder River Basin the first wave of that kind of capital reallocation? 11:04:36, 2014-06-16
- In world with a carbon budget, much money going to find new carbon reserves today would be better directed toward other energy investments. 11:03:14, 2014-06-16
- Good overview of the carbon bubble. We need to stop spending money searching for expensive new stranded assets: http://t.co/ayUhZbTu9v 10:47:32, 2014-06-16
- @alicebowslarkin Shipping is just one small part of the (interesting) talk, but it got me thinking about a pretty different kind of industry in reply to alicebowslarkin 10:20:26, 2014-06-16
- @alicebowslarkin @KevinClimate Reminds me of Sneakernet, but for bulk commodities… https://t.co/p8MHFgJPpJ https://t.co/YM03jN6Pnn 10:13:33, 2014-06-16
- @alicebowslarkin @KevinClimate Have you seen Kim Stanley Robinson's talk mentioning high latency, high throughput wind-powered shipping? 10:12:20, 2014-06-16
- RT @andrew_leach: I await the @aaronwherry blog on why Shell wants to kill jobs and how they don't understand the energy business like our … 09:26:06, 2014-06-16
- RT @andrew_leach: From Shell. RT @davidshellblog: Here are the top ten reasons why business should love a price on carbon. http://t.co/728l… 09:25:59, 2014-06-16
- @farkastime86 This is an at-reply, it's public, but only seen by someone who follows both of us, or goes to the author's profile directly. in reply to farkastime86 08:51:50, 2014-06-15
- @farkastime86 Don't worry Timmy Swimmy, you'll figure it out. Just get a few interesting folks in your feed, and branch out from there. in reply to farkastime86 08:50:03, 2014-06-15
- RT @interfluidity: if tornadic supercell thunderstorms didn’t actually exist, we’d laugh em off as corny special fx RT @SeanSchoferTVN: htt… 08:46:19, 2014-06-15
- @BldrFoodRescue or maybe you like this one better… http://t.co/dNCnTDO4a5 21:08:05, 2014-06-14
- 250lbs of @BldrFoodRescue from @luckysmarket headed to the Boulder Housing Coalition co-ops. http://t.co/wfxaMuWDDA 21:06:49, 2014-06-14
- .@XcelEnergyCO complains about how #Boulder has more than it's fair share of solar installed, at 140W/person. Germany has 440W/person. 17:29:37, 2014-06-13
- @brucenilles Ha! Vintage. Maybe they'll start showing up on @etsy soon. in reply to brucenilles 17:18:33, 2014-06-13
- The Full Moon Feast is upon us! Hooray for summer! Bicycle exodus and sundry mayhem to commence at 9pm. Weather looks like it'll be perfect. 16:24:14, 2014-06-13
- @badastronomer I leave Boulder so infrequently (at least going east) that I sometimes forget about the divide. And then I'm like, whoa. in reply to BadAstronomer 15:05:46, 2014-06-13
- Step 1 (in #Boulder): make it legal for more than 3 people to live together. @Shareable: How to start a housing coop: http://t.co/2DPa5TIarq in reply to Shareable 13:58:07, 2014-06-13
- @trueanomalies It's beavers, all the way down… in reply to trueanomalies 10:13:09, 2014-06-13
- @sugarmags3 I think they probably meant MOAR INDUSTRY in reply to sugarmags3 10:11:37, 2014-06-13
- Now if only I could make this story about offering certainty-equivalent prices to utility rate payers digestible to 4th graders. 08:54:42, 2014-06-13
- @ericmbudd "Oh my god. It's made of word problems." in reply to ericmbudd 08:49:47, 2014-06-13
- At their best, calculations are just stories, made out of math. 08:46:31, 2014-06-13
- RT @ericmbudd: #notallcars RT @BicycleLobby: Cars ruin everything, but no one thinks his car ruins anything. And therein lies the problem. 08:32:09, 2014-06-13
- @profsufi @ericmbudd Well hey, at least we can sell the cars for scrap… in reply to profsufi 08:31:47, 2014-06-13
- RT @scottholton: Multi-lane one-way streets destroy cities. New study shows converting to two-way reverses this http://t.co/QnCpseA85E #bou… 08:30:19, 2014-06-13
- Our roles as "consumers" & citizens are very different: MT @wejamencona: brief summary of where we're at as a society http://t.co/SutsjaH6fI in reply to wejamencona 23:16:47, 2014-06-12
- RT @EricHolthaus: Correx: Oil prices spike to new 2014 high over Iraq fears http://t.co/BBCA73olPd (all-time high still ~$40 away) http://t… 16:56:18, 2014-06-12
- @ericmbudd I'll definitely be having a party if we get to $5/gallon gas. You are invited. in reply to ericmbudd 16:38:20, 2014-06-12
- RT @CostaSamaras: Converted to 2013 dollars, @nelderini's chart shows #NatGas prices in the power sector moving up to pre-shale levels. htt… 16:16:56, 2014-06-12
- RT @AlexSteffen: Claiming an object's sentient if it can trick people into believing it's a person seems ridiculous when people see faces o… 14:09:00, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Sure, but I think that larger context is valuable, & significantly blunts the @EPA & Shale Gas vs. Coal Miners narrative. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:46:42, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Slightly less extreme example: between 1960 and 2000, production more than doubled, employment more than halved. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:44:56, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy > 90% of US coal mining jobs were lost between 1920 and 2000, even as production nearly doubled. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:42:16, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Combination of non-zero baseline, very short timeline obscuring long-term secular trend, & narrative of piece feels deceptive. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:40:20, 2014-06-12
- Another monopoly begging to be taken down: RT @meltzere #Boulder seeks authority to create citywide broadband network http://t.co/PlYhXDw5T9 in reply to meltzere 13:35:29, 2014-06-12
- So if there's a War on Miners, it's been waged for nearly a century, primarily by a mining industry trying to lower production costs. 13:29:47, 2014-06-12
- Also, US coal mine jobs have been in "free fall" since… 1920, due to mechanization @SNLEnergy http://t.co/KmgzecgaJ5 http://t.co/HvjQXtm5Q2” 13:27:21, 2014-06-12
- Great case study in deceptive charts. Note that baseline is far from zero. @SNLEnergy http://t.co/KmgzecgaJ5 http://t.co/HvjQXtm5Q2” 13:25:06, 2014-06-12
- RT @tchu88: do you love cities, design, tech, govt, and how they smoosh together? apply to be a 2015 @codeforamerica fellow! http://t.co/xq… 13:15:44, 2014-06-12
- RT @EnergyCollectiv: Geology and markets are the ones waging war on #coal. @ZaneSelvans http://t.co/AtYepyO8ed 12:23:48, 2014-06-12
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: .@buildresilience & @postcarbon picked up our piece on markets & geology waging #WarOnCoal (w/ no help from @EPA) htt… 09:20:44, 2014-06-12
- RT @bouldergobldr: 13th Street bike lane closed from Cedar to Balsam avenues, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today & tomorrow for @zayogroup project. htt… 09:04:15, 2014-06-12
- So, #Boulder, which camp are we in? RT @conradhackett Conserv. want big houses, libs want walkable 'hoods http://t.co/N5Xh6uNh5L" 23:11:05, 2014-06-11
- @AlexSteffen hard to avoid feeling a little jaded that "The Economy" wants me to do useless crap. Or worse, just be evil. in reply to AlexSteffen 22:42:42, 2014-06-11
- RT @AlexSteffen: We should tax the value of land—not just buildings on it—to spur development of empty lots + surface parking lots: http://… 22:39:33, 2014-06-11
- @MattdeCaussin reportedly signed an MOU. Indoor/outdoor seasonal performance space for live music to be included w/ the brewpub apparently. in reply to MattdeCaussin 22:28:16, 2014-06-11
- I think next time we gotta have more general mingling time. This was too structured. Best if after the presentations… 20:02:01, 2014-06-11
- Amazing. Safeway owned Broadway & Yarmouth. Blocked from development, they put a covenant on it prohibiting it from ever being a grocer! 19:54:40, 2014-06-11
- Developers are actually afraid that they're required to provide parking that might not be needed… Self driving cars, etc. Unmarketable. 19:42:10, 2014-06-11
- Asked what they think the biggest challenge to the projects are, 2 of the 3 developers say… parking! 19:35:03, 2014-06-11
- Just building the underground parking structure will take more than a year. How much misallocated capital is that? 19:29:19, 2014-06-11
- This is a build and hold development. They are interested in big energy efficiency investments, beyond Boulder's stringent EE code. 19:27:50, 2014-06-11
- 3rd project is Golden Buffs at 28th & Canyon. Gawd, is there anything we can do to humanize this strip mall disaster area intersection? 19:25:18, 2014-06-11
- I wonder what the proposed developments would look like I'd any of these dudes were under 40yrs old. Eh? @scottholton? Why aren't you here? 19:19:42, 2014-06-11
- So much BS developer/architect speak in all this… ignores basic traditional urban design that has worked for thousands of years. Sigh. 19:16:14, 2014-06-11
- The fact that @bouldercolorado makes it a pain in the ass to permit events on public land makes these little semi-private spaces valuable. 19:10:36, 2014-06-11
- .@CommunityCycles made somewhat critical comments on this project, relating to the greenway that passes through the site. 18:58:01, 2014-06-11
- Next, Pearl Place at 30th and Pearl. 300,000sf of office. Right by the underpass to nowhere. For a single prospective tenant. 18:55:55, 2014-06-11
- .@OskarBlues wants to put a brewpub in the old Armory building. Applause! Possible flex space for art gallery, farmers market. 18:51:33, 2014-06-11
- First project, Armory in NoBo, zoning has 0.6 FAR, prohibits any commercial over 5000sf. NoBo is thus denied a grocery store. Great! 18:43:23, 2014-06-11
- Nice intro to #BetterBoulder by @WillToor at our development salon. A collaboration between greens & biz in favor of a human scale city. 18:36:58, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Oh, great. I didn't realize that. And this is at least a cyclocross bike ride I think. 68J is kind of messy. in reply to ericmbudd 15:49:03, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Yes. Yay! It will be fun. So long as they haven't closed Flagstaff for repairs yet. in reply to ericmbudd 15:46:42, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Last time I timed it the loop was 3.5 hours for me… so 8-8:30am? Which is why you should be pre-tired 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 15:45:37, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Sure! If we leave early we could make it up and over Flagstaff to 68J and back via Magnolia in time for Masala Brunch at noon. in reply to ericmbudd 11:37:23, 2014-06-11
- RT @agpublic: Well well well. I hear all the black cabs in London are on strike at the moment, and the streets quiet and peaceful. 11:34:39, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Unrelatedly… when are you and I going to go for a long-ass uphill bike ride on some dirt? Preferably when you're already tired. in reply to ericmbudd 11:33:17, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd "Humans have an almost unlimited capacity for taking things for granted". (Aldous Huxley) in reply to ericmbudd 11:32:30, 2014-06-11
- @alexsteffen But I want to believe! in reply to AlexSteffen 11:23:57, 2014-06-11
- .@Energy_Post has a piece on critical reviews of the @EPA carbon rules, including @ClnEnergyAction’s gentle critique: http://t.co/1fIWz6cbOd 10:06:21, 2014-06-11
- @Energy_Post Thanks 🙂 in reply to Energy_Post 10:04:16, 2014-06-11
- Science and Politics are in an abusive relationship. And they aren’t going to be splitting up any time soon: http://t.co/D0vYyn9XNn 10:04:01, 2014-06-11
- On the internet, plagiarism is the highest form of syndication: http://t.co/Wc7ThqLWHR 09:05:16, 2014-06-11
- RT @BoCoDOT: If you're not part of the flood recovery effort in Jamestown, please avoid the area. They're working hard to get the town up a… 08:29:10, 2014-06-11
- @Energy_Post Hey, thanks for the quotes/links… minor quibble: my last name is Selvans, not Elvans (no offense to the elves… 😉 in reply to Energy_Post 08:28:41, 2014-06-11
- Down she goes! @dailycamera http://t.co/8NMu7caf2F 18:57:02, 2014-06-10
- Of course, that puts utility-scale solar at $50-60/MWh as of 2013, which suggests the linear trend is unlikely to continue for much longer… 15:15:26, 2014-06-10
- Whoa. Utility scale solar PPA prices dropped by $25/MWh annually since 2006: http://t.co/ml0cCpQtk0 @BerkeleyLab http://t.co/SDmGM6XhZi 15:00:15, 2014-06-10
- How can #Boulder not want more of this awesomeness? @aurbanist: #Portland is experienced on its streets, by walking. http://t.co/KT7ILM8dm8 11:15:52, 2014-06-10
- In all of the USA, it’s about 1M, right @egocarshare? MT @AlexSteffen More than 750k Berliners use car-sharing. http://t.co/J8HJZ0EirU 11:13:03, 2014-06-10
- Portraits of neoprimitives in two flavors: Pleistocene and Victorian: https://t.co/wyqiI3uyZ7 (see also the photos of traditional humans) 10:02:15, 2014-06-10
- When I read this kind of @DailyCamera column, I always think of Garth from Wayne’s World: https://t.co/VLUJmD0xvZ http://t.co/2NRleesqKl 09:16:24, 2014-06-10
- Yet another reason I love not owning a car… RT @StreetsblogUSA: @gabe_klein: People spend more time looking for parking than having sex. 08:57:11, 2014-06-10
- @BuzzFeedAndrew @jonward11 Amazes me that anybody trusts any TV news. All. So. Vapid. in reply to BuzzFeedAndrew 08:24:34, 2014-06-10
- @JesseJenkins @cwhope I’ve also wondered if/why a carbon price resulting in negative cost GHG mitigation would be expected to reduce GDP. in reply to JesseJenkins 08:08:19, 2014-06-10
- @cwhope @JesseJenkins don’t know that BC’s C$30/ton price qualifies as “high”. Probably modest GHG/GDP too, w/ all that hydro. in reply to cwhope 08:05:31, 2014-06-10
- .@RideRTD is offering a free trial (10-ride ticket book) to anyone who fills out a transit survey: http://t.co/yHMYXIF3qG via @36commuting 07:55:02, 2014-06-10
- .@neil21 for one welcomes our robotaxi overlords… in part because they cannibalize a car-owning/parking constituency: http://t.co/ErDSwwp8XR 22:22:26, 2014-06-09
- RT @KenCaldeira: How we died, year 1900 and today. @agingroy Let's hope those antibiotics keep working! http://t.co/g5Cr0fl79G 20:17:03, 2014-06-09
- So Boulder is looking at banning smoking on all trails, bike paths, transit stops, all of downtown, all parks… Is this aimed at transients? 20:16:18, 2014-06-09
- This 28th St. thing is based on a CEAP approved in 2001. Yowza. We are in a different planning regime now. Is this really still valid? 19:22:48, 2014-06-09
- Stealth road capacity increases in the CIP? Especially on state highways like North 28th St. But hopefully we can re-dedicate it to BRT… 19:22:12, 2014-06-09
- I’m also not a fan of the LOS metric — we need comprehensive and mode-agnostic metrics, and LOS is neither. cf: http://t.co/jayf4fkAPt 19:07:45, 2014-06-09
- One member of TAB isn’t up for supporting the draft TMP w/o an exemption on traffic congestion for downtown (i.e. traffic is ok downtown). 18:59:00, 2014-06-09
- If you have bad metrics, having long-term “continuity” of those metrics isn’t really worth very much. 18:54:23, 2014-06-09
- I hope it doesn’t hurt city staff’s feelings that I pretty much never make congratulatory comments at TAB. 18:53:42, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Yeah. Any and all. Whatevs. Just reading the TAB packet on the TMP. Not sure they get the “social” part of “social media”. in reply to ericmbudd 16:49:56, 2014-06-09
- RT @dara_west: Interested in sustainable urbanism? Check out the #Boulder development salon @ImpactHubBldr this Wed! http://t.co/GhHFDqbM… 16:49:06, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Would you say that Boulder’s transportation dept. has had an “extensive social media presence” during the TMP update process? 16:47:54, 2014-06-09
- @schmangee Didn’t they do that in Toronto a few years ago? Hopefully this is a prelude to some Southwestern style Rob Ford shenanigans… in reply to schmangee 16:13:41, 2014-06-09
- RT @atrembath: US coal production has fallen by factor of 20 more than coal exports have increased http://t.co/m3YCtueTcf http://t.co/NInid… 16:11:22, 2014-06-09
- Speakeasy Mon. 6/16 5:30pm at @303Vodka w/ @WillToor on Transportation, Land-use, & Boulder’s Climate Commitment: http://t.co/yCi919TQh8 16:04:40, 2014-06-09
- RT @dansinker: exactly. RT @jbenton: On my list of desirable virtual realities, “Bloomberg trader” is somewhere between “medieval serf” & “… 12:18:21, 2014-06-09
- RT @AKAMEDIASYSTEM: @dansinker …all from the back of your Uber, barrelling down the rusted solar roads of New Randia 12:17:32, 2014-06-09
- RT @dansinker: Strap a Bloomberg VR terminal to your face, stuff a tube of soylent down your throat, and just *live* man. 12:17:09, 2014-06-09
- How much would it cost to make solar cheaper than coal? Not sure if he’s right, but I like this kind of cost framing: http://t.co/QqQ4VZYQbD 10:50:12, 2014-06-09
- How can/should scientists engage in policy? Talk at CIRES/CU 6/19: http://t.co/KtyPUntEW3 Sounds meta. Talking about talking about policy. 10:10:53, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd I find it’s great for concentration during the exercise… but the day after is almost entirely useless. in reply to ericmbudd 09:53:11, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Like, there was a tweet from @TheTweetOfGod welcoming @CIA to Twitter last week, and now it’s gone. Maybe deleted? Happens often. in reply to ericmbudd 09:35:20, 2014-06-09
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Never doubt that a large mass of selfish, fossil-fuel-addicted citizens can change the world. One degree at a time. 09:31:37, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd No, I mean non-replies, both on the web and via the Twitter desktop app… let me see if I can find an example… in reply to ericmbudd 09:30:31, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Ahh, okay. Hopefully this is just the irritation of learning new software. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:29:34, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Also, have you noticed that Twitter has started to hide tweets? Real time stream different from timeline on profile page. WTF? in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:28:12, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd What if the user I want to follow isn’t displayed anywhere? How do you just directly go to an account? Preferably sans mouse. in reply to ericmbudd 09:26:28, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Say I want to go directly to a user profile and follow it as one of my 3 accounts. Is there an easy way? in reply to ericmbudd 09:24:44, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Were you saying you use TweetDeck? Trying it now, and it’s kind of driving me nuts. 09:22:18, 2014-06-09
- And this is why I call it Xenoforming the Homeworld: https://t.co/mKv1LVdlO3 22:45:30, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd Have you ridden Fall River Rd. up to Trail Ridge before? Highly recommended. Dirt, but super chill. in reply to ericmbudd 18:21:08, 2014-06-08
- What could @HUDgov be doing to adapt to — or at least acknowledge — the demographic abandonment of the suburbs? http://t.co/LFKZF6J0G9 18:18:30, 2014-06-08
- Realized on my ride to Ned that I often daydream hard to remember, mathematical, non-lexical narratives. e.g. about discount rates. 17:20:43, 2014-06-08
- Is being an athlete about actually being (say) fast, or is it really more an enjoyment of the process of challenge and exhaustion? 11:52:45, 2014-06-08
- It’s just one long improvisation. Not unlike the rest of history. http://t.co/PM6ahdnu1y 11:44:55, 2014-06-08
- As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore… http://t.co/YESuhCstOa 11:00:21, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd Jeezus, the only ride I start at 3-4am is from here to Frasier over Rollins Pass. Where the heck did you go? in reply to ericmbudd 08:58:38, 2014-06-08
- RT @brainpicker: Aldous Huxley on drugs, democracy, and religion http://t.co/ZJyqPgCYuJ http://t.co/NKMVGuiGbP 06:53:09, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd nocturnal taco truck fuelled trans Los Angeles rides. From the hot mountains inland to the cool sea at 3am in July. Empty city. in reply to ericmbudd 06:43:35, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd @ericholthaus Have you read that paper on limits of human adaptability to humid heat? India fares poorly: http://t.co/FEUV26gf3V in reply to ericmbudd 21:31:44, 2014-06-07
- @alexismadrigal @billwasik @reihan Reminds me of lots of @GreatDismal's characters… in reply to alexismadrigal 21:28:33, 2014-06-07
- @ericmbudd @dailycamera @meltzere No, really? #WhodaThunkIt! in reply to ericmbudd 21:22:09, 2014-06-07
- So, Boulder's talking about Parking. Including me, in the @dailycamera: http://t.co/ahUyLC4Eir #NotReadingTheComments 20:59:07, 2014-06-07
- This Maureen Dowd thing is like a teetotaler in 1933 running out, drinking a fifth of gin, & writing about hangovers. http://t.co/KWTxA6B7VI 20:54:17, 2014-06-07
- RT @voxdotcom: Maureen Dowd got so high she skipped her chardonnay — that's a public health win: http://t.co/C87Ne0aM6w 20:43:39, 2014-06-07
- @billwasik @alexismadrigal @reihan We can only hope. "Lifestyles of the Weird and Powerful" sounds like a great reality show to pitch. in reply to billwasik 20:36:17, 2014-06-07
- RT @BrentToderian: 2/2… the engineers often respond "that's just because people behave differently there."
- RT @BrentToderian: When I sometimes ask engineers to explain why great places that don't meet their safety standards actually prove to be s… 20:31:20, 2014-06-07
- RT @myurbangen: In most of the developing world they are in tropical climates so bicycles don't have to deal with winter. -@EnriquePenalosa… 20:30:30, 2014-06-07
- @kcbecker @kdvr Booooo! 🙁 in reply to kcbecker 20:26:12, 2014-06-07
- RT @stevemouzon: one idea of #LeanUrbanism is to bring "gaming the system" resources to small parties, not just the big boys
@andres_duany … 20:24:54, 2014-06-07 - RT @stevemouzon: the big guys with the big projects can amortize the cost and time of gaming the system
@andres_duany #CNU22 #LeanUrbanism 20:24:44, 2014-06-07 - Mmm, hippy speedball followed by a long slow ride up Sugarloaf to Ned, back via Magnolia in the fog, mist, & drizzle. Now I need a burrito. 20:19:49, 2014-06-07
- Actually canceling service: $0/mo + no brain poison #KillYourTV @voxdotcom: How to stop cable co. from overcharging: http://t.co/SWbO8ByjDW in reply to voxdotcom 13:43:06, 2014-06-07
- @mkodransky How do you come to that particular number? (15k/km^2) in reply to mkodransky 13:38:09, 2014-06-07
- RT @GreatDismal: A cast or scan of a single spike allows cheap mass repro of things to be superglued to *many* spikes. Small pink flaccid d… 13:33:52, 2014-06-07
- RT @ethicalpioneer: More anti homeless spikes….so much for community spirit http://t.co/NOoariaEYd 13:33:46, 2014-06-07
- RT @RikAdamski: @stevemouzon They'll realize that they can't copy us on that scale. Let's just hope they don't find this out the hard way. … 13:32:52, 2014-06-07
- RT @stevemouzon: China is setting up to build 100 new cities of 2.5 million people each
Joan Clos #CNU22 13:32:46, 2014-06-07 - Am I out of touch with "reality" or are they out of touch with the possibilities? 08:56:23, 2014-06-07
- The salty sea-dogs and grimy miners of pure electricity… I can't believe this is a real job someone has: https://t.co/zs0rblPn5V via @neil21 22:03:35, 2014-06-06
- @neil21 Holeeee crap, I cannot believe that that is an actual job that someone has. Wow. in reply to neil21 22:01:25, 2014-06-06
- I rode my bike from Boulder to Lafayette. To pick up some free weights. Off of Craigslist. Uh, clearly some kind of @mrmoneymustache fanboy. 21:56:52, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd Can't help but think that cars are just too dangerous to allow — much less functionally require — *everyone* to use them. in reply to ericmbudd 21:11:58, 2014-06-06
- RT @PeterGleick: Will New #Climate Regulations Destroy the Economy? (Hint: No.) http://t.co/AIe1uS2qfq @HuffPostGreen
And this: http://t.c… 21:00:10, 2014-06-06 - @ericmbudd By also stopping for the per in the crosswalk? in reply to ericmbudd 20:53:32, 2014-06-06
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: They say there are no atheists in foxholes, and this is a good argument against atheism. I think it's a better argument … 20:52:43, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @meltzere Depressingly refreshing that @voxdotcom does not allow comments. in reply to ericmbudd 15:06:03, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @meltzere At least, as long as you've already built out your arterial BRT corridors… in reply to ericmbudd 15:04:50, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @meltzere And there's nothing more fun that watching a train wreck! in reply to ericmbudd 15:04:12, 2014-06-06
- Talked with @meltzere on the phone about @BoulderParking policy. I'm sure the @dailycamera comments section will be AWESOME. I can't wait! 14:59:50, 2014-06-06
- RT @alexqgb: @AlexSteffen This word—in this context—should be widely understood as the way people unequipped to lead can be expected to sel… 14:46:04, 2014-06-06
- RT @theturner: People who nodded along to @ezraklein's climate pessimism piece should go read @alexsteffen's feed right now. 14:33:38, 2014-06-06
- My co-workers are plotting a training & protest which culminates in a crowd chanting "Price the Risk!" to a utility. And I'm all verklemt! 13:08:36, 2014-06-06
- @alexsteffen Ugh, the tyranny of "realism". So depressing. Especially when it comes to parking. Which is so totally unreal. in reply to AlexSteffen 12:49:28, 2014-06-06
- @meltzere Happy to talk. Also, @Sightline has a great backgrounder on parking issues up here: http://t.co/PTyvqasamA in reply to meltzere 11:59:59, 2014-06-06
- @meltzere We have no idea how much @BoulderParking we need, because nobody knows how much it costs, so we don't know if we want to buy it. in reply to meltzere 11:57:43, 2014-06-06
- @alexsteffen I had the inverse experience reading @Worldchanging & listening to Saul Griffith @LongNow flipped from fatalism to possibility. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:50:43, 2014-06-06
- .@ceresnews C'mon guys, we all know that's not gonna happen. Because, thermodynamics cf http://t.co/KLGF5qZpD2 cc @KenCaldeira @DrFunkySpoon in reply to CeresNews 11:38:40, 2014-06-06
- Whoops, meant to post the link to that Seattle minimum wage article/interview not the picture: http://t.co/xdinfnSelk 09:58:29, 2014-06-06
- Seattle has a $15 minimum wage thanks to @cmkshama. What would happen if @bouldercolorado did this? via @democracynow http://t.co/JmKJ4n6bLB in reply to democracynow 09:57:02, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @dailycamera @cliffpix @wellsfargo ZOMFG, yes. When will that ridiculous asphalt wasteland finally go? Jeezus. in reply to ericmbudd 09:02:00, 2014-06-06
- There's little I like more than seeing downtown surface parking finally die. @dailycamera (Photo by @cliffpix) http://t.co/mIVdGm4t7p 08:57:39, 2014-06-06
- RT @paulfinchauthor: No-one messed with Stanley Kubrick. http://t.co/SQmFJIgUdA 08:54:07, 2014-06-06
- Sadly our local food co-op @tskboulder is not doing enough business. Please tell board@thesecondkitchen.org what would make you shop there! 08:52:27, 2014-06-06
- @kencaldeira I like to call them xenoforming machines… in reply to KenCaldeira 00:10:33, 2014-06-06
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Coal was already on life support. Because, overburden. Thoughts on the #WarOnCoal & @EPA regs http://t.co/sLfNjZEEiH h… 16:22:32, 2014-06-05
- Seems weird to get criticized for being "ideologically motivated." I mean, what, like consumerism and greed aren't ideologies? 22:58:18, 2014-06-04
- @neil21 please RT any answers you get. This combination isn't intrinsically expensive, and needn't be scarce. I mean, right? in reply to neil21 21:26:38, 2014-06-04
- My new post: If there is a #WarOnCoal it's being waged by geology and the free market… not the @EPA and @BarackObama http://t.co/tSSt84Nklc 17:08:23, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd I went over to @republicwirelss more than a month ago. So far, it's awesome. They've got a sale on 32GB MotoX today/tomorrow… in reply to ericmbudd 16:54:18, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd well, on the upside, that means @republicwirelss might get better coverage… in reply to ericmbudd 16:47:55, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd E.g. HTPE P3 transparency bill. Water bill? Threatening to sue over EPA GHG regs, local fracking issues. What are his battles? in reply to ericmbudd 15:55:15, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd And what are his battles? Because every time we get a bill to him, he seems to veto it. in reply to ericmbudd 15:49:33, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd But what's the point of playing the game, if you're not playing to win? in reply to ericmbudd 15:46:54, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd but sometimes it's not clear why he's bothering to play the game. in reply to ericmbudd 12:02:36, 2014-06-04
- The issue of groundwater mining in my homeland (California's San Joaquin Valley) is finally coming to a head: http://t.co/DlP1KGcCGK 11:09:10, 2014-06-04
- Overheard at the co-op, upon opening of Democratic primary ballot: "Hickenlooper's a democrat?!?" cc: @hickforco 11:01:45, 2014-06-04
- @bouldergobldr why does the little Tebo train think it's okay to drive the wrong way down the 13th St. contraflow bike lane? 10:18:15, 2014-06-04
- Chaotic baklava with milk on top. Part of this complete breakfast? 08:27:10, 2014-06-04
- Alexander Shulgin, 1925-2014: http://t.co/CfMgh5awOF 22:43:44, 2014-06-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Former Gov. Ritter, now of @cnee_csu suggests Colorado will meet the proposed @EPA carbon standards 10 years early: ht… 10:47:48, 2014-06-03
- RT @RogerPielkeJr: My 2 cents on the proposed EPA carbon regulations: http://t.co/tjuYAwl8Au 09:14:59, 2014-06-03
- On the overproduction of bullshit jobs, when really we should just go on more picnics and bike rides: http://t.co/m4ORTB8iFV 19:29:07, 2014-06-02
- @bruteforceblog Now *that* is an idea 🙂 in reply to bruteforceblog 19:16:01, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd Quick! Sell it now! in reply to ericmbudd 19:08:22, 2014-06-02
- Fewer hours, not higher pay! Even more reasons to love the anarcho-syndicalists. Like you needed them. http://t.co/5hKDl4DrYp 19:01:24, 2014-06-02
- Interactive map showing the different state-by-state carbon emissions reduction goals proposed by @EPA: http://t.co/QBw3FI9fvw 17:33:31, 2014-06-02
- .@voxdotcom has one of the better explainers on the new @EPA carbon rules: http://t.co/V15eziNUuk 17:21:24, 2014-06-02
- RT @GreenLaneProj: .@boulderpolice Officer, there's a vehicle blocking the bike lane. Oh, it's your vehicle. http://t.co/e2HbQzpPlv 16:26:50, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd Ah yes. Motordom. in reply to ericmbudd 13:49:22, 2014-06-02
- Huh. If I'm a "co-op enthusiast," I must also be a sustainability & affordable housing enthusiast. I guess they're suburbistan enthusiasts? 13:44:08, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd I'm sure I've already sent you this but… I enjoy re-reading it 🙂 http://t.co/GkkHu33UKW in reply to ericmbudd 13:36:17, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd The Diagonal is next in line for BRT (and separated, paved bikeway!) treatment. Or hey, I hear there's jobs in Boulder too 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 12:57:30, 2014-06-02
- RT @ramez: The cost of reducing pollution (like carbon) is always overestimated. Sometimes by > 10x. http://t.co/QZAKmWqrFO http://t.co/8f0… 12:50:00, 2014-06-02
- @ramez And yet, even at $130B, having an ozone layer would totally be worth it! in reply to ramez 12:46:41, 2014-06-02
- RT @thestile1972: 5) if we don't address the root of the problem (too much pavement to maintain) raising gas tax will just enable a bad sys… 12:37:01, 2014-06-02
- RT @thestile1972: 3) yes, roads & bridges are in disrepair, but building too many roads is a huge reason why we don't have enough money for… 12:36:54, 2014-06-02
- RT @thestile1972: 1) throwing more money at the current [transportation] system is easier politically than taking the time and effort to ac… 12:36:50, 2014-06-02
- New @EPA GHG rules "designed to materially damage the ability of conventional energy sources to provide … power" Yep, that's the idea! 12:34:29, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd With that little mileage, have you at least done the calculation to see if occasional rentals made better economic sense? in reply to ericmbudd 12:08:32, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd But hey, the faster they get to "buildout" the sooner they can start doing hip new brownfield urban infill! in reply to ericmbudd 10:22:34, 2014-06-02
- We've forgotten what the world was like before unions. Antibiotics. Vaccines. History, are we doomed to repeat? http://t.co/Rfl3FSntYJ 18:45:51, 2014-06-01
- @10salamanders Nom, nom, nom… in reply to 10salamanders 13:40:08, 2014-06-01
- OMG, Solar Roads extended their fundraiser. Boondoggle dollars to keep rolling in for 3 more weeks. #EarlyRetirement #SolarRoadRage 08:10:44, 2014-06-01
- Oh Solar Roads, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways: http://t.co/oZOmVLaksj #SolarRoadRage 08:07:06, 2014-06-01
- @ericmbudd I went up and over and back today. Then food and nap on the couch on the verandah. in reply to ericmbudd 00:00:31, 2014-06-01