- @BldrFoodRescue or maybe you like this one better… http://t.co/dNCnTDO4a5 21:08:05, 2014-06-14
- 250lbs of @BldrFoodRescue from @luckysmarket headed to the Boulder Housing Coalition co-ops. http://t.co/wfxaMuWDDA 21:06:49, 2014-06-14
- .@XcelEnergyCO complains about how #Boulder has more than it's fair share of solar installed, at 140W/person. Germany has 440W/person. 17:29:37, 2014-06-13
- @brucenilles Ha! Vintage. Maybe they'll start showing up on @etsy soon. in reply to brucenilles 17:18:33, 2014-06-13
- The Full Moon Feast is upon us! Hooray for summer! Bicycle exodus and sundry mayhem to commence at 9pm. Weather looks like it'll be perfect. 16:24:14, 2014-06-13
- @badastronomer I leave Boulder so infrequently (at least going east) that I sometimes forget about the divide. And then I'm like, whoa. in reply to BadAstronomer 15:05:46, 2014-06-13
- Step 1 (in #Boulder): make it legal for more than 3 people to live together. @Shareable: How to start a housing coop: http://t.co/2DPa5TIarq in reply to Shareable 13:58:07, 2014-06-13
- @trueanomalies It's beavers, all the way down… in reply to trueanomalies 10:13:09, 2014-06-13
- @sugarmags3 I think they probably meant MOAR INDUSTRY in reply to sugarmags3 10:11:37, 2014-06-13
- Now if only I could make this story about offering certainty-equivalent prices to utility rate payers digestible to 4th graders. 08:54:42, 2014-06-13
- @ericmbudd "Oh my god. It's made of word problems." in reply to ericmbudd 08:49:47, 2014-06-13
- At their best, calculations are just stories, made out of math. 08:46:31, 2014-06-13
- RT @ericmbudd: #notallcars RT @BicycleLobby: Cars ruin everything, but no one thinks his car ruins anything. And therein lies the problem. 08:32:09, 2014-06-13
- @profsufi @ericmbudd Well hey, at least we can sell the cars for scrap… in reply to profsufi 08:31:47, 2014-06-13
- RT @scottholton: Multi-lane one-way streets destroy cities. New study shows converting to two-way reverses this http://t.co/QnCpseA85E #bou… 08:30:19, 2014-06-13
- Our roles as "consumers" & citizens are very different: MT @wejamencona: brief summary of where we're at as a society http://t.co/SutsjaH6fI in reply to wejamencona 23:16:47, 2014-06-12
- RT @EricHolthaus: Correx: Oil prices spike to new 2014 high over Iraq fears http://t.co/BBCA73olPd (all-time high still ~$40 away) http://t… 16:56:18, 2014-06-12
- @ericmbudd I'll definitely be having a party if we get to $5/gallon gas. You are invited. in reply to ericmbudd 16:38:20, 2014-06-12
- RT @CostaSamaras: Converted to 2013 dollars, @nelderini's chart shows #NatGas prices in the power sector moving up to pre-shale levels. htt… 16:16:56, 2014-06-12
- RT @AlexSteffen: Claiming an object's sentient if it can trick people into believing it's a person seems ridiculous when people see faces o… 14:09:00, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Sure, but I think that larger context is valuable, & significantly blunts the @EPA & Shale Gas vs. Coal Miners narrative. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:46:42, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Slightly less extreme example: between 1960 and 2000, production more than doubled, employment more than halved. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:44:56, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy > 90% of US coal mining jobs were lost between 1920 and 2000, even as production nearly doubled. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:42:16, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Combination of non-zero baseline, very short timeline obscuring long-term secular trend, & narrative of piece feels deceptive. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:40:20, 2014-06-12
- Another monopoly begging to be taken down: RT @meltzere #Boulder seeks authority to create citywide broadband network http://t.co/PlYhXDw5T9 in reply to meltzere 13:35:29, 2014-06-12
- So if there's a War on Miners, it's been waged for nearly a century, primarily by a mining industry trying to lower production costs. 13:29:47, 2014-06-12
- Also, US coal mine jobs have been in "free fall" since… 1920, due to mechanization @SNLEnergy http://t.co/KmgzecgaJ5 http://t.co/HvjQXtm5Q2” 13:27:21, 2014-06-12
- Great case study in deceptive charts. Note that baseline is far from zero. @SNLEnergy http://t.co/KmgzecgaJ5 http://t.co/HvjQXtm5Q2” 13:25:06, 2014-06-12
- RT @tchu88: do you love cities, design, tech, govt, and how they smoosh together? apply to be a 2015 @codeforamerica fellow! http://t.co/xq… 13:15:44, 2014-06-12
- RT @EnergyCollectiv: Geology and markets are the ones waging war on #coal. @ZaneSelvans http://t.co/AtYepyO8ed 12:23:48, 2014-06-12
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: .@buildresilience & @postcarbon picked up our piece on markets & geology waging #WarOnCoal (w/ no help from @EPA) htt… 09:20:44, 2014-06-12
- RT @bouldergobldr: 13th Street bike lane closed from Cedar to Balsam avenues, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today & tomorrow for @zayogroup project. htt… 09:04:15, 2014-06-12
- So, #Boulder, which camp are we in? RT @conradhackett Conserv. want big houses, libs want walkable 'hoods http://t.co/N5Xh6uNh5L" 23:11:05, 2014-06-11
- @AlexSteffen hard to avoid feeling a little jaded that "The Economy" wants me to do useless crap. Or worse, just be evil. in reply to AlexSteffen 22:42:42, 2014-06-11
- RT @AlexSteffen: We should tax the value of land—not just buildings on it—to spur development of empty lots + surface parking lots: http://… 22:39:33, 2014-06-11
- @MattdeCaussin reportedly signed an MOU. Indoor/outdoor seasonal performance space for live music to be included w/ the brewpub apparently. in reply to MattdeCaussin 22:28:16, 2014-06-11
- I think next time we gotta have more general mingling time. This was too structured. Best if after the presentations… 20:02:01, 2014-06-11
- Amazing. Safeway owned Broadway & Yarmouth. Blocked from development, they put a covenant on it prohibiting it from ever being a grocer! 19:54:40, 2014-06-11
- Developers are actually afraid that they're required to provide parking that might not be needed… Self driving cars, etc. Unmarketable. 19:42:10, 2014-06-11
- Asked what they think the biggest challenge to the projects are, 2 of the 3 developers say… parking! 19:35:03, 2014-06-11
- Just building the underground parking structure will take more than a year. How much misallocated capital is that? 19:29:19, 2014-06-11
- This is a build and hold development. They are interested in big energy efficiency investments, beyond Boulder's stringent EE code. 19:27:50, 2014-06-11
- 3rd project is Golden Buffs at 28th & Canyon. Gawd, is there anything we can do to humanize this strip mall disaster area intersection? 19:25:18, 2014-06-11
- I wonder what the proposed developments would look like I'd any of these dudes were under 40yrs old. Eh? @scottholton? Why aren't you here? 19:19:42, 2014-06-11
- So much BS developer/architect speak in all this… ignores basic traditional urban design that has worked for thousands of years. Sigh. 19:16:14, 2014-06-11
- The fact that @bouldercolorado makes it a pain in the ass to permit events on public land makes these little semi-private spaces valuable. 19:10:36, 2014-06-11
- .@CommunityCycles made somewhat critical comments on this project, relating to the greenway that passes through the site. 18:58:01, 2014-06-11
- Next, Pearl Place at 30th and Pearl. 300,000sf of office. Right by the underpass to nowhere. For a single prospective tenant. 18:55:55, 2014-06-11
- .@OskarBlues wants to put a brewpub in the old Armory building. Applause! Possible flex space for art gallery, farmers market. 18:51:33, 2014-06-11
- First project, Armory in NoBo, zoning has 0.6 FAR, prohibits any commercial over 5000sf. NoBo is thus denied a grocery store. Great! 18:43:23, 2014-06-11
- Nice intro to #BetterBoulder by @WillToor at our development salon. A collaboration between greens & biz in favor of a human scale city. 18:36:58, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Oh, great. I didn't realize that. And this is at least a cyclocross bike ride I think. 68J is kind of messy. in reply to ericmbudd 15:49:03, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Yes. Yay! It will be fun. So long as they haven't closed Flagstaff for repairs yet. in reply to ericmbudd 15:46:42, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Last time I timed it the loop was 3.5 hours for me… so 8-8:30am? Which is why you should be pre-tired 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 15:45:37, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Sure! If we leave early we could make it up and over Flagstaff to 68J and back via Magnolia in time for Masala Brunch at noon. in reply to ericmbudd 11:37:23, 2014-06-11
- RT @agpublic: Well well well. I hear all the black cabs in London are on strike at the moment, and the streets quiet and peaceful. 11:34:39, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Unrelatedly… when are you and I going to go for a long-ass uphill bike ride on some dirt? Preferably when you're already tired. in reply to ericmbudd 11:33:17, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd "Humans have an almost unlimited capacity for taking things for granted". (Aldous Huxley) in reply to ericmbudd 11:32:30, 2014-06-11
- @alexsteffen But I want to believe! in reply to AlexSteffen 11:23:57, 2014-06-11
- .@Energy_Post has a piece on critical reviews of the @EPA carbon rules, including @ClnEnergyAction’s gentle critique: http://t.co/1fIWz6cbOd 10:06:21, 2014-06-11
- @Energy_Post Thanks 🙂 in reply to Energy_Post 10:04:16, 2014-06-11
- Science and Politics are in an abusive relationship. And they aren’t going to be splitting up any time soon: http://t.co/D0vYyn9XNn 10:04:01, 2014-06-11
- On the internet, plagiarism is the highest form of syndication: http://t.co/Wc7ThqLWHR 09:05:16, 2014-06-11
- RT @BoCoDOT: If you're not part of the flood recovery effort in Jamestown, please avoid the area. They're working hard to get the town up a… 08:29:10, 2014-06-11
- @Energy_Post Hey, thanks for the quotes/links… minor quibble: my last name is Selvans, not Elvans (no offense to the elves… 😉 in reply to Energy_Post 08:28:41, 2014-06-11
- Down she goes! @dailycamera http://t.co/8NMu7caf2F 18:57:02, 2014-06-10
- Of course, that puts utility-scale solar at $50-60/MWh as of 2013, which suggests the linear trend is unlikely to continue for much longer… 15:15:26, 2014-06-10
- Whoa. Utility scale solar PPA prices dropped by $25/MWh annually since 2006: http://t.co/ml0cCpQtk0 @BerkeleyLab http://t.co/SDmGM6XhZi 15:00:15, 2014-06-10
- How can #Boulder not want more of this awesomeness? @aurbanist: #Portland is experienced on its streets, by walking. http://t.co/KT7ILM8dm8 11:15:52, 2014-06-10
- In all of the USA, it’s about 1M, right @egocarshare? MT @AlexSteffen More than 750k Berliners use car-sharing. http://t.co/J8HJZ0EirU 11:13:03, 2014-06-10
- Portraits of neoprimitives in two flavors: Pleistocene and Victorian: https://t.co/wyqiI3uyZ7 (see also the photos of traditional humans) 10:02:15, 2014-06-10
- When I read this kind of @DailyCamera column, I always think of Garth from Wayne’s World: https://t.co/VLUJmD0xvZ http://t.co/2NRleesqKl 09:16:24, 2014-06-10
- Yet another reason I love not owning a car… RT @StreetsblogUSA: @gabe_klein: People spend more time looking for parking than having sex. 08:57:11, 2014-06-10
- @BuzzFeedAndrew @jonward11 Amazes me that anybody trusts any TV news. All. So. Vapid. in reply to BuzzFeedAndrew 08:24:34, 2014-06-10
- @JesseJenkins @cwhope I’ve also wondered if/why a carbon price resulting in negative cost GHG mitigation would be expected to reduce GDP. in reply to JesseJenkins 08:08:19, 2014-06-10
- @cwhope @JesseJenkins don’t know that BC’s C$30/ton price qualifies as “high”. Probably modest GHG/GDP too, w/ all that hydro. in reply to cwhope 08:05:31, 2014-06-10
- .@RideRTD is offering a free trial (10-ride ticket book) to anyone who fills out a transit survey: http://t.co/yHMYXIF3qG via @36commuting 07:55:02, 2014-06-10
- .@neil21 for one welcomes our robotaxi overlords… in part because they cannibalize a car-owning/parking constituency: http://t.co/ErDSwwp8XR 22:22:26, 2014-06-09
- RT @KenCaldeira: How we died, year 1900 and today. @agingroy Let's hope those antibiotics keep working! http://t.co/g5Cr0fl79G 20:17:03, 2014-06-09
- So Boulder is looking at banning smoking on all trails, bike paths, transit stops, all of downtown, all parks… Is this aimed at transients? 20:16:18, 2014-06-09
- This 28th St. thing is based on a CEAP approved in 2001. Yowza. We are in a different planning regime now. Is this really still valid? 19:22:48, 2014-06-09
- Stealth road capacity increases in the CIP? Especially on state highways like North 28th St. But hopefully we can re-dedicate it to BRT… 19:22:12, 2014-06-09
- I’m also not a fan of the LOS metric — we need comprehensive and mode-agnostic metrics, and LOS is neither. cf: http://t.co/jayf4fkAPt 19:07:45, 2014-06-09
- One member of TAB isn’t up for supporting the draft TMP w/o an exemption on traffic congestion for downtown (i.e. traffic is ok downtown). 18:59:00, 2014-06-09
- If you have bad metrics, having long-term “continuity” of those metrics isn’t really worth very much. 18:54:23, 2014-06-09
- I hope it doesn’t hurt city staff’s feelings that I pretty much never make congratulatory comments at TAB. 18:53:42, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Yeah. Any and all. Whatevs. Just reading the TAB packet on the TMP. Not sure they get the “social” part of “social media”. in reply to ericmbudd 16:49:56, 2014-06-09
- RT @dara_west: Interested in sustainable urbanism? Check out the #Boulder development salon @ImpactHubBldr this Wed! http://t.co/GhHFDqbM… 16:49:06, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Would you say that Boulder’s transportation dept. has had an “extensive social media presence” during the TMP update process? 16:47:54, 2014-06-09
- @schmangee Didn’t they do that in Toronto a few years ago? Hopefully this is a prelude to some Southwestern style Rob Ford shenanigans… in reply to schmangee 16:13:41, 2014-06-09
- RT @atrembath: US coal production has fallen by factor of 20 more than coal exports have increased http://t.co/m3YCtueTcf http://t.co/NInid… 16:11:22, 2014-06-09
- Speakeasy Mon. 6/16 5:30pm at @303Vodka w/ @WillToor on Transportation, Land-use, & Boulder’s Climate Commitment: http://t.co/yCi919TQh8 16:04:40, 2014-06-09
- RT @dansinker: exactly. RT @jbenton: On my list of desirable virtual realities, “Bloomberg trader” is somewhere between “medieval serf” & “… 12:18:21, 2014-06-09
- RT @AKAMEDIASYSTEM: @dansinker …all from the back of your Uber, barrelling down the rusted solar roads of New Randia 12:17:32, 2014-06-09
- RT @dansinker: Strap a Bloomberg VR terminal to your face, stuff a tube of soylent down your throat, and just *live* man. 12:17:09, 2014-06-09
- How much would it cost to make solar cheaper than coal? Not sure if he’s right, but I like this kind of cost framing: http://t.co/QqQ4VZYQbD 10:50:12, 2014-06-09
- How can/should scientists engage in policy? Talk at CIRES/CU 6/19: http://t.co/KtyPUntEW3 Sounds meta. Talking about talking about policy. 10:10:53, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd I find it’s great for concentration during the exercise… but the day after is almost entirely useless. in reply to ericmbudd 09:53:11, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Like, there was a tweet from @TheTweetOfGod welcoming @CIA to Twitter last week, and now it’s gone. Maybe deleted? Happens often. in reply to ericmbudd 09:35:20, 2014-06-09
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Never doubt that a large mass of selfish, fossil-fuel-addicted citizens can change the world. One degree at a time. 09:31:37, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd No, I mean non-replies, both on the web and via the Twitter desktop app… let me see if I can find an example… in reply to ericmbudd 09:30:31, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Ahh, okay. Hopefully this is just the irritation of learning new software. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:29:34, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Also, have you noticed that Twitter has started to hide tweets? Real time stream different from timeline on profile page. WTF? in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:28:12, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd What if the user I want to follow isn’t displayed anywhere? How do you just directly go to an account? Preferably sans mouse. in reply to ericmbudd 09:26:28, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Say I want to go directly to a user profile and follow it as one of my 3 accounts. Is there an easy way? in reply to ericmbudd 09:24:44, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Were you saying you use TweetDeck? Trying it now, and it’s kind of driving me nuts. 09:22:18, 2014-06-09
- And this is why I call it Xenoforming the Homeworld: https://t.co/mKv1LVdlO3 22:45:30, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd Have you ridden Fall River Rd. up to Trail Ridge before? Highly recommended. Dirt, but super chill. in reply to ericmbudd 18:21:08, 2014-06-08
- What could @HUDgov be doing to adapt to — or at least acknowledge — the demographic abandonment of the suburbs? http://t.co/LFKZF6J0G9 18:18:30, 2014-06-08
- Realized on my ride to Ned that I often daydream hard to remember, mathematical, non-lexical narratives. e.g. about discount rates. 17:20:43, 2014-06-08
- Is being an athlete about actually being (say) fast, or is it really more an enjoyment of the process of challenge and exhaustion? 11:52:45, 2014-06-08
- It’s just one long improvisation. Not unlike the rest of history. http://t.co/PM6ahdnu1y 11:44:55, 2014-06-08
- As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore… http://t.co/YESuhCstOa 11:00:21, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd Jeezus, the only ride I start at 3-4am is from here to Frasier over Rollins Pass. Where the heck did you go? in reply to ericmbudd 08:58:38, 2014-06-08
- RT @brainpicker: Aldous Huxley on drugs, democracy, and religion http://t.co/ZJyqPgCYuJ http://t.co/NKMVGuiGbP 06:53:09, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd nocturnal taco truck fuelled trans Los Angeles rides. From the hot mountains inland to the cool sea at 3am in July. Empty city. in reply to ericmbudd 06:43:35, 2014-06-08