- @BldrFoodRescue or maybe you like this one better… http://t.co/dNCnTDO4a5 21:08:05, 2014-06-14
- 250lbs of @BldrFoodRescue from @luckysmarket headed to the Boulder Housing Coalition co-ops. http://t.co/wfxaMuWDDA 21:06:49, 2014-06-14
- .@XcelEnergyCO complains about how #Boulder has more than it's fair share of solar installed, at 140W/person. Germany has 440W/person. 17:29:37, 2014-06-13
- @brucenilles Ha! Vintage. Maybe they'll start showing up on @etsy soon. in reply to brucenilles 17:18:33, 2014-06-13
- The Full Moon Feast is upon us! Hooray for summer! Bicycle exodus and sundry mayhem to commence at 9pm. Weather looks like it'll be perfect. 16:24:14, 2014-06-13
- @badastronomer I leave Boulder so infrequently (at least going east) that I sometimes forget about the divide. And then I'm like, whoa. in reply to BadAstronomer 15:05:46, 2014-06-13
- Step 1 (in #Boulder): make it legal for more than 3 people to live together. @Shareable: How to start a housing coop: http://t.co/2DPa5TIarq in reply to Shareable 13:58:07, 2014-06-13
- @trueanomalies It's beavers, all the way down… in reply to trueanomalies 10:13:09, 2014-06-13
- @sugarmags3 I think they probably meant MOAR INDUSTRY in reply to sugarmags3 10:11:37, 2014-06-13
- Now if only I could make this story about offering certainty-equivalent prices to utility rate payers digestible to 4th graders. 08:54:42, 2014-06-13
- @ericmbudd "Oh my god. It's made of word problems." in reply to ericmbudd 08:49:47, 2014-06-13
- At their best, calculations are just stories, made out of math. 08:46:31, 2014-06-13
- RT @ericmbudd: #notallcars RT @BicycleLobby: Cars ruin everything, but no one thinks his car ruins anything. And therein lies the problem. 08:32:09, 2014-06-13
- @profsufi @ericmbudd Well hey, at least we can sell the cars for scrap… in reply to profsufi 08:31:47, 2014-06-13
- RT @scottholton: Multi-lane one-way streets destroy cities. New study shows converting to two-way reverses this http://t.co/QnCpseA85E #bou… 08:30:19, 2014-06-13
- Our roles as "consumers" & citizens are very different: MT @wejamencona: brief summary of where we're at as a society http://t.co/SutsjaH6fI in reply to wejamencona 23:16:47, 2014-06-12
- RT @EricHolthaus: Correx: Oil prices spike to new 2014 high over Iraq fears http://t.co/BBCA73olPd (all-time high still ~$40 away) http://t… 16:56:18, 2014-06-12
- @ericmbudd I'll definitely be having a party if we get to $5/gallon gas. You are invited. in reply to ericmbudd 16:38:20, 2014-06-12
- RT @CostaSamaras: Converted to 2013 dollars, @nelderini's chart shows #NatGas prices in the power sector moving up to pre-shale levels. htt… 16:16:56, 2014-06-12
- RT @AlexSteffen: Claiming an object's sentient if it can trick people into believing it's a person seems ridiculous when people see faces o… 14:09:00, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Sure, but I think that larger context is valuable, & significantly blunts the @EPA & Shale Gas vs. Coal Miners narrative. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:46:42, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Slightly less extreme example: between 1960 and 2000, production more than doubled, employment more than halved. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:44:56, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy > 90% of US coal mining jobs were lost between 1920 and 2000, even as production nearly doubled. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:42:16, 2014-06-12
- @snlenergy Combination of non-zero baseline, very short timeline obscuring long-term secular trend, & narrative of piece feels deceptive. in reply to SNLEnergy 13:40:20, 2014-06-12
- Another monopoly begging to be taken down: RT @meltzere #Boulder seeks authority to create citywide broadband network http://t.co/PlYhXDw5T9 in reply to meltzere 13:35:29, 2014-06-12
- So if there's a War on Miners, it's been waged for nearly a century, primarily by a mining industry trying to lower production costs. 13:29:47, 2014-06-12
- Also, US coal mine jobs have been in "free fall" since… 1920, due to mechanization @SNLEnergy http://t.co/KmgzecgaJ5 http://t.co/HvjQXtm5Q2” 13:27:21, 2014-06-12
- Great case study in deceptive charts. Note that baseline is far from zero. @SNLEnergy http://t.co/KmgzecgaJ5 http://t.co/HvjQXtm5Q2” 13:25:06, 2014-06-12
- RT @tchu88: do you love cities, design, tech, govt, and how they smoosh together? apply to be a 2015 @codeforamerica fellow! http://t.co/xq… 13:15:44, 2014-06-12
- RT @EnergyCollectiv: Geology and markets are the ones waging war on #coal. @ZaneSelvans http://t.co/AtYepyO8ed 12:23:48, 2014-06-12
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: .@buildresilience & @postcarbon picked up our piece on markets & geology waging #WarOnCoal (w/ no help from @EPA) htt… 09:20:44, 2014-06-12
- RT @bouldergobldr: 13th Street bike lane closed from Cedar to Balsam avenues, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today & tomorrow for @zayogroup project. htt… 09:04:15, 2014-06-12
- So, #Boulder, which camp are we in? RT @conradhackett Conserv. want big houses, libs want walkable 'hoods http://t.co/N5Xh6uNh5L" 23:11:05, 2014-06-11
- @AlexSteffen hard to avoid feeling a little jaded that "The Economy" wants me to do useless crap. Or worse, just be evil. in reply to AlexSteffen 22:42:42, 2014-06-11
- RT @AlexSteffen: We should tax the value of land—not just buildings on it—to spur development of empty lots + surface parking lots: http://… 22:39:33, 2014-06-11
- @MattdeCaussin reportedly signed an MOU. Indoor/outdoor seasonal performance space for live music to be included w/ the brewpub apparently. in reply to MattdeCaussin 22:28:16, 2014-06-11
- I think next time we gotta have more general mingling time. This was too structured. Best if after the presentations… 20:02:01, 2014-06-11
- Amazing. Safeway owned Broadway & Yarmouth. Blocked from development, they put a covenant on it prohibiting it from ever being a grocer! 19:54:40, 2014-06-11
- Developers are actually afraid that they're required to provide parking that might not be needed… Self driving cars, etc. Unmarketable. 19:42:10, 2014-06-11
- Asked what they think the biggest challenge to the projects are, 2 of the 3 developers say… parking! 19:35:03, 2014-06-11
- Just building the underground parking structure will take more than a year. How much misallocated capital is that? 19:29:19, 2014-06-11
- This is a build and hold development. They are interested in big energy efficiency investments, beyond Boulder's stringent EE code. 19:27:50, 2014-06-11
- 3rd project is Golden Buffs at 28th & Canyon. Gawd, is there anything we can do to humanize this strip mall disaster area intersection? 19:25:18, 2014-06-11
- I wonder what the proposed developments would look like I'd any of these dudes were under 40yrs old. Eh? @scottholton? Why aren't you here? 19:19:42, 2014-06-11
- So much BS developer/architect speak in all this… ignores basic traditional urban design that has worked for thousands of years. Sigh. 19:16:14, 2014-06-11
- The fact that @bouldercolorado makes it a pain in the ass to permit events on public land makes these little semi-private spaces valuable. 19:10:36, 2014-06-11
- .@CommunityCycles made somewhat critical comments on this project, relating to the greenway that passes through the site. 18:58:01, 2014-06-11
- Next, Pearl Place at 30th and Pearl. 300,000sf of office. Right by the underpass to nowhere. For a single prospective tenant. 18:55:55, 2014-06-11
- .@OskarBlues wants to put a brewpub in the old Armory building. Applause! Possible flex space for art gallery, farmers market. 18:51:33, 2014-06-11
- First project, Armory in NoBo, zoning has 0.6 FAR, prohibits any commercial over 5000sf. NoBo is thus denied a grocery store. Great! 18:43:23, 2014-06-11
- Nice intro to #BetterBoulder by @WillToor at our development salon. A collaboration between greens & biz in favor of a human scale city. 18:36:58, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Oh, great. I didn't realize that. And this is at least a cyclocross bike ride I think. 68J is kind of messy. in reply to ericmbudd 15:49:03, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Yes. Yay! It will be fun. So long as they haven't closed Flagstaff for repairs yet. in reply to ericmbudd 15:46:42, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Last time I timed it the loop was 3.5 hours for me… so 8-8:30am? Which is why you should be pre-tired 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 15:45:37, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Sure! If we leave early we could make it up and over Flagstaff to 68J and back via Magnolia in time for Masala Brunch at noon. in reply to ericmbudd 11:37:23, 2014-06-11
- RT @agpublic: Well well well. I hear all the black cabs in London are on strike at the moment, and the streets quiet and peaceful. 11:34:39, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd Unrelatedly… when are you and I going to go for a long-ass uphill bike ride on some dirt? Preferably when you're already tired. in reply to ericmbudd 11:33:17, 2014-06-11
- @ericmbudd "Humans have an almost unlimited capacity for taking things for granted". (Aldous Huxley) in reply to ericmbudd 11:32:30, 2014-06-11
- @alexsteffen But I want to believe! in reply to AlexSteffen 11:23:57, 2014-06-11
- .@Energy_Post has a piece on critical reviews of the @EPA carbon rules, including @ClnEnergyAction’s gentle critique: http://t.co/1fIWz6cbOd 10:06:21, 2014-06-11
- @Energy_Post Thanks 🙂 in reply to Energy_Post 10:04:16, 2014-06-11
- Science and Politics are in an abusive relationship. And they aren’t going to be splitting up any time soon: http://t.co/D0vYyn9XNn 10:04:01, 2014-06-11
- On the internet, plagiarism is the highest form of syndication: http://t.co/Wc7ThqLWHR 09:05:16, 2014-06-11
- RT @BoCoDOT: If you're not part of the flood recovery effort in Jamestown, please avoid the area. They're working hard to get the town up a… 08:29:10, 2014-06-11
- @Energy_Post Hey, thanks for the quotes/links… minor quibble: my last name is Selvans, not Elvans (no offense to the elves… 😉 in reply to Energy_Post 08:28:41, 2014-06-11
- Down she goes! @dailycamera http://t.co/8NMu7caf2F 18:57:02, 2014-06-10
- Of course, that puts utility-scale solar at $50-60/MWh as of 2013, which suggests the linear trend is unlikely to continue for much longer… 15:15:26, 2014-06-10
- Whoa. Utility scale solar PPA prices dropped by $25/MWh annually since 2006: http://t.co/ml0cCpQtk0 @BerkeleyLab http://t.co/SDmGM6XhZi 15:00:15, 2014-06-10
- How can #Boulder not want more of this awesomeness? @aurbanist: #Portland is experienced on its streets, by walking. http://t.co/KT7ILM8dm8 11:15:52, 2014-06-10
- In all of the USA, it’s about 1M, right @egocarshare? MT @AlexSteffen More than 750k Berliners use car-sharing. http://t.co/J8HJZ0EirU 11:13:03, 2014-06-10
- Portraits of neoprimitives in two flavors: Pleistocene and Victorian: https://t.co/wyqiI3uyZ7 (see also the photos of traditional humans) 10:02:15, 2014-06-10
- When I read this kind of @DailyCamera column, I always think of Garth from Wayne’s World: https://t.co/VLUJmD0xvZ http://t.co/2NRleesqKl 09:16:24, 2014-06-10
- Yet another reason I love not owning a car… RT @StreetsblogUSA: @gabe_klein: People spend more time looking for parking than having sex. 08:57:11, 2014-06-10
- @BuzzFeedAndrew @jonward11 Amazes me that anybody trusts any TV news. All. So. Vapid. in reply to BuzzFeedAndrew 08:24:34, 2014-06-10
- @JesseJenkins @cwhope I’ve also wondered if/why a carbon price resulting in negative cost GHG mitigation would be expected to reduce GDP. in reply to JesseJenkins 08:08:19, 2014-06-10
- @cwhope @JesseJenkins don’t know that BC’s C$30/ton price qualifies as “high”. Probably modest GHG/GDP too, w/ all that hydro. in reply to cwhope 08:05:31, 2014-06-10
- .@RideRTD is offering a free trial (10-ride ticket book) to anyone who fills out a transit survey: http://t.co/yHMYXIF3qG via @36commuting 07:55:02, 2014-06-10
- .@neil21 for one welcomes our robotaxi overlords… in part because they cannibalize a car-owning/parking constituency: http://t.co/ErDSwwp8XR 22:22:26, 2014-06-09
- RT @KenCaldeira: How we died, year 1900 and today. @agingroy Let's hope those antibiotics keep working! http://t.co/g5Cr0fl79G 20:17:03, 2014-06-09
- So Boulder is looking at banning smoking on all trails, bike paths, transit stops, all of downtown, all parks… Is this aimed at transients? 20:16:18, 2014-06-09
- This 28th St. thing is based on a CEAP approved in 2001. Yowza. We are in a different planning regime now. Is this really still valid? 19:22:48, 2014-06-09
- Stealth road capacity increases in the CIP? Especially on state highways like North 28th St. But hopefully we can re-dedicate it to BRT… 19:22:12, 2014-06-09
- I’m also not a fan of the LOS metric — we need comprehensive and mode-agnostic metrics, and LOS is neither. cf: http://t.co/jayf4fkAPt 19:07:45, 2014-06-09
- One member of TAB isn’t up for supporting the draft TMP w/o an exemption on traffic congestion for downtown (i.e. traffic is ok downtown). 18:59:00, 2014-06-09
- If you have bad metrics, having long-term “continuity” of those metrics isn’t really worth very much. 18:54:23, 2014-06-09
- I hope it doesn’t hurt city staff’s feelings that I pretty much never make congratulatory comments at TAB. 18:53:42, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Yeah. Any and all. Whatevs. Just reading the TAB packet on the TMP. Not sure they get the “social” part of “social media”. in reply to ericmbudd 16:49:56, 2014-06-09
- RT @dara_west: Interested in sustainable urbanism? Check out the #Boulder development salon @ImpactHubBldr this Wed! http://t.co/GhHFDqbM… 16:49:06, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Would you say that Boulder’s transportation dept. has had an “extensive social media presence” during the TMP update process? 16:47:54, 2014-06-09
- @schmangee Didn’t they do that in Toronto a few years ago? Hopefully this is a prelude to some Southwestern style Rob Ford shenanigans… in reply to schmangee 16:13:41, 2014-06-09
- RT @atrembath: US coal production has fallen by factor of 20 more than coal exports have increased http://t.co/m3YCtueTcf http://t.co/NInid… 16:11:22, 2014-06-09
- Speakeasy Mon. 6/16 5:30pm at @303Vodka w/ @WillToor on Transportation, Land-use, & Boulder’s Climate Commitment: http://t.co/yCi919TQh8 16:04:40, 2014-06-09
- RT @dansinker: exactly. RT @jbenton: On my list of desirable virtual realities, “Bloomberg trader” is somewhere between “medieval serf” & “… 12:18:21, 2014-06-09
- RT @AKAMEDIASYSTEM: @dansinker …all from the back of your Uber, barrelling down the rusted solar roads of New Randia 12:17:32, 2014-06-09
- RT @dansinker: Strap a Bloomberg VR terminal to your face, stuff a tube of soylent down your throat, and just *live* man. 12:17:09, 2014-06-09
- How much would it cost to make solar cheaper than coal? Not sure if he’s right, but I like this kind of cost framing: http://t.co/QqQ4VZYQbD 10:50:12, 2014-06-09
- How can/should scientists engage in policy? Talk at CIRES/CU 6/19: http://t.co/KtyPUntEW3 Sounds meta. Talking about talking about policy. 10:10:53, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd I find it’s great for concentration during the exercise… but the day after is almost entirely useless. in reply to ericmbudd 09:53:11, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Like, there was a tweet from @TheTweetOfGod welcoming @CIA to Twitter last week, and now it’s gone. Maybe deleted? Happens often. in reply to ericmbudd 09:35:20, 2014-06-09
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Never doubt that a large mass of selfish, fossil-fuel-addicted citizens can change the world. One degree at a time. 09:31:37, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd No, I mean non-replies, both on the web and via the Twitter desktop app… let me see if I can find an example… in reply to ericmbudd 09:30:31, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Ahh, okay. Hopefully this is just the irritation of learning new software. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:29:34, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Also, have you noticed that Twitter has started to hide tweets? Real time stream different from timeline on profile page. WTF? in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:28:12, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd What if the user I want to follow isn’t displayed anywhere? How do you just directly go to an account? Preferably sans mouse. in reply to ericmbudd 09:26:28, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Say I want to go directly to a user profile and follow it as one of my 3 accounts. Is there an easy way? in reply to ericmbudd 09:24:44, 2014-06-09
- @ericmbudd Were you saying you use TweetDeck? Trying it now, and it’s kind of driving me nuts. 09:22:18, 2014-06-09
- And this is why I call it Xenoforming the Homeworld: https://t.co/mKv1LVdlO3 22:45:30, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd Have you ridden Fall River Rd. up to Trail Ridge before? Highly recommended. Dirt, but super chill. in reply to ericmbudd 18:21:08, 2014-06-08
- What could @HUDgov be doing to adapt to — or at least acknowledge — the demographic abandonment of the suburbs? http://t.co/LFKZF6J0G9 18:18:30, 2014-06-08
- Realized on my ride to Ned that I often daydream hard to remember, mathematical, non-lexical narratives. e.g. about discount rates. 17:20:43, 2014-06-08
- Is being an athlete about actually being (say) fast, or is it really more an enjoyment of the process of challenge and exhaustion? 11:52:45, 2014-06-08
- It’s just one long improvisation. Not unlike the rest of history. http://t.co/PM6ahdnu1y 11:44:55, 2014-06-08
- As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore… http://t.co/YESuhCstOa 11:00:21, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd Jeezus, the only ride I start at 3-4am is from here to Frasier over Rollins Pass. Where the heck did you go? in reply to ericmbudd 08:58:38, 2014-06-08
- RT @brainpicker: Aldous Huxley on drugs, democracy, and religion http://t.co/ZJyqPgCYuJ http://t.co/NKMVGuiGbP 06:53:09, 2014-06-08
- @ericmbudd nocturnal taco truck fuelled trans Los Angeles rides. From the hot mountains inland to the cool sea at 3am in July. Empty city. in reply to ericmbudd 06:43:35, 2014-06-08
Author: Zane Selvans
A former space explorer, now marooned on a beautiful, dying world.
- @ericmbudd @ericholthaus Have you read that paper on limits of human adaptability to humid heat? India fares poorly: http://t.co/FEUV26gf3V in reply to ericmbudd 21:31:44, 2014-06-07
- @alexismadrigal @billwasik @reihan Reminds me of lots of @GreatDismal's characters… in reply to alexismadrigal 21:28:33, 2014-06-07
- @ericmbudd @dailycamera @meltzere No, really? #WhodaThunkIt! in reply to ericmbudd 21:22:09, 2014-06-07
- So, Boulder's talking about Parking. Including me, in the @dailycamera: http://t.co/ahUyLC4Eir #NotReadingTheComments 20:59:07, 2014-06-07
- This Maureen Dowd thing is like a teetotaler in 1933 running out, drinking a fifth of gin, & writing about hangovers. http://t.co/KWTxA6B7VI 20:54:17, 2014-06-07
- RT @voxdotcom: Maureen Dowd got so high she skipped her chardonnay — that's a public health win: http://t.co/C87Ne0aM6w 20:43:39, 2014-06-07
- @billwasik @alexismadrigal @reihan We can only hope. "Lifestyles of the Weird and Powerful" sounds like a great reality show to pitch. in reply to billwasik 20:36:17, 2014-06-07
- RT @BrentToderian: 2/2… the engineers often respond "that's just because people behave differently there."
- RT @BrentToderian: When I sometimes ask engineers to explain why great places that don't meet their safety standards actually prove to be s… 20:31:20, 2014-06-07
- RT @myurbangen: In most of the developing world they are in tropical climates so bicycles don't have to deal with winter. -@EnriquePenalosa… 20:30:30, 2014-06-07
- @kcbecker @kdvr Booooo! 🙁 in reply to kcbecker 20:26:12, 2014-06-07
- RT @stevemouzon: one idea of #LeanUrbanism is to bring "gaming the system" resources to small parties, not just the big boys
@andres_duany … 20:24:54, 2014-06-07 - RT @stevemouzon: the big guys with the big projects can amortize the cost and time of gaming the system
@andres_duany #CNU22 #LeanUrbanism 20:24:44, 2014-06-07 - Mmm, hippy speedball followed by a long slow ride up Sugarloaf to Ned, back via Magnolia in the fog, mist, & drizzle. Now I need a burrito. 20:19:49, 2014-06-07
- Actually canceling service: $0/mo + no brain poison #KillYourTV @voxdotcom: How to stop cable co. from overcharging: http://t.co/SWbO8ByjDW in reply to voxdotcom 13:43:06, 2014-06-07
- @mkodransky How do you come to that particular number? (15k/km^2) in reply to mkodransky 13:38:09, 2014-06-07
- RT @GreatDismal: A cast or scan of a single spike allows cheap mass repro of things to be superglued to *many* spikes. Small pink flaccid d… 13:33:52, 2014-06-07
- RT @ethicalpioneer: More anti homeless spikes….so much for community spirit http://t.co/NOoariaEYd 13:33:46, 2014-06-07
- RT @RikAdamski: @stevemouzon They'll realize that they can't copy us on that scale. Let's just hope they don't find this out the hard way. … 13:32:52, 2014-06-07
- RT @stevemouzon: China is setting up to build 100 new cities of 2.5 million people each
Joan Clos #CNU22 13:32:46, 2014-06-07 - Am I out of touch with "reality" or are they out of touch with the possibilities? 08:56:23, 2014-06-07
- The salty sea-dogs and grimy miners of pure electricity… I can't believe this is a real job someone has: https://t.co/zs0rblPn5V via @neil21 22:03:35, 2014-06-06
- @neil21 Holeeee crap, I cannot believe that that is an actual job that someone has. Wow. in reply to neil21 22:01:25, 2014-06-06
- I rode my bike from Boulder to Lafayette. To pick up some free weights. Off of Craigslist. Uh, clearly some kind of @mrmoneymustache fanboy. 21:56:52, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd Can't help but think that cars are just too dangerous to allow — much less functionally require — *everyone* to use them. in reply to ericmbudd 21:11:58, 2014-06-06
- RT @PeterGleick: Will New #Climate Regulations Destroy the Economy? (Hint: No.) http://t.co/AIe1uS2qfq @HuffPostGreen
And this: http://t.c… 21:00:10, 2014-06-06 - @ericmbudd By also stopping for the per in the crosswalk? in reply to ericmbudd 20:53:32, 2014-06-06
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: They say there are no atheists in foxholes, and this is a good argument against atheism. I think it's a better argument … 20:52:43, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @meltzere Depressingly refreshing that @voxdotcom does not allow comments. in reply to ericmbudd 15:06:03, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @meltzere At least, as long as you've already built out your arterial BRT corridors… in reply to ericmbudd 15:04:50, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @meltzere And there's nothing more fun that watching a train wreck! in reply to ericmbudd 15:04:12, 2014-06-06
- Talked with @meltzere on the phone about @BoulderParking policy. I'm sure the @dailycamera comments section will be AWESOME. I can't wait! 14:59:50, 2014-06-06
- RT @alexqgb: @AlexSteffen This word—in this context—should be widely understood as the way people unequipped to lead can be expected to sel… 14:46:04, 2014-06-06
- RT @theturner: People who nodded along to @ezraklein's climate pessimism piece should go read @alexsteffen's feed right now. 14:33:38, 2014-06-06
- My co-workers are plotting a training & protest which culminates in a crowd chanting "Price the Risk!" to a utility. And I'm all verklemt! 13:08:36, 2014-06-06
- @alexsteffen Ugh, the tyranny of "realism". So depressing. Especially when it comes to parking. Which is so totally unreal. in reply to AlexSteffen 12:49:28, 2014-06-06
- @meltzere Happy to talk. Also, @Sightline has a great backgrounder on parking issues up here: http://t.co/PTyvqasamA in reply to meltzere 11:59:59, 2014-06-06
- @meltzere We have no idea how much @BoulderParking we need, because nobody knows how much it costs, so we don't know if we want to buy it. in reply to meltzere 11:57:43, 2014-06-06
- @alexsteffen I had the inverse experience reading @Worldchanging & listening to Saul Griffith @LongNow flipped from fatalism to possibility. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:50:43, 2014-06-06
- .@ceresnews C'mon guys, we all know that's not gonna happen. Because, thermodynamics cf http://t.co/KLGF5qZpD2 cc @KenCaldeira @DrFunkySpoon in reply to CeresNews 11:38:40, 2014-06-06
- Whoops, meant to post the link to that Seattle minimum wage article/interview not the picture: http://t.co/xdinfnSelk 09:58:29, 2014-06-06
- Seattle has a $15 minimum wage thanks to @cmkshama. What would happen if @bouldercolorado did this? via @democracynow http://t.co/JmKJ4n6bLB in reply to democracynow 09:57:02, 2014-06-06
- @ericmbudd @dailycamera @cliffpix @wellsfargo ZOMFG, yes. When will that ridiculous asphalt wasteland finally go? Jeezus. in reply to ericmbudd 09:02:00, 2014-06-06
- There's little I like more than seeing downtown surface parking finally die. @dailycamera (Photo by @cliffpix) http://t.co/mIVdGm4t7p 08:57:39, 2014-06-06
- RT @paulfinchauthor: No-one messed with Stanley Kubrick. http://t.co/SQmFJIgUdA 08:54:07, 2014-06-06
- Sadly our local food co-op @tskboulder is not doing enough business. Please tell board@thesecondkitchen.org what would make you shop there! 08:52:27, 2014-06-06
- @kencaldeira I like to call them xenoforming machines… in reply to KenCaldeira 00:10:33, 2014-06-06
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Coal was already on life support. Because, overburden. Thoughts on the #WarOnCoal & @EPA regs http://t.co/sLfNjZEEiH h… 16:22:32, 2014-06-05
- Seems weird to get criticized for being "ideologically motivated." I mean, what, like consumerism and greed aren't ideologies? 22:58:18, 2014-06-04
- @neil21 please RT any answers you get. This combination isn't intrinsically expensive, and needn't be scarce. I mean, right? in reply to neil21 21:26:38, 2014-06-04
- My new post: If there is a #WarOnCoal it's being waged by geology and the free market… not the @EPA and @BarackObama http://t.co/tSSt84Nklc 17:08:23, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd I went over to @republicwirelss more than a month ago. So far, it's awesome. They've got a sale on 32GB MotoX today/tomorrow… in reply to ericmbudd 16:54:18, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd well, on the upside, that means @republicwirelss might get better coverage… in reply to ericmbudd 16:47:55, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd E.g. HTPE P3 transparency bill. Water bill? Threatening to sue over EPA GHG regs, local fracking issues. What are his battles? in reply to ericmbudd 15:55:15, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd And what are his battles? Because every time we get a bill to him, he seems to veto it. in reply to ericmbudd 15:49:33, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd But what's the point of playing the game, if you're not playing to win? in reply to ericmbudd 15:46:54, 2014-06-04
- @ericmbudd but sometimes it's not clear why he's bothering to play the game. in reply to ericmbudd 12:02:36, 2014-06-04
- The issue of groundwater mining in my homeland (California's San Joaquin Valley) is finally coming to a head: http://t.co/DlP1KGcCGK 11:09:10, 2014-06-04
- Overheard at the co-op, upon opening of Democratic primary ballot: "Hickenlooper's a democrat?!?" cc: @hickforco 11:01:45, 2014-06-04
- @bouldergobldr why does the little Tebo train think it's okay to drive the wrong way down the 13th St. contraflow bike lane? 10:18:15, 2014-06-04
- Chaotic baklava with milk on top. Part of this complete breakfast? 08:27:10, 2014-06-04
- Alexander Shulgin, 1925-2014: http://t.co/CfMgh5awOF 22:43:44, 2014-06-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Former Gov. Ritter, now of @cnee_csu suggests Colorado will meet the proposed @EPA carbon standards 10 years early: ht… 10:47:48, 2014-06-03
- RT @RogerPielkeJr: My 2 cents on the proposed EPA carbon regulations: http://t.co/tjuYAwl8Au 09:14:59, 2014-06-03
- On the overproduction of bullshit jobs, when really we should just go on more picnics and bike rides: http://t.co/m4ORTB8iFV 19:29:07, 2014-06-02
- @bruteforceblog Now *that* is an idea 🙂 in reply to bruteforceblog 19:16:01, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd Quick! Sell it now! in reply to ericmbudd 19:08:22, 2014-06-02
- Fewer hours, not higher pay! Even more reasons to love the anarcho-syndicalists. Like you needed them. http://t.co/5hKDl4DrYp 19:01:24, 2014-06-02
- Interactive map showing the different state-by-state carbon emissions reduction goals proposed by @EPA: http://t.co/QBw3FI9fvw 17:33:31, 2014-06-02
- .@voxdotcom has one of the better explainers on the new @EPA carbon rules: http://t.co/V15eziNUuk 17:21:24, 2014-06-02
- RT @GreenLaneProj: .@boulderpolice Officer, there's a vehicle blocking the bike lane. Oh, it's your vehicle. http://t.co/e2HbQzpPlv 16:26:50, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd Ah yes. Motordom. in reply to ericmbudd 13:49:22, 2014-06-02
- Huh. If I'm a "co-op enthusiast," I must also be a sustainability & affordable housing enthusiast. I guess they're suburbistan enthusiasts? 13:44:08, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd I'm sure I've already sent you this but… I enjoy re-reading it 🙂 http://t.co/GkkHu33UKW in reply to ericmbudd 13:36:17, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd The Diagonal is next in line for BRT (and separated, paved bikeway!) treatment. Or hey, I hear there's jobs in Boulder too 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 12:57:30, 2014-06-02
- RT @ramez: The cost of reducing pollution (like carbon) is always overestimated. Sometimes by > 10x. http://t.co/QZAKmWqrFO http://t.co/8f0… 12:50:00, 2014-06-02
- @ramez And yet, even at $130B, having an ozone layer would totally be worth it! in reply to ramez 12:46:41, 2014-06-02
- RT @thestile1972: 5) if we don't address the root of the problem (too much pavement to maintain) raising gas tax will just enable a bad sys… 12:37:01, 2014-06-02
- RT @thestile1972: 3) yes, roads & bridges are in disrepair, but building too many roads is a huge reason why we don't have enough money for… 12:36:54, 2014-06-02
- RT @thestile1972: 1) throwing more money at the current [transportation] system is easier politically than taking the time and effort to ac… 12:36:50, 2014-06-02
- New @EPA GHG rules "designed to materially damage the ability of conventional energy sources to provide … power" Yep, that's the idea! 12:34:29, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd With that little mileage, have you at least done the calculation to see if occasional rentals made better economic sense? in reply to ericmbudd 12:08:32, 2014-06-02
- @ericmbudd But hey, the faster they get to "buildout" the sooner they can start doing hip new brownfield urban infill! in reply to ericmbudd 10:22:34, 2014-06-02
- We've forgotten what the world was like before unions. Antibiotics. Vaccines. History, are we doomed to repeat? http://t.co/Rfl3FSntYJ 18:45:51, 2014-06-01
- @10salamanders Nom, nom, nom… in reply to 10salamanders 13:40:08, 2014-06-01
- OMG, Solar Roads extended their fundraiser. Boondoggle dollars to keep rolling in for 3 more weeks. #EarlyRetirement #SolarRoadRage 08:10:44, 2014-06-01
- Oh Solar Roads, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways: http://t.co/oZOmVLaksj #SolarRoadRage 08:07:06, 2014-06-01
- @ericmbudd I went up and over and back today. Then food and nap on the couch on the verandah. in reply to ericmbudd 00:00:31, 2014-06-01
- @ericmbudd Flagstaff? in reply to ericmbudd 23:57:33, 2014-05-31
- @ericmbudd Sun Rhyno Lite 36H laced 3x FTW 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 16:49:37, 2014-05-31
- @ericmbudd this is why I like wheels where I don't really need all the spokes. in reply to ericmbudd 16:27:04, 2014-05-31
- A table of young women talking themselves into polyamory. Sadly, one of them apparently has a "leaky aura". #OnlyInBoulder 09:47:23, 2014-05-31
- Nest thermostat could kill the market for peaking power plants. Great for consumers. Scary for regulated utilities: http://t.co/KaKYW8C7GD 09:06:57, 2014-05-31
- The response I most often get when talking to "normal" people about how utility regulation works is something like "But that's ridiculous." 18:46:47, 2014-05-30
- I do like me a good ol' fashioned conspiracy every once in a while. Keeps things interesting, and helps maintain the delusions of grandeur. 17:39:44, 2014-05-30
- RT @Noahpinion: Between 2000 and 2014, Saudi Arabia went from 6.3 children per woman to 2.17. http://t.co/HgGYVmf6OS 17:27:18, 2014-05-30
- @schmangee Or is it just a random walk with a cliff nearby. in reply to schmangee 17:22:14, 2014-05-30
- @ericmbudd Spend $9k/yr on car that gets 30mpg. Drive 15k miles. 500gal gas at $4/gal, less than 1/4 overall cost. So who cares? in reply to ericmbudd 10:37:43, 2014-05-30
- @alexsteffen I am grateful for the time lapse eyes that working in astronomy, geology, space exploration and planetary science gave me. in reply to AlexSteffen 10:34:32, 2014-05-30
- @ladamic Hey, are you going to be living in MI this fall? I'm planning to come to the @NASCO_Coops conference, and would love to say hi 🙂 10:21:52, 2014-05-30
- @ericmbudd @streetsblognet @transitmiami Really? I've always been shocked at how *inelastic* demand for driving is, regardless of gas prices in reply to ericmbudd 10:20:27, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 And you can have this hashtag for free: #SolarRoadRage in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:18:37, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 Please, the more characters the better. I would read 5000 words if you wrote them. in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:18:02, 2014-05-30
- @mitchellbyars Obviously not trial related, but gosh wouldn't it be nice if Boulder's cops were people wanted to (and could) live in Boulder in reply to mitchellbyars 10:15:53, 2014-05-30
- @ericmbudd @streetsblogusa @nhtsagov Coincidentally, about the amount @CeresNews says we need to invest in renewables each year to avoid 2°C in reply to ericmbudd 10:14:17, 2014-05-30
- @streetsblognet @transitmiami Ooh oh, or how about "Transit won't work because Miami will be inundated before the P3 financing is paid off" in reply to StreetsblogNet 10:10:54, 2014-05-30
- RT @bouldergobldr: #Boulder Creek Path underpasses closed: 6th, 13th/Arapahoe, Boulder High, Folsom, 30th, 38th/Arapahoe, 55th, Valmont htt… 10:07:07, 2014-05-30
- At 14, I traded a 1.5hr rural school bus ride for an 11min bike ride. That's way better than electric school buses: http://t.co/Ji5t0omDBs 10:06:18, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 Also, will you please write a detailed and deliciously snarky takedown of the solar roads meme? So I don't have to? 😉 in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:03:31, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 Even more millions available by reverting to a society where kids, uh, walk and bike to school. in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:02:57, 2014-05-30
- @garyridesbikes Seriously. Sustainability is not a luxury good. At its best it's far cheaper. Like building small… http://t.co/buFK9PBlNY in reply to GaryRidesBikes 10:02:02, 2014-05-30
- There's a bunch of building happening in Boulder. Love it or hate it, come find out more on 6/11 6-8pm @ImpactHubBldr http://t.co/SmD0tkTnof 09:59:38, 2014-05-30
- RT @interfluidity: sometimes it feels like we are only inches away. RT @voxdotcom: It's time for the US to use the metric system http://t.c… 01:00:10, 2014-05-30
- RT @BrooklynSpoke: Note the lively street activity, pedestrians, & people on bikes in Google's image of the future. http://t.co/XmD87ba1lA 00:57:38, 2014-05-30
- RT @andrew_leach: Nothing to see here, Alberta. Just people saying they can't make money on oil sands at $100/bbl oil. No big deal. Go abou… 00:45:00, 2014-05-30
- RT @andrew_leach: Total: “Costs are continuing to inflate, netbacks for the oil sands are remaining stable at best, thus, squeezing the mar… 00:44:55, 2014-05-30
- @ramez @alexsteffen Mmm, gas less than doubles its price at $80/ton. Still w/in historic price range. Still competitive for peaking/firming. in reply to ramez 00:33:59, 2014-05-30
- @ramez @alexsteffen I suspect various industry "expectations" are shaped by prices they can deal with. Oil will be ok at $80/ton = $0.80/gal in reply to ramez 15:22:23, 2014-05-29
- @10salamanders find ./ -type f | xargs grep 'that thing I lost in that file that time' in reply to 10salamanders 15:12:17, 2014-05-29
- RT @BicycleLobby: Driverless cars will change everything about how Americans get really, really fat. 12:16:34, 2014-05-29
- .@markudall Actually… that's not a reason; it's a tautology. Reason? Geological luck of the draw. And ridiculously low severance tax rates. in reply to MarkUdall 10:29:13, 2014-05-29
- @csoghoian That is exactly who you should not be popular with. You must be doing a good job. in reply to csoghoian 09:14:57, 2014-05-29
- @ericmbudd Co-opers on the other hand totally have this angle covered. in reply to ericmbudd 22:39:49, 2014-05-28
- How much of this spatial distribution is due to Boulder's cash-in-lieu of affordable housing? http://t.co/TnKf1eb4N7 http://t.co/AsmEPauG6Q 22:33:00, 2014-05-28
- @ericmbudd But will it mean the end of car-oriented streets? in reply to ericmbudd 22:04:19, 2014-05-28
- RT @AlexSteffen: The most genuinely foresighted people on the planet are often systems-focused, a bit boring + kinda hard to understand w/o… 15:14:41, 2014-05-28
- Actual thought I had in the shower this morning:
"Do I second guess myself too often?" 14:58:10, 2014-05-28
- A phenomenal human-scale street at night in Amsterdam: http://t.co/UZYuF7mHYK 09:16:54, 2014-05-28
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: I am a humanist, which means, in part, that I have tried to behave decently without any expectation of reward or punishm… 08:33:41, 2014-05-28
- How useful are renewables in hedging fuel price risk? @NREL: "Market structure choices are important". No kidding! http://t.co/PChw6HyokP 17:27:04, 2014-05-27
- @trueanomalies I have no idea who wrote my dissertation. But I do know he had a big beard. http://t.co/uHHOoZH9S3 in reply to trueanomalies 09:34:52, 2014-05-27
- RT @clmarohn: #signoffailure http://t.co/V3MGghccDZ 08:16:26, 2014-05-27
- @andrew_leach Round numbers are totally way more ominous. I mean, just look at all those sinister zeroes. And the way it evokes Thermopylae. in reply to andrew_leach 00:57:08, 2014-05-27
- I love living in an ad-proof bubble. No billboards here. No TV. Ad-free internet radio. @AdblockPlus. And then you see some ads. And whoa. 23:30:02, 2014-05-26
- RT @KYouell: Favorite tweet of all time. MT @familyride: Dammit, my hazards are stuck on again! Both kids signaling right & left. http://t.… 22:58:39, 2014-05-26
- We feed on old light, long buried. Energy collected by ancient plants. Zombie foods, for a zombie civilization. 22:51:33, 2014-05-26
- Purposefully untrustworthy news meant to goad you into giving up your personal contact info to register your disgust: http://t.co/qH3qImAZR8 22:39:55, 2014-05-26
- @ericmbudd thankfully, no. in reply to ericmbudd 18:08:35, 2014-05-26
- Fueled by rage against stupid energy ideas and our zombie civilization, I actually passed people while riding up Flagstaff today. Amazing! 17:49:13, 2014-05-26
- RT @richardbranson: If I started a business & it was failing, I'd shut it down. #warondrugs has failed – why isn’t it being shut down? http… 16:44:17, 2014-05-26
- @gabeelsner If that were true, it wouldn't be so hard to ban incandescent lightbulbs… in reply to GabeElsner 14:20:19, 2014-05-26
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: It shouldn't be news that energy forecasting reliably fails. Here's @VaclavSmil making the same point in 2000: http://… 13:54:13, 2014-05-26
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: We need policies that don't depend on forecasts b/c long term energy forecasting is a fool's errand. @EIAgov edition: … 13:54:05, 2014-05-26
- About the only thing our highways and the necessary renewable energy infrastructure have in common is the gross land area they occupy. 12:52:44, 2014-05-26
- The fact that solar roads have crowd-funded $1.2M makes me despair for any kind of reasonable renewable energy discussion in the US. *sigh* 12:40:56, 2014-05-26
- Glad to see ADU/OAU fixes in the "early wins" section of housing strategy. Sad to see no mention of cooperative housing. 10:23:06, 2014-05-26
- The type of housing we can provide more of is traditionally "less attractive to families", but it doesn't have to be. Need more co-housing. 10:17:04, 2014-05-26
- But half of in-commuters would like to live in a townhouse in Boulder. A third would be up for a duplex/triplex/4-plex. We can supply those. 09:54:36, 2014-05-26
- Survey says: In commuters have slightly higher incomes than Boulder residents. Housing preferences often drive the choice to commute. 09:52:58, 2014-05-26
- Reading the council packet for tomorrow's housing study session: https://t.co/D3WQmavSAu 09:51:41, 2014-05-26
- Utility bond ratings falling. Public refinancing/retirement of stranded carbon assets is an arbitrage opportunity: http://t.co/vdJkwaq4z5 09:34:52, 2014-05-26
- US House GOP directs military to ignore climate reality. Funny, I never thought I'd hope for a military insurrection. http://t.co/Lmb5eqPW3S 09:24:59, 2014-05-26
- @ericmbudd They must have been playing #CardsAgainstHumanity in reply to ericmbudd 09:19:10, 2014-05-26
- @neil21 I was hoping for more energetic, positive visualization/exploration of actually existing human scale cities too. in reply to neil21 21:03:46, 2014-05-25
- And now off to the dunes and hot springs of the San Luis Valley for some prolonged radio silence, thunderstorms and a meteor shower. 09:08:48, 2014-05-23
- Why do we perceive WMD & climate risks so differently? 99th vs. 30th percentile? http://t.co/tCXewBW4gw http://t.co/5ZF1mRYrSQ 07:44:22, 2014-05-23
- RT @Stanford_Energy: "The Myth of Price" Nice look by @ZaneSelvans at barriers to quantifying social costs of #CO2. @EnergyCollectiv: http:… 21:47:02, 2014-05-22
- @brenttoderian @spurfest Am I the only one who finds it painful that this even has to be pointed out? in reply to BrentToderian 21:35:33, 2014-05-22
- Have started following a bunch of energy tweeps I disagree with. Resisting the urge to engage. Just listening for now. It's hard. 21:31:33, 2014-05-22
- @Shareable @Peers It'd be awesome if you could spread the word on this for folks in Boulder… Legalize shared housing! http://t.co/dgZuLcbtEq 16:30:07, 2014-05-22
- Tell City Council to support more shared housing in Boulder before next Tuesday! http://t.co/dgZuLcbtEq @peers @Shareable @NASCO_Coops 16:11:44, 2014-05-22
- Come to @BMoCA next Wed. 5/28 5-7pm to give feedback on Boulder transportation to @bouldergobldr (and me!) https://t.co/ZH1Z77Z601 15:35:59, 2014-05-22
- Cannabis grow operations have to mitigate CO2 from electricity for lights, but are banned from using ag land, where greenhouses are legal. 15:24:54, 2014-05-22
- At @bouldercounty commissioners hearing, commenting on proposal to allow marijuana growers to offset carbon, by paying into mitigation fund. 14:10:43, 2014-05-22
- Is there anywhere in Boulder you'd like to bike but don't feel safe/comfortable? Please tell us where and why: https://t.co/ZTVKrBxFG8 13:06:17, 2014-05-22
- Long @Forbes piece on a carbon tax to fund low-carbon infrastructure… but no mention of energy market failures *sigh* http://t.co/FvpPXwx56N 12:24:35, 2014-05-22
- And another article, from @bcitiestowns looking at relative impacts of street width on fire and traffic safety: http://t.co/860MxLhNK5 10:25:57, 2014-05-22
- Which is more dangerous: fires or the wide roads demanded by fire departments? http://t.co/U34XV6Bvsy 10:20:57, 2014-05-22
- My first syndicated article, over at @EnergyCollectiv: The Myth of Price by @ZaneSelvans http://t.co/peaRWzABq3 in reply to EnergyCollectiv 10:14:54, 2014-05-22
- @farmedhere Do you publish data on your energy/water use per unit food produced? I'm teaching a class on vertical farming and sustainability 13:21:47, 2014-05-21
- Seriously, what do you expect when you invite one of @theyesmen to be your commencement speaker? https://t.co/KbdpNOjHrX #divestreed 22:22:15, 2014-05-20
- There are limits to human adaptability, but where are they? At +10°C, are half the humans hyperthermic? http://t.co/NLjyWbULxH 22:02:32, 2014-05-20
- A great @thereaIbanksy quote dolled up by @caryonbabe https://t.co/HmhwXczrCI http://t.co/kV5P2cK35A 12:25:57, 2014-05-20
- Sweet bike: @cruiserboutique Mundo Nuvinci Lux w/ front disc. Comes with a free go getter back through May 31. http://t.co/5QGg1UOgr7 in reply to cruiserboutique 12:15:55, 2014-05-20
- No sleep last night. Policy papers litter the floor. Rode to Longmont and back to be on a local govt panel. Zombie brain encroaching. 14:15:22, 2014-05-19
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all. 04:47:09, 2014-05-19
- RT @thereaIbanksy: #banksy http://t.co/5XaisSIqd0 00:11:02, 2014-05-19
- Apparently zombie cars were from 2008 carpocalypse. Still interesting to consider alternative uses of our industries. http://t.co/r5Y81fJmIt 18:54:56, 2014-05-18
- RT @wilw: Seriously, people, the dystopian science fiction we all loved was supposed to be cautionary, not a how to manual. 18:50:11, 2014-05-18
- Meh. See also: http://t.co/foGMIYOEsF MT @citizensclimate: Commercial for electric BMW i8 will make you want one. http://t.co/gV43H9jLBf in reply to citizensclimate 17:06:56, 2014-05-18
- What percentage of new cars go unsold? How much wind and solar could be built with the same industrial capacity? http://t.co/mU2xTunB5c 15:04:01, 2014-05-18
- Robots are starting to make life and death decisions. What ethical algorithms will the first self-driving cars have? http://t.co/drhqZGAjn9 14:45:56, 2014-05-18
- RT @TopHat8855: Sometimes I drive. New driving attitude: I am in awe pedestrians & cyclists allow me on the road even though my vehicle cou… 14:35:09, 2014-05-18
- It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. 14:31:52, 2014-05-18
- Continually surprised at how often people say "impossible" when what they really mean is "different". 22:35:22, 2014-05-17
- @alexsteffen Have you followed evolution of @nature_org biz model? Seems like they're almost heading toward ecosystem services contracting. in reply to AlexSteffen 13:58:58, 2014-05-16
- I love biking by @scottholton's project at 17th & Walnut every morning, watching it take form. @downtownboulder is growing up! 13:36:42, 2014-05-16
- I. Love. Gluten. And also, double blind placebo controlled studies: http://t.co/KngpJMJ8a9 12:23:38, 2014-05-16
- A nice album of photos showing life in Freiburg's car-free Vauban neighborhood (pop. 5500): http://t.co/xkUB4Uaald 03:00:46, 2014-05-16
- RT @pourmecoffee: It is arrogance and folly to think climate change manmade when other possibilities exist (Drawing: Don Ivan Punchatz) htt… 21:57:46, 2014-05-15
- @fishnette @agahran Oooh, no, what did you work on? Would love to sit down and chat about the tool we're building… in reply to fishnette 12:21:53, 2014-05-15
- @fishnette Know anyone who might be interested in funding some data journalism around US coal/carbon/electricity data? 11:57:13, 2014-05-15
- Ironically, cessation of costly reserve hunting would, in the short term, increase fossil carbon profits/dividends. Asset liquidation. 10:16:09, 2014-05-15
- RT @alicebowslarkin: No need for further fossil fuel exploration if we want to stay within a 2C carbon budget: Le Quere #climate2014 @Tynda… 10:13:21, 2014-05-15
- @cjhood71 Thanks! And also for your response on the BC carbon tax. I will definitely have a look at those refs. in reply to cjhood71 10:04:21, 2014-05-15
- Time lapse eyes in a long slow now, while the ants scurry around mindlessly everywhere. 00:33:16, 2014-05-15
- What happens to human population in a world with universal contraception and a commitment to centuries of increasing climate disruption? 23:00:27, 2014-05-14
- @subnaughtsounds If there's anything juicy, you'll be the first to know… in reply to subnaughtsounds 22:57:46, 2014-05-14
- Aww, random climate denier trolls have finally found me on Twitter. I guess that means I'm doing this right? Occupational hazards. 22:11:30, 2014-05-14
- @ericmbudd Save some hearts for breaking in June. And July. And August. And September. in reply to ericmbudd 21:52:10, 2014-05-14
- "Political prejudices tend to blind us to facts that fail to fit any conventional political agendas." http://t.co/N3Vnd0BpbV 16:57:47, 2014-05-14
- @ericmbudd @TheBTI Yep yep yep. in reply to ericmbudd 11:52:35, 2014-05-14
- @BoulderAdvocacy thanks for trying to get some more participation from the other half… 11:03:17, 2014-05-14
- Only 50% of the people on this panel are dudes, but 95% of the words seem to be coming from dudes. #JustSayin 10:51:18, 2014-05-14
- Strong words from @jaredpolis on the need for especially clean tech startups to engage politically given the power of incumbents. #bsw14 10:41:09, 2014-05-14
- @andrew_leach @MICHELLEatSP Almost all public mind changers in business and politics use narrative not data. Why would climate be different? in reply to andrew_leach 09:20:14, 2014-05-14
- @andrew_leach touché in reply to andrew_leach 09:15:56, 2014-05-14
- @andrew_leach Stories just work better than data for the humans. As long as we tell stories that reflect the data, is that awful? in reply to andrew_leach 08:33:18, 2014-05-14
- @garyridesbikes Like pedestrian malls, another thing our cities share. How sweet. in reply to GaryRidesBikes 00:15:06, 2014-05-14
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Overwhelming scientific evidence suggests a startling number of people are capable of ignoring overwhelming scientific e… 00:12:54, 2014-05-14
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Antarctica is melting and there's no way to stop it and it's your fault and it's a catastrophe beyond comprehension. Jus… 00:12:41, 2014-05-14
- Glaciers are like the #HoneyBadger Admiral Titley "The ice doesn’t care about politics or who’s caucusing with whom." http://t.co/mISMimOepX 23:26:11, 2014-05-13
- @alexsteffen You've clearly been talking to someone working on the EPA's 111(d) rules. *sigh* in reply to AlexSteffen 20:50:16, 2014-05-13
- Just a little good old fashioned billboard liberation: http://t.co/4sf4O76Xne 20:43:12, 2014-05-13
- RT @svrdesign: Whoa. Perspective. MT @grescoe Despite domestic uptick—more ppl cycle to work/school in Copenhagen than in all of US http://… 13:52:23, 2014-05-13
- What our bike parking will look like when we meet our transportation climate goals… @bouldergobldr @BoulderParking http://t.co/iiTwtS5k99 13:27:30, 2014-05-13
- (2/2) Richard B. Alley: “But there’s a bunch more fuses, and there’s a bunch more matches, and we have a decision now: Do we light those?” 13:02:29, 2014-05-13
- (1/2) Richard B. Alley: “If we have indeed lit the fuse on West Antarctica, it’s very hard to imagine putting the fuse out,” 13:02:13, 2014-05-13
- @iea @cjhood71 Public info on discount rate, fuel escalation, & risk pricing assumptions in this study? They kinda determine the outcome. in reply to IEA 12:55:00, 2014-05-13
- @rorowe Jim Morris Environmental Tees? in reply to rorowe 12:34:16, 2014-05-13
- Discount rate not found in the powerpoint, but cost effectiveness is largely determined by it http://t.co/knVEZFE0Cz http://t.co/OonbIZwEFg 01:48:23, 2014-05-13
- My god, does @IEA make you buy the book to find out what the discount rate and fuel cost escalation rates are? http://t.co/6IRpYLhEBL €150?! 01:39:11, 2014-05-13
- Oh, p8 of Exec Summary gets close… at DR=10% you still save $5T in fuel. But DR for $71T savings? No comment! http://t.co/OzQ1XEIR13 01:34:35, 2014-05-13
- I have a low discount rate and risk tolerance because I want civilization to persist. Not vice versa. And that causality is obviously okay. 01:26:20, 2014-05-13
- $44T to get 2°C in 2050.
$115T in fuel saved!
Discount rate unknown… In the press release anyway:
http://t.co/BgVSEvx0VR @vanderhoeven_m in reply to VanderHoeven_M 01:22:07, 2014-05-13 - Decarbonizing: $4.4e13
Fuel savings: $1.15e14
Discount rate/fuel escalation: not reported in @BloombergNews
http://t.co/xYlAW0npqo @ramez in reply to ramez 01:18:05, 2014-05-13 - I think this is a parody, but sometimes in this town I'm not quite sure. @dailycamera reader admits to chemtrails: http://t.co/s8kAh4Ezpv 00:21:29, 2014-05-13
- "The persistent rhetoric of 'we will not retreat' is a form of denial" @Revkin http://t.co/tyHEkeGZ2d 00:15:08, 2014-05-13
- RT @MayOneUS: In effort to make corruption easier, WI lawmakers accidentally ban campaign cash from lobbyists.
http://t.co/bw2FSWSxNi #In… 23:52:49, 2014-05-12 - Is this is the best America can do in election reform legislation? "Oops, we banned lobbyists from fundraising" http://t.co/DzcTANPBqO 23:51:45, 2014-05-12
- That awkward moment when you finally realize Bob and Bill Nordhaus are actually different people… http://t.co/PNXFLvJ8j3 23:38:53, 2014-05-12
- If you're not one of the die-hard suburbanites in Boulder… come to our #bsw14 session on sustainable urbanism! https://t.co/88cYywbGif 21:23:49, 2014-05-12
- Serious question. How do you talk to kids about climate change? Seems like a surreal 21st century version of the sex talk. 21:20:45, 2014-05-12
- @shwinnebego What drives me f-ing nuts is the fact that the cult of "realism" is so far from pragmatic in the context of challenges we face! in reply to shwinnebego 21:08:56, 2014-05-12
- RT @interfluidity: Fun way to run a lottery: siultaneously spend the prize in bitcoin to all contestants. The winner is the one who ends up… 20:23:18, 2014-05-12
- Is it bad that I look forward to the federal transportation funding implosion? Might have to actually do something *different*. The horror! 19:51:50, 2014-05-12
- Other non-suburban design options yield so many other benefits, I can't fathom the mindset that excludes them. Mind is boggled. 19:24:32, 2014-05-12
- "Realist" position is that we're stuck with our suburban neighborhoods. Can't possibly change them. But hey, how 'bout them ice sheets? 19:21:01, 2014-05-12
- Trying to reduce GHGs by 80% in a transportation planning silo that can't consider drastically changing suburban land-use is totally insane. 19:18:06, 2014-05-12
- This is what every parking lot should look like! In the Grácia neighborhood of Barcelona… #Sustainability #Parking http://t.co/T8TSGIttv6 19:01:25, 2014-05-12
- Boulder transportation GHG reduction goals: 41% from CAFE 44% from fuel switch. Only 15% from mode shift/VMT reduction? Really? Unambitious. 18:56:38, 2014-05-12
- With all this lead up we better get to have a long rowdy discussion about the actual policy options. 18:45:12, 2014-05-12
- Is this the 5th TAB "overview" of Boulder's new parking/access management plan? Still few details, but, uh… compass! http://t.co/lAjg4wxhNn 18:44:20, 2014-05-12
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: If we melt Antarctica, newly exposed land could be more parking. Parking. Parking. Park in parking. Could be oil. Aspha… 16:16:51, 2014-05-12
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: No. This solar roads concept can most definitely not power "the entire country". No. No. Nope. http://t.co/yhls43JaUV h… 16:04:56, 2014-05-12
- What a statistically representative climate debate looks like. There are definitely hats: https://t.co/OxdecKFEny 15:02:26, 2014-05-12
- @sugarmags3 Ice sheet collapse got you down? in reply to sugarmags3 13:59:46, 2014-05-12
- @ericmbudd Also, the grotesque non-linearity of the system is not comforting. How lucky do you feel, punk? in reply to ericmbudd 13:24:03, 2014-05-12
- @ericmbudd We built cathedrals once, that took centuries to complete. in reply to ericmbudd 13:23:37, 2014-05-12
- Okay, enough ice sheet mourning. Back to trying to shut down the xenoforming machines. 13:21:59, 2014-05-12
- Good explainer on instability of the #WAIS from @NASAJPL http://t.co/hU1yiBKofd and another from @BadAstronomer http://t.co/IeL0T9iZoq 13:18:51, 2014-05-12
- Animation showing drainage rates and ice loss on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: https://t.co/Cct0LRjHIS 12:54:31, 2014-05-12
- Also depends on when we decide to get our shit together as a species. Until then, bad news is an almost inexhaustible, renewable resource. 12:50:39, 2014-05-12
- Is today the worst news day of your life? That depends on your discount rate. http://t.co/86ahdvVrbU 12:49:19, 2014-05-12
- Sometimes Colorado rewards the lazy gardener. http://t.co/3i50qBtwM9 12:00:55, 2014-05-12
- @ZachBehrens @GaryRidesBikes now you can bike to the tunnels to nowhere, for the nuclear war evacuation freeway that was never finished… in reply to ZachBehrens 01:07:39, 2014-05-12
- @dansinker Well shoot, welcome to Boulder! Don't get your hopes up about the tacos though. in reply to dansinker 01:03:16, 2014-05-12
- @bruteforceblog funny how the memes leak in, and you lose track of them. It just felt like I ought to search around for Dutch social housing in reply to bruteforceblog 23:11:05, 2014-05-11
- So the world isn't all mortgage interest tax deductions and govt. sponsored securitization of single family home loans. Who knew? 22:15:33, 2014-05-11
- Those organizations now produce >50% of *all* new Dutch housing, and own about 80% of all rental housing, without direct subsidy. 22:12:51, 2014-05-11
- The Netherlands "privatized" social housing in the 1960s by turning it over to 100s of non-profit social enterprises: http://t.co/KIUKF811HW 22:05:00, 2014-05-11
- Look up! Go for a bike ride. Smart phones and dumb people. Embrace the irony! https://t.co/6f4Hs8kQDe 21:33:56, 2014-05-11
- @ericmbudd Train to Sac'to, 2-day ride S. to F'no then over to SCZ, up to SF, train up to Portlandia and back, train to DEN. Or something. in reply to ericmbudd 21:22:18, 2014-05-11
- @ericmbudd I'm hoping to visit family and avoid living in a construction zone while the co-op is renovated… dunno what the schedule is yet. in reply to ericmbudd 21:18:08, 2014-05-11
- @zaibatsu @ericmbudd Hoping to try this thing out with a late summer/early fall flightless trip to California with my bike. in reply to zaibatsu 21:13:01, 2014-05-11
- @fishnette Wouldn't it be nice if we could just attribute this to the fact that we're really outdoorsy? 09:52:55, 2014-05-11
- Portland, OR is encouraging ADUs as sustainable, affordable, small-scale infill development: http://t.co/rKUU9Zm9Gl C'mon Boulder! 00:39:31, 2014-05-11
- Also, at some point, the kind of badass you need to be shifts from "mom on a cargo bike" to "post-apocalyptic zombie slayer" Yeehaw! 22:15:55, 2014-05-10
- When people say I'm a badass for hauling 150kg of food by bike, I think "Everyone will be need to be a badass at 500ppm CO2 and +4°C" 22:12:43, 2014-05-10
- @maconcowles I think you might have meant to do an at-reply there i.e. @AJTechKnow if you were trying to ensure they were notified anyway. in reply to MaconCowles 22:07:25, 2014-05-10
- @alexsteffen @ramez And honestly, escaping sunk coal costs looks easy compared to sunk transportation/land-use costs. Ugh. in reply to AlexSteffen 14:06:59, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen Unfortunately starting that discussion makes everyone (greens, utilities, regulators, legislators) very uncomfortable. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:05:15, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen We need a robust regulatory discussion on writing off sunk coal costs gracefully, rather than in unpredictable crisis. in reply to ramez 14:03:13, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen Varies, but currently fuel risks are unpriced, passed through to rate payers. $0 clearly wrong. PPAs set upper bound. in reply to ramez 13:58:29, 2014-05-10
- RT @AlexSteffen: Given infrastructure lifetimes, a global campaign against building any new large-scale auto infrastructure should be a cli… 13:54:06, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen With 20yrs of fuel price risks integrated into generation costs, wind is already cheaper, w/o PTC http://t.co/sdusErUEbB in reply to ramez 13:53:19, 2014-05-10
- @alexsteffen @ramez $50/ton is $0.50/gallon. Clearly in liquid hydrocarbon based transportation/land-use system, nowhere near high enough. in reply to AlexSteffen 13:50:12, 2014-05-10
- @alexsteffen Concern. That's a gentle way to put it! Pricing alone is simple. Fixing the markets prices would exist in is a pain in the ass. in reply to AlexSteffen 13:13:10, 2014-05-10
- @ramez I wonder how that compares to the ag subsidies per burger for the corn and soy the cow ate. in reply to ramez 00:39:10, 2014-05-10
- @andrew_leach Cost seems to be a distant secondary concern when we face more familiar existential threats (e.g. war). Why is this different? in reply to andrew_leach 22:42:45, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach I also tend to question whether the lens of economic efficiency is the most useful one for this problem so late in the game. in reply to andrew_leach 22:40:31, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach That sounds interesting. So far I find the right tail of abatement far less frightening than the right tail of climate change. in reply to andrew_leach 22:32:02, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach On decision making under deep uncertainty, I liked the @worldbank paper that @drgrist reviewed here: http://t.co/UCYtAPanZG in reply to andrew_leach 22:22:14, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach The real question to me is, how do we, as a civilization, want to respond to uncertainty? How many bullets in the revolver? in reply to andrew_leach 22:16:19, 2014-05-09
- All of this makes it impossible for me to listen to arguments about the relative costs of renewables vs. fossil fuels with a straight face. 21:16:00, 2014-05-09
- Also, with a low discount rate & risk tolerance, fixed-price wind, solar, & energy efficiency become extremely cheap, even ignoring carbon. 21:04:35, 2014-05-09
- Do you want civilization to persist with high probability? Then you have a low discount rate & risk tolerance, and thus a high carbon price. 21:02:25, 2014-05-09
- The point I'm trying to make isn't that carbon prices are meaningless… but rather that they are mostly value statements. 21:00:54, 2014-05-09
- @garyridesbikes The Pearl St. Mall in @downtownboulder is another pleasant example. in reply to GaryRidesBikes 20:41:25, 2014-05-09
- The social cost of carbon? Somewhere between $10 and $1500 per ton. Depending. My new post on the Myth of Price: http://t.co/LldmjZKdcq 18:22:32, 2014-05-09
- You know what the humans remind me of? A bunch of terminally ill, childless compulsive gamblers playing Russian roulette with 4 bullets. 17:05:27, 2014-05-09
- @ericmbudd Excellent. The Nebraska xenoforming machines are in good working order. The Sand Hills will be dunes again before we expire. in reply to ericmbudd 20:42:42, 2014-05-08
- RT @schmangee: True: Those headaches that come with driving? You can pretty much opt out of those by choosing a better place to live http:/… 09:15:48, 2014-05-08
- Op-Ed from @WillToor in the @DenverPost on the sustained decline in driving in Colorado. We're not going back… http://t.co/OmcwVYrRI5 21:46:06, 2014-05-07
- Sometimes I wonder if having a vision of how great future could be is worth the trouble. It generates so many mystified blank stares. 21:24:36, 2014-05-07
- I have too many things to be working on! I need me some minions damn it! 12:56:06, 2014-05-07
- Xenoforming the Homeworld FTW! MT @GSmeeton: We are the first humans ever to breathe air containing 400ppm of CO2, says @CFigueres in reply to GSmeeton 11:52:27, 2014-05-07
- RT @CouncilSusman: Concerned about homesharing & ridesharing in #Denver? Tune in Mon for the first #DenverCityCouncil Sharing Committee. ht… 11:50:55, 2014-05-07
- @iflscience I appreciate that "on Earth" caveat. Because, who knows what the extraterrestrial arthropods are up to. in reply to IFLScience 11:10:19, 2014-05-07
- Oooh, first thunderstorm of the year in #Boulder. Also, I am tired of academics poaching my friends to work in faraway lands. 23:26:57, 2014-05-06
- @isambrooks Also misses negative costs of much mitigation, & the space required for renewable energy at scale if everyone lives like the US. in reply to iSamBrooks 21:32:13, 2014-05-06
- Divine retribution? MT @WaxmanClimate: Southeast has more billion-dollar #climate disasters than any other US region: http://t.co/iLJv3GInZM in reply to WaxmanClimate 09:31:51, 2014-05-06
- The difference between low costs, and high but worthwhile costs is surprisingly subtle. 00:12:59, 2014-05-06
- @ericmbudd Rolled them up in a cloth napkin and tied it with a bow. Always got it in my panniers. in reply to ericmbudd 20:52:47, 2014-05-05
- RT @changeist: The end of history, in one sign. http://t.co/b1Txd3QGGa 20:51:45, 2014-05-05
- @ericmbudd @boulderbma @303cycling aiming for a lot new of climbing shoulders at least, but it's gonna be a while. in reply to ericmbudd 18:55:45, 2014-05-05
- Canyons are going to be opening and closing on and off due to heavy construction for *years*. Be prepared to adapt. @boulderbma @303cycling 18:49:28, 2014-05-05
- Meeting with @BoCoDOT and @CommunityCycles on canyon road reconstruction plans… 18:12:37, 2014-05-05
- I would really like to live in a two marshmallow civilization. Sometimes, I'm not even sure we can make it to one. 16:35:34, 2014-05-05
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: A SuperPAC to end all SuperPACs! Embrace the irony. Help @lessig crowdfund @MayOneUS https://t.co/GuLwLIniRn & get th… 14:14:50, 2014-05-05
- How can America's top cities for bikes avoid resting on their laurels? Apparently Portland feels a little slow too… http://t.co/JAoNmuMU7u 11:24:27, 2014-05-05
- RT @Keeling_curve: And another first: April 2014 average CO2 value was 401.33, the first monthly average over #400ppm in human history. #gl… 01:35:31, 2014-05-05
- @sugarmags3 50lbs of mixed produce… http://t.co/d5TddzrGgq 23:00:14, 2014-05-04
- @charlesabrock you gonna have to get a real profile up there buddy 😉 00:23:53, 2014-05-04
- RT @errolmorris: How did we forget the mass killings in Indonesia? And what might they have taught us about Vietnam? http://t.co/qaHtObAVAW 00:22:55, 2014-05-04
- @zoecello Wonderful show! I really appreciate how different it is from the studio album versions. More fun for you too it sounds like. in reply to zoecello 22:04:02, 2014-05-03
- All cleaned up and headed off for a hot date with @ZoeCello at the @BoulderTheater! 19:09:50, 2014-05-03
- Lincoln and Hannah making some beds: http://t.co/MWSkvJmWcU 19:01:05, 2014-05-03
- The co-op work day totally, like, working: http://t.co/QIP3t8PEv4 18:58:39, 2014-05-03
- @ericmbudd @nytimes I signed up for the more general tool. Seems like there should be a Python implementation if the algorithm… in reply to ericmbudd 10:13:00, 2014-05-03
- @ericmbudd @nytimes grrreat for co-ops with 20 rooms 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 10:10:55, 2014-05-03
- How to commit a murder in broad daylight without getting arrested? Apparently a driver's license is a license to kill http://t.co/0T6i3vymXm 09:33:43, 2014-05-03
- Kevin tilling under the berm we built to contain Gregory Creek during the #boulderflood http://t.co/iJlmbZJIrB 09:18:01, 2014-05-03
- Dirt for the Masala Co-op spring workday. Today we take back the garden! http://t.co/yxAuVhwC0I 09:15:57, 2014-05-03
- Studying the utility industry and regulation in the US is like doing an autopsy on a zombie. It's dead, but somehow it just keeps moving. 00:28:14, 2014-05-03
- It feels like maybe I ate some unripe or slightly poisonous fruit from the tree of knowledge. 00:26:52, 2014-05-03
- Why did I choose to understand such a complicated and frustrating system? 00:17:41, 2014-05-03
- A senate bill forcing #KXL through has 54 votes… @SenBennetCO & @MarkUdall have no position. Tell them to oppose it! (& reform filibuster). 17:52:20, 2014-05-02
- @laplacanancy In that case you probably want to start all but the 1st tweet w/ one of the twitter handles… then everyone else doesn't see it in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:02:10, 2014-05-02
- @laplacanancy Sorry, make that 7x… in reply to laplacanancy 14:00:51, 2014-05-02
- @laplacanancy Um, you just quadruple posted that tweet… in reply to laplacanancy 14:00:17, 2014-05-02
- Why #Boulder needs to diversify funding: MT @StrongTowns: Cities reliant on sales tax see big gains & big declines. http://t.co/f4ZFFjUS4X in reply to StrongTowns 13:58:07, 2014-05-02
- @srbraker @ericmbudd Or just text me and tell me who you are: three oh three eight one five, six eight six six in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:45:59, 2014-05-02
- @srbraker @ericmbudd DM me your phone numbers and I'll text the PW. in reply to srbraker 13:38:12, 2014-05-02
- @srbraker @ericmbudd Went through and had @CommunityCycles follow all my bikey follows. Y'all wanna do the same? 13:24:25, 2014-05-02
- Here is a blog post by someone who cannot do an order of magnitude calculation. Don't be that guy: http://t.co/nclZiN4wcG 11:24:40, 2014-05-02
- @neil21 Ha! It turns out that that indecisive cyclist w/ the self-driving Google car was staged on purpose! http://t.co/GlbPzdohKS 11:10:57, 2014-05-02
- @brenttoderian It might be worth tamping down enthusiasm for self driving cars too see e.g. @RockefellerFdn here: http://t.co/GlbPzdohKS in reply to BrentToderian 11:09:47, 2014-05-02
- The High Price of Materialism… or why I love living cooperatively: https://t.co/CR2amVfVNy #cooplife 11:02:37, 2014-05-02
- RT @wwwtxt: I just want to let you all know that reading posts here and sending info back and forth with people is an important part of my … 10:49:58, 2014-05-02
- Pay the political arm of motordom for a rescue, or invest in some tools? Easy choice… http://t.co/YJxmslP1Tf @BicycleColo @AAAColorado 10:11:15, 2014-05-02
- @rockefellerfdn Hopefully a soon to be obsolete paleofuture. Building great @citiesforpeople is both way cheaper, and way more awesome. in reply to RockefellerFdn 09:57:38, 2014-05-02
- RT @stutzmane: There is really nothing like the anonymous comments section after you write about working mothers. #1950s #madmen #retrograde 08:26:32, 2014-05-02
- RT @dendycrew: You wont believe the top 12 organs millenials are selling to boomers to survive to the next paycheck 01:46:53, 2014-05-02
- No capacity increase can forestall shortages if we're unwilling to contain demand growth. True for water & energy: http://t.co/Jn38aJt8Wz 23:23:50, 2014-05-01
- This is pretty close to my take on bike helmets… but with more separated infrastructure and less "take the lane" http://t.co/7v8SX9aQyt 23:16:14, 2014-05-01
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The assertion that oil spills create economic activity highlights how absurd our metrics of economic success are: http… 23:11:42, 2014-05-01
- @sugarmags3 Personally I'm thinking more a combination of Arabica and Sativa. in reply to sugarmags3 18:22:35, 2014-05-01
- And so it is on days like this that I want to say "F*ck it, I'm riding my bike to Chile" 18:13:15, 2014-05-01
- yo @bouldercolorado this => @AlexSteffen: All emissions targets should be a total budget: e.g. "We will emit < 93 MT CO2 over next 50 yrs." in reply to AlexSteffen 17:37:19, 2014-05-01
- My passion for the policy work is indirect. It's a meta-task that enables the prioritization of the real task: re-building civilization. 17:20:32, 2014-05-01
- My job is to re-write the rules so sustainable energy systems are profitable, but I'd kinda rather just profit from building those systems. 17:16:20, 2014-05-01
- @srbraker @surlybikes Sweeet bike 🙂 The co-ops are doing a tour from Boulder to Steamboat and back Aug 16-24 if you're interested! in reply to srbraker 11:56:28, 2014-05-01
- RT @CommunityCycles: Drop a bike for us off at @ElevationsCU in the month of May, and the credit union will match the donation with cash! h… 00:42:28, 2014-05-01
- RT @BrentToderian: The only real energy solutions are urban densities, mixes & patterns, & personal choices, that use much less energy. htt… 22:48:47, 2014-04-30
- Man, Rob Ford really knows how to throw a party in my feed. And I'm only following like three Canadians! What a glorious train wreck. 22:21:53, 2014-04-30
- RT @AlexSteffen: "If it's not a carbon budget, it's not a real climate target." That should be a thing. 15:57:26, 2014-04-30
- RT @AlexSteffen: All emissions targets should now be stated not as %s, but as total budget: e.g., "We will emit no more than 93 MT CO2 over… 15:57:20, 2014-04-30
- RT @CommunityCycles: We're co-hosting a fun evening of sustainable transportation wonkery June 16th w/ live music, out by @cruiserboutique … 16:22:33, 2014-04-29
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Our June 16th Speakeasy is on sustainable transportation w/ @WillToor in honor of @BoulderWalkBike Month! More info: h… 16:22:29, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd I mean, anything is "doable" 🙂 Definitely some hike-a-bike. in reply to ericmbudd 14:07:12, 2014-04-29
- Anyone else from Boulder need to do a @NOLSedu WFR re-cert this year? https://t.co/yGm6LrsQqn 14:06:24, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd Do you have a mountain bike too? Chapman is totally thrashed from the floods. 4' deep gullies for part of it. Fun adventure. in reply to ericmbudd 14:02:28, 2014-04-29
- Where do people ride bikes in Boulder? Now if only we had this dataset for all kinds of riders! http://t.co/w0AnZN6k87 data from @strava 13:49:28, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd 68J/Two Sisters connects Flagstaff to Magnolia. I guess I'll ride down the canyon if I'm too tired for Sugarloaf. in reply to ericmbudd 13:42:50, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd Oooh, that's cool. I am definitely taking some paths less traveled. Nobody on 68J/Two Sisters. So many people in Boulder Canyon? in reply to ericmbudd 13:39:38, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd do you ever go back and look at your favorited tweets? 23:20:34, 2014-04-28
- Going to @edwardburtynsky's @WatermarkFilm at @DairyArts Sunday, 6:30pm. Who wants to come? Tickets/Trailer here: https://t.co/YYUcPFqwCT 23:09:37, 2014-04-28
- Turns out a big house in the 'burbs doesn't actually make people happier @streetfilms chats with @thehappycity https://t.co/D6keOJTjeM 22:50:32, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd Neither hard, nor particularly high impact, given TABOR restrictions on what revenues can go to. in reply to ericmbudd 22:33:39, 2014-04-28
- @BridgetCarle Ha, it was actually a MunichRe paper I was referring to! More on those thoughts on blood vs. treasure: http://t.co/iA4agYkAxE 22:31:38, 2014-04-28
- Thankfully there's no milk in the fridge, or I would be slathering chocolate buttercream frosting on something and eating it. 22:21:33, 2014-04-28
- @neil21 But it's important for the system to be robust against indecisive douches. in reply to neil21 22:20:17, 2014-04-28
- RT @BrentToderian: 'This plan is completely silly – to cycle should mean to be part of the city' – Jan Gehl on #SkyCycle http://t.co/yuLqms… 21:44:27, 2014-04-28
- A few thoughts on the origins of my own low pure time preference and risk aversion: http://t.co/v2lcgU5ecp 21:44:04, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd Sorry, 45 new occupancy cases, 31 closed w/o violation, 2 still open, 12 violations: https://t.co/5uCh3yasUz in reply to ericmbudd 20:29:51, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd If I recall correctly from the council packet, the occupancy limits have been enforced 30 times in the last year in Boulder. in reply to ericmbudd 20:17:07, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd You obviously need to spend more time at the co-op 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 20:15:05, 2014-04-28
- Lots of tacit suggestions that we should require or encourage many more city employees to live in the city itself, for all kinds of reasons. 16:29:44, 2014-04-28
- Surprising amount of awareness that our community engagement is strong, but very narrow. The same voices are loud in all of our discussions. 14:31:55, 2014-04-28
- Denver metro has a higher proportion of its economy exposed to river flooding than any other city in the US according to SwissRe. 13:36:59, 2014-04-28
- Proportion of disaster losses absorbed by federal govt increased from 33% to 77% between 1992 and 2008. 13:29:48, 2014-04-28
- Too many facilitator jokes about how we're going to find a new planet and move there. Especially funny amongst the gated community set. 13:27:15, 2014-04-28
- Dude from Palantir highlighting a bunch of the actually awesome things that Big Brother can do. 13:23:18, 2014-04-28
- Wow. Carl Castillo's table thinks aging population is a strength. Since rich old white people are so good at adaptation & political change. 12:28:44, 2014-04-28
- Not sure folks apreciate the spectrum of possible environmental degradation, poverty… Especially given the other cities in this pool. 12:25:45, 2014-04-28
- Hopefully all these perceptions will actually be contrasted with some meaningful quantitative observations. 12:18:24, 2014-04-28
- Lots of discussion about the interconnection between these risk factors. And also, everyone is hypersensitive to the "transient" population. 12:16:21, 2014-04-28
- And chronic stresses. Housing, diversity, land use, income inequality. I have a social services table… http://t.co/HHnJp03I0r 12:10:48, 2014-04-28
- Our table's take on acute stresses http://t.co/dLHcAqLr8G 11:59:04, 2014-04-28
- Unscientific poll of participants, ranking Boulder's chronic stresses. Affordable Housing is #1 short term: http://t.co/bz0bQl7wf1 11:39:02, 2014-04-28
- The first third of these things always send to be for folks who didn't take the time to read the packet… 11:33:01, 2014-04-28
- Boulder definitely an outlier among the cities chosen, very small and very wealthy. 10:17:12, 2014-04-28
- Focus so far from the city is almost entirely on climate, natural disasters, infrastructure. Very little on social/economic resilience. 10:14:25, 2014-04-28
- Also kind of awesome that we are perched five stories above the city's gladiatorial arena. 10:06:38, 2014-04-28
- At the 100 Resilient Cities. Slightly creepy that it's sponsored by a surveillance company, a weapons lab, old carbon money & reinsurance. 09:45:07, 2014-04-28
- @trueanomalies Ugh. Extraterrestrial GIS coordinate systems gives me flashbacks. And not the good kind. in reply to trueanomalies 20:04:00, 2014-04-27
- @ericmbudd Human powered transportation positively correlated w/ transit, negatively correlated w/ driving? in reply to ericmbudd 19:33:07, 2014-04-27
- And if you need a specific list of inefficiencies to be convinced, @ACEEEdc has that covered too: http://t.co/unjSDp21ql 11:35:41, 2014-04-27
- @ericmbudd Yay! Lots of good stuff going on downtown. Now if only we had a few more downtowns. in reply to ericmbudd 11:33:21, 2014-04-27
- High energy efficiency standards can lower required carbon prices by ~75% at negative cost, says Laitner of @ACEEEdc http://t.co/TPHYtazqSp 11:14:38, 2014-04-27
- Pure pricing mechanisms make mitigation expensive, because they do not address underlying market inefficiencies. 11:08:42, 2014-04-27
- 2.) Mitigation is only expensive relative to a fantasy world w/o climate change. In the real world not mitigating is fabulously expensive! 10:15:35, 2014-04-27
- 1.) A tired framing: "Greenhouse gases are ubiquitous in our economy, and their mitigation will be expensive." from http://t.co/t5MMrUR8ff 10:12:43, 2014-04-27
- Almost complies w/ Boulder's height limit… MT @VictorDover: What cycling can be like: Haarlemmerstraat, Amsterdam http://t.co/EZZu0iSuFE in reply to VictorDover 09:41:19, 2014-04-27
- Can deterministic citizens participate meaningfully in governance without admitting they actually live in a stochastic world? 23:53:44, 2014-04-26
- @streetfilms Totally relate to the frustration, but I don't know that it's a desirable type of post. in reply to Streetfilms 22:44:39, 2014-04-26
- Doing the reading for the @RockefellerFdn Resilient Cities workshop in Boulder Monday… http://t.co/Cq6mMOu8Ns 21:09:58, 2014-04-26
- Answer: pumpernickel bagel. http://t.co/6xiZ1483VT 19:48:27, 2014-04-26
- What kind of dumpster bread do I want to put my heirloom tomato BFR BLT with avocados on? #CoopProblems 19:32:09, 2014-04-26
- Glad we're trying to set legal precedents attributing climate costs to big carbon. But they'll be bankrupt soon. http://t.co/RgvA7NOWGF 15:45:22, 2014-04-26
- This paper on how local climate variability affects politics of policy implementation looks interesting. Got a copy? http://t.co/BFtfsHGoFB 15:33:52, 2014-04-26
- RT @wunderground: West Texas #ThunderStorm http://t.co/8wTUnjfWd2 #weather http://t.co/0cSPfAiIsQ 15:28:35, 2014-04-26
- Am I confused, or is the 0% capital gains tax rate for people with little taxable income awesome for big IRA/401k savers? @mrmoneymustache 15:25:33, 2014-04-26
- County Road 68J is open! Wonderful shortcut to Magnolia via the Two Sisters. Totally high on bicycles. I feel superhuman. 15:21:22, 2014-04-26
- @rorowe @barrett_skip @crankymommys Sometimes I want to have kids just so I can justify getting a cargo bike. Borrowing is probably better! in reply to rorowe 15:19:08, 2014-04-26
- Friday co-op pizza party. Six pizzas from scratch. Not quite enough guests. Stomach disturbingly full. 21:54:26, 2014-04-25
- @cruiserboutique Organizing a Sustainable Transportation Speakeasy w/ @ClnEnergyAction & @CommunityCycles at @303Vodka on 6/16. Wanna come? 16:00:34, 2014-04-25
- The irony of our suburban neighborhoods fighting density because of traffic and parking impacts does not seem to be widely appreciated. 10:58:29, 2014-04-25
- @republicwirelss I appreciated that I didn't have to call the voicemail, or wait through instructions. Message was on my phone, easy access. in reply to republicwirelss 09:16:00, 2014-04-25
- @republicwirelss just got my first voicemail since switching to you guys, and I think I might actually start listening to voicemail again… 02:18:47, 2014-04-25
- @sugarmags3 The LD50 for Caffeine is equivalent to about 100 cups of coffee. in reply to sugarmags3 15:00:22, 2014-04-24
- @interfluidity Actually that's false. They'd be 100kg no matter where they are. Mass doesn't change. Weight (the force extorted) does. in reply to interfluidity 13:41:54, 2014-04-24
- RT @EcoWatch: Taking #CleanEnergy Action With #Climate Activist Leslie Glustrom – http://t.co/2OsgtJ8HtU @ClnEnergyAction @CO_BeyondCoal @C… 12:47:39, 2014-04-24
- @MikeSalisbury78 I'm sorry, but not driving is ridiculously easy. It's a social/mental/cultural block. I've done it my whole life. in reply to MikeSalisbury78 08:33:03, 2014-04-24
- EAB guy on reducing residential parking requirements: "What, are you expecting people not to have cars?" Damn straight! Scared him off… 20:28:35, 2014-04-23
- Also, just FYI, the industrial space at Sanitas Brewing is loud, and not appropriate for this kind of workshop. But, good tacos. 18:53:18, 2014-04-23
- Sadly, projections still assuming most GHG reductions must come from fuel economy and vehicle electrification, not a human scale city. 18:45:26, 2014-04-23
- At the joint Planning/Transportation/Environmental Board workshop on the Transportation Master Plan update and climate commitment. 18:45:25, 2014-04-23
- RT @StreetsblogNet: Survey: Millennials willing to relocate for better transportation options http://t.co/Ht437rIV3u via @T4America 12:41:52, 2014-04-23
- RT @bruteforceblog: 90% of Freiburg's transit, (verkehrs AG) budget is recovered through (v. affordable) fares. cc @cmkshama @SeattleCouncil 12:41:30, 2014-04-23
- RT @bruteforceblog: 92% of freiburg's transit riders have a monthly, semester or annual pass. 12:40:58, 2014-04-23
- RT @bruteforceblog: freiburg: since '84, new development has been centered around light rail. 70% of residents within 1000' of transit stop 12:38:56, 2014-04-23
- Inspiring and also frustrating to be in a hearing room full of people who want a county carbon tax last night. Too bad it's illegal in CO! 11:13:48, 2014-04-23
- As I attend an ever increasing roster of meetings, I appreciate more and more how well run our weekly co-op meetings actually are. 22:52:09, 2014-04-22
- And now sadly I need to head off to the BHC board meeting. Civic engagement overload! 16:47:30, 2014-04-22
- Former Masala Co-op maintenance steward Adam Stenftenagel speaking in favor of sustainable buildings, solar PV + electric cars. 16:45:03, 2014-04-22
- Local food advocate Luther Green (of the @tskboulder board) is speaking in favor of fostering local organic agricultural markets & systems. 16:40:43, 2014-04-22
- Seems like a state bill empowering local jurisdictions to tax carbon if they want to wouldn't be too controversial. Would it? @MattJonesCO? 16:34:43, 2014-04-22
- Lots of emails/calls in favor of a carbon tax. County attorney says we can't do it without enabling state legislation. Lamesauce! 16:31:38, 2014-04-22
- Zero waste, transportation, energy efficiency, local food polled best. Voter motivation mostly values based, not monetary. 16:28:31, 2014-04-22
- A 0.15% sales tax polled 60% in favor, only 4% undecided. Property tax much softer, at 53% support. Too bad a county carbon tax is illegal! 16:25:17, 2014-04-22
- Now getting a report on recent polling. 81% of respondents felt energy, climate, waste reduction were good uses of county funds. 16:21:20, 2014-04-22
- Lots of different constituencies. Zero waste, water, climate, energy efficiency, transportation @ecocycle @CommunityCycles @ClnEnergyAction 16:17:45, 2014-04-22
- Packed house at @bouldercounty commissioners hearing on a possible sustainability funding measure to be voted on this fall. 16:14:11, 2014-04-22
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Arch Coal lost $125M last quarter! Just what we like to hear! http://t.co/jJbBQdX0tt 14:56:10, 2014-04-22
- @ericmbudd Sadly, still a better choice than the most popular alternatives… i.e. fancy cars, big screen cable TVs & disposable plastic crap. in reply to ericmbudd 13:25:37, 2014-04-22
- How hard is it to ditch carbon? Last time we abandoned $10 trillion in ill-gotten wealth the death toll was ~600,000: http://t.co/lu2W9onB0F 11:31:38, 2014-04-22
- $100s of billions in sprawl subsidies every year. Oh, how I love the free markets of America: http://t.co/AnyWn7UAJM @SmartGrowthUSA 11:00:58, 2014-04-22
- @bitsweat but virtually all the diversity of molecular solutions are found in single-celled organisms… which are hard to snuff out. 10:20:09, 2014-04-22
- Happy Erf Day! (in honor of Dave Stevenson) https://t.co/feOHh9C48p 09:38:15, 2014-04-22
- @ericmbudd I think it's in their back room which is industrial and huge (and loud unfortunately). Come lurk and play a TMP drinking game 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 15:09:30, 2014-04-21
- @ericmbudd Meetings of public officials are always open to the public in Colorado by law. No public comment, but you can lurk! in reply to ericmbudd 15:06:58, 2014-04-21
- The @BoulderCounty Commissioners need to hear your support for sustainability programs tomorrow, 4/22 at 4pm: http://t.co/2aVKGLgXep 12:33:54, 2014-04-21
- @optimiserenergy Dunno about the "hero" bit. It's more that I'm a little too easily irritated by the xenoforming lobby's many guises. in reply to OptiMiserEnergy 12:02:39, 2014-04-21
- "Am I suggesting that we carefully choose our jobs, schools, and even our city of residence, just to avoid car commuting? Yes I am." 19:05:56, 2014-04-20
- "If these numbers sound ridiculous, it’s because they are. It is ridiculous to commute by car if you realize how expensive it is to drive." 18:56:06, 2014-04-20
- A classic @mrmoneymustache on car commuting: http://t.co/GkkHu33UKW Now also in the form an infographic! http://t.co/ikrxNKk8Mz 18:54:31, 2014-04-20
- RT @BoulderParking: The Cost of your Commute: thought-provoking graphic shows how much your car costs in time & money. @elephantjournal ht… 18:36:20, 2014-04-20
- @ericmbudd …then they fight you, then you win. in reply to ericmbudd 10:02:48, 2014-04-20
- Happy Zombie Ganja Jesus Day! 09:41:25, 2014-04-20
- @ericmbudd if only we could have economic deflation for depletable material resources, and inflation for everything else… in reply to ericmbudd 09:39:13, 2014-04-20
- 5. Interesting that the power of making it awesome is greater than the raw destination density alone (x^2 vs. x) 01:18:51, 2014-04-20
- 4. So if you double density and double the distance people are willing to walk by making it awesome, they have access to 8x as many places. 01:17:24, 2014-04-20
- 2. Increasing density relative to typical US cities increases the number of destinations within a given range linearly. 01:16:20, 2014-04-20
- 3. But people will also walk further in these streets, again increasing the number of destinations within reach quadratically. 01:04:59, 2014-04-20
- 1. People are willing to walk further in streets that are engaging and beautiful. This isn't just an aesthetic consideration. 00:56:26, 2014-04-20
- Visitors are sometimes amazed we have one washing machine for 13 people, but there are 168 hours in a week, and *maybe* 13 loads of laundry. 22:54:56, 2014-04-19
- RT @NobleIdeas: My view: coal is over any way: https://t.co/DKaxb5haM4 RT @ddimick: Judge: Minnesota "no coal" #energy law illegal http://t… 20:01:42, 2014-04-19
- RT @neil21: Bloomberg reports on the US trend of replacing parking lots with buildings http://t.co/WuScNc5Fmw #crazytalk #antiamerican #hip… 19:58:52, 2014-04-19
- I need to plan my bike rides further ahead so I can get other people to come with me… Mmm, Flagstaff. 13:10:05, 2014-04-19
- RT @neil21: "Sprawl didn’t just happen — it is a direct consequence of big government." http://t.co/jt5WdzJBdB 13:07:55, 2014-04-19
- There are lots of better ways to measure "congestion". We should use them in Boulder: http://t.co/5As4aASWkS 12:51:50, 2014-04-19
- Barcelona remains the best city I've spent any time in. Almost like Los Angeles in a walkable parallel universe… http://t.co/UgR698YfWa 12:19:24, 2014-04-19
- Joint Transportation, Planning and Environmental board workshop this Wed. 4/23 looking at sustainability: https://t.co/jJJWzkaKFg Comments? 12:14:21, 2014-04-19
- @mrmoneymustache @kworthington @weberz That last error w/ FireFox 28 on Mac OS X 10.9. Under Chrome it loads fine. in reply to mrmoneymustache 11:50:36, 2014-04-19
- @mrmoneymustache I'm getting: The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression. in reply to mrmoneymustache 11:49:02, 2014-04-19
- RT @FutureCrimes: Criminals use drones and infrared cameras to find illegal cannabis farms– and then steal from fellow growers! amazing htt… 11:41:36, 2014-04-18
- @schmangee Is there some way I can update the Twitter account associated w/ my network blog in your DB? I.e. @ZaneSelvans not @Flatironbike in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:31:39, 2014-04-18
- @streetsblognet Is there some way I can update the Twitter account associated w/ my network blog in your DB? in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:20:31, 2014-04-18
- @streetsblognet the @flatironbike account is mothballed. All my tweets are from @ZaneSelvans now. But thanks for the link 🙂 in reply to StreetsblogNet 10:16:42, 2014-04-18
- @kevinclimate Enjoy the crags! Simple, visceral, low-carbon fun. Like most of the best things in life. in reply to KevinClimate 07:10:43, 2014-04-18
- @mjvos @strongtowns Now if only sales taxes didn't poll better than all other revenue sources… Especially hard in Colorado with TABOR. Ugh. in reply to mjvos 07:08:10, 2014-04-18
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Did you miss the @RabagoEnergy Value of Solar presentation in March? We've got the whole thing posted online! http://t… 18:12:40, 2014-04-17
- Externalized costs, discount rates, & risk tolerance interact in interesting, powerful ways when pricing uncertain, long term outcomes. 13:52:47, 2014-04-17
- Paper on best practices for #managedlanes: include #BRT & HOV to increase efficiency http://t.co/JFa51xrvup from @WillToor @MikeSalisbury78 in reply to MikeSalisbury78 12:45:09, 2014-04-17
- Lots of Martin Acres houses ar 5-6 Bedrooms. We need to do whatever we can to make sure they stay empty! 19:24:18, 2014-04-16
- Mike Marsh of MANA: "A policy that helps one part of the population at the expense of another is not a good policy." Umm, symmetry much? 19:23:37, 2014-04-16
- On occupancy limits in Martin Acres: "There is almost constantly a car in front of my house". Oh, the horror! 19:21:58, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere Oh for sure. This is just the first round of many… We'll see how it goes. in reply to meltzere 18:52:25, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere I heard some folks muttering about it. The e-mail I saw to MANA only went out this afternoon. in reply to meltzere 18:19:18, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere Me too 🙂 I think it was just meant to get some enraged homeowners out for a pitchforks and torches party! in reply to meltzere 18:04:32, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere And also a strange (untrue) rumor on the neighborhood lists that council was going to talk about repealing the occupancy limits… in reply to meltzere 17:42:09, 2014-04-16
- Sadly City Council isn't actually looking at repealing occupancy limits tonight. But who can to pass up an invitation to an angry mob party? 16:53:43, 2014-04-16
- Oh my, what a nice green eco-friendly parking lot you have there: http://t.co/8SvoWQ7Nq0 13:08:43, 2014-04-16
- @neil21 @clmarohn I watched Duany's Lean Urbanism talk at the Michigan Municipal League. Long but really good. Will look up Leinberger… in reply to neil21 16:59:12, 2014-04-15
- @clmarohn @neil21 Do you have any resources on the origins of big project bias? Small is "impossible" now, but once it was ubiquitous. Why? in reply to clmarohn 16:46:39, 2014-04-15
- When would we respect a slave-owning abolitionist? Or a climate campaigner with a huge burn rate? Are these similar or different questions? 16:35:33, 2014-04-15
- @republicwirelss does your ROM reduce power consumption of cell radio when WiFi is strong? My basement office is a battery vampire. 16:16:17, 2014-04-15
- @ericmbudd Always makes for excellent episodes of @TheDailyShow. in reply to ericmbudd 14:55:13, 2014-04-15
- Looking forward to the US highway trust fund running out this summer. VMT or inflation indexed gas tax hike, please! http://t.co/Pstfadmmgl 14:48:02, 2014-04-15
- Representing TAB at @RockefellerFdn #ResilientCities workshop in @bouldercolorado Suggestions? http://t.co/TfW7OH4vcE cc @AlexSteffen 14:44:03, 2014-04-15
- Just waiting for @KevinClimate's response to these characterizations of IPCC report, & the ease of staying under 2°C: http://t.co/9H2tkHaj10 14:16:58, 2014-04-15
- Stuff found at the bottom of my pannier. I think I probably need to empty them out more often… http://t.co/hqZ5Npzjh8 13:24:02, 2014-04-15
- I kinda want to get an electric assist cargo bike, so I can claim the $5K "zero emissions vehicle" federal tax credit next year. Oh, wait. 12:02:04, 2014-04-15
- RT @Naparstek: Good one, Onion: "FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States" http://t.co/0lOlEqUw4a 11:58:12, 2014-04-15
- @ericmbudd it's definitely going ahead. This was just an information item. They got more money. in reply to ericmbudd 09:03:23, 2014-04-15
- In a world fueled with rampant debt, competent people wearing thrift-store clothes are like ostentatious peacocks. http://t.co/GiHZKX2DzB 00:35:44, 2014-04-15
- Switching to @republicwirelss from @Tmobile on @mrmoneymustache's rec. Plus my office is a basement with great WiFi and no cell coverage. 23:04:30, 2014-04-14
- @cfenno3 I tend to live-tweet the TAB meetings. Tonight was was feeling especially ornery for some reason. You're a bad influence 😉 in reply to cfenno3 21:43:55, 2014-04-14
- @rickhackett @36commuting I'm stoked that we seem to have a BRT consensus at this point. I hope it holds together and we do a good job! in reply to RickHackett 20:49:38, 2014-04-14
- @cfenno3 I had no idea you were in the Twitterverse! in reply to cfenno3 20:46:01, 2014-04-14
- Sounds like the @36commuting coalition is coming down in favor of the arterial BRT, especially on the Diagonal Highway, Boulder to Longmont. 20:44:14, 2014-04-14
- @sugarmags3 And hell, maybe I could even enjoyably bike out to meet you at a sweet coffee shop with no parking at 55th. in reply to sugarmags3 20:41:09, 2014-04-14
- Real BRT in the Arapahoe corridor w/ intense, human scale redevelopment would be awesome. Maybe @sugarmags3 would bus into town then! 20:39:19, 2014-04-14
- We are not going to "balance" the needs of E. Arapahoe as a road to other cities, and a place in its own right. That's a stroad. They suck. 20:33:00, 2014-04-14
- Something I'm actually excited about… joint Planning/TAB work on reimagining the East Arapahoe corridor. Land Use + Transportation = Win! 20:16:26, 2014-04-14
- @cbruntlett @spinlister @bikesharing @neil21 The folks on @WarmShowers are wonderful for getting ahold of a bike in a foreign city! in reply to cbruntlett 19:48:32, 2014-04-14
- Our whole toolkit is band-aids. The real problems are strip malls big fast roads in the center of town. Underpasses don't fix them. 19:46:02, 2014-04-14
- If we spent the $5.4M on changing the character of Baseline instead — slowing traffic, narrowing it, making it awesome — what could we get? 19:34:24, 2014-04-14
- Looking at various options for the $5.4M underpass that will cross Baseline between CU and the Basemar shopping center. 19:21:03, 2014-04-14
- The danger of listening to the public when they are asking for something that they can't have. Like building your way out of congestion. 19:14:06, 2014-04-14
- So diving headfirst into expanding paid and managed parking districts is worth ~$8M. 19:08:04, 2014-04-14
- Especially since (with a well designed city) a huge proportion of the local trips can be done under human power. 18:42:12, 2014-04-14
- Regional transit/BRT investments are better for VMT, GHG, housing+transportation cost reductions, jobs access. Sounds like the winner to me. 18:41:26, 2014-04-14
- We used to highlight reduced per-rider service costs w/ county-wide EcoPass, but @RideRTD said "What, you want even cheaper service!?!" 18:39:26, 2014-04-14
- .@NelsonNygaard modeling suggests paid parking districts would increase transit use by 1/6 as much as $50M service investment. Politics vs $ 18:32:20, 2014-04-14
- Depends what end you look from. 20x the biking rate as US overall? But vast majority of folks drive for most trips. Pretty similar to US. 18:29:14, 2014-04-14
- Oh the cognitive dissonance: "Boulder travels differently!" but also most people are "interested but concerned" and unwilling to bike. 18:25:51, 2014-04-14
- Public and policymakers walk so little in town that we have to take them out on Walk Audits and show them what works, and what doesn't. 18:22:14, 2014-04-14
- @bruteforceblog Boulder's Transportation Advisory Board (which I'm on, and tend to live-tweet 🙂 in reply to bruteforceblog 18:19:33, 2014-04-14
- Largest demographic in online public outreach is 15-35 year olds… on which staff comments "We don't usually see much of them." 18:16:19, 2014-04-14
- Getting a preview of city council's update on the transportation master plan for the end of the month. 18:15:02, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd A concrete plan to actually re-develop the dead mall would be a good place I think. in reply to ericmbudd 18:08:14, 2014-04-14
- Follow along with our action packed agenda here… https://t.co/r1a8I17C7A 18:04:34, 2014-04-14
- And in case you couldn't tell, it's TABsday. 18:02:52, 2014-04-14
- Who thinks a pedestrian plaza at the intersection of 2 8-lane roads, backed by an asphalt ocean will be great? #WTF http://t.co/KWhOWXh7If 17:32:46, 2014-04-14
- Bike paths and sidewalks by dead malls are band-aids. Complete streets to nowhere. Or more likely, complete stroads. cc @StrongTowns 17:26:53, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss @rwhelp Sad to say this does not bode well for future use of the site… don't make me go see if @tingftw works any better! in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:47:30, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss @rwhelp Updated Flash… quit browser, restarted, disabled all my add-ons, cleared today's cache & history… still no dice! in reply to republicwirelss 16:45:23, 2014-04-14
- What the youth are saying these days about our planning practices… @ericmbudd: ZOMG BUT THE HEIGHT LIMIT in reply to ericmbudd 16:05:10, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss @rwhelp Also of note, content below the line often fails to update on "continue" it stays "accessories" or "plan selection" in reply to republicwirelss 15:49:46, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss Cleared all republic wireless cookies, still a #fail. Exact same behavior on Safari. Augh. in reply to republicwirelss 14:41:58, 2014-04-14
- RT @neil21: When you believe in things you don't understand, then you suffer. 14:35:55, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss happens in both Firefox and Chrome, regardless of whether adblock is turned on or off… 14:15:31, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss trying to buy a phone from you guys, but on the checkout page there are no fields to fill out below, just blank whiteness 14:14:33, 2014-04-14
- @neil21 I keep wanting to RT you, but you've gone private since I started following… in reply to neil21 13:14:42, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd I know, I totally HATE the Boulderado Hotel. It's just too fucking tall! in reply to ericmbudd 12:51:05, 2014-04-14
- Gorgeous depictions of a car-free Boulder: http://t.co/4vLReAYAY4 This one looks especially walkable… http://t.co/urLUNcLGSn 12:33:43, 2014-04-14
- Anybody interested in getting up to speed on Boulder/Denver public transit advocacy? Check this workshop series out: http://t.co/F2Cvoqleuq 12:28:42, 2014-04-14
- RT @sugarmags3: My latest PUC update on a very dry issue. DSM! http://t.co/qJO3pqGWiw 11:57:54, 2014-04-14
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The US may revise its coal reserves down by 90%. Sound crazy? Turns out countries do it all the time! Our new post: ht… 11:57:29, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd Also, you know I am more than 1/2 of the CEA twitter account, right? in reply to ericmbudd 11:57:12, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd Still don't have a good explanation for the late 1960s to 1974 crashes in global stated coal reserves. in reply to ericmbudd 11:56:43, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd @lowtwait I notice a distinct lack of cars in virtually all idealized depictions of Our Fair City. Funny, that. And nice. in reply to ericmbudd 11:44:39, 2014-04-14
- The more I talk to climate scientists about climate policy, the more they seem like an oppressed minority, fearful of political retribution. 11:07:02, 2014-04-14
- The same low discount rate & risk tolerance that compels me to work on climate makes me feel insecure b/c I can't save >50% of my NGO pay. 10:40:06, 2014-04-14
- I am that guy at the co-op who gets the munchies at 2am and then tries in vain to put dishes away quietly while waiting for the toast. 02:11:01, 2014-04-14
- @purpleclarence @streetfilms …and then hopefully drive it around devouring other cars. in reply to PurpleClarence 01:10:49, 2014-04-14
- Perfect snowy day to snuggle, while working on taxes, co-op food budget to actual & rent revisions. Sadly, I'm currently short on snugglers. 01:08:19, 2014-04-14
- @mrmoneymustache Is there some issue w/ your site? I keep getting "server cannot be found" on sub-pages, though the main URL loads. 11:13:20, 2014-04-13
- Navy turns seawater into liquid hydrocarbon fuels! With nuclear power you can turn lead into gold too. Energy idiots! http://t.co/CCgvTEa4y6 17:13:51, 2014-04-12
- It seems like every year I have this manic re-discovery of the joy of biking uphill. The pleasures of forgetfulness. 16:08:29, 2014-04-12
- Working in space taught me how profound a wilderness it is. Far vaster & less hospitable than the Pacific or Sahara. We're on our own here. 01:56:26, 2014-04-12
- I think my low risk tolerance comes from human powered wilderness travel. Months without people, in places that do not care about my needs. 01:49:34, 2014-04-12
- I think my low discount rate comes from Carl Sagan, and from studying astronomy and geology. My reference timescales are long. 01:47:24, 2014-04-12
- The prices of so many important things are powerfully determined by discount rates and risk tolerance. Why are both of mine so low? 01:45:52, 2014-04-12
- Which isn't to say our land use patterns are good! We should be trying to induce 200% or 300% increases in demand, not 20% or 30%! 14:12:09, 2014-04-11
- I.e. @RideRTD is useless in the county, relative to the city. Which isn't too surprising, given our land-use patterns & service investments. 14:10:49, 2014-04-11
- What's amazing to me about those @RideRTD boarding numbers is that 93% of all @BoulderCounty boardings happen within @bouldercolorado. 14:08:50, 2014-04-11
- @ridertd @bouldercounty @bouldercolorado What I'm wowed by here is the proportion of county-wide use that's within the city of Boulder. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:03:29, 2014-04-11
- @ramez Putting both offensive and defensive responsibilities within the same organization ensures at least one mission will fail. in reply to ramez 14:00:56, 2014-04-11
- And the whole system provides better service at about a 15% reduction in cost per boarding overall if I recall correctly. 12:41:34, 2014-04-11
- Induced transit demand here isn't bad. It's the whole point if the program! 12:37:56, 2014-04-11
- Base cost estimate is just all the revenues RTD gets from route fares today, plus an estimate of the cost to meet induced demand. 12:25:35, 2014-04-11
- Induced demand expected to be much greater in the county, because many fewer Eco Passes available out there than in the city. 12:22:51, 2014-04-11
- Today we have 8.45 million yearly @RideRTD boardings in @bouldercounty, of which 7.85 million are in the city of @bouldercolorado. Wow. 12:20:48, 2014-04-11
- Heading to the @PLANBoulder Friday forum to hear about progress toward a community-wide @RideRTD pass from @BoCoDOT and @bouldergobldr 11:57:08, 2014-04-11
- @1password Suspect it would require some kind of API on all the sites that doesn't exist yet… but it sure would be a nice feature. in reply to 1Password 11:38:14, 2014-04-11
- It would be really great if within @1password there were a way to change all my passwords automatically. Or do it monthly, even. 11:23:56, 2014-04-11
- Sad it's necessary, but glad we're starting to refer to them as the Oligarchs they are. Plutocratic insurgency FTW! http://t.co/aoF2ExwLhG 11:22:27, 2014-04-11
- Do you distrust your own narrative because it sounds right? You may be suffering from meta confirmation bias. Ask your statistician. 17:54:11, 2014-04-10
- The world walking away from coal and over to oil? Losing political motivation to inflate domestic reserve estimates? #SoConfused 16:06:10, 2014-04-10
- The coal reserve crash starts before the oil embargoes. Before the North Sea oil and gas bonanza. In Germany, Poland, India, S. Africa, UK… 16:00:33, 2014-04-10
- Anybody know why the world's stated coal reserves crashed dramatically in the 1960s and early 1970s? The danger of finding too much data. 15:48:17, 2014-04-10
- Incredibly frustrating FIT propaganda from the big solar leasing companies: http://t.co/FX9rnwbkyD Yay for the new incumbent douchebags! 15:05:23, 2014-04-10
- RT @BrentToderian: Traffic models don't "prove" anything. They produce no absolute truths. They are the product of assumptions, many of whi… 23:30:13, 2014-04-09
- One kWh/day is the power you could get from a human servant. The number of kWh you use each day is the number of energy servants you employ. 16:57:09, 2014-04-09
- @cjhood71 hey, I sent you an e-mail about BC carbon tax impacts… but you were out of the office. Do you have a minute to chat at some point? 14:42:51, 2014-04-09
- RT @grescoe: Remind me again.
What's the argument for allowing public space in cities to be monopolized by private automobiles? http://t.co… 11:57:39, 2014-04-09 - Is "climate stoicism" a thing? If not, I think it should be. http://t.co/hpSLOuPzFH 23:39:45, 2014-04-08
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The first episode of the @YEARSofLIVING Dangerously is out. So far it looks like great climate change storytelling: ht… 22:26:40, 2014-04-08
- Anybody happen to have these two carbon pricing articles laying around? http://t.co/TPHYtazqSp http://t.co/fQQQQGAImd 21:02:38, 2014-04-08
- @caseyishere well good, 'cause I do! in reply to caseyishere 07:54:46, 2014-04-08
- Am I allowed to think this is awesome? A month-long meditative piece of menstrual performance art: http://t.co/ztgc5DtEkQ 23:17:34, 2014-04-07
- August eclipse bike trip to Wyoming in 2017? http://t.co/tIp0G520Pt 21:53:01, 2014-04-07
- RT @went1955: Now that’s what I call transformation: The presidents of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile today and in the 70's — @fp2p — http://… 17:12:42, 2014-04-07
- @ericmbudd Again, whether it's "economic" depends utterly on your discount rate. in reply to ericmbudd 13:00:22, 2014-04-07
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The @WorldBank under Jim Yong Kim also pledged to stop financing coal power last year: http://t.co/9GYboX6faX Let's ho… 12:31:29, 2014-04-07
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: President of the @worldbank "Where is the plan that's equal to the challenge of climate change?!" We don't got one: ht… 12:31:23, 2014-04-07
- Total lunar eclipse next Monday night. Hope the weather is good enough to sleep out on my deck… https://t.co/mqiau0oYKe 01:46:42, 2014-04-07
- @ericmbudd Most. Flat. Tires. Evaaar. What happens when you camp in a cactus garden and are chased off by the locals after midnight. in reply to ericmbudd 01:38:29, 2014-04-07
- @ericmbudd yep. 6-7pm at Alfalfa's. in reply to ericmbudd 00:12:42, 2014-04-07
- RT @ClimateNow: http://t.co/MuwDAHGKqd 14:49:40, 2014-04-06
- RT @compoundchem: The complete set of food chemistry graphics (so far) are now up on the site downloads page: http://t.co/zHVI2u5UVJ http:/… 14:49:33, 2014-04-06
- RT @errolmorris: Presumably, journalism isn't about what you want to hear? (Possibly, closer to the opposite.) 14:39:17, 2014-04-06
- Eating a burrito in Greeley at 2am while riding back to Boulder from the Pawnee National Grasslands is way more enjoyable than buying gas. 14:36:42, 2014-04-06
- Seriously excited that the outdoor deck sleeping, moonlight night time bike riding season is pretty much upon us. 14:34:28, 2014-04-06
- RT @BicycleDutch: And where motor traffic streets don't continue, the cycle paths do. Rosmalen NL. 2/2 http://t.co/a79XX6gCCg 13:32:44, 2014-04-06
- RT @BicycleDutch: Modern Dutch street design. Cycle path central. Motor traffic on either side in 30km/h zone. 1/2 http://t.co/3AYWlgzRya 13:32:40, 2014-04-06
- I completely disassembled, cleaned, serviced & rebuilt my car this weekend for less than $200. Now it's running great! #ReplaceBikeWithCar 13:29:45, 2014-04-06
- Plot idea: unless you stop burning stuff, you & your descendants are exiled to an alien world. Habitability, as of yet, unknown. 12:07:45, 2014-04-06
- People have very different discount rates and risk aversions in different contexts. The story you embed them in matters. 12:01:46, 2014-04-06
- I don't want a whole house or even 1/3 of a house. I want 1/10 of a house. Sustainability and frugality are almost the same. What is enough? 00:40:43, 2014-04-06
- Allowing people to share housing creates affordability not by increasing supply, but by making it possible for people to buy less housing. 00:37:07, 2014-04-06