- @ericmbudd ¡ka-ching! in reply to ericmbudd 16:49:58, 2019-07-27
- RT @aidachavez: wait since we’re on the subject, remember the time my journalism school wanted to kick me out of their DC program for tweet… 00:17:39, 2019-07-27
- What your city is built for can change. What society says is normal can change. Pretending we lack the ability to i… https://t.co/xzeF1RCgAD in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:33:42, 2019-07-26
- Similarly in consumption, it's not clear that there's much in the way of "intrinsic" desire. People aren't naturall… https://t.co/AZpl55nvyC in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:33:41, 2019-07-26
- Most people, on most topics, don't have their own opinion, belief, understanding, or collection of facts. They go w… https://t.co/gd3Fm8wYns in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:33:41, 2019-07-26
- While the GOP *clearly* understands that the beliefs and desires of their supporters can be shaped, directed, and m… https://t.co/8PMSG4Jxn0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:33:40, 2019-07-26
- I feel like there's an analogy here, to the different understandings of "public opinion" that the Dems and GOP have… https://t.co/Ck6DQDHc0s 23:33:40, 2019-07-26
- Morality is arbitrary! We have to make it up! What's your pure time preference? Your risk aversion? Various "reason… https://t.co/v1kDL9sy6N 23:07:02, 2019-07-26
- It feels very transparently like a propaganda outlet, no? https://t.co/2PUSGCpIzN 22:52:51, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 @robbieorvis @drvox And what is a legally binding climate policy — be it an RPS, a carb… https://t.co/vwqAjqnqyY in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:44:12, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 @robbieorvis @drvox We fought tooth and nail for 8 years in Boulder to legalize *living… https://t.co/F1D549OpXu in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:38:32, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 @robbieorvis @drvox But those affordable, low consumption, happiness producing lifestlye… https://t.co/dTuOP6axva in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:36:37, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 @robbieorvis Or this other @drvox piece https://t.co/uJQxY3bjCM in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:32:13, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 @robbieorvis https://t.co/V93wBLmvJp in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:31:00, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 @robbieorvis And *also* also, satisfying these manufactured desires frequently does not… https://t.co/xgaX18BL7f in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:28:38, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 @robbieorvis And also… it's clearly possible to dramatically influence what people des… https://t.co/sE7c4soF00 in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:25:26, 2019-07-26
- @solar_chase @arvindpawan1 I apologize @arvindpawan1 I was more responding to @robbieorvis but wanted the context.… https://t.co/fLAjRWMlvE in reply to solar_chase 22:23:02, 2019-07-26
- I agree this attitude is… not helpful.
But isn't it also worth considering whether current lifestyles can be ma… https://t.co/mwlzKaeAPC 16:20:15, 2019-07-26
- Paging Mike Marsh… https://t.co/SSa5rWaxld 16:07:24, 2019-07-26
- I am *so* fine with my most valuable physical possessions being a bike and a laptop.
Liquid investments that requi… https://t.co/qn29xKLFTO in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:45:11, 2019-07-26
- What if housing was a place to live, not an "asset." What if it was cheap, stable, and the cost was flat or declini… https://t.co/PmVT0pF765 13:41:21, 2019-07-26
- @drvox Dakota Access Pipeline? It was used by both white and native communities. One of them got steamrolled. in reply to drvox 13:28:33, 2019-07-26
- "What next…" https://t.co/c7B92KZywH 11:24:49, 2019-07-26
- A global, high-energy civilization (10s of TW of consumption) that depends on renewable energies (~10W/m^2) has to… https://t.co/J9kvG8Zp7Q in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:09:55, 2019-07-26
- Another example, from this spring, of San Bernadino County in California banning renewable energy installations in… https://t.co/o1IU7CRaI3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:03:40, 2019-07-26
- It feels like even after we get everyone on board nominally with building a zero carbon electricity system, there w… https://t.co/7c0HnZnUH0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:58:54, 2019-07-26
- Meanwhile in California:
https://t.co/Xcv3OWKDqY in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:57:25, 2019-07-26
- As with zoning & housing, empowered smaller local jurisdictions are failing the greater public good on transmission. https://t.co/eBvzQ6490n 10:54:10, 2019-07-26
- @CostaSamaras @TheAndyHolland @mattyglesias I might have already pointed you at this, but @EnergyInnovLLC put toget… https://t.co/92LKoxtLIg in reply to CostaSamaras 09:42:46, 2019-07-26
- *hint* *hint* https://t.co/SxPafyvKVg 09:37:41, 2019-07-26
- @alexbaca Totally had this experience in LA, living there for a cumulative 11 years on and off between 1993 and 201… https://t.co/rBmyxMrnhH in reply to alexbaca 07:51:26, 2019-07-26
- Barring some very large volcanic eruptions or geoengineering gone horribly awry, nobody alive today will ever meet… https://t.co/p7yZlvaDVN 19:20:11, 2019-07-25
- @kevpluck https://t.co/96Q7IC0kxh in reply to kevpluck 19:09:55, 2019-07-25
- @Splitcoil Ecuador tried something analogous — they asked the world to buy out the rights to 850 million barrels o… https://t.co/3oxomEZnub in reply to Splitcoil 18:35:49, 2019-07-25
- What fraction of the historic areas will be underwater before they've doubled in age? https://t.co/bee7avPyqR 18:22:46, 2019-07-25
- @ericmbudd No Eric that's Pokemon. in reply to ericmbudd 18:19:47, 2019-07-25
- Why does the computational biology crowd publish so much of the good "best practices" stuff? https://t.co/JskC7nNzda 18:19:29, 2019-07-25
- Okay enough climate apocalypse and Python build misery. I'm going to relax with a nice tall glass of differential e… https://t.co/CYcne4AdHY 16:13:26, 2019-07-25
- RT @TheOnion: Pelosi Concerned Outspoken Progressive Flank Of Party Could Harm Democrats’ Reputation As Ineffectual Cowards https://t.co/bF… 16:08:04, 2019-07-25
- RT @willwilkinson: Here's how I think of Omar. She's a patriotic liberal Muslim with standard anodyne liberal Muslim opinions about Muslim… 16:06:57, 2019-07-25
- Yesterday it was 108°F in Paris, so here's a film looking at how extreme heat somehow mysteriously only kills the p… https://t.co/CSonvv7XrZ 16:03:40, 2019-07-25
- @ericmbudd @chrisnelder @ublockorigin Dunno — I just got annoyed with AdblockPlus at some point for monetization o… https://t.co/pRhtTJ9GBV in reply to ericmbudd 13:48:34, 2019-07-25
- @ericmbudd @chrisnelder tbh it's the same whenever I see a browser that doesn't have @ublockorigin installed too… in reply to ericmbudd 13:45:00, 2019-07-25
- @ericmbudd This tweet literally made me sign up for monthly donations to Warren. in reply to ericmbudd 13:42:40, 2019-07-25
- Added a custom prompt segment to display @NordVPN connection status & country: https://t.co/wZuqVltWJC in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:36:40, 2019-07-25
- @chrisnelder @ericmbudd It's funny whenever I show someone "my Twitter" They are like "ZOMG how can you even look a… https://t.co/BVDTTKwRBu in reply to chrisnelder 13:31:44, 2019-07-25
- @CHThiem Wow, really above 50°C in Spain? in reply to CHThiem 13:25:36, 2019-07-25
- @ericmbudd It does feel like when they eventually kill Tweetdeck I might not be able to keep using the platform which will be sad. in reply to ericmbudd 13:23:33, 2019-07-25
- @welcomehomebldr Hey, someday that second door can become the servant's entrance! in reply to welcomehomebldr 00:42:04, 2019-07-25
- RT @dynarski: You were probably affected by the Equifax breach
Get yourself $125
- @thebmbennett @mathbabedotorg @FryRsquared I guess it's unsurprising that all three of these books were written by… https://t.co/atWc1QLjWN in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:35:44, 2019-07-24
- RT @thegrugq: I love how not even the malware devs try to get the camera working.
“Yeah, that’s just never gonna happen, but try the PulseA… 20:45:36, 2019-07-24 - @derekwillis @charlesornstein The @BetterTDeck browser plugin is also great, and allows you to control much more ab… https://t.co/RKtQ74Yawb in reply to derekwillis 20:32:20, 2019-07-24
- An awesome new PassivHouse residential tower in NYC! However, it's not the first high-rise to meet the standard. Th… https://t.co/Esc4KaEbYo 20:22:30, 2019-07-24
- Re: climate deadlines, thresholds:
“If we have indeed lit the fuse on West Antarctica, it’s very hard to imagine p… https://t.co/GM6ofkNzJg 20:12:54, 2019-07-24
- @thebmbennett @mathbabedotorg Ooh, that one I don't know. The only other book I have in that vein is @FryRsquared's Hello World. in reply to thebmbennett 19:48:33, 2019-07-24
- @thebmbennett @mathbabedotorg I've been floored by how much more intuitive linear algebra feels to me with visual e… https://t.co/SEiuj70FAC in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:47:32, 2019-07-24
- @thebmbennett @mathbabedotorg I have her book and want to read it but there are too many good books! in reply to thebmbennett 19:44:53, 2019-07-24
- RT @Guay_JG: So nuke advocates this one really hurts. Tacking on $50M/year for a coal bailout into a bill meant to bailout nukes makes you… 19:38:34, 2019-07-24
- @thebmbennett Probably not helpful, but have you come across @mathbabedotorg? in reply to thebmbennett 19:35:32, 2019-07-24
- @KenCaldeira Is it really alternate though? Or have they just decided it doesn't matter what they say in public any more? in reply to KenCaldeira 16:35:35, 2019-07-24
- @hausfath Agree that the hard-deadline cliff framing is not super accurate, but there *are* physical feedback syste… https://t.co/7xY72ixVOn in reply to hausfath 13:13:54, 2019-07-24
- So I finally set up a small recurring monthly donation to @ewarren's campaign. https://t.co/JM2GCcGfmw 09:46:27, 2019-07-24
- @CHThiem #AbolishICE in reply to CHThiem 08:39:27, 2019-07-24
- Nice long piece on the move to integrating data, analyses, and narratives into dynamic publications… and the triu… https://t.co/kvIOvLkqFz 23:47:32, 2019-07-23
- @HKoren Also before you get any big ideas: the state constitution prohibits home rule cities like Boulder from hold… https://t.co/DWCpE5KEDm in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:24:03, 2019-07-23
- The Open Space is paid for by everyone: renters, homeowners, tourists, commuters, etc. Sales taxes are regressive.… https://t.co/obKqhK7PME 23:21:16, 2019-07-23
- @HKoren And also because homevoters make up a wildly disproportionate share of the odd-year electorate, which votes… https://t.co/whsdc43Yb7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:21:38, 2019-07-23
- @HKoren Because TABOR. in reply to HKoren 22:18:25, 2019-07-23
- I'm gonna explore this idea some more by reading "Why Europe grew rich and Asia did not" which also happens to be o… https://t.co/B9ETTskLCR 22:16:45, 2019-07-23
- @shayshinecastle It's either a very expensive way to make a small amount of affordable housing, or relatively cheap… https://t.co/eEDicQvgJy in reply to shayshinecastle 21:20:14, 2019-07-23
- A good thread about a bad affordable housing finance idea. https://t.co/TwEuUcXBHZ 21:17:21, 2019-07-23
- RT @ewarren: I'm not taking a dime from Washington lobbyists or PACs of any kind—because this campaign is powered by the people. Will you c… 19:20:04, 2019-07-23
- @ericmbudd @espinozaa Hmm. Looks like Burning Man. But too much clothing. in reply to ericmbudd 19:10:50, 2019-07-23
- Y también si todo sale mal. https://t.co/59YYsn8Avh 18:21:42, 2019-07-23
- @rgunns Jesus Camp was disturbing. in reply to rgunns 18:14:48, 2019-07-23
- @blobbyapple When ze Revolution Comes, Comrade. in reply to blobbyapple 18:10:15, 2019-07-23
- @reubenmunger I think so. Though you'll probably need to *re-boot* in reply to reubenmunger 18:08:52, 2019-07-23
- "A smarter futurism would focus less on pushing through advances and more on being sure we will use them wisely whe… https://t.co/NIFKc0T5Hd in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:09:49, 2019-07-23
- “I was struck by how little the attendees knew about urban transport, how enamored they were w/ gadgets. […] When… https://t.co/YGaYf9JSfx in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:07:25, 2019-07-23
- Urban motordom is/was a horrific mistake, and once we get past it, that will be glaringly obvious to all who come a… https://t.co/WppYKQaQHd 16:59:58, 2019-07-23
- @drvox My god Dave you have almost twice as many followers as he does. Maybe you should run for president! in reply to drvox 14:12:30, 2019-07-23
- So many great Sankey diagrams. Every quad/yr is a billion dollar business waiting to happen. https://t.co/WyGBneHGR0 14:01:19, 2019-07-23
- "We're full of chemicals which require us to belong to folk societies, or failing that, to feel lousy all the time… https://t.co/k9PjIl2tMa 10:57:53, 2019-07-23
- @alexbaca What do you think about housing authorities doing (relatively affordable) market-rate development and usi… https://t.co/R8i2KSSVHr in reply to alexbaca 10:49:38, 2019-07-23
- @CHThiem wait I thought you just had a heat wave. in reply to CHThiem 10:47:41, 2019-07-23
- RT @Guay_JG: I’ve spent my whole working life being lectured in one way or another by VSPs deploying a version of this argument. At first I… 09:34:52, 2019-07-23
- I always knew #zsh was powerful, but it also seemed ridiculously opaque so I was afraid to mess around with it and… https://t.co/IOAJDfo3j4 in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:17:26, 2019-07-23
- The fancypants #PowerLevel9k theme is here: https://t.co/WjCJ9oZkDF in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:09:28, 2019-07-23
- RT @Sammy_Roth: “The youth migration is infusing this traditionally conservative area with a new ethic — part cowboy, part craft cocktail —… 00:03:59, 2019-07-23
- RT @UFWupdates: Bakersfield Now: Farmworkers across Kern County fear deportations in the fields
- RT @Splitcoil: This thing. I can't fully explain why, but this thing makes me feel so fucking awful. https://t.co/rFtx95h7no 00:01:33, 2019-07-23
- …go wrong. https://t.co/8kl3EQgee2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:58:25, 2019-07-22
- RT @kron4news: @CAL_FIRE UPDATE: HWY 128 remains closed in #Napa due to fire. @CAL_FIRE reports that the #CanyonFire fire has grown to 55 a… 23:55:46, 2019-07-22
- What could possibly… uh. https://t.co/Nn4Eu1wbZX 23:55:21, 2019-07-22
- Tough, but fair. https://t.co/6qLUhWDwwd 23:49:40, 2019-07-22
- @ericmbudd @boulderprogress @engageboulder The world may never know. in reply to ericmbudd 21:07:38, 2019-07-22
- Also, when the best data indicates that you should *really* do something politically inconvenient, it will frequent… https://t.co/pVtxWA6cVw 20:47:36, 2019-07-22
- @ohmyzsh Embarrassingly pleased with my new @ohmyzsh setup. https://t.co/xwyERKm8kQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:10:15, 2019-07-22
- RT @CatalystCoop: Yowza, apparently all that Colorado climate and energy legislation actually *was* a jobs program: https://t.co/3VE9qaYQCJ 16:20:13, 2019-07-22
- After 20 years of using a zsh configuration I cribbed from someone at my first job out of college I somehow only ju… https://t.co/7bwhP3k63m 14:07:41, 2019-07-22
- @solar_chase @EarthOrgUK Yeah, I think I have a high tolerance for the history-ish narrative, but agree it's not th… https://t.co/U6K5TBAbSw in reply to solar_chase 10:06:52, 2019-07-22
- RT @CatalystCoop: Lots of good tidbits here about what's in the new default interface for @ProjectJupyter #JupyterLab from @IanRRose https:… 10:03:51, 2019-07-22
- @solar_chase @EarthOrgUK And with that history and mindset as the initial condition, some time in the 21st or 22nd… https://t.co/oG3rf2b4Bj in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:24, 2019-07-22
- @solar_chase @EarthOrgUK They see technical innovation and efficiency, rather than resource consumption, as the pri… https://t.co/dU8ZY0fkMS in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:30:10, 2019-07-22
- @solar_chase @EarthOrgUK But partly as a result of these traumatic experiences with resource limitations, the civil… https://t.co/5MfbuSaybl in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:26:58, 2019-07-22
- @solar_chase @EarthOrgUK Later after the population recovers, non-combustion based industrialization continues to p… https://t.co/YsgGOb7lr7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:24:15, 2019-07-22
- @solar_chase @EarthOrgUK Hydro-rich places continue to industrialize, but in relative isolation, while a few places… https://t.co/4CtGcL7gke in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:20:25, 2019-07-22
- @solar_chase @EarthOrgUK In the alternative history rolling around in my head there are a couple of challenges that… https://t.co/zDdFhMzXye in reply to solar_chase 09:18:47, 2019-07-22
- The parent company cut ties with the office over the video. These quotes. https://t.co/kokzeeeCi8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:04:41, 2019-07-21
- Wow this promotional video from a Denver real estate agency based on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is, uh, racist and… https://t.co/j9fKBA2SX3 23:04:41, 2019-07-21
- @bethhartman I've been thinking about this for the last couple of days and I really don't think it's clear! New sci… https://t.co/kjfvi2uOQf in reply to bethhartman 22:56:45, 2019-07-21
- Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. https://t.co/A4zLUZx0ze 21:02:00, 2019-07-21
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado In terms of indoor air quality impacts, how do the gas combustion products compare… https://t.co/g5rK8zzT16 in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:01:26, 2019-07-21
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado Ah, okay. I've mostly been seeing the health benefits touted recently by folks wit… https://t.co/OdnpUBofQ3 in reply to ShellyMBoulder 19:58:51, 2019-07-21
- @blobbyapple I'm guessing that's "alternate history" and not "solarpunk"
If you like this idea, I highly recomm… https://t.co/V87McJypFW in reply to blobbyapple 19:53:14, 2019-07-21
- @blobbyapple It seems like an obvious premise, but my poking around didn't find anything today. What little I could… https://t.co/pT0jmXDz6G in reply to blobbyapple 19:01:06, 2019-07-21
- Has anybody written a Solarpunk alternate history describing our technological development and an Industrial Revolu… https://t.co/374AD44ghj 18:05:58, 2019-07-21
- My not particularly optimistic intuition also responds to Fermi's Paradox. Maybe knowledge and technology are self-… https://t.co/eRf7NIUJEu in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:42:03, 2019-07-21
- Genuinely curious about this. https://t.co/7GCZW1pUzL 14:34:05, 2019-07-21
- Supporting *green* building requires supporting *building*. https://t.co/q9AssDlns6 12:30:36, 2019-07-21
- RT @LyleSollaYates: Reading Harland Bartholomew, I discovered this '55 propaganda film encouraging slum clearance https://t.co/02m4oOwwPU 09:53:38, 2019-07-21
Author: Zane Selvans
A former space explorer, now marooned on a beautiful, dying world.
- @panamaredhat @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado Absolutely! It's the combination of trumpeting fight-to-the-death to… https://t.co/UvBJFe8ptv in reply to panamaredhat 23:56:47, 2019-07-20
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado But these measures (and many others!) that actually work are often unpopular with… https://t.co/tGqASZQ2k5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:26:58, 2019-07-20
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado Especially when other more powerful and cost-effective policies — like allowing a… https://t.co/Aiyw5ovn52 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:19:45, 2019-07-20
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado One might go as far as to say overly stringent energy standards are used as a cyni… https://t.co/dIbrKaybsY in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:15:51, 2019-07-20
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado In many cases simply lifting the ban on apartment buildings would be better for em… https://t.co/KCJXRdjdMJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:06:23, 2019-07-20
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado Berkeley, Boulder & many other green liberal bastions are infamous for their restr… https://t.co/qIKL9zGs9D in reply to ShellyMBoulder 23:00:23, 2019-07-20
- Fun talk by Richard B. Alley on the last few hundred million years of linkage between CO2 and Earth's climate, prim… https://t.co/HsjexRxKus 19:38:02, 2019-07-20
- @YIMBY_Princeton It was awful, and I was the chair of the city's Transportation Board for the whole thing. One of m… https://t.co/iZKxGY7lRx in reply to YIMBY_Princeton 19:34:17, 2019-07-20
- I got into bike advocacy (by coincidence) as oil prices were rising in the mid-aughts. Change seemed possible. Inev… https://t.co/Gai6nclLON 19:03:58, 2019-07-20
- Now if only they hadn't banned new homes first. https://t.co/1uYHYVncsc 18:49:32, 2019-07-20
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado Though it will be both deeply ironic and not particularly helpful if we only get c… https://t.co/5HJuXvOe12 in reply to ShellyMBoulder 18:46:49, 2019-07-20
- Another reason I think knowledge-based wealth is almost unlimited: We could be *so* much better at teaching… almo… https://t.co/9ZFPjZdIJs 14:01:04, 2019-07-20
- @blobbyapple Yeah, WTF would we have done 100 years ago w/o the Haber-Bosch process. in reply to blobbyapple 13:44:53, 2019-07-20
- Technological development tends to follow paths of least resistance. Fossil fuels were one. Silicon semiconductors… https://t.co/vsF5qhdgyM in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:39:14, 2019-07-20
- Ironically in contrast to the tweet from @binarybits that inspired this rant, I think our economic growth is more l… https://t.co/Yxm4cAGYgq in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:29:23, 2019-07-20
- Nuclear war. Synthetic pandemics. Malevolent superintelligence. Re-directed asteroids. Geoengineering gone horribly… https://t.co/IfiIOYxJeM in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:23:53, 2019-07-20
- I think the more likely long-term limit to economic growth in a world where prosperity flows from knowledge, and no… https://t.co/HBPIc4JGJ1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:17:25, 2019-07-20
- So maybe "too much" of humanity is blissed out and "not enough" people want to strive to create new knowledge and t… https://t.co/44CgeKYfeL in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:15:48, 2019-07-20
- We could still *do stuff* at that point. Explore the solar system, search for extraterrestrial intelligence, cure a… https://t.co/gY0wBpV98I in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:10:07, 2019-07-20
- And what is economic growth even *for*? What if everyone just has access to a comfortable life with clean water, pl… https://t.co/RrHBWt3VoY in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:03:51, 2019-07-20
- Are we going to run out of new things to know, or useful new applications of things we know? Like we're suddenly go… https://t.co/31bCoJafFJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:59:03, 2019-07-20
- @otherlab @ARPAE If what we want is economic growth, and in the long run that growth depends on the knowledge we ac… https://t.co/H0KE0bp4Cr in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:51:36, 2019-07-20
- And this long piece from Saul Griffith at @otherlab on the need for and utility of longer term energy R&D funding a… https://t.co/qyIETacife in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:47:32, 2019-07-20
- Fossil fuels are so easy, we haven't even made a half-assed attempt to do anything else. Look at what the US spends… https://t.co/mXUkai18QN in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:42:30, 2019-07-20
- @blobbyapple I've looked, and I haven't been able to find it. Might be interesting to set it in the time when this… https://t.co/aTyWLSrjQn in reply to blobbyapple 12:30:03, 2019-07-20
- Returning to cement… mollusks make a similar material, precipitating CaCO3 out of seawater w/ <1% protein scaffol… https://t.co/C7WCSxAfxl in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:17:14, 2019-07-20
- This is why I still have some sliver of optimism even while the world literally burns. There are other ways for us… https://t.co/6YYEs6cnq0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:05:51, 2019-07-20
- We experienced a positive feedback loop between resource consumption and technological development, but in the abs… https://t.co/PhPOs1Y3Vh in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:02:40, 2019-07-20
- To what extent has our relative wealth and comfort been derived from using more resources, vs. our improved empiric… https://t.co/w2A5jwtzSN in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:59:19, 2019-07-20
- What would we have tried instead? Is there any reason to think that would have been *fundamentally* limited by the… https://t.co/2nbWDtxBhO in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:56:06, 2019-07-20
- But back to the original point: Can you really imagine humanity gaining a profound new understanding of how the nat… https://t.co/rt21Hg5L3M in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:53:25, 2019-07-20
- @welcomehomebldr Ironically it seems like there's a good chance we're going to burn them anyway, by drying out both… https://t.co/SifawvsOlC in reply to welcomehomebldr 11:48:19, 2019-07-20
- Electrified rail can do intercity cargo and passenger transport.
If there's no bunker fuel to burn, how big can yo… https://t.co/hONwZLyFdw in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:17:12, 2019-07-20
- Without petroleum, we never would have built the kind of transportation systems we have now.
We built pedestrian c… https://t.co/UhFbIBQxuv in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:13:40, 2019-07-20
- Abundant fossil fuels have made us lazy about energy. Why bother trying to be efficient when you can just dig up mo… https://t.co/7xFMRBqMuO in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:07:05, 2019-07-20
- Maybe the Arabian peninsula and the Sahara and the Atacama and the Southwest US would be heavily industrialized cen… https://t.co/qXrXzIOIJR in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:04:02, 2019-07-20
- Without access to fossil fuels, maybe we would have developed solar furnaces to supply process heat for smelting or… https://t.co/04fa05H8vY in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:00:18, 2019-07-20
- @welcomehomebldr Yeah, probably in most places, but there are some counterexamples like Japan (beginning w/ the Tok… https://t.co/L6u3j8rJRE in reply to welcomehomebldr 10:35:14, 2019-07-20
- People were fooling around with electricity, magnetism & calculus in the 18th century. We would have gotten hydroel… https://t.co/slyLDevuuA in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:28:03, 2019-07-20
- I think we still would have seen a long run of economic growth, but the driver of that growth would have been much… https://t.co/2wVy8U2SCz in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:06:34, 2019-07-20
- Another thought experiment in the same vein is to imagine technological civilization developing on a world whose bi… https://t.co/gbH32F9VO1 09:48:05, 2019-07-20
- A decade ago I would totally have been on the side of the telescope. Now I can't help but think "Would I want to in… https://t.co/fPsc4Oj7wu 21:52:39, 2019-07-19
- Ooof. Glacier: Ok. Not. https://t.co/uMRKopqhSS 20:51:56, 2019-07-19
- Seems like a good time to re-up this @planetmoney episode on why US electronic payments take 3 days, while in the U… https://t.co/AkVei1DO9W 18:15:59, 2019-07-19
- @MichaelEWebber Organic. "Locavore", "Urban Ag." Yuppie farmers markets. Maybe less branded, but no less obsessive.… https://t.co/WjxeH5ltM5 in reply to MichaelEWebber 17:12:15, 2019-07-19
- @ericmbudd God why can't he just run for senate what is wrong with him. in reply to ericmbudd 15:07:05, 2019-07-19
- @ericmbudd Which is why they should continue getting chewed out in primaries in those "safe" districts. in reply to ericmbudd 13:56:33, 2019-07-19
- @ericmbudd I'm afraid it will dissuade progressive voters from participating, and generally poison the base's perce… https://t.co/jSJHw2Bb63 in reply to ericmbudd 13:30:30, 2019-07-19
- @PauliJllo @jfdecarolis Have y'all seen the new code + data rerpoducibility requirements from @AeaData? Are there a… https://t.co/6dc3TxemqN 00:19:25, 2019-07-19
- @moaimx @MxDatalab Sería muy interesante para comparar esta con algunas medidas más cantidadativas en cada ciudad también. in reply to moaimx 00:12:48, 2019-07-19
- RT @GernotWagner: FaceApp for Florida. You can bet Russia knows about this one, too. https://t.co/isZMHxgqfX 22:35:02, 2019-07-18
- @ericmbudd Maybe it should be more like the World Cup, where they pair off and half of them are eliminated in each round. in reply to ericmbudd 19:11:27, 2019-07-18
- RT @rgunns: do y'all have good, READABLE resources on financial instruments like equity, securitization, bonds, commodity markets, etc? we'… 16:18:39, 2019-07-18
- @rgunns @EnergyInnovLLC @EricGimon @lausanbo also knows a *ton* about the subject, but I don't think she's On Here much. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:03:31, 2019-07-18
- @rgunns @EnergyInnovLLC I'm sure Uday Varadarajan at RMI would have some resources to offer. @EricGimon might as well. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:54:29, 2019-07-18
- @rgunns @EnergyInnovLLC Bonds confused me for a long time. I found William Bernstein's books on retirement investin… https://t.co/hlPWUBbgMm in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:53:06, 2019-07-18
- @rgunns I've probably already shared these, but, specifically in the context of retiring fossil generation and othe… https://t.co/S4nBZi1ke2 in reply to rgunns 14:50:30, 2019-07-18
- If only there were some way to reallocate these resources for use in the public's interest. https://t.co/0AShNMFCRv 12:35:00, 2019-07-18
- RT @daveweigel: This Tom Friedman line is a perfect encapsulation of this CW, and it never handles the central problem: Democrats nominated… 12:28:51, 2019-07-18
- At what point does a person become responsible for mitigating their own (very predictable) cognitive biases? And wh… https://t.co/zFfmOfXrpj 12:20:37, 2019-07-18
- Congrats to @jfdecarolis and @PauliJllo! This will be a fun project, and should add some much needed transparency a… https://t.co/L00KSdXtbY 11:15:37, 2019-07-18
- RT @Dogen: Say what now
#日本 https://t.co/JnP7fHMG7P 22:09:21, 2019-07-17 - There's nothing any human can do that's worth a billion dollars. Beyond a certain point wealth is just an artefact… https://t.co/NkMHlmPuPC 21:28:33, 2019-07-17
- RT @Pinboard: @HirokoTabuchi @sfchronicle Twist: there are no new homes in Berkeley 21:17:37, 2019-07-17
- RT @jbouie: It’s not routine, it’s ritual. A communal performance and affirmation of shared values. And you don’t have to look particularly… 20:32:28, 2019-07-17
- RT @CarlosLozadaWP: The move from “lock her up” in 2016 to “send her back” today is the move from strongman lawlessness to white nationalis… 20:26:22, 2019-07-17
- RT @BreeNewsome: An openly racist president targeting members of Congress for violence, overemphasizing the pronunciation of their names to… 20:25:31, 2019-07-17
- A tiny ode to deep time. https://t.co/AtB8dq1Cq5 20:25:02, 2019-07-17
- RT @rgunns: this is disgusting. and actively endangering her and her family. again.
WHERE IS THE FUCKING LINE https://t.co/906JlWZWw8 20:21:08, 2019-07-17
- @ericmbudd You can do the hot yoga outside. Finally. in reply to ericmbudd 18:08:40, 2019-07-17
- So long and thanks for all the fish. https://t.co/D9bOxgJr1e 17:48:59, 2019-07-17
- Listening to my music in alphabetical order by artist.
The transition directly from Jefferson Airplane's "Triad" t… https://t.co/JruTLtJVIk 15:57:21, 2019-07-17
- @MasynMoyer @shayshinecastle They do like the unanimous votes. Sometimes I wish A-Aron was a little more ornery. Bu… https://t.co/dzYC2X9Ruu in reply to MasynMoyer 15:11:46, 2019-07-17
- @WhoresofYore https://t.co/qUU8m1lwVt 13:43:25, 2019-07-17
- @shayshinecastle It would be nice if there were more calling of bullshit during the happytalk phase, with reference… https://t.co/U85wq8BEKF in reply to shayshinecastle 13:40:36, 2019-07-17
- @shayshinecastle Do you think they really ever meant it though? It just feels too easy to say those nice things whe… https://t.co/RRgrlaAj79 in reply to shayshinecastle 12:06:45, 2019-07-17
- @electronecon @brendanpierpont @RCHohenstein @mehdyson I would think this would be extractable form something like… https://t.co/w9WstTtx32 in reply to electronecon 11:57:13, 2019-07-17
- RT @zachdcarter: Hard to escape the conclusion that Facebook is totally unprepared to defend Libra before Congress https://t.co/8Sn5LO6ETH 11:53:13, 2019-07-17
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd Yeah, that was pretty awful. in reply to CHThiem 07:57:24, 2019-07-17
- @shayshinecastle City campground. Gotta be a city campground. Fair weather housing for the unhoused. in reply to shayshinecastle 20:34:09, 2019-07-16
- Also… remember that if the results of an extensive public engagement process are deemed politically inconvenient… https://t.co/0fJtzLpcXn 17:53:46, 2019-07-16
- @alixtrot Yeah. The "official story" is slow to change. :-/ Looking back at the album now I see there were only 4 w… https://t.co/8Bie5eoigU in reply to alixtrot 10:38:14, 2019-07-16
- @alixtrot There's a an album called "26 Scientists" by the band Artichoke — it's short musical biographies, one fo… https://t.co/Os9mpCWdoP in reply to alixtrot 08:57:13, 2019-07-16
- RT @Karnythia: Individual choices cannot & will not solve a crisis created & sustained by governments and businesses. All exhortations to… 08:52:34, 2019-07-16
- This is an amazing endorsement! Keep up the good work @ewarren. https://t.co/NZX6g5FjeZ 08:50:51, 2019-07-16
- Never once in my life have I had health insurance that I felt like I could actually use. https://t.co/41MwN0KW1Z 21:13:58, 2019-07-15
- @drvox "I don't mean it's difficult to grow beans, or air conditioning bills are inconveniently high. I mean, if yo… https://t.co/Ruy9U6ijdl in reply to drvox 17:07:02, 2019-07-15
- @ideapete https://t.co/AxyBNP3o6X in reply to ideapete 12:38:33, 2019-07-15
- En otras noticias… estoy planeando para andar en bicicleta desde Antigua a Oaxaca en el otoño que viene, después… https://t.co/Sb5tBBBD2a 00:09:45, 2019-07-15
- More good thoughts here on the value of being very clear about whether you are generating content, or editing it, p… https://t.co/Kdkh73SQBw in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:03:23, 2019-07-15
- I desperately want to write more long-form stuff, but have gotten trapped in this perfect sentence loop so many tim… https://t.co/8Ey1nJGR36 00:02:09, 2019-07-15
- "I'm not against school integration, just busing as the means." sounds an awful lot like "I'm not against affordabl… https://t.co/JhJL1DD94g 22:07:14, 2019-07-14
- @ericmbudd Yeah so who is on the hook for "maintenance" again? Was that the P3 or CDOT? in reply to ericmbudd 22:01:24, 2019-07-14
- @ericmbudd I bet Ken Beitel could make up a great story about this! in reply to ericmbudd 21:57:59, 2019-07-14
- @Madisonkanna @thebmbennett Too real. Too real. in reply to Madisonkanna 21:30:39, 2019-07-14
- @Sammy_Roth @ByIanJames Have you read Encounters with the Archdruid by John McPhee? in reply to Sammy_Roth 17:55:04, 2019-07-14
- I'm still haunted by this thread from a year ago, about the shockingly fast and lawful transition to apartheid gove… https://t.co/yDF68A7Q93 00:34:20, 2019-07-14
- @Noahpinion There was this thread about the transition into apartheid in S. Africa, which seems like another intere… https://t.co/vj1C61rCSe in reply to Noahpinion 00:31:47, 2019-07-14
- @KenCaldeira I don't know if you get into it at all in the paper (because paywall) but you might be interested in s… https://t.co/xjarenkXFK in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:40:44, 2019-07-13
- Some people subject to court mandated GPS monitoring (often pre-trial) are geofenced — an alarm goes off if they e… https://t.co/KTgx5Jf6V5 22:37:55, 2019-07-13
- @brendanpierpont @JigarShahDC @EnergyInnovLLC explores a variety of capital recycling mechanisms here that can cost… https://t.co/hH92cBwvxC in reply to brendanpierpont 22:13:45, 2019-07-13
- The financial tools explored in these white papers from @EnergyInnovLLC provide some options: https://t.co/YAVOVS27Bg in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:09:48, 2019-07-13
- Even if humanity never built another fossil power station or industrial facility, and just ran what we've got until… https://t.co/hn4FA6ZH2N 22:07:22, 2019-07-13
- There's every reason to think rural and "micropolitan" areas will continue to hollow out. When the US becomes a nat… https://t.co/7rMx4tXcH0 21:20:47, 2019-07-13
- Well this would certainly be poetic.
Remember when @bobyatesboulder was originally running for Council and openly… https://t.co/8KxStx6ayZ 20:05:49, 2019-07-13
- "Fled to Latin America before things totally went to shit." is not exactly flattering, but maybe also not inaccurat… https://t.co/A13NuFHMFM 19:49:50, 2019-07-13
- @welcomehomebldr @CHThiem And yes of course there are the ecological benefits of Open Space too, but it seems clear… https://t.co/5M6sscsGNe in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:39:48, 2019-07-13
- @welcomehomebldr @CHThiem The difference is the scale — OS is $1B over 50 years benefiting tens of thousands of la… https://t.co/xOrQ2TVwHx in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:38:21, 2019-07-13
- @welcomehomebldr @CHThiem Though systemically… there's a lot of similarity between this and the Open Space progra… https://t.co/HwIH41ln4L in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:35:55, 2019-07-13
- @welcomehomebldr @CHThiem I know. I can't help it. I have a problem. in reply to welcomehomebldr 19:10:43, 2019-07-13
- @Sammy_Roth @hausfath It's also interesting to note that we're in a very different world, biogeochemically, than wh… https://t.co/238zY8m3b8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:08:40, 2019-07-13
- @Sammy_Roth I know this is a tempting narrative to follow, but there's a lotta pushback on this paper from others i… https://t.co/8D4TzKO1Ou in reply to Sammy_Roth 19:05:46, 2019-07-13
- @CHThiem This is like, exactly the opposite of how it's supposed to work. You buy the land with public money and t… https://t.co/AzdgHmk8Hk in reply to CHThiem 18:59:43, 2019-07-13
- "Preventing housing from being built on the property will put an end to 30 years of failed housing proposals and co… https://t.co/rQe2Ibl3xs 18:57:29, 2019-07-13
- So many of the responses to this remind me of why living in a co-op is great.
Cc: @ericmbudd @CHThiem @bryanlbowen https://t.co/AwB2aqW1lS 00:17:08, 2019-07-13
- RT @girlziplocked: The subtle and deadly change of heart that might occur in you would be involved with the realization that a civilization… 00:12:41, 2019-07-13
- @PopDetective I loved your piece on sociological storytelling & Wall-E, and have since realized that most of the st… https://t.co/ljnaHxvId5 20:41:33, 2019-07-12
- @JasenThorpe Sounds like a good argument for stocking the kitchen with dishes from a thrift store. When nothing matches, everything matches. in reply to JasenThorpe 15:28:54, 2019-07-12
- It seems certain that we will retreat from cities like New Orleans and Miami later this century. Will we do with pl… https://t.co/re7gCzHYGx 15:22:06, 2019-07-12
- 2.5 billion years ago there was no fire on Earth because there was no oxygen in the atmosphere.
300 million years… https://t.co/UMQMsyG5JV 00:36:23, 2019-07-12
- @andrew_leach @SeanDunn10 @github Does it feel like the concepts or the commands themselves are more the issue? in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:11:00, 2019-07-12
- @andrew_leach @SeanDunn10 @github For me the commands and interactions between all the parts only really started st… https://t.co/jzTeufSfsQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:04:31, 2019-07-12
- @andrew_leach @SeanDunn10 @github Maybe you've already seen it, but the workflow github recommends, integrating pul… https://t.co/rzupprL3FC in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:00:06, 2019-07-12
- @andrew_leach @SeanDunn10 @github Do you want the students to just go ahead and do the merge? Or do you want to opp… https://t.co/dNZLztTg2N in reply to andrew_leach 23:58:47, 2019-07-11
- This topic is even more toxic than I thought. I had no idea there were GOP congressmembers pushing natalism as a re… https://t.co/YKsrBuR99o 17:07:39, 2019-07-11
- @drawohara @ericmbudd Decent heat pumps are between 300% and 400% efficient (ratio of electricity in to heat moved… https://t.co/i3MmYbwRSh in reply to drawohara 16:55:40, 2019-07-11
- RT @MorganJerkins: "Child care in particular was very difficult, because it’s expensive and we don't get paid much. If I put [my son] in a… 16:49:03, 2019-07-11
- @alexbaca People who don't feel like you feel? Or who don't feel like the dude on his journey of NIMBY self discovery? in reply to alexbaca 16:35:27, 2019-07-11
- RT @dTrixieF: "fully automated luxury gay space communism" is a deeply flawed meme, but it caught on because of a gap in leftist discourse.… 15:28:39, 2019-07-11
- RT @Dr_KatieG1: Yesterday I offered to share some writing advice that has worked for me, & it garnered a lot of interest! So I'm going to s… 15:26:15, 2019-07-11
- RT @alexbaca: It is helpful to identify the problem. https://t.co/YHAfTecpAc 11:53:47, 2019-07-11
- @drvox I imagine you've already seen Saul Griffith's long post (and congressional testimony) on the @otherlab blog… https://t.co/APKFJ121e2 in reply to drvox 11:51:44, 2019-07-11
- @MarkyV @bolderbekah @ericmbudd TEST YOUR MIGHT. in reply to MarkyV 11:30:13, 2019-07-11
- @ericmbudd Allegory for out place in history. in reply to ericmbudd 11:26:47, 2019-07-11
- I kind of love that whenever I search for software or power grid engineering tutorials, I end up watching videos fr… https://t.co/JG4OPTAF4t 11:21:16, 2019-07-11
- @markfischetti @GreatDismal This paper has gotten a lot of pushback from other scientists. Here's an interesting th… https://t.co/K2gkjwD6aN in reply to markfischetti 01:18:09, 2019-07-11
- The population of Kenya is ~25% bigger than the population of California.
The wealthiest ~10% of humanity is respo… https://t.co/IpnFn4DkIx 00:35:42, 2019-07-11
- @bolderbekah @ericmbudd FINISH HIM. in reply to bolderbekah 00:20:02, 2019-07-11
- RT @CostaSamaras: Speedy & transparent environmental reviews are important to ensure impacts are minimized. But rich residents using enviro… 23:32:42, 2019-07-10
- @erinoverturf Did you see the court order the judge issued in response to the WSJ piece? They were *so* not amused. in reply to erinoverturf 22:12:49, 2019-07-10
- @2emesouffle @DavidQuammen The viral DNA keeps getting updated over time as the mammals evolve! It's like we're rec… https://t.co/6OwkTjhYWV in reply to 2emesouffle 22:10:56, 2019-07-10
- @ericmbudd The passes all used to be unpaved! in reply to ericmbudd 21:05:51, 2019-07-10
- RT @jdesmondharris: Today I found myself feeling sad for the members of the men's team because everyone is talking about how bad they are i… 13:57:29, 2019-07-10
- Some interesting subtleties related to the math of atmospheric carbon removal. Which we are all going to get very f… https://t.co/XHs7IT5fXw 13:39:11, 2019-07-10
- Feels like there's a lot going on in this Pelosi quote.
“I’m here to help the children when it’s easy and when it’… https://t.co/ftnZyO9h9B 11:34:37, 2019-07-10
- We now know of 4000 planets beyond our solar system. When I started college, we knew of 3. https://t.co/S5VMfSeFAe 09:21:01, 2019-07-10
- @shayshinecastle Are those numbers just for a particular sector (e.g. electricity or transportation)? US per capita… https://t.co/oHFRIi8tJe in reply to shayshinecastle 01:00:17, 2019-07-10
- @ericmbudd But I thought Cindy got the 2 year term… in reply to ericmbudd 22:31:44, 2019-07-09
- And if they were more jammed, more people would actually walk.
But instead the city has chosen to ignore empirical… https://t.co/DCrfoiDhpt 22:17:08, 2019-07-09
- What's happening to the US coal industry and those who have depended on it was completely predictable. Resource ext… https://t.co/HrefIn3JF6 21:04:00, 2019-07-09
- @rgunns Now all I can think of is the soundtrack from Mortal Kombat. https://t.co/7gcG6yWuXJ in reply to rgunns 20:40:04, 2019-07-09
- We're Apollo trapped in a monkey mind. We do well with linear systems, or maybe quadratic (we can throw rocks and s… https://t.co/3EhbnmWSYG 18:29:00, 2019-07-09
- RT @drvox: I didn't get too much into this in the post, but it's worth emphasizing: as fossil fuels decline, workers are getting fvcked. Re… 12:58:49, 2019-07-09
- RT @jbouie: if i were a liberal billionaire with a $100 millions to burn i'd spend it on a nationwide voter registration drive instead of a… 12:56:56, 2019-07-09
- @ericmbudd @sea_Baugruppe I believe he was chased off Twitter by someone harassing him in Seattle or something like that. in reply to ericmbudd 12:54:32, 2019-07-09
- I specifically chose to work on policy instead of science after my PhD to avoid despairing, and yet so many of the… https://t.co/UXiihtT4dy 12:14:01, 2019-07-09
- @ericmbudd Also I was just told by Twitter that @sea_Baugruppe's account has been restricted because of some kind o… https://t.co/8v9Pjfo9VB in reply to ericmbudd 11:13:11, 2019-07-09
- A strong argument against considering Lakewood, Colorado's recently enacted migration limits any kind of helpful cl… https://t.co/28YgDf5byZ 09:27:38, 2019-07-09
- @thmscwlls (which has been shown repeatedly to be dead wrong, in city after city) in reply to thmscwlls 00:54:55, 2019-07-09
- If you've ever installed Zoom for a video conference, even if you've subsequently uninstalled it, check this out! https://t.co/MOq91XkVO9 22:22:25, 2019-07-08
- 10 deep cover Russian agents were arrested in the US in 2010 after a multi-year investigation. The story was made i… https://t.co/sQciW6jrMs 19:26:15, 2019-07-08
- It only takes a week to sail from Scotland to Iceland! Beautiful footage from @climate_ice (Side note: the Mercato… https://t.co/n0QSqgwMIp 19:09:02, 2019-07-08
- "Change is slow." they said. "Be patient." they said. But we only choose to make *some* kinds of change slow. https://t.co/d1bUYeSIxA 15:12:58, 2019-07-08
- RT @erinoverturf: Since I'm turning into the unofficial #energytwitter employment resource for the Western U.S., let's keep the party going… 15:05:24, 2019-07-08
- @ericmbudd I was so optimistic when I saw the headline, and the use of the past tense "was." It almost felt like clickbait. in reply to ericmbudd 11:48:19, 2019-07-08
- @ericmbudd (with apologies to Milan Kundera) in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:45:16, 2019-07-08
- @ericmbudd The unbearable denseness of being a white dude. in reply to ericmbudd 11:44:32, 2019-07-08
- After his campaign staff quits, Hickenlooper openly admits that the problem with his campaign is… the candidate.… https://t.co/DmuBCTx1g8 11:35:56, 2019-07-08
- From @PopDetective, a thoughtful look at the US system of mass incarceration, through the lens of The Shawshank Red… https://t.co/U4uzKA4JcJ 23:42:25, 2019-07-07
- Ah, me encanta. https://t.co/UtWgeKdYSp 23:06:53, 2019-07-07
- @andersem @ShaneDPhillips I'm curious to know! Mostly I've read about other kinds of ownership models, rather than… https://t.co/hikCv3ZUrl in reply to andersem 22:57:18, 2019-07-07
- RT @wrathofgnon: "As we face catastrophic sea level rises and climate change we want to teach children the importance of ecology and the be… 20:18:35, 2019-07-07
- @notFromShrek @a_pigott @ericmbudd The Peak to Peak back from Estes, even after you get up that first hill, is, uuu… https://t.co/JeQQxKjK9q in reply to notFromShrek 20:07:00, 2019-07-07
- RT @alexbaca: I love this. My favorite part of Progress & Poverty is when George describes the joyousness that comes with other people arou… 19:56:53, 2019-07-07
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek Old Fall River Road is the best. Though I guess it's kind of New Fall River Road now. in reply to ericmbudd 19:54:08, 2019-07-07
- Tremendous work putting together this piece @RosannaXia! I can't imagine how you got some of those quotes. They just seem totally bonkers. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:50:59, 2019-07-07
- I'm finally fixing the slow leak I've had in my rear tire since… last September!
But only because I finally wore out the tire. 19:32:55, 2019-07-07
- @welcomehomebldr @alexbaca @RottenInDenmark Who knows. I'm just a ghost on the internet at this point. But it does… https://t.co/moI0dXWHzE in reply to welcomehomebldr 19:16:15, 2019-07-07
- But hey at least Russian LNG tankers can *finally* use the Northern Sea Route. https://t.co/7ViLzPDdRj https://t.co/Zfkdrvla5i 17:17:19, 2019-07-07
- @welcomehomebldr @alexbaca @RottenInDenmark And then there was this gem today… https://t.co/P13HMVFwbU in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:02:52, 2019-07-07
- @welcomehomebldr It's a dynamic hinted at/described in the piece the @alexbaca was talking about by… https://t.co/BmBiKbu1ii in reply to welcomehomebldr 17:02:23, 2019-07-07
- @ericmbudd Hmm. The brain virus spreads to Lakewood: https://t.co/P13HMVFwbU 15:32:20, 2019-07-07
- I really don't think this is how it goes down.
"At some point, everyone is going to say: ‘No, we’re not just going… https://t.co/kCTmM1H651 in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:55:45, 2019-07-07
- People say the wildest things when they are in denial. I feel like I can already hear the future sobbing/laughing.… https://t.co/0wbw7dEwuj in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:55:45, 2019-07-07
- Nice long-form piece from @LATimes on sea level rise in California: “Right now, managed retreat is just a slogan. I… https://t.co/3BgKLSg8dx 08:55:44, 2019-07-07
- @CHThiem @BoulderHousing And sadly, "One of the the most successful IZ programs" is a fairly low bar: https://t.co/FejgrkSwVE in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:09:17, 2019-07-07
- @CHThiem Also, it's not particularly concentrated! Except insofar as it can only be built in places where apartment… https://t.co/eUSwTDb7KV in reply to CHThiem 08:03:03, 2019-07-07
- @bradplumer The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Other Minds
Crabgrass Frontier
Fighting Traffic
Song of the Dodo
The Two Mile Time Machine in reply to bradplumer 23:59:13, 2019-07-06 - If we can't find a vision for actually progressive inclusive cities, then how can we hope to have any kind of viabl… https://t.co/siEcmpce8b in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:37:28, 2019-07-06
- It's like the comparisons between NIMBYism and Trumpism are having the effect of convincing folks with progressive… https://t.co/xjpUBhptgR in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:33:16, 2019-07-06
- It's terrifying to think of the intense status-quo-ism of urban (otherwise) progressive enclaves as a wedge to brin… https://t.co/ZSDKicWeRU in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:31:12, 2019-07-06
- It feels like we're setting ourselves up for a loooong era of rebuilding in a brokendown world. I wish I could conv… https://t.co/UQT4KXG5nb in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:26:26, 2019-07-06
- RT @AnandWrites: How do you explain to the Pelosi-Biden generation how they sound when they dismiss people like this? https://t.co/eXTmLMa7… 22:04:26, 2019-07-06
- @rgunns Free your mind, and your thighs will follow? in reply to rgunns 20:50:21, 2019-07-06
- Un buen hilo sobre la narrativa del lugares en nuestros mentes. Me gustaría mucho explorar esta parte del mundo por… https://t.co/V07TicQDjA 20:45:41, 2019-07-06
- I wonder if the hard-core NIMBYism is going to be used as an opening to polarize the heretofore reliably blue urban… https://t.co/LWXSfoQMdh 18:57:47, 2019-07-06
- @alexbaca *sigh* This meme is another manifestation of the virus. in reply to alexbaca 18:54:04, 2019-07-06
- @mrocklin @choldgraf Are the additional development resources they access by keeping the project open really that v… https://t.co/aqntdmmy31 in reply to mrocklin 18:01:25, 2019-07-06
- And it's imperative that we create a leftist urbanism, because more and more progressive mindsets and dense pattern… https://t.co/6o9HOq9Q1f 17:58:10, 2019-07-06
- @choldgraf @mrocklin How/why has the Jupyter/Bloomberg relationship been so productive? Does it seem like a good mo… https://t.co/iVLe8vgKML in reply to choldgraf 17:52:31, 2019-07-06
- And in my climate work, I feel the same way on a planetary scale. We can't be stuck in endless brawls over one coal… https://t.co/0U1vRnP5QR in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:23:39, 2019-07-06
- @unicorn Access to novelty and economic opportunity? in reply to unicorn 11:16:40, 2019-07-06
- What is the project of an urban leftism? A *city-ism*? How do we make The City for Everyone? How do we create a sh… https://t.co/RfxoOspKL5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:12:38, 2019-07-06
- Like, even if things are broken down and in disrepair, having a bunch of other people that you're working with to f… https://t.co/f6su5apNr3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:08:35, 2019-07-06
- But what really attracted me to the nostalgia for early-stage gentrification was the idea of having a shared sense… https://t.co/nHXVHqLzxZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:59:13, 2019-07-06
- And this emergent urban exclusivity meshes so nicely (horribly) with our cultural idealization of exclusive suburba… https://t.co/seqYtZrFCK in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:52:13, 2019-07-06
- This idea that you can keep improving things, without really changing things, inevitably leads to displacement of w… https://t.co/OpXw9bDBau in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:47:54, 2019-07-06
- But it's also often a weird kind of positive change, because it's happening to a probably recently distressed place… https://t.co/g2YEqWPsIo in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:41:42, 2019-07-06
- I think there's also a sense that positive change is happening (again, from the POV of a new arrival). And you get… https://t.co/nB5XC1euJs in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:37:21, 2019-07-06
- But what is it that's so alluring about those times and spaces?
Of course they're affordable — at least to the ne… https://t.co/E83IFO5oLy in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:33:46, 2019-07-06
- Too true in that I could see myself wanting something like that too. It also sounded like a lot of comments I heard… https://t.co/BpmqtfzhKX in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:29:22, 2019-07-06
- Someone recently commented that the ideal urban neighborhood character cultivated by a lot of present-day NIMBYs is… https://t.co/N2BCnrcj9G 10:26:13, 2019-07-06
- And the older progressives in Boulder remember fighting against sprawling developments to preserve the open space s… https://t.co/7NrKRP5Ci5 10:20:51, 2019-07-06
- @btx91 It's a weird little hyperbolic microcosm of NIMBYism. Even if I could have stayed there, my sense of the pla… https://t.co/jGcORsCXsC in reply to btx91 10:16:09, 2019-07-06
- tbh I fled the country to get away from it. https://t.co/NoGcQfJg5x 10:05:34, 2019-07-06
- @thmscwlls @ericmbudd @IngramCoop The S is for sucks. in reply to thmscwlls 09:57:29, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Burninating the countryside… burninating all the peasants and their THATCH ROOF COTTAGES!… https://t.co/tV79KllpvL in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:17:37, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Alaska can come too. https://t.co/K4qZPu96mH in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:11:51, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop And the 114°F temperatures in France, obliterating previous monthly average temperature reco… https://t.co/P9ANgilsTl in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:09:25, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop And then there was that Chinese tornado. https://t.co/FO29Sare0c in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:01:46, 2019-07-06
- A cool German zero-equity mixed-income cooperative housing project, built over a preschool, described by… https://t.co/lTWmzmOPUo 23:39:20, 2019-07-05
- @bolderbekah @ericmbudd It's not just the bears… https://t.co/UUntyCBBAx in reply to bolderbekah 23:29:19, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd They bug me too (as you know) but… more when it happens at the systemic/policy level. Like, okay, you'… https://t.co/RJXSYZbgj5 in reply to ericmbudd 20:05:10, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Por supuesto. Porque, cambio climatico… in reply to ericmbudd 20:03:11, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Has visto la locura de granizada en Jalisco? Se cayeron dos metros! https://t.co/l8FPblwglo in reply to ericmbudd 19:58:51, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Man, it seems like this has been a rough year for gardens out up there. How are all the… https://t.co/s3RxJsZuRP in reply to ericmbudd 19:50:14, 2019-07-05
- And all it took was $12 billion in federal subsidies. Socialism works! https://t.co/6O8Slj0bnO 18:23:12, 2019-07-05
- tfw you finally reach the Tuvan throat singing portion of listening to your entire music collection alphabetized by… https://t.co/qL3kU4Pnsq 18:01:42, 2019-07-05
- @CHThiem @DavidQuammen I am slowly working my way through Apocalyptic Planet! in reply to CHThiem 16:01:02, 2019-07-05
- How about we just call them the #Depletables https://t.co/xrAlNduRQ6 15:53:45, 2019-07-05
- @NordVPN It would be really nice if there were some way to whitelist specific sites so they aren't blocked by the C… https://t.co/jqUES72XpJ 13:16:11, 2019-07-05
- Also, my take on nuclear power is pretty close to what @MLiebreich outlined on @bloombergNEF a few days ago. Necess… https://t.co/uuKOWncEEq in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:11:10, 2019-07-05
- And who knows, maybe the Vogtle nuclear plant could be completed on time and under budget? Who's to say really? Wou… https://t.co/WQXvJHoC2W 13:06:00, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Which is of course very important in terms of the political economy. in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:45:29, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd That OpEx passthrough creates a split incentive, exposes ratepayers to future fuel cost risks, and reduc… https://t.co/iWK1qWO0fV in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:44:57, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Renewables, storage, transmission, and efficiency are all close to 100% CapEx, which should all be very… https://t.co/yxK98tBsBV in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:43:14, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd The securitization option means the rate the ratepayers pay is lower (like, close to T-bill low) and the… https://t.co/ot1PORJIh7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:41:33, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Of course, something like this was always possible, but as a regulatory asset, the balance sheets of the… https://t.co/4LjhMfC3E3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:40:23, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd The idea is that (*gasp*) the PUC can tell the utility in the ERP that it needs to retire its uneconomic… https://t.co/AMhCpqsGwt in reply to ericmbudd 12:38:55, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd And I'd be fine with that. It might be the fastest option! But, uh, I don't see a lot of other folks who… https://t.co/Y1UeblQlFt in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:23:38, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Then we'd have to use public financing to rebuild the entire electricity system without emissions, inclu… https://t.co/92TfKldJxn in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:22:17, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Sure, the "best case" solution to this problem is to soak the utility investors for the entire value of… https://t.co/ky9l2SV29X in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:19:39, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Are the 80% emissions reduction by 2030 and 100% reduction by 2050 passed in the same legislative sessio… https://t.co/Q7jNjPampP in reply to ericmbudd 10:16:43, 2019-07-05
- Well. I guess I'm glad to know it's not just me? https://t.co/SJ8yWeJGgQ 09:52:00, 2019-07-05
- Interestingly, depending how powerful positive feedbacks in the climate system are, Georgia may be rendered uninhab… https://t.co/FsGXNIXDuW 09:49:40, 2019-07-05
- RT @hels: This Is Just to Say
I have eaten
the rich
that were at
the golf cluband which
you were probably
for class warForgive… 20:02:38, 2019-07-04
- @sharethecities Lol have you seen this? https://t.co/DRxVeeLLQR 19:59:46, 2019-07-04
- @betatim @mrocklin @NumFOCUS At @CatalystCoop I think we spent ~2-3 person-months of time at the beginning of this… https://t.co/LUxdpKhTtQ in reply to betatim 13:05:36, 2019-07-04
- @MattBakerEnergy @MichelsonEvan Partly the thread traces back to this article in @nresearchnews partly https://t.co/UWpOQHOyqh in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:00:35, 2019-07-04
- Like Uber… but for open source science.
Joking aside, this is part of a good thread on the challenge of creating… https://t.co/6jfskH89AV 13:00:08, 2019-07-04
- A nice essay-length adaptation of @DavidQuammen's book The Tangled Tree, about horizontal gene transfer and the dis… https://t.co/utDAaZnqfM 12:14:00, 2019-07-04
- The American Revolution was a mistake. Because slavery and aboriginal genocide. Also, parliaments are better. And n… https://t.co/csGDMjanm9 09:24:01, 2019-07-04
- @cleantechsonia @robbieorvis Dunno if it matters, but there are some typos in one of the tables of contents of this… https://t.co/UHbTQIK7ca 22:44:17, 2019-07-03
- @alexbaca And the two shall become one flesh. in reply to alexbaca 14:45:07, 2019-07-03
- @CHThiem Everybody wants a revolution. Nobody wants to do the dishes. Or the bookkeeping. Well, almost nobody. in reply to CHThiem 08:11:27, 2019-07-03
- If you've ever thought about buying carbon offsets for your flights… maybe read this piece by @drvox and then don… https://t.co/a7ohdiZGdG 20:39:42, 2019-07-02
- @emmy_ft @choldgraf And in that vein, @swingleft is a very good value, in terms of money per unit political change… https://t.co/B51CEzCcYf in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:12:27, 2019-07-02
- @emmy_ft @choldgraf You know the One Weird Trick to get strong climate policies enacted, right? https://t.co/5UDpm62601 in reply to emmy_ft 20:11:28, 2019-07-02
- @thmscwlls Did you get a wider spectrum of responses on The Book of Faces? Do people focus on personal rather than… https://t.co/05apoUFxhd in reply to thmscwlls 18:23:25, 2019-07-02
- @thmscwlls Liberating hundreds of gigabytes of public data related to the US electricity system for use by climate… https://t.co/cesoVQGMf0 in reply to thmscwlls 18:47:34, 2019-07-01
- The contrast between Oregon banning single family zoning right and the state GOP going into hiding to prevent clima… https://t.co/NhO74Loqw8 16:40:17, 2019-07-01
- I knew there was a reason we were calling it Home Despot. https://t.co/cQC1BoQ4kh 17:59:20, 2019-06-30
- @kevpluck @waiterich Hah, I was going to post basically the same link: https://t.co/2mDLcFcw1b in reply to kevpluck 10:35:15, 2019-06-29
- And maybe not coincidentally, it seems like the folks who want us not to deal with climate change have decided to b… https://t.co/fHKaC46hzG 10:22:44, 2019-06-28
- @CHThiem @StdBikeRepair *shudder* in reply to CHThiem 01:31:32, 2019-06-28
- @AlexSteffen I am *extremely* skeptical that an additional $0.30/gallon (Canadian cents, no less) resulted in a 15%… https://t.co/BIBp1TYLpA in reply to AlexSteffen 18:07:26, 2019-06-27
- @cmgosnell @bryanlbowen I'm going to start eating broccoli for dessert. in reply to cmgosnell 18:04:43, 2019-06-27
- Temporal discounting strikes again! https://t.co/EEwhIJTROv 14:32:28, 2019-06-27
- @ericmbudd I think it's probably a hard task to try and win a domestic election with openly globalist economic poli… https://t.co/lKFzMbDOGq in reply to ericmbudd 12:22:56, 2019-06-27
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold But the primary output is the data packages, which can then be used by wh… https://t.co/uD1SxnRq14 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:20:09, 2019-06-27
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold It's a specific data processing pipeline, for public data about the US en… https://t.co/TpGgrs9mQG in reply to FlorianWilhelm 12:18:20, 2019-06-27
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold How important do you think it is to ensure code works on older versions o… https://t.co/BddZms61zC in reply to FlorianWilhelm 11:47:54, 2019-06-27
- After today's SCOTUS rulings, I want to know where candidates stand on increasing the number of justices. 10:39:37, 2019-06-27
- Burn the filibuster to the ground. https://t.co/b1VSeY7kmW 10:30:10, 2019-06-27
- @bryanlbowen But… that's a very low bar. The total emissions of everyone who lives in Boulder is probably at leas… https://t.co/nWcqF1uRNV in reply to bryanlbowen 10:24:42, 2019-06-27
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold @thecarpentries @gvwilson And also here: https://t.co/N3QG3B1rRh
Not rea… https://t.co/fr5z5ES6IV in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:09:24, 2019-06-27
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold When we set up the repo, we tried to follow the best/good enough practice… https://t.co/OGBZLep3gW in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:07:24, 2019-06-27
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold But I don't even know what the difference is between bdist, sdist, and wh… https://t.co/Weaqu3KNvK in reply to FlorianWilhelm 00:01:34, 2019-06-27
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold It looks great! Though I note that in the section where you mention setup… https://t.co/6E3cyBTRcC in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:20:40, 2019-06-26
- @ossronny If I actually felt like I understood how this stuff works I would happily make a PR on the docs, but I am… https://t.co/KKtvbXzngh in reply to ossronny 23:16:27, 2019-06-26
- Glad *someone* is saying it. McConnell needs to go down in flames. https://t.co/7yR5djYvi7 23:15:08, 2019-06-26
- @FlorianWilhelm @CatalystCoop @PyScaffold Nope, did not come across it in my searching, but will take a look. in reply to FlorianWilhelm 23:01:31, 2019-06-26
- @ossronny I think the file finding / inclusion functionality at least merits it's own heading, and maybe a link to… https://t.co/vKR0HHH2L7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:59:41, 2019-06-26
- @ossronny *clearly* an improvement, but I'm still confused as to why the version generation/tracking (which is of c… https://t.co/5GaF6alrWu in reply to ossronny 22:56:47, 2019-06-26
- @ossronny @ionelmc And as someone simultaneously struggling through the overlapping manifest, find_packages(), pack… https://t.co/HIQjTA3SNg in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:47:41, 2019-06-26
- @ossronny @ionelmc It was especially painful because the *main* think I was struggling with at the time was correct… https://t.co/k6tXjtUaAG in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:45:01, 2019-06-26
- @ossronny @ionelmc "It also handles file finders for the supported SCMs." is… not enough. Not only does it handle… https://t.co/0er6eopBUe in reply to ossronny 22:43:05, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd Did anybody bring up nuking the filibuster and making DC & PR states? 21:25:21, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd Oh dear god it's two nights because this is only half of them. Why. in reply to ericmbudd 21:01:10, 2019-06-26
- Well then, good thing it can cost or save us however many dollars per year we want it to with the appropriate choic… https://t.co/sMYkKbBTSa 20:56:39, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd It's unclear whether any of them actually use the site tbh in reply to ericmbudd 20:49:19, 2019-06-26
- @andyschult But they're so small. in reply to andyschult 20:48:39, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd Seems like that part might last a while. Maybe until next November. in reply to ericmbudd 20:45:32, 2019-06-26
- @ionelmc The goal of making sure that every single file in the distributed package is under source control, and com… https://t.co/oqUK0Wmoy6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:25:59, 2019-06-26
- @ionelmc This seemed like a gigantic and unwanted side-effect of trying to single-source the version to the version… https://t.co/b7rD7MbOfg in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:19:49, 2019-06-26
- @ionelmc The main thing that I found shocking in retrospect and spent hours trying to debug was the inclusion of *t… https://t.co/J5sDHkeu83 in reply to ionelmc 14:17:41, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd Though I'm sure if they counted consumption based emissions the growing wealth would blow up total emiss… https://t.co/y9a6GC8q4n in reply to ericmbudd 13:59:07, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd Yeah. Talk about a bad set of incentives… in reply to ericmbudd 13:57:27, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd OTOH: https://t.co/RbiZqPyE5v in reply to ericmbudd 13:56:58, 2019-06-26
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/zBXti1Je4d in reply to ericmbudd 13:54:35, 2019-06-26
- Interesting thread on political implications of urbanization. I don't share the hopeful ending, in part because of… https://t.co/bYlnwanM6F 11:30:15, 2019-06-26
- Is there any generally accepted tool or pattern for automatically and parsimoniously regenerating all those depende… https://t.co/4ZfDDTNQnm in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:07, 2019-06-26
- The one aspect of all this that still feel super janky is dependency & environment management. I have my conda envi… https://t.co/gZzlzuMIar in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:06, 2019-06-26
- I didn't go *all* the way down the automation rabbit hole, to (for instance) automatically generating my tox.ini fi… https://t.co/zmnmzumCyM in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:06, 2019-06-26
- The documentation — even to the point of feeling like a scorn for documentation — from setuptools_scm is so bad I… https://t.co/qTEvECUu39 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:05, 2019-06-26
- Another tool, which is useful but *horribly* undocumented, is setuptools_scm, which allows your version control sys… https://t.co/DV2yq4XeRR in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:05, 2019-06-26
- And a full (nearly null) example library that uses that template: https://t.co/9L1pmEWlMg in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:04, 2019-06-26
- Here he provides a regularly updated repository template that implements his "best practices" for automating python… https://t.co/qLvE6CnVIh in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:03, 2019-06-26
- He's also got posted some presentations on the topic of packaging from EuroPython: https://t.co/K4nmp0VQKs in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:03, 2019-06-26
- And this followup post is a kind of FAQ looking at common pitfalls, their root causes, and how to avoid them: https://t.co/r7ACcFEsAA in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:03, 2019-06-26
- This blog post provides an overview of the whole Python packaging process. I wish I'd seen it before we set up our… https://t.co/XsvV2trrFl in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:02, 2019-06-26
- So anyway, many of the best resources I came across, and ended up using, are from @ionelmc. I'm sure there are (man… https://t.co/2SZkCfTCT7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:02, 2019-06-26
- So while it's poorly designed for current uses (owing to its early origins and the different context of that time),… https://t.co/7QqmADZt0J in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:01, 2019-06-26
- How did it get this way, and why hasn't it been fixed? My intuition is that it's a legacy system that dates back to… https://t.co/tFttefNfLt in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:01, 2019-06-26
- Part of what made this such a pain is the fact that several layers of historical packaging norms and systems still… https://t.co/atiVuE4nO6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:00, 2019-06-26
- Okay after a (lamentably) week+ long crash course in Python packaging for @CatalystCoop's PUDL library, I wanted to… https://t.co/EmOZTgyO1O 09:32:00, 2019-06-26
- Boy this sure rings true of Python packaging. https://t.co/ufnUREoiIR 22:56:36, 2019-06-25
- @AaronBrockett12 Also @DavidQuammen's book The Tangled Tree is good. If you're into that kinky promiscuous genome sharing scene anyway. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:08:12, 2019-06-25
- @AaronBrockett12 I blame the eukaryotes and horizontal gene transfer. Cramming all those traditional single-genome-… https://t.co/3LANT8h08l in reply to AaronBrockett12 22:06:24, 2019-06-25
- @AaronBrockett12 Hey, if the metal is rusting it means there's still oxygen in the atmosphere. It wasn't always so… https://t.co/rg720nYoc7 in reply to AaronBrockett12 21:46:57, 2019-06-25
- @TheAncientWorld Would love to read a thread on ancient election practices. in reply to TheAncientWorld 21:36:28, 2019-06-25
- The difference between having zero and one mosquitoes in my room when I go to sleep is psychologically surprisingly… https://t.co/AUHxB6GABa 21:32:26, 2019-06-25
- @DrKariLJordan @YouVersion At first I thought this was related to databases… in reply to DrKariLJordan 21:20:21, 2019-06-25
- A new (100 page…) paper from @priyald17 and many others on potential applications of machine learning to many asp… https://t.co/cq8T7b5hDP 19:17:20, 2019-06-25
- Well this sets up all kinds of horrific incentives and feedback loops now doesn't it. https://t.co/6EbyTUPYKr 18:01:49, 2019-06-25
- RT @erinoverturf: Are you super smart and interested in advancing regional energy markets? Yeah? Then you should totally come work with m… 17:57:19, 2019-06-25
- @alexbaca Well that escalated quickly. in reply to alexbaca 17:55:33, 2019-06-25
- There's really no requirement for self-consistency in politics, especially not on the Right in the US now. I think… https://t.co/tQQynj1L0t in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:46:25, 2019-06-25
- I've been having this train of thought too, and have been trying not to think about it too hard. Which is probably… https://t.co/jw5MjAOtSw 14:44:49, 2019-06-25
- @TheCharlier I was hoping for a more entertaining killer robot apocalypse. in reply to TheCharlier 01:03:55, 2019-06-25
- The more distributive the economy is up front, the less redistribution is required. https://t.co/qlySxy1iOG 22:40:09, 2019-06-24
- @ericmbudd @boulderprogress Wow, that's quite a showing! It does feel like maybe you are extending the… https://t.co/avwfTiF4eX in reply to ericmbudd 18:44:37, 2019-06-24
- It feels very Merrick Garland-esque. https://t.co/3my7ijoCkZ 16:26:56, 2019-06-24
- @seancllns This could be a whole degree program at Naropa. in reply to seancllns 16:20:33, 2019-06-24
- @LaurenGifford @LKritz @500womensci Let me know if you want an e-mail intro. She has also run a summer program for… https://t.co/BLedAtc4pK in reply to LaurenGifford 13:55:07, 2019-06-23
- @LaurenGifford @LKritz @500womensci This sounds like my friend Mylène Jacquemart in Boulder, but not on Twitter. Am… https://t.co/KolpC4qyvG in reply to LaurenGifford 12:20:58, 2019-06-23
- RT @thegrugq: Since it looks like the US and Iran are hell bent on having a hot war, and I haven’t finished writing up my thoughts on what… 21:05:25, 2019-06-22
- @MaryHeglar Sometimes I've called this Time Lapse Eyes. Like looking at a coal plant and seeing a xenoforming engin… https://t.co/2prFKkI8nb in reply to MaryHeglar 20:26:01, 2019-06-22
- @CHThiem @edbyrneboulder @SLC_CO Wow what is wrong with that one guy? in reply to CHThiem 14:26:17, 2019-06-22
- My Twitter is like, the president is a rapist. An oil refinery blew up. Republicans are threatening violence agains… https://t.co/USL77pmci3 00:35:18, 2019-06-22
- Seriously, why is Python packaging such a mess? https://t.co/WRBLXdPG0G 17:26:36, 2019-06-21
- Somebody should really pay @ionelmc to write extensive documentation for the disaster that is Python packaging. Alm… https://t.co/A1JKwOu93L 11:10:39, 2019-06-21
- It's turtles, all the way down. https://t.co/9NpaioYSry 11:06:19, 2019-06-21
- I.e. they are primarily, overwhelmingly, xenoforming engines. The electricity is a trivial side-effect. in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:47:49, 2019-06-21
- 100,000:1 is a long lever!
For scale, if you could compress the greenhouse warming into the same timescale as the… https://t.co/Ww7WIxQh0n 10:41:56, 2019-06-21
- @KenCaldeira Yep. I just used a back-of-the-envelope 1000 year "average" lifetime in the atmosphere. 100,000x is just, wow. in reply to KenCaldeira 10:30:32, 2019-06-21
- @KenCaldeira Whoa. I calculated 500-1000x once. Curious to see why this is so much bigger. in reply to KenCaldeira 22:39:12, 2019-06-20
- Including for instance https://t.co/M3hPb3Uhuw in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:00:02, 2019-06-20
- The asymmetry in what constitutes acceptable behavior between the two parties has gotten truly bizarre. https://t.co/AY1TaZpPIR 14:54:55, 2019-06-20
- How do these kinds of plans grapple with sea level rise? https://t.co/z7Wxw5ev87 https://t.co/QJJ6gayK4a 12:41:30, 2019-06-20
- RT @davidfrum: Old people like "socialism" even more than younger people do. They just want it all for themselves. https://t.co/tfYYq0Bd9n 12:27:59, 2019-06-20
- Evergreen tweet. Single family zoning. Cars. Etc. https://t.co/GLDdKhA6co 12:17:18, 2019-06-20
- @SarahdawnH Was a renter on #BoulderCouncil 60 years ago? Or is that just as far as the records go… in reply to SarahdawnH 12:12:23, 2019-06-20
- Also it turns out having actual users is awesome. We made a useful thing! Someone else is not having to do the horr… https://t.co/JlqcPU4ywu in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:11:15, 2019-06-20
- @alexbaca This reminds me of the chapter in Crabgrass Frontier that talks about the end of annexation as a means by… https://t.co/ynfmjdiock in reply to alexbaca 23:25:26, 2019-06-19
- "Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?" https://t.co/zt4IUIhLml 23:22:54, 2019-06-19
- @JasenThorpe currently a popular business plan, tbh. in reply to JasenThorpe 17:47:22, 2019-06-19
- @_danilo @karlitaliliana This was an interesting TED talk looking at a similar thing, with a different take on the… https://t.co/vMPAOL528d in reply to _danilo 17:37:56, 2019-06-19
- It turns out having actual users of one's open source project is kind of… stressful. I mean, what if there's a BUG?! 11:38:01, 2019-06-19
- @CHThiem "Densely populated neighborhood" lol! Also, living with film crews is just… living in LA. They're everyw… https://t.co/AbFxvfhOm9 in reply to CHThiem 10:53:21, 2019-06-19
- @ericmbudd One Bankruptcy to Rule Them All. in reply to ericmbudd 10:49:45, 2019-06-19
- @ShellyMBoulder @bouldercolorado "No New Buildings!" in reply to ShellyMBoulder 22:59:09, 2019-06-18
- @jbouie And this is what the mayor had to say about it… https://t.co/imyWjzaC2J in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:52:02, 2019-06-18
- @jbouie 80,000 people live in Somerville, MA… and only 22 of its buildings are legal under current zoning! https://t.co/Y1lKYTR2g1 in reply to jbouie 12:50:36, 2019-06-18
- @JasenThorpe Though the religious organization property tax exemption sounds easier to obtain than the partnership… https://t.co/71hBi3BpzE in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:40:52, 2019-06-18
- @JasenThorpe This didn't work out so well for the Yellow Deli folks. Marpa House works because the building is a gr… https://t.co/MxoqSPfOaX in reply to JasenThorpe 12:39:52, 2019-06-18
- I mean, if nothing else they *do* understand platform monopoly as a business model. Why wouldn't they get into the… https://t.co/JINie5ZrVE 11:29:22, 2019-06-18
- More phenomenal reporting on single family zoning, from @emilymbadger. So glad this conversation is happening! https://t.co/hpEYRHik8A 10:26:50, 2019-06-18
- @CHThiem Clearly it will become some kind of robot pilgrimage site after they take over. in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:16:06, 2019-06-18
- @alexbaca what. is. happening. part II! https://t.co/RNr3JjAW8m 10:15:24, 2019-06-18
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @cmgosnell Yes! @emilymbadger is the bomb. in reply to CHThiem 09:53:42, 2019-06-18
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @cmgosnell And then there was this from WaPo… though I don't know what it says: https://t.co/I9xaCZMk9N in reply to CHThiem 09:49:15, 2019-06-18
- @CHThiem It's just kind of ridiculous that they are setting the same "android coming to terms with his own humanity… https://t.co/fWPMw227lR in reply to CHThiem 09:44:48, 2019-06-18
- @sharethecities I just want great exposition free sociological storytelling sci-fi. Is that so much to ask? in reply to sharethecities 23:40:09, 2019-06-17
- @sharethecities Maybe it's just me but it seemed… unsubtle. in reply to sharethecities 23:38:12, 2019-06-17
- @CHThiem It's in the arroyo, not too far from Caltech. in reply to CHThiem 23:37:31, 2019-06-17
- I cannot *believe* Westworld used the same Frank Lloyd Wright house in LA as a set that was used as Deckard's house in Blade Runner. 22:35:35, 2019-06-17
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem @cmgosnell And also like, fuck yeah we're coming for your single family zoning. in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:50:32, 2019-06-17
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem @cmgosnell I find it hilarious that the DC piece on co-ops that's like "Whew, see, they weren't… https://t.co/FuBHhVGDgl 20:40:46, 2019-06-17
- @tahoe1966 @ericmbudd I was just going to ask the same thing
in reply to tahoe1966 18:27:13, 2019-06-17
- @Adam_Estroff @ericmbudd @dailycamera @IngramCoop I.e. maybe policymakers should update their priors, when the same… https://t.co/eFBJu0bfrj in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:16:47, 2019-06-17
- @Adam_Estroff @ericmbudd @dailycamera @IngramCoop It may have been "skewed" compared to most public process, which… https://t.co/8mSe63X8oT in reply to Adam_Estroff 16:15:44, 2019-06-17
- @jack_kelly I really enjoyed David Bodansky's book Nuclear Energy. It's semi textbookish, and aimed at folks with u… https://t.co/XjPIBTrAU0 in reply to jack_kelly 16:11:16, 2019-06-17
- @ericmbudd Did the shed thing at the end of the driveway get removed, or retained? Did you put in the walkway on t… https://t.co/2lnmnWvBMV in reply to ericmbudd 12:31:53, 2019-06-17
- @ericmbudd @MarkyV @markgelband He flipped out at one point because one of us sent him a Google Calendar invite to… https://t.co/txk2DZfyrL in reply to ericmbudd 12:30:52, 2019-06-17
- @thmscwlls @CHThiem @resticbackup @SpiderOak @readthedocs Ugh, it took be 3 days but I finally got RTD working. It… https://t.co/080OBCaB4T in reply to thmscwlls 10:25:14, 2019-06-17
- @ericmbudd Herb gardens really are the highest return on effort invested. The plants are hardy, and fresh herbs are so much better. in reply to ericmbudd 10:23:22, 2019-06-17
- @MarkyV @ericmbudd @markgelband WHAT IS THE GOOGLE?! in reply to MarkyV 10:22:32, 2019-06-17
- @cmgosnell I always try and thank the parking enforcement people and they are always confused. in reply to cmgosnell 10:19:39, 2019-06-17
- @thmscwlls @CHThiem @resticbackup Hmm, no. Never heard of it. I'm using @SpiderOak (remote nightlies) and DejaDup (local) in reply to thmscwlls 10:12:24, 2019-06-17
- @WillToor Nice that this came out on the same day as that NYT piece. in reply to WillToor 22:34:33, 2019-06-16
- @CHThiem Interesting. Lots more out east, where it's much more suburban Probably even more concentrated than it loo… https://t.co/MZiciIn0Up in reply to CHThiem 22:30:30, 2019-06-16
- @CHThiem They were good! I restored the 100GB of utility data from a local long-term backup, and a few files from m… https://t.co/doADpFiR0a in reply to CHThiem 22:28:01, 2019-06-16
- @bryanlbowen Now if only they were some kind of generalization we could make about validity of preemptive homeowner… https://t.co/a4kPa4WKPN in reply to bryanlbowen 18:51:35, 2019-06-16
- Is there an accepted way to manage different versions of the same conda environment? Say, one for doing development… https://t.co/hQFL4pUpJX 17:30:06, 2019-06-16
- The reverse isn't true. The climate isn't impacted by zero carbon energy sources (which is kind of the point) excep… https://t.co/VS93PGPXT3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:11:51, 2019-06-15
- I feel like it remains underappreciated that we can add huge amounts of zero carbon energy (which we are thankfully… https://t.co/IQhnD3GLEj 23:09:57, 2019-06-15
- So. I guess now I get to test my backups. in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:03:51, 2019-06-15
- Wowsers. Cleansing YIMBY ??? from the @nytimes editorial board: "[Single family zoning] is a huge entitlement prog… https://t.co/7KdX0XQpRh 20:56:46, 2019-06-15
- @readthedocs lol, jokes on me. I did smash something: 'rm -rf *' to create an empty gh-pages branch to hold the doc… https://t.co/MzWruYvhbt in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:44:00, 2019-06-15
- Given how many python projects use @readthedocs I did not think getting it set up to automatically publish Sphinx o… https://t.co/9e8QIpKpeD 19:57:40, 2019-06-15
- So many things have gotten so weird at the same time that anybody who really tries to explore it all publicly can't… https://t.co/GAgXQleVQz 16:19:18, 2019-06-15
- @bryanlbowen @CHThiem Do not leave your carbon where the apes can dig it up. in reply to bryanlbowen 11:34:48, 2019-06-15
- The human settlement of Mars. Building egalitarian intentional communities. Banning cars from cities. Distributive… https://t.co/V9au1vrGy9 10:49:37, 2019-06-15
- @alexbaca Yeah, any one comment in isolation can seem kind of reasonable, but the ensemble of all the comments in a… https://t.co/52cXbOm4O1 in reply to alexbaca 10:43:07, 2019-06-15
- I feel like there are more and more systemically framed takes on NIMBYism lately, and I love it. That McSweeny's pi… https://t.co/jm59VFaBRj 10:38:34, 2019-06-15
- #DumbWaysToDie https://t.co/CQX25mRimt 16:08:11, 2019-06-14
- @CHThiem It's just a more elegant, generalized reality. in reply to CHThiem 21:52:51, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd Can you confirm? https://t.co/seyiQ9UqlS 18:01:13, 2019-06-13
- Is there a good way to use @ProjectJupyter as a debugging interface? It's awfully hard to go back to pdb's, uh, old… https://t.co/9xvzIwtPPa 16:34:54, 2019-06-13
- @bryanlbowen What have you done to the Flatirons Bryan? in reply to bryanlbowen 16:10:55, 2019-06-13
- #ExtinctionAmnesia https://t.co/glKinSEYkr 13:21:48, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd And ultimately this is why I chose to work on the capital recycling (securitization) project. They are b… https://t.co/uCyd7VOazN in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:21:34, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd It's hard when you have so many demons to deal with. in reply to ericmbudd 09:14:08, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd And they were (and still are) willing to accelerate the transition in order to maximize profits, and fut… https://t.co/Ph9od04XMT in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:13:32, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd Xcel as an entity is structurally incapable of caring one way or the other about climate & renewable ene… https://t.co/hdCEOyWUG6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:12:02, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd And while I'm sure it has become fashionable to bash #BoulderCouncil with Xcel's Come to Jesus moment, I… https://t.co/Q11L669zcJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:10:12, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd Yeah, the Voldemort omission is what I was thinking you meant. in reply to ericmbudd 09:06:41, 2019-06-13
- @ericmbudd Interesting. I see some other differences (can nobody capitalize megawatts correctly?) but will be inter… https://t.co/E66BY6I8aA in reply to ericmbudd 22:53:37, 2019-06-12
- @gschivley Hah, there are some "testing" entries in the FERC Form 1 database too. respondent_id=999 in reply to gschivley 22:48:16, 2019-06-12
- @ericmbudd Also, just trying to juxtapose the en vogue Big Tech bashing & Nazi resurgence with the (hard won)… https://t.co/By9PFSPHSB in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:47:14, 2019-06-12
- @ericmbudd Hey, you can't be an efficient, well-oiled war machine in the 1930s/40s without punchcards. in reply to ericmbudd 22:45:02, 2019-06-12
- @ericmbudd Whoops, I forgot an ampersand, but: https://t.co/Evz1liVSM9 in reply to ericmbudd 22:43:14, 2019-06-12
- We literally got there with socialism. https://t.co/6RxY1VuI9t 22:39:18, 2019-06-12
- @ericmbudd Hey, at least everybody loves worker co-ops big-tech Nazi collaborators. in reply to ericmbudd 22:35:54, 2019-06-12
- Sounds strangely like Romneycare and carbon taxes. https://t.co/5VoJPAhjYY 20:32:44, 2019-06-12
- @ericmbudd And I'm not even being facetious here — I really think the so-called "moderate" dems would make a wonde… https://t.co/zaA7uja3Hc in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:29:07, 2019-06-12
- @ericmbudd I would love to have that Republican party! in reply to ericmbudd 16:30:03, 2019-06-12
- @JoeMinock @paytonchung @ericmbudd Eric remember that time Jeff Pedalty took exactly this behavior to court andwas… https://t.co/br6I3eTN39 in reply to JoeMinock 16:27:54, 2019-06-12
- @joshdr83 @billmetoday …with < 1%/yr leak rates for centuries? in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:54:57, 2019-06-12
- @joshdr83 @billmetoday Is there any reason to think this can work on the scale required? This could get liquefied C… https://t.co/hzZgYqYIQf in reply to joshdr83 11:53:36, 2019-06-12
- RT @CostaSamaras: We should prioritize this. We should consider combining it with a home weatherization & retrofit effort. It would be a hu… 11:44:44, 2019-06-12
- @ericmbudd And now I'm going to go back to watching Westworld. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:59:36, 2019-06-11
- @ericmbudd I guess YouTube alone just crossed a billion viewer hours a day so I shouldn't really be that surprised.… https://t.co/cuTz6M1Je2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:56:54, 2019-06-11
- @ericmbudd Holeeeecrap, 6 hours *per day* in reply to ericmbudd 22:55:11, 2019-06-11
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @elemdoubleu @seancllns I'll make a tarball. in reply to CHThiem 21:55:24, 2019-06-11
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem Sounds downright Victorian! in reply to ericmbudd 21:54:59, 2019-06-11
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @elemdoubleu @seancllns All the County Assessor data. Also I think all the City zoning GIS data at the time. in reply to CHThiem 21:15:52, 2019-06-11
- @mrocklin @choldgraf @amuellerml But also, beware the fundamental attribution error. In the long run the structural… https://t.co/4cbXHawNYx in reply to mrocklin 21:13:52, 2019-06-11
- @mrocklin @choldgraf What kind of bubble with lasting residual value would we most like to see in the world? in reply to mrocklin 21:10:18, 2019-06-11
- @ericmbudd I once heard single family zoning had been linked conclusively to moral decrepitude. in reply to ericmbudd 21:09:22, 2019-06-11
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @elemdoubleu @seancllns Also I still have a full copy of the data we downloaded. in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:07:51, 2019-06-11
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @elemdoubleu IIRC, there's a publicly accessible ESRI MapServer endpoint. @seancllns may know more. in reply to CHThiem 17:13:42, 2019-06-11
- @MadelineKovacs "Whear ist ze hausing Lebowski!" in reply to MadelineKovacs 15:24:17, 2019-06-11
- @darkolina conoces a la diseñadora de datos @eleanor_lutz? Wow. https://t.co/v47wslIT6q 18:42:18, 2019-06-10
- My god it is amazing when code and design and data all come together to show a slice of the universe. https://t.co/pFfliIjdYq 18:37:18, 2019-06-10
- The view from the @CatalystCoop office today… https://t.co/5pam5AlULD 17:52:15, 2019-06-10
- @kevpluck For this we have @Sci_Hub in reply to kevpluck 12:10:24, 2019-06-10
- ¿Drogas? ¿Armas?
¡Si, por favor! https://t.co/qlIlMOuBgW 12:01:20, 2019-06-10 - @ericmbudd Probably because the latitudinal temperature gradient is being reduced, resulting in a wandering jet str… https://t.co/daIGu6W3ii in reply to ericmbudd 08:16:05, 2019-06-10
- RT @hal_harvey: This is important. We are losing the temp diff that kept the Arctic tightly isolated from the temperate. This wavy jet stre… 08:13:52, 2019-06-10
- RT @cecilealduy: Thomas Piketty : « Au niveau mondial, les 10 % les plus riches sont responsables de près de la moitié des émissions, et le… 08:08:00, 2019-06-09
- @ericmbudd @bryanlbowen And this is where Mary Young's "Co-housing is just condos with a potluck." sentiment comes… https://t.co/50lbZu49pn in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:05:24, 2019-06-07
- @ericmbudd @bryanlbowen At the same time, as a long-term communitarian, I deeply resent folks who want to build for… https://t.co/eS5znoUQ62 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:04:35, 2019-06-07
- @ericmbudd @bryanlbowen But also… we should allow boarding houses and SROs! Which is much more what these develop… https://t.co/NhuexGkQAa in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:02:08, 2019-06-07
- @ericmbudd @bryanlbowen Co-housing (based on the Danish model) and cooperatives (either apartment style or shared h… https://t.co/nq6TipnAr5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:00:13, 2019-06-07
- @ericmbudd @bryanlbowen I hate basically every one of these stories, because they seem universally unable to recogn… https://t.co/rTT1YN6Zqd in reply to ericmbudd 18:58:44, 2019-06-07
- @ericmbudd OMG, that place has been for sale for as long as I've been biking to it. How has it changed? @welcomehomebldr in reply to ericmbudd 14:37:26, 2019-06-06
- @drvox but what does a walk-out look like when you work from home? Weed + dog park? 13:56:23, 2019-06-06
- @ericmbudd Yeah, will certainly end up bailing on it eventually. Zombie platforms abound. And WhatsApp too, I assume. in reply to ericmbudd 13:52:49, 2019-06-06
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem But, self-consistent! in reply to ericmbudd 12:28:41, 2019-06-06
- @MichaelBennet Boooooooooo! https://t.co/GEFYrYfVAM 11:36:52, 2019-06-06
- @ericmbudd Their brains must be addled by all the legal weed, right? in reply to ericmbudd 10:18:52, 2019-06-06
- @ericmbudd It's all fun and games until somebody loses a lane. in reply to ericmbudd 23:56:54, 2019-06-05
- @cmgosnell do you know Martin? https://t.co/fFWF7UB6AM 21:40:51, 2019-06-05
- RT @nytopinion: On just about every grave threat facing Americans today, Elizabeth Warren offers a plausible theory of the problem and a cr… 21:35:09, 2019-06-05
- @ericmbudd I was thinking more of how he was like "Racism can't exist because it would be economically inefficient." https://t.co/uwMAZPTbcv in reply to ericmbudd 20:18:57, 2019-06-05
- @bryanlbowen @ericmbudd @cmgosnell Haha, so much so that you said it twice on two different days! in reply to bryanlbowen 19:59:22, 2019-06-05
- Esta criatura pequeñita y brillante se hubo enredado en una telaraña debajo de la cama, y se agobió luchando a esca… https://t.co/T1Lu4x8hOY 19:41:26, 2019-06-05
- @ericmbudd Didn't Uncle Milton have something to say about this? in reply to ericmbudd 16:56:45, 2019-06-05
- What is wrong with the @DNC. https://t.co/9Gwdmd1eD9 16:51:23, 2019-06-05
- @ericmbudd @BobbleHeadGuru I'm sure this is great for regional VMT. in reply to ericmbudd 12:39:15, 2019-06-05
- @ericmbudd @donnaindenver "It doesn't look like anything to me." in reply to ericmbudd 10:36:36, 2019-06-05
- Oooh, magic that turns @PyData outputs in @ProjectJupyter notebooks into interactive scrolling, filtering, sorting… https://t.co/dC40x7GGqj 22:14:48, 2019-06-04
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem Punting entirely later: always an option. in reply to ericmbudd 22:09:35, 2019-06-04
- @shayshinecastle Brain fevers for everyone! in reply to shayshinecastle 20:14:29, 2019-06-04
- RT @gaywonk: I don’t know what to say.
@YouTube has decided not to punish Crowder, after he spent two years harassing me for being gay a… 20:03:32, 2019-06-04
- RT @gaywonk: So, I have pretty thick skin when it comes to online harassment, but something has been really bothering me. 20:02:59, 2019-06-04
- Creating a world of widespread sufficiency and copious, frugal leisure time means placing limits on economic inequa… https://t.co/7HoJdsZReJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:25:18, 2019-06-04
- RT @mekkaokereke: Story time!
A valid question from a Google engineer lead to this video.
At all night hackathons, folk get tired. Becaus… 19:15:23, 2019-06-04
- @ericmbudd @ewarren She's so *angry*
I love it. in reply to ericmbudd 17:15:26, 2019-06-04
- @ericmbudd I think you're being optimistic about the users. in reply to ericmbudd 17:14:59, 2019-06-04
- If you're annoyed with the lack of programmatic access to @FERC Form 1 data please check this out… and give us fe… https://t.co/ihruahgo1F 10:26:34, 2019-06-04
- And personally, I would *much* *much* rather live in that world than one where everyone drives a car 10 hours a wee… https://t.co/EoyExpa9QX in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:08:15, 2019-06-04
- Another progression might just as well be…
1. shoes
2. bikes
3. e-bikes & electric BRT
4. 10-gigabit internet + p… https://t.co/roq0tHegbJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:05:56, 2019-06-04 - I.e. Elon Musk is stuck in the same traffic as everybody else.
In addition, the energetic scale (1/2 mv^2) of cars… https://t.co/s1ei9kzmw1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:01:57, 2019-06-04
- And I would argue that it is an undesirable, and potentially unattainable development path on a global scale. Every… https://t.co/OPugWRTgEV in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:58:55, 2019-06-04
- This reminds me of this great talk by the late @HansRosling in which he talks about global population growth and we… https://t.co/5jezURucah in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:55:16, 2019-06-04
- Also, almost nobody flies. It's a luxury the top 10% of global earners takes for granted, but the vast majority of… https://t.co/1FtjUZ4NBq in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:49:23, 2019-06-04
- Or we can accept a temporary change — flying is fine, so long as it doesn't use fossil fuels. The first company to… https://t.co/LZ980XmhPd in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:47:11, 2019-06-04
- Travel doesn't have to be fast/energy-intensive to be accessible. Give people more leisure time to bike across cont… https://t.co/ZcVWCJSwed 09:47:11, 2019-06-04
- "durable competitive advantage" https://t.co/PvO488phhb 17:01:20, 2019-06-03
- Un fin de semana con amigxs en verde. https://t.co/fTVhJ6qbVx 10:01:44, 2019-06-03
- The privatization of collectively generated locational value. https://t.co/NSxRUtdgJ6 08:25:34, 2019-06-03
- .@bryanlbowen @ericmbudd @cmgosnell https://t.co/5AZ7wvUgmY 06:39:20, 2019-06-03
- @rhundhausen Okay, I guess I mean more are there tools and examples of processes specifically for use by a PO integ… https://t.co/z8QehZeU8X in reply to rhundhausen 00:25:45, 2019-06-03
- RT @AOC: Since there’s so many people running for President (& not enough for Senate), instead of obsessing over who‘s a “frontrunner,” may… 20:48:42, 2019-06-02
- Are there good examples of dedicated teams working on open-source software development using a Scrum model to respo… https://t.co/3hw8phPJOH 15:45:15, 2019-06-02
- @darkolina ¿Qué pasó? https://t.co/HnBXjDFuZk 15:03:45, 2019-06-02
- A back-and-forth w/ an actual PUC Commissioner on CCS and coal retirements. https://t.co/D8HKAKhMTR 15:01:28, 2019-06-02
- @bryanlbowen @CHThiem @shayshinecastle It's like an elaborate strategy to discourage future public engagement in… anything. in reply to bryanlbowen 22:10:12, 2019-05-30
- Does it spark cryptojoy? https://t.co/cVTC77WSSu 01:48:43, 2019-05-30
- The censorship biz is hard these days. https://t.co/aODIh70BKH 00:32:32, 2019-05-30
- Good short thread on just how hard we find it, as a society, to imagine ditching cars — even when we're imagining… https://t.co/kk6Zl3VaPv 00:27:58, 2019-05-30
- Have you been following this cyberpunk madness @cmgosnell? https://t.co/ug0tdm9NHN 21:47:52, 2019-05-29
- @thmscwlls @ericmbudd Always makes me think of the fixer in Pulp Fixer.
How do you feel about oak? in reply to thmscwlls 20:09:31, 2019-05-29
- @alexbaca They also have almost entirely private market-based parking policy — you gotta show you have a place to… https://t.co/1y1P09ylHY in reply to alexbaca 18:47:18, 2019-05-29
- @drvox Have you seen the SuperSankey stuff that @otherlab worked on under @ARPAE? https://t.co/NnV6rwLgsW in reply to drvox 18:42:51, 2019-05-29
- @ericmbudd @isaach Also lost in YAML land today, configurating the liberation of many gigabytes of public utility data. in reply to ericmbudd 15:04:37, 2019-05-29
- If @propublica wants to run with this thread of reporting and take it national, I will *definitely* increase my mon… https://t.co/2bexJh3pVj 12:49:48, 2019-05-29
- @ericmbudd But it totally makes sense — Otherwise you'd essentially essentially "buying" an hour of their time wit… https://t.co/fnzern6KVv in reply to ericmbudd 11:14:57, 2019-05-29
- @ericmbudd I suspect that there's a problem here with lack-of-commitment on the part of the person creating the app… https://t.co/O2cD51LT9g in reply to ericmbudd 11:12:23, 2019-05-29
- @ericmbudd Not sure if this counts, but I had a good experience with Dr. Wolf, the hipster dentist. Also you can ta… https://t.co/YM3a6dYL1x in reply to ericmbudd 10:53:33, 2019-05-29
- @PlacesForBikes @ericmbudd #CouncilSeeksData Haha. Right. in reply to PlacesForBikes 10:43:12, 2019-05-29
- @AlexDeCoss @darkolina Ese me acorda de este monólogo dentro de la película Syriana (una de mis favoritas, llena de… https://t.co/KjI6p7Ly8b in reply to AlexDeCoss 10:42:10, 2019-05-29
- @seancllns @JonesZan Also ~50% of GHG emissions are attributable to the wealthiest ~10% of humanity, which includes… https://t.co/Vt74zSeVGg in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:31:57, 2019-05-29
- @darkolina "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." in reply to darkolina 06:29:52, 2019-05-29
- @seancllns @JonesZan Peak human population is likely within the lifespan of children born today, with nearly all re… https://t.co/0XQ6K3dFgY in reply to seancllns 06:20:12, 2019-05-29
- doubleplusungood https://t.co/u4X2CdWioL 20:59:52, 2019-05-28
- @ericmbudd @vikasreddy With polling at 2/3 support for lot splitting and duplexification, I think a ballot measure… https://t.co/PPKWwo2fm3 in reply to ericmbudd 20:06:39, 2019-05-28
- @vikasreddy @ericmbudd Sadly Code Enforcement is more than happy to remove tiny home dwellers. All it takes is one… https://t.co/ZQ6kDVjYAR in reply to vikasreddy 20:04:31, 2019-05-28
- @shayshinecastle @WillToor When the survey is informal, they want a significant sample. When it is statistically si… https://t.co/YTJ6FkiosC in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:37:42, 2019-05-28
- @shayshinecastle @WillToor And results: https://t.co/DzYq5Jr94A in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:36:47, 2019-05-28
- @shayshinecastle @WillToor Survey itself here: https://t.co/XIi2nYuGMJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:36:03, 2019-05-28
- @shayshinecastle See also, @WillToor's OpEd from 2017: https://t.co/6tBE4lBXyQ referring to the most recent comp-plan survey results. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:34:54, 2019-05-28
- @shayshinecastle They did a citywide statistically significant survey a couple of years ago, and it showed broad su… https://t.co/Cwfi0WQoxk in reply to shayshinecastle 19:28:56, 2019-05-28
- @shayshinecastle Well, it's very safe to do so when you know there's no risk it will actually happen. in reply to shayshinecastle 19:26:48, 2019-05-28
- @welcomehomebldr @shayshinecastle "I would really like to hear from the people that live in the area that would like something else." in reply to welcomehomebldr 19:20:38, 2019-05-28
- @copaceticness @ExtinctionR @thathumbleman @ExtinctionNZ @astrokiwi omg at first I thought this was you. in reply to copaceticness 13:37:03, 2019-05-28
- @stevemouzon @nancercize @sea_Baugruppe @jeffgoodell They sound like a hoot! in reply to stevemouzon 11:01:33, 2019-05-28
- Guzman Energy offers to buy out Tri-State coal plants, shut them down, replace them with renewables, and lower rate… https://t.co/o5d4oWzMPC 09:38:15, 2019-05-28
- @nancercize @sea_Baugruppe @jeffgoodell I wrote up some thoughts on it if you need a longer advert Mike
https://t.co/ccmophaJjZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:57:22, 2019-05-28
- @nancercize @sea_Baugruppe @jeffgoodell "Officially, the event was hosted by the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce an… https://t.co/bRjDJSQmXL in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:54:08, 2019-05-28
- @ericmbudd @FERC As it turns out this pales in comparison to the several *thousand* records (out of about 10 millio… https://t.co/n0Jnl8IKpA in reply to ericmbudd 23:36:04, 2019-05-27
- @sharethecities @ericmbudd Eric, at first I thought it was like, a rhetorical device! in reply to sharethecities 23:32:29, 2019-05-27
- @ericmbudd Oh you should ask @sharethecities about the FEMA tents on the island. in reply to ericmbudd 20:05:55, 2019-05-27
- @nancercize @sea_Baugruppe @jeffgoodell The part of The Water Will Come where Goodell is attending a Miami real est… https://t.co/OmJMol5Dob in reply to nancercize 20:04:17, 2019-05-27
- @Sammy_Roth @cmonstah You might enjoy Whitewashed Adobe by William Deverell.
Crabgrass Frontier (Kenneth T. Jackso… https://t.co/T0NZKg0cO6 in reply to Sammy_Roth 16:32:33, 2019-05-27
- @ericmbudd @FERC There appear to have been a grand total of 3 bad records out of 7.2 GB of data, so I have no idea… https://t.co/vXP3YHxgo8 in reply to ericmbudd 15:14:59, 2019-05-27
- The ghost of an unborn iceberg. https://t.co/EvRKenXVZa 14:00:14, 2019-05-27
- 'ValueError: could not convert string to float: b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\… https://t.co/E7egcGFN2I 11:59:48, 2019-05-27
- @SarahTaber_bww Interestingly, @Sundropfarms has just sold the facility to an infrastructure focused NZ private equ… https://t.co/Gx46rpETmC in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:28:37, 2019-05-27
- Why is it that things like this seem to get so much less mindshare than urban agriculture and "vertical farming" sc… https://t.co/muXrnuxJe0 09:13:37, 2019-05-27
- It totally blows my mind that these interconnected machines have been spinning at 60Hz *continuously* for a century… https://t.co/v0O9AGGMnw 08:07:52, 2019-05-27
- Providing enough energy is just one of many things our new electricity system has to do. https://t.co/twTJspBrrH 06:00:06, 2019-05-27
- RT @Jamie_Woodward_: More wonderful images of the ancient woodland exhumed on a Welsh beach that's more visible than it's been in thousands… 05:48:54, 2019-05-27
- RT @AssaadRazzouk: This farm produces 15% of Australia's annual tomatoes in an arid area, using the sun and seawater and:
zero fossil fuel… 05:42:05, 2019-05-27
- RT @BorgesJorgeL: Mirar el río hecho de tiempo y agua
y recordar que el tiempo es otro río,
saber que nos perdemos como el río
y que los ro… 05:39:21, 2019-05-27 - @bolderbekah ¿Quién son esos ellos de que hablas? ;-P Culpo a mi amiga dulce de Austria. in reply to bolderbekah 22:00:18, 2019-05-26
- Cc: @WhoresofYore https://t.co/5SUe8LG8f2 19:37:49, 2019-05-26
- Plátanos fritos y helado chocolate son totalmente la cena para adultos, ¿verdad? https://t.co/Jj9yO6BV7e 19:35:16, 2019-05-26
- @drvox Oy, she lost by less than 5,000 votes: https://t.co/0xMzU0u3QE 19:30:54, 2019-05-26
- A hilarious and thoughtful half hour monologue on the social nature of beauty, by an antifascist trans woman recove… https://t.co/4Ne8fHVLdy 18:29:01, 2019-05-26
- @joshdr83 It's not all rainbows & unicorns & Strava PRs… https://t.co/bluZi0ZL7d @janburtonco @CHThiem… https://t.co/XgYIfcJQCG in reply to joshdr83 15:41:58, 2019-05-26
- @sea_Baugruppe Have you come across The Water Will come by @jeffgoodell and New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson? in reply to sea_Baugruppe 13:16:10, 2019-05-26
- Good thread highlighting the often large difference between our idea or mythology of a thing (in this case prisons)… https://t.co/TXysOfOgbW 12:55:59, 2019-05-26
- RT @dool: En @LaAgenciaCDMX tenemos vacantes increíbles. Manden su CV o compártanlo
https://t.co/hyv7t5ApXi 11:23:19, 2019-05-26
- I gotta say, this reminds me of the zombie ant fungus. https://t.co/H2Kdy2EbOi https://t.co/gi44BecRRJ 11:19:17, 2019-05-26
- Meanwhile, in outer space… https://t.co/XlmMnhev0F 15:52:11, 2019-05-25
- RT @Jamie_Woodward_: Storm Hannah exhumes spectacular 'sunken' forest in Wales from more than 4,500 years ago https://t.co/U707YXzRti #Wales 15:50:52, 2019-05-25
- Who could have imagined. https://t.co/Fr0IcPOBvK 15:47:18, 2019-05-25
- I like it when the public sector unabashedly fights for the public good, instead of sitting on the sidelines hoping… https://t.co/DkdSv8oGMg 15:42:26, 2019-05-25
- @CHThiem Avocados *are* pretty nice. in reply to CHThiem 09:50:40, 2019-05-25
- Love to wake up at 5am on a Saturday unable to think about anything except whether my @pytestdotorg data validation… https://t.co/ld4oV5eXyM 07:24:08, 2019-05-25
- RT @JacquelynGill: I’ve done Twitter AMAs for years, but this is the first time a majority of the questions have been about whether humans… 19:29:03, 2019-05-24
- Constructive, optimistic visions of the future can be popular!
Imagine if we had a whole genre of popular media de… https://t.co/DJl963Rny9 14:01:50, 2019-05-24
- @erinoverturf Oh this is definitely, definitely true. in reply to erinoverturf 13:56:14, 2019-05-24
- @bryanlbowen @welcomehomebldr @CHThiem @vb_jens Pocket neighborhoods e.g. bungalow courts? Lot subdivisions? That w… https://t.co/XuHupUAKf2 in reply to bryanlbowen 08:14:30, 2019-05-24
- We need *so much* of this kind of storytelling to get anywhere with social change. Why is it so rare? Why has it be… https://t.co/QHfBwUi3uH in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:12:45, 2019-05-24
- My first big exposure to sociological storytelling was Richard Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb, which I read… https://t.co/KCByF342oQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:12:45, 2019-05-24
- The thing that got me watching #GoT after years of ignoring it was an explanation of the story as an allegory to th… https://t.co/hh2C9SH8Y5 08:12:44, 2019-05-24
- @ericmbudd I think we've always been driven by social cognition, not facts and truth. But we've seen erosion of ins… https://t.co/DcgGVIx2W0 in reply to ericmbudd 21:09:06, 2019-05-23
- @welcomehomebldr @CHThiem @vb_jens But how much do the scrapes matter? A small house on a million dollar lot is sti… https://t.co/j0ODXOyUWC in reply to welcomehomebldr 17:07:13, 2019-05-23
- A great exploration from @zeynep of how #GoT turned into a simplistic story built around individuals, after many ye… https://t.co/NqBmR1tI3H 17:05:39, 2019-05-23
- Don't Be Evil™ Cc: @cmgosnell https://t.co/fv3NrTtOum 15:11:55, 2019-05-23
- @ericmbudd Reminds me of biking in Japan! in reply to ericmbudd 14:58:47, 2019-05-23
- @CHThiem I'm sure I've shared this before, but on the "smaller SFH" front, this is a powerful visualization that ex… https://t.co/2LCOTxJ68d in reply to CHThiem 08:57:05, 2019-05-23
- We need better distillations of what is already known, so that the work of creating new knowledge is accessible to… https://t.co/xdFdb307EV 18:29:01, 2019-05-22
- Or, how many rounds of stranded infrastructure would we like to build, pay for, and immediately retire? https://t.co/m3VRjclBdC 17:25:19, 2019-05-22
- Okay I will read it but I hope you asked why the @FERC Form 1 database is only distributed as FoxPro binaries, why… https://t.co/rhbe41DYpf 16:30:59, 2019-05-22
- Some NIMBY cleansing nuclear ??? from @fmanjoo in the aftermath of @Portantino's shameful blocking of @Scott_Wiener… https://t.co/VlHKg7c4yT 16:12:10, 2019-05-22
- "If everyone does a little, we'll achieve only a little. We must do a lot." @davidjcmackay https://t.co/QmUwz26LC2 https://t.co/gIKsdrTsWe 15:48:33, 2019-05-22
- @seancllns But only *some* international commodities networks of course. in reply to seancllns 09:12:14, 2019-05-20
- @ericmbudd Seriously I feel like now you have to pick a house name that starts with E. in reply to ericmbudd 09:00:26, 2019-05-20
- @ericmbudd Aww, it's like a memorial to the Lava Rock. in reply to ericmbudd 08:58:42, 2019-05-20
- A beautifully animated series of videos (~1hr in total) from @3blue1brown explaining how neural networks and backpr… https://t.co/yBj1Id5OQ4 09:21:00, 2019-05-19
- @cmgosnell https://t.co/Mleq7ouip8 07:32:33, 2019-05-19