- @bradplumer The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Other Minds
Crabgrass Frontier
Fighting Traffic
Song of the Dodo
The Two Mile Time Machine in reply to bradplumer 23:59:13, 2019-07-06 - If we can't find a vision for actually progressive inclusive cities, then how can we hope to have any kind of viabl… https://t.co/siEcmpce8b in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:37:28, 2019-07-06
- It's like the comparisons between NIMBYism and Trumpism are having the effect of convincing folks with progressive… https://t.co/xjpUBhptgR in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:33:16, 2019-07-06
- It's terrifying to think of the intense status-quo-ism of urban (otherwise) progressive enclaves as a wedge to brin… https://t.co/ZSDKicWeRU in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:31:12, 2019-07-06
- It feels like we're setting ourselves up for a loooong era of rebuilding in a brokendown world. I wish I could conv… https://t.co/UQT4KXG5nb in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:26:26, 2019-07-06
- RT @AnandWrites: How do you explain to the Pelosi-Biden generation how they sound when they dismiss people like this? https://t.co/eXTmLMa7… 22:04:26, 2019-07-06
- @rgunns Free your mind, and your thighs will follow? in reply to rgunns 20:50:21, 2019-07-06
- Un buen hilo sobre la narrativa del lugares en nuestros mentes. Me gustaría mucho explorar esta parte del mundo por… https://t.co/V07TicQDjA 20:45:41, 2019-07-06
- I wonder if the hard-core NIMBYism is going to be used as an opening to polarize the heretofore reliably blue urban… https://t.co/LWXSfoQMdh 18:57:47, 2019-07-06
- @alexbaca *sigh* This meme is another manifestation of the virus. in reply to alexbaca 18:54:04, 2019-07-06
- @mrocklin @choldgraf Are the additional development resources they access by keeping the project open really that v… https://t.co/aqntdmmy31 in reply to mrocklin 18:01:25, 2019-07-06
- And it's imperative that we create a leftist urbanism, because more and more progressive mindsets and dense pattern… https://t.co/6o9HOq9Q1f 17:58:10, 2019-07-06
- @choldgraf @mrocklin How/why has the Jupyter/Bloomberg relationship been so productive? Does it seem like a good mo… https://t.co/iVLe8vgKML in reply to choldgraf 17:52:31, 2019-07-06
- And in my climate work, I feel the same way on a planetary scale. We can't be stuck in endless brawls over one coal… https://t.co/0U1vRnP5QR in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:23:39, 2019-07-06
- @unicorn Access to novelty and economic opportunity? in reply to unicorn 11:16:40, 2019-07-06
- What is the project of an urban leftism? A *city-ism*? How do we make The City for Everyone? How do we create a sh… https://t.co/RfxoOspKL5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:12:38, 2019-07-06
- Like, even if things are broken down and in disrepair, having a bunch of other people that you're working with to f… https://t.co/f6su5apNr3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:08:35, 2019-07-06
- But what really attracted me to the nostalgia for early-stage gentrification was the idea of having a shared sense… https://t.co/nHXVHqLzxZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:59:13, 2019-07-06
- And this emergent urban exclusivity meshes so nicely (horribly) with our cultural idealization of exclusive suburba… https://t.co/seqYtZrFCK in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:52:13, 2019-07-06
- This idea that you can keep improving things, without really changing things, inevitably leads to displacement of w… https://t.co/OpXw9bDBau in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:47:54, 2019-07-06
- But it's also often a weird kind of positive change, because it's happening to a probably recently distressed place… https://t.co/g2YEqWPsIo in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:41:42, 2019-07-06
- I think there's also a sense that positive change is happening (again, from the POV of a new arrival). And you get… https://t.co/nB5XC1euJs in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:37:21, 2019-07-06
- But what is it that's so alluring about those times and spaces?
Of course they're affordable — at least to the ne… https://t.co/E83IFO5oLy in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:33:46, 2019-07-06
- Too true in that I could see myself wanting something like that too. It also sounded like a lot of comments I heard… https://t.co/BpmqtfzhKX in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:29:22, 2019-07-06
- Someone recently commented that the ideal urban neighborhood character cultivated by a lot of present-day NIMBYs is… https://t.co/N2BCnrcj9G 10:26:13, 2019-07-06
- And the older progressives in Boulder remember fighting against sprawling developments to preserve the open space s… https://t.co/7NrKRP5Ci5 10:20:51, 2019-07-06
- @btx91 It's a weird little hyperbolic microcosm of NIMBYism. Even if I could have stayed there, my sense of the pla… https://t.co/jGcORsCXsC in reply to btx91 10:16:09, 2019-07-06
- tbh I fled the country to get away from it. https://t.co/NoGcQfJg5x 10:05:34, 2019-07-06
- @thmscwlls @ericmbudd @IngramCoop The S is for sucks. in reply to thmscwlls 09:57:29, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Burninating the countryside… burninating all the peasants and their THATCH ROOF COTTAGES!… https://t.co/tV79KllpvL in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:17:37, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Alaska can come too. https://t.co/K4qZPu96mH in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:11:51, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop And the 114°F temperatures in France, obliterating previous monthly average temperature reco… https://t.co/P9ANgilsTl in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:09:25, 2019-07-06
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop And then there was that Chinese tornado. https://t.co/FO29Sare0c in reply to ZaneSelvans 02:01:46, 2019-07-06
- A cool German zero-equity mixed-income cooperative housing project, built over a preschool, described by… https://t.co/lTWmzmOPUo 23:39:20, 2019-07-05
- @bolderbekah @ericmbudd It's not just the bears… https://t.co/UUntyCBBAx in reply to bolderbekah 23:29:19, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd They bug me too (as you know) but… more when it happens at the systemic/policy level. Like, okay, you'… https://t.co/RJXSYZbgj5 in reply to ericmbudd 20:05:10, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Por supuesto. Porque, cambio climatico… in reply to ericmbudd 20:03:11, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Has visto la locura de granizada en Jalisco? Se cayeron dos metros! https://t.co/l8FPblwglo in reply to ericmbudd 19:58:51, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Man, it seems like this has been a rough year for gardens out up there. How are all the… https://t.co/s3RxJsZuRP in reply to ericmbudd 19:50:14, 2019-07-05
- And all it took was $12 billion in federal subsidies. Socialism works! https://t.co/6O8Slj0bnO 18:23:12, 2019-07-05
- tfw you finally reach the Tuvan throat singing portion of listening to your entire music collection alphabetized by… https://t.co/qL3kU4Pnsq 18:01:42, 2019-07-05
- @CHThiem @DavidQuammen I am slowly working my way through Apocalyptic Planet! in reply to CHThiem 16:01:02, 2019-07-05
- How about we just call them the #Depletables https://t.co/xrAlNduRQ6 15:53:45, 2019-07-05
- @NordVPN It would be really nice if there were some way to whitelist specific sites so they aren't blocked by the C… https://t.co/jqUES72XpJ 13:16:11, 2019-07-05
- Also, my take on nuclear power is pretty close to what @MLiebreich outlined on @bloombergNEF a few days ago. Necess… https://t.co/uuKOWncEEq in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:11:10, 2019-07-05
- And who knows, maybe the Vogtle nuclear plant could be completed on time and under budget? Who's to say really? Wou… https://t.co/WQXvJHoC2W 13:06:00, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Which is of course very important in terms of the political economy. in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:45:29, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd That OpEx passthrough creates a split incentive, exposes ratepayers to future fuel cost risks, and reduc… https://t.co/iWK1qWO0fV in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:44:57, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Renewables, storage, transmission, and efficiency are all close to 100% CapEx, which should all be very… https://t.co/yxK98tBsBV in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:43:14, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd The securitization option means the rate the ratepayers pay is lower (like, close to T-bill low) and the… https://t.co/ot1PORJIh7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:41:33, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Of course, something like this was always possible, but as a regulatory asset, the balance sheets of the… https://t.co/4LjhMfC3E3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:40:23, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd The idea is that (*gasp*) the PUC can tell the utility in the ERP that it needs to retire its uneconomic… https://t.co/AMhCpqsGwt in reply to ericmbudd 12:38:55, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd And I'd be fine with that. It might be the fastest option! But, uh, I don't see a lot of other folks who… https://t.co/Y1UeblQlFt in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:23:38, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Then we'd have to use public financing to rebuild the entire electricity system without emissions, inclu… https://t.co/92TfKldJxn in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:22:17, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Sure, the "best case" solution to this problem is to soak the utility investors for the entire value of… https://t.co/ky9l2SV29X in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:19:39, 2019-07-05
- @ericmbudd Are the 80% emissions reduction by 2030 and 100% reduction by 2050 passed in the same legislative sessio… https://t.co/Q7jNjPampP in reply to ericmbudd 10:16:43, 2019-07-05
- Well. I guess I'm glad to know it's not just me? https://t.co/SJ8yWeJGgQ 09:52:00, 2019-07-05
- Interestingly, depending how powerful positive feedbacks in the climate system are, Georgia may be rendered uninhab… https://t.co/FsGXNIXDuW 09:49:40, 2019-07-05
- RT @hels: This Is Just to Say
I have eaten
the rich
that were at
the golf cluband which
you were probably
for class warForgive… 20:02:38, 2019-07-04
- @sharethecities Lol have you seen this? https://t.co/DRxVeeLLQR 19:59:46, 2019-07-04
- @betatim @mrocklin @NumFOCUS At @CatalystCoop I think we spent ~2-3 person-months of time at the beginning of this… https://t.co/LUxdpKhTtQ in reply to betatim 13:05:36, 2019-07-04
- @MattBakerEnergy @MichelsonEvan Partly the thread traces back to this article in @nresearchnews partly https://t.co/UWpOQHOyqh in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:00:35, 2019-07-04
- Like Uber… but for open source science.
Joking aside, this is part of a good thread on the challenge of creating… https://t.co/6jfskH89AV 13:00:08, 2019-07-04
- A nice essay-length adaptation of @DavidQuammen's book The Tangled Tree, about horizontal gene transfer and the dis… https://t.co/utDAaZnqfM 12:14:00, 2019-07-04
- The American Revolution was a mistake. Because slavery and aboriginal genocide. Also, parliaments are better. And n… https://t.co/csGDMjanm9 09:24:01, 2019-07-04
- @cleantechsonia @robbieorvis Dunno if it matters, but there are some typos in one of the tables of contents of this… https://t.co/UHbTQIK7ca 22:44:17, 2019-07-03
- @alexbaca And the two shall become one flesh. in reply to alexbaca 14:45:07, 2019-07-03
- @CHThiem Everybody wants a revolution. Nobody wants to do the dishes. Or the bookkeeping. Well, almost nobody. in reply to CHThiem 08:11:27, 2019-07-03
- If you've ever thought about buying carbon offsets for your flights… maybe read this piece by @drvox and then don… https://t.co/a7ohdiZGdG 20:39:42, 2019-07-02
- @emmy_ft @choldgraf And in that vein, @swingleft is a very good value, in terms of money per unit political change… https://t.co/B51CEzCcYf in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:12:27, 2019-07-02
- @emmy_ft @choldgraf You know the One Weird Trick to get strong climate policies enacted, right? https://t.co/5UDpm62601 in reply to emmy_ft 20:11:28, 2019-07-02
- @thmscwlls Did you get a wider spectrum of responses on The Book of Faces? Do people focus on personal rather than… https://t.co/05apoUFxhd in reply to thmscwlls 18:23:25, 2019-07-02
- @thmscwlls Liberating hundreds of gigabytes of public data related to the US electricity system for use by climate… https://t.co/cesoVQGMf0 in reply to thmscwlls 18:47:34, 2019-07-01
- The contrast between Oregon banning single family zoning right and the state GOP going into hiding to prevent clima… https://t.co/NhO74Loqw8 16:40:17, 2019-07-01
- I knew there was a reason we were calling it Home Despot. https://t.co/cQC1BoQ4kh 17:59:20, 2019-06-30