- RT @ClimateAdam: The climate change metronome. https://t.co/AD0WWdJw5u 23:43:19, 2021-06-05
- @ericmbudd How does it get like that? in reply to ericmbudd 22:31:15, 2021-06-05
- @llisonwndrland @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter Once upon a time I did, but lately Atom has felt a bit abandoned, so I… https://t.co/4G6QAAAvXt in reply to llisonwndrland 22:18:33, 2021-06-05
- @graceyswer Sex work as a symptom of late stage capitalism is a weird take, given that it's existed under literally… https://t.co/ic2uuSiofh in reply to graceyswer 16:30:25, 2021-06-05
- @ChekosWH @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter Apparently an initial version of this will be available in JupyterLab 3.1.0 w… https://t.co/DRAtEaijPI in reply to ChekosWH 15:55:02, 2021-06-05
- @SylvainCorlay @choldgraf @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter @JohanMabille Oh that's awesome to hear! I see Real Time Coll… https://t.co/pBFjUD7kps in reply to SylvainCorlay 15:37:45, 2021-06-05
- @AbeGong @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter @expectgreatdata I just want the debugger prompt to be a Jupyter Lab cell, whe… https://t.co/yE65W75csk in reply to AbeGong 15:23:28, 2021-06-05
- @ChekosWH @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter I can access the state through a breakpoint() and a debugger, but then I can'… https://t.co/xrGrDW0orD in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:04:30, 2021-06-05
- @ChekosWH @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter What I'm struggling with is simultaneously getting access to the state of the… https://t.co/wRG7NwoLLb in reply to ChekosWH 15:02:54, 2021-06-05
- Also I want to set these (conditional) breakpoints in the underlying modules which I am calling from within the notebook. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:55:17, 2021-06-05
- @drvolts Hey man, Rain Follows the Plow. https://t.co/NzikAJy7kZ in reply to drvolts 14:54:09, 2021-06-05
- @choldgraf @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter I am tryyyyying to get it to load on Binder right now, but from all of the d… https://t.co/dT8efqC6Jc in reply to choldgraf 14:51:41, 2021-06-05
- @pandas_dev @ProjectJupyter Like I want to be able to assert my expectations about the dataframe at various points… https://t.co/VXhlrrfw7N in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:47:00, 2021-06-05
- Are there good tools for visually debugging data processing with @pandas_dev in @ProjectJupyter? Exploring datafram… https://t.co/VjOookCleW 14:44:40, 2021-06-05
- Es neta? Hay los dos? https://t.co/UbNgIiOorv 11:51:03, 2021-06-05
- @thebmbennett https://t.co/Io8g37uian in reply to thebmbennett 15:13:27, 2021-06-04
- I've been taking my temperature and heart rate every morning since the beginning of the pandemic.
When I do it bef… https://t.co/DrmTodkzTr 07:06:23, 2021-06-03
- I really thought I pushed that fix to the PR before deleting the branch last night but apparently, no. 17:26:43, 2021-06-02
- @MyleneJac @VAW_glaciology Whoa what the heck is that platform? in reply to MyleneJac 09:21:15, 2021-06-02
- RT @GlobalSexWork: Today is International Sex Workers’ Day.
ISWD is held to mark the 1975 occupation of Saint-Nizier Church by around 100… 07:14:02, 2021-06-02
- @tummycom The Carpentries are great! I think I need something beyond what they cover though. We're integrating a do… https://t.co/wa7pFEiarB in reply to tummycom 07:08:23, 2021-06-02
- The drone in question: https://t.co/82e90vNmZo in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:43:51, 2021-06-02
- "Logistics convoys were hunted down and remotely engaged by the lethal autonomous weapons systems. They were progra… https://t.co/wzh5X6VEvY 00:36:31, 2021-06-02
- @PaulNatsuo *nervous laughter* in reply to PaulNatsuo 00:14:39, 2021-06-02
- @NFauchereau @MerlinSheldrake It was the last book I read before The Overstory! https://t.co/v8eWAPiA3g in reply to NFauchereau 00:11:26, 2021-06-02
- I just finished Richard Powers' The Overstory. It reminded me of reading Matt Desmond's Evicted, in that I had no i… https://t.co/fqcCwTJwjW 22:46:04, 2021-06-01
- RT @duncan__c: As an island, PR will face high VRE challenges sooner than the continental US.
PR also obviously has huge energy resilience… 22:44:00, 2021-06-01
- @lenazun Maybe Carmen Sandiego has it. in reply to lenazun 17:02:17, 2021-06-01
- Another book I've come across since this thread… Data Cleaning by @ihabilyas & Xu Chu. in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:06:45, 2021-06-01
- Like Uber, but for… https://t.co/yqlRYZOto3 12:26:46, 2021-06-01
- @MaxCRoser @OurWorldInData "Making Climate Policy Work" by @dcullenward & David Victor is a book-length exploration… https://t.co/XSkLrzpZ31 in reply to MaxCRoser 07:00:53, 2021-06-01
- @MaxCRoser "Making Climate Policy Work" by @dcullenward & David Victor is a book-length exploration of many structu… https://t.co/8VP9Us6IxU in reply to MaxCRoser 06:59:48, 2021-06-01
- RT @jburnmurdoch: NEW: just updated our excess deaths figures, including data into April
It’s abundantly clear that Latin America is the h… 23:08:10, 2021-05-31
- @ericmbudd I mean I guess the weather will get better in Vermont with climate change? in reply to ericmbudd 22:27:23, 2021-05-31
- @ericmbudd Now if only the weather was better in Vermont, or the housing was cheaper on the Left Coast which includ… https://t.co/jUE6LWJyVi in reply to ericmbudd 22:24:53, 2021-05-31
- @drvolts Have you followed @ntnsndr? That's kind of his whole jam. in reply to drvolts 21:10:46, 2021-05-31
- @thebmbennett 😲 in reply to thebmbennett 17:56:11, 2021-05-31
- @thebmbennett Though maybe this risks a bunch of "Well, actually" convos with the math bros. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:51:37, 2021-05-31
- @thebmbennett Or you could be ironic and get them on your left hand. in reply to thebmbennett 17:50:24, 2021-05-31
- RT @bd808: Cryptocurrency, an imagined salvation for the masses following the 2008 investment market crash, is now being hyped by some of t… 22:53:06, 2021-05-30
- The intimacy of these relationships are just, wow. Like verging on endosymbiosis, except you need the fungi to do a… https://t.co/Fy2wxJEAJX 10:54:48, 2021-05-30
- "There can be some positive consequences to having an institution ruled over by a demented child-emperor."
- @duncan__c @Savannah_J2J @Evantichita @Bat_Yann @MichaelEMann Oh I'm curious what you disagree with Smil on. Stuff… https://t.co/cOhP6b9TZ1 in reply to duncan__c 09:28:55, 2021-05-30