- Slowly returning to the land of the living. Just in time for the darkest day of the year. #
- Having failed to get any sleep whatsoever, I will now attempt to schmooze at #BOCC And I hate schmoozing. Even when well slept. #
- #BOCC was good fun, even underslept. Informal, chit-chatty. All the suits relegated to a lonely corner. Will definitely go again. #
- I sure hope when Boulder @bcycle gets started next year it stays open after 11pm. And, um, after November would be nice too! #
- Headed up to Brainard to snowshoe in the full moon light. #
- Snowshoeing was clear, windless, but forgot my poles in the parking lot. So warm today, almost biked up to look for them, rode east instead. #
- Ideotrope photo archives now available, with full embedded metadata. Contact me for details. Merry Christmas! #