
Tweets for the week of 2010-05-02

  • Buzzed from the bike. Buzzed from the bourbon. Ahhh. #
  • Experimenting with Chinese-Mexican fusion for lunch. I'll call it… SzechMex! #
  • The topographic absorption spectra of bicycles… or why touring is a lot like life: #
  • I think that with a 13% unemployment rate in California it should be easier to get people to come biking with me on weekdays. #
  • OMG! Weedandcoffeedirtroadbicyclepicniclibrarythriftshopiloveyou… #
  • Maybe I'll try and ride from Santa Barbara to Pasadena without ever getting on the PCH. I wonder if I could do it all on dirt roads? #
  • I need a hug. Where's that vodka. #
  • I can't sleep. How am I going to get that 0730 train? Am I really just never supposed to leave town? Never did find the vodka… #
  • I guess I'll try and get this emotional train wreck on an actual train. What are the chances of the same train having two wrecks at once? #
  • Made it to the Montgomery Monastery above Santa Barbara for some much needed staring into scenic California space. #
  • Coffee, hammock, reading, hammock, hiking, hammock, eating, hammock, sleeping. #
  • Headed down the coast at dawn from the mountain people to the boat people, then home via Mulholland Drive on Monday. #

By Zane Selvans

A former space explorer, now marooned on a beautiful, dying world.

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