- @ericmbudd Flagstaff? in reply to ericmbudd 23:57:33, 2014-05-31
- @ericmbudd Sun Rhyno Lite 36H laced 3x FTW 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 16:49:37, 2014-05-31
- @ericmbudd this is why I like wheels where I don't really need all the spokes. in reply to ericmbudd 16:27:04, 2014-05-31
- A table of young women talking themselves into polyamory. Sadly, one of them apparently has a "leaky aura". #OnlyInBoulder 09:47:23, 2014-05-31
- Nest thermostat could kill the market for peaking power plants. Great for consumers. Scary for regulated utilities: http://t.co/KaKYW8C7GD 09:06:57, 2014-05-31
- The response I most often get when talking to "normal" people about how utility regulation works is something like "But that's ridiculous." 18:46:47, 2014-05-30
- I do like me a good ol' fashioned conspiracy every once in a while. Keeps things interesting, and helps maintain the delusions of grandeur. 17:39:44, 2014-05-30
- RT @Noahpinion: Between 2000 and 2014, Saudi Arabia went from 6.3 children per woman to 2.17. http://t.co/HgGYVmf6OS 17:27:18, 2014-05-30
- @schmangee Or is it just a random walk with a cliff nearby. in reply to schmangee 17:22:14, 2014-05-30
- @ericmbudd Spend $9k/yr on car that gets 30mpg. Drive 15k miles. 500gal gas at $4/gal, less than 1/4 overall cost. So who cares? in reply to ericmbudd 10:37:43, 2014-05-30
- @alexsteffen I am grateful for the time lapse eyes that working in astronomy, geology, space exploration and planetary science gave me. in reply to AlexSteffen 10:34:32, 2014-05-30
- @ladamic Hey, are you going to be living in MI this fall? I'm planning to come to the @NASCO_Coops conference, and would love to say hi 🙂 10:21:52, 2014-05-30
- @ericmbudd @streetsblognet @transitmiami Really? I've always been shocked at how *inelastic* demand for driving is, regardless of gas prices in reply to ericmbudd 10:20:27, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 And you can have this hashtag for free: #SolarRoadRage in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:18:37, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 Please, the more characters the better. I would read 5000 words if you wrote them. in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:18:02, 2014-05-30
- @mitchellbyars Obviously not trial related, but gosh wouldn't it be nice if Boulder's cops were people wanted to (and could) live in Boulder in reply to mitchellbyars 10:15:53, 2014-05-30
- @ericmbudd @streetsblogusa @nhtsagov Coincidentally, about the amount @CeresNews says we need to invest in renewables each year to avoid 2°C in reply to ericmbudd 10:14:17, 2014-05-30
- @streetsblognet @transitmiami Ooh oh, or how about "Transit won't work because Miami will be inundated before the P3 financing is paid off" in reply to StreetsblogNet 10:10:54, 2014-05-30
- RT @bouldergobldr: #Boulder Creek Path underpasses closed: 6th, 13th/Arapahoe, Boulder High, Folsom, 30th, 38th/Arapahoe, 55th, Valmont htt… 10:07:07, 2014-05-30
- At 14, I traded a 1.5hr rural school bus ride for an 11min bike ride. That's way better than electric school buses: http://t.co/Ji5t0omDBs 10:06:18, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 Also, will you please write a detailed and deliciously snarky takedown of the solar roads meme? So I don't have to? 😉 in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:03:31, 2014-05-30
- @mikesalisbury78 Even more millions available by reverting to a society where kids, uh, walk and bike to school. in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:02:57, 2014-05-30
- @garyridesbikes Seriously. Sustainability is not a luxury good. At its best it's far cheaper. Like building small… http://t.co/buFK9PBlNY in reply to GaryRidesBikes 10:02:02, 2014-05-30
- There's a bunch of building happening in Boulder. Love it or hate it, come find out more on 6/11 6-8pm @ImpactHubBldr http://t.co/SmD0tkTnof 09:59:38, 2014-05-30
- RT @interfluidity: sometimes it feels like we are only inches away. RT @voxdotcom: It's time for the US to use the metric system http://t.c… 01:00:10, 2014-05-30
- RT @BrooklynSpoke: Note the lively street activity, pedestrians, & people on bikes in Google's image of the future. http://t.co/XmD87ba1lA 00:57:38, 2014-05-30
- RT @andrew_leach: Nothing to see here, Alberta. Just people saying they can't make money on oil sands at $100/bbl oil. No big deal. Go abou… 00:45:00, 2014-05-30
- RT @andrew_leach: Total: “Costs are continuing to inflate, netbacks for the oil sands are remaining stable at best, thus, squeezing the mar… 00:44:55, 2014-05-30
- @ramez @alexsteffen Mmm, gas less than doubles its price at $80/ton. Still w/in historic price range. Still competitive for peaking/firming. in reply to ramez 00:33:59, 2014-05-30
- @ramez @alexsteffen I suspect various industry "expectations" are shaped by prices they can deal with. Oil will be ok at $80/ton = $0.80/gal in reply to ramez 15:22:23, 2014-05-29
- @10salamanders find ./ -type f | xargs grep 'that thing I lost in that file that time' in reply to 10salamanders 15:12:17, 2014-05-29
- RT @BicycleLobby: Driverless cars will change everything about how Americans get really, really fat. 12:16:34, 2014-05-29
- .@markudall Actually… that's not a reason; it's a tautology. Reason? Geological luck of the draw. And ridiculously low severance tax rates. in reply to MarkUdall 10:29:13, 2014-05-29
- @csoghoian That is exactly who you should not be popular with. You must be doing a good job. in reply to csoghoian 09:14:57, 2014-05-29
- @ericmbudd Co-opers on the other hand totally have this angle covered. in reply to ericmbudd 22:39:49, 2014-05-28
- How much of this spatial distribution is due to Boulder's cash-in-lieu of affordable housing? http://t.co/TnKf1eb4N7 http://t.co/AsmEPauG6Q 22:33:00, 2014-05-28
- @ericmbudd But will it mean the end of car-oriented streets? in reply to ericmbudd 22:04:19, 2014-05-28
- RT @AlexSteffen: The most genuinely foresighted people on the planet are often systems-focused, a bit boring + kinda hard to understand w/o… 15:14:41, 2014-05-28
- Actual thought I had in the shower this morning:
"Do I second guess myself too often?" 14:58:10, 2014-05-28
- A phenomenal human-scale street at night in Amsterdam: http://t.co/UZYuF7mHYK 09:16:54, 2014-05-28
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: I am a humanist, which means, in part, that I have tried to behave decently without any expectation of reward or punishm… 08:33:41, 2014-05-28
- How useful are renewables in hedging fuel price risk? @NREL: "Market structure choices are important". No kidding! http://t.co/PChw6HyokP 17:27:04, 2014-05-27
- @trueanomalies I have no idea who wrote my dissertation. But I do know he had a big beard. http://t.co/uHHOoZH9S3 in reply to trueanomalies 09:34:52, 2014-05-27
- RT @clmarohn: #signoffailure http://t.co/V3MGghccDZ 08:16:26, 2014-05-27
- @andrew_leach Round numbers are totally way more ominous. I mean, just look at all those sinister zeroes. And the way it evokes Thermopylae. in reply to andrew_leach 00:57:08, 2014-05-27
- I love living in an ad-proof bubble. No billboards here. No TV. Ad-free internet radio. @AdblockPlus. And then you see some ads. And whoa. 23:30:02, 2014-05-26
- RT @KYouell: Favorite tweet of all time. MT @familyride: Dammit, my hazards are stuck on again! Both kids signaling right & left. http://t.… 22:58:39, 2014-05-26
- We feed on old light, long buried. Energy collected by ancient plants. Zombie foods, for a zombie civilization. 22:51:33, 2014-05-26
- Purposefully untrustworthy news meant to goad you into giving up your personal contact info to register your disgust: http://t.co/qH3qImAZR8 22:39:55, 2014-05-26
- @ericmbudd thankfully, no. in reply to ericmbudd 18:08:35, 2014-05-26
- Fueled by rage against stupid energy ideas and our zombie civilization, I actually passed people while riding up Flagstaff today. Amazing! 17:49:13, 2014-05-26
- RT @richardbranson: If I started a business & it was failing, I'd shut it down. #warondrugs has failed – why isn’t it being shut down? http… 16:44:17, 2014-05-26
- @gabeelsner If that were true, it wouldn't be so hard to ban incandescent lightbulbs… in reply to GabeElsner 14:20:19, 2014-05-26
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: It shouldn't be news that energy forecasting reliably fails. Here's @VaclavSmil making the same point in 2000: http://… 13:54:13, 2014-05-26
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: We need policies that don't depend on forecasts b/c long term energy forecasting is a fool's errand. @EIAgov edition: … 13:54:05, 2014-05-26
- About the only thing our highways and the necessary renewable energy infrastructure have in common is the gross land area they occupy. 12:52:44, 2014-05-26
- The fact that solar roads have crowd-funded $1.2M makes me despair for any kind of reasonable renewable energy discussion in the US. *sigh* 12:40:56, 2014-05-26
- Glad to see ADU/OAU fixes in the "early wins" section of housing strategy. Sad to see no mention of cooperative housing. 10:23:06, 2014-05-26
- The type of housing we can provide more of is traditionally "less attractive to families", but it doesn't have to be. Need more co-housing. 10:17:04, 2014-05-26
- But half of in-commuters would like to live in a townhouse in Boulder. A third would be up for a duplex/triplex/4-plex. We can supply those. 09:54:36, 2014-05-26
- Survey says: In commuters have slightly higher incomes than Boulder residents. Housing preferences often drive the choice to commute. 09:52:58, 2014-05-26
- Reading the council packet for tomorrow's housing study session: https://t.co/D3WQmavSAu 09:51:41, 2014-05-26
- Utility bond ratings falling. Public refinancing/retirement of stranded carbon assets is an arbitrage opportunity: http://t.co/vdJkwaq4z5 09:34:52, 2014-05-26
- US House GOP directs military to ignore climate reality. Funny, I never thought I'd hope for a military insurrection. http://t.co/Lmb5eqPW3S 09:24:59, 2014-05-26
- @ericmbudd They must have been playing #CardsAgainstHumanity in reply to ericmbudd 09:19:10, 2014-05-26
- @neil21 I was hoping for more energetic, positive visualization/exploration of actually existing human scale cities too. in reply to neil21 21:03:46, 2014-05-25
Tag: twitter
- And now off to the dunes and hot springs of the San Luis Valley for some prolonged radio silence, thunderstorms and a meteor shower. 09:08:48, 2014-05-23
- Why do we perceive WMD & climate risks so differently? 99th vs. 30th percentile? http://t.co/tCXewBW4gw http://t.co/5ZF1mRYrSQ 07:44:22, 2014-05-23
- RT @Stanford_Energy: "The Myth of Price" Nice look by @ZaneSelvans at barriers to quantifying social costs of #CO2. @EnergyCollectiv: http:… 21:47:02, 2014-05-22
- @brenttoderian @spurfest Am I the only one who finds it painful that this even has to be pointed out? in reply to BrentToderian 21:35:33, 2014-05-22
- Have started following a bunch of energy tweeps I disagree with. Resisting the urge to engage. Just listening for now. It's hard. 21:31:33, 2014-05-22
- @Shareable @Peers It'd be awesome if you could spread the word on this for folks in Boulder… Legalize shared housing! http://t.co/dgZuLcbtEq 16:30:07, 2014-05-22
- Tell City Council to support more shared housing in Boulder before next Tuesday! http://t.co/dgZuLcbtEq @peers @Shareable @NASCO_Coops 16:11:44, 2014-05-22
- Come to @BMoCA next Wed. 5/28 5-7pm to give feedback on Boulder transportation to @bouldergobldr (and me!) https://t.co/ZH1Z77Z601 15:35:59, 2014-05-22
- Cannabis grow operations have to mitigate CO2 from electricity for lights, but are banned from using ag land, where greenhouses are legal. 15:24:54, 2014-05-22
- At @bouldercounty commissioners hearing, commenting on proposal to allow marijuana growers to offset carbon, by paying into mitigation fund. 14:10:43, 2014-05-22
- Is there anywhere in Boulder you'd like to bike but don't feel safe/comfortable? Please tell us where and why: https://t.co/ZTVKrBxFG8 13:06:17, 2014-05-22
- Long @Forbes piece on a carbon tax to fund low-carbon infrastructure… but no mention of energy market failures *sigh* http://t.co/FvpPXwx56N 12:24:35, 2014-05-22
- And another article, from @bcitiestowns looking at relative impacts of street width on fire and traffic safety: http://t.co/860MxLhNK5 10:25:57, 2014-05-22
- Which is more dangerous: fires or the wide roads demanded by fire departments? http://t.co/U34XV6Bvsy 10:20:57, 2014-05-22
- My first syndicated article, over at @EnergyCollectiv: The Myth of Price by @ZaneSelvans http://t.co/peaRWzABq3 in reply to EnergyCollectiv 10:14:54, 2014-05-22
- @farmedhere Do you publish data on your energy/water use per unit food produced? I'm teaching a class on vertical farming and sustainability 13:21:47, 2014-05-21
- Seriously, what do you expect when you invite one of @theyesmen to be your commencement speaker? https://t.co/KbdpNOjHrX #divestreed 22:22:15, 2014-05-20
- There are limits to human adaptability, but where are they? At +10°C, are half the humans hyperthermic? http://t.co/NLjyWbULxH 22:02:32, 2014-05-20
- A great @thereaIbanksy quote dolled up by @caryonbabe https://t.co/HmhwXczrCI http://t.co/kV5P2cK35A 12:25:57, 2014-05-20
- Sweet bike: @cruiserboutique Mundo Nuvinci Lux w/ front disc. Comes with a free go getter back through May 31. http://t.co/5QGg1UOgr7 in reply to cruiserboutique 12:15:55, 2014-05-20
- No sleep last night. Policy papers litter the floor. Rode to Longmont and back to be on a local govt panel. Zombie brain encroaching. 14:15:22, 2014-05-19
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all. 04:47:09, 2014-05-19
- RT @thereaIbanksy: #banksy http://t.co/5XaisSIqd0 00:11:02, 2014-05-19
- Apparently zombie cars were from 2008 carpocalypse. Still interesting to consider alternative uses of our industries. http://t.co/r5Y81fJmIt 18:54:56, 2014-05-18
- RT @wilw: Seriously, people, the dystopian science fiction we all loved was supposed to be cautionary, not a how to manual. 18:50:11, 2014-05-18
- Meh. See also: http://t.co/foGMIYOEsF MT @citizensclimate: Commercial for electric BMW i8 will make you want one. http://t.co/gV43H9jLBf in reply to citizensclimate 17:06:56, 2014-05-18
- What percentage of new cars go unsold? How much wind and solar could be built with the same industrial capacity? http://t.co/mU2xTunB5c 15:04:01, 2014-05-18
- Robots are starting to make life and death decisions. What ethical algorithms will the first self-driving cars have? http://t.co/drhqZGAjn9 14:45:56, 2014-05-18
- RT @TopHat8855: Sometimes I drive. New driving attitude: I am in awe pedestrians & cyclists allow me on the road even though my vehicle cou… 14:35:09, 2014-05-18
- It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. 14:31:52, 2014-05-18
- Continually surprised at how often people say "impossible" when what they really mean is "different". 22:35:22, 2014-05-17
- @alexsteffen Have you followed evolution of @nature_org biz model? Seems like they're almost heading toward ecosystem services contracting. in reply to AlexSteffen 13:58:58, 2014-05-16
- I love biking by @scottholton's project at 17th & Walnut every morning, watching it take form. @downtownboulder is growing up! 13:36:42, 2014-05-16
- I. Love. Gluten. And also, double blind placebo controlled studies: http://t.co/KngpJMJ8a9 12:23:38, 2014-05-16
- A nice album of photos showing life in Freiburg's car-free Vauban neighborhood (pop. 5500): http://t.co/xkUB4Uaald 03:00:46, 2014-05-16
- RT @pourmecoffee: It is arrogance and folly to think climate change manmade when other possibilities exist (Drawing: Don Ivan Punchatz) htt… 21:57:46, 2014-05-15
- @fishnette @agahran Oooh, no, what did you work on? Would love to sit down and chat about the tool we're building… in reply to fishnette 12:21:53, 2014-05-15
- @fishnette Know anyone who might be interested in funding some data journalism around US coal/carbon/electricity data? 11:57:13, 2014-05-15
- Ironically, cessation of costly reserve hunting would, in the short term, increase fossil carbon profits/dividends. Asset liquidation. 10:16:09, 2014-05-15
- RT @alicebowslarkin: No need for further fossil fuel exploration if we want to stay within a 2C carbon budget: Le Quere #climate2014 @Tynda… 10:13:21, 2014-05-15
- @cjhood71 Thanks! And also for your response on the BC carbon tax. I will definitely have a look at those refs. in reply to cjhood71 10:04:21, 2014-05-15
- Time lapse eyes in a long slow now, while the ants scurry around mindlessly everywhere. 00:33:16, 2014-05-15
- What happens to human population in a world with universal contraception and a commitment to centuries of increasing climate disruption? 23:00:27, 2014-05-14
- @subnaughtsounds If there's anything juicy, you'll be the first to know… in reply to subnaughtsounds 22:57:46, 2014-05-14
- Aww, random climate denier trolls have finally found me on Twitter. I guess that means I'm doing this right? Occupational hazards. 22:11:30, 2014-05-14
- @ericmbudd Save some hearts for breaking in June. And July. And August. And September. in reply to ericmbudd 21:52:10, 2014-05-14
- "Political prejudices tend to blind us to facts that fail to fit any conventional political agendas." http://t.co/N3Vnd0BpbV 16:57:47, 2014-05-14
- @ericmbudd @TheBTI Yep yep yep. in reply to ericmbudd 11:52:35, 2014-05-14
- @BoulderAdvocacy thanks for trying to get some more participation from the other half… 11:03:17, 2014-05-14
- Only 50% of the people on this panel are dudes, but 95% of the words seem to be coming from dudes. #JustSayin 10:51:18, 2014-05-14
- Strong words from @jaredpolis on the need for especially clean tech startups to engage politically given the power of incumbents. #bsw14 10:41:09, 2014-05-14
- @andrew_leach @MICHELLEatSP Almost all public mind changers in business and politics use narrative not data. Why would climate be different? in reply to andrew_leach 09:20:14, 2014-05-14
- @andrew_leach touché in reply to andrew_leach 09:15:56, 2014-05-14
- @andrew_leach Stories just work better than data for the humans. As long as we tell stories that reflect the data, is that awful? in reply to andrew_leach 08:33:18, 2014-05-14
- @garyridesbikes Like pedestrian malls, another thing our cities share. How sweet. in reply to GaryRidesBikes 00:15:06, 2014-05-14
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Overwhelming scientific evidence suggests a startling number of people are capable of ignoring overwhelming scientific e… 00:12:54, 2014-05-14
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Antarctica is melting and there's no way to stop it and it's your fault and it's a catastrophe beyond comprehension. Jus… 00:12:41, 2014-05-14
- Glaciers are like the #HoneyBadger Admiral Titley "The ice doesn’t care about politics or who’s caucusing with whom." http://t.co/mISMimOepX 23:26:11, 2014-05-13
- @alexsteffen You've clearly been talking to someone working on the EPA's 111(d) rules. *sigh* in reply to AlexSteffen 20:50:16, 2014-05-13
- Just a little good old fashioned billboard liberation: http://t.co/4sf4O76Xne 20:43:12, 2014-05-13
- RT @svrdesign: Whoa. Perspective. MT @grescoe Despite domestic uptick—more ppl cycle to work/school in Copenhagen than in all of US http://… 13:52:23, 2014-05-13
- What our bike parking will look like when we meet our transportation climate goals… @bouldergobldr @BoulderParking http://t.co/iiTwtS5k99 13:27:30, 2014-05-13
- (2/2) Richard B. Alley: “But there’s a bunch more fuses, and there’s a bunch more matches, and we have a decision now: Do we light those?” 13:02:29, 2014-05-13
- (1/2) Richard B. Alley: “If we have indeed lit the fuse on West Antarctica, it’s very hard to imagine putting the fuse out,” 13:02:13, 2014-05-13
- @iea @cjhood71 Public info on discount rate, fuel escalation, & risk pricing assumptions in this study? They kinda determine the outcome. in reply to IEA 12:55:00, 2014-05-13
- @rorowe Jim Morris Environmental Tees? in reply to rorowe 12:34:16, 2014-05-13
- Discount rate not found in the powerpoint, but cost effectiveness is largely determined by it http://t.co/knVEZFE0Cz http://t.co/OonbIZwEFg 01:48:23, 2014-05-13
- My god, does @IEA make you buy the book to find out what the discount rate and fuel cost escalation rates are? http://t.co/6IRpYLhEBL €150?! 01:39:11, 2014-05-13
- Oh, p8 of Exec Summary gets close… at DR=10% you still save $5T in fuel. But DR for $71T savings? No comment! http://t.co/OzQ1XEIR13 01:34:35, 2014-05-13
- I have a low discount rate and risk tolerance because I want civilization to persist. Not vice versa. And that causality is obviously okay. 01:26:20, 2014-05-13
- $44T to get 2°C in 2050.
$115T in fuel saved!
Discount rate unknown… In the press release anyway:
http://t.co/BgVSEvx0VR @vanderhoeven_m in reply to VanderHoeven_M 01:22:07, 2014-05-13 - Decarbonizing: $4.4e13
Fuel savings: $1.15e14
Discount rate/fuel escalation: not reported in @BloombergNews
http://t.co/xYlAW0npqo @ramez in reply to ramez 01:18:05, 2014-05-13 - I think this is a parody, but sometimes in this town I'm not quite sure. @dailycamera reader admits to chemtrails: http://t.co/s8kAh4Ezpv 00:21:29, 2014-05-13
- "The persistent rhetoric of 'we will not retreat' is a form of denial" @Revkin http://t.co/tyHEkeGZ2d 00:15:08, 2014-05-13
- RT @MayOneUS: In effort to make corruption easier, WI lawmakers accidentally ban campaign cash from lobbyists.
http://t.co/bw2FSWSxNi #In… 23:52:49, 2014-05-12 - Is this is the best America can do in election reform legislation? "Oops, we banned lobbyists from fundraising" http://t.co/DzcTANPBqO 23:51:45, 2014-05-12
- That awkward moment when you finally realize Bob and Bill Nordhaus are actually different people… http://t.co/PNXFLvJ8j3 23:38:53, 2014-05-12
- If you're not one of the die-hard suburbanites in Boulder… come to our #bsw14 session on sustainable urbanism! https://t.co/88cYywbGif 21:23:49, 2014-05-12
- Serious question. How do you talk to kids about climate change? Seems like a surreal 21st century version of the sex talk. 21:20:45, 2014-05-12
- @shwinnebego What drives me f-ing nuts is the fact that the cult of "realism" is so far from pragmatic in the context of challenges we face! in reply to shwinnebego 21:08:56, 2014-05-12
- RT @interfluidity: Fun way to run a lottery: siultaneously spend the prize in bitcoin to all contestants. The winner is the one who ends up… 20:23:18, 2014-05-12
- Is it bad that I look forward to the federal transportation funding implosion? Might have to actually do something *different*. The horror! 19:51:50, 2014-05-12
- Other non-suburban design options yield so many other benefits, I can't fathom the mindset that excludes them. Mind is boggled. 19:24:32, 2014-05-12
- "Realist" position is that we're stuck with our suburban neighborhoods. Can't possibly change them. But hey, how 'bout them ice sheets? 19:21:01, 2014-05-12
- Trying to reduce GHGs by 80% in a transportation planning silo that can't consider drastically changing suburban land-use is totally insane. 19:18:06, 2014-05-12
- This is what every parking lot should look like! In the Grácia neighborhood of Barcelona… #Sustainability #Parking http://t.co/T8TSGIttv6 19:01:25, 2014-05-12
- Boulder transportation GHG reduction goals: 41% from CAFE 44% from fuel switch. Only 15% from mode shift/VMT reduction? Really? Unambitious. 18:56:38, 2014-05-12
- With all this lead up we better get to have a long rowdy discussion about the actual policy options. 18:45:12, 2014-05-12
- Is this the 5th TAB "overview" of Boulder's new parking/access management plan? Still few details, but, uh… compass! http://t.co/lAjg4wxhNn 18:44:20, 2014-05-12
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: If we melt Antarctica, newly exposed land could be more parking. Parking. Parking. Park in parking. Could be oil. Aspha… 16:16:51, 2014-05-12
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: No. This solar roads concept can most definitely not power "the entire country". No. No. Nope. http://t.co/yhls43JaUV h… 16:04:56, 2014-05-12
- What a statistically representative climate debate looks like. There are definitely hats: https://t.co/OxdecKFEny 15:02:26, 2014-05-12
- @sugarmags3 Ice sheet collapse got you down? in reply to sugarmags3 13:59:46, 2014-05-12
- @ericmbudd Also, the grotesque non-linearity of the system is not comforting. How lucky do you feel, punk? in reply to ericmbudd 13:24:03, 2014-05-12
- @ericmbudd We built cathedrals once, that took centuries to complete. in reply to ericmbudd 13:23:37, 2014-05-12
- Okay, enough ice sheet mourning. Back to trying to shut down the xenoforming machines. 13:21:59, 2014-05-12
- Good explainer on instability of the #WAIS from @NASAJPL http://t.co/hU1yiBKofd and another from @BadAstronomer http://t.co/IeL0T9iZoq 13:18:51, 2014-05-12
- Animation showing drainage rates and ice loss on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: https://t.co/Cct0LRjHIS 12:54:31, 2014-05-12
- Also depends on when we decide to get our shit together as a species. Until then, bad news is an almost inexhaustible, renewable resource. 12:50:39, 2014-05-12
- Is today the worst news day of your life? That depends on your discount rate. http://t.co/86ahdvVrbU 12:49:19, 2014-05-12
- Sometimes Colorado rewards the lazy gardener. http://t.co/3i50qBtwM9 12:00:55, 2014-05-12
- @ZachBehrens @GaryRidesBikes now you can bike to the tunnels to nowhere, for the nuclear war evacuation freeway that was never finished… in reply to ZachBehrens 01:07:39, 2014-05-12
- @dansinker Well shoot, welcome to Boulder! Don't get your hopes up about the tacos though. in reply to dansinker 01:03:16, 2014-05-12
- @bruteforceblog funny how the memes leak in, and you lose track of them. It just felt like I ought to search around for Dutch social housing in reply to bruteforceblog 23:11:05, 2014-05-11
- So the world isn't all mortgage interest tax deductions and govt. sponsored securitization of single family home loans. Who knew? 22:15:33, 2014-05-11
- Those organizations now produce >50% of *all* new Dutch housing, and own about 80% of all rental housing, without direct subsidy. 22:12:51, 2014-05-11
- The Netherlands "privatized" social housing in the 1960s by turning it over to 100s of non-profit social enterprises: http://t.co/KIUKF811HW 22:05:00, 2014-05-11
- Look up! Go for a bike ride. Smart phones and dumb people. Embrace the irony! https://t.co/6f4Hs8kQDe 21:33:56, 2014-05-11
- @ericmbudd Train to Sac'to, 2-day ride S. to F'no then over to SCZ, up to SF, train up to Portlandia and back, train to DEN. Or something. in reply to ericmbudd 21:22:18, 2014-05-11
- @ericmbudd I'm hoping to visit family and avoid living in a construction zone while the co-op is renovated… dunno what the schedule is yet. in reply to ericmbudd 21:18:08, 2014-05-11
- @zaibatsu @ericmbudd Hoping to try this thing out with a late summer/early fall flightless trip to California with my bike. in reply to zaibatsu 21:13:01, 2014-05-11
- @fishnette Wouldn't it be nice if we could just attribute this to the fact that we're really outdoorsy? 09:52:55, 2014-05-11
- Portland, OR is encouraging ADUs as sustainable, affordable, small-scale infill development: http://t.co/rKUU9Zm9Gl C'mon Boulder! 00:39:31, 2014-05-11
- Also, at some point, the kind of badass you need to be shifts from "mom on a cargo bike" to "post-apocalyptic zombie slayer" Yeehaw! 22:15:55, 2014-05-10
- When people say I'm a badass for hauling 150kg of food by bike, I think "Everyone will be need to be a badass at 500ppm CO2 and +4°C" 22:12:43, 2014-05-10
- @maconcowles I think you might have meant to do an at-reply there i.e. @AJTechKnow if you were trying to ensure they were notified anyway. in reply to MaconCowles 22:07:25, 2014-05-10
- @alexsteffen @ramez And honestly, escaping sunk coal costs looks easy compared to sunk transportation/land-use costs. Ugh. in reply to AlexSteffen 14:06:59, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen Unfortunately starting that discussion makes everyone (greens, utilities, regulators, legislators) very uncomfortable. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:05:15, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen We need a robust regulatory discussion on writing off sunk coal costs gracefully, rather than in unpredictable crisis. in reply to ramez 14:03:13, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen Varies, but currently fuel risks are unpriced, passed through to rate payers. $0 clearly wrong. PPAs set upper bound. in reply to ramez 13:58:29, 2014-05-10
- RT @AlexSteffen: Given infrastructure lifetimes, a global campaign against building any new large-scale auto infrastructure should be a cli… 13:54:06, 2014-05-10
- @ramez @alexsteffen With 20yrs of fuel price risks integrated into generation costs, wind is already cheaper, w/o PTC http://t.co/sdusErUEbB in reply to ramez 13:53:19, 2014-05-10
- @alexsteffen @ramez $50/ton is $0.50/gallon. Clearly in liquid hydrocarbon based transportation/land-use system, nowhere near high enough. in reply to AlexSteffen 13:50:12, 2014-05-10
- @alexsteffen Concern. That's a gentle way to put it! Pricing alone is simple. Fixing the markets prices would exist in is a pain in the ass. in reply to AlexSteffen 13:13:10, 2014-05-10
- @ramez I wonder how that compares to the ag subsidies per burger for the corn and soy the cow ate. in reply to ramez 00:39:10, 2014-05-10
- @andrew_leach Cost seems to be a distant secondary concern when we face more familiar existential threats (e.g. war). Why is this different? in reply to andrew_leach 22:42:45, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach I also tend to question whether the lens of economic efficiency is the most useful one for this problem so late in the game. in reply to andrew_leach 22:40:31, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach That sounds interesting. So far I find the right tail of abatement far less frightening than the right tail of climate change. in reply to andrew_leach 22:32:02, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach On decision making under deep uncertainty, I liked the @worldbank paper that @drgrist reviewed here: http://t.co/UCYtAPanZG in reply to andrew_leach 22:22:14, 2014-05-09
- @andrew_leach The real question to me is, how do we, as a civilization, want to respond to uncertainty? How many bullets in the revolver? in reply to andrew_leach 22:16:19, 2014-05-09
- All of this makes it impossible for me to listen to arguments about the relative costs of renewables vs. fossil fuels with a straight face. 21:16:00, 2014-05-09
- Also, with a low discount rate & risk tolerance, fixed-price wind, solar, & energy efficiency become extremely cheap, even ignoring carbon. 21:04:35, 2014-05-09
- Do you want civilization to persist with high probability? Then you have a low discount rate & risk tolerance, and thus a high carbon price. 21:02:25, 2014-05-09
- The point I'm trying to make isn't that carbon prices are meaningless… but rather that they are mostly value statements. 21:00:54, 2014-05-09
- @garyridesbikes The Pearl St. Mall in @downtownboulder is another pleasant example. in reply to GaryRidesBikes 20:41:25, 2014-05-09
- The social cost of carbon? Somewhere between $10 and $1500 per ton. Depending. My new post on the Myth of Price: http://t.co/LldmjZKdcq 18:22:32, 2014-05-09
- You know what the humans remind me of? A bunch of terminally ill, childless compulsive gamblers playing Russian roulette with 4 bullets. 17:05:27, 2014-05-09
- @ericmbudd Excellent. The Nebraska xenoforming machines are in good working order. The Sand Hills will be dunes again before we expire. in reply to ericmbudd 20:42:42, 2014-05-08
- RT @schmangee: True: Those headaches that come with driving? You can pretty much opt out of those by choosing a better place to live http:/… 09:15:48, 2014-05-08
- Op-Ed from @WillToor in the @DenverPost on the sustained decline in driving in Colorado. We're not going back… http://t.co/OmcwVYrRI5 21:46:06, 2014-05-07
- Sometimes I wonder if having a vision of how great future could be is worth the trouble. It generates so many mystified blank stares. 21:24:36, 2014-05-07
- I have too many things to be working on! I need me some minions damn it! 12:56:06, 2014-05-07
- Xenoforming the Homeworld FTW! MT @GSmeeton: We are the first humans ever to breathe air containing 400ppm of CO2, says @CFigueres in reply to GSmeeton 11:52:27, 2014-05-07
- RT @CouncilSusman: Concerned about homesharing & ridesharing in #Denver? Tune in Mon for the first #DenverCityCouncil Sharing Committee. ht… 11:50:55, 2014-05-07
- @iflscience I appreciate that "on Earth" caveat. Because, who knows what the extraterrestrial arthropods are up to. in reply to IFLScience 11:10:19, 2014-05-07
- Oooh, first thunderstorm of the year in #Boulder. Also, I am tired of academics poaching my friends to work in faraway lands. 23:26:57, 2014-05-06
- @isambrooks Also misses negative costs of much mitigation, & the space required for renewable energy at scale if everyone lives like the US. in reply to iSamBrooks 21:32:13, 2014-05-06
- Divine retribution? MT @WaxmanClimate: Southeast has more billion-dollar #climate disasters than any other US region: http://t.co/iLJv3GInZM in reply to WaxmanClimate 09:31:51, 2014-05-06
- The difference between low costs, and high but worthwhile costs is surprisingly subtle. 00:12:59, 2014-05-06
- @ericmbudd Rolled them up in a cloth napkin and tied it with a bow. Always got it in my panniers. in reply to ericmbudd 20:52:47, 2014-05-05
- RT @changeist: The end of history, in one sign. http://t.co/b1Txd3QGGa 20:51:45, 2014-05-05
- @ericmbudd @boulderbma @303cycling aiming for a lot new of climbing shoulders at least, but it's gonna be a while. in reply to ericmbudd 18:55:45, 2014-05-05
- Canyons are going to be opening and closing on and off due to heavy construction for *years*. Be prepared to adapt. @boulderbma @303cycling 18:49:28, 2014-05-05
- Meeting with @BoCoDOT and @CommunityCycles on canyon road reconstruction plans… 18:12:37, 2014-05-05
- I would really like to live in a two marshmallow civilization. Sometimes, I'm not even sure we can make it to one. 16:35:34, 2014-05-05
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: A SuperPAC to end all SuperPACs! Embrace the irony. Help @lessig crowdfund @MayOneUS https://t.co/GuLwLIniRn & get th… 14:14:50, 2014-05-05
- How can America's top cities for bikes avoid resting on their laurels? Apparently Portland feels a little slow too… http://t.co/JAoNmuMU7u 11:24:27, 2014-05-05
- RT @Keeling_curve: And another first: April 2014 average CO2 value was 401.33, the first monthly average over #400ppm in human history. #gl… 01:35:31, 2014-05-05
- @sugarmags3 50lbs of mixed produce… http://t.co/d5TddzrGgq 23:00:14, 2014-05-04
- @charlesabrock you gonna have to get a real profile up there buddy 😉 00:23:53, 2014-05-04
- RT @errolmorris: How did we forget the mass killings in Indonesia? And what might they have taught us about Vietnam? http://t.co/qaHtObAVAW 00:22:55, 2014-05-04
- @zoecello Wonderful show! I really appreciate how different it is from the studio album versions. More fun for you too it sounds like. in reply to zoecello 22:04:02, 2014-05-03
- All cleaned up and headed off for a hot date with @ZoeCello at the @BoulderTheater! 19:09:50, 2014-05-03
- Lincoln and Hannah making some beds: http://t.co/MWSkvJmWcU 19:01:05, 2014-05-03
- The co-op work day totally, like, working: http://t.co/QIP3t8PEv4 18:58:39, 2014-05-03
- @ericmbudd @nytimes I signed up for the more general tool. Seems like there should be a Python implementation if the algorithm… in reply to ericmbudd 10:13:00, 2014-05-03
- @ericmbudd @nytimes grrreat for co-ops with 20 rooms 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 10:10:55, 2014-05-03
- How to commit a murder in broad daylight without getting arrested? Apparently a driver's license is a license to kill http://t.co/0T6i3vymXm 09:33:43, 2014-05-03
- Kevin tilling under the berm we built to contain Gregory Creek during the #boulderflood http://t.co/iJlmbZJIrB 09:18:01, 2014-05-03
- Dirt for the Masala Co-op spring workday. Today we take back the garden! http://t.co/yxAuVhwC0I 09:15:57, 2014-05-03
- Studying the utility industry and regulation in the US is like doing an autopsy on a zombie. It's dead, but somehow it just keeps moving. 00:28:14, 2014-05-03
- It feels like maybe I ate some unripe or slightly poisonous fruit from the tree of knowledge. 00:26:52, 2014-05-03
- Why did I choose to understand such a complicated and frustrating system? 00:17:41, 2014-05-03
- A senate bill forcing #KXL through has 54 votes… @SenBennetCO & @MarkUdall have no position. Tell them to oppose it! (& reform filibuster). 17:52:20, 2014-05-02
- @laplacanancy In that case you probably want to start all but the 1st tweet w/ one of the twitter handles… then everyone else doesn't see it in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:02:10, 2014-05-02
- @laplacanancy Sorry, make that 7x… in reply to laplacanancy 14:00:51, 2014-05-02
- @laplacanancy Um, you just quadruple posted that tweet… in reply to laplacanancy 14:00:17, 2014-05-02
- Why #Boulder needs to diversify funding: MT @StrongTowns: Cities reliant on sales tax see big gains & big declines. http://t.co/f4ZFFjUS4X in reply to StrongTowns 13:58:07, 2014-05-02
- @srbraker @ericmbudd Or just text me and tell me who you are: three oh three eight one five, six eight six six in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:45:59, 2014-05-02
- @srbraker @ericmbudd DM me your phone numbers and I'll text the PW. in reply to srbraker 13:38:12, 2014-05-02
- @srbraker @ericmbudd Went through and had @CommunityCycles follow all my bikey follows. Y'all wanna do the same? 13:24:25, 2014-05-02
- Here is a blog post by someone who cannot do an order of magnitude calculation. Don't be that guy: http://t.co/nclZiN4wcG 11:24:40, 2014-05-02
- @neil21 Ha! It turns out that that indecisive cyclist w/ the self-driving Google car was staged on purpose! http://t.co/GlbPzdohKS 11:10:57, 2014-05-02
- @brenttoderian It might be worth tamping down enthusiasm for self driving cars too see e.g. @RockefellerFdn here: http://t.co/GlbPzdohKS in reply to BrentToderian 11:09:47, 2014-05-02
- The High Price of Materialism… or why I love living cooperatively: https://t.co/CR2amVfVNy #cooplife 11:02:37, 2014-05-02
- RT @wwwtxt: I just want to let you all know that reading posts here and sending info back and forth with people is an important part of my … 10:49:58, 2014-05-02
- Pay the political arm of motordom for a rescue, or invest in some tools? Easy choice… http://t.co/YJxmslP1Tf @BicycleColo @AAAColorado 10:11:15, 2014-05-02
- @rockefellerfdn Hopefully a soon to be obsolete paleofuture. Building great @citiesforpeople is both way cheaper, and way more awesome. in reply to RockefellerFdn 09:57:38, 2014-05-02
- RT @stutzmane: There is really nothing like the anonymous comments section after you write about working mothers. #1950s #madmen #retrograde 08:26:32, 2014-05-02
- RT @dendycrew: You wont believe the top 12 organs millenials are selling to boomers to survive to the next paycheck 01:46:53, 2014-05-02
- No capacity increase can forestall shortages if we're unwilling to contain demand growth. True for water & energy: http://t.co/Jn38aJt8Wz 23:23:50, 2014-05-01
- This is pretty close to my take on bike helmets… but with more separated infrastructure and less "take the lane" http://t.co/7v8SX9aQyt 23:16:14, 2014-05-01
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The assertion that oil spills create economic activity highlights how absurd our metrics of economic success are: http… 23:11:42, 2014-05-01
- @sugarmags3 Personally I'm thinking more a combination of Arabica and Sativa. in reply to sugarmags3 18:22:35, 2014-05-01
- And so it is on days like this that I want to say "F*ck it, I'm riding my bike to Chile" 18:13:15, 2014-05-01
- yo @bouldercolorado this => @AlexSteffen: All emissions targets should be a total budget: e.g. "We will emit < 93 MT CO2 over next 50 yrs." in reply to AlexSteffen 17:37:19, 2014-05-01
- My passion for the policy work is indirect. It's a meta-task that enables the prioritization of the real task: re-building civilization. 17:20:32, 2014-05-01
- My job is to re-write the rules so sustainable energy systems are profitable, but I'd kinda rather just profit from building those systems. 17:16:20, 2014-05-01
- @srbraker @surlybikes Sweeet bike 🙂 The co-ops are doing a tour from Boulder to Steamboat and back Aug 16-24 if you're interested! in reply to srbraker 11:56:28, 2014-05-01
- RT @CommunityCycles: Drop a bike for us off at @ElevationsCU in the month of May, and the credit union will match the donation with cash! h… 00:42:28, 2014-05-01
- RT @BrentToderian: The only real energy solutions are urban densities, mixes & patterns, & personal choices, that use much less energy. htt… 22:48:47, 2014-04-30
- Man, Rob Ford really knows how to throw a party in my feed. And I'm only following like three Canadians! What a glorious train wreck. 22:21:53, 2014-04-30
- RT @AlexSteffen: "If it's not a carbon budget, it's not a real climate target." That should be a thing. 15:57:26, 2014-04-30
- RT @AlexSteffen: All emissions targets should now be stated not as %s, but as total budget: e.g., "We will emit no more than 93 MT CO2 over… 15:57:20, 2014-04-30
- RT @CommunityCycles: We're co-hosting a fun evening of sustainable transportation wonkery June 16th w/ live music, out by @cruiserboutique … 16:22:33, 2014-04-29
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Our June 16th Speakeasy is on sustainable transportation w/ @WillToor in honor of @BoulderWalkBike Month! More info: h… 16:22:29, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd I mean, anything is "doable" 🙂 Definitely some hike-a-bike. in reply to ericmbudd 14:07:12, 2014-04-29
- Anyone else from Boulder need to do a @NOLSedu WFR re-cert this year? https://t.co/yGm6LrsQqn 14:06:24, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd Do you have a mountain bike too? Chapman is totally thrashed from the floods. 4' deep gullies for part of it. Fun adventure. in reply to ericmbudd 14:02:28, 2014-04-29
- Where do people ride bikes in Boulder? Now if only we had this dataset for all kinds of riders! http://t.co/w0AnZN6k87 data from @strava 13:49:28, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd 68J/Two Sisters connects Flagstaff to Magnolia. I guess I'll ride down the canyon if I'm too tired for Sugarloaf. in reply to ericmbudd 13:42:50, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd Oooh, that's cool. I am definitely taking some paths less traveled. Nobody on 68J/Two Sisters. So many people in Boulder Canyon? in reply to ericmbudd 13:39:38, 2014-04-29
- @ericmbudd do you ever go back and look at your favorited tweets? 23:20:34, 2014-04-28
- Going to @edwardburtynsky's @WatermarkFilm at @DairyArts Sunday, 6:30pm. Who wants to come? Tickets/Trailer here: https://t.co/YYUcPFqwCT 23:09:37, 2014-04-28
- Turns out a big house in the 'burbs doesn't actually make people happier @streetfilms chats with @thehappycity https://t.co/D6keOJTjeM 22:50:32, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd Neither hard, nor particularly high impact, given TABOR restrictions on what revenues can go to. in reply to ericmbudd 22:33:39, 2014-04-28
- @BridgetCarle Ha, it was actually a MunichRe paper I was referring to! More on those thoughts on blood vs. treasure: http://t.co/iA4agYkAxE 22:31:38, 2014-04-28
- Thankfully there's no milk in the fridge, or I would be slathering chocolate buttercream frosting on something and eating it. 22:21:33, 2014-04-28
- @neil21 But it's important for the system to be robust against indecisive douches. in reply to neil21 22:20:17, 2014-04-28
- RT @BrentToderian: 'This plan is completely silly – to cycle should mean to be part of the city' – Jan Gehl on #SkyCycle http://t.co/yuLqms… 21:44:27, 2014-04-28
- A few thoughts on the origins of my own low pure time preference and risk aversion: http://t.co/v2lcgU5ecp 21:44:04, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd Sorry, 45 new occupancy cases, 31 closed w/o violation, 2 still open, 12 violations: https://t.co/5uCh3yasUz in reply to ericmbudd 20:29:51, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd If I recall correctly from the council packet, the occupancy limits have been enforced 30 times in the last year in Boulder. in reply to ericmbudd 20:17:07, 2014-04-28
- @ericmbudd You obviously need to spend more time at the co-op 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 20:15:05, 2014-04-28
- Lots of tacit suggestions that we should require or encourage many more city employees to live in the city itself, for all kinds of reasons. 16:29:44, 2014-04-28
- Surprising amount of awareness that our community engagement is strong, but very narrow. The same voices are loud in all of our discussions. 14:31:55, 2014-04-28
- Denver metro has a higher proportion of its economy exposed to river flooding than any other city in the US according to SwissRe. 13:36:59, 2014-04-28
- Proportion of disaster losses absorbed by federal govt increased from 33% to 77% between 1992 and 2008. 13:29:48, 2014-04-28
- Too many facilitator jokes about how we're going to find a new planet and move there. Especially funny amongst the gated community set. 13:27:15, 2014-04-28
- Dude from Palantir highlighting a bunch of the actually awesome things that Big Brother can do. 13:23:18, 2014-04-28
- Wow. Carl Castillo's table thinks aging population is a strength. Since rich old white people are so good at adaptation & political change. 12:28:44, 2014-04-28
- Not sure folks apreciate the spectrum of possible environmental degradation, poverty… Especially given the other cities in this pool. 12:25:45, 2014-04-28
- Hopefully all these perceptions will actually be contrasted with some meaningful quantitative observations. 12:18:24, 2014-04-28
- Lots of discussion about the interconnection between these risk factors. And also, everyone is hypersensitive to the "transient" population. 12:16:21, 2014-04-28
- And chronic stresses. Housing, diversity, land use, income inequality. I have a social services table… http://t.co/HHnJp03I0r 12:10:48, 2014-04-28
- Our table's take on acute stresses http://t.co/dLHcAqLr8G 11:59:04, 2014-04-28
- Unscientific poll of participants, ranking Boulder's chronic stresses. Affordable Housing is #1 short term: http://t.co/bz0bQl7wf1 11:39:02, 2014-04-28
- The first third of these things always send to be for folks who didn't take the time to read the packet… 11:33:01, 2014-04-28
- Boulder definitely an outlier among the cities chosen, very small and very wealthy. 10:17:12, 2014-04-28
- Focus so far from the city is almost entirely on climate, natural disasters, infrastructure. Very little on social/economic resilience. 10:14:25, 2014-04-28
- Also kind of awesome that we are perched five stories above the city's gladiatorial arena. 10:06:38, 2014-04-28
- At the 100 Resilient Cities. Slightly creepy that it's sponsored by a surveillance company, a weapons lab, old carbon money & reinsurance. 09:45:07, 2014-04-28
- @trueanomalies Ugh. Extraterrestrial GIS coordinate systems gives me flashbacks. And not the good kind. in reply to trueanomalies 20:04:00, 2014-04-27
- @ericmbudd Human powered transportation positively correlated w/ transit, negatively correlated w/ driving? in reply to ericmbudd 19:33:07, 2014-04-27
- And if you need a specific list of inefficiencies to be convinced, @ACEEEdc has that covered too: http://t.co/unjSDp21ql 11:35:41, 2014-04-27
- @ericmbudd Yay! Lots of good stuff going on downtown. Now if only we had a few more downtowns. in reply to ericmbudd 11:33:21, 2014-04-27
- High energy efficiency standards can lower required carbon prices by ~75% at negative cost, says Laitner of @ACEEEdc http://t.co/TPHYtazqSp 11:14:38, 2014-04-27
- Pure pricing mechanisms make mitigation expensive, because they do not address underlying market inefficiencies. 11:08:42, 2014-04-27
- 2.) Mitigation is only expensive relative to a fantasy world w/o climate change. In the real world not mitigating is fabulously expensive! 10:15:35, 2014-04-27
- 1.) A tired framing: "Greenhouse gases are ubiquitous in our economy, and their mitigation will be expensive." from http://t.co/t5MMrUR8ff 10:12:43, 2014-04-27
- Almost complies w/ Boulder's height limit… MT @VictorDover: What cycling can be like: Haarlemmerstraat, Amsterdam http://t.co/EZZu0iSuFE in reply to VictorDover 09:41:19, 2014-04-27
- Can deterministic citizens participate meaningfully in governance without admitting they actually live in a stochastic world? 23:53:44, 2014-04-26
- @streetfilms Totally relate to the frustration, but I don't know that it's a desirable type of post. in reply to Streetfilms 22:44:39, 2014-04-26
- Doing the reading for the @RockefellerFdn Resilient Cities workshop in Boulder Monday… http://t.co/Cq6mMOu8Ns 21:09:58, 2014-04-26
- Answer: pumpernickel bagel. http://t.co/6xiZ1483VT 19:48:27, 2014-04-26
- What kind of dumpster bread do I want to put my heirloom tomato BFR BLT with avocados on? #CoopProblems 19:32:09, 2014-04-26
- Glad we're trying to set legal precedents attributing climate costs to big carbon. But they'll be bankrupt soon. http://t.co/RgvA7NOWGF 15:45:22, 2014-04-26
- This paper on how local climate variability affects politics of policy implementation looks interesting. Got a copy? http://t.co/BFtfsHGoFB 15:33:52, 2014-04-26
- RT @wunderground: West Texas #ThunderStorm http://t.co/8wTUnjfWd2 #weather http://t.co/0cSPfAiIsQ 15:28:35, 2014-04-26
- Am I confused, or is the 0% capital gains tax rate for people with little taxable income awesome for big IRA/401k savers? @mrmoneymustache 15:25:33, 2014-04-26
- County Road 68J is open! Wonderful shortcut to Magnolia via the Two Sisters. Totally high on bicycles. I feel superhuman. 15:21:22, 2014-04-26
- @rorowe @barrett_skip @crankymommys Sometimes I want to have kids just so I can justify getting a cargo bike. Borrowing is probably better! in reply to rorowe 15:19:08, 2014-04-26
- Friday co-op pizza party. Six pizzas from scratch. Not quite enough guests. Stomach disturbingly full. 21:54:26, 2014-04-25
- @cruiserboutique Organizing a Sustainable Transportation Speakeasy w/ @ClnEnergyAction & @CommunityCycles at @303Vodka on 6/16. Wanna come? 16:00:34, 2014-04-25
- The irony of our suburban neighborhoods fighting density because of traffic and parking impacts does not seem to be widely appreciated. 10:58:29, 2014-04-25
- @republicwirelss I appreciated that I didn't have to call the voicemail, or wait through instructions. Message was on my phone, easy access. in reply to republicwirelss 09:16:00, 2014-04-25
- @republicwirelss just got my first voicemail since switching to you guys, and I think I might actually start listening to voicemail again… 02:18:47, 2014-04-25
- @sugarmags3 The LD50 for Caffeine is equivalent to about 100 cups of coffee. in reply to sugarmags3 15:00:22, 2014-04-24
- @interfluidity Actually that's false. They'd be 100kg no matter where they are. Mass doesn't change. Weight (the force extorted) does. in reply to interfluidity 13:41:54, 2014-04-24
- RT @EcoWatch: Taking #CleanEnergy Action With #Climate Activist Leslie Glustrom – http://t.co/2OsgtJ8HtU @ClnEnergyAction @CO_BeyondCoal @C… 12:47:39, 2014-04-24
- @MikeSalisbury78 I'm sorry, but not driving is ridiculously easy. It's a social/mental/cultural block. I've done it my whole life. in reply to MikeSalisbury78 08:33:03, 2014-04-24
- EAB guy on reducing residential parking requirements: "What, are you expecting people not to have cars?" Damn straight! Scared him off… 20:28:35, 2014-04-23
- Also, just FYI, the industrial space at Sanitas Brewing is loud, and not appropriate for this kind of workshop. But, good tacos. 18:53:18, 2014-04-23
- Sadly, projections still assuming most GHG reductions must come from fuel economy and vehicle electrification, not a human scale city. 18:45:26, 2014-04-23
- At the joint Planning/Transportation/Environmental Board workshop on the Transportation Master Plan update and climate commitment. 18:45:25, 2014-04-23
- RT @StreetsblogNet: Survey: Millennials willing to relocate for better transportation options http://t.co/Ht437rIV3u via @T4America 12:41:52, 2014-04-23
- RT @bruteforceblog: 90% of Freiburg's transit, (verkehrs AG) budget is recovered through (v. affordable) fares. cc @cmkshama @SeattleCouncil 12:41:30, 2014-04-23
- RT @bruteforceblog: 92% of freiburg's transit riders have a monthly, semester or annual pass. 12:40:58, 2014-04-23
- RT @bruteforceblog: freiburg: since '84, new development has been centered around light rail. 70% of residents within 1000' of transit stop 12:38:56, 2014-04-23
- Inspiring and also frustrating to be in a hearing room full of people who want a county carbon tax last night. Too bad it's illegal in CO! 11:13:48, 2014-04-23
- As I attend an ever increasing roster of meetings, I appreciate more and more how well run our weekly co-op meetings actually are. 22:52:09, 2014-04-22
- And now sadly I need to head off to the BHC board meeting. Civic engagement overload! 16:47:30, 2014-04-22
- Former Masala Co-op maintenance steward Adam Stenftenagel speaking in favor of sustainable buildings, solar PV + electric cars. 16:45:03, 2014-04-22
- Local food advocate Luther Green (of the @tskboulder board) is speaking in favor of fostering local organic agricultural markets & systems. 16:40:43, 2014-04-22
- Seems like a state bill empowering local jurisdictions to tax carbon if they want to wouldn't be too controversial. Would it? @MattJonesCO? 16:34:43, 2014-04-22
- Lots of emails/calls in favor of a carbon tax. County attorney says we can't do it without enabling state legislation. Lamesauce! 16:31:38, 2014-04-22
- Zero waste, transportation, energy efficiency, local food polled best. Voter motivation mostly values based, not monetary. 16:28:31, 2014-04-22
- A 0.15% sales tax polled 60% in favor, only 4% undecided. Property tax much softer, at 53% support. Too bad a county carbon tax is illegal! 16:25:17, 2014-04-22
- Now getting a report on recent polling. 81% of respondents felt energy, climate, waste reduction were good uses of county funds. 16:21:20, 2014-04-22
- Lots of different constituencies. Zero waste, water, climate, energy efficiency, transportation @ecocycle @CommunityCycles @ClnEnergyAction 16:17:45, 2014-04-22
- Packed house at @bouldercounty commissioners hearing on a possible sustainability funding measure to be voted on this fall. 16:14:11, 2014-04-22
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Arch Coal lost $125M last quarter! Just what we like to hear! http://t.co/jJbBQdX0tt 14:56:10, 2014-04-22
- @ericmbudd Sadly, still a better choice than the most popular alternatives… i.e. fancy cars, big screen cable TVs & disposable plastic crap. in reply to ericmbudd 13:25:37, 2014-04-22
- How hard is it to ditch carbon? Last time we abandoned $10 trillion in ill-gotten wealth the death toll was ~600,000: http://t.co/lu2W9onB0F 11:31:38, 2014-04-22
- $100s of billions in sprawl subsidies every year. Oh, how I love the free markets of America: http://t.co/AnyWn7UAJM @SmartGrowthUSA 11:00:58, 2014-04-22
- @bitsweat but virtually all the diversity of molecular solutions are found in single-celled organisms… which are hard to snuff out. 10:20:09, 2014-04-22
- Happy Erf Day! (in honor of Dave Stevenson) https://t.co/feOHh9C48p 09:38:15, 2014-04-22
- @ericmbudd I think it's in their back room which is industrial and huge (and loud unfortunately). Come lurk and play a TMP drinking game 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 15:09:30, 2014-04-21
- @ericmbudd Meetings of public officials are always open to the public in Colorado by law. No public comment, but you can lurk! in reply to ericmbudd 15:06:58, 2014-04-21
- The @BoulderCounty Commissioners need to hear your support for sustainability programs tomorrow, 4/22 at 4pm: http://t.co/2aVKGLgXep 12:33:54, 2014-04-21
- @optimiserenergy Dunno about the "hero" bit. It's more that I'm a little too easily irritated by the xenoforming lobby's many guises. in reply to OptiMiserEnergy 12:02:39, 2014-04-21
- "Am I suggesting that we carefully choose our jobs, schools, and even our city of residence, just to avoid car commuting? Yes I am." 19:05:56, 2014-04-20
- "If these numbers sound ridiculous, it’s because they are. It is ridiculous to commute by car if you realize how expensive it is to drive." 18:56:06, 2014-04-20
- A classic @mrmoneymustache on car commuting: http://t.co/GkkHu33UKW Now also in the form an infographic! http://t.co/ikrxNKk8Mz 18:54:31, 2014-04-20
- RT @BoulderParking: The Cost of your Commute: thought-provoking graphic shows how much your car costs in time & money. @elephantjournal ht… 18:36:20, 2014-04-20
- @ericmbudd …then they fight you, then you win. in reply to ericmbudd 10:02:48, 2014-04-20
- Happy Zombie Ganja Jesus Day! 09:41:25, 2014-04-20
- @ericmbudd if only we could have economic deflation for depletable material resources, and inflation for everything else… in reply to ericmbudd 09:39:13, 2014-04-20
- 5. Interesting that the power of making it awesome is greater than the raw destination density alone (x^2 vs. x) 01:18:51, 2014-04-20
- 4. So if you double density and double the distance people are willing to walk by making it awesome, they have access to 8x as many places. 01:17:24, 2014-04-20
- 2. Increasing density relative to typical US cities increases the number of destinations within a given range linearly. 01:16:20, 2014-04-20
- 3. But people will also walk further in these streets, again increasing the number of destinations within reach quadratically. 01:04:59, 2014-04-20
- 1. People are willing to walk further in streets that are engaging and beautiful. This isn't just an aesthetic consideration. 00:56:26, 2014-04-20
- Visitors are sometimes amazed we have one washing machine for 13 people, but there are 168 hours in a week, and *maybe* 13 loads of laundry. 22:54:56, 2014-04-19
- RT @NobleIdeas: My view: coal is over any way: https://t.co/DKaxb5haM4 RT @ddimick: Judge: Minnesota "no coal" #energy law illegal http://t… 20:01:42, 2014-04-19
- RT @neil21: Bloomberg reports on the US trend of replacing parking lots with buildings http://t.co/WuScNc5Fmw #crazytalk #antiamerican #hip… 19:58:52, 2014-04-19
- I need to plan my bike rides further ahead so I can get other people to come with me… Mmm, Flagstaff. 13:10:05, 2014-04-19
- RT @neil21: "Sprawl didn’t just happen — it is a direct consequence of big government." http://t.co/jt5WdzJBdB 13:07:55, 2014-04-19
- There are lots of better ways to measure "congestion". We should use them in Boulder: http://t.co/5As4aASWkS 12:51:50, 2014-04-19
- Barcelona remains the best city I've spent any time in. Almost like Los Angeles in a walkable parallel universe… http://t.co/UgR698YfWa 12:19:24, 2014-04-19
- Joint Transportation, Planning and Environmental board workshop this Wed. 4/23 looking at sustainability: https://t.co/jJJWzkaKFg Comments? 12:14:21, 2014-04-19
- @mrmoneymustache @kworthington @weberz That last error w/ FireFox 28 on Mac OS X 10.9. Under Chrome it loads fine. in reply to mrmoneymustache 11:50:36, 2014-04-19
- @mrmoneymustache I'm getting: The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression. in reply to mrmoneymustache 11:49:02, 2014-04-19
- RT @FutureCrimes: Criminals use drones and infrared cameras to find illegal cannabis farms– and then steal from fellow growers! amazing htt… 11:41:36, 2014-04-18
- @schmangee Is there some way I can update the Twitter account associated w/ my network blog in your DB? I.e. @ZaneSelvans not @Flatironbike in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:31:39, 2014-04-18
- @streetsblognet Is there some way I can update the Twitter account associated w/ my network blog in your DB? in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:20:31, 2014-04-18
- @streetsblognet the @flatironbike account is mothballed. All my tweets are from @ZaneSelvans now. But thanks for the link 🙂 in reply to StreetsblogNet 10:16:42, 2014-04-18
- @kevinclimate Enjoy the crags! Simple, visceral, low-carbon fun. Like most of the best things in life. in reply to KevinClimate 07:10:43, 2014-04-18
- @mjvos @strongtowns Now if only sales taxes didn't poll better than all other revenue sources… Especially hard in Colorado with TABOR. Ugh. in reply to mjvos 07:08:10, 2014-04-18
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Did you miss the @RabagoEnergy Value of Solar presentation in March? We've got the whole thing posted online! http://t… 18:12:40, 2014-04-17
- Externalized costs, discount rates, & risk tolerance interact in interesting, powerful ways when pricing uncertain, long term outcomes. 13:52:47, 2014-04-17
- Paper on best practices for #managedlanes: include #BRT & HOV to increase efficiency http://t.co/JFa51xrvup from @WillToor @MikeSalisbury78 in reply to MikeSalisbury78 12:45:09, 2014-04-17
- Lots of Martin Acres houses ar 5-6 Bedrooms. We need to do whatever we can to make sure they stay empty! 19:24:18, 2014-04-16
- Mike Marsh of MANA: "A policy that helps one part of the population at the expense of another is not a good policy." Umm, symmetry much? 19:23:37, 2014-04-16
- On occupancy limits in Martin Acres: "There is almost constantly a car in front of my house". Oh, the horror! 19:21:58, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere Oh for sure. This is just the first round of many… We'll see how it goes. in reply to meltzere 18:52:25, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere I heard some folks muttering about it. The e-mail I saw to MANA only went out this afternoon. in reply to meltzere 18:19:18, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere Me too 🙂 I think it was just meant to get some enraged homeowners out for a pitchforks and torches party! in reply to meltzere 18:04:32, 2014-04-16
- @meltzere And also a strange (untrue) rumor on the neighborhood lists that council was going to talk about repealing the occupancy limits… in reply to meltzere 17:42:09, 2014-04-16
- Sadly City Council isn't actually looking at repealing occupancy limits tonight. But who can to pass up an invitation to an angry mob party? 16:53:43, 2014-04-16
- Oh my, what a nice green eco-friendly parking lot you have there: http://t.co/8SvoWQ7Nq0 13:08:43, 2014-04-16
- @neil21 @clmarohn I watched Duany's Lean Urbanism talk at the Michigan Municipal League. Long but really good. Will look up Leinberger… in reply to neil21 16:59:12, 2014-04-15
- @clmarohn @neil21 Do you have any resources on the origins of big project bias? Small is "impossible" now, but once it was ubiquitous. Why? in reply to clmarohn 16:46:39, 2014-04-15
- When would we respect a slave-owning abolitionist? Or a climate campaigner with a huge burn rate? Are these similar or different questions? 16:35:33, 2014-04-15
- @republicwirelss does your ROM reduce power consumption of cell radio when WiFi is strong? My basement office is a battery vampire. 16:16:17, 2014-04-15
- @ericmbudd Always makes for excellent episodes of @TheDailyShow. in reply to ericmbudd 14:55:13, 2014-04-15
- Looking forward to the US highway trust fund running out this summer. VMT or inflation indexed gas tax hike, please! http://t.co/Pstfadmmgl 14:48:02, 2014-04-15
- Representing TAB at @RockefellerFdn #ResilientCities workshop in @bouldercolorado Suggestions? http://t.co/TfW7OH4vcE cc @AlexSteffen 14:44:03, 2014-04-15
- Just waiting for @KevinClimate's response to these characterizations of IPCC report, & the ease of staying under 2°C: http://t.co/9H2tkHaj10 14:16:58, 2014-04-15
- Stuff found at the bottom of my pannier. I think I probably need to empty them out more often… http://t.co/hqZ5Npzjh8 13:24:02, 2014-04-15
- I kinda want to get an electric assist cargo bike, so I can claim the $5K "zero emissions vehicle" federal tax credit next year. Oh, wait. 12:02:04, 2014-04-15
- RT @Naparstek: Good one, Onion: "FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States" http://t.co/0lOlEqUw4a 11:58:12, 2014-04-15
- @ericmbudd it's definitely going ahead. This was just an information item. They got more money. in reply to ericmbudd 09:03:23, 2014-04-15
- In a world fueled with rampant debt, competent people wearing thrift-store clothes are like ostentatious peacocks. http://t.co/GiHZKX2DzB 00:35:44, 2014-04-15
- Switching to @republicwirelss from @Tmobile on @mrmoneymustache's rec. Plus my office is a basement with great WiFi and no cell coverage. 23:04:30, 2014-04-14
- @cfenno3 I tend to live-tweet the TAB meetings. Tonight was was feeling especially ornery for some reason. You're a bad influence 😉 in reply to cfenno3 21:43:55, 2014-04-14
- @rickhackett @36commuting I'm stoked that we seem to have a BRT consensus at this point. I hope it holds together and we do a good job! in reply to RickHackett 20:49:38, 2014-04-14
- @cfenno3 I had no idea you were in the Twitterverse! in reply to cfenno3 20:46:01, 2014-04-14
- Sounds like the @36commuting coalition is coming down in favor of the arterial BRT, especially on the Diagonal Highway, Boulder to Longmont. 20:44:14, 2014-04-14
- @sugarmags3 And hell, maybe I could even enjoyably bike out to meet you at a sweet coffee shop with no parking at 55th. in reply to sugarmags3 20:41:09, 2014-04-14
- Real BRT in the Arapahoe corridor w/ intense, human scale redevelopment would be awesome. Maybe @sugarmags3 would bus into town then! 20:39:19, 2014-04-14
- We are not going to "balance" the needs of E. Arapahoe as a road to other cities, and a place in its own right. That's a stroad. They suck. 20:33:00, 2014-04-14
- Something I'm actually excited about… joint Planning/TAB work on reimagining the East Arapahoe corridor. Land Use + Transportation = Win! 20:16:26, 2014-04-14
- @cbruntlett @spinlister @bikesharing @neil21 The folks on @WarmShowers are wonderful for getting ahold of a bike in a foreign city! in reply to cbruntlett 19:48:32, 2014-04-14
- Our whole toolkit is band-aids. The real problems are strip malls big fast roads in the center of town. Underpasses don't fix them. 19:46:02, 2014-04-14
- If we spent the $5.4M on changing the character of Baseline instead — slowing traffic, narrowing it, making it awesome — what could we get? 19:34:24, 2014-04-14
- Looking at various options for the $5.4M underpass that will cross Baseline between CU and the Basemar shopping center. 19:21:03, 2014-04-14
- The danger of listening to the public when they are asking for something that they can't have. Like building your way out of congestion. 19:14:06, 2014-04-14
- So diving headfirst into expanding paid and managed parking districts is worth ~$8M. 19:08:04, 2014-04-14
- Especially since (with a well designed city) a huge proportion of the local trips can be done under human power. 18:42:12, 2014-04-14
- Regional transit/BRT investments are better for VMT, GHG, housing+transportation cost reductions, jobs access. Sounds like the winner to me. 18:41:26, 2014-04-14
- We used to highlight reduced per-rider service costs w/ county-wide EcoPass, but @RideRTD said "What, you want even cheaper service!?!" 18:39:26, 2014-04-14
- .@NelsonNygaard modeling suggests paid parking districts would increase transit use by 1/6 as much as $50M service investment. Politics vs $ 18:32:20, 2014-04-14
- Depends what end you look from. 20x the biking rate as US overall? But vast majority of folks drive for most trips. Pretty similar to US. 18:29:14, 2014-04-14
- Oh the cognitive dissonance: "Boulder travels differently!" but also most people are "interested but concerned" and unwilling to bike. 18:25:51, 2014-04-14
- Public and policymakers walk so little in town that we have to take them out on Walk Audits and show them what works, and what doesn't. 18:22:14, 2014-04-14
- @bruteforceblog Boulder's Transportation Advisory Board (which I'm on, and tend to live-tweet 🙂 in reply to bruteforceblog 18:19:33, 2014-04-14
- Largest demographic in online public outreach is 15-35 year olds… on which staff comments "We don't usually see much of them." 18:16:19, 2014-04-14
- Getting a preview of city council's update on the transportation master plan for the end of the month. 18:15:02, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd A concrete plan to actually re-develop the dead mall would be a good place I think. in reply to ericmbudd 18:08:14, 2014-04-14
- Follow along with our action packed agenda here… https://t.co/r1a8I17C7A 18:04:34, 2014-04-14
- And in case you couldn't tell, it's TABsday. 18:02:52, 2014-04-14
- Who thinks a pedestrian plaza at the intersection of 2 8-lane roads, backed by an asphalt ocean will be great? #WTF http://t.co/KWhOWXh7If 17:32:46, 2014-04-14
- Bike paths and sidewalks by dead malls are band-aids. Complete streets to nowhere. Or more likely, complete stroads. cc @StrongTowns 17:26:53, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss @rwhelp Sad to say this does not bode well for future use of the site… don't make me go see if @tingftw works any better! in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:47:30, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss @rwhelp Updated Flash… quit browser, restarted, disabled all my add-ons, cleared today's cache & history… still no dice! in reply to republicwirelss 16:45:23, 2014-04-14
- What the youth are saying these days about our planning practices… @ericmbudd: ZOMG BUT THE HEIGHT LIMIT in reply to ericmbudd 16:05:10, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss @rwhelp Also of note, content below the line often fails to update on "continue" it stays "accessories" or "plan selection" in reply to republicwirelss 15:49:46, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss Cleared all republic wireless cookies, still a #fail. Exact same behavior on Safari. Augh. in reply to republicwirelss 14:41:58, 2014-04-14
- RT @neil21: When you believe in things you don't understand, then you suffer. 14:35:55, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss happens in both Firefox and Chrome, regardless of whether adblock is turned on or off… 14:15:31, 2014-04-14
- @republicwirelss trying to buy a phone from you guys, but on the checkout page there are no fields to fill out below, just blank whiteness 14:14:33, 2014-04-14
- @neil21 I keep wanting to RT you, but you've gone private since I started following… in reply to neil21 13:14:42, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd I know, I totally HATE the Boulderado Hotel. It's just too fucking tall! in reply to ericmbudd 12:51:05, 2014-04-14
- Gorgeous depictions of a car-free Boulder: http://t.co/4vLReAYAY4 This one looks especially walkable… http://t.co/urLUNcLGSn 12:33:43, 2014-04-14
- Anybody interested in getting up to speed on Boulder/Denver public transit advocacy? Check this workshop series out: http://t.co/F2Cvoqleuq 12:28:42, 2014-04-14
- RT @sugarmags3: My latest PUC update on a very dry issue. DSM! http://t.co/qJO3pqGWiw 11:57:54, 2014-04-14
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The US may revise its coal reserves down by 90%. Sound crazy? Turns out countries do it all the time! Our new post: ht… 11:57:29, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd Also, you know I am more than 1/2 of the CEA twitter account, right? in reply to ericmbudd 11:57:12, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd Still don't have a good explanation for the late 1960s to 1974 crashes in global stated coal reserves. in reply to ericmbudd 11:56:43, 2014-04-14
- @ericmbudd @lowtwait I notice a distinct lack of cars in virtually all idealized depictions of Our Fair City. Funny, that. And nice. in reply to ericmbudd 11:44:39, 2014-04-14
- The more I talk to climate scientists about climate policy, the more they seem like an oppressed minority, fearful of political retribution. 11:07:02, 2014-04-14
- The same low discount rate & risk tolerance that compels me to work on climate makes me feel insecure b/c I can't save >50% of my NGO pay. 10:40:06, 2014-04-14
- I am that guy at the co-op who gets the munchies at 2am and then tries in vain to put dishes away quietly while waiting for the toast. 02:11:01, 2014-04-14
- @purpleclarence @streetfilms …and then hopefully drive it around devouring other cars. in reply to PurpleClarence 01:10:49, 2014-04-14
- Perfect snowy day to snuggle, while working on taxes, co-op food budget to actual & rent revisions. Sadly, I'm currently short on snugglers. 01:08:19, 2014-04-14
- @mrmoneymustache Is there some issue w/ your site? I keep getting "server cannot be found" on sub-pages, though the main URL loads. 11:13:20, 2014-04-13
- Navy turns seawater into liquid hydrocarbon fuels! With nuclear power you can turn lead into gold too. Energy idiots! http://t.co/CCgvTEa4y6 17:13:51, 2014-04-12
- It seems like every year I have this manic re-discovery of the joy of biking uphill. The pleasures of forgetfulness. 16:08:29, 2014-04-12
- Working in space taught me how profound a wilderness it is. Far vaster & less hospitable than the Pacific or Sahara. We're on our own here. 01:56:26, 2014-04-12
- I think my low risk tolerance comes from human powered wilderness travel. Months without people, in places that do not care about my needs. 01:49:34, 2014-04-12
- I think my low discount rate comes from Carl Sagan, and from studying astronomy and geology. My reference timescales are long. 01:47:24, 2014-04-12
- The prices of so many important things are powerfully determined by discount rates and risk tolerance. Why are both of mine so low? 01:45:52, 2014-04-12
- Which isn't to say our land use patterns are good! We should be trying to induce 200% or 300% increases in demand, not 20% or 30%! 14:12:09, 2014-04-11
- I.e. @RideRTD is useless in the county, relative to the city. Which isn't too surprising, given our land-use patterns & service investments. 14:10:49, 2014-04-11
- What's amazing to me about those @RideRTD boarding numbers is that 93% of all @BoulderCounty boardings happen within @bouldercolorado. 14:08:50, 2014-04-11
- @ridertd @bouldercounty @bouldercolorado What I'm wowed by here is the proportion of county-wide use that's within the city of Boulder. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:03:29, 2014-04-11
- @ramez Putting both offensive and defensive responsibilities within the same organization ensures at least one mission will fail. in reply to ramez 14:00:56, 2014-04-11
- And the whole system provides better service at about a 15% reduction in cost per boarding overall if I recall correctly. 12:41:34, 2014-04-11
- Induced transit demand here isn't bad. It's the whole point if the program! 12:37:56, 2014-04-11
- Base cost estimate is just all the revenues RTD gets from route fares today, plus an estimate of the cost to meet induced demand. 12:25:35, 2014-04-11
- Induced demand expected to be much greater in the county, because many fewer Eco Passes available out there than in the city. 12:22:51, 2014-04-11
- Today we have 8.45 million yearly @RideRTD boardings in @bouldercounty, of which 7.85 million are in the city of @bouldercolorado. Wow. 12:20:48, 2014-04-11
- Heading to the @PLANBoulder Friday forum to hear about progress toward a community-wide @RideRTD pass from @BoCoDOT and @bouldergobldr 11:57:08, 2014-04-11
- @1password Suspect it would require some kind of API on all the sites that doesn't exist yet… but it sure would be a nice feature. in reply to 1Password 11:38:14, 2014-04-11
- It would be really great if within @1password there were a way to change all my passwords automatically. Or do it monthly, even. 11:23:56, 2014-04-11
- Sad it's necessary, but glad we're starting to refer to them as the Oligarchs they are. Plutocratic insurgency FTW! http://t.co/aoF2ExwLhG 11:22:27, 2014-04-11
- Do you distrust your own narrative because it sounds right? You may be suffering from meta confirmation bias. Ask your statistician. 17:54:11, 2014-04-10
- The world walking away from coal and over to oil? Losing political motivation to inflate domestic reserve estimates? #SoConfused 16:06:10, 2014-04-10
- The coal reserve crash starts before the oil embargoes. Before the North Sea oil and gas bonanza. In Germany, Poland, India, S. Africa, UK… 16:00:33, 2014-04-10
- Anybody know why the world's stated coal reserves crashed dramatically in the 1960s and early 1970s? The danger of finding too much data. 15:48:17, 2014-04-10
- Incredibly frustrating FIT propaganda from the big solar leasing companies: http://t.co/FX9rnwbkyD Yay for the new incumbent douchebags! 15:05:23, 2014-04-10
- RT @BrentToderian: Traffic models don't "prove" anything. They produce no absolute truths. They are the product of assumptions, many of whi… 23:30:13, 2014-04-09
- One kWh/day is the power you could get from a human servant. The number of kWh you use each day is the number of energy servants you employ. 16:57:09, 2014-04-09
- @cjhood71 hey, I sent you an e-mail about BC carbon tax impacts… but you were out of the office. Do you have a minute to chat at some point? 14:42:51, 2014-04-09
- RT @grescoe: Remind me again.
What's the argument for allowing public space in cities to be monopolized by private automobiles? http://t.co… 11:57:39, 2014-04-09 - Is "climate stoicism" a thing? If not, I think it should be. http://t.co/hpSLOuPzFH 23:39:45, 2014-04-08
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The first episode of the @YEARSofLIVING Dangerously is out. So far it looks like great climate change storytelling: ht… 22:26:40, 2014-04-08
- Anybody happen to have these two carbon pricing articles laying around? http://t.co/TPHYtazqSp http://t.co/fQQQQGAImd 21:02:38, 2014-04-08
- @caseyishere well good, 'cause I do! in reply to caseyishere 07:54:46, 2014-04-08
- Am I allowed to think this is awesome? A month-long meditative piece of menstrual performance art: http://t.co/ztgc5DtEkQ 23:17:34, 2014-04-07
- August eclipse bike trip to Wyoming in 2017? http://t.co/tIp0G520Pt 21:53:01, 2014-04-07
- RT @went1955: Now that’s what I call transformation: The presidents of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile today and in the 70's — @fp2p — http://… 17:12:42, 2014-04-07
- @ericmbudd Again, whether it's "economic" depends utterly on your discount rate. in reply to ericmbudd 13:00:22, 2014-04-07
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The @WorldBank under Jim Yong Kim also pledged to stop financing coal power last year: http://t.co/9GYboX6faX Let's ho… 12:31:29, 2014-04-07
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: President of the @worldbank "Where is the plan that's equal to the challenge of climate change?!" We don't got one: ht… 12:31:23, 2014-04-07
- Total lunar eclipse next Monday night. Hope the weather is good enough to sleep out on my deck… https://t.co/mqiau0oYKe 01:46:42, 2014-04-07
- @ericmbudd Most. Flat. Tires. Evaaar. What happens when you camp in a cactus garden and are chased off by the locals after midnight. in reply to ericmbudd 01:38:29, 2014-04-07
- @ericmbudd yep. 6-7pm at Alfalfa's. in reply to ericmbudd 00:12:42, 2014-04-07
- RT @ClimateNow: http://t.co/MuwDAHGKqd 14:49:40, 2014-04-06
- RT @compoundchem: The complete set of food chemistry graphics (so far) are now up on the site downloads page: http://t.co/zHVI2u5UVJ http:/… 14:49:33, 2014-04-06
- RT @errolmorris: Presumably, journalism isn't about what you want to hear? (Possibly, closer to the opposite.) 14:39:17, 2014-04-06
- Eating a burrito in Greeley at 2am while riding back to Boulder from the Pawnee National Grasslands is way more enjoyable than buying gas. 14:36:42, 2014-04-06
- Seriously excited that the outdoor deck sleeping, moonlight night time bike riding season is pretty much upon us. 14:34:28, 2014-04-06
- RT @BicycleDutch: And where motor traffic streets don't continue, the cycle paths do. Rosmalen NL. 2/2 http://t.co/a79XX6gCCg 13:32:44, 2014-04-06
- RT @BicycleDutch: Modern Dutch street design. Cycle path central. Motor traffic on either side in 30km/h zone. 1/2 http://t.co/3AYWlgzRya 13:32:40, 2014-04-06
- I completely disassembled, cleaned, serviced & rebuilt my car this weekend for less than $200. Now it's running great! #ReplaceBikeWithCar 13:29:45, 2014-04-06
- Plot idea: unless you stop burning stuff, you & your descendants are exiled to an alien world. Habitability, as of yet, unknown. 12:07:45, 2014-04-06
- People have very different discount rates and risk aversions in different contexts. The story you embed them in matters. 12:01:46, 2014-04-06
- I don't want a whole house or even 1/3 of a house. I want 1/10 of a house. Sustainability and frugality are almost the same. What is enough? 00:40:43, 2014-04-06
- Allowing people to share housing creates affordability not by increasing supply, but by making it possible for people to buy less housing. 00:37:07, 2014-04-06
- RT @GreatDismal: To not have confirmation bias would be like not having an asshole. To not know you have either would be highly problematic. 16:30:33, 2014-04-05
- RT @ShapeThePlace: Continually baffled by some #architects inability to understand simple concept of active ground floors #Urbanism http://… 16:18:50, 2014-04-05
- RT @TheOnion: Landmark Supreme Court Decision Lets Americans Cram Cash Directly Into Politicians' Mouths http://t.co/VEeWqXiq4H http://t.co… 15:39:23, 2014-04-04
- A good look at the cost of LA Metro's free parking, in relation to potential fare increases. What about @RideRTD? http://t.co/mlk1DfquJX 00:59:47, 2014-04-04
- Data from @SFMTA_SFPark shows obvious impacts of pricing parking. And of not pricing it after 6pm: http://t.co/YaT9fng5St 00:49:12, 2014-04-04
- The hard, round carbide teeth
of an underworld-dwelling xenoforming beast: http://t.co/j1jWGBDvBL 00:37:26, 2014-04-04 - @sumnums mostly I imagine very different cities. in reply to sumnums 00:17:43, 2014-04-04
- @sumnums One thing I loved about "Her" was the unobtrusive, unstated, depiction of an entirely pedestrian and mass transit Los Angeles. in reply to sumnums 23:54:41, 2014-04-03
- Some aspects of the surveillance done in Stand Alone Complex seem quaint post-Snowden. Others are not yet quite practical, like eye-hacking. 23:26:06, 2014-04-03
- Wow, strong words on the utility business from @NREL chief Dan Arvizu in an interview with Australian @renew_economy: http://t.co/Ywckwtcu6C 22:24:08, 2014-04-03
- RT @sugarmags3: Sometimes I think I'd prefer if they were all heavily redacted. http://t.co/XoEzt6ER18 22:04:25, 2014-04-03
- RT @politico: Supreme Court strikes down aggregate campaign giving limits
http://t.co/GJiXdAE80h http://t.co/ACjaeSr4qQ 22:04:05, 2014-04-03 - RT @sugarmags3: Really interesting reading in this week's hot docket at the COPUC. #mysterioustestimony http://t.co/eTc1MwcSK2 22:03:37, 2014-04-03
- RT @UN_ClimateTalks: Highly relevant for @IPIECA, @ExxonMobil
Pic via @CorinnaJungjoha http://t.co/0AARnuSKUu 21:59:07, 2014-04-03 - RT @sumnums: Twitter is an awesome technology for oversimplifying complex issues. 21:55:16, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Finally last year the coal industry started to come around. They got nowhere to go but down: http://t.co/b5Z8PCB1MQ #L… 14:46:42, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The Congressional Research Service tried to point all this out to congress in 2010. But hey, we've got 200 years of co… 14:46:35, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Unfortunately the @IEA was still quoting @EIAgov coal "reserves" in 2011, despite their questionable economics: http:/… 14:46:29, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: More detailed 2008 @USGS analysis of the Gillette coal field in WY found just 6% of the reserves were economic: http:/… 14:46:24, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: In 2002 @USGS evaluated national coal resources, and found only about 10% of the @EIAgov "reserves" were economic: htt… 14:46:20, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: And in 2001 the SEC demanded coal companies stop reporting inflated reserve numbers on their financial statements: htt… 14:46:14, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The @EIAgov in 1997: "We don't look at the economics of the coal reserves we report" http://t.co/b5Z8PCB1MQ http://t.c… 14:46:08, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: A massive downward revision in US coal reserves has been a long time coming. Our look at the indications: http://t.co/… 14:46:02, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The @EIAgov said 266Gt of not economically unattractive coal, but the @USGS said 28Gt. Pretty different numbers. http:… 14:45:57, 2014-04-03
- It's silly how good I feel for salvaging a gallon of fermenting milk by turning it into cheese. Like magic! 10:23:58, 2014-04-03
- @ericmbudd I do like their transparent pricing, transparent handset subsidy fees, discount for unlocked phones, no contract BS, etc. in reply to ericmbudd 15:15:57, 2014-04-02
- I've had both libertarians and socialists tell me I should run for office. I must be doing something wrong. Or right? #SoConfused 10:51:32, 2014-04-02
- @mikesalisbury78 I love @VaclavSmil. Inspired by rants like https://t.co/lr1Iac8NC3 I'm teaching this class monthly: http://t.co/fPh0Wz0dzU in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:08:36, 2014-04-02
- @mikesalisbury78 It's a small subset of this post on carbon taxes, in the context of Colorado: http://t.co/cEI4JMEPeN in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:06:10, 2014-04-02
- @MikeSalisbury78 Did Will forward you my rant about the BC carbon tax vs land-use/transportation being responsible for gasoline use decline? 23:16:25, 2014-04-01
- Live in Boulder's UniHill area? Fill out this 5 minute survey so we can understand neighborhood issues & priorities: https://t.co/14m5IyA0a3 22:21:08, 2014-04-01
- RT @meltzere: People dressed in purple raise their hands. Speakers on occupancy limit issue are maybe a third of the crowd at #Boulder coun… 18:42:12, 2014-04-01
- RT @meltzere: Many speakers want #Boulder to reconsider occupancy limit that prevents more than three unrelated people from living together. 18:41:55, 2014-04-01
- RT @meltzere: Also a lot of people here to talk about affordable housing in #Boulder. Council will get an update on the housing strategy la… 18:41:48, 2014-04-01
- #MakeBoulderHome is dominating open comments. Young, old, students, professionals. For affordability, sustainability, equity. So awesome. 18:39:56, 2014-04-01
- Every seat at City Council is taken. Many folks for dogs on open space… But there's a ton of purple wearing shared housing advocates too. 18:09:19, 2014-04-01
- RT @ClimateWest: Map shows location of federal #coal leases in #Colorado, as well as exploration areas, http://t.co/XbDjxwYx4k 14:22:15, 2014-04-01
- .@VaclavSmil on limits. Boulder's laws against shared housing outlaw those of us who want to use less and live more: https://t.co/mcWhVu2qKN 13:51:07, 2014-04-01
- @ericmbudd Have I sent you this beautiful @VaclavSmil rant on CCS? https://t.co/lr1Iac8NC3 Sometimes I have to watch it to feel sane. in reply to ericmbudd 13:34:39, 2014-04-01
- If you buy out one link in the value chain, bankrupting the rest, who eats their sunk costs? 13:26:11, 2014-04-01
- How much are all the coal mineral rights in the US worth? All the mining companies? Railroads? Power plants? Atmospheric dumping rights? 13:24:57, 2014-04-01
- But power plants are just one piece of the coal value chain. Are others cheaper/easier to purchase, and just as disruptive to combustion? 13:23:33, 2014-04-01
- Managing the retirement process gracefully, rather than allowing it to collapse in potentially costly chaos. 13:21:52, 2014-04-01
- Thinking about how you get coal plants retired early — i.e. who eats the sunk costs. Rate-payers? Tax-payers? Investors? 13:21:04, 2014-04-01
- @j4cob @httpseverywhere Yeah, I don't know what changed, but it seems to be working again now. in reply to j4cob 13:09:17, 2014-04-01
- If @BLMNational used @OMBPress social cost of carbon, they wouldn't be able to lease any coal. To the public, it's worth more in the ground. 00:58:54, 2014-04-01
- @kurtklein Yeah, you can just imagine the look on his face as he's saying that. "What was I thinking?" it says. in reply to kurtklein 00:23:31, 2014-04-01
- Is this Government v. Corporate espionage? Part of me thinks it would be great to have more of that. Or does it? http://t.co/pxS8hUbLUv 00:01:02, 2014-04-01
- An interesting framing of some of Boulder's current political issues from the @boulderweekly http://t.co/2BnZKQ0sLL 23:51:37, 2014-03-31
- @sumnums But it feels like crap to be That Guy. in reply to sumnums 23:45:54, 2014-03-31
- RT @sumnums: Fear of exclusion from a group is why most people lack the ability to be objective. 23:43:54, 2014-03-31
- @neil21 Much more from me on this here: http://t.co/8Ipf3QhrzD (including a section just about BC's tax, if you search/scroll). 21:34:51, 2014-03-31
- @neil21 I ask b/c posts like this: http://t.co/WP5FcVp02Y don't even mention land-use/transportation policy impacts, and it infuriates me. 21:33:30, 2014-03-31
- @neil21 Which do you think is responsible for decreased CO2 emissions/gasoline use in BC? Carbon tax, or land-use/transportation policies? 21:32:17, 2014-03-31
- We should just buy out the entire US coal industry and shut it down for good. $50B would be a small price to pay… http://t.co/Qegj3ztnHZ 21:26:50, 2014-03-31
- Am I really the only climate wonk that finds a causal link between BC's carbon tax and emissions (gasoline use) reduction tenuous at best? 20:48:10, 2014-03-31
- Less Car, More Go… a crowd-funded & sourced documentary about cargo bikes, & the range of human powered possibility! https://t.co/oJpK9OO7Mh 19:08:42, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Many more thoughts on the power of carbon prices vs. climate policies here: http://t.co/SOAii2QqL1 @climatedesk @mothe… 13:21:10, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Seems more likely that good Vancouver land-use/transpo policy reduced driving than the carbon tax @chriscmooney @clima… 13:19:45, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Also, BC carbon tax is small compared to other liquid fuel taxes already in place @chriscmooney @climatedesk @motherjo… 13:19:39, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Also, half of BC lives in Metro Vancouver, w/ strong land-use/transpo policies to reduce driving @chriscmooney @climat… 13:19:29, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Reasons we're skeptical: BC was already a very low carbon economy: 86% hydro, 14% gas electricity. @chriscmooney @clim… 13:19:18, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Has British Columbia's carbon tax been a success? http://t.co/sAWv3PHNUT @chriscmooney @ClimateDesk @MotherJones 13:19:13, 2014-03-31
- Suspect based on my experience that @SpiderOak can offer unlimited storage because the service is computationally limited on the client side 12:17:42, 2014-03-31
- The power of subsidies: more photosynthesis in Iowa than the Amazon. To cheap meat, lousy biofuels, & HFCS! http://t.co/DWnqho4lgz @NASA_EO 11:17:07, 2014-03-31
- @drfunkyspoon Here's to cheap meat, lousy biofuels, and high fructose corn syrup! A testament to the power of ill advised subsides. 10:25:23, 2014-03-31
- @ericmbudd It's a comedy. Seriously. Biggest anti-trust suit ever at the time. Broken by a delusional, manic whistleblower. in reply to ericmbudd 16:12:06, 2014-03-30
- @sugarmags3 Went for bike ride. Ate big brunch. Took nap. Taxes did not end up done. What am I doing wrong? in reply to sugarmags3 14:53:03, 2014-03-30
- @ericmbudd Why not just phase them out over 5-10 years? Also, have you seen "The Informant"? About ADM price fixing scandal… in reply to ericmbudd 13:34:42, 2014-03-30
- @ericmbudd Ohgawdno, I was just talking shit. We should kill all the big 5 (soy, corn, cotton, rice, wheat) subsidies dead. in reply to ericmbudd 14:34:01, 2014-03-29
- @ericmbudd What if we just tax it as much as required to subsidize the corn in the first place and see what happens… Also, ethanol. in reply to ericmbudd 14:19:37, 2014-03-29
- The next wave of CIA black sites will totally interrogate people with fMRI. Gonna yank da intel right out yo head. http://t.co/jcQ8HQeJnJ 23:45:34, 2014-03-28
- Breathtakingly beautiful earthlings that we will dissolve as we xenoform our homeworld, likely in your lifetime: https://t.co/cXMGNxZw0I 18:30:46, 2014-03-28
- @ericmbudd Whodathunkit? in reply to ericmbudd 08:55:28, 2014-03-28
- RT @23rdstudios: ALERT Denver trying 2 shut down @Airbnb plz sign and RT! https://t.co/7LeutCzGys @PivotDesk @Boulder_Bcycle @ZaneSelvans #… 08:52:15, 2014-03-28
- @interfluidity Probably a good instinct.
Until the hyenas come. in reply to interfluidity 08:48:29, 2014-03-28
- A tale of transition from suburban arterial to urban mid-rise, mixed-use avenue in Toronto: http://t.co/ygcLHpQHA2 08:09:41, 2014-03-28
- Amazing to see what is sold as Ecstasy/Molly. Less than half of all pills contain any MDMA at all: http://t.co/cO84taQjgH 23:22:52, 2014-03-27
- We should do more of the kind of drug testing enabled by @DanceSafe. Please consider supporting them on @indiegogo http://t.co/wMOXZjqaQB 23:07:49, 2014-03-27
- 1st @ClnEnergyAction Sustainability by the Numb3rs was awesome! 24 people enjoyed the calculations! Next one is 4/24 5:30pm @BoulderFuse 20:21:57, 2014-03-27
- @cruiserboutique sweeeet 🙂 I'll see if I can make it out there tomorrow. in reply to cruiserboutique 20:03:31, 2014-03-27
- @cruiserboutique do you happen to have a Mundo Lux out there that's test-rideable? 17:07:45, 2014-03-27
- Help make sharing sustainable, affordable, community housing legal in Boulder: http://t.co/49NLwgrL1Z Please RT! @shareable @peers 08:39:47, 2014-03-27
- @sugarmags3 A tiny freight hopping hobo in the making? in reply to sugarmags3 01:11:35, 2014-03-27
- There are a lot of problems that we can build our way out of as cities in America. (@VictorDover) 18:50:09, 2014-03-26
- Interesting that @VictorDover chose an example of good Boulder #StreetDesign on Mapleton Hill that would be illegal to build today. 18:30:57, 2014-03-26
- @ericmbudd I've seen interesting discussion about energy ROI… that eventually it's a conversion (coal/nukes/gas to liquids) not extraction. in reply to ericmbudd 10:34:05, 2014-03-26
- @mrc_slc Yeah, by a pretty fair margin. in reply to MRC_SLC 01:13:06, 2014-03-26
- Doing my first performance calculation tonight! Which emits more CO2: shipping lettuce from CA to CO, or driving to the store to buy it? 20:25:59, 2014-03-25
- Care about affordable, sustainable, community oriented housing in Boulder? Come to City Council next Tues April 1st! https://t.co/wwYGi8tv1E 19:23:45, 2014-03-25
- Sit/stand desk. Chair. Monitor. Etc. Going for a quick ride. http://t.co/LudEIBNIMS 13:28:38, 2014-03-25
- Moving my home workstation in to the new @ClnEnergyAction offices beneath @NewEraColorado in @downtownboulder. By bike of course. 🙂 13:26:49, 2014-03-25
- @ericmbudd @yubabicycles Oh, I'd use it every day. It would become my around-town bike… worry is how often would my *other* bikes get used. in reply to ericmbudd 11:49:16, 2014-03-25
- @ericmbudd I'm trying to convince myself I can (or is it that I can't?) afford a new @YubaBicycles Mundo Lux. http://t.co/S5DvsX8xYm in reply to ericmbudd 11:04:11, 2014-03-25
- UNFCC Secretary @CFigueres thinks we'll have a comprehensive climate treaty in 2015. Boy I hope she's right: http://t.co/nA42CFKIbk 18:58:57, 2014-03-24
- @support Getting OSCP error on https t.co "because the authenticity of the rec'd data couldn't be verified" w/ @firefox 28 @HTTPSEverywhere 18:56:55, 2014-03-24
- @HTTPSEverywhere I'm getting OSCP errors w/ https t.co "because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified." on @firefox 28 18:48:55, 2014-03-24
- @twitter I'm getting an OSCP error on https t.co links "because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified." using FF 28 18:44:03, 2014-03-24
- @ericmbudd @miamiurbanist Because Miami is doomed to drown? http://t.co/VqNVtCVdns in reply to ericmbudd 11:26:47, 2014-03-24
- I like camping when it's below freezing at night, so I should be able to sleep out on my deck in March. Right? Mmm, down comforters. 23:13:03, 2014-03-23
- @sugarmags3 So far the dumpster seems pretty sweet… just like back home in Pasadena! in reply to sugarmags3 22:06:13, 2014-03-23
- The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has some great resources on how small housing is green housing: http://t.co/buFK9PBlNY 21:30:34, 2014-03-23
- @alexsteffen You could always use TOR… then you could live in a different random locational filter bubble every time you use the internet… in reply to AlexSteffen 20:22:42, 2014-03-23
- Granny flats, studios, carriage houses… whatever the name, they help families, young & old! Legalize them in Boulder! http://t.co/zpL3I50XWd 15:10:56, 2014-03-23
- @sumnums Mmmm, succulent interest deductions. in reply to sumnums 08:02:46, 2014-03-23