- At one point they go to some traditional Mongolian games, out in the steppes, and watch wrestling, filmed by a tablet controlled quadcopter. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:58:25, 2017-09-02
- A 40 minute film about 6 weeks bikepacking through the steppes of Mongolia. https://t.co/XS9eeqsqwh 23:54:10, 2017-09-02
- Ooooooh, beautiful Rohloff dirt-road touring bike from Tumbleweed. Why, thinglust, why?! https://t.co/XmMmLqXsGL 14:58:46, 2017-09-02
- RT @climate_ice: Copenhagen 850 years old and it lies within fewer meters of sea level than we should expect sea level to rise in the next… 13:12:52, 2017-09-02
- Or, you know, more than $5 works too if that feels right… https://t.co/ncOgze4LfO 08:39:47, 2017-09-02
- RT @GoddardTara: Students showing up late, falling asleep in class, not focused, skipping assignments? Housing/food insecurity isn't conduc… 00:04:22, 2017-09-02
- RT @MattOswaltVA: "You have a choice Houston, starve to death…or eat vegan."
"I'll s… 23:10:04, 2017-09-01 - RT @cmclymer: $1 – white guy
$5 – white guy
$10 – white guy
$50 – white guy
$100 – white guy"Let's do Harriet Tubman on $20."
"STOP ERAS… 21:52:35, 2017-09-01
- Some day we will stop rebuilding our coastal cities. I’m sure it isn't now, but folks alive today will live to see… https://t.co/3z9UwrGAiF 09:57:22, 2017-09-01
- @RichardValenty @PLANBoulder @edbyrneboulder @jillgrano @Sam4Council Just curious, did you do this in real time, or… https://t.co/bpuIHEqw9p in reply to RichardValenty 09:50:11, 2017-09-01
- Nicely done thread of questions & responses from Aug. 30 @PLANBoulder #BoulderCouncil candidate forum! https://t.co/OWX8KkpFH8 09:49:30, 2017-09-01
- @BoulderChamber A whopping 42 pages of council candidate info! @CommunityCycles @ULIColorado @ZayoGroup @ABetterBoulder in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:12:54, 2017-08-31
- Direct link to the archived FB live video here: https://t.co/b8azxDs7PN https://t.co/u5y7WPEgh3 18:07:04, 2017-08-31
- @markgelband @BoulderChamber They say that the video will be uploaded to YouTube within the next few days. in reply to markgelband 18:00:35, 2017-08-31
- The @BoulderChamber has posted all #BoulderCouncil candidate questionnaire responses on their website here: https://t.co/x7nmqu3fJQ 18:00:06, 2017-08-31
- If you couldn’t make it to the @BoulderChamber candidate forum last night, they have the video posted on FB here: https://t.co/hCd1Tx8LSw 17:57:47, 2017-08-31
- @JesseJenkins Hey Jesse, where’s your “zero marginal cost electricity markets” thing? I can’t find it, & @ericmbudd needs to read it… 🙂 07:59:55, 2017-08-31
- @MarkyV The dream of the 90s is alive in… oh wait, no. in reply to MarkyV 23:16:13, 2017-08-30
- RT @hanlonbt: Confession time: As Policy Director for the @SFyimby Party, I just ripped-off the @SierraClub's late '90s plan to mitigate cl… 22:47:57, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/lmux6iWoaz in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:10:35, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/2Tkowxc0X4 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:09:20, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/42d9fr9qMe in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:08:05, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/MqL3Q2a0Hs in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:00:30, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/UxdDBWM7vV in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:59:46, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/LTr6YyCxQe in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:58:20, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/dwsdFgexIe in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:56:16, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/mHBLHrqchC in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:53:38, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/NTzeuAL3Y8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:52:29, 2017-08-30
- @markgelband @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Don't worry. in reply to markgelband 18:47:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/RfRaed4GBM in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:46:12, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/bL3QmDSU29 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:41:39, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/1oSmsQs3sI in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:39:34, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/LAXjaVA3V1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:38:05, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@jillgrano leading off with he… https://t.co/kL1PdL5eXl in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:37:01, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Now on to the second batch of 7 candidates in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:35:09, 2017-08-30
- @scottholton @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco This is a forgivin… https://t.co/OrFDxT5lar in reply to scottholton 18:31:43, 2017-08-30
- @scottholton @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Horrendous in reply to scottholton 18:29:29, 2017-08-30
- @markgelband @beanaman @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Median a… https://t.co/GWohS2Uq68 in reply to markgelband 18:28:55, 2017-08-30
- @scottholton @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco You should have se… https://t.co/7WoUsB69EO in reply to scottholton 18:28:19, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Can't help but imagine my respo… https://t.co/z3Bt5pgQLD in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:26:39, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Believes this is compatible wit… https://t.co/s9UE1FHzd1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:24:26, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@ericmbudd came here from St L… https://t.co/MMiVbCFl2j in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:23:04, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Folks are giving closing statem… https://t.co/S8qCekuUQL in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:21:54, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Gerstle wants required on site… https://t.co/TCKwYjb0GG in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:18:54, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Camilo doesn't know anything. W… https://t.co/8rCM09nd2n in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:16:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Cindy Carlisle thinks public en… https://t.co/yoZFHQd0TM in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:14:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Answer focuses on need to use l… https://t.co/eVZ5bckMqD in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:13:01, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@janburtonco asked why if we'r… https://t.co/aqAWfojKpV in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:11:20, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Boulder Muni effort is an attem… https://t.co/1qCt4cLquL in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:09:57, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@ericmbudd doesn't fault Xcel,… https://t.co/4bjcumoP1b in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:08:39, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@ericmbudd gets the municipali… https://t.co/F4Bi9yXZBW in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:07:05, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Matt Benjamin excited about mix… https://t.co/UA6CcFYCRg in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:04:24, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco First question is about the Bou… https://t.co/LiaTFzVfVn in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:03:29, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd Both @janburtonco & @ericmbudd with a focus… https://t.co/FslG1QvOdJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:57:25, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd At least three folks running this year are i… https://t.co/XlTyLG4I8j in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:53:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder Both Matt Benjamin & @ericmbudd opening with focus on g… https://t.co/UQjXOMSAjU in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:52:07, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder Live stream on the @BoulderChamber Facebook page if you… https://t.co/ILnClJMcMD in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:48:40, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder Each candidate will get one question to answer in perso… https://t.co/Odp5y9qzF6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:46:55, 2017-08-30
- Packed house at @ZayoGroup for a #BoulderCouncil forum in collaboration w/ @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles… https://t.co/r1AXk7uz5n 17:45:05, 2017-08-30
- @drvox And there are other plants that should be vulnerable to the same swap. in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:43:48, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Which would be a $2-3B investment in renewables, all competitively bid, along with retirement of another 660MW of coal. in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:42:58, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Our monopoly just proposed going to 55% renewables over the next ~8 years. https://t.co/ukZ5E5ViPO in reply to drvox 13:38:17, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Massive deployments of wind & solar have the inverters installed… waiting to be programmed to respond to a m… https://t.co/BDnAs92ffn in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:27:20, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Just had a great presentation from grid engineer at WCEA last month and it blew my mind in a good way. Lots… https://t.co/NyMLH7v3mk in reply to drvox 13:26:03, 2017-08-30
- @drvox You gotta do a post on voltage regulation, system inertia, synchronous condensers & how micro-inverters will… https://t.co/RsziGPgSQd in reply to drvox 13:20:16, 2017-08-30
- It would be easier to act like a utility if we knew we were going to be running a utility, instead of a zombie laws… https://t.co/zXse2phf2F 11:30:26, 2017-08-30
- @alex_burness It would be great if you could just live-tweet all the PUC proceedings. 🙂 in reply to alex_burness 11:27:28, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell @COsenGOP @LOLGOP And why would anybody expect this process to en… https://t.co/AOPuLpqeGk in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:03:18, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell @COsenGOP @LOLGOP If so, they revealing themselves as pyromaniacs… https://t.co/OiWqELc4J3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:02:23, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell What will @COSenGOP do with this? What does the @LOLGOP do with i… https://t.co/wuaT9gGSpP in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:00:06, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell This is a multi GW admission by Xcel, the Office of Consumer Coun… https://t.co/UtAUZQZ3Wi in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:58:19, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell The retirement of these uneconomic coal plants and replacement wi… https://t.co/a8RpQwhqkK in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:57:04, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell Supposedly the remaining 1% RESA would be dedicated to more distr… https://t.co/xDC61hQPaM in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:34:26, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell They’re also proposing to reduce the 2% RESA (renewables surcharg… https://t.co/7Wx8zJ7bEt in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:33:46, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO I will leave that to the magic PUC fingers of @cmgosnell 🙂 in reply to erinoverturf 09:19:39, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Man do I want to see those bids. It is going to be some kind of crazy pre-qualified PTC fire-sale. in reply to erinoverturf 09:17:40, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Or is it all part of one monster RFP, subject to creating a reliable overall electricity system? in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:16:47, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Still not clear to me how firm the mix of renewables vs. dispatchable resour… https://t.co/2RcoXZBx8H in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:16:09, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf (at least, if the fuel based power is going to have a substantial capacity factor.) in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:14:59, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Though, on a net present revenue requirement basis, pure CapEx renewables/st… https://t.co/MO4dkouBHt in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:14:27, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf This should allow Xcel to have no preference for gas over (say) solar + electricity storage. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:13:30, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Interestingly, 75% utility ownership target applies to both “dispatchable… https://t.co/0WY9JVuZMj in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:11:49, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Great to see that ALL of the resources would be acquired through competitive bids, even if… https://t.co/r2uUYOwgLu in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:10:01, 2017-08-30
- @Neubadah @bitsweat I mean hey, seems hella qualified. in reply to Neubadah 21:49:32, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado Also, FYI, @bouldercolorado is one of the stipulating parties, supporti… https://t.co/ZJTPeS6JT5 in reply to markgelband 18:55:38, 2017-08-29
- *If* the PUC goes along with the proposal. Which seems like a no-brainer. But this isn’t a done deal. Lord knows wh… https://t.co/evbtQwm95R 18:47:10, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado Also, why on Earth are you less concerned about Xcel than Boulder in th… https://t.co/BHJ3KNXAWv in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:24:38, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado And I only know to ask questions about the depreciation schedules and e… https://t.co/GOsYdvgZQ5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:21:25, 2017-08-29
- @seancllns @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado To be fair, I did call his mass grid-defection scenario a fantasy. in reply to seancllns 18:18:37, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf But maybe such questions are outside the bounds of the WRA social media policies… 🙂 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:16:44, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf Read/skimmed it. Just wondered if you were supportive of his assertions. in reply to erinoverturf 18:16:03, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado It’s a huge improvement! And similar to what we’ve been working on for… https://t.co/Lf0B7ZyXlu in reply to markgelband 18:10:34, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf Do you think the rural tax base and employment impacts will be positive/acceptable? Skimming didn’t s… https://t.co/WifuCkZMBd in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:00:59, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf Is there a compelling reason for Comanche 1&2 to be the only plants considered, given the current economics? in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:59:20, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf What all kinds of things can be part of the conversation? Is the regulatory asset + accelerated depre… https://t.co/e5KVeoo5A2 in reply to erinoverturf 17:57:45, 2017-08-29
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Which makes it hard to see how they are also half of Xcel’s overall coal fired generation.… https://t.co/hLSWzVqdWD in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:35:35, 2017-08-29
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Yeah… but they’re not the only huge plants. Comanche 1&2 are about half the generation of… https://t.co/4esIf9EcAF in reply to Bikechess 17:34:53, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO Zero marginal cost energy markets are going to be very different than per-kWh markets. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:25:41, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO And there are many possible utility cost recovery schemes. We’ll have to talk about how… https://t.co/qg8PFlQdnR in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:24:47, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO I see no reason to think a large number of people will defect from the grid — and certai… https://t.co/nCrWlxJpGb in reply to markgelband 17:23:24, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO GHG reduction is 60% over ~9yrs, which is about the rate we need (50% every 10yrs for decades, for ev… https://t.co/RTTSKSDYX7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:02:34, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO Ah yes, the urban energy autarky fantasy. That’s why you don’t make sense here. in reply to markgelband 16:50:14, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO Or are there other anticipated changes to the capacity factors of the remaining fossil plants… in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:36:44, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO Curious to see how retiring just Comanche 1&2 can result in this scale of overall energy content shif… https://t.co/GTzON6V6FI in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:36:21, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO Somehow you manage to get everything related to utilities exactly backwards. This is the… https://t.co/OERGNiLjoK in reply to markgelband 16:35:08, 2017-08-29
- @PremierMembers @Picklebric @ElevationsCU I’d prefer two factor authentication (2FA) would to security questions an… https://t.co/kZPT2IJUE0 in reply to PremierMembers 16:12:10, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO Comanche 1 & 2 are also… not the only Xcel plants whose operations are economically uncompetitive wit… https://t.co/dIFF9lF69Y in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:08:20, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO This is awesome! They’re also asking for big regulatory assets and accelerated depreciation. Is that… https://t.co/CzAdYueubG in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:05:51, 2017-08-29
- So @XcelEnergyCO is proposing to retire (some) of their coal plants which are more costly to run than new wind is t… https://t.co/grnVMXdloh 16:03:41, 2017-08-29
- A housemate taught me how to make kettle corn and I am ruined. https://t.co/1qf94HWZi2 12:50:07, 2017-08-29
- RT @AlexSteffen: What Houston shows us, yet again, is that we live in a world of predatory delay. 09:32:00, 2017-08-29
- Setting up @Picklebric's free checking account at @PremierMembers. @ElevationsCU costs $7.50/mo, but their bike par… https://t.co/wqbdxalLn8 09:16:00, 2017-08-29
- Campaign kickoff for Mark McIntyre at @fullcycle Taproom. Funny to see Penny Lane vaguely reincarnated in the space… https://t.co/AC6KZLppmS 18:13:59, 2017-08-28
- @LizinBoulder This is one reason why I love @boulderosmp! Parking & transportation is the other big piece. We enabl… https://t.co/bNkrOzDbQ5 in reply to LizinBoulder 17:31:39, 2017-08-28
- @LizinBoulder No, prevent them from being built, like we currently prevent duplexes & apartments from being built i… https://t.co/CTRVcEngp2 in reply to LizinBoulder 17:25:40, 2017-08-28
- @LizinBoulder Today we require it with our zoning, parking, and transportation investments. We could also prevent it with the same toolkit. in reply to LizinBoulder 17:04:25, 2017-08-28
- Great example of why urban infill and density is preferable to sprawl. https://t.co/2LDAv87EGl 15:44:33, 2017-08-28
- @kevpluck Yeah, the pandas dataframes are just a convenient place to play with the data, merge, group, prep for out… https://t.co/KJrbNMhARt in reply to kevpluck 11:17:47, 2017-08-28
- @kevpluck I use Python and pandas data frames for this kind of think. Merged tabular data definitely seems easier f… https://t.co/67gR7Z433V in reply to kevpluck 08:34:47, 2017-08-28
- @JasenThorpe @ericmbudd Oh but we already have. in reply to JasenThorpe 00:55:42, 2017-08-28
- @ericmbudd Quantum simultaneity. In parallel universes, he has tweeted all possible tweets. They tunnel from one un… https://t.co/pHziB2Qszb in reply to ericmbudd 00:28:20, 2017-08-28
- RT @nils_gilman: The transition from Weinberg's faith in "technological fixes" to Rittel & Webber's "wicked problems" is the point where mo… 08:13:49, 2017-08-27
Tag: twitter
- @kristiankerr @bolderbekah @scottholton @ericmbudd @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ABetterBoulder And… https://t.co/VH61LC1tVx in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:38:27, 2017-08-26
- @kristiankerr @bolderbekah @scottholton @ericmbudd @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ABetterBoulder We… https://t.co/fqMPQD7ldU in reply to kristiankerr 13:38:06, 2017-08-26
- @kristiankerr @bolderbekah @scottholton @ericmbudd @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ABetterBoulder But… https://t.co/69S6EKfHrZ in reply to kristiankerr 13:35:31, 2017-08-26
- @Togethr4Boulder @ReginaCowles @CrystalBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @mcowlz @ericmbudd Is there any organization in tow… https://t.co/usKuyGutyK in reply to Togethr4Boulder 13:31:17, 2017-08-26
- @kristiankerr @bolderbekah @scottholton @ericmbudd @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ABetterBoulder Why… https://t.co/svcEJWxLAa in reply to kristiankerr 13:29:33, 2017-08-26
- @kristiankerr @bolderbekah @scottholton @ericmbudd @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ABetterBoulder Wit… https://t.co/IEDP5Cb3VS in reply to kristiankerr 12:54:45, 2017-08-26
- @kristiankerr @scottholton @ericmbudd @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ABetterBoulder Some people rese… https://t.co/zN2yeqtYng in reply to kristiankerr 10:39:05, 2017-08-26
- @scottholton @kristiankerr @ericmbudd @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ABetterBoulder Bah — condos, ap… https://t.co/nvEzOZqyOw in reply to scottholton 09:47:57, 2017-08-26
- @CrystalBoulder @bryanlbowen @AaronBrockett12 @mcowlz @ericmbudd @ReginaCowles Would also like to have attended thi… https://t.co/GJcg9ZGLZA in reply to CrystalBoulder 01:03:01, 2017-08-26
- @CrystalBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @mcowlz @ericmbudd @ReginaCowles How was it that @Togethr4Boulder only seemed to h… https://t.co/0S94sAGqgU in reply to CrystalBoulder 01:01:25, 2017-08-26
- @btx91 @tdfischer_ @cmgosnell @GR_G_R in reply to btx91 00:08:37, 2017-08-26
- RT @btx91: @tdfischer_ what the everloving fuck. license fee?? 00:07:46, 2017-08-26
- A long history of local news, gone horribly national. https://t.co/oBgUq4k8qB 23:55:00, 2017-08-25
- RT @MoreNeighbors: Reminder, @ButtHousing is a thing. 23:50:12, 2017-08-25
- We can make a lot of income agnostic housing if building it is more profitable than not building it. Scalable funding, but it means change. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:44:03, 2017-08-25
- An increase in available cashflow per unit land area creates windfall profits, whether driven by changes to locatio… https://t.co/c2MoPRVnqg 23:38:15, 2017-08-25
- @OneBoulderLie @dailycamera @shayshinecastle @ericmbudd @ABetterBoulder If we really want affordable housing, we sh… https://t.co/qwbDWOShTX in reply to OneBoulderLie 22:25:29, 2017-08-25
- Oh really? @cmgosnell @mcowlz @CrystalBoulder @lomay1984 https://t.co/IDws6zvmUi 21:00:20, 2017-08-25
- @ReginaCowles @LivableBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @mcowlz @ericmbudd @ABetterBoulder @OpenBoulder @YIMBYtown I also wi… https://t.co/HPUBYBU0Ze in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:11:14, 2017-08-25
- @ReginaCowles @LivableBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @mcowlz @ericmbudd @ABetterBoulder @OpenBoulder @YIMBYtown I wish we… https://t.co/SekwoCTfpf in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:08:10, 2017-08-25
- @ReginaCowles @LivableBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @mcowlz @ericmbudd @ABetterBoulder @OpenBoulder @ABetterBoulder is a… https://t.co/ZxdOdFEM8l in reply to ReginaCowles 09:07:08, 2017-08-25
- RT @MuslimIQ: Religious sect? They identify as devout Bible loving Christians.
Why won't MSM say the words "Radical Christian Terrorism,"… 09:01:52, 2017-08-25
- @kcbecker @ericmbudd All of them. And none of them. in reply to kcbecker 19:41:46, 2017-08-24
- @jillgrano Crowd seemed younger & more female than these things usually are. Best of all… I’d never seen most of th… https://t.co/o1GfTv9VUw in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:31:19, 2017-08-24
- Which wouldn’t be an issue if we had policies that empowered renters just as much as land owners. https://t.co/22HJbs3ep4 19:28:49, 2017-08-24
- Crazy packed house for @jillgrano's #BoulderCouncil campaign kickoff. https://t.co/XYRLhuWWYd 17:56:19, 2017-08-24
- @ntnsndr @amherman @ericmbudd @erinoverturf @gwenergy @hrdavis1 @BoulderPython @AaronBrockett12 @sampweaver in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:22:31, 2017-08-24
- We’re mostly climate and energy policy wonks, hip-deep in messy utility data. More experienced brains and eyeballs… https://t.co/wYdJtiQktX 15:54:03, 2017-08-24
- @erinoverturf This makes me want to have babies. in reply to erinoverturf 15:09:09, 2017-08-24
- RT @erinoverturf: ? ALERT ?
Talking to another mom of young kids with an #ebike. I hope you all are ready for the world's least intimida… 15:08:40, 2017-08-24
- RT @kenton_card: "It's a social movement and a housing cooperative." @FUCVAM https://t.co/6YAi6lxLxf via @yesmagazine 01:20:25, 2017-08-24
- @jim_mapes @ericmbudd Note that affordability need not necessarily imply income qualification. Applied widely, this… https://t.co/UghcZvICN4 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:53:12, 2017-08-23
- @jim_mapes @ericmbudd Requires no public cash. “Subsidy” is the regulatory entitlements — permission to build more… https://t.co/CY2CI0HUVm in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:49:44, 2017-08-23
- @jim_mapes @ericmbudd But at the same time, ensures long-term affordability by preventing land value appreciation t… https://t.co/Y15brRN4ZY in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:47:24, 2017-08-23
- @jim_mapes @ericmbudd Can make near-term cashflow of larger number of units more valuable than long-term land value… https://t.co/Djn9jldvMd in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:45:59, 2017-08-23
- @jim_mapes @ericmbudd One option: separate land ownership from improvements w/ land trust + very long ground lease.… https://t.co/0DCBJ60YAz in reply to jim_mapes 23:40:33, 2017-08-23
- 13/10. Would read. Over & over & over again. https://t.co/7dI5BokBqY 17:30:49, 2017-08-23
- RT @Alex_Parker: @PlanetDr https://t.co/zRCVpzgOBu 17:24:13, 2017-08-23
- Cold breezes and crickets as totality approached. Stars winked on. Ghost of the corona came alive. oh my god. OOH M… https://t.co/sU1BdlWcg1 17:23:12, 2017-08-23
- @ericmbudd Increase number of allowed dwelling units — w/ height, FAR, etc. — in exchange for taking land out of future property valuation. in reply to ericmbudd 12:13:24, 2017-08-23
- RT @alex_burness: Should Boulder make it easier for residents to establish accessory dwelling units? Collecting views for a story — DM or… 12:11:38, 2017-08-23
- RT @ProPublica: "By definition you’re going to be throwing people out of their homes." https://t.co/Of0cM12ang https://t.co/2Rz0moptOt 09:54:26, 2017-08-23
- @rgbkrk @NumFOCUS Looks like some great UI improvements! Hopefully it gets integrated w/ @ContinuumIO and other pac… https://t.co/pf0tt4avsk in reply to rgbkrk 09:31:15, 2017-08-23
- @cmgosnell noise band counterpoint. https://t.co/aFl7xdNkot 09:19:51, 2017-08-23
- @drvox I’d talk to @MikeSalisbury78 @SouthwestEE @WillToor in reply to drvox 13:48:04, 2017-08-22
- Ten days riding dirt to the #Eclipse with @cmgosnell and a bit of the weariness of the world has worn away. https://t.co/drjpCzkgP1 10:12:27, 2017-08-22
- @alanawlsn @10salamanders 🙂 https://t.co/G0j3fOkZyZ 09:58:48, 2017-08-22
- RT @johnbearwithme: #Boulder Showing Up for Racial Justice is holding training for white ppl to be better allies. Email BoulderSURJ@gmail.c… 00:16:01, 2017-08-22
- “Do the cows fall over in Wyoming if the wind stops blowing?” Nobody knows. https://t.co/2ceUePHtRi 23:31:28, 2017-08-21
- @ericmbudd And thinking I might need to arrange a bike tour in Chile/Argentina for the 2020 eclipse… https://t.co/ZTJRKOOR3r in reply to ericmbudd 22:54:10, 2017-08-21
- @ericmbudd Filthy after 10 days of dirt road bike touring. About to shower. in reply to ericmbudd 22:50:53, 2017-08-21
- Oh, lack of the thing, why are you so much more conspicuous after I know the thing exists? 11:25:42, 2017-08-05
- Sometimes the dough in the kitchen waiting to become bread is what gets me out of bed in the morning. https://t.co/Bwg8NgfQ9W 07:13:41, 2017-08-05
- @GR_G_R https://t.co/Q7BU75IEva 22:15:07, 2017-08-03
- RT @bhccoops: Want more autonomy over your living situation in Boulder? Love cooking from scratch & sharing meals? Join us Sunday! https://… 13:11:52, 2017-08-03
- I like this thread but, is there a "women of utility regulation twitter” list? @erinoverturf @cmgosnell @gwenergy… https://t.co/zanuVynNAi 09:56:34, 2017-08-03
- RT @ZaneSelvans: Here’s a list of women urbanists to follow, compiled by @schmangee: https://t.co/TIakpaOLfg 09:15:44, 2017-08-03
- Wonktastic RTO/ISO thread. https://t.co/zvopZOX5qx 07:14:03, 2017-08-03
- Goes great with this list of women in climate & environmental journalism, put together by @drvox:… https://t.co/M1cSjpWPnQ 00:39:04, 2017-08-03
- Here’s a list of women urbanists to follow, compiled by @schmangee: https://t.co/TIakpaOLfg 00:37:28, 2017-08-03
- Apparently every generation gets to figure out how to do cars + cities wrong in their own special way. Or we could… https://t.co/YMcq0EJgBh 00:18:26, 2017-08-03
- Zuck enraged. Flexes global emotional manipulatron. A billion call for 45's head on a spike… "You're trapped in h… https://t.co/EonCfMHCUd 21:37:02, 2017-08-02
- “And so I step up, into the darkness within; or else the light.”
Oh @MargaretAtwood. Indeterminate endings. I guess that’s just how it is. 11:47:07, 2017-08-02
- @schmangee Will you make a list and share it when you’re done so we can follow too? in reply to schmangee 09:36:49, 2017-08-02
- A pathological side effect of years of being told we have to be pro-bike, not anti-car? https://t.co/pGX00nbifq 07:46:54, 2017-08-02
- RT @Delafina777: Okay, want to talk about a thing that is awkward but sorely needed in a lot of meetings that women are best-equipped to do. 14:25:46, 2017-07-30
- RT @DeniseDresserG: Mensaje para nuestras hijas; mensaje para nosotras mismas. Vía @GustavoVela71 https://t.co/GeM7ITMmgz 21:14:13, 2017-07-28
- @markgelband @ericmbudd @Picklebric @bouldercolorado Looks like they made it about 2/3 of the way toward their goal… https://t.co/4vQKFbOFwf in reply to markgelband 11:31:03, 2017-07-28
- @markgelband @ericmbudd I think you may be thinking of Rad-ish? @Picklebric is eagerly awaiting word from… https://t.co/OExQfRIjHN in reply to markgelband 11:28:57, 2017-07-28
- @bhccoops @cmgosnell @KGNU @coloradocoops @NASCOcoop @jrwiener_1980 @ntnsndr @amherman @rmeocenter @YIMBYsea… https://t.co/ncx4Gnkohh in reply to bhccoops 10:22:55, 2017-07-28
- RT @bhccoops: BHC board members @cmgosnell & @ZaneSelvans were on @KGNU this week w/ @coloradocoops talking about housing co-ops! https://t… 10:17:59, 2017-07-28
- RT @realDonaldTrump: So great that John McCain is coming back to vote. Brave – American hero! Thank you John. 23:37:29, 2017-07-27
- RT @PlanetDr: McCain can still bite me. 23:33:13, 2017-07-27
- RT @BenjySarlin: MCCAIN NO — APPLAUSE IN CHAMBER 23:33:09, 2017-07-27
- RT @ClaudiaStellar: a reminder of how we got here.
any issue that we try to address/organize on requires a radical undoing of whiteness.… 23:32:08, 2017-07-27
- RT @infinite_scream: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH 23:31:34, 2017-07-27
- @LizAnthonyPhD @sfchronicle Have you seen @Sammy_Roth’s long form stuff on the ISO discussions? in reply to LizAnthonyPhD 22:50:36, 2017-07-27
- RT @bhccoops: This week (7/30) we’ll be at @MasalaCoop. Next week (8/6) Chrysalis downtown, and then @Picklebric (8/13) up at the top of Un… 19:35:38, 2017-07-27
- By turning it into an employee owned cooperative. https://t.co/LlCO5g2eq8 18:40:40, 2017-07-27
- RT @AliceAvizandum: the only people you should let microchip you are cyberpunk BDSM tops and that only after a very long discussion https:/… 17:30:56, 2017-07-27
- RT @HBCompass: If you're a dude and you want to be an actual ally to women in tech, here are some starting points https://t.co/0QlYuR7eQ0 v… 11:42:46, 2017-07-27
- @ericmbudd @alex_burness Important, and yet also impossible. in reply to ericmbudd 10:34:09, 2017-07-27
- @bolderbekah IIRC the AB is one of the higher fare recovery routes that @RideRTD runs. in reply to bolderbekah 09:58:34, 2017-07-27
- The @XcelEnergyCO utility system is only “safe” if you ignore the climate implications of its continued operations… https://t.co/fnARZaoYRM 09:57:27, 2017-07-27
- @alex_burness Really though, I do find it hard to listen to the Camera on muni & transportation policy, which makes… https://t.co/OuyjHqGQak in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:39:53, 2017-07-27
- @alex_burness ¡¡¡FAKE NEWS!!! in reply to alex_burness 09:36:12, 2017-07-27
- @OttoBott Kinda like moving to a non-lethal active denial system, instead of just shooting people? https://t.co/9MLNiD39Wd in reply to OttoBott 09:21:32, 2017-07-27
- Or “less unhealthy” if you’re a renter. https://t.co/OldAknMCvj 09:19:05, 2017-07-27
- @via_arch @PassiveHouseBB @bryanlbowen @coburndev Also oh my gawd, what happened in Vienna? in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:50:26, 2017-07-26
- @via_arch @PassiveHouseBB There's <50,000 m^2 of PH in the US?! We've submitted a 300 unit proposal in Boulder that… https://t.co/JPh5HuigBv in reply to via_arch 21:48:16, 2017-07-26
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek Have you seen the YouTube video? in reply to ericmbudd 20:07:57, 2017-07-26
- @ntnsndr Obviously we need a cooperatively owned robotic vacuum manufacturer… in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:00:33, 2017-07-26
- All your bits are belong to Roomba. https://t.co/5MEPqCTb7B 16:58:19, 2017-07-26
- RT @CatalystCoop: We’re sitting in on @WGridGroup WCEA meeting at @allsustco this week. Lots happening in western US power markets. https:/… 16:11:47, 2017-07-26
- @JasenThorpe @bouldercolorado Talk about a Battle Royale. in reply to JasenThorpe 11:41:40, 2017-07-26
- Happy Funtimes in the Windowless Room, starting now. https://t.co/ZmozudvfBf 11:40:47, 2017-07-26
- RT @LibyaLiberty: CAN I GET AN ALLAHU AKBAR https://t.co/mSM0VTb3YY 11:37:57, 2017-07-26
- People are making jokes about character foibles of PUCs, balancing authorities, & electric utilities. And other people are laughing. #wonks 09:28:22, 2017-07-26
- I’ll take “meta” for $500, Alex. https://t.co/VmsUdJ5e8q 23:03:04, 2017-07-25
- @bitsweat *you're in reply to bitsweat 22:49:08, 2017-07-25
- RT @Picklebric: We’re hosting a potluck gathering Sun. 8/13, 5:30-7:30pm, bringing folks together for the @bhccoops new house! https://t.co… 18:20:39, 2017-07-25
- @ClaraJeffery @MotherJones In places like SF, Boulder, Seattle, Portland, there seems to be a strong anti-developme… https://t.co/Og4VG5ZXOc in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:54:58, 2017-07-25
- @ClaraJeffery @MotherJones And very happy to see some other prominent left-wing voices pointing out the connection… https://t.co/4eqsFEQueU in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:53:18, 2017-07-25
- @ClaraJeffery @MotherJones Sorry, I’m being *utterly* sarcastic. I’m a raging pro-city, pro-housing leftist for sus… https://t.co/M9uMO0pbKs in reply to ClaraJeffery 13:52:40, 2017-07-25
- Gah, those pesky libertarian developer shills over at @MotherJones are at it again. https://t.co/UHboNZQF9h 13:49:20, 2017-07-25
- @bouldergobldr @bolderbekah @boulderpolice @bouldercolorado @AaronBrockett12 @janburtonco (In the Boulder crosswalk… https://t.co/XGYbLBi0Ki in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:34:09, 2017-07-25
- @bouldergobldr @bolderbekah @boulderpolice @bouldercolorado @AaronBrockett12 @janburtonco One Mode to rule them all… https://t.co/W3EoNUYcBR in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:33:49, 2017-07-25
- @bouldergobldr @bolderbekah @boulderpolice @bouldercolorado @AaronBrockett12 @janburtonco But only one mode poses a… https://t.co/ZR2sHYtJTk in reply to bouldergobldr 13:27:54, 2017-07-25
- RT @ZackBergerMDPhD: Good night.
I plan to be arrested tomorrow, as a doctor & Jew, using privilege to remind Senators:
#HandsOffOurPatie… 02:35:19, 2017-07-25 - I really hope @bhccoops gets the chance to do something like this in Boulder Junction… @bryanlbowen https://t.co/uFu3a694NQ 02:19:27, 2017-07-25
- @namastespace https://t.co/dWFnuvbQhC 16:02:31, 2017-07-24
- I can't remember the last time I had a casual conversation about climate that didn't take that turn. https://t.co/J1RyCeFmjh 01:51:39, 2017-07-24
- RT @RentController: Let socialist side work on public housing, subsidies and land value tax. Market oriented side work on de-zoning, right-… 01:49:08, 2017-07-24
- And which side would the @platformcoop choose, @ntnsndr? https://t.co/j42yIPSG1B 01:41:38, 2017-07-24
- @vb_jens @rwittstock @JEVLloyd Definitely not all of it, but there is a durable thread of this mentality in reply to vb_jens 14:09:45, 2017-07-23
- RT @bhccoops: Help us found a new co-op in South Boulder! Meet other interested folks for a potluck Sunday evening: https://t.co/Xc1y6Bj6GB 10:02:03, 2017-07-21
- @srdesantis @stevenbwinter Also y’all should meet up and talk community living / co-ops. Steve is a @Picklebric &… https://t.co/sNBaXHaQDb in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:25:52, 2017-07-21
- @srdesantis Do you have a favorite book describing Roman political & governance systems during the republic? @stevenbwinter wants to know. 09:24:39, 2017-07-21
- RT @astridoverthere: I have seen at least 20 people say the first reporter to do this would be lauded. Her name is Ksenija Pavlovic. Give h… 22:57:36, 2017-07-20
- Too real. https://t.co/KTRLrnKFho 22:56:20, 2017-07-20
- RT @derekwillis: We, too, are a company going about our business. https://t.co/BE4rOzzKkd 22:48:03, 2017-07-20
- @bolderbekah That was definitely their pitch. I just hope any parking that does get built is totally unbundled, and… https://t.co/fMfc9JxKVj in reply to bolderbekah 13:09:33, 2017-07-19
- @bolderbekah Yeah, I felt the same way. Like, I *wish* that would excite the city. But, Molly did not seem thrilled. in reply to bolderbekah 09:45:35, 2017-07-19
- @moishel I love the process of defining the shape of a problem (which is hard) and then finding someone else’s much… https://t.co/jp4uobq75b in reply to moishel 09:42:29, 2017-07-19
- @moishel Taking a description that uses simple words and coming up with the specialized jargon (which is gold for s… https://t.co/hS6d8Ku0Vs in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:40:53, 2017-07-19
- @moishel I feel like I often reach out to domain expert friends just to get the keywords. Like, “set coverage” or “… https://t.co/PwuxKZvaP4 in reply to moishel 09:39:48, 2017-07-19
- @moishel I feel like half of figuring out the answer is knowing what keywords to search for these days. in reply to moishel 09:35:22, 2017-07-19
- @bolderbekah Hmm, I vaguely remember them mentioning a list minute change in their presentation. Who do you think is the front runner? in reply to bolderbekah 09:33:46, 2017-07-19
- @seancllns How about new bicycles? in reply to seancllns 09:13:41, 2017-07-19
- Correlation is a harsh mistress. https://t.co/3qXRSavqW4 09:12:48, 2017-07-19
- @bolderbekah Curious to hear what you think! in reply to bolderbekah 23:44:48, 2017-07-18
- RT @GeorgeTakei: A disturbing reality for too many women. @ATTN https://t.co/4b0lEQ5tVx 23:38:02, 2017-07-18
- RT @ClimateOfGavin: Global average monthly temperature distributions since the 19th Century from GISTEMP #joyplot https://t.co/cmZ5MeWytk 22:39:18, 2017-07-18
- The city of @bouldercolorado also posted PDFs of the presentations from each of the teams up here: https://t.co/5Rvg4WjRvh in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:27:15, 2017-07-18
- @schmangee But EV charging stations! Sadly NREL is also located in a relatively inaccessible suburban location. in reply to schmangee 09:18:23, 2017-07-18
- Paging @evgenymorozov… https://t.co/OQt0phtGR6 09:10:33, 2017-07-18
- @TheCharlier Oh hey, it’s just like Prop 13 in CA! @kimmaicutler in reply to TheCharlier 09:08:47, 2017-07-18
- @scottholton I’m not sure that’s bad here. You were looking kinda gaunt! in reply to scottholton 09:04:56, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen Another big difference is the *amount* of sharing that people commit to participating in… https://t.co/LX3cveS1Ui in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:03:41, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen The self-organization of both co-ops and co-housing communities makes them into a very di… https://t.co/yiabycl6sd in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:03:02, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen It’s a huge differentiator that’s been largely ignored in most of the “New Millennial Co-Living” hype articles. in reply to bolderbekah 09:02:05, 2017-07-18
- @cmgosnell I should work on this… https://t.co/UrBn1LLZ6y 08:48:48, 2017-07-18
- I’m not getting what’s paradoxical about this. Scarcity + demand => increased price & zoning is largely controlled… https://t.co/W0P2kq5Pvx 08:46:42, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen Curious to hear more about what intra-community relationship networks are like in co-housing from @bryanlbowen. in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:36:04, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen At 60-100 people, you still recognize everyone, and know a bit about who they are, but ma… https://t.co/4aQsEradEW in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:35:28, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen Having a bit more autonomy & less that everyone must agree on allows the community to have a larger scale. in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:34:11, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen Governance often switches from consensus-of-everyone to sphere-of-influence based committees/teams. in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:33:02, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen My sense is that with co-housing, everyone gets a little more autonomous/private space &… https://t.co/iDJNrYodnz in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:32:17, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen Larger co-ops often have more mechanistic, less face-to-face accountability systems. Whic… https://t.co/JY7Gvq0Jue in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:30:47, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen Growing beyond that 10-15 person scale, it becomes hard to keep track of the relationship… https://t.co/zpjbQe6NhO in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:29:09, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen This is often important, given the amount and intensity of sharing in a co-op setting — v… https://t.co/RfJQCrOuun in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:28:17, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah @bryanlbowen With a co-op of 10-15 people, you know everyone *and* you know most/all of the connection… https://t.co/n65zRuahhR in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:26:46, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah I’m sure @bryanlbowen can speak to this more. The nature & density of connections changes as the size… https://t.co/91xniFAB6i in reply to bolderbekah 08:26:04, 2017-07-18
- 4hrs of video from the 30th & Pearl (Pollard) RFP presentations has been posted. Check it out at 1.5x speed!… https://t.co/tS1u1BR6q0 08:24:29, 2017-07-18
- @bolderbekah That said later the same day on @BoulderChannel8 Not up yet? in reply to bolderbekah 19:26:06, 2017-07-17
- Stackable pre-fab cross-laminated timber Passivhaus tiny-homes OMG! https://t.co/Bp0NxeZ2kI @bryanlbowen 12:27:37, 2017-07-17
- @bhccoops @ntnsndr @jrwiener_1980 @amherman @rmeocenter @NASCOcoop in reply to bhccoops 12:23:59, 2017-07-17
- RT @bhccoops: We’re creating a new affordable housing cooperative! Interested? Join us for a potluck this Sunday! https://t.co/1058T9xp3M 12:03:47, 2017-07-17
- RT @YIMBYsea: YIMBY needs two essential partnerships: unions (labor shortages) & youth climate justice leaders (from comm most impacted by… 11:40:24, 2017-07-17
- .@cmgosnell & I had a nice long convo w/ @amherman & @ntnsndr on @KGNU this AM about housing co-ops. Airs next Thu! https://t.co/JAXEqhcCkS 11:04:31, 2017-07-17
- This is not normal. https://t.co/ZhUnSbJscQ 22:36:37, 2017-07-16
- @TUSK81 @EricHolthaus Also: metric system. in reply to TUSK81 22:17:11, 2017-07-16
- @GR_G_R https://t.co/WqwWZNwKDe 22:16:27, 2017-07-16
- same https://t.co/jFM4uSErsY 22:15:14, 2017-07-16
- @janburtonco I think both @boulderfuzz & @estrellaboulder have good experiences to share. in reply to janburtonco 17:04:08, 2017-07-16
- @jessekb @YIMBYtown @EastBayForward Certainly possible. I’m interested to explore the east-coast city experience a bit. in reply to jessekb 15:32:45, 2017-07-16
- @ZLabe Wow, so the Larsen C berg is like 3-4 years of Greenland mass loss in one chunk. Floating, but still. in reply to ZLabe 15:14:41, 2017-07-16
- I guess sometimes being defiled just feels right. https://t.co/O9GfrGWnvE 15:08:37, 2017-07-16
- @ZLabe Do you happen to know the mass of the Larsen C berg, for comparison? in reply to ZLabe 15:04:46, 2017-07-16
- @YIMBYtown @jessekb @EastBayForward Electing the next Mayor of #yimbytown each year at the conference seems like a great tradition 🙂 in reply to YIMBYtown 13:23:27, 2017-07-16
- @scottholton @bryanlbowen We stuck around to the very end to see them all (even the awful last one) & went out for… https://t.co/zLESDVHW9O in reply to scottholton 16:16:18, 2017-07-15
- Good info to have on hand when someone claims non-drivers don’t pay for the roads they walk & bike on… https://t.co/pK99jd5ZRS 10:35:30, 2017-07-15
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/RnyKFcfqSg in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:54:48, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/VMI4sZpU7P in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:54:36, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/CoNwGvRzC2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:45:02, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/a76UGw94TU in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:31:03, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/tskX5xG1VW in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:27:44, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/xdnqwJlpTe in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:25:35, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/WEeVjvZCvR in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:24:38, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/8ZjqR0S6gB in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:23:23, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/TNAP2fDeGi in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:15:29, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/4CIxZX8vfs in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:09:31, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/LqxbM8M0wr in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:03:45, 2017-07-14
- @LivableBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @bryanlbowen And I’m spacing on the rent/own mix from the Element/@scottholton team. in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:00:31, 2017-07-14
- @LivableBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @bryanlbowen 3rd team (which I’m part of) was 114 market rate condos, 190 affordable units, mostly rentals. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:59:14, 2017-07-14
- @LivableBoulder @AaronBrockett12 @bryanlbowen Rent vs. own split has varied widely between the different proposals.… https://t.co/qsslZvSeOH in reply to LivableBoulder 15:58:20, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/sr9o5X5T5p in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:55:57, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/Dh9JDkPBys in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:54:27, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/RfAtfd3Ss4 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:52:12, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/Z8FTuLy2od in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:50:56, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/EZ1RrRaK2V in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:48:10, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/mDtIqb5lA0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:40:46, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/UqA55Gwxq9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:38:10, 2017-07-14
- @bolderbekah I would *love* to live in the super-coop. But I will not income qualify. in reply to bolderbekah 15:34:15, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/Ug52jZKoxh in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:33:25, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/ZKr7hv69xC in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:31:22, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/fD7DZx0CRO in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:30:08, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/M9AgLxw1m0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:27:38, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/qE4J3fnKKP in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:26:25, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/mCGucGKel5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:21:44, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/Lfgi8wQXrI in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:20:51, 2017-07-14
- @bolderbekah I’m on one of the teams, so I probably can’t be objective. Surprisingly, so far our team seems the mos… https://t.co/vzkgyM08Ek in reply to bolderbekah 15:19:54, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/fcjWSRJALI in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:17:29, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/1wuy1cLpAs in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:15:07, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/K2wVR26f0d in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:12:57, 2017-07-14
- @bolderbekah So far I think they’re all pretty good. I think we’ll get something interesting out of it all. in reply to bolderbekah 15:06:47, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare The t… https://t.co/5wrS2wvuXO in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:05:49, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Someo… https://t.co/AnuCd7phsY in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:56:18, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare There… https://t.co/VWL76d0ORV in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:54:04, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Sugge… https://t.co/WMGsURkwAh in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:45:51, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Lack… https://t.co/GxOWYNsZtF in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:45:12, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Team… https://t.co/PoNQhLwCH0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:43:15, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare… https://t.co/HQDnhjTYFZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:40:26, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Shoul… https://t.co/NgKho8YGax in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:38:23, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare 30 ca… https://t.co/M5iH0UGFBh in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:37:54, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Molly… https://t.co/Qn1ag0C9Vq in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:36:25, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Offer… https://t.co/k0PA4axWWM in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:35:00, 2017-07-14
- @AaronBrockett12 @bryanlbowen Supposedly presentations will be posted on @BoulderChannel8 later today, if you wanna watch at 1.5x 🙂 in reply to AaronBrockett12 14:33:32, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare 21% o… https://t.co/05G0Qj2ZFS in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:32:18, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Div.… https://t.co/mmAZ5NKQE2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:31:05, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare This… https://t.co/1T4QnKJMQh in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:29:53, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare Curio… https://t.co/LhfoXyomM5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:27:53, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing @egocarshare 18,70… https://t.co/ZNchaXQfdX in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:22:09, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing Team is proposing…… https://t.co/QlIFvwNliI in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:17:32, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing “Path to” net zero… https://t.co/S8U2NjQsXs in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:15:28, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo @BoulderHousing 369 total housing… https://t.co/eUHmzj0OIL in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:11:43, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking @GormanandCo 97% of all units in this proposal… https://t.co/mal43wWVXI in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:10:00, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap @BoulderParking Denver based @GormanandCo is the lead developer… https://t.co/BI1zVc1VKN in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:06:26, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen @danicap Element project would sell the entire parking garage to… https://t.co/ggClFzFzQD in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:04:15, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton @bryanlbowen Four total teams responded to RFP. All were short-listed. 1hr for each t… https://t.co/QQLv0TF6L5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:02:38, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton Sitting w/ @bryanlbowen. We think this is fun. It might be more fun if there were some on-site beer. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:01:03, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado @scottholton 17% of units “market rate affordable” micro-units, affordable to 60% of AMI. 381 tota… https://t.co/5XQPWYiBjR in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:59:55, 2017-07-14
- @bouldercolorado First was @scottholton & Element. 33% permanently affordable units, 324 units total. Net zero, LEED platinum neighborhood. in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:59:03, 2017-07-14
- Watching the public presentations for folks competing to develop the @bouldercolorado owned Pollard site in Boulder Junction. 13:56:10, 2017-07-14
- The GIF meme that’s sure to dominate Twitter today. https://t.co/4mQlO52Vcp 09:33:43, 2017-07-14
- RT @DanielKayHertz: Boy is the first sentence here a nice summary of US public right of way policy https://t.co/K0L4JYFZgQ 23:15:00, 2017-07-13
- @AaronBrockett12 BERN ALL THE BITZ! BURN THEM AAAALLLLL. Good luck. Hope someone in PDS enjoys reading all the invo… https://t.co/m79jCoxJpb in reply to AaronBrockett12 23:04:20, 2017-07-13
- @AaronBrockett12 Starting a bonfire? in reply to AaronBrockett12 23:00:40, 2017-07-13
- @urban_tom @theAGU @ArcticAirDoctor @DrShaena @climate_ice @AstroKatie @ZLabe I think @alanawlsn is going, and coordinating a session… in reply to urban_tom 14:23:25, 2017-07-13
- @schmangee A change to @bouldercolorado occupancy limits that would allow up to six senior citizens to live together. in reply to schmangee 08:55:43, 2017-07-13
- RT @Picklebric: Waiting for a project specialist. We're the first co-op license application ever. The original co-op ordinance was passed i… 08:43:52, 2017-07-13
- @AlexSteffen For each of the rightmost bars we should list the top 5 policies that must be changed and what body controls it. in reply to AlexSteffen 16:15:29, 2017-07-12
- RT @Gossenphilosoph: Using salt circle runes to trap an A.I. car is possibly the most cyberpunk thing ever. https://t.co/4ckbQlMyBS 21:16:00, 2017-07-11
- @AlexSteffen Quantitatively: WW2 like effort. Qualitatively, utterly different. fundamentally constructive/cooperat… https://t.co/nuLdASVC4A in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:43:37, 2017-07-11
- @AlexSteffen The nature of the “enemy” & the task at hand is so different w/ climate than war, that I think scale a… https://t.co/3NgGEMWmMO in reply to AlexSteffen 13:41:44, 2017-07-11
- I feel a particular challenge here, in that the only comparable mass mobilizations we have as reference *were* fear… https://t.co/3AsebkB4pF 13:38:39, 2017-07-11
- RT @CatalystCoop: An interesting profile of another local cooperative business, branching out into energy finance & bulk solar component pu… 16:14:30, 2017-07-08
- RT @Picklebric: Friday night at the co-op. Ball jars and Pandemic. https://t.co/9alK2I45ly 11:35:19, 2017-07-08
- @alanawlsn https://t.co/RqDc93yIdd 18:57:11, 2017-07-07
- Evergreen tweet. https://t.co/cDCOYYARgM 17:39:17, 2017-07-07
- @erinoverturf @AlexSteffen (and boy would it help if we made cities accessible and inclusive to newcomers…) in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:36:30, 2017-07-07
- @erinoverturf @AlexSteffen Unpopular opinion but, at some point, is it reasonable to talk about how much we want to… https://t.co/OdfNZM7L5o in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:35:45, 2017-07-07
- @erinoverturf @AlexSteffen It is a huge can of worms. I think rural areas are intrinsically more challenging than u… https://t.co/uIbZADWXTO in reply to erinoverturf 17:33:31, 2017-07-07
- @erinoverturf @AlexSteffen And the fraction of people who live in, and want to live in, and have a viable economic… https://t.co/GCpdpS0JVp in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:23:47, 2017-07-07
- @erinoverturf @AlexSteffen For sure! But our existing land use and zoning policies force far more people into auto-… https://t.co/27nnoyD5Gg in reply to erinoverturf 17:22:08, 2017-07-07
- @erinoverturf @AlexSteffen The rural transportation systems would be less of an issue if we allowed people to move… https://t.co/lIzYU3eYZv in reply to erinoverturf 17:18:05, 2017-07-07
- The future of urban transport: electrified, zero carbon, human scaled proximity (and maybe sometimes a few autonomo… https://t.co/QLw9hdy7Mg 17:02:52, 2017-07-07
- RT @climatecuddles: I very much like how Volvo and France were just like, BOOM…We're phasing out gasoline engines now. That's climate pro… 16:54:46, 2017-07-07
- @drvox I’ve had *zero* hand/wrist/arm issues since I switched. Works w/ any OS. You can get a used one for a hundre… https://t.co/Fk7R48548Z in reply to drvox 12:47:57, 2017-07-07
- @drvox I looooove my Kinesis Advantage. It’s lasted me a decade. But it might be considered excessively weird and expensive. in reply to drvox 12:29:50, 2017-07-07
- RT @YIMBYtown: We have a code of conduct; all participants are asked to follow it, antifa or otherwise https://t.co/iw39Lh3I2y https://t.co… 06:25:40, 2017-07-07
- Maybe after it's all over, we'll learn it was like when Heisenberg somehow miraculously managed not to deliver the… https://t.co/kCdbttp2GL 06:23:28, 2017-07-07
- From someone who knows the ins and outs of flagrantly insulting Nixon. https://t.co/UW4CfyfhvX 22:30:34, 2017-07-06
- @AlexSteffen In many markets, wind is already cheaper per MWh than either coal or gas. From @FERC Form 1 via… https://t.co/6y1ff5W1ie in reply to AlexSteffen 22:17:55, 2017-07-06
- That French offer of safe harbor for climate scientists and clean energy development is, uh, looking even better. https://t.co/tXPQa3hFDh 19:15:15, 2017-07-06
- @AlexSteffen With enough infighting, together, we can lose any battle! in reply to AlexSteffen 17:02:29, 2017-07-06
- @tdfischer_ @martincizmar @twjpdx23 @SFyimby @YIMBYtown @MadelineKovacs @andersem Having met @MadelineKovacs,… https://t.co/mUnI2jjYai in reply to tdfischer_ 17:01:43, 2017-07-06
- A worthy golden idol to bow down and worship… https://t.co/gRQX3jhzsH 16:07:56, 2017-07-06
- RT @MasalaCoop: A co-op in Boulder needs your help. They helped get the new ordinance passed and need funds to continue on https://t.co/Mew… 11:35:28, 2017-07-05
- Be still my heart, oh ye intensification of a non-conforming use. https://t.co/BKDRqGzISo 11:34:58, 2017-07-05
- @rorowe Pretty much more than anything except swapping out for a renewable electricity system. But hey we can do both! in reply to rorowe 11:32:44, 2017-07-05
- @bkeegan @markgelband @seancllns Mmmm. Some of my favorite urban hellscapes. I don’t think it’s god doing the forbidding in this case. in reply to bkeegan 11:28:59, 2017-07-05
- @rorowe Also, cars. in reply to rorowe 10:49:16, 2017-07-05
- @kimmaicutler You’re not the only one! But I didn’t realize the letter order was different. I almost thought it was a cruel joke. in reply to kimmaicutler 00:03:05, 2017-07-05
- @mayagirl Yeah, this line of thought made me think of the billionaire puppet master dude in the vats in Sweden that… https://t.co/RAfck8ieAR in reply to mayagirl 23:54:57, 2017-07-04
- Strom Thrumond would be in Congress forever & progressive wealth taxes would become a life & death issue for the rich as well as the poor. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:48:36, 2017-07-04
- The rich would become this cadre of immortal economic vampires. Swallowing money like land rents do, sucking it out of everyone else. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:46:29, 2017-07-04
- (Though, of course, enormous personal benefit to the self that’s being extended.) in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:44:51, 2017-07-04
- And like economic rents from land, this spending on extending the self could absorb a huge amount of money, with little/no economic benefit. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:44:28, 2017-07-04
- Amass 25x your annual living expenses and you can stop working. Or keep trying to amass $1B so you can remain forever young. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:42:05, 2017-07-04
- What if having a certain size pile of money gave you an indeterminate lifespan? It would be another tier of “retirement." in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:40:40, 2017-07-04
- What if it’s also very expensive? So expensive that it can't be bought by any income? What if it’s only a reality for the ultra-wealthy? in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:37:52, 2017-07-04
- But what if this weren’t the case? What if Aubrey de Gray is (eventually) right, and we can buy much more life? https://t.co/3tBpKM6dHl in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:34:41, 2017-07-04
- So it's plausible to require discretion in end-of-life spending, and many individuals and their families will do so voluntarily. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:32:44, 2017-07-04
- That average is too high for the risk pool to support, but luckily there are diminishing returns anyway. You can’t buy that much more life. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:30:43, 2017-07-04
- But imagine a world where health care costs continue to rise. What if it were common for people to spend $10M on end-of-life desperation? in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:27:54, 2017-07-04
- Risk pooling effectively mitigates this, but only works so long as the *average* cost of health care can be borne by an average individual. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:26:29, 2017-07-04
- In the same way that some places are too expensive for any income & only capital lives there, some health care will be beyond mere mortals. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:24:51, 2017-07-04
- Been thinking about health insurance and land values at the same time. It’s brought me to a weird place. 23:21:05, 2017-07-04
- We have a total (for centuries) remaining budget of ~600Gt CO2e to hit the Paris targets. That’s ~15 years at the c… https://t.co/wLQwAIM7fx 01:33:08, 2017-07-04
- There’s something amazing about the role this generation now plays in maintaining the status quo. Draft dodging pot… https://t.co/fUBo2hs8lh 21:50:30, 2017-07-03
- RT @YIMBYtown: not a minute too soon since registration closes on the 5th! ( https://t.co/tBt3K4klPm to sign up! ) https://t.co/HDkdWF7htS 13:11:07, 2017-07-03
- RT @BritRenee_: My 8+ months of temping just ended as I transitioned to acting then full-time so everything I've done this far has been as… 08:33:01, 2017-07-03
- @eesmc Yeah, that’s a classic cartoon. It immediately came to my mind too with the ridiculous bike lane from @_youhadonejob1. in reply to eesmc 08:30:59, 2017-07-03
- RT @brianklaas: I study despots. They attack & demonize the press to erode independent sources of truth
Trump's tweets aren't funny. They'… 23:45:58, 2017-07-02
- RT @realDonaldTrump: #FraudNewsCNN #FNN https://t.co/WYUnHjjUjg 23:44:16, 2017-07-02
- RT @jbouie: There is no president, there is a delusional old man who tweets and occasionally performs the ceremonial parts of the job. 23:42:29, 2017-07-02
- RT @JasminMuj: Mass gaslighting by pundits re Trump recalls folks during Bosnian War who'd say "it'll all be fine" as they were driven to m… 23:41:33, 2017-07-02
- @ntnsndr While ironically the NFL itself was a tax exempt 501(c)6 nonprofit until 2015. in reply to ntnsndr 08:35:26, 2017-07-02
- Call your doctor now, or seek medical attention immediately if you have an erection that lasts more than 3 million… https://t.co/i4kDONPMzj 12:19:52, 2017-07-01
- Solar system WE ARE IN YOU. https://t.co/IMQZreo9vE 12:05:12, 2017-07-01
- RT @eesmc: @ZaneSelvans Not sure where this illustration originated but the message is clear, and exactly what you're saying. https://t.co/… 09:54:04, 2017-07-01
- The sad thing is, this is basically every bike lane on an arterial. Except instead of a chasm, you have pickups bar… https://t.co/GZKnW1Z4aT 19:18:56, 2017-06-30
- 100 dead/day in US. 3,400/day worldwide. 1.25 million/yr. More than 2x those killed by malaria. We know how to make… https://t.co/F0y0uNKvvU 18:29:16, 2017-06-30
- This really shouldn't need saying. But here we are! https://t.co/QEPdEOktqX 12:40:22, 2017-06-30
- @markgelband @mattsebastian @sampweaver @JonesZan Seems doubtful to me. There’s no ballot measure. There’s no elect… https://t.co/NVrqNXkAer in reply to markgelband 10:48:43, 2017-06-30
- RT @bochaneighbors: Occupancy limits for unrelated people are common, but are they legal? An overview from @Sightline: https://t.co/0ukro35… 10:47:25, 2017-06-30
- I love how the dentist tells me how much everything will cost ahead of time. And also doesn't bankrupt me. Coincidence? I think not. 08:34:49, 2017-06-30
- @cmgosnell sad robots https://t.co/pp1tIR7EOn 07:50:28, 2017-06-30
- @JessicaHuseman Thanks for having great rants. And also a sense of humor. It’s an awesome combo. in reply to JessicaHuseman 23:26:50, 2017-06-28
- Reading history gives amazing context on the present. And now history is starting to become available in video form. https://t.co/nVpOiqVVTI 23:25:23, 2017-06-28
- @chaspinrad I would guess (at hope) it’s at least partly unconscious, but still means they didn’t get a call back. :-/ in reply to chaspinrad 16:42:47, 2017-06-28
- Interesting to see those who moved to suburbs because they were for the rich, deal with suburbanization of the poor: https://t.co/aJ0NsqAxus 12:46:28, 2017-06-28
- @BritRenee_ @nprviz Awesome! Anyone working w/ energy data? We (@CatalystCoop) are building an open dataset using s… https://t.co/2nWh2j9Xys in reply to BritRenee_ 11:51:59, 2017-06-28
- Plus urban buildings with shared walls and low envelope to habitable space ratios are the most cost effective to make highly efficient. in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:40:47, 2017-06-28
- And high performance building codes typically only make a difference if you *actually build new buildings* so these… https://t.co/5zPjVuitNg 11:30:05, 2017-06-28
- Rad-ish is an amazing community in the tradition of co-ops as self-help orgs, especially for folks w/ queer & trans… https://t.co/ZH3hFIVurA 10:17:50, 2017-06-28
- @amytoast That seems like the best possible outcome between now and 2018. in reply to amytoast 09:46:51, 2017-06-28
- New privatized censorship by network-effect monopolies sure does taste a lot like good old fashioned government cen… https://t.co/BxgcJExbD6 09:42:15, 2017-06-28
- .@drvox I can’t help but think your thread on why Dems should just own clean energy could be very easily adapted to… https://t.co/IUPJWYaWIt 09:38:26, 2017-06-28
- Does our senator seriously think anything that resembles improvement could garner GOP support? https://t.co/jdBp6xrdnQ 09:35:43, 2017-06-28
- @chaspinrad As did having a non-white sounding name. Which they contrast w/ the fact that 40% of childcare workers aren’t white. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:32, 2017-06-28
- @chaspinrad More experience & education actually resulted in lower callback rates. in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:59:22, 2017-06-28
- @chaspinrad interesting study of how resumés are screened in hiring for early childhood education: https://t.co/OVpRuXWpmW 08:57:46, 2017-06-28
- @Picklebric @KenBoulder Nevertheless pirates are on the rise. in reply to Picklebric 00:57:23, 2017-06-28
- The Hanging Gardens of Noodleon. Not a use I had previously contemplated for our laundry drying rack. But it defini… https://t.co/qsIY9XEAbJ 20:40:41, 2017-06-27
- RT @emilymbadger: Great project visualizing how much city space we devote to streets and parking: https://t.co/ddmUaBqh1K v. @mszll https:/… 20:37:06, 2017-06-27
- Good thread. I would like this to be true. And I would like the The Democrats to run with it. https://t.co/L246mQfZBz 17:50:08, 2017-06-27
- In another Palo Alto… the power of controlling land & the peril of lacking clear co-op demutualization terms: https://t.co/YSP0sR16dj 13:39:30, 2017-06-27
- RT @Picklebric: Ratatouille with fresh egg noodles for dinner tonight. Mostly #freegan! https://t.co/Hg2Q58Uww3 13:37:29, 2017-06-27
- Oh but JeffCo, tell us how you really feel.
https://t.co/dfIQptKt8d https://t.co/vYcmKedEl0 11:56:30, 2017-06-27
- How could this article not contain a single mention of induced demand? https://t.co/nDiRgP55rs https://t.co/ZItmDzivkE 11:40:33, 2017-06-27
- Hadn’t read Murrow's speech in a while. 60 years on, it’s creepy how perfectly applicable it is. Do we really learn… https://t.co/FvMIX4QDfl 11:37:49, 2017-06-27
- @marazepeda Reminds me of Edward R. Murrow’s “Wires, and lights in a box.” https://t.co/13cwRcgUcZ in reply to marazepeda 10:28:04, 2017-06-27
- @LiaraRoux We can only hope! in reply to LiaraRoux 17:30:20, 2017-06-26
- @MarkyV @flynnboulder It would involve change — but that’s different from degradation. Idea that what we’ve got now… https://t.co/a0575wlQEt in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:27:59, 2017-06-26
- @MarkyV @flynnboulder Totally agree we *can* do both, the question seems to be whether we *want* to do both & are g… https://t.co/7aBcSyXaas in reply to MarkyV 17:26:31, 2017-06-26
- RT @mmelibbington: Yeah I know there's hardly anything there yet, but if you go subscribe we can livestream @YIMBYtown! Do itttttt https://… 17:24:54, 2017-06-26
- @AlexSteffen At first I read this URL as https://t.co/q37hGUR8a1… in reply to AlexSteffen 17:13:55, 2017-06-26
- @MarkyV @flynnboulder Under those circumstances, I think it might become very hard to keep producing "stuff" or rat… https://t.co/zmZwUIobLV in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:01:28, 2017-06-26
- @MarkyV @flynnboulder The tomorrow I'm suggesting we may face is one where even those with high paying jobs are no… https://t.co/7ZvEbUlgnW in reply to MarkyV 15:58:18, 2017-06-26
- @LivableBoulder @ABetterBoulder @OpenBoulder @WillToor Will and I and Better Boulder all support shifting the balan… https://t.co/SYawRefJTF in reply to LivableBoulder 09:58:28, 2017-06-26
- @YIMBYsea @YIMBYtown Will there be a video we can watch from afar? in reply to YIMBYsea 09:51:59, 2017-06-26
- @MarkyV Yeah, but I think something qualitatively different likely happens at larger scales. When it *could* be a whole place, but isn’t. in reply to MarkyV 23:05:23, 2017-06-25
- These endless awesome photo ops must be staged, but that *these* are the kinds of photo ops they’re trying to stage… https://t.co/DCrldRpmIY 23:00:56, 2017-06-25
- @jamie_jezebel This sounds like a perfect ride to me 🙂 in reply to jamie_jezebel 21:58:43, 2017-06-25
- What does a city become, when it is entirely populated by rentiers of one kind or another? What kind of society does it create? in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:43:32, 2017-06-25
- Longtime residents can afford to continue living there b/c of capital tied up in land whose value has been inflated (& low property taxes). in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:38:52, 2017-06-25
- E.g. Palo Alto planning commissioner w/ six-figure salary who resigned while sharing home w/ 3 other professionals: https://t.co/lVWO1IOOUL in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:37:19, 2017-06-25
- In places like Palo Alto, housing is no longer available to those who must pay for it with income. Only capital can afford to live there. in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:33:50, 2017-06-25
- Dunno if he meant it this way, but there’s an important transition on the horizon for us, between income vs. capita… https://t.co/lu6lhCueAV 21:31:24, 2017-06-25
- .@cambodianspring https://t.co/YDZQ00oQlE 21:09:10, 2017-06-24
- RT @MoreNeighbors: Any blogging multilingual YIMBYs who write housing stuff in not English? 20:12:29, 2017-06-24
- RT @jbouie: Me, about once a week beginning in October 2016: "Too many (white) Americans don't actually believe that things can get bad." 11:58:45, 2017-06-24
- @cmgosnell @chaspinrad @alanawlsn suggestions? https://t.co/00C95JdzOZ 11:56:20, 2017-06-24
- RT @bolderbekah: For both market rate and below market rate, why do cities continue to dictate how we live and remove options? https://t.co… 11:53:09, 2017-06-24
- RT @coloradocoops: Time to listen in to our latest Co-op Power Hour radio show, on immigrant-led co-ops in #Colorado! https://t.co/5c3R9QVp… 08:09:58, 2017-06-24
- @MarkyV @kristiankerr When the revolution happens, comrade. in reply to MarkyV 23:19:19, 2017-06-23
- Why do we do so little of this stuff in Colorado? @bryanlbowen @fuentesdesign https://t.co/f6C4llMIK8 22:36:42, 2017-06-23
- @drvox And yet the zoned density it is still way, way too low for the land values. Which results in this:… https://t.co/kKnmlZaniN in reply to drvox 13:57:36, 2017-06-23
- @SUNYLF @SonjaTrauss @tdfischer_ Have you seen the @BordaCoop by @lacolarq in Barcelona? Under construction now: https://t.co/VZGT9u0iOO in reply to SUNYLF 00:31:43, 2017-06-23
- @SDACapeBreton @alex_burness Would be interesting to overlay the mandated buffers around schools, etc. to see where… https://t.co/jt11NLyrjA in reply to SDACapeBreton 23:34:37, 2017-06-22
- @LesleyBoulder @CIRESnews Our stoic hometown chroniclers of the apocalypse. Thought about working there after grad… https://t.co/OQpk48juhn in reply to LesleyBoulder 22:40:07, 2017-06-22
- @ericmbudd Autonomous zombie RVs, their passengers asleep or sedated, forever driving from one robotic truck stop t… https://t.co/i55RlVVbfN in reply to ericmbudd 22:33:14, 2017-06-22
- If only we had the technology and wealth required to build this kind of beautiful low carbon city in the US. https://t.co/GfrG1MK4Hb 22:27:06, 2017-06-22
- RT @drvox: Sure enough: coal baron Bob Murray has sued John Oliver over his segment on coal. Updated: https://t.co/AjuT5QioOE 12:03:58, 2017-06-22
- @cmgosnell @bryanlbowen @bruteforceblog https://t.co/K7H0ZJwvwe 08:05:30, 2017-06-22
- @drvox @BrentToderian Together I'm sure we can find a way to make city building just as hopeless, dreary, and arcan… https://t.co/AdIrMPW3EK in reply to drvox 22:58:40, 2017-06-21
- @Paralax_h Where there's a will, there's a way. in reply to Paralax_h 22:51:58, 2017-06-21
- @AaronBrockett12 @ericmbudd Hoppy froods ftw in reply to AaronBrockett12 22:50:25, 2017-06-21
- What are the chances anyone alive today will ever see it rise above average again? https://t.co/p4Mi5zvqLp 22:38:55, 2017-06-21
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/zRZgen2jgx 22:35:29, 2017-06-21
- @chaspinrad whoa. https://t.co/j8DrxED6DA 22:00:46, 2017-06-21
- RT @erinoverturf: PSA: if you think this is a great zinger, you're showing you know nothing about how modern electricity production actuall… 19:44:28, 2017-06-21
- RT @AlexSteffen: This is someone's MBA being put to use.
Synergy, bro! https://t.co/lhVhzPoBuD 10:49:06, 2017-06-21
- @AlexSteffen Hey wait, I think @the_prodigy has prior art on this business plan… https://t.co/CA5saUZpL6 in reply to AlexSteffen 10:48:14, 2017-06-21
- Build. More. Housing.
Use up-zoning rather than cash subsidies to secure permanent affordability in bike/ped/trans… https://t.co/1Nmt9XpDvb 09:48:24, 2017-06-21
- RT @divyastweets: Asking again this morning: what made you drop out of a CS/EE degree or job? Or did you lose interest even earlier? https:… 08:04:45, 2017-06-21
- @amytoast Also, because she is a dog. in reply to amytoast 07:55:29, 2017-06-21
- It’s hotter than it’s ever been. And now it’s even hotter. And now it’s even hotter. And now it’s even hotter… https://t.co/neDU6txrP1 00:28:19, 2017-06-21
- RT @Limericking: The people of Georgia have voted,
And properly it should be noted
The outcome supports
The excellent sorts
Of politics I h… 22:02:32, 2017-06-20 - @bolderbekah No, pero quería hablar más con otros humanos en lugar de la computadora, si posible. in reply to bolderbekah 22:00:48, 2017-06-20
- RT @Snowden: No importa si es una sorpresa, o si nos advirtieron. Lo que importa es que se trata de un crimen contra el público. https://t.… 17:59:30, 2017-06-20
- Mental note: when writing bylaws, it’s important to say what you mean. Two-thirds and 67% are different things. https://t.co/RIsfLWa6WH 08:32:05, 2017-06-20
- TIL that apparently in Spanish “outrage” (atropello) and “to run over with a car” (atropellar) have the same root. 08:15:57, 2017-06-20
- @cmgosnell @chaspinrad @alanawlsn @jrwiener_1980 @ntnsndr @NASCOcoop https://t.co/8n5UXPcRhd 22:23:50, 2017-06-19
- RT @bhccoops: Want to be recognized as a housing cooperative under @bouldercolorado’s new rules? Contact us to get started here: https://t.… 22:18:28, 2017-06-19
- @10salamanders https://t.co/JYfdadKdrc 17:09:24, 2017-06-19
- RT @lacolarq: La @BordaCoop: a case study on the implementation of cooperative housing in Catalonia
By @CabreEduard & @arnauandres
https://… 01:51:47, 2017-06-19 - @ericmbudd @notFromShrek This is true. in reply to ericmbudd 00:00:32, 2017-06-19
- RT @HeerJeet: 1. Among Very Serious People the real argument for American global hegemony is not freedom or democracy but stability. 23:53:51, 2017-06-18
- RT @MuslimIQ: This can't be. It is horrific. Young boy holds on to his Mom while cops try to take her away for Immigration laws ? https://t… 23:47:40, 2017-06-18
- @Singer4Colorado Inter-platform irony FTW. in reply to Singer4Colorado 12:02:43, 2017-06-18
- @nikkibot Your hunch was correct. https://t.co/zd9z9xgcee in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:16:01, 2017-06-18
- @nikkibot Maybe you should ask the Google. in reply to nikkibot 23:26:45, 2017-06-17
- @mimstah I hope you're right. But I think it's easier to feel that way when you own a home that's appreciating at 10% a year. in reply to mimstah 18:05:01, 2017-06-17
- How evenly distributed is economic opportunity for those born at the bottom in the US? From @BrookingsInst w/ Legos https://t.co/eEG5owxX7l 11:58:50, 2017-06-17
- RT @SFyimby: https://t.co/0oNYDcvACj Can someone volunteer to read this book & give a book report at @YIMBYtown please? 11:52:16, 2017-06-17
- @AlexSteffen Maybe we could actually afford to do something like that if we were to say, move to Cleveland and chil… https://t.co/FOWTGHnF0Q in reply to AlexSteffen 11:08:37, 2017-06-17
- Woodswimmer. Turning slices of space into cross sections through the long, slow, time of trees. https://t.co/ZlZ09gUlxx 11:04:17, 2017-06-17
- @mimstah “Weird Up Boulder” almost feels like a cultural appropriation of a former weird Boulder that might actually be apocryphal anyway. in reply to mimstah 10:33:58, 2017-06-17
- @ericmbudd @markgelband @mattsebastian @mitchellbyars They had a bounteous, well-lit dumpster, too. in reply to ericmbudd 09:57:02, 2017-06-17
- RT @aparnapkin: Ask women again why they don't report their rapes. https://t.co/jdgM4RoQpO 09:49:29, 2017-06-17
- @SarahLerner @soniagupta504 @nytimes WTF NYT?! in reply to SarahLerner 09:23:40, 2017-06-17
- This is also part of why I’ve created a Spanish language list. To give me a more challenging and productive distraction channel on here. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:19:13, 2017-06-17
- @mimstah It sometimes feels like just a matter of time until anyone doing anything “normal” will be an in-commuter. Or gone. Or broke. in reply to mimstah 09:15:05, 2017-06-17
- RT @schmangee: Thread: I managed an urbanist blog network with hundreds of writers and I used to wonder why there were practically zero wom… 09:10:19, 2017-06-17
- Red hot wiener models. A much better idea than you might think. https://t.co/jj3VfT1Hqh 01:46:01, 2017-06-17
- @cmgosnell and yes, I am sleeping with those handlebars. Not the most snuggly thing ever. 01:28:32, 2017-06-17
- RT @mslynnross: Let this fact sink in. #harvardhousingreport #seriously https://t.co/pZAtnk0Z3n 01:02:08, 2017-06-17
- RT @dkberman: Amazon did not just buy Whole Foods grocery stores. It bought 431 upper-income, prime-location distribution nodes for everyt… 00:57:30, 2017-06-17
- RT @fffalcon: Internet:
Amazon buys Whole Foods for $13.4B. This is how markets work. It'll sort itself out…Right? - @bobyatesboulder @AaronBrockett12 @janburtonco Totally agree that’s in the spirit of the open meeting laws, just cu… https://t.co/v8Z5tByiEt in reply to bobyatesboulder 18:23:17, 2017-06-16
- @GR_G_R I doubt many of my followers are at risk of being convinced to purchase a Lincoln Continental. in reply to GR_G_R 14:29:28, 2017-06-16
- They snuck a bike into the beginning to trick me. Blocked. https://t.co/UIHiKf8EjK 23:26:35, 2017-06-15
- RT @YIMBYsea: "Critics of single-family zoning argue it creates de-facto gated communities by keeping land values inflated through restrict… 23:15:01, 2017-06-15
- @bolderbekah “When I was your age we lived in tunnels with the prairie dogs. Now, git out from under mah lawn!" in reply to bolderbekah 22:25:52, 2017-06-15
- @ZackBergerMDPhD Retrospectively I hear your voice, but associate its genre of content with this written short-form. It’s a little weird. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:22:05, 2017-06-15
- @ZackBergerMDPhD I’m just saying, your sharp, derisive, one-line-zinger-comback sense of humor was made for Twitter. Or maybe vice versa. in reply to ZackBergerMDPhD 22:20:40, 2017-06-15
- @ZackBergerMDPhD This does sound familiar 🙂 in reply to ZackBergerMDPhD 22:19:01, 2017-06-15
- I love @memrise b/c it harnesses the same science of attention-suckage as Twitter… but for something constructive. Distraction w/ a purpose! 22:18:40, 2017-06-15
- @ZackBergerMDPhD The more of your tweets I read, the more I realize you were already verbally tweeting at Caltech b… https://t.co/cA7Hz3aSS8 in reply to ZackBergerMDPhD 22:16:18, 2017-06-15
- @JessicaHuseman OMG, people to devour non-fiction books have the least boring conversations evar. in reply to JessicaHuseman 22:11:40, 2017-06-15
- El Secretario de DHS ha rescindido el programa DAPA, que protegé unos 5M padres indocumentos de ciudadanos: https://t.co/jUzf8RFCZH 22:09:11, 2017-06-15
- @JessicaHuseman The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Cities for People. Crabgrass Frontier. The Two Mile Time Machine. Fi… https://t.co/LRuyH1k9U5 in reply to JessicaHuseman 21:47:35, 2017-06-15
- RT @Hegemommy: Oh I am here for this https://t.co/PcS7jGFxIj 21:15:22, 2017-06-15
- East @CUBoulder & Willville campus is going to be bustling pretty soon. Gotta get alt-modes beefed up on Colorado &… https://t.co/b0iJuTgxOD 21:13:24, 2017-06-15
- @jamie_jezebel Yeah, probs. But boy am I less upset by this than when someone looking their phone almost runs me do… https://t.co/pqpyrIdPHd in reply to jamie_jezebel 23:01:35, 2017-06-14
- @jamie_jezebel Meh, one asshole every 8 years I can deal with. in reply to jamie_jezebel 21:11:58, 2017-06-14
- Well, it took 8 years but somebody finally stole my beat up stainless steel water bottle. Not so bad tbh. https://t.co/xbtmSOnyzi 18:43:38, 2017-06-14
- @municodecorp @bouldercolorado @firefox @googlechrome Done. in reply to municodecorp 16:20:35, 2017-06-14
- @bryanlbowen The map is the only interface? Seems wacky that there’s no linkable directory. But, found the docs I was looking for. Thanks! in reply to bryanlbowen 13:07:06, 2017-06-14
- @municodecorp @bouldercolorado @firefox @googlechrome This issue comes up when I attempt to visit the site directly… https://t.co/ixd1C0ZWnh in reply to municodecorp 13:06:08, 2017-06-14
- RT @DanielKayHertz: thread on how zoning is gendered >>>> https://t.co/dUFd1lXzqf 00:27:49, 2017-06-14
- RT @TheDweck: Every pothead Jeff Sessions wants to throw in jail has a better memory than Jeff Sessions 00:24:08, 2017-06-14
- Hmmm… @ericmbudd @TheLaughingGoat https://t.co/anYunYxT4f 23:05:04, 2017-06-13
- @MoreNeighbors ¡Claro que sí! in reply to MoreNeighbors 22:40:03, 2017-06-13
- RT @bochaneighbors: Some legal background on occupancy limits, & possible court challenges to them across the country, from @Sightline: htt… 20:43:45, 2017-06-13
- Pienso que encontré un amigo para @MoreNeighbors. https://t.co/5Lxple4odW 20:38:50, 2017-06-13
- Ah, if only there were more hot takes like @drvox on discount rates with otters. Also books. We've still got books!… https://t.co/KJynWTK1Ue 20:30:26, 2017-06-13
- @bouldercolorado The @municodecorp site for Boulder Revised Code is “Initializing application” For. Ever. On both @firefox & @googlechrome 19:37:03, 2017-06-13
- Bicycles and menstrual cups… a couple of my favorite, simple, anti-consumptive technologies! https://t.co/Y3LgwfLsvZ 18:44:58, 2017-06-13
- @marazepeda @jrwiener_1980 @NamasteSolar Local story on their recent round of funding, and plants to create coopera… https://t.co/f6pcJUqMra in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:24:50, 2017-06-13
- RT @kasie: ALERT: Reporters at Capitol have been told they are not allow to film interviews with senators in hallways, contrary to years of… 10:59:27, 2017-06-13
- @marazepeda @CatalystCoop Not sure if it’ll work though! in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:05:40, 2017-06-13
- @marazepeda With @CatalystCoop we’re trying to get paid to do the labor of generating the useful thing, rather than… https://t.co/uzKINN1rdu in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:05:30, 2017-06-13
- @marazepeda And the more anti-land we pour into the shared commons, the richer the foundation everyone has access to becomes. in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:04:48, 2017-06-13
- @marazepeda While I think Zebras often treat digital goods more like “anti-land” — i.e. things of value with zero m… https://t.co/6nqKe0vrTW in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:00:29, 2017-06-13
- @marazepeda Captive network effect monopolies (Unicorns) try to make digital goods into “land” (inelastic factors of production)… in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:58:50, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda (also if I’ve invaded your mentions more than you would like, please let me know) in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:53:39, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda I bet @lacolarq & @BordaCoop would have interesting input, in city-building context, from Barcelona. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:51:15, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Feel like there’s a big difference between stewardship & ownership of organizations, institutions, res… https://t.co/mmNyneujJz in reply to marazepeda 23:47:46, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Very curious what you are gathering resources for too, if you feel like sharing. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:32:39, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda @citiesforpeople @thehappycity Rethinking the Economics of Land & Housing also good, from @L__Macfarlane https://t.co/pLcMujbQ0u in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:31:33, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Also highly recommend @citiesforpeople. Would add "Crabgrass Frontier (history of burbs) "Fighting Traffic,” & @thehappycity. in reply to marazepeda 23:29:14, 2017-06-12
- @drvox Well that’s too bad. I thought it was quite nice. But I like questions with messy unsatisfying answers. Sometimes anyway. in reply to drvox 23:08:12, 2017-06-12
- Maybe they will try experimenting with more traditional human scale urban forms again. 5-8 stories can still get yo… https://t.co/UNz0qqm3wP 21:47:59, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Might also hit up @jrwiener_1980 & @NamasteSolar to chat about raising patient, mission-aligned capital… https://t.co/rYdp71YaV9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:35:54, 2017-06-12
- RT @TheRickWilson: 1/ Fire Mueller. Do it. Fire Mueller.
Do it, because it's time for the final divorce between the clickservatives and an… 21:33:31, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Robustness vs. Optimality. World Bank edition: https://t.co/hTlBaw6Jgx And as written up by @drvox: https://t.co/NH8QEm3nne in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:17:33, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda You are also amazing! Structural incentives and impediments to long term thinking are a long term perso… https://t.co/CjSkrAuhwJ in reply to marazepeda 21:14:07, 2017-06-12
- @bolderbekah Tough life being a Boulder Junction bollard. in reply to bolderbekah 20:53:06, 2017-06-12
- @jamie_jezebel Twitter does have an office here after all… in reply to jamie_jezebel 20:04:30, 2017-06-12
- @Mergelane @dojo4 @hrdavis1 @PyData @AnalyzeBoulder @seancllns https://t.co/YiTNmOxJrC 19:11:59, 2017-06-12
- Live panel discussion on Women in Data Science. Cc: @AstroKatie @astrokiwi @cmgosnell @elakdawalla @alanawlsn… https://t.co/NuUJrHNd3n 19:06:31, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda In the urban planning context, Georgist land taxes & community land trusts or public ownership of land… https://t.co/tT7GBSi0Bz in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:58:48, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda I haven’t yet found a good exploration of this, but I think the root issue is common conflation of “lan… https://t.co/FB33Q3F24f in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:57:38, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda In urban planning context, interesting example of this is housing as investment vs. housing as a place… https://t.co/dj6iQawwLx in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:56:33, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda And a high discount rate means the future is not worth thinking about. But growth oriented systems tend… https://t.co/7n9wIgj1Rl in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:55:23, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Cost of capital is in many cases inseparable from expected economic growth rate, but synonymous with discount rate as well. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:51:38, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda There’s a difficult connection between being structurally able to think long term, and being able to gr… https://t.co/VrVsS4MQRs in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:50:49, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Her final bringing-it-all-together example is cooperatives. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:49:47, 2017-06-12
- @marazepeda Maybe you’ve come across it already, but Owning our Future by Marjorie Kelly explores how ownership des… https://t.co/GIbyADCmHa in reply to marazepeda 18:49:09, 2017-06-12
- @sea_Baugruppe @YIMBYwiki Doooo it! in reply to sea_Baugruppe 23:05:35, 2017-06-11
- @MatthiasGeiken @devonzuegel So little parking, so much living. in reply to MatthiasGeiken 22:58:46, 2017-06-11
- @dinapomeranz @MaxCRoser Whoa, Ireland and S. Korea are interesting outliers. in reply to dinapomeranz 21:36:19, 2017-06-11
- @AlexSteffen I might actually play a beautiful, immersive, 1st person, cooperative, pre- or post-apocalyptic don’t-… https://t.co/x5gjfHXMa8 in reply to AlexSteffen 21:28:06, 2017-06-11
- @bruteforceblog @Anzelovich Maybe you will help @Sightline & @YIMBYsea put the conference on next summer in Seattle 🙂 in reply to bruteforceblog 21:25:54, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda What length, depth, topical genre or timescale are you focusing on? in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:09:47, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda @drvox @grist Lots of good early stuff from Stewart Brand & Long Now, but lately they've felt different somehow. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:08:00, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda @drvox @grist Fooled by Randomness looks at epistemic uncertainty and how to plan around events if unkn… https://t.co/ThLkCe76IZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:03:28, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda @drvox @grist Dirt: the erosion of civilization is an interesting history (and pre history) of soil con… https://t.co/n0yQZCnei6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:01:37, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda @drvox @grist Stern Report on economics of climate change dense but foundational text. in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:00:08, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda @drvox @grist The Two Mile Time Machine by Richard B Alley great on near past paleoclimates, climate stability in context. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:59:15, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda Posts from @drvox at @grist on discount rates and decision making under deep uncertainty also good. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:58:11, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda Can We Afford The Future is a good short book that tackles discount rates and risk in the context of climate change. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:57:22, 2017-06-11
- @marazepeda Michael Madsen's film Into Eternity is great on deep intergenerational ethics, framed in context of nuclear waste disposal. in reply to marazepeda 17:56:17, 2017-06-11
- This looks much more patriotic than fireworks. https://t.co/Wb79BR9HoN 17:33:09, 2017-06-11
- @radicalbytes @cmgosnell I mean, okay sure, to be fair most people still don’t read, but you get my point… in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:21:51, 2017-06-11
- @radicalbytes @cmgosnell It’s bizarre. Like if the film industry only made action movies. Or every paperback was a… https://t.co/ZFOpDyupAv in reply to radicalbytes 17:21:08, 2017-06-11
- @AlexSteffen You ever thought about working with someone on immersive game design? Could be, uh, pre-apocalyptic to… https://t.co/7PYnKsksZJ 17:14:20, 2017-06-11
- @radicalbytes @cmgosnell Damnit I can only like this once… in reply to radicalbytes 17:13:00, 2017-06-11
- There are so many *awesome* cooperative board games. It’d be amazing to see the same diversity in immersive network… https://t.co/mMyrReAsqm 17:09:54, 2017-06-11
- @Anzelovich Have you been hanging out with @bruteforceblog or something? in reply to Anzelovich 16:56:11, 2017-06-11
- @devonzuegel For scale: If the already developed land in the Bay Area were built to Paris density, it could easily… https://t.co/nGsV17JjIN in reply to devonzuegel 16:54:37, 2017-06-11
- And it would be glorious. https://t.co/rCswort92d 16:47:02, 2017-06-11
- Gawd. What a troll. https://t.co/RVnHcb8PBi 12:40:31, 2017-06-11
- @FionaLutalica The timelessness of midsummer in or near the Arctic is magical. Days and nights blurring together. E… https://t.co/Ay6AL2Z8AG in reply to FionaLutalica 12:14:17, 2017-06-11
- @YIMBYwiki @SonjaTrauss @hanlonbt @woolie @SFHAC Yeah, this is a really interesting semantic discussion. Does the e… https://t.co/NPyfm2oGzn in reply to YIMBYwiki 12:04:59, 2017-06-11
- It would wonderful if @bouldercolorado would legalize this kind of street. https://t.co/j19OJ8LPQ2 12:01:36, 2017-06-11
- Una cooperativa de trabajadores en Boulder se ha creado un nuevo síndcato de credito comerciál, para fondar proyect… https://t.co/88ivUMx5QC 11:50:14, 2017-06-11
- @YIMBYwiki @SonjaTrauss @hanlonbt @woolie @SFHAC Not necessarily. Much of the “market” rate for housing flows from… https://t.co/pNEPYJboxy in reply to YIMBYwiki 11:43:42, 2017-06-11