- The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland? https://t.co/OYh7AOcYnh 20:25:26, 2020-05-02
- @thebmbennett Boy you do not want to get stuck with someone who doesn't love the nerd shit. Gotta lay it on thick right up front. in reply to thebmbennett 19:55:29, 2020-05-02
- @MyleneJac @justmarkham has lots of helpful python data analysis tips and tutorials. Other open science/Python folk… https://t.co/jLavO0yT7X in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:48:08, 2020-05-02
- @MyleneJac @ZLabe @celestelabedz @SarahTaber_bww @emorwee @KendraWrites @amywestervelt @MaryHeglar Also @AstroKatie… https://t.co/gmw5v0aOHD in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:38:35, 2020-05-02
- @MyleneJac Folks you might find interesting… @ZLabe (cryosphere visualization) @celestelabedz (glacial seismology… https://t.co/tR3EfGtN59 15:26:36, 2020-05-02
- @Olivia_R_Will I feel like we really used up the This Is Fine meme too early. in reply to Olivia_R_Will 15:18:12, 2020-05-02
- Some new work from my former @picklebric housemate and lover of the cryosphere, who has just joined Twitter. Give h… https://t.co/wkXFwam7QE 15:14:54, 2020-05-02
- ?♂️ https://t.co/JdVMR7hZog 09:08:52, 2020-05-02
- @celestelabedz @dgonzales1990 Are there any seismo departments that *are* primarily glacial seismology? in reply to celestelabedz 09:26:30, 2020-05-01
- How many iterations of carbon capture and sequestration scamming will we go through? https://t.co/dQBMhzSwuF 19:12:55, 2020-04-30
- RT @cprwarner: Colorado bought 100,000 coronavirus tests from S. Korea– using emergency funds. They're here now. @GovofCO says he kept it… 18:26:39, 2020-04-30
- It never gets better. https://t.co/ruC4E2JdUA 18:24:51, 2020-04-30
- RT @vote4robgill: Multiple armed gunmen storm Michigan’s State House, State police are protecting @GovWhitmer and blocking the gunmen from… 15:22:05, 2020-04-30
- RT @Ah_Science: Evangelicals who defied social distancing guidelines are dying of coronavirus in frightening numbers:
- RT @SenPolehanki: Directly above me, men with rifles yelling at us. Some of my colleagues who own bullet proof vests are wearing them. I ha… 14:20:35, 2020-04-30
- RT @dataeditor: the national guard and maryland state police are guarding tests in the state in a place they will not disclose to prevent a… 14:20:21, 2020-04-30
- @KendraWrites @idratherbeacat @MaryHeglar While the richest 10% of the world is responsible for ~50% of all emissio… https://t.co/8U9YLk3Bz4 in reply to KendraWrites 11:43:52, 2020-04-30
- @thmscwlls https://t.co/tZnExuQcf7 in reply to thmscwlls 08:37:59, 2020-04-30
- It sure does feel like Groundhog Day in here. 07:30:20, 2020-04-30
- RT @matthewstoller: Musk is on the PRC payroll. I mean I could say it politely and say 'he has substantial interests in China' but the real… 22:17:25, 2020-04-29
- RT @lorakolodny: Elon Musk lauds China for its infrastructure. In Feb., China welded people into their homes to curb Covid-19. But Musk sai… 22:16:38, 2020-04-29
- If only I believed so fervently that we were fresh out of very unforeseen somethings. https://t.co/lxvTcbsnoh 21:17:01, 2020-04-29
- Efficiency on what timescale? And in exchange for how much brittleness? https://t.co/LtsHdSwQ51 21:07:39, 2020-04-29
- @emorwee ? in reply to emorwee 20:26:53, 2020-04-29
- RT @mattdpearce: “People from partisan media outlets find this stuff and use a single study as a cudgel to beat the other side,” Bergstrom… 20:26:38, 2020-04-29
- @Thatmushroom Yeah it's bad. Exactly what we don't need. Yet again. in reply to Thatmushroom 18:28:27, 2020-04-29
- This is super important, because the Federal Power Act of 1934 gives gas transmission pipelines with FERC's blessin… https://t.co/Tkf4MeAyEA 16:53:21, 2020-04-29
- There's also a ton of wonderful nuclear physics — alongside a history of the science and the people involved — in… https://t.co/xner3Z7PoI in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:03:13, 2020-04-29
- If you want some background on how these things work, accessible to someone with undergrad physics, I highly recomm… https://t.co/AdasFWr2pr in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:01:40, 2020-04-29
- Anyway, it was a great whirlwind engineering tour of all these different reactor designs, with none of the spin tha… https://t.co/j2QRHtWGRg in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:59:35, 2020-04-29
- Switch to dissolving the fuel itself in a molten salt heat transfer fluid ("pre-melting" the core…) and you drama… https://t.co/e2VACBT07H in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:55:49, 2020-04-29
- Replace the reactive sodium coolant with relatively inert molten lead, and you address the reactions with oxygen an… https://t.co/EttItAsrH0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:51:47, 2020-04-29
- Add back in a high thermal inertia but low pressure coolant like sodium and you address that issue, but then you ha… https://t.co/iZVgMOcatT in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:49:44, 2020-04-29
- Okay, so get rid of the neutron moderator and make a gas cooled fast reactor, but then you have low thermal inertia… https://t.co/5qpB1pPjye in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:45:57, 2020-04-29
- A very high temperature inert gas cooled reactor operates at lower pressures (because there's no phase change) whic… https://t.co/CA4ZCqOjIv in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:42:19, 2020-04-29
- PWRs aren't particularly efficient, switching to supercritical water cooled reactors (based on supercritical coal b… https://t.co/Qy9XVtb4jj in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:39:53, 2020-04-29
- I really appreciated the way he worked through the train of thought, starting from existing pressurized water react… https://t.co/XmLB0mQIPU in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:38:21, 2020-04-29
- I follow a bunch of people bike touring all over the world in IG. Disappearing into the mountains on a bike for day… https://t.co/KxJSXraTcj 11:14:00, 2020-04-29
- RT @BikeSmut: Moderately infuriated I didn't think of this first https://t.co/f2809bxnx6 10:19:46, 2020-04-29
- RT @subnut: Red dots represent fully loaded oil tanker ships "stranded" at sea due to no global demand for oil – approx cost per day per sh… 10:14:07, 2020-04-29
- So is this creative destruction? Or just good old fashioned destructive destruction? https://t.co/khcF88odmc 10:08:05, 2020-04-29
- A slightly technical 2018 IAEA workshop talk looking at the advantages and challenges associated with half a dozen… https://t.co/xMxlkTLpto 22:07:28, 2020-04-28
- RT @nuthaven: This is my favorite bit of early-UNIX history trivia:
When AT&T donated the V6 source code to Berkeley, it was classified as… 20:39:23, 2020-04-28
- @SloanPublic Somebody really needs to make Richard Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb into a full-length TV series. 20:35:13, 2020-04-28
- @ericmbudd @thmscwlls @AndySayler @bhalsey @elemdoubleu Oh I thought these were *your* automated news digest emails… https://t.co/adOsGQKvSe in reply to ericmbudd 17:56:39, 2020-04-28
- @ericmbudd @thmscwlls @AndySayler @bhalsey @elemdoubleu Do you have a tracking pixel? in reply to ericmbudd 17:54:16, 2020-04-28
- @ericmbudd @hydewright Assuming you end up where you started anyway, and don't just strand yourself at the top of some mountain. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:59:37, 2020-04-28
- @ericmbudd @hydewright Such a route would have to have and *average* of an ~8% grade, wouldn't it? in reply to ericmbudd 15:56:39, 2020-04-28
- @ericmbudd @hydewright Would infinite repeats on Chapman Dr. do it? in reply to ericmbudd 15:54:58, 2020-04-28
- There's a little one module Python package called addfips that works well enough, but it seems like it may be aband… https://t.co/qofir58Vnm in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:44:48, 2020-04-28
- Speaking of which, anyone have favorite libraries / techniques for finding state & county FIPS codes, given only th… https://t.co/43Q8oxPwfx 10:22:09, 2020-04-28
- @ericmbudd And the ones who can pay already have the cleaned up data. in reply to ericmbudd 09:49:08, 2020-04-28
- I'm starting to wonder if making a career out of doing nothing but cleaning up dysfunctional datasets is psychologi… https://t.co/Fd5bWoXsWW 09:47:29, 2020-04-28
- RT @andersem: Anyway, the common "stay at home/indoors" language drives me up the wall.
It would drive me up the wall less if I didn't thi… 07:24:59, 2020-04-28
- @drvox So, this is where all those Friday afternoon words get made. in reply to drvox 21:53:40, 2020-04-27
- RT @SarahTaber_bww: Rural areas thought they were immune because they completely forgot they're dotted by sweatshops
whoopsie https://t.co… 21:39:19, 2020-04-27
- As we get past discussing its Badness, I think it might be interesting & productive to talk about why and how The B… https://t.co/lna5btLMk7 21:37:38, 2020-04-27
- How can I be simultaneously lonely, and also filled with anxiety at the thought of having to interact with another human being? 17:11:31, 2020-04-27
- Excess mortality is how we'll measure this all in retrospect. In some places it's several times higher than the rep… https://t.co/4oTLh9GRbo 17:01:22, 2020-04-27
- "En México fallece 9.4% de las personas que se contagian por el nuevo coronavirus; esta media se ubica como la déci… https://t.co/R2cT4hxBx6 16:58:42, 2020-04-27
- Narrator: "Imagine a world…" https://t.co/SVUTzkpg8a 12:34:06, 2020-04-27
- On here she's @vermilionvixxxn https://t.co/9MmIaySlMS 23:14:17, 2020-04-26
- @hausfath Oh god. in reply to hausfath 22:48:10, 2020-04-26
- Those are very large numbers. https://t.co/9axJFaO1Tn 22:24:25, 2020-04-26
- @NuclearAnthro Whew, glad there's at least 10 hours day of safety. ? in reply to NuclearAnthro 15:07:12, 2020-04-26
- @bryanlbowen Would *totally* consider it at half the price! in reply to bryanlbowen 14:50:40, 2020-04-26
- RT @aetiology: People really have issues with women saying "fuck." I was chastised for it earlier this month. How about everyone just get t… 12:58:12, 2020-04-26
- RT @angie_rasmussen: Yesterday I tweeted criticism of Trump, and I dropped a F bomb. Some have complained in the replies about how this vul… 12:58:04, 2020-04-26
- RT @angie_rasmussen: As a virologist, my professional opinion of this tweet is fuck off, you cowardly, fragile, gaslighting liar whose own… 12:57:49, 2020-04-26
- @YIMBY_Princeton @ericmbudd @peopleforbikes Chicago, Minneapolis, and NYC all look to have done a lot. in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:40:37, 2020-04-26
- @YIMBY_Princeton @ericmbudd A ton of other places, it turns out… Valencia, Paris, Bogotá, Vancouver. And here's a… https://t.co/XUeYCpjGY2 in reply to YIMBY_Princeton 10:38:28, 2020-04-26
- @ericmbudd Wait did they eventually remove the remaining bollards on Folsom? in reply to ericmbudd 10:34:45, 2020-04-26
- "Oh, that’s perfect. They should put that on our money." in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:36:03, 2020-04-26
- "Why worry about something that isn't going to happen?" https://t.co/O4YQcdBrPz 00:35:34, 2020-04-26
Tag: twitter
- @CHThiem Yeah I have a weird relationship with escape. in reply to CHThiem 20:03:29, 2020-04-25
- Apparently I am inadvertently watching Chernobyl to commemorate the anniversary of the accident. 18:02:51, 2020-04-25
- @ericmbudd @hydewright I guess that's a nice thing about an up and back and up and back kind of ride. You've got mu… https://t.co/Xo23IeZd4F in reply to ericmbudd 17:51:34, 2020-04-25
- RT @KendraWrites: Please excuse women from this narrative.
Not a single one of these think pieces has pointed out that women leaders, in… 17:50:06, 2020-04-25
- Apropos absolutely nothing, I'm craving some epic sci-fi movies with unhappy endings. Suggestions? 16:41:57, 2020-04-25
- Seems like the US is doing none of these things. https://t.co/9FIScMcMAH 14:15:15, 2020-04-25
- Cc: @NuclearAnthro https://t.co/gQCPwOqqhd 10:56:12, 2020-04-25
- @IceSheetMike But it *might* help keep everyone 6 feet away from you! ? in reply to IceSheetMike 23:57:38, 2020-04-24
- What's a couple of months of home isolation compared to the 42+ years the Lykov family spent alone in the taiga? Ev… https://t.co/4kCC9eZBV3 22:46:05, 2020-04-24
- @CHThiem It's from the Deepwater Horizon days. in reply to CHThiem 22:18:09, 2020-04-24
- @CHThiem https://t.co/DQTdJo1lJ1 in reply to CHThiem 22:04:41, 2020-04-24
- @rebleber "I drink, and I throw things." in reply to rebleber 22:03:38, 2020-04-24
- @ericmbudd @hydewright That, doesn't look fun. in reply to ericmbudd 22:02:11, 2020-04-24
- @Noahpinion The movie Her was really good this way. in reply to Noahpinion 21:59:19, 2020-04-24
- @choldgraf @IanRRose We use setuptools-scm to pull the version directly from git tags. It's a little bit annoying t… https://t.co/k4l3FfKg7F in reply to choldgraf 20:13:52, 2020-04-24
- @cityatlas That which is not forbidden, is compulsory. in reply to cityatlas 20:09:33, 2020-04-24
- Why can't someone make an inspiring documentary about the relentless rise in total factor productivity over the las… https://t.co/DwUxIComK5 19:28:38, 2020-04-24
- @NathalieOttawa I was surprised that you chose to share those pictures, but also glad that you did. I appreciate th… https://t.co/kgHOmBzk5R in reply to NathalieOttawa 18:44:27, 2020-04-24
- @agelston How about a nice game of chess? in reply to agelston 18:36:18, 2020-04-24
- I Want To Believe. https://t.co/FIJ09btxvT 17:00:29, 2020-04-24
- @drvox Surely the epistemology industry is booming right now. in reply to drvox 16:53:52, 2020-04-24
- @ElephantEating So you're saying I should go bike touring then. in reply to ElephantEating 16:52:02, 2020-04-24
- @emorwee @hausfath I made the same mistake. Glad the BTI has gone in a different direction! in reply to emorwee 16:48:16, 2020-04-24
- I'm sure this comes off as snark, but for real. It's so. Tiring. Knowing it doesn't have to be this way. Knowing th… https://t.co/wbJ8y6oMF8 16:22:46, 2020-04-24
- @drvox Don't you ever get tired of pitching good ideas that are then ignored by the world? in reply to drvox 16:12:36, 2020-04-24
- @leahstokes I'm so sorry for your loss. in reply to leahstokes 16:10:40, 2020-04-24
- @thebmbennett Aaaahhhhh, now I see the plan. in reply to thebmbennett 15:58:49, 2020-04-24
- @thebmbennett Maybe you need a housewife. in reply to thebmbennett 15:57:37, 2020-04-24
- RT @aprilaser: homeless people are being yelled at from police drones to "shelter-in-place" and to wash their hands, despite the fact that… 14:15:51, 2020-04-24
- But I guess the AI is also studying AI play and learning from it, and can maybe digest thousands or millions of gam… https://t.co/X1gvELqdn6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:21:18, 2020-04-23
- I watched the AlphaGo documentary last weekend, in which the AI beat the top ranked human 4-1. That human resigned… https://t.co/Y8iqiqV27G 23:13:32, 2020-04-23
- I've been avoiding the press conferences, but the echoes I'm hearing on here make it sound like he told people to drink bleach or something. 19:39:41, 2020-04-23
- I would rather be quarantining in a co-op. https://t.co/W5XfmQYQ3y 19:33:49, 2020-04-23
- @hausfath @jamesonmcb @leahstokes @yayitsrob @DrJaneFlegal Do you know the story of how that change in organizational perspective happened? in reply to hausfath 13:03:51, 2020-04-23
- RT @hausfath: @jamesonmcb @leahstokes @ZaneSelvans @yayitsrob @DrJaneFlegal BTI these days is focused on all-of-the-above clean energy solu… 13:00:46, 2020-04-23
- RT @hausfath: @jamesonmcb @leahstokes @ZaneSelvans @yayitsrob @DrJaneFlegal Yep, not on friendly terms. Shellenberger is not with BTI and h… 12:59:49, 2020-04-23
- @yayitsrob @DrJaneFlegal @leahstokes Ah okay it looks like he left in 2016, but he's one of the founders and was th… https://t.co/vSIkxrPIa4 in reply to yayitsrob 11:26:50, 2020-04-23
- @DrJaneFlegal @leahstokes @yayitsrob There are some nuclear energy futures I'm supportive of. I've seen Pandora's P… https://t.co/3m9OqoQgVy in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:16:54, 2020-04-23
- Every once in a while I try to get myself to like The BTI. Usually when I see people I respect like @DrJaneFlegal o… https://t.co/vsZ1ucIlbz 11:11:39, 2020-04-23
- @emorwee @Ben_Inskeep drunken hate watched it yesterday and live tweeted the whole affair, which was entertaining.… https://t.co/tcvOXWhFBu in reply to emorwee 08:17:38, 2020-04-23
- RT @nelsonlflores: The IRB rejects this request because of 1) the high risk involved for participants, 2) the lack of informed consent the… 08:10:36, 2020-04-23
- I think it's more like "The libs think the virus is bad enough that maybe we can get away with the immigration ban… https://t.co/65BR2V5jC2 21:25:12, 2020-04-22
- @Ben_Inskeep There's a huge built in constituency for this: all the boomers who remember The Population Bomb. It's… https://t.co/JYGUQr9L9H in reply to Ben_Inskeep 20:17:57, 2020-04-22
- @Ben_Inskeep THE TOWER OF POWER in reply to Ben_Inskeep 19:50:01, 2020-04-22
- RT @Ben_Inskeep: Alright buckle up buttercup time to hate-watch the tire fire that is Michael Moore's new Earth Day documentary release att… 19:28:48, 2020-04-22
- It's always been the warmest year. https://t.co/ls5hiIu2f8 18:31:36, 2020-04-22
- @ericmbudd Fucking millennials. in reply to ericmbudd 18:29:19, 2020-04-22
- Feeling thankful for all of the Angry Climate Women in my life & timeline, especially @amywestervelt @emorwee… https://t.co/wxIL8OXnTc 16:36:01, 2020-04-22
- This makes it like the quintessentially American tale. https://t.co/mA5uctTPCl 14:50:39, 2020-04-22
- Also, probably easy to keep everyone at least 2 meters away with that scythe. https://t.co/i9sutWP8fO 13:13:20, 2020-04-22
- @CostaSamaras @electronecon But hey at least he's got hair. in reply to CostaSamaras 12:57:30, 2020-04-22
- Man that guy was toxic. https://t.co/PQlUMpSbgv 10:23:09, 2020-04-22
- @CHThiem Maybe it's time for a subscription to @TeenVogue in reply to CHThiem 09:29:49, 2020-04-22
- @DrJaneFlegal Maybe it's just me, but it almost feels like the connotation of the "climate policy" label is becomin… https://t.co/1cT5RDOXK8 in reply to DrJaneFlegal 09:29:31, 2020-04-22
- @DrJaneFlegal "Political Will!" in reply to DrJaneFlegal 09:23:33, 2020-04-22
- @DrJaneFlegal Do you see this issue primarily coming up in conversations with the public at large? Or is it also a… https://t.co/rsDwrGeTXw in reply to DrJaneFlegal 09:18:57, 2020-04-22
- Given the opportunity to side with democracy in general as a principle, over particular political interests, it see… https://t.co/eNCEj5XbFU 09:15:39, 2020-04-22
- @emorwee @1a Wow that's some heady company! Congrats! in reply to emorwee 08:52:00, 2020-04-22
- @DrJaneFlegal Does this feel like a failure of the discourse? Or is it a sign of maturity — that there's so many d… https://t.co/G3euQzHNKG in reply to DrJaneFlegal 08:50:51, 2020-04-22
- @AllieLHunter @ericmbudd Because they already lack support, from Council. in reply to AllieLHunter 07:01:55, 2020-04-22
- Welp, here we go. https://t.co/cBITb0tjNl 20:53:49, 2020-04-21
- RT @BenDWalsh: everyone says they're pro-union until it happens under their roof https://t.co/wc0OjqkO6x 20:29:53, 2020-04-21
- @ericmbudd There could be two product lines, one containing actual budd. Maybe the other one could be like, "seeds… https://t.co/LMhItJhhk1 in reply to ericmbudd 18:37:21, 2020-04-21
- The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
- @ericmbudd And we were tired of being mild
We were so tired of being mild
And we were [so] tiredSo don't you
Don'… https://t.co/UOBRUoSwhA in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:41:27, 2020-04-21 - @ericmbudd 'Cause listen, after the fall there'll be no more countries
No currencies at all
We're gonna live on our… https://t.co/UzQ9WaZTd0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:39:12, 2020-04-21 - @ericmbudd I know we're gonna meet some day
In the crumbled financial institutions of this land
There will be tabl… https://t.co/AhcTvgJA4K in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:38:34, 2020-04-21 - @ericmbudd THERE WILL BE SNACKS THERE WILL
https://t.co/5x4ZSiFOSc in reply to ericmbudd 17:36:08, 2020-04-21
- @ericmbudd Imagine another party or president where they did the same thing but for like, equity and sustainability. in reply to ericmbudd 17:29:57, 2020-04-21
- @CostaSamaras There are good facetious arguments, in which environmental cleanup costs and employee pensions/health… https://t.co/foV5Xc53om in reply to CostaSamaras 17:26:23, 2020-04-21
- @LaurenGifford (sorry, it just triggered old geology brain cells https://t.co/2MA5rD79id) in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:48:33, 2020-04-21
- @LaurenGifford Like sneaking up on them from below, all hot and molten, before freezing in place deep down beneath… https://t.co/2orIhPJYom in reply to LaurenGifford 13:45:00, 2020-04-21
- There sure seem to be a lot of things denominated in trillions these days. https://t.co/FhNaIqXsyw 20:29:35, 2020-04-20
- @darkolina Parecen *tan emocionadxs* sobre esta comida exótica norteamericana. (espero que México no esta atrapado… https://t.co/VWfCYYKQTo in reply to darkolina 20:17:14, 2020-04-20
- @darkolina omh "Seguro que ya has visto en las series y películas americanas, esas líneas enormes de chupitos de co… https://t.co/nuZhF5cqJv in reply to darkolina 18:40:28, 2020-04-20
- What a fascinating modern age it is we live in. https://t.co/sFs8xxAI6r 18:14:06, 2020-04-20
- Fuck it. I'm gonna make jello shots. 18:01:48, 2020-04-20
- @thebmbennett The Few. The Proud. The Firstname.Lastname@gmail.com in reply to thebmbennett 18:00:30, 2020-04-20
- @Olivia_R_Will Four TWENTY Twenty twenty in reply to Olivia_R_Will 14:40:48, 2020-04-20
- @ericmbudd The thing with renewables is it's almost all up front expenditures, with declining technology costs. So… https://t.co/djbCTwuOBp in reply to ericmbudd 14:36:13, 2020-04-20
- @ericmbudd Or maybe you dump power into long-term storage. Molten salt reservoirs? Electrolysis of water to produce… https://t.co/6iSPRNX3yl in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:33:00, 2020-04-20
- @ericmbudd If you have an electricity system that's overwhelmingly dominated by variable power sources, you're prob… https://t.co/pwRFihedm0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:29:30, 2020-04-20
- @ericmbudd I think this depends on a lot of things. And what kind of consequences are you thinking of? And what ki… https://t.co/TESW53upal in reply to ericmbudd 14:27:49, 2020-04-20
- @leahstokes It would be nice if it were all some kind of A Christmas Carol thing. in reply to leahstokes 00:20:56, 2020-04-20
- RT @nils_gilman: UBI in the 1970s was a Milton Friedman idea (he called it a reverse income tax); the aim was to use UBI to abolish welfare… 22:13:07, 2020-04-19
- It's so tempting to believe that we can learn from history. https://t.co/RCBmglz2LD 21:07:46, 2020-04-19
- RT @jbouie: Must be said that forcing states to prematurely open up (under threat of bankruptcy) is guaranteeing more infections and more d… 17:20:14, 2020-04-19
- Getting this giant yoga mat has reminded me just how much I like lolling around on the floor. 16:24:59, 2020-04-19
- Seems bad. https://t.co/Amg2KRP8Fv 15:37:56, 2020-04-19
- @thebmbennett Would it still be voyeurism if it were only the machines watching and listening? in reply to thebmbennett 15:32:38, 2020-04-19
- This definitely feels relevant to the US situation too. Democracy would function better if we had some shared basel… https://t.co/bdF3LhvAg5 11:16:05, 2020-04-19
- Sunday mornings are quiet enough now, that the main sound outside my window is the haunting, pulsating hum of cicad… https://t.co/vZai6rf9Oo 09:18:21, 2020-04-19
- @ElephantEating Yeah it does seem like the public trust is a pretty huge asset, not to be squandered. Also seems li… https://t.co/5bghQBfeuE in reply to ElephantEating 09:15:18, 2020-04-19
- @ElephantEating What if the predicted response to a straightforward argument is undesirable? If they said "masks wo… https://t.co/yiPkUjHbRe in reply to ElephantEating 08:11:04, 2020-04-19
- @isaach Dude what rock have you been hiding under for the last month? ? in reply to isaach 23:22:29, 2020-04-18
- @CHThiem I predict that they say "Yes" but that they mean "No" and none of the measures makes it on the ballot. in reply to CHThiem 16:37:26, 2020-04-18
- RT @chrisnoessel: The original poster locked their account, so I’ve blurred contact info. But holy crap it’s brilliant. https://t.co/I002oU… 16:35:58, 2020-04-18
- @ericmbudd I mean I've been wearing the same clothes for the past week and just look how productive I am. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:22:56, 2020-04-18
- @ericmbudd Saves a lot of time getting ready in the morning. in reply to ericmbudd 09:18:27, 2020-04-18
- RT @gabimoskowitz: Goodnight moon. Goodnight Zoom. Goodnight unshakeable sense of impending doom. 15:35:27, 2020-04-17
- Is this weird? When is it ever easier for small local businesses and individuals to get help than banks and megacor… https://t.co/mvQwG6uIS0 15:25:53, 2020-04-17
- RT @WFKARS: This is a blatant lie.
This person is a liar. https://t.co/o5fOUM7Gb7 22:24:05, 2020-04-16
- RT @Twitter: It's Tuesday 19:02:45, 2020-04-16
- @electronecon @thebmbennett But also gradschool is kind of a crapshoot. I felt like I was pretty much totally on my… https://t.co/aaY6m15pzD in reply to electronecon 17:48:56, 2020-04-16
- @electronecon @thebmbennett I have literally no idea. I've basically hidden from "The Economy" ever since finishing… https://t.co/TTiJiXiCbp in reply to electronecon 17:45:49, 2020-04-16
- @thebmbennett @electronecon Especially if you're working outside of contexts where bullshit credentialism holds swa… https://t.co/2j9yWwMikG in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:36:16, 2020-04-16
- @thebmbennett @electronecon I regret not having quit my PhD (I tried, but was socially pressured into coming back!)… https://t.co/Zj0hDLHg0I in reply to thebmbennett 17:34:40, 2020-04-16
- RT @jamieclimate: This is the chief meteorologist at the NBC Station in Miami.
We don’t have the luxury of tackling one crisis at a time.… 07:08:53, 2020-04-16
- RT @__arancho: ?? https://t.co/YkjMzvbWtb 22:11:50, 2020-04-15
- RT @AskAQueerChick: Sorry but women didn't develop apologetic or approval-seeking speech patterns in a vacuum, we do it because if we don't… 22:07:38, 2020-04-15
- RT @ZLabe: Temperatures exceeded 5°C above average (relative to the 1951-1980 climate baseline) across a massive area of Eurasia during the… 21:55:28, 2020-04-15
- @ericmbudd It's easy to get confused about where the decimal place goes. in reply to ericmbudd 21:11:09, 2020-04-15
- Well, this would definitely help get me excited again! https://t.co/9RGvZAM3U6 19:06:54, 2020-04-15
- WTF do you do when a marauding horde of plague infected people descends on your state capital? This picture is wild. https://t.co/gaBjjj5G3n 18:58:29, 2020-04-15
- @martharoskowski Man the barricades! in reply to martharoskowski 17:46:08, 2020-04-15
- RT @aetiology: Ohio. We've had protestors at the Governor's press conference daily. https://t.co/zhslXg0ERQ 17:35:33, 2020-04-15
- "I balance between wanting to have empathy for people, and being really pissed off at everybody." @emorwee https://t.co/UD9tUxacr1 17:27:43, 2020-04-15
- RT @CostaSamaras: Read this great thread on Solyndra. A bigger point: the loan program that contained Solyndra ended up having a very low f… 17:17:55, 2020-04-15
- @MaryHeglar @emorwee Hey Mary, do you have a Patreon or some other way that folks can support you directly? in reply to MaryHeglar 16:54:25, 2020-04-15
- @ericmbudd @TheCharlier There's a lot of smaller scale mezcal production here locally. I've gotten the sense it's k… https://t.co/47Q0OCh60W in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:39:39, 2020-04-15
- @ericmbudd @TheCharlier Weed and booze: clearly essential if you're asking folks to stay at home for weeks / months? in reply to ericmbudd 16:36:33, 2020-04-15
- @drvox @RockyMtnInst @BeninBoulder My god I thought it was prohibited by their charter or something. in reply to drvox 16:26:59, 2020-04-15
- @ericmbudd Beer production has been deemed non-essential in Mexico. People are not amused. in reply to ericmbudd 16:16:16, 2020-04-15
- RT @emilygrubert: Hello if we can pay companies not to produce oil we could just pay workers and accelerate a just transition instead proba… 16:12:59, 2020-04-15
- @ericmbudd Dude we're burning down cell towers to stop the virus. in reply to ericmbudd 07:38:38, 2020-04-15
- @JessicaHuseman @CoriLefkowith has a huge library of workouts and exercises on YouTube, many of which require no eq… https://t.co/4GG53F3gfd in reply to JessicaHuseman 00:19:59, 2020-04-15
- @Olivia_R_Will I guess "depressingly timeless" is another option. in reply to Olivia_R_Will 00:14:33, 2020-04-15
- @ericmbudd The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland. in reply to ericmbudd 23:58:36, 2020-04-14
- RT @Wwm_Shakespeare: O, woe is me
T’ have seen what I have seen, see what I see! 23:51:39, 2020-04-14 - @ericmbudd Definitely curious what this is all going to do for housing prices in desirable cities. With the collaps… https://t.co/61byhoJyg1 in reply to ericmbudd 23:41:44, 2020-04-14
- @ericmbudd How much will housing costs inflate in the intervening 19 months? in reply to ericmbudd 23:31:22, 2020-04-14
- @ericmbudd @BoulderBedrooms @bryanlbowen They are so full of shit. in reply to ericmbudd 23:25:37, 2020-04-14
- @BoulderBedrooms @bryanlbowen *ahem* https://t.co/uLaamB3zSz in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:19:50, 2020-04-14
- There's either something timeless, or depressingly uncreative, in the fact that both Star Wars and Star Trek, and s… https://t.co/5ZBeyRICDH 23:08:34, 2020-04-14
- @ericmbudd Temporary emergency measures ftw. in reply to ericmbudd 21:42:07, 2020-04-14
- @DrJenGunter But he still won't get it. in reply to DrJenGunter 21:13:36, 2020-04-14
- Graduate students are highly skilled but generally unwitting participants in the research-industrial pyramid scheme… https://t.co/xdKCEORVql 21:11:45, 2020-04-14
- @ericmbudd They are the True Citizens. in reply to ericmbudd 21:08:12, 2020-04-14
- I think in this timeline all the good tech is doomed to be super janky. And all the polished tech is gonna be evil.… https://t.co/yYmh3nIT61 21:06:07, 2020-04-14
- @CHThiem Seriously, this quote reads like a parody! in reply to CHThiem 21:05:01, 2020-04-14
- @rightlegpegged Someone should just build some fuckin' barricades. in reply to rightlegpegged 20:18:12, 2020-04-14
- How about we just buy out all the privately held fossil fuel reserves while they're on sale, and wind the entire th… https://t.co/U71hElQgPs 19:47:14, 2020-04-14
- It has to happen, and the sooner the better. They should be crushed and we can build something better on the other… https://t.co/MzbmSxiL6D 19:43:12, 2020-04-14
- @soniagupta504 Kinda hoping they will just play dead for the next 7 months. in reply to soniagupta504 19:09:54, 2020-04-14
- There's a seething ocean of recombinant paranoid nonsense out there, groping around in the memetic darkness until i… https://t.co/q1wwgXOt4J 10:02:40, 2020-04-14
- @ericmbudd So that's like ~8 Cleveland Plain Dealers then? https://t.co/oMz1bsTOGm in reply to ericmbudd 09:44:21, 2020-04-14
- @NumFOCUS Ummmm… in reply to NumFOCUS 23:03:30, 2020-04-13
- RT @apark2453: No, seriously, if you can hear Trump say "when somebody is the President of the United States, the authority is total" and n… 22:35:47, 2020-04-13
- @paytonchung @akronisticlotor ? in reply to paytonchung 22:31:50, 2020-04-13
- This is, not a hard question. https://t.co/TQnmLpIqQR 21:06:03, 2020-04-13
- LOOK INTO THE WHEEEEEEEL. @BicycleLobby https://t.co/VS5yU2RAw2 18:34:27, 2020-04-13
- @akronisticlotor I guess it is Vegas. in reply to akronisticlotor 18:10:41, 2020-04-13
- @akronisticlotor What's not artistic about a big, hard, golden cock? in reply to akronisticlotor 18:00:00, 2020-04-13
- How long will I have to live in Mexico to stop associating the jacaranda blossoms with finals week at @Caltech? https://t.co/J7stxLudz8 17:46:39, 2020-04-13
- Plutes gonna plute. https://t.co/LzUOJPA2vJ 17:41:56, 2020-04-13
- And some of them will torch 5G towers to stop its spread. https://t.co/b4wjICxcq0 11:30:33, 2020-04-13
- @bryanlbowen I remember there being a paper modeling airflow in buildings and showing that some HVAC arrangements t… https://t.co/NJ5wEDVwTA in reply to bryanlbowen 11:27:09, 2020-04-13
- @bryanlbowen I mean if someone who was on planning board for 8 freakin' years thinks it's a good idea… in reply to bryanlbowen 11:20:46, 2020-04-13
- @drvox They've also been known to re-route roads and other infrastructure projects due to potential impacts on faer… https://t.co/SR1ycLsvWd in reply to drvox 11:19:53, 2020-04-13
- @CHThiem #ForScience in reply to CHThiem 11:07:41, 2020-04-13
- I read this while listening to DeVotchka's How It Ends and totally broke down sobbing. https://t.co/bK6KC8xc7G
- @interfluidity My god I find that guy terrifying. Like spine tingling, nausea inducing, loathing. Not sure what it is. in reply to interfluidity 09:17:07, 2020-04-13
- RT @DannyDutch: Thought this was relevant to share today – 12 April 1955, Jonas Salk's vaccine for Polio was declared safe, and he chose no… 08:59:20, 2020-04-13
- @joshdr83 And the internet has sold out of clippers. https://t.co/qnzxTTm95N in reply to joshdr83 08:55:17, 2020-04-13
- @CoriLefkowith I like that you also frequently relate the exercises to physical therapy or recovering from injuries… https://t.co/OiTlZuUBo2 in reply to CoriLefkowith 00:36:44, 2020-04-13
- ? https://t.co/rzOrtXcrs1 22:06:13, 2020-04-12
- @CoriLefkowith I really appreciate her non judgemental tone, and how she always gives ways to make the exercises bo… https://t.co/513Zq4BQdc in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:02:21, 2020-04-12
- Another YouTube quarantine plug: If you find yourself stuck inside w/o equipment, but still want to use your body,… https://t.co/SjsrvroYDS 21:59:36, 2020-04-12
- What's the prevailing wisdom on how to store time series in Python/pandas? Should it be a timezone naive datetime v… https://t.co/M1xZNjA4rC 21:28:29, 2020-04-12
- @elspanishdude Though sadly he doesn't really use the Twitter. in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:08:55, 2020-04-12
- @elspanishdude The tone is kind of self deprecating and goofy, and personal in a just a tiny bit TMI kind of way. B… https://t.co/GwsZ7zBHvc in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:07:48, 2020-04-12
- If you want to study Spanish in quarantine, and like narrative explanations of how things work I've really enjoyed… https://t.co/MuxphAtnW3 21:05:03, 2020-04-12
- @KendraWrites @NatBullard I'm pretty sure they'd both be vegetables in Food Pyramid land. But then again, didn't th… https://t.co/sikFRtr0N7 in reply to KendraWrites 20:57:12, 2020-04-12
- @NatBullard @KendraWrites Okay sure phylogenetically they are not vegetables. But this is the food pyramid. in reply to NatBullard 20:14:35, 2020-04-12
- @emorwee Can confirm. in reply to emorwee 19:27:35, 2020-04-12
- RT @ericmbudd: @BoulderBedrooms wow, just hit 500 people in our first day for occupancy reform petition. sign if you're a Boulder voter and… 19:26:55, 2020-04-12
- RT @DrKateMarvel: Shoutout to the alarmist scientists using confusing math and imperfect models to push for unpopular policies that will sa… 18:10:21, 2020-04-12
- Whoa it's like a virus that makes the pillbug into a tiny solar panel. https://t.co/rcYVwNAYy8 16:25:56, 2020-04-12
- @ericmbudd What's with the https://t.co/ZovTRQ9dDq request for monies? Is that to go to you / the campaign? Or is t… https://t.co/DBf6eDzmAz in reply to ericmbudd 16:13:40, 2020-04-12
- @ericmbudd Just remember it's also possible to accomplish less than nothing, and nothing may start to look pretty good. in reply to ericmbudd 14:57:32, 2020-04-12
- RT @cesargalicia_: ah yes, el "primer mundo" educado y civilizado https://t.co/af6aLsVkUB 13:16:56, 2020-04-12
- @welcomehomebldr @ericmbudd Was there every any kind of closure on the whole Carlos thing? in reply to welcomehomebldr 13:11:22, 2020-04-12
- RT @jasoncrawford: Myth: polio was already declining before the introduction of the polio vaccine in 1955
Fact: the epidemics were actuall… 12:30:17, 2020-04-12
- @DrJenGunter I'm pretty sure it's the water availability. Concentration of sugars in the honey are just too high fo… https://t.co/sEKuptP4ox in reply to DrJenGunter 12:25:32, 2020-04-12
- Oh well here's a fun and unexpected combo. #TheJackpot https://t.co/kXIdxskSr4 11:02:26, 2020-04-12
- BREAK THEM NOW AND FOREVER. https://t.co/DsG3OqfXQb 10:50:00, 2020-04-12
- @ericmbudd #Boulderpocalypse in reply to ericmbudd 21:44:26, 2020-04-11
- @ericmbudd #QuedateEnCasaYa in reply to ericmbudd 21:41:45, 2020-04-11
- RT @CHThiem: I’m glad to see the Camera’s Editorial Advisory Board talking about CO’s Crisis Standards of Care Guidelines, which determine… 19:31:48, 2020-04-11
- Long live the r-pentomino! https://t.co/ZCnvwNAagE 14:25:15, 2020-04-11
- RT @KateAronoff: G20: we'll phase out fossil fuel subsidies eventually because climate change is important to us
Also the G20: *embarks on… 12:50:01, 2020-04-10
- @ericmbudd And when Florida is bankrupted by the undercapitalized state disaster insurance program and a $100B hurr… https://t.co/7FovkWVC5k in reply to ericmbudd 10:09:51, 2020-04-10
- Okay I guess I should sleep, so I can return to the FERC714 datamines tomorrow.
Pro Tip: If you're ever collecting… https://t.co/XpqygLRKEP 00:24:25, 2020-04-10
- I mean, duh: 2G+3G=5G.
Have these people not taken algebra? https://t.co/8x5MFqdbOZ 00:19:22, 2020-04-10
- I was just wondering whether now might be a good time to finally get those state and locally chartered public banks… https://t.co/zDoYosSHCN 00:16:37, 2020-04-10
- @ericmbudd I was just thinking about maybe getting statewide public banks set up would be a good thing, if DC is go… https://t.co/J8r7ogVosN in reply to ericmbudd 00:10:01, 2020-04-10
- @ericmbudd @cj_gauss Oh right, I guess you probably can't go to Kathmandu. :-/ in reply to ericmbudd 23:50:13, 2020-04-09
- @ericmbudd #BillionaireTears in reply to ericmbudd 23:47:11, 2020-04-09
- This makes me think of that scene in Fight Club when Tyler is giving the Narrator a chemical burn, and all he wants… https://t.co/C451zkvAFi 23:36:17, 2020-04-09
- @ericmbudd Lonely, lonely, lonely margaritas. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:32:11, 2020-04-09
- @ericmbudd But should I get stuff to make margaritas? in reply to ericmbudd 22:31:51, 2020-04-09
- Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since I left my room. And 4 weeks since I bought food. I could make it another 2 weeks… https://t.co/Cd4DmwyB5t 22:22:26, 2020-04-09
- @unicorn @ericmbudd It totes does vertical! Not as prominent though. in reply to unicorn 22:07:09, 2020-04-09
- @justinsimoni @ericmbudd I've done 68J a bunch of times and it's great! But I've never been on that road / trail th… https://t.co/5RzXyDzsnP in reply to justinsimoni 22:06:23, 2020-04-09
- @ericmbudd How is it different from just using Google Maps? Also what is that road off of Coal Creek Canyon — have you ridden that before? in reply to ericmbudd 21:53:22, 2020-04-09
- @MaryHeglar ?? https://t.co/CnKxrwK3g6 20:10:55, 2020-04-09
- @drvox Great cities require their own kind of infrastructure and systems to be livable and sustainable. Obviously (… https://t.co/c3gN5IXdWI in reply to drvox 13:08:09, 2020-04-09
- @drvox How might measures we adopt "temporarily" during the pandemic end up sticking around afterward and having lo… https://t.co/SJLtIT05UN in reply to drvox 13:06:28, 2020-04-09
- @judesantopietro Disculpe pero, este no sería mi compañero de pandemia preferido… byeee! https://t.co/edyUkdetcS in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:40:53, 2020-04-09
- For scale, we need to reduce emissions by *more* than this (projected) largest annual reduction ever, *every year*… https://t.co/cQ8piEnm84 09:35:25, 2020-04-09
- @judesantopietro *shuddder* in reply to judesantopietro 08:31:31, 2020-04-09
- Probablemente no debería dejar ese alacrán debajo de la olla en el rincón por más que una noche.
? ?? 01:50:13, 2020-04-09 - Unfortunately this guy does not sounds crazy at all. https://t.co/gWR7R28xXb 00:46:46, 2020-04-09
- RT @InternetHippo: The jar I usually scream into is now full and I need a new jar 00:36:06, 2020-04-09
- RT @Annoyed_Science: So let's talk about the curious property of the sum of two exponential functions. I'll explain the math first and why… 00:29:26, 2020-04-09
- RT @malonebarry: Brilliant opening from BBC Newsnight. Watch. https://t.co/Elwrypm6Fc 22:45:03, 2020-04-08
- @zndx @ericmbudd Is there anyone estimating what fraction of the overall coronavirus deaths are being identified and recorded? in reply to zndx 22:40:59, 2020-04-08
- RT @lydiadepillis: Let me get this straight:
– Trump says states should mostly buy their own COVID-19 stuff
– FEMA refuses to centralize p… 21:27:41, 2020-04-08 - RT @paulmromer: Qn: So what’s the new CDC advice for an essential worker who is a household contact or has had close contact within 6 feet… 21:27:22, 2020-04-08
- It's hot here, and I need a haircut. I decided to order some Wahl clippers like the ones I'd used for almost 20 yea… https://t.co/gPCFJWiICI 21:20:04, 2020-04-08
- And measles as an R0 of like 11! What makes it so insanely contagious? https://t.co/DgmAU8Q85y 19:33:04, 2020-04-08
- RT @CT_Bergstrom: So this 2 trillion dollar stimulus package is bailing out the banks but not funding coronavirus testing? https://t.co/3lU… 19:31:18, 2020-04-08
- Is there a *strategy* to bend/flatten the *apparent* curve, by simply not detecting cases? https://t.co/2LXZkuRpKh 19:30:25, 2020-04-08
- @DarrylRichard9 @kevpluck Looks like coral to me. Maybe not even a fossil! in reply to DarrylRichard9 19:11:25, 2020-04-08
- RT @jentaub: We’ve been preparing more than 1,000 years for this moment https://t.co/fNz1senpHe 18:18:28, 2020-04-08
- @krisv_723 @ElleArmageddon Cc: @JadeResurrected https://t.co/hlupmfdQAd in reply to krisv_723 18:17:14, 2020-04-08
- @amywestervelt Well, I hope it's something you'll consider writing about some day! I feel like most of my climate-a… https://t.co/ZmUDhLAUGI in reply to amywestervelt 17:59:59, 2020-04-08
- @thebmbennett It's not too late. @cmgosnell is living proof! in reply to thebmbennett 17:42:55, 2020-04-08
- @amywestervelt How do you talk to your kids about climate? Or if they're not old enough, how do you think about tal… https://t.co/X445iprzUy in reply to amywestervelt 17:26:39, 2020-04-08
- Meanwhile, in outer space. https://t.co/7TRtE8ujOM 16:24:07, 2020-04-08
- Well, fuck. https://t.co/4MSC81uvIZ 16:20:50, 2020-04-08
- First Standard Oil, then the Texas Railroad Commission, and finally OPEC: The oil industry has never been profitabl… https://t.co/OgGBKkvCMb 12:49:27, 2020-04-08
- Some folks think poor kids in rich countries shouldn't have to miss lunch. Is it more reasonable for poor kids *any… https://t.co/2Q7dJpyZLR 10:44:07, 2020-04-08
- Some people think rich countries shouldn't be filled with mostly poor people. And other people are actively fightin… https://t.co/ZsCwQsYlCl 07:40:20, 2020-04-08
- Great! So how do we get universal mail-in voting enacted despite GOP opposition, and without the support of a major… https://t.co/wC3dvr8M1L 22:23:12, 2020-04-07
- @ericmbudd Are there close to real time excess mortality numbers floating around for the US? Like expected death ra… https://t.co/7KoL6AFR2l in reply to ericmbudd 20:27:08, 2020-04-07
- It's because he's a corrupt autocrat who will do whatever it takes to avoid oversight while he loots and cheats. He… https://t.co/m8or1cdauC 19:28:00, 2020-04-07
- I've seen folks claim that reduced air pollution during this time will save more lives than the coronavirus takes.… https://t.co/SPOfImvmJO 09:57:39, 2020-04-07
- It's also a little disturbing that the author refers to the algorithm as "believing" something about the tenants. https://t.co/bG7xOf8N1t 07:59:37, 2020-04-07
- RT @Pinboard: Four facts that are troubling in combination:
* Lots of people are asymptomatic
* Coronavirus tests have a high false negati… 23:18:22, 2020-04-06 - Aliens swim among us. https://t.co/mVoW65G3sq 23:16:48, 2020-04-06
- Oh boy. https://t.co/mIprffHrby 23:14:37, 2020-04-06
- omg I just struggled through this whole thread in reverse order trying to understand what was sarcasm/commentary (w… https://t.co/z44dxFVL9Q 22:52:29, 2020-04-06
- @unicorn I'm a legal resident, and I don't really feel like I have a home, so I'm planning to stay. in reply to unicorn 22:31:48, 2020-04-06
- This weekend was the first time the Saturday night party music didn't play. Just the rain and the thunder and the g… https://t.co/JHsueZEV9G 21:21:56, 2020-04-06
- @thebmbennett The struggle are real. in reply to thebmbennett 21:10:29, 2020-04-06
- @thebmbennett this has got to be satire. in reply to thebmbennett 21:09:56, 2020-04-06
- Huh. https://t.co/cq0oDXF50y 19:51:46, 2020-04-06
- RT @ZaneSelvans: @ifeelmyself_ @beautiful_agony @ishotmyself Looking at the engagement stats on anything I post related to porn, or sex, or… 19:43:12, 2020-04-06
- @ifeelmyself_ @beautiful_agony @ishotmyself Looking at the engagement stats on anything I post related to porn, or… https://t.co/ZeiiIcltaz in reply to ifeelmyself_ 19:42:19, 2020-04-06
- RT @youngvulgarian: it is so exhausting and so unnerving to always be so aware of the fact that we're living through history 19:39:41, 2020-04-06
- This would make for a Brothers Grimm style ending. https://t.co/LSgA817clP 19:34:19, 2020-04-06
- Well this seems problematic. https://t.co/4pqhDOrvei 19:31:36, 2020-04-06
- My god this story is so dismally predictable and repetitive. Gold mines, copper mines, coal mines, oil wells, gas w… https://t.co/Ds5AzXngUs 19:25:25, 2020-04-06
- Los restos del día, y infraestructura vecindaria. https://t.co/u4CL6pR6dx 18:22:18, 2020-04-06
- @amywestervelt These are important links! I'll go subscribe on Patreon now. in reply to amywestervelt 16:36:08, 2020-04-06
- @amywestervelt Same thing in the drop-down menu in the upper right hand corner — even though it goes to… https://t.co/xR4dHg7TRB in reply to amywestervelt 16:33:44, 2020-04-06
- @amywestervelt Same thing happens if I click on the "Premium" link in the navbar on Critical Frequency… in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:32:06, 2020-04-06
- @amywestervelt Hey how do I pay you to keep being angry journalism-ing? I clicked on the "Join Drilled Premium" but… https://t.co/gUMEKcHXi1 16:31:12, 2020-04-06
- @JadeResurrected #OnlyFans ? in reply to JadeResurrected 16:20:11, 2020-04-06
- RT @Olivia_R_Will: What we're up against https://t.co/ofRPR93uSW 13:05:46, 2020-04-06
- @400trix It seems like there's a huge range of how much it affects people — one hard-hit town in N. Italy had 70%… https://t.co/sjkSsebm1S in reply to 400trix 12:59:10, 2020-04-06
- @JadeResurrected I hate the high DEET stuff… it just *feels* toxic. I feel like this fan thing is almost too good… https://t.co/uz14x3djMh in reply to JadeResurrected 12:57:21, 2020-04-06
- Since I've been sleeping with a fan on at night, I have noticed that every morning there are dozens of dead mosquit… https://t.co/7T6AIwJne8 07:44:09, 2020-04-06
- Well praise the Lord at least it's clear I must be immune by now. https://t.co/iKybiMcQxP 00:41:42, 2020-04-06
- #forsythia ftw https://t.co/HVcYNOpTYe 23:49:04, 2020-04-05
- @1MarkMcIntyre It's not just you. It's contagious. in reply to 1MarkMcIntyre 23:42:16, 2020-04-05
- Alternatively, if you'd like some wholesome, earnest pr0n, check out @ifeelmyself_ @beautiful_agony and… https://t.co/q7d8SDjDKE 22:57:21, 2020-04-05
- Fuck you, molecules. https://t.co/Y4FWmzXg4z 22:36:02, 2020-04-05
- "Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."
- Unlike a lot of recent popular weird speculative fiction (e.g. MrRobot, The Man In The High Castle), I feel like… https://t.co/rOixcIRPIx in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:53:16, 2020-04-05
- Beware of the attractive fantasy that you have already been infected, and survived. 21:29:53, 2020-04-05
- @drvox How about a speculative future in which the humans respond appropriately to the current moment, and build a better world as a result. in reply to drvox 21:27:38, 2020-04-05
- "Are you free and evil? Or blameless, and hopelessly enslaved." 21:25:54, 2020-04-05
- Fantasizing about post-pandemic bike rides. Who wants to visit in the fall? https://t.co/Y2UpIrf18G 20:37:15, 2020-04-05
- RT @thotscholar: No idea how imma get to my appointments safely either lmao. Pregnancy during a pandemic is terrible. 14:24:50, 2020-04-05
- RT @fmanjoo: This is the whole problem; it tells the story. the billionaires collectively own the government, fleece it, shrink it, render… 14:21:25, 2020-04-05
- @joshdr83 It's a coaster right? in reply to joshdr83 13:09:59, 2020-04-05
- RT @thebmbennett: it’s a joke but this is our reality: government and nonprofits need technically skilled workers, but the work isn’t sexy.… 08:37:13, 2020-04-05
- In a bunch of Vernor Vinge's books, generation ships traveling at relativistic speeds scooping up interstellar hydr… https://t.co/7g2L6SKBFD 19:58:14, 2020-04-04
- Where all the children are above average. https://t.co/m6lv00Rzkz 15:51:29, 2020-04-04
- @kimmaicutler @interfluidity ?♂️Gates himself has been like "Where the fuck is the competent state bureaucracy?!" in reply to kimmaicutler 15:44:36, 2020-04-04
- @ericmbudd Of, by, and for the people? in reply to ericmbudd 15:40:34, 2020-04-04
- @joshdr83 *sigh* in reply to joshdr83 12:29:48, 2020-04-04
- When the Revolution Comes, Comrade. https://t.co/exIPNYYy4V 10:50:35, 2020-04-04
- This is *finally* on the table, and seems like such a strategic no-brainer. If only US hadn't just spent the last… https://t.co/GLzuGqkXxs 10:44:24, 2020-04-04
- @joshdr83 Ooohhhh, what a good $BTU in reply to joshdr83 10:42:19, 2020-04-04
- @shwinnebego @netflix I *think* so — need to see more than 2 episodes though. It could be the kind of slick demoni… https://t.co/p4dpii6LMx in reply to shwinnebego 10:08:16, 2020-04-04
- @Olivia_R_Will The whole Florida vs. Michigan & NY thing made it seem pretty likely. Though, you'd think he'd want… https://t.co/G7fDa7gYnU in reply to Olivia_R_Will 22:51:23, 2020-04-03
- Is it a concerted effort to intercept these resources and direct them toward states that are politically important… https://t.co/vdtHEeRXaC 22:16:49, 2020-04-03
- "It's all about merit, until merit has tits." https://t.co/k5TT9cjuvz 22:01:02, 2020-04-03
- @RealSexyCyborg I love the contrast between the cultural expectations that your personal style triggers, and the to… https://t.co/Qd8gUoOQUi in reply to RealSexyCyborg 21:59:33, 2020-04-03
- Yeah 'cause it would have made for a dumbass movie. But it's an even more dumbass reality. https://t.co/DsF5hw2dUV 20:58:29, 2020-04-03
- @shwinnebego @netflix (estoy mirando "dinero sucio") in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:32:43, 2020-04-03
- @shwinnebego @netflix Also wow that Jared Kushner guy is a total asshole. in reply to shwinnebego 20:31:57, 2020-04-03
- @shwinnebego @netflix Ugh, but it bounces back and forth and it's too annoying to switch over and over again. For n… https://t.co/V2BVJFYTgy in reply to shwinnebego 20:28:50, 2020-04-03
- @netflix (mostly I'm annoyed because I'm trying to use this as language practice and it's hard to ignore the subtit… https://t.co/hAMpnARKzO in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:05:40, 2020-04-03
- @DrJaneFlegal It feels like this "equalizer" meme stems from the sudden shock/realization that the well-to-do might… https://t.co/NB64VhSmK8 in reply to DrJaneFlegal 20:04:03, 2020-04-03
- @ericmbudd Eocene or Bust™ in reply to ericmbudd 20:00:25, 2020-04-03
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem @BoulderCoopFood I bet it's just egg! But as with the Trader Joe's pre-fab bags of aguacate, a… https://t.co/5OEB4DuHBo in reply to ericmbudd 19:58:22, 2020-04-03
- Is it just me or is @Netflix unable to imagine anyone might speak more than one language? I'm watching something th… https://t.co/iQWrv4pAqL 19:56:26, 2020-04-03
- Woooow, just a little facet, a tiny twinkle, from the great Smaug's vast data hoard. https://t.co/eh7TzT4P4c 19:32:17, 2020-04-03
- @ericmbudd It would probably be better with @staceyabrams in charge. in reply to ericmbudd 19:24:05, 2020-04-03
- @ericmbudd Isn't that Georgia? in reply to ericmbudd 19:22:51, 2020-04-03
- We've always been at war with [checks notes] Eastasia. https://t.co/wSudrBLdF8 19:05:29, 2020-04-03
- @ericmbudd @BoulderCoopFood We had supply issues with the local commercial egg producer we were using because we we… https://t.co/aWOP8R7Q2P in reply to ericmbudd 19:01:12, 2020-04-03
- @rebleber Oh Boulder, Colorado also has this law. in reply to rebleber 18:59:54, 2020-04-03
- @CostaSamaras @SteveDavisUCI @JesseJenkins @DavidPomerantz @daveregrets @benserrurier The Denier. Definitely a mocktail. in reply to CostaSamaras 18:57:46, 2020-04-03
- @ericmbudd Maybe it would be a good time for @BoulderCoopFood to get back on its egg game… in reply to ericmbudd 18:54:28, 2020-04-03
- It's always felt awful to me that the economy is set up to reward evil, & try to get folks to do good things for fr… https://t.co/LdVLON328G 18:18:03, 2020-04-03
- RT @islanobody: having the police (major covid-19 vectors) come into physical contact with and arrest people for failing to social distance… 18:12:44, 2020-04-03
- I would rah rah America this particular shit. https://t.co/LmmBns11Lx 16:06:15, 2020-04-03
- RT @SamiGrover: I, for one, would welcome our new expert overlords. https://t.co/A1KmLsEWRy 16:03:59, 2020-04-03
- @ARPAE @otherlab Okay I guess this is in the 2021 budget request? So it still has to be approved by congress. Democ… https://t.co/3Dj5xqKqcv in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:34:53, 2020-04-03
- @MartijnRasser @WhiteHouse Is there a reference for these numbers? Is it a press release? Recommended budget? Is it… https://t.co/6JuIrTgc6n in reply to MartijnRasser 13:29:21, 2020-04-03
- RAGE!!! @ARPAE was one of the best things going in the federal R&D space. Sad day for @otherlab. https://t.co/VB9v2XjC7L 13:25:23, 2020-04-03
- @darkolina Está bien fuerte, y sigue ahora, con trueno y relampago. Espero que si! in reply to darkolina 20:11:54, 2020-04-02
- @judesantopietro I'm still here but I miss Oaxaca too. in reply to judesantopietro 18:52:04, 2020-04-02
- RT @transport_tom: It took all of this to help everyone realize that cities aren't loud; cars are loud. https://t.co/BlahCh6HLI 18:20:41, 2020-04-02
- @judesantopietro Si! Es afortunado, pero inesperado. Hace dos días, esté despertado a las 6 y media por la aroma mu… https://t.co/wF1dBiY40p in reply to judesantopietro 18:18:39, 2020-04-02
- RT @AssemblyFour: If you use the internet, you need to care about the #EARNITact. This bill not only puts encryption at risk, but threatens… 18:07:09, 2020-04-02
- @thebmbennett When life gives you lemons? in reply to thebmbennett 18:04:28, 2020-04-02
- RT @hackinghustling: The EARN IT bill seeks to end online privacy and encryption, putting leftist organizers, sex educators, LGBTQ people a… 18:02:50, 2020-04-02
- @judesantopietro Es temprano, o no? He oido que la lluvias vienen en junio más o menos. in reply to judesantopietro 18:01:02, 2020-04-02
- La primera lluvia de 2020 está cayendo en Oaxaca, y huele maravilloso. 17:56:19, 2020-04-02
- @JadeResurrected And I hope you don't feel like you have to apologize for it here as being "off brand" or something… https://t.co/Z3jW46NuDt in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:50:16, 2020-04-02
- @JadeResurrected Thank you for sharing your outrage. in reply to JadeResurrected 17:47:20, 2020-04-02
- Was this not always the most likely explanation, from the moment he said it? Is there any reason why he *wouldn't*… https://t.co/bItai00lpr 17:21:12, 2020-04-02
- RT @JadeResurrected: An Asian Am family was STABBED in Texas, but Yang is more concerned about appeasing the racists bc we aren’t doing a g… 17:14:47, 2020-04-02
- @CHThiem @BoulderCoopFood Mutual Beverage Aid Authority. A new city board? in reply to CHThiem 16:06:51, 2020-04-02
- @drvox Wow that is the opposite of true. in reply to drvox 14:50:28, 2020-04-02
- @CHThiem Maybe @BoulderCoopFood should get in on the action… in reply to CHThiem 14:10:26, 2020-04-02
- @CHThiem They look like mushroom spore prints! in reply to CHThiem 14:02:46, 2020-04-02
- Somehow I doubt @staceyabrams would have had this particular problem. https://t.co/BmQT0gQgCR 14:01:58, 2020-04-02
- More and more it seems like the US is actively trying to undevelop — that there's a powerful constituency working… https://t.co/FGWuhKkZUf 13:59:35, 2020-04-02
- I cannot RT this hard enough. https://t.co/axZoJZIFVW 08:46:14, 2020-04-02
- @yoavlurie Based on @OurWorldInData it looks like maybe tomorrow (Thursday)? They have 909 new deaths in the US in… https://t.co/u4eG3bK6Vt in reply to yoavlurie 22:53:37, 2020-04-01
- Apparently we are trapped in a Neal Stephenson novel. Where's Hiro Protagonist when you need him? https://t.co/HitekQyySZ 22:43:44, 2020-04-01
- Area apes apparently capable of thinking ahead a little bit. Sometimes. At least in a lab setting. https://t.co/vNC3rGeMiW 22:40:51, 2020-04-01
- Hmm. En algunas regiones de España, la cifra de muertes está doble la estimación de mortalidad esperada por todas l… https://t.co/NRmtq6WaLz 22:37:43, 2020-04-01
- If you had to mix together several fictional works to generate our current situation, what would they be? 22:19:45, 2020-04-01
- Science both solves and creates humanitarian disasters. The H-bomb and fusion reactors. Ammonium nitrate for fertil… https://t.co/Y1MEjJhYw8 20:20:15, 2020-04-01
- But I logged back in to say this. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:49:38, 2020-04-01
- RT @AtomicAnalyst: When the next pandemic occurs (and make no mistake, it will) and the federal government is unable to respond in a coordi… 19:48:38, 2020-04-01
- I just got bored with Twitter and my automatic response was to open another tab with Twitter in it.
I think that m… https://t.co/usd6yyasJF 19:47:05, 2020-04-01
- RT @BermudezWrites: California farmworkers provide more than 1/3 of the country’s vegetables & 2/3 of its fruits. Workers are considered "e… 18:10:53, 2020-04-01
- Pues, por lo menos ya no tenemos que preocuparnos con esas citas de Tinder tan llenas de ansiedad. 17:33:34, 2020-04-01
- @ericmbudd Oh that's a nice one. in reply to ericmbudd 17:27:32, 2020-04-01
- RT @furrygirl: The biggest plot hole in Walking Dead is how those who survive the apocalypse are abuse survivors, the industrious, and the… 16:35:56, 2020-04-01
- Unfortunately I couldn't get CA to send me my $500 with the electronic form (and I'm in Mexico so… I guess it's n… https://t.co/yijU1rDriD 16:25:54, 2020-04-01
- Because of course. https://t.co/Bt9BDTQBUx 16:24:09, 2020-04-01
- RT @emorwee: EnVirOnMenTaListS aRe UsInG tHe CoRoNaViRuS tO pUsH tHeIr AgEndA
- @BoulderBedrooms @bryanlbowen Though tbh I suspect if there's also organized opposition to the idea of it being on… https://t.co/s2t22lJN6M in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:53:46, 2020-04-01
- RT @quinomixe: Actualización, el incendio se ha reactivado hace una hora, el clima caluroso no ayuda nada. https://t.co/5KfTlEEQgr 12:50:25, 2020-04-01
- RT @amywestervelt: It’s fucking wild, and frankly stupid, that environmentalists are catching more flack for saying “hey if we’re restructu… 12:49:16, 2020-04-01
- RT @year_progress: ▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░ 25% 11:43:02, 2020-04-01
- @Noahpinion But I had to choose between paying $600 and having it *not* count toward my deductible (because it was… https://t.co/y6LWKr8Fzw in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:45:52, 2020-04-01
- @Noahpinion When I told the hospital I had a high deductible plan, the admin pulled me aside and in a hushed voice… https://t.co/8NULWL2YRA in reply to Noahpinion 10:43:33, 2020-04-01
- I woke up this morning at 6:30 because I could smell the smoke from wildfires outside Oaxaca.… https://t.co/P7y27ZeJzk 09:59:09, 2020-04-01
- RT @Olivia_R_Will: With all the rent striking going on, I'm honestly finding it hard to keep telling members "please pay your rent!" How ca… 09:29:29, 2020-04-01
- RT @OksanaMironov: Rent strikes of yesterday and today, a thread!
Putting bits & pieces into conversation with each other.
This image is… 09:19:46, 2020-04-01
- @zndx @ericmbudd I get the sense that projection assumes the US will start doing reasonable things across the board… https://t.co/ojeNo9CaxK in reply to zndx 01:18:57, 2020-04-01
- RT @BBCIndia: "We don't have food. Our village in Uttar Pradesh is 300 kms away from Delhi. We will walk there if we don't find a bus."
@BB… 00:44:18, 2020-04-01 - Fearing coronavirus, African city dwellers flee to the countryside.
“You are going to kill your grandmother. You a… https://t.co/ITRMsiFDJm 00:43:10, 2020-04-01
- RT @MOH_Kenya: The coronavirus is now being spread through community transmission and this calls for a lot more personal responsibility am… 00:36:42, 2020-04-01
- RT @Laurie_Garrett: In #NYC we're all supposed to be "staying at home" — but for these people packed on a subway platform it's not possibl… 00:29:21, 2020-04-01
- RT @Laurie_Garrett: India's Modi announced 1.3 billion people would be on lockdown to create #COVID19 social distancing.
The result was ex… 00:28:54, 2020-04-01
- RT @danitemi: "no estás trabajando desde casa. estás en tu casa tratando de trabajar durante una crisis/pandemia"
- @ericmbudd Maybe, but the blip downward yesterday kinda looked like a weekend reporting irregularity to me. https://t.co/9Dg54ucsSl in reply to ericmbudd 22:03:24, 2020-03-31
- @BoulderBedrooms @bryanlbowen Oh great, glad there's some mitigation for this insane situation! in reply to BoulderBedrooms 21:53:02, 2020-03-31
- Alternatively, they can selectively remember whichever previous position they liked best, and imagine that it conti… https://t.co/JtkL5LnRe3 21:50:39, 2020-03-31
- @CHThiem "Enjoy the Authority" in reply to CHThiem 21:44:47, 2020-03-31
- @BoulderBedrooms @bryanlbowen Is there ay hope for gathering signatures under the current circumstances? in reply to BoulderBedrooms 21:41:35, 2020-03-31
- @ericmbudd I will guess between 2500 and 4000 confirmed coronavirus deaths on average per day in the US, for April 6-8. in reply to ericmbudd 21:32:48, 2020-03-31
- Apparently the dude is also calling for the reunification of Church and State. He's a real life character out of Th… https://t.co/BRSM6KQiX9 20:59:36, 2020-03-31
- @ericmbudd So you're saying the earth is healing itself? in reply to ericmbudd 20:45:07, 2020-03-31
- I think this is what the Defense Production Act was for. https://t.co/7TD0reVmDZ 20:29:55, 2020-03-31
- @EnergyDeborah It seems like so far the answer is always yes. in reply to EnergyDeborah 20:23:26, 2020-03-31
- Pandemics: another great case for taxing land rents instead of economic activity. https://t.co/1j4wol2rq1 20:19:29, 2020-03-31
- En serio. https://t.co/b3OMqpzpvb 20:05:48, 2020-03-31
- @sharethecities Probably good for Jeff Bezos though. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:58:07, 2020-03-31
- @sharethecities Seems like it would mess up all those emergency stimulus checks that are supposed to arrive in the… https://t.co/LR9yiqzrRw in reply to sharethecities 19:57:17, 2020-03-31
- Uhh, seems bad. https://t.co/bHJ66bSk0F 19:51:31, 2020-03-31
- RT @pixelatedboat: Trump: Death is bad, folks. Very very bad. Many people are saying this
Journalists: A somber Trump struck an unusually… 18:36:44, 2020-03-31
- RT @sharethecities: I had to explain why using the word apocalypse in a letter to his grandma was probably not the best word choice, if he… 18:36:26, 2020-03-31
- Holy crap @drvox did you actually read this piece? It's terrifying. And my dude sounds like a character out the The… https://t.co/2le3gUFAQ3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:25:22, 2020-03-31
- RT @freddydeknatel: So someone in the White House is admitting Trump is prioritizing helping states like Florida over others, for electoral… 17:01:27, 2020-03-31
- Sadly, winning by whatever means necessary does mean… winning. https://t.co/cIf6hQ8IVG 16:59:08, 2020-03-31
- RT @Andalalucha: This is Mexico City's busiest subway station on March 30, 2020. It shows the level of effectiveness of a government tellin… 16:53:59, 2020-03-31
- @joshdr83 Boy, hope it's well above sea level. in reply to joshdr83 16:49:44, 2020-03-31
- #TheJackpot https://t.co/vFyRvuvV2j 13:17:48, 2020-03-31
- @drvox Could frame it as a nihilistic zero-sum wealth transfer from everyone (even automakers) directly to fossil f… https://t.co/HthKacGgt6 in reply to drvox 12:28:19, 2020-03-31
- So Fox News can only survive because their revenues are *socialized* and spread out across all cable subscribers, e… https://t.co/7iUJYXVjvu 10:46:54, 2020-03-31
- @edrubin ?♂️ in reply to edrubin 10:34:42, 2020-03-31
- @ericmbudd Corporations are people too my friend. in reply to ericmbudd 09:50:13, 2020-03-31
- Is there any reason to think these aren't both true?
Tons of good and useful stuff to be done with this data, espe… https://t.co/ow0FpIrUAv 09:49:59, 2020-03-31
- @ericmbudd Maybe they meant for the letters to arrive *tomorrow* in reply to ericmbudd 09:30:49, 2020-03-31
- Seems like this belongs on @bestofnextdoor https://t.co/ph0RHeLcNh 09:30:12, 2020-03-31
- @ericmbudd I feel like that's the kind of thing that might result in fisticuffs. in reply to ericmbudd 09:29:13, 2020-03-31
- In my understanding of the policy, this is explicitly the point — to shift a larger portion of overall consumer sp… https://t.co/dYOtuVDDrH 09:24:10, 2020-03-31
- @ericmbudd Available from @gutenberg_org in full here: https://t.co/U7c1FiCWSn in reply to ericmbudd 23:37:31, 2020-03-30
- RT @CNN: Portugal has temporarily given all migrants and asylum seekers full citizenship rights, granting them full access to the country's… 23:35:14, 2020-03-30
- @ericmbudd Sooooo. Maaaaaaany. Tiiiiiimes. In like 2 generations the rich part of the world has lost almost all cul… https://t.co/tMt1yfwGJ5 in reply to ericmbudd 23:31:33, 2020-03-30
- Forget bailing out the cruise-ship industry — Uncle Sam should pony up an early round equity stake in the burgeoni… https://t.co/THhsPujtXM 23:25:13, 2020-03-30
- @LiaraRoux @SequoiaRedd @GoddessPad Clearly not nearly enough. in reply to LiaraRoux 23:15:08, 2020-03-30
- The diversity and intensity of negativity here: ? Humans are mammals. We. Have. Hair.
What. The. Fuck. https://t.co/JXZmj82EXZ 23:06:50, 2020-03-30
- @ericmbudd It would be a bummer if policymakers interpreted a not-enough-testing-capacity bend as a we-can-let-up-t… https://t.co/sNxpE1VZqR in reply to ericmbudd 22:51:53, 2020-03-30
- ??? https://t.co/0Ws8OBuurK 22:45:22, 2020-03-30
- RT @Andalalucha: Conference over. No mention of economic measures they will take to help 50 million people who work in the informal economy… 21:03:37, 2020-03-30
- RT @propublica: 1/ So, what was going on at @CDCgov from Jan-March, against the mounting threat of coronavirus?
Based on hundreds of pages… 18:18:10, 2020-03-30
- Apparently it is impossible to pay a medical equipment manufacturer to make a simple, cheap, durable version of a t… https://t.co/oIohnopXTH 18:15:25, 2020-03-30
- RT @CHThiem: Collaborators at @BoulderCoopFood are shopping for and distributing food to dozens of people every two weeks, and it's a huge… 16:49:02, 2020-03-30
- RT @diegmej: Para que millones de mexicanos puedan hacer cuarentena, #SusanaDistancia necesita de su mejor cómplice Elsa Lario. 15:28:31, 2020-03-30
- Pinches hombrecitos. ?♂️ https://t.co/yFpc0Uyfzo 15:18:09, 2020-03-30
- @Andie_Naruve @ytzmaya omfg en serio? in reply to Andie_Naruve 15:12:36, 2020-03-30
- My god this interview is so cringe inducing I could barely make it to the end. But I suspect that won't make much d… https://t.co/loF1sLy3fn 11:36:44, 2020-03-30
- RT @RanaAyyub: At this point there are two Indias. One that has stocked its refrigerators, sanitisers,essential commodities, clapping, chee… 11:09:17, 2020-03-30
- RT @RanaAyyub: I am following @VidyaKrishnan for all the health, covid related updates in India. 10:17:54, 2020-03-30
- Safe, beautiful, enjoyable, high-density cities require their own set of specialized policies and infrastructure, w… https://t.co/6SqkG3We5j 09:51:17, 2020-03-30
- Lots of awesome oilfield re-employment opportunities right here. Please please let's do this: https://t.co/Gv2ADzPBzG 09:47:29, 2020-03-30
- RT @ddiamond: Remember the old days* when Michael Bloomberg regularly bought up TV time for campaign ads? Or when candidates like Elizabeth… 01:37:27, 2020-03-30
- RT @darkolina: @ZaneSelvans No hay recursos para que el Estado provea medidas sociales suficientes.
La ciudadanía hará lo que pueda como p… 23:20:44, 2020-03-29
- @darkolina Es una tema demasiado común, la criminalización de la pobreza. in reply to darkolina 23:10:39, 2020-03-29
- @darkolina De verdad, es una oportunidad espantosamente perfecta para imponer cualquier medida autoritaria que pueden desear. in reply to darkolina 23:06:15, 2020-03-29
- @darkolina Lo me parece que las cosas que necesitamos hacer colectivamente son casi imposibles para un gran parte d… https://t.co/B7c8Tfpzra in reply to darkolina 22:51:29, 2020-03-29
- @darkolina Creo que la respuesta es que una gran mayoría necesita quedarse en casa para parar la difundación. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:30:15, 2020-03-29
- @Olivia_R_Will @CatalystCoop @jitsinews @matrixdotorg @Loomio That is a question for @thebmbennett in reply to Olivia_R_Will 22:26:15, 2020-03-29
- @darkolina Aquí está una buena visualización de unos modelos que exploran preguntas como esas: https://t.co/FQPSDL7sf0 in reply to darkolina 22:25:40, 2020-03-29
- Purely coincidental. https://t.co/9WNxpH0Cl0 22:17:44, 2020-03-29
- RT @infinite_scream: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH 22:15:21, 2020-03-29
- The mission was sabotaged by the anti-competitive, monopolistic, corporate greed and malfeasance of a company named… https://t.co/BSWvh7qnrA 22:10:39, 2020-03-29
- @Olivia_R_Will @CatalystCoop @jitsinews @matrixdotorg @Loomio (now if only it could detect their gender automatically…) in reply to Olivia_R_Will 22:07:46, 2020-03-29
- @Olivia_R_Will @CatalystCoop @jitsinews @matrixdotorg @Loomio I especially liked that Jitsi tracks how long each pe… https://t.co/YvhBLvDUIv in reply to Olivia_R_Will 21:46:02, 2020-03-29
- @seancllns There's no shortage of potential analogies (Iraq War?) but there's something *extra* stark about it happ… https://t.co/iAMzxWRiVs in reply to seancllns 21:45:10, 2020-03-29
- @Olivia_R_Will @CatalystCoop @jitsinews @matrixdotorg @Loomio Let's try it next time we have breakfast 😛 in reply to Olivia_R_Will 21:41:34, 2020-03-29
- @Olivia_R_Will @CatalystCoop has done a few @jitsinews calls now and it worked very well. It's encrypted and built… https://t.co/CZPEzr27Wc in reply to Olivia_R_Will 21:33:18, 2020-03-29
- What's the right response before it has happened but it is the stated expectation? What's the right response after… https://t.co/rnq9wuro3Y in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:26:59, 2020-03-29
- Sadly, not a rhetorical question: What is the appropriate response in a democracy when elected officials willfully… https://t.co/i9w3h7m6E5 21:23:06, 2020-03-29
- Meanwhile in Bavaria:
"King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand has gone into self-isolation in Germany with his harem… https://t.co/YIZ2oNIoLC 20:58:21, 2020-03-29
- RT @bschapiroMD: America:
The first 1000 deaths took 26 days.
The 2nd 1000 deaths took 3 days.April is going to be a shit show.
Stay th… 20:32:25, 2020-03-29
- An apropriately profanity laced summary of the NYT reporting on the subject. https://t.co/31Up9urzhQ 19:09:12, 2020-03-29
- If @TwitterSafety will do it for this dimwitted fascist head of state, they should do it for Trump. https://t.co/GB8wc4RuD5 19:02:19, 2020-03-29
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance. 18:22:55, 2020-03-29
- @erinoverturf Entropy wins. But not yet. in reply to erinoverturf 16:10:56, 2020-03-29
- tfw you're relieved because you know an old friend who hasn't been responding to your messages is okay because you… https://t.co/B7wbrG2ZDx 14:33:19, 2020-03-29
- @drvox Oh man, I would run away from anything that comes with a "higher maintenance" warning like the plague. ? in reply to drvox 14:06:10, 2020-03-29
- RT @tesiture: Quedarse en casa como gesto solidario con los otrxs; no como gesto obediente ante el Estado. 13:24:54, 2020-03-29
- I suspect that the only way we're going to be able to understand the real toll the pandemic takes on humanity will… https://t.co/YWHXm4bS4P 13:07:02, 2020-03-29
- Wondering at what point we'll see exponential growth of confirmed US cases slow down, and whether it'll be because… https://t.co/DDpYgMzNLd 12:08:23, 2020-03-29
- Here's a Ugandan parliamentarian getting the word out about the coronavirus locally through song.
There's probably… https://t.co/9vTZ9luDnk 11:10:32, 2020-03-29
- Hard yes. https://t.co/OlrM1mnu2w 20:26:19, 2020-03-28
- RT @MaryHeglar: Jailed. With. Their. Babies. https://t.co/XajJZyuCuc 20:06:19, 2020-03-28
- @CostaSamaras Personally, I'd give us one chance in three. in reply to CostaSamaras 20:05:25, 2020-03-28
- @Laurajaxheights @rsgexp Yeah, too rare a combo for sure! in reply to Laurajaxheights 19:28:20, 2020-03-28
- This is how Erdogan controls provincial and city governments in Turkey. Mysteriously, everything ends up sucking wh… https://t.co/mdoL7oKriU 19:18:40, 2020-03-28
- RT @B2PSeattle: The underpaid California prison firefighters were also "eager". Pay these people more for making PPE, give them hand saniti… 19:08:59, 2020-03-28
- RT @jenniferbaer: Hi. I designed some coronavirus travel posters for you. Stay the F* home. Love you all. https://t.co/mzY52GFm6Z 19:06:38, 2020-03-28
- RT @UFWupdates: Farmworkers like Juanita are harvesting strawberries in the rain & cold so that US consumers can enjoy eating them. These #… 19:02:38, 2020-03-28
- @darkolina "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." in reply to darkolina 19:00:00, 2020-03-28
- RT @mattyglesias: In the “President Lex” story arc, DC had Lex Luthor divest from Lexcorp since even a supervillain wouldn’t try to do some… 18:58:15, 2020-03-28
- But how do we become wise enough to remember these long-term needs and benefits, when they don't seem like the most… https://t.co/lRrkSreRNc in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:03:47, 2020-03-28
- Long term stability also means having some combination of *lots of spare capacity* and the ability to adapt to new… https://t.co/zdEtS6ZXtJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:01:29, 2020-03-28
- I don't think it means prosperity declines, but the nature and sources of improving prosperity may change — doing… https://t.co/R4ZPlJ7jYb in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:55:35, 2020-03-28
- Discount rates are inextricably linked to our expectations of "economic growth." A civilization that is capable of… https://t.co/Cj6kuB3xSI in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:51:14, 2020-03-28
- I think the relative prioritization of expansion and maintenance is a fundamental difference between a short sighte… https://t.co/cdG4picG1j in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:46:17, 2020-03-28
- @StrongTowns Human population will plateau this century, and hopefully we will be able to bring everyone to a level… https://t.co/DgexlEnXgT in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:43:20, 2020-03-28
- @StrongTowns But we also can't expect democratic institutions and useful reservoirs of technocratic expertise to pe… https://t.co/FL020kOCvU in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:38:41, 2020-03-28
- This often comes up in the context of *physical* infrastructure (c.f. @StrongTowns) — we *literally* can't just ke… https://t.co/1x7ilCOqt0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:35:27, 2020-03-28
- We need a worldwide movement to glorify maintenance — especially in places/domains that are relatively mature or b… https://t.co/f2jthfnNpd 15:31:30, 2020-03-28
- @gueroTX O, pues… todavía no. Tengo bastante arroz y frijoles, para un mes. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:08:26, 2020-03-28
- @ericmbudd Gah, yet another conflation of individual vs. systemic risks. in reply to ericmbudd 15:05:50, 2020-03-28
- @gueroTX Jaja, no, la olla es solo un estante conveniente para la bocina. in reply to gueroTX 15:05:01, 2020-03-28
- A great (23 minute) visual toy model exploration of non-pharmaceutical interventions including testing & isolation,… https://t.co/5lmPGkksMX 14:22:41, 2020-03-28
- Y como dijo Carl Sagan sobre los extraterrestres… "La ausencia de las pruebas no están pruebas de la ausencia." in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:31:16, 2020-03-28
- Específicamente la parte al fin del mensaje (de la medianoche, en el viernes), en cuando nos dijo que la cifra de l… https://t.co/GvrEVH7PhP in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:27:22, 2020-03-28
- Me siento mal (y también probablemente mal informado) tener una opinión sobre las políticas de mi país anfitrión, p… https://t.co/RZTodyq38d 12:18:57, 2020-03-28
- Pandemic is a cooperative game. It's us against the board, not us against each other.
Well, except in the US. Some… https://t.co/5i48PCHtKI 12:13:14, 2020-03-28
- #justsayin https://t.co/HHjvEY1HSM 12:08:57, 2020-03-28
- @kirstie_j <3 in reply to kirstie_j 12:04:58, 2020-03-28
- RT @kirstie_j: I remember sitting in my therapist’s office and saying: I think I’m brave. I think I have courage. I want to be known as som… 12:02:59, 2020-03-28
- Another world is possible. Some disassembly required. https://t.co/ABVInEqqPN 11:57:03, 2020-03-28
- La vista de mi oficina en casa. Y también la cocina. Y el dormitorio. Y la sala. Hasta… el fin. Por lo menos teng… https://t.co/5jUk8CkzKw 11:53:17, 2020-03-28
- RT @dianafromprague: ?? I need one ? https://t.co/S08VOlqaiH 11:15:49, 2020-03-28
- Seems bad. https://t.co/LGVN9obmgC 11:13:38, 2020-03-28
- RT @dhh: Zoom has stopped the data leakage to Facebook. That’s good. But their privacy policy is still a complete trash fire that belittles… 08:07:01, 2020-03-28
- @flwyd A month ago I totally would have believed this, but now I'm not so sure. in reply to flwyd 01:08:47, 2020-03-28
- Love in the time of the 'rona. https://t.co/vzCUSD7IyD 01:04:57, 2020-03-28
- RT @cabrowns: https://t.co/ipa6F5bGvm 01:00:14, 2020-03-28
- @JadeResurrected I haven't been myself, but it does sound like a nice place to chill for a while. Especially in good company. in reply to JadeResurrected 00:58:55, 2020-03-28
- ?? ¡Viva México! ?? https://t.co/glGIhtZEdA 00:34:10, 2020-03-28
- Now every time I see a headline about automotive carnage, I'm afraid it's one of those "Hey, 1.35 million people di… https://t.co/emJhGwTqAl 00:28:15, 2020-03-28
- @ElleArmageddon https://t.co/534C4PXnMy in reply to ElleArmageddon 00:21:22, 2020-03-28
- @ericmbudd So wrong. in reply to ericmbudd 00:11:53, 2020-03-28
- RT @KendraWrites: NYC is in such a dark space with covid-19 I totally didn't even realize a train was, allegedly, set on fire today. A moto… 21:21:34, 2020-03-27
- RT @KendraWrites: The plants are fake and are only in the rooms in the shot per The National Guard.
Yes, I asked. h/t @HirokoTabuchi htt… 20:33:37, 2020-03-27
- And the interactive graphing tool is here: https://t.co/ExmszLr1T3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:22:31, 2020-03-27
- An animated log-log look at current case numbers, vs. new case numbers, illustrating who's still on the exponential… https://t.co/maErOE9BKo 20:20:39, 2020-03-27
- Entonces… estoy preguntandome ¿por qué la gama de los colores se ha cambiado? https://t.co/mjnkTZQt2l 20:04:37, 2020-03-27
- There's no way that he knows what "hortatory" means. https://t.co/Nl15I5xa25 19:00:35, 2020-03-27
- A great 2 hour (!) long convo with Jane McAlevey (@rsgexp) about the nature of organizing, and collective power, es… https://t.co/X7XWrvobLn 18:54:36, 2020-03-27
- I'm surprised how much less fun eating is when there are no more crunchy foods. 18:11:03, 2020-03-27
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @MarkyV @bolderbekah Welp at least I don't have to deal with that *particular* issue. https://t.co/iQwUXIdRt9 in reply to CHThiem 18:02:57, 2020-03-27
- RT @EmilyGorcenski: Weird how a neo-Nazi tried to blow up a hospital filled with Coronavirus patients like 48 hours ago and ended up dying… 16:42:48, 2020-03-27
- Uh oh. https://t.co/LxdGleprnL 13:43:33, 2020-03-27
- RT @CatalystCoop: Anyone on here have experience downloading historical demand data from MISO? Do they have a non-realtime API? Are the dem… 13:40:30, 2020-03-27
- #NotGettingIt https://t.co/IQSo5NmO31 10:47:34, 2020-03-27
- @ericmbudd It seems like AMLO and Bolsonaro are also in the running. One of these guys is going to die from it. in reply to ericmbudd 10:05:28, 2020-03-27
- The response to crises like this shouldn't be vested in any single person's hands. It's insane that we make it poss… https://t.co/T9r0TotGnd 09:59:27, 2020-03-27
- It seems like Mexico may be following the lead of the US in responding to the pandemic. https://t.co/cAebub06VD 09:57:53, 2020-03-27
- RT @nycsouthpaw: The Senate had an opportunity to remove this man from office two months ago. Every Republican but one declined. https://t.… 22:03:53, 2020-03-26
- RT @GreatDismal: I always imagine I've reached the point where he can't horrify me more. Or shock me. https://t.co/Am1vE11ZIB 22:03:01, 2020-03-26
- RT @MobyDickatSea: what all this gibberish of yours is about, I don't know, and I don't much care 21:49:38, 2020-03-26
- RT @Wwm_Shakespeare: He knows not what he says, and vain is it
That we present us to him. 21:49:12, 2020-03-26 - @CHThiem Ugh they never made another appearance after that first time thank GOD. in reply to CHThiem 21:39:29, 2020-03-26
- Говорит Москва! https://t.co/X5Tf0VcnVq 20:55:42, 2020-03-26
- RT @jameshohmann: New York City EMS received 6,406 medical 911 calls yesterday. It was the highest volume ever recorded in the city, surpas… 20:52:45, 2020-03-26
- Seems bad. https://t.co/MUJAkvDawe 20:34:14, 2020-03-26
- Because we need to make up for all the pollution that's disappeared somehow? https://t.co/1k4EgQDe23 20:29:26, 2020-03-26
- @edrubin So bizarre to think we were supposed to be having like, a conference, right now. Alternate universe. in reply to edrubin 16:07:03, 2020-03-26
- [Narrator: They were not safe and smart.] https://t.co/yGAbyIxDRQ 16:04:33, 2020-03-26
- But, I am le tired.
- @joshdr83 Holycrap. I was 44. in reply to joshdr83 15:34:33, 2020-03-26
- @darkolina ¿Omg en serio? ¿Ella dijo esto? in reply to darkolina 15:33:26, 2020-03-26
- @bryanlbowen Seems like it's largely virtual organizing, unfortunately (in this case). in reply to bryanlbowen 15:00:41, 2020-03-26
- Seems bad.
"A leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM), a neo-Nazi movement based in northern Europe, said t… https://t.co/bsvWXG5Vf6 14:56:40, 2020-03-26
- Here we go! https://t.co/KY4nzil4Y6 14:52:30, 2020-03-26
- And yet we are all trapped on the same planet. So for better or for worse, we are. https://t.co/Mo2wxJJQcn 14:51:07, 2020-03-26
- Noticing that my voice is rough and gravelly when I get on video calls because I am literally not speaking any words in between them. 14:45:10, 2020-03-26
- No sé si este es algo como la paranoia de NextDoor en los EEUU, pero… https://t.co/dwfOgbMtfr 14:43:27, 2020-03-26
- RT @bcmerchant: Quarantining at home with two tiny kids when your job requires that you read and write about a devastating global pandemic… 14:41:09, 2020-03-26
- #AmericaFirst https://t.co/Pqi9pKPeRx 14:30:02, 2020-03-26
- We're number one. https://t.co/Pqi9pKPeRx 14:28:14, 2020-03-26
- There are so many different disturbing implications here, it's a little hard to focus. https://t.co/H62hx5tK1j 13:43:58, 2020-03-26
- @Olivia_R_Will Google Meet crashed on us this morning and we tried the open source, standards based Jitsi, and it was awesome! in reply to Olivia_R_Will 13:41:01, 2020-03-26
- @MaryHeglar Sadly it's also crazy times in Michoacán, the avocado heartland of Mexico: https://t.co/F8fQXb7IEA
https://t.co/n175uiHZkp in reply to MaryHeglar 13:32:39, 2020-03-26 - @thmscwlls The Peripheral is part of the same universe, and probably more available since it's been out for some ye… https://t.co/TRuwokfexK in reply to thmscwlls 13:26:09, 2020-03-26
- @thmscwlls William Gibson has tried to get at this in The Peripheral and Agency — that's #TheJackpot reference. It… https://t.co/xZL6GCVYXk in reply to thmscwlls 13:17:26, 2020-03-26
- Seems bad.
"Scientists have identified another Antarctic glacier that could be more vulnerable to climate change t… https://t.co/Aj8lgbaMfk 12:18:31, 2020-03-26
- @ericmbudd Uff, and the awful irony that the blue states are also the wealthy ones who can probably win in a bidding war. in reply to ericmbudd 11:52:34, 2020-03-26
- Total excess deaths in N. Italy appear to be ~4x as large as deaths explicitly linked to #COVID19.… https://t.co/7egDfjRQy7 11:04:38, 2020-03-26
- @trekonomics Isn't it to prevent folks from fleeing north, like in the Handmaid's Tale? in reply to trekonomics 10:56:21, 2020-03-26
- I feel like there should be some kind of Onion Dystopia Index that tracks how long it takes for stories in… https://t.co/3XKrLgphaA 10:53:50, 2020-03-26
- Seems like this strategy might be especially useful for lower and middle-income countries that may not have the res… https://t.co/NO2lctIka5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:35:33, 2020-03-25
- Or, how about a 2-day work week? https://t.co/w1rBrPSoX8 https://t.co/379z6cMlwq 23:32:08, 2020-03-25
- RT @BotHourly: Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (FPC): 4096 MWh
Natural gas: 3979 MWh
Other: 94 MWh
Hydro: 23 MW… 23:14:04, 2020-03-25 - RT @ZLabe: Unsurprisingly, the 12-month running-mean global temperature anomaly continues to rise – currently above 1.2°C (relative to 1880… 23:14:00, 2020-03-25
- @ericmbudd @Olivia_R_Will apparently not everything is actually the worst possible thing. https://t.co/HlyE1X27mh 22:38:33, 2020-03-25
- RT @GanucheauAdam: My phone's blowing up because Rachel Maddow cited a local article on TV tonight and said that Gov. Tate Reeves is supers… 22:36:40, 2020-03-25
- RT @mtsw: Asking my landlord for the adjusted gross income line on his 2018 tax return before I agree to pay him this month's rent. Wouldn'… 19:04:31, 2020-03-25
- @ericmbudd Someone should check on them and see if they've been replaced by bots. in reply to ericmbudd 15:50:17, 2020-03-25
- RT @remylovely: Some of you have never had a job wherein your life depends on politely but firmly treating everyone you encounter as a dise… 14:50:11, 2020-03-25
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem Pro Tip: reconcile your motherfucking accounts monthly. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:25:48, 2020-03-25
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem But at that point it was impossible to recover the money — it had been like 6 months. People m… https://t.co/TS5VeHjXMT in reply to ericmbudd 14:24:24, 2020-03-25
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem IIRC Chrysalis had a fiasco a while ago where their accountant was e-depositing all their check… https://t.co/4Zedy2gWCj in reply to ericmbudd 14:22:05, 2020-03-25
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem Ugh I hate these things. Because they enter an indeterminate limbo state — where you think the… https://t.co/nTGyFLaxan in reply to ericmbudd 13:56:15, 2020-03-25
- Tan genial ver esta solidaridad con la gente de Brasil y Argentina. https://t.co/XIjtw9n6ng 10:46:59, 2020-03-25
- Seems like this qualifies as encouraging self-harm and probably also inciting violence against others. https://t.co/TbyF18lP1J 10:37:31, 2020-03-25
- @alexismadrigal @berkun Like the interglacial periods. in reply to alexismadrigal 09:10:55, 2020-03-25
- @DavidPomerantz @MaryHeglar It depends on having an endless pool of cheap labor to exploit. People as interchangeable and disposable cogs. in reply to DavidPomerantz 09:09:09, 2020-03-25
- @ericmbudd Oh there's a light at the end of the tunnel alright — it's the headlamp of an oncoming train. in reply to ericmbudd 09:01:06, 2020-03-25
- @MaryHeglar I think a lot of ideas about whether a person is essential hinge on whether someone else could easily r… https://t.co/k5FzBGwGX2 in reply to MaryHeglar 08:57:34, 2020-03-25
- @bryanlbowen @rachelkfriend Welcome to the Hotel Colorado. in reply to bryanlbowen 23:29:25, 2020-03-24
- Seems bad.
But in a familiar way. https://t.co/3K0A19gWNH 21:40:02, 2020-03-24
- RT @Andalalucha: Many people in Mexico still think that COVID-19 is not a real threat and is just a common cold. Five people have died inc… 21:35:48, 2020-03-24
- RT @Andalalucha: La muerte se acerca cada día más. Apenas murio de COVID-19 la mama de alguien en mi red de amistades. "Este virus sí mat… 21:35:15, 2020-03-24
- RT @rocco_botte: This feels like the clip they play in low resolution at the beginning of a movie right before they hard cut to 10 YEARS LA… 21:30:20, 2020-03-24
- @gschivley Like in GIS? in reply to gschivley 21:24:07, 2020-03-24
- The denial, robbing us of our ability to prepare for what we know is coming. The naked willingness to sacrifice hum… https://t.co/xwA3OJg5f9 20:35:54, 2020-03-24
- @MaryHeglar It feels like the whole 21st century is being compressed into a year. in reply to MaryHeglar 20:30:39, 2020-03-24
- Si necesitan algo de entretenimiento para los meses que vienen, hay libros libres aquí: https://t.co/nzKlFjukZw 19:49:37, 2020-03-24
- RT @internetarchive: Great article from @CNET_Es https://t.co/VVlZLzN3nK
For our Spanish readers: 18,978 free books in Spanish to borrow:… 19:45:26, 2020-03-24
- @ericmbudd But for months. Across the entire planet. This is fucking wild. in reply to ericmbudd 19:19:30, 2020-03-24
- @LaughLax Can I get a hallelujah! in reply to LaughLax 19:12:33, 2020-03-24
- He's not wrong. We've never known our republic without a bunch of voter suppression tactics that universal vote by… https://t.co/rnIHft0ttC 18:54:53, 2020-03-24
- RT @SarahTh56784067: @Nelba_MG Struggling. My NICU transferred out our tiny patients Saturday and we worked all weekend to pack up the unit… 18:20:26, 2020-03-24
- @sharethecities @schmangee And my god I have not decided that is a price worth paying! in reply to sharethecities 18:16:33, 2020-03-24
- @holz_bau omfg in reply to holz_bau 18:15:17, 2020-03-24
- @ericmbudd uuuuuuughg the south. in reply to ericmbudd 16:44:24, 2020-03-24
- Not entirely metaphorical.
https://t.co/SlJbljsoID https://t.co/gyqRPbVogt 16:42:31, 2020-03-24
- @drvox https://t.co/ZJkrgJNABX in reply to drvox 16:40:02, 2020-03-24
- An analysis from The Factual identifying the most credible journalists reporting on #covid19.
8 out of the 10 iden… https://t.co/Vzc52rVTOr 15:28:27, 2020-03-24
- @drvox @voxeu The @internetarchive appears to have a couple of copies: https://t.co/a2Zd8pSe2r in reply to drvox 14:40:08, 2020-03-24
- RT @mekkaokereke: He's all caught up!??
1. Covid-19 panic is dumb.
2. There's a ventilator shortage?! Where?!
3. I can make ventilators!
4.… 14:33:24, 2020-03-24 - RT @NYGovCuomo: We are not willing to sacrifice 1-2% of New Yorkers.
That’s not who we are.
We will fight to save every life we can.
I a… 13:12:49, 2020-03-24
- Turns out the US does not have a monopoly on bad takes. https://t.co/HFONLW5nlk 13:11:03, 2020-03-24
- The millstones of the gods grind late, but they grind fine. https://t.co/GHw8g6ihb4 10:34:22, 2020-03-24
- @Sammy_Roth @EricGimon What even is law? in reply to Sammy_Roth 07:49:37, 2020-03-24
- Okay I think I'm gonna go curl up and sob in bed with Brian Eno now. 23:15:57, 2020-03-23
- RT @emorwee: This is the exact same argument they've been making about climate change for decades. Everyone needs to wake the fuck up. http… 22:49:21, 2020-03-23
- RT @NuclearAnthro: 4/3
“Just let COVID9 spread to save the economy”…
…is right up there with “let’s have a nuclear war to create new… 21:55:40, 2020-03-23
- It feels like the US is going to end up with some version of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Nuremberg T… https://t.co/MDRPfV72Ku 21:33:17, 2020-03-23
- If this seems too intense, which it does, remember that the US will be in the exponential phase of this for at leas… https://t.co/maDConNgJJ 21:12:34, 2020-03-23
- @ericmbudd And everything is still exponential. in reply to ericmbudd 21:07:40, 2020-03-23
- How long until GOP talking points start pitching the eternal paradise of the afterlife rather than taking public health experts seriously? 20:38:40, 2020-03-23
- Under the coming intense economic duress and potential labor shortage, wouldn't this create a huge incentive for fo… https://t.co/CU9ExS7uFa 20:35:51, 2020-03-23
- RT @NAChristakis: New dystopian thought: a market will emerge over near term whereby employers will be willing to pay more to (and compete… 20:33:33, 2020-03-23
- I've said and thought things like "There is no bottom." for a couple of years now but wow I really did not know wha… https://t.co/YKUfTaWBCY 20:31:22, 2020-03-23
- @ezraklein @AnnieLowrey The problem is, apparently, that the GOP finds supporting poor people more morally objectio… https://t.co/gjUP1wBVWS in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:31:59, 2020-03-23
- If you need a tiny antidote to this Fresh New Hell, here's a good convo between @ezraklein and @AnnieLowrey — the… https://t.co/6H002InQFC 19:28:30, 2020-03-23
- Funny to think that the GOP once pretended to be concerned about "death panels." 18:44:37, 2020-03-23
- @ericmbudd And the US in talks with Saudi to consider joining OPEC or some kind of bilateral production control agreement or something. in reply to ericmbudd 18:34:25, 2020-03-23
- @ericmbudd The trick is… having it matter. in reply to ericmbudd 18:26:59, 2020-03-23
- @ericmbudd Hey at least he's being honest for once. in reply to ericmbudd 18:26:08, 2020-03-23
- RT @Ouren: Everyone working remotely:
ZOOM monitors the activity on your computer and collects data on the programs running and captures w… 18:05:14, 2020-03-23
- @JadeResurrected omg that sign. Cc: @darkolina in reply to JadeResurrected 17:47:47, 2020-03-23
- @thebmbennett Here's it's mezcal. in reply to thebmbennett 17:43:29, 2020-03-23
- @drvox @KenCaldeira @BillGates JFC yes. in reply to drvox 16:25:12, 2020-03-23
- RT @DrJaneFlegal: Seems like this is a thing to be focused on https://t.co/GtR3xOX4VS 15:10:57, 2020-03-23
- RT @swingleft: .@SenCoryGardner emerges from self-isolation (due to COVID-19 exposure) to support the #TrumpSlushFund over helping workers.… 13:30:10, 2020-03-23
- RT @jtaggart09: Since we all want some non-Coronavirus news for a change, right? https://t.co/iKzjBTnhu5 09:54:28, 2020-03-23
- RT @MaryHeglar: “And therein lies the rub. How exactly do you get a coronavirus-style mobilization when it threatens the profits of a histo… 09:52:42, 2020-03-23
- RT @MaryHeglar: Life Hack #1: Be a Sociopath! https://t.co/fSIbiKhxoP 08:29:06, 2020-03-23
- RT @SamanthaThel: #Oaxaca reports 1st case of #Covid_19 contracted through community transmission rather than foreign travel. This is the s… 07:57:18, 2020-03-23
- RT @gregggonsalves: As a friend of mine said this weekend: "There are no natural or social laws preventing us from remaking the economy for… 07:56:54, 2020-03-23
- @ericmbudd Because for weeks we were told masks were ineffective. in reply to ericmbudd 23:41:20, 2020-03-22
- ?♂️ https://t.co/pGBbi6ZLR0 23:35:33, 2020-03-22
- RT @owillis: rand paul being patient zero for a senate viral outbreak is a sign of a writer's room dropping too much acid late in the season 23:34:21, 2020-03-22
- @thmscwlls @ericmbudd @IngramCoop @Picklebric But for the love of god, something the Matrix protocol that underlies… https://t.co/FDzIWUCRQw in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:53:52, 2020-03-22
- @thmscwlls @ericmbudd @IngramCoop Ethan at @Picklebric likes it, but I haven't tried. At Catalyst we use Google Mee… https://t.co/3Qes3kJJIm in reply to thmscwlls 22:51:58, 2020-03-22
- And you thought Fauci was cool. https://t.co/71BBXS0HUh 22:09:32, 2020-03-22
- @interfluidity https://t.co/qPDONs1smc in reply to interfluidity 22:04:48, 2020-03-22
- RT @mattdpearce: in some happier dimension, this would be an Onion headline https://t.co/4LazYaBrdV 21:12:30, 2020-03-22
- Holy shit this @ScienceMagazine interview with Fauci:
"I know, but what do you want me to do? I mean, seriously Jo… https://t.co/wCkPW65fSx 21:07:03, 2020-03-22
- @estarianne @NuclearAnthro That would be The Bomb. Someone please tell @WIRED in reply to estarianne 21:00:20, 2020-03-22
- RT @SteelhealsM: honestly fuck viruses they're not even alive they're just strands of punk ass nucleotides that go around fucking up us nor… 20:58:19, 2020-03-22
- It turns out there *are* libertarians during a pandemic after all. https://t.co/yMenudxBs7 20:37:38, 2020-03-22
- @ericmbudd @IngramCoop I've started wondering how hard it would be to set up a VR system for myself. in reply to ericmbudd 20:34:35, 2020-03-22
- I'm sure I've got a biased sample, but it seems like the old folks and the young folks are having a hard time wrapp… https://t.co/wzG8CoIGpL 19:53:33, 2020-03-22
- @thmscwlls @videolan That thing is an effin swiss army knife. in reply to thmscwlls 19:52:05, 2020-03-22
- Bonus points for being self consistent I guess? https://t.co/fDCH57AWBa 19:50:54, 2020-03-22
- RT @varamburucano: https://t.co/SMt3DbQMdr 19:48:59, 2020-03-22
- @duzer Hmm. It kinda looks like the coronavirus. in reply to duzer 19:16:36, 2020-03-22
- RT @_youhadonejob1: This lady is out getting supplies. https://t.co/UdE2T3uDly 19:00:42, 2020-03-22
- I hope they're being tipped well! https://t.co/8wQk112UYc 18:59:05, 2020-03-22
- The future of fashion is already here, it's just not evenly distributed. https://t.co/qCccr3cwbf 18:58:01, 2020-03-22
- @JadeResurrected No shame in that. We're all gonna miss a bunch of things before this is over. in reply to JadeResurrected 18:55:58, 2020-03-22
- @TheRubyRae I found formatting was a great thing to save for the brain-dead times. in reply to TheRubyRae 18:54:54, 2020-03-22
- Some incredible DIY PPE giving the current situation a a little gothic flare. https://t.co/eV3K4jxhUU 18:47:01, 2020-03-22
- This would be a poetic way to get pandemic mitigation and recovery measures passed. https://t.co/FeIWtbHHS2 18:44:23, 2020-03-22
- @BraveBosom Both ingenious, and by far the most stylish mask I've seen yet. in reply to BraveBosom 18:38:55, 2020-03-22
- Klept gonna klept. https://t.co/O98VTHG3lR 16:46:16, 2020-03-22
- @ericmbudd That is some seriously old-school Klept action right there. in reply to ericmbudd 16:40:17, 2020-03-22
- It's somewhat unclear whose side God is on right now. https://t.co/pPv2K9YhYm 14:06:15, 2020-03-22
- Seems bad. https://t.co/XMLqbgher9 14:00:54, 2020-03-22
- @ElephantEating Seems like we'll be #1 within a week. in reply to ElephantEating 13:55:19, 2020-03-22
- @brendanpierpont If only I had an oven. And a @picklebric to share the bread with. in reply to brendanpierpont 11:13:45, 2020-03-22
- @ericmbudd Which is what I tell myself every night while staring at the ceiling. in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:02:08, 2020-03-22
- @ericmbudd THAT'S NOT GOOD FOR YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM ERIC YOU SHOULD BE SLEEPING MORE in reply to ericmbudd 11:01:33, 2020-03-22
- @TheCharlier @ericmbudd Right it's not like he was using it anyway. in reply to TheCharlier 11:00:23, 2020-03-22
- Un mensaje serio de los méxicanxs viviendo en el extranjero, en los paises más impactado por #COVID19 #COVID19mx https://t.co/rApV31ohnP 10:05:18, 2020-03-22
- @JessicaHuseman The answer might actually be yes! There's research showing that people enjoy the same wine more whe… https://t.co/b9ZubvepUp in reply to JessicaHuseman 23:18:27, 2020-03-21
- RT @rightlegpegged: We need to stop shaming people who are going for walks in the park to rightfully get some air after a tough week, and s… 21:56:58, 2020-03-21
- @soniagupta504 it has been a very long two weeks in reply to soniagupta504 21:40:35, 2020-03-21
- It's starting to feel like the virus has a score to settle. https://t.co/SVQpsbPZTq 21:34:33, 2020-03-21
- @RealHotTake @MaryHeglar @amywestervelt @dwallacewells I *love* that y'all provide a reading list ahead of time for shared context! in reply to RealHotTake 21:13:57, 2020-03-21
- @stewartbrand Please see this fairly detailed takedown, from @CT_Bergstrom: https://t.co/ExQfGQHhuj in reply to stewartbrand 21:08:15, 2020-03-21
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd @Olivia_R_Will Or your soul, preemptively shriveling up and leaving a void. in reply to CHThiem 20:55:02, 2020-03-21
- @CT_Bergstrom This may be an inadvertently dangerous analogy. There's a lot of evidence that many financial market… https://t.co/cEBLxsw64f in reply to CT_Bergstrom 18:57:06, 2020-03-21
- @ericmbudd Feels like they need to be thinking outside the box a bit more here. in reply to ericmbudd 18:06:39, 2020-03-21
- "My editor assured me that my terminology was okay—that’s what the facts about Pruitt showed, in the end. I got use… https://t.co/y2TbiHZl4o in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:29:23, 2020-03-21
- It felt weird at first when, in May 2017, I wrote an article calling Scott Pruitt, a Republican politician and the… https://t.co/xd8JAucJt0 17:27:58, 2020-03-21
- This is gonna be good. And by good I think I mean soul crushingly plausible. @CHThiem @ericmbudd @Olivia_R_Will https://t.co/paAJ7L4Roz 16:35:07, 2020-03-21
- RT @RealHotTake: Surprise, Surprise! We have a new episode coming to you TOMORROW, 3/22! @MaryHeglar and @amywestervelt sit down with speci… 16:32:42, 2020-03-21
- RT @alaw202: Just a reminder Michael Bloomberg spent $800 million to try and stop Bernie Sanders from getting healthcare to everyone in thi… 15:42:06, 2020-03-21
- Sadly the US now has the attention span of a hamster high on cocaine, and time dilation means that 1-3 weeks in the… https://t.co/nG2IiIeZI6 14:37:05, 2020-03-21
- @Olivia_R_Will Didn't you say you were going to turn your phone off? <3 in reply to Olivia_R_Will 12:34:08, 2020-03-21
- @nami_knows Though I often wonder if just having the sense of *being* on that road would radically alter the emotio… https://t.co/kTbvltWHHF in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:33:32, 2020-03-21
- @nami_knows It sure doesn't *seem* to be slowing down. Feels like ever since I've been aware of the world, it's jus… https://t.co/s4IVemju3t in reply to nami_knows 12:29:30, 2020-03-21
- Here's a "weather map" for illness indicators and holycrap what happened to Florida? Is that the aftermath of sprin… https://t.co/dxLVqILuNd 12:16:56, 2020-03-21
- 27% of Mexico has no running water. 36% doesn't have running water every day — including here in a state capital w… https://t.co/y5QQjlo37w 11:24:47, 2020-03-21
- RT @furrygirl: Remember Jude Law’s conspiracy theorist blogger character in Contagion who pushed a fake cure and created panic and misinfor… 10:00:09, 2020-03-21
- @gschivley @CostaSamaras omfg is this meant to be a dad joke @gschivley? There is only one date format and it is ISO 8601. in reply to gschivley 09:58:26, 2020-03-21
- It creeps me out how you apparently don't even have to screenshot this stuff because they never feel like it needs… https://t.co/YPck3tz8y9 09:56:42, 2020-03-21
- Poetic justice? https://t.co/Vedc73tqor 09:54:49, 2020-03-21
- RT @andreabagnato: In Italy it’s been now ten days of nationwide restrictions – the first country in the world to do so. I want to summaris… 08:16:40, 2020-03-21
- ooof. https://t.co/xpY8z9GnVy 08:11:55, 2020-03-21
- RT @_RyanKirk: This quarantine is affecting everyone in the work force, but it especially sucks for men
We're losing $1 for every $.79 wom… 08:01:21, 2020-03-21
- @PopDetective I would love to hear your take on what's going on in the film Code 46. It explores lots of bad system… https://t.co/HdaFIQoGkQ 23:31:38, 2020-03-20
- RT @darkolina: Para quien le interese el tema de movilidad social en México (@RikiBarker), hay datos al respecto 🙂
- Mexico has chosen mitigation, rather than suppression, because they believe the economic shutdown would be far wors… https://t.co/HygZanA6gl 23:04:38, 2020-03-20
- RT @Armandosmh: Mx no ha declarado una cuarentena como China o Corea del Sur porque estamos siguiendo una estrategia de mitigación mientras… 22:57:42, 2020-03-20
- Flying the Friendly Skies™ https://t.co/ftctgXooHC 21:37:01, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd Don't rush it Eric. It will mean more to people if they figure it out on their own. in reply to ericmbudd 21:34:45, 2020-03-20
- @SarahdawnH Yeah I'll post that one when we start cooperating. in reply to SarahdawnH 20:34:19, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd But, high in protein. in reply to ericmbudd 20:06:05, 2020-03-20
- Meanwhile… https://t.co/70QJM1eRgc 20:04:58, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd Eat the rich! (but please cook until well done to minimize the risk of food borne illness) in reply to ericmbudd 20:00:49, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd Ah so you're saying we can once again blame the rich? in reply to ericmbudd 19:42:52, 2020-03-20
- @nytopinion (other than… everyone stuck in a long distance, long term relationship and all of the sex workers who… https://t.co/NaiT6hD6k9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:41:38, 2020-03-20
- @nytopinion I mean who could have guessed that only 2 years later video phone sex was going to become a vital piece… https://t.co/0EPRfNdr7y in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:37:45, 2020-03-20
- Via @nytopinion: "Phone Sex is Safe Sex. Please postpone your hookup. Get off on Skype instead."
Except, didn't Mi… https://t.co/ixRYgqW8Yb 19:36:04, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd *or an airline. in reply to ericmbudd 19:20:19, 2020-03-20
- @ginnyhogan_ "The Rona" in reply to ginnyhogan_ 19:13:37, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd I saw a a stat that said it was 75M under "shelter in place" orders as of today. in reply to ericmbudd 19:06:58, 2020-03-20
- Pues, finalmente los toques de queda vienen por acá: #oaxaca #covid19mx #covid19 https://t.co/PjaeOOUK7B 19:06:12, 2020-03-20
- "Up and to the right!" https://t.co/AdNnfpj4TD 18:51:04, 2020-03-20
- Or hey, maybe they can just lean even harder on the prison labor that's used to fight wildfires in California every… https://t.co/DyytLPzWhS 17:37:40, 2020-03-20
- @mariokartDWI Wait does he want you to be a slut? Or not a slut? So confusing. in reply to mariokartDWI 16:51:32, 2020-03-20
- What's the ratio of CO2 per passenger mile between airlines and transit agencies. How do median passenger incomes c… https://t.co/GyBnQsGPTA 16:39:52, 2020-03-20
- RT @joshdr83: We should take this opportunity to invest in things that make us more resilient in the future. https://t.co/5sjc5nzii7 15:50:14, 2020-03-20
- RT @jtemple: Sorry we tried it your way; from this point forward NIMBYs can no longer set public policy. https://t.co/96Hhy3KpOZ 15:42:10, 2020-03-20
- RT @agusto19: Esta es una excelente oportunidad para no volver al mundo que construimos y conocíamos. Podemos evolucionar y mejorar nuestra… 15:41:21, 2020-03-20
- RT @Olivia_R_Will: I never thought this would matter but check your lease for a Force Majeure clause that says you might not have to fulfil… 15:40:37, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd There Will Be Blood. in reply to ericmbudd 14:29:51, 2020-03-20
- Gotta say, I am not inspired to run back to the US for safety. Like of course Mexico has it's own very serious prob… https://t.co/dFZMNGVgYt 11:16:33, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd Drink responsibly.
At home.
In the darkness. in reply to ericmbudd 11:06:18, 2020-03-20
- RT @RodadaCDMX: Cuando te dicen: Deberías de ponerle un guácala a tu bici para transportar cosas. https://t.co/UQo4R1J6D4 11:04:23, 2020-03-20
- RT @CT_Bergstrom: Big mood. https://t.co/SmB6VYshit 11:00:22, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd Except that we've made government funding procyclical too in most cases it seems like. God I hate tax cr… https://t.co/srX1i5vIKR in reply to ericmbudd 10:12:34, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd I was having 2nd thoughts about staying in Mexico. This does not inspire me to come back. in reply to ericmbudd 10:11:47, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd Also lol "escalated volatility" in reply to ericmbudd 09:56:05, 2020-03-20
- @ericmbudd What because it's the vernal equinox? in reply to ericmbudd 09:55:44, 2020-03-20
- RT @NAChristakis: Let’s talk about what happens if you get COVID19 and recover. Are you immune to the disease? How long does the immunity l… 08:08:37, 2020-03-20
- @sharethecities I know I need to do more real writing. Ugh. in reply to sharethecities 08:07:36, 2020-03-20
- RT @PeterKolchinsky: I’m a virologist & investor… & I’m hearing people say it’s impossible to make covid vaccine b/c we haven’t been able… 08:06:43, 2020-03-20
- I feel like maybe this was one of Bruce Willis' lines in 12 Monkeys. https://t.co/KewlqG5F4N 00:30:43, 2020-03-20
- RT @amywestervelt: these assholes are really testing my desire to abolish prisons https://t.co/pvmSzIF4OT 22:59:45, 2020-03-19
- But we don't get to do that with the natural world. The more problems we layer on top of each other, the more thing… https://t.co/8i7FqgmdMS in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:47:06, 2020-03-19
- I'd love to see some comprehensive study of this — how have we historically reorganized our conflicts and cooperat… https://t.co/asO5uQ9eDv in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:44:49, 2020-03-19
- Our human conflicts are bad — but in some sense we *can* decide not to have them if we want to. We can erase debt.… https://t.co/i8w0cFw7zh in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:41:31, 2020-03-19
- And I think maybe this is fundamental to the nature of the Jackpot — the slow-rolling, multi-causal apocalypse of… https://t.co/WOc5rio9dF in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:36:11, 2020-03-19
- Ransomware gangs can decide not to attack hospitals during a global health crisis, but if there aren't raging wildf… https://t.co/aHMwgzeGp3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:33:10, 2020-03-19
- Mexico sat out WWI because it was still getting over a revolution. Spain sat out WWII because it was recovering fro… https://t.co/Tsrphru5sL in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:28:21, 2020-03-19
- We're still not collectively appreciating the fundamental differences between human conflicts, and forces of nature… https://t.co/uJoZw6CDk0 22:25:06, 2020-03-19
- Which would of course be a totally unacceptable and inhuman outcome for all the other incarcerated people. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:09:37, 2020-03-19
- And until the prosecution can take place, maybe they could be jailed without bail and forced to manufacture hand sa… https://t.co/ooUP3gqWcA 22:08:36, 2020-03-19
- ¡Serían maravillosas! Y utiles también. https://t.co/3stDhqC3a0 21:59:57, 2020-03-19
- @ericmbudd Just think how you'll feel when your my age sonny! in reply to ericmbudd 21:54:51, 2020-03-19
- A weird side effect of donating to @propublica monthly is that I feel *proud* of their investigative journalism. It… https://t.co/dopdIuwqvr 21:52:31, 2020-03-19
- Plus rapidly melting ice-caps, a bunch of creepy semi-autonomous surveillance tech running on 3.5 billion pocket su… https://t.co/RI4tBIAe45 21:36:57, 2020-03-19
- RT @Fungal_Love: Look what I found in my backyard! I believe this is White-Footed Slime Mold (Diachea leucopodia.) Fruiting on a California… 21:23:36, 2020-03-19
- Seems bad. https://t.co/s3qz89R9HP 21:20:20, 2020-03-19
- @ericmbudd Millions. Since Monday. Wild. in reply to ericmbudd 21:13:13, 2020-03-19
- Seems bad. https://t.co/ANBz1m0gCZ 19:30:43, 2020-03-19
- @KendraWrites @ericmbudd I was all like "But I went to grad school *last* time the economy collapsed…" in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:27:13, 2020-03-19
- Especially problematic since many people hold on to their first home with a government subsidized 30-year fixed mor… https://t.co/imbtyrP432 19:25:58, 2020-03-19
- @KendraWrites @ericmbudd Yeah I went to grad school when the first recession hit, and got my PhD just as the 2nd one hit. in reply to KendraWrites 19:23:38, 2020-03-19
- RT @ColinJMcAuliffe: weird that this keeps happening https://t.co/NIHInvE0Jb 19:19:45, 2020-03-19
- ?Boy am I glad I didn't follow through with that Air Force Intelligence Officer commission. ? https://t.co/LRvLXftIyJ 19:18:55, 2020-03-19
- @ericmbudd More like once a decade it looks like… in reply to ericmbudd 15:33:03, 2020-03-19
- @ericmbudd Would be a great time to pick some winners and losers. in reply to ericmbudd 13:50:52, 2020-03-19
- @Olivia_R_Will Not a great incentive structure for trying to get enough sleep. in reply to Olivia_R_Will 13:49:42, 2020-03-19
- tfw you're having a stress dream where you feel trapped and panicked but can't do anything about it so you wake you… https://t.co/bqc7MZiztB 12:45:55, 2020-03-19
- @ElephantEating Isn't that a line from Jurassic Park? in reply to ElephantEating 12:39:30, 2020-03-19
- @shwinnebego @nworbmot Which means that 100% of the "primary" energy for wind/solar/hydro is turned into electricit… https://t.co/KhPJiN6xJo in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:35:13, 2020-03-19
- @shwinnebego @nworbmot Oh the problem here is that it's total primary energy supply — so since coal is only 30% ef… https://t.co/uTeqgCW7XI in reply to shwinnebego 12:33:45, 2020-03-19
- RT @ameliashowalter: You know what would be helpful for #socialdistancing in cities? Blocking off certain streets from traffic and making t… 11:30:04, 2020-03-19
- Whenever I try to go to bed at a reasonable hour I feel like I'm punished with insomnia. 08:31:16, 2020-03-19
- My co-working space @conviviooaxaca (which is also a bar + music venue in the evenings) just announced that they'll… https://t.co/65ELPDWrcY 22:50:10, 2020-03-18
- Between September 2001 and January 2003 the ratio of airline profits to airline subsidies was 1:1 so it seems like… https://t.co/vQDdgrHsjM 21:36:46, 2020-03-18
- Couldn't they just issue new shares now instead? https://t.co/eK8aizZEsH 20:01:04, 2020-03-18
- RT @mattyglesias: This video where @BillGates told @EzraKlein that the big thing people don’t worry about enough is the possible emergence… 19:22:29, 2020-03-18
- @NatBullard @SFBART Huh, I wonder if this might not be a bad time to schedule downtime and repair this infrastructure… in reply to NatBullard 19:06:37, 2020-03-18
- Pandemic so bad that international ransomware gangs are taking a break from attacks on healthcare organizations. Se… https://t.co/UwHJNEoNIo 18:04:14, 2020-03-18
- @drvox https://t.co/grTrrJSZ50 in reply to drvox 17:57:36, 2020-03-18
- RT @BicycleLobby: Wait until Senator Johnson hears about cars oh wait he has heard about cars holy fuck what is wrong with this sociopath?… 16:44:18, 2020-03-18
- The problem is it's *not* "Rage at your own risk" — especially for these college students on spring break in Mexic… https://t.co/IrIdMpG2YV 16:30:05, 2020-03-18
- RT @Olivia_R_Will: My obsession the last couple days has been figuring out how to actually quarantine people in a coop house with 10-30 hou… 14:05:57, 2020-03-18
- @ericmbudd You can just look at the sector weighting breakdown of any S&P index fund, or the index itself. in reply to ericmbudd 13:45:08, 2020-03-18
- @ericmbudd Though, by the same token that agriculture is <2% of California's economy… this probably highlights th… https://t.co/2sZRHmwcc5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:44:18, 2020-03-18
- @ericmbudd Last I checked it was like 5% overall? Is that right? in reply to ericmbudd 13:42:37, 2020-03-18
- Remember: renewable energy, industrial R&D, affordable housing, and lots of other good stuff in the US is mostly su… https://t.co/03xJMFolar 13:11:31, 2020-03-18
- RT @jessphoenix2018: Scientists envisioned this. Disaster preparedness experts envisioned this. People who understand basic math and biolog… 12:14:39, 2020-03-18
- RT @WhoresofYore: “Bawdy badges and the Black Death : late medieval apotropaic devices against the spread of the plague” by Sandra Alvarez… 12:12:20, 2020-03-18
- @ericmbudd Oh wow. They didn't shut down the St. Patrick's Day shitshow. in reply to ericmbudd 12:08:08, 2020-03-18
- @MeLunaUSA I have several friends that swear by @MeLunaUSA and @thewirecutter did an in depth review of menstrual c… https://t.co/yt6Fc01OWL in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:32:28, 2020-03-18
- Businesses that sell long-lived reusable products that substitute for disposables are doing well right now. If you'… https://t.co/dthVpIhR6O 11:30:55, 2020-03-18
- See also:
https://t.co/gFjdv8aLby in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:04:45, 2020-03-18
- The idea that we're beholden to intellectual property laws during a life and death crisis is madness. The social co… https://t.co/LXyiLfyBQU 09:00:52, 2020-03-18
- RT @jessecase: Some of you have never gone through a global pandemic during an economic crash with a reality show host president who ignore… 08:49:54, 2020-03-18
- @ericmbudd Oooh, hmm. I feel like there's a real lack of news about how the pandemic is affecting (and is going to… https://t.co/DoC5V0HIVX in reply to ericmbudd 08:07:52, 2020-03-18
- RT @RealSexyCyborg: Okay:
#1 Fuck this
#2 Fuck them
#3 Give me any life-saving CAD files you want released
#4 They can come sue me in Chin… 23:34:36, 2020-03-17 - RT @JKSteinberger: The energy footprints are trade-corrected: they include the energy used to manufacture & transport traded products.
What… 23:29:59, 2020-03-17 - "You can purchase immunity from prosecution, but you cannot purchase immunity from a pandemic. The coronavirus is a… https://t.co/xpyDHV59vf 23:21:18, 2020-03-17
- RT @KarlreMarks: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the future has been postponed. 23:02:12, 2020-03-17
- So roughly, US unemployment has jumped by 1% in 2 days? https://t.co/8jCVAoVSUM 22:45:31, 2020-03-17
- Universal disease contact tracing via cell-phone location data. Thermal IR fever detection + facial recognition + a… https://t.co/Xlif3XwQ5r 22:42:41, 2020-03-17
- RT @thegrugq: Israel’s Shin Bet was ahead of the curve with their surveillance, but it seems they won’t be alone… https://t.co/WCTXC3q8mG 22:36:22, 2020-03-17
- RT @clary_co: I like how after every decision I have involving the outside world I can be like, “Well, in 5-14 days, I’ll know whether that… 22:33:16, 2020-03-17
- Another piece commenting on the study with a bit more on the social implications, from @techreview https://t.co/IW5RJ6glzk in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:29:58, 2020-03-17
- RT @cesargalicia_: los gringos siguen votando por biden porque ni con pandemia encima quieren un buen sistema de salud, al parecer 21:38:40, 2020-03-17
- @MarcoLowe But again, this is just a model — China is now starting to slowly re-open, and I imagine S. Korea will… https://t.co/ASi119uyfW in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:32:17, 2020-03-17
- @MarcoLowe So you can (try and) ensure that when someone vulnerable does get sick, they have a hospital bed, ventil… https://t.co/V9mG3UxH0A in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:30:00, 2020-03-17
- @MarcoLowe One strategy they outline (which is what led to the UK's policy PR disaster) is that you could in theory… https://t.co/e2c9yKFOfB in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:28:34, 2020-03-17
- @MarcoLowe That's the gist of it — you can get new cases to zero, but as soon as you let up on the disruptive miti… https://t.co/pZpKM73BOS in reply to MarcoLowe 21:27:10, 2020-03-17
- @RobinKetro And the US is somewhere in between… but the study took into account the demographics (it looked at bo… https://t.co/5YOOOW4gx9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:24:22, 2020-03-17
- @RobinKetro True! And the less wealthy countries in general have younger demographics so there's *some* small softe… https://t.co/UI5eOPxEcf in reply to RobinKetro 21:20:45, 2020-03-17
- @twjpdx23 We gotta do it. It's surreal and poetic and hard but we gotta. in reply to twjpdx23 21:19:12, 2020-03-17
- And in either case, how will these choices and their consequences shape the way we think about our other civilizati… https://t.co/4j4O2JFQxb in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:14:57, 2020-03-17
- And how will the strong age dependence of mortality play into society's moral calculus? Are we willing to hunker do… https://t.co/gApYcPp6cC in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:12:37, 2020-03-17
- I wonder how much "deciding" there will be though, especially in poorer countries — can folks literally survive th… https://t.co/jO51C19mFz in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:06:30, 2020-03-17
- The conclusion is that without a vaccine, only extreme social interventions appear to keep the virus at bay. So ric… https://t.co/2Gxzrq2KOR in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:03:46, 2020-03-17
- This study from the Imperial College of London doing simulations of the pandemic and various strategies to deal wit… https://t.co/w17xf1hCIf 20:51:33, 2020-03-17
- @MBazilian Ugh that guy ?♂️ in reply to MBazilian 20:21:22, 2020-03-17
- @ericmbudd Haha, who are these "not on Twitter" people? I haven't talked to anyone not on Twitter in 2 weeks. in reply to ericmbudd 20:15:29, 2020-03-17
- What could possibly go wrong. https://t.co/6El0EeT1U3 20:08:36, 2020-03-17
- @jbouie I loved how the songs played all the way through. It made for these almost meditative interludes between the episodes sad chaos. in reply to jbouie 18:50:09, 2020-03-17
- @ericmbudd I have one list that is satire / silly stuff called "Funny Ha ha" and another which is generally about d… https://t.co/qOu4ZMhXpb in reply to ericmbudd 16:32:09, 2020-03-17
- @ericmbudd It's a funny consequence of having all these topical lists — you can tell something big is happening wh… https://t.co/VvqRVMP3Mt in reply to ericmbudd 15:59:12, 2020-03-17
- It's almost like humans can't distinguish between things that are predictable, and things that aren't, and just cho… https://t.co/bol2Dlyah9 14:20:02, 2020-03-17
- @shwinnebego Translating between capacity installed and net generation isn't easy. @nworbmot is an expert in this stuff. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:16:06, 2020-03-17
- @shwinnebego That looks about right doesn't it? 1/3 wind+solar, 1/3 nukes + biofuel, 1/3 fossil? If you want straig… https://t.co/2OPkrXkMJk in reply to shwinnebego 14:14:05, 2020-03-17
- @ericmbudd The chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grammes per week. in reply to ericmbudd 14:05:30, 2020-03-17
- @MaryHeglar I work remotely from Mexico and it's been weird how now that everyone is isolated, they all feel "close… https://t.co/9atUkpqfxM in reply to MaryHeglar 14:02:47, 2020-03-17
- @MaryHeglar In the SF Bay Area shelter in place order, deliveries are explicitly allowed. in reply to MaryHeglar 13:57:32, 2020-03-17
- @shwinnebego @grquetin "How you gonna pay for it?!" in reply to shwinnebego 10:24:49, 2020-03-17
- @guzmart_ @SSalud_mx Uy, se duplicaron en dos días. in reply to guzmart_ 23:33:22, 2020-03-16
- RT @guzmart_: Holi, la @SSalud_mx sólo publica un PDF horrible acerca de los casos de #COVIDー19mx así que hice este repo que trataré de man… 23:28:41, 2020-03-16
- @grquetin RIght. The red one at the bottom. Right next to the x-axis. in reply to grquetin 23:24:57, 2020-03-16
- @particularhand Edibles all the way man. in reply to particularhand 23:10:31, 2020-03-16
- Starting to wish that alcohol wasn't an immunosuppressant.
What about weed? Weed's good, right? 22:53:30, 2020-03-16
- RT @cthulhu4america: By popular demand, 2004's "Vote or Die" campaign has now been upgraded to "Vote and Die." 22:48:31, 2020-03-16
- RT @TheAncientWorld: “You spew venom on a country, like a dragon.
Wherever you raise your voice, like a tempest, no crop is left standing.… 22:48:22, 2020-03-16 - Wow all of these curves suck. https://t.co/UDkwTZfl7V 22:42:51, 2020-03-16
- @ericmbudd Our civilization is just one giant ?♂️ in reply to ericmbudd 22:21:24, 2020-03-16
- We have twin crises in expertise. We collectively believe both that expertise *exists* where it doesn't — like in… https://t.co/5z63Fvwown 22:18:33, 2020-03-16
- @Participant @WHO Right down to the part where everybody goes stir crazy from engaging in social distancing for *mo… https://t.co/KwXEWQLMOq in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:11:04, 2020-03-16
- It's not a "Black Swan" event. It's not something nobody could have predicted. It was known to be only a matter of… https://t.co/Vtii4QwwqG 22:09:08, 2020-03-16
- At least, if you think it's a region primarily inhabited by cars, like this video does. https://t.co/dXjcf2gQSk 22:03:25, 2020-03-16
- @thebmbennett omfg pa is *pyarrow* come *on* people. in reply to thebmbennett 21:58:56, 2020-03-16
- RT @MsCharlotteX: ?? https://t.co/gKAeCAlhbc 21:03:44, 2020-03-16
- @ericmbudd @ewarren @TheWarOnCars Oh you tempt the fates Eric. in reply to ericmbudd 20:40:02, 2020-03-16
- @ericmbudd I mean this is kind of the definition of a Florida isn't it? Well at least they don't have any old people there. in reply to ericmbudd 17:40:37, 2020-03-16
- @ericmbudd ZANE! in reply to ericmbudd 17:36:23, 2020-03-16
- @ericmbudd BANE! in reply to ericmbudd 17:34:42, 2020-03-16
- @JacquelynGill Oof, if there aren't already, there should be. None of the climate aware parents I know have a good… https://t.co/xfgOP6kXic in reply to JacquelynGill 16:42:52, 2020-03-16
- Now do NYC! https://t.co/EKoubQYsqq 13:04:01, 2020-03-16
- @anthony_serna6 A frustrating dynamic that I suspect the GOP also recognizes, and will be more than happy to take advantage of. in reply to anthony_serna6 23:54:26, 2020-03-15
- Call me cynical, but what are the chances that after a *successful* pandemic response — in which catastrophic outc… https://t.co/9nPREecQ1i 23:42:19, 2020-03-15
- Maybe somewhere between 10^5 and 10^6 https://t.co/QjCpfsbcpp 22:48:02, 2020-03-15
- @drvox And poor little Timmy is trapped inside it.
Or maybe he's just hiding in a barn nearby. in reply to drvox 22:45:15, 2020-03-15
- @ericmbudd You've probably already seen this but, seems like a good rundown of what effective social distancing rea… https://t.co/t9YqKy2xNV in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:43:49, 2020-03-15
- @ericmbudd I've been taking my temperature every day and I live alone ?. Our co-working space is finally talking ab… https://t.co/SgV97tkCFt in reply to ericmbudd 22:42:15, 2020-03-15
- @drvox It kinda reminds me of the wildly disparate levels of fear in proportion to objective risk associated with f… https://t.co/mMwrrVN56f in reply to drvox 22:40:28, 2020-03-15
- @ericmbudd What the heck is the social distancing plan for the co-ops? in reply to ericmbudd 22:37:10, 2020-03-15
- @drvox I wonder how much of that difference is due to the agency — or lack of it — associated with these diseases… https://t.co/uTVdVOIW9X in reply to drvox 22:35:39, 2020-03-15
- Cc: @KateRaworth https://t.co/5FsexNXyBA 22:32:58, 2020-03-15
- @leahstokes Feels like especially in this moment, it would be good if we could try a different kind of leadership for a while. ? in reply to leahstokes 21:52:55, 2020-03-15
- RT @aaronhuertas: You can't adequately address climate change without serious democratic reform.
I really wish more than one of the remain… 20:46:28, 2020-03-15
- RT @MaryHeglar: Remember when we thought 2016 was surreal? LOLLLLLLLLL 20:45:19, 2020-03-15
- @gschivley @Zmangames_ It looks like there's an App for plain old vanilla Pandemic, but I realllly liked the 1st Le… https://t.co/e7ufX27GqO in reply to gschivley 19:48:58, 2020-03-15
- Okay @Zmangames_ clearly needs to release online versions of the Pandemic Legacy games that we can play together re… https://t.co/HLT5wXoJQj 19:46:27, 2020-03-15
- RT @girlziplocked: My heart goes out to all the adult children of elderly parents who refuse to self-isolate or listen to reason because th… 19:19:00, 2020-03-15
- @kevpluck Woooo, now we're winning! ? in reply to kevpluck 19:01:51, 2020-03-15
- @erinoverturf I don't suppose you know of an online platform that lets you play boardgames remotely do you? I total… https://t.co/qWWOoKXCSq in reply to erinoverturf 18:58:14, 2020-03-15
- @Olivia_R_Will @NASCOcoop @Shelterforce @GroundedNetwork @CHFA The bank actually told us "Look, no matter what the… https://t.co/drh0l68zrB in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:17:00, 2020-03-15
- @Olivia_R_Will @NASCOcoop @Shelterforce @GroundedNetwork @CHFA BHC is sprinting to get *all* of our properties refinanced. in reply to Olivia_R_Will 17:12:31, 2020-03-15
- Mexico has half as many hospital beds per capita as the US, and far more economic precarity. Many, many households… https://t.co/swEMUbUfd6 17:10:47, 2020-03-15
- RT @emptywheel: Well, at least Trump won't be mad at him anymore. https://t.co/z5kdGnr9gi 17:04:22, 2020-03-15
- ¡Venga, vamos! https://t.co/h4DA9g1TEI 22:25:01, 2020-03-14
- How did the relevant publics respond in the USSR the famines that resulted from Lysenko's agronomy? Or to the utter… https://t.co/cHiy7Ppxg7 22:23:11, 2020-03-14
- @drvox My money's on tribal epistemology. I think our internal models of the outside world are pretty much complete… https://t.co/QNKYj3fNms in reply to drvox 22:13:36, 2020-03-14
- It would be comforting to believe someone's got a clever master plan going behind the scenes.
But, more and more… https://t.co/NnAgxSya9O 21:24:06, 2020-03-14
- Two weeks from now the GOP's revisionist spin on everything that is happening is going be so mind wrenching that we… https://t.co/62qmoZnbj3 21:04:13, 2020-03-14
- Like really bad. Even if the virus *was* coming form outside, and they were effectively screening people, how could… https://t.co/LTZPAKrh0h in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:01:08, 2020-03-14
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/NKgKgbN9m6 in reply to ericmbudd 20:56:46, 2020-03-14
- RT @evacide: DEFCON? Canceled. Burning Man? Canceled. Christmas? Canceled. 2021? Canceled. These are the plague times and fun is outlawed. 20:56:28, 2020-03-14
- Seems bad. https://t.co/PRdT0qPlHt 20:51:01, 2020-03-14
- tfw you venture out into the infected but oblivious world for provisions and diligently avoid touching your face, a… https://t.co/5I7aw0CTnZ 20:48:49, 2020-03-14
- @darkolina Y claro que la pandemia será horrilble para ellos. ? in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:15:53, 2020-03-14
- Algunos pensamientos sobre por qué hay tantos ambulantes en México, y la imposibilidad y inequitud de despedirles,… https://t.co/pVflB2DX6h 12:14:02, 2020-03-14
- @ICouldSewDoThat As is the Onion's "End racism: kill everyone." in reply to ICouldSewDoThat 12:05:39, 2020-03-14
- Wait, the UK's "strategy" is *literally* just to wait for natural herd immunity to kick in? https://t.co/5d0ayev3dO https://t.co/LxeaE7onlE 12:02:22, 2020-03-14
- RT @devpnn: if you're pissed that someone can just hoard things necessary for survival and sell them back to you for a high markup (or char… 10:55:04, 2020-03-14
- Welp, I just hope everyone remembers that Pandemic is a *cooperative* game. It's us against the board, not us again… https://t.co/wFC7mOOKsh 10:53:31, 2020-03-14
- @erinoverturf I just hope everyone remembers that Pandemic is a *cooperative* game. in reply to erinoverturf 10:47:05, 2020-03-14
- Me he estado preguntando sobre este efecto en México también. Hay tantos hogares intergeneracional. https://t.co/lTF9uohxm7 09:46:24, 2020-03-14
- Hmm. So with some rough numbers on the axes, "flattening the curve" enough to keep the US healthcare system from be… https://t.co/cMgB5DpREu 00:39:53, 2020-03-14
- @DrJenGunter Mmmmm, hopefully to be followed up with some stress eating! in reply to DrJenGunter 23:04:58, 2020-03-13
- Consistently choosing optimality and efficiency over robustness and resilience creates brittleness. Maintaining res… https://t.co/pKxaobaUfQ 22:30:11, 2020-03-13
- It feels like William Gibson's Jackpot. https://t.co/kMAJGx4hgk 22:26:17, 2020-03-13
- A PSA from Oz: https://t.co/KE9qu565zb 21:54:14, 2020-03-13
- "Ashes, ashes, we all. Fall. Down." https://t.co/j9DHy7OuEl 21:29:39, 2020-03-13
- RT @emilytgreen: My 12-year-old niece said that at school (in Atlanta), the kids are calling COVID-19 "The Boomer Doomer." Haven't laughed… 21:28:57, 2020-03-13
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/hjJQlSdBtO in reply to ericmbudd 21:27:49, 2020-03-13
- A nice little visual exploration of exponential and logistic curves (saturation) in the context of epidemics: https://t.co/l2OBmsIe4I 21:23:48, 2020-03-13
- @ericmbudd The freakout is starting, but it does seem awfully slow. Why are we so bad at this as a species? in reply to ericmbudd 21:22:10, 2020-03-13
- RT @AoDespair: "Most Virginians as far as land mass" has to be the funniest anti-democratic phrase offered since Orwell put down his pen. A… 18:02:50, 2020-03-13
- @joshdr83 We wish! in reply to joshdr83 18:01:33, 2020-03-13
- Happy Friday the 13th everyone! 14:38:50, 2020-03-13
- @sewo_sewo @bolderbekah @jamie_jezebel Yeah… looking is just going be depressing in the short to medium term and… https://t.co/PQf3kKn3cT in reply to sewo_sewo 13:39:32, 2020-03-13
- Narrative bounces back and forth between Shanghai and Seattle. Tim Robbins plays a virally enhanced corporate fraud… https://t.co/kVw8lusjZr in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:30:28, 2020-03-13
- Violating the rules of these wealthy semi-isolated societies… or, say, losing your job can get you sent afuera. G… https://t.co/vVLq0x2b1Q in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:22:47, 2020-03-13
- But this partitioning only applies to the wealthy societies, which are vaguely re-organized into city-states. Every… https://t.co/QNlfwVR2AM in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:20:10, 2020-03-13
- Another decent biopunk / pandemic-ish film that does *not* involve zombies is Code 46. The world is partitioned bio… https://t.co/N7Nb5NZslN 13:18:25, 2020-03-13
- Glad I put all my retirement investing stuff on 100% autopilot. Hoping I can avoid looking at it entirely for the rest of the year. 13:13:09, 2020-03-13
- RT @EffinBirds: https://t.co/5vQWKA6rEW 13:09:17, 2020-03-13
- @cityatlas @dwallacewells It's like we've been spending down whatever post-WWII capital we built up, ever since the… https://t.co/VRtIWQDCHd in reply to cityatlas 11:33:30, 2020-03-13
- US status as a global power was (coincidentally) cemented during the 1918 pandemic. We seem to be going out on this… https://t.co/lZVlMoZWia 11:26:42, 2020-03-13
- What's on your Pandemic Playlist? What sounds will index your memories of this time? I'm listening to some classic… https://t.co/d6gUL5KhV6 11:14:52, 2020-03-13
- @NASCOcoop @Olivia_R_Will Is there anyone working on addressing how it affects property owners? Lenders? Obviously… https://t.co/CUzZGRUPyU in reply to NASCOcoop 10:21:43, 2020-03-13
- @Olivia_R_Will @NASCOcoop But at some higher level — and maybe only the feds can do this — can't we just say "Hey… https://t.co/1zCBmfN4d4 in reply to Olivia_R_Will 01:45:01, 2020-03-13
- @Olivia_R_Will @NASCOcoop For sure, but it's also just a displacement of the problem, up one link in the food chain… https://t.co/qT0AgZ3wUM in reply to Olivia_R_Will 01:30:52, 2020-03-13
- Remarkably non-chipper, this. https://t.co/DJRwLpCRi2 01:02:16, 2020-03-13
- Cool article about a portable metagenomic sequencer that can identify the genetic material in any sample by matchin… https://t.co/WCvmrmtAz9 01:01:07, 2020-03-13
- RT @peter_nhs: Remember that quite decent tv series about Chernobyl a few months ago, where everyone got sick and died because of a callous… 00:45:59, 2020-03-13
- @ericmbudd Uuuuuyy, did not get the memo. Jeesus. in reply to ericmbudd 23:56:39, 2020-03-12
- Uhhhh. https://t.co/7WMzo8t2p7 22:56:43, 2020-03-12
- RT @cienzilla: Un modelo matemático del @IIMAS_UNAM , estima que el brote infeccioso del corona virus en México, llegará entre el 20 y 30 d… 20:33:09, 2020-03-12
- @nikkibot @darkolina @NicHuete Ay, good question! in reply to nikkibot 20:27:24, 2020-03-12
- Si no tiene un gran sentido de urgencía sobre #covid19 aquí en México, lea este articulo. Acción *ahora mismo* podr… https://t.co/n6VKQlgsrS 20:07:26, 2020-03-12
- @tomaspueyo Here is a translation of your #covid19 article into Spanish, por @HeartsOnVzla https://t.co/huqqoZ4yft 19:57:35, 2020-03-12
- @darkolina @NicHuete O quizás @tacosdedatos in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:39:05, 2020-03-12
- ¿Hay alguien que puede traducir este artículo al español? Para evitar los peores desenlaces aquí:… https://t.co/dtKxy2mUi1 19:37:39, 2020-03-12
- @TimMLatimer @MichaelWWara @tommatzzie Though 10 year real treasury rates have been negative for the last 10 days,… https://t.co/vJn0HoXrsm in reply to TimMLatimer 19:05:30, 2020-03-12
- Oh right and then there was this other thing too with the rocket attacks yesterday. From militias backed by a count… https://t.co/4up4OPoiI4 16:52:14, 2020-03-12
- Seems bad. https://t.co/auPHWinyPh 16:44:34, 2020-03-12
- RT @chaspinrad: PSA: wash your produce.
Produce is not considered "ready to eat", which means handlers are not required by law to use glov… 16:35:32, 2020-03-12
- Oh right, and we're still doing that climate thing too. https://t.co/PMCRYJMX7C 14:49:32, 2020-03-12
- @NASCOcoop @Olivia_R_Will Do other co-op systems or affordable housing providers in other states have anything in t… https://t.co/USv6X6MVMS in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:32:08, 2020-03-12
- @jaredpolis @kcbecker @CHFA @BoulderHousing @SteveFenberg @bhccoops What kind of powers / tools does a state have t… https://t.co/O1CZ9vJ64z in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:28:49, 2020-03-12
- @jaredpolis @kcbecker @CHFA @BoulderHousing @SteveFenberg Tthis is really *not* the kind of thing org reserves are… https://t.co/64bGVkqFqL in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:21:32, 2020-03-12
- Many affordable housing residents will soon be unable to pay rent. Without systemic relief, housing providers will… https://t.co/8OKEGCumGE 13:18:00, 2020-03-12
- La actitud de México ahora mismo me suena exactamente lo mismo como los EEUU hace dos semanas, o Italia hace un mes… https://t.co/afEwrio5CY 10:41:08, 2020-03-12
- I'm bummed I won't get to see y'all in Portland, and I'm sure this is heartbreaking for all the folks who put 100s… https://t.co/DlwiCUM0WB 09:53:53, 2020-03-12
- @Elsamengistu We can hope! in reply to Elsamengistu 09:09:01, 2020-03-12
- It seems plausible to me that this has been the the administration's plan for a while now. https://t.co/rOknHCPI74 08:35:22, 2020-03-12
- RT @joshdr83: I guess if anti-vaxxers had their way, this is what every year would be like? 08:32:55, 2020-03-12
- RT @georgeclaghorn: how do you find out who your feudal lord is if you don’t live in Seattle? https://t.co/YgqaTf7pKQ 08:32:26, 2020-03-12
- @ericmbudd Sadly, this is a pretty good bet. in reply to ericmbudd 08:30:11, 2020-03-12
- @ericmbudd The recent Netflix series "Pandemic" was okay, not awesome. But current. Focused on flu. Lots of back-re… https://t.co/B8bHU6hLYx in reply to ericmbudd 22:56:03, 2020-03-11
- @ericmbudd The end of the world will be great for engagement!
Or, well, right up until it's not. in reply to ericmbudd 22:29:31, 2020-03-11
- RT @Yascha_Mounk: The Italian College of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care just published the most extraordinary medi… 21:04:16, 2020-03-11
- Great timing there guys. https://t.co/kubod6Ec0S 20:58:03, 2020-03-11
- AKA "self quarantine" https://t.co/gcpwT3CpAw 20:01:54, 2020-03-11
- "Flogging is prohibited in common areas after 11pm. And also on the dining room table." https://t.co/U9Iq0ztDqm 17:31:20, 2020-03-11
- RT @KendraWrites: ? read it all https://t.co/h9j0OKqnwz 16:54:00, 2020-03-11
- RT @CostaSamaras: People who work on climate change: please don’t do this stuff. Take care of each other. Also, block these takes. https://… 16:53:45, 2020-03-11
- Did it stand out less, against the background level of all the other diseases of the time? Before antibiotics? Befo… https://t.co/LDZsWRFlpV in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:15:04, 2020-03-11
- It's been weird to imagine both of my grandmothers as little girls during the 1918 flu. One in Pennsylvania, and th… https://t.co/u6A0rB7hMY 16:10:40, 2020-03-11
- @YIMBYtown @edieirons @irisstarr3 @JulianCastro @jenny_schuetz @ConorDougherty @TransForm_Alert I know the Elliot C… https://t.co/oxA2nS6C51 in reply to YIMBYtown 15:28:32, 2020-03-11
- Chopping habañeros is a great way to help yourself remember not to touch your face. 14:24:35, 2020-03-11
- RT @yayitsrob: This is cancel culture’s finest hour 12:00:09, 2020-03-11
- A good (20min) chat between Kim Stanley Robinson and some Columbia University architecture students on the #GND and… https://t.co/hNgnjZAg5q 11:57:13, 2020-03-11
- @DrTaraGoddard @Tonyatwork "The Bamboo People" (1976) has been recommended to me on this topic too, but I have yet… https://t.co/rA6BS6LOU1 in reply to DrTaraGoddard 10:13:07, 2020-03-11
- @DrTaraGoddard Oooh, there's some dark history related to victory gardens too, and the Japanese Internment, which e… https://t.co/mERIDCZ8cb in reply to DrTaraGoddard 09:17:59, 2020-03-11
- GIF courtesy of @swear_trek in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:14:25, 2020-03-11
- It feels like decades of work on climate change, compressed into a few weeks or months. Disturbing to see the same… https://t.co/TNQRiiwZPq 08:54:39, 2020-03-11
- @DrJaneFlegal In that it makes the state + district level horse trading necessary to build a political consensus more difficult? in reply to DrJaneFlegal 08:45:16, 2020-03-11
- RT @mollyhc: People doubted earlier that US Soccer was actually arguing that women are inherently inferior to men as part of the federation… 07:56:51, 2020-03-11
- At what point — if ever — will the Democratic party accept some responsibility for low youth engagement, stemming… https://t.co/iRisqT78MO 23:50:45, 2020-03-10
- And what about all the passengers that came in contact with them over the past 14 days? https://t.co/dCtDPejHY1 22:57:50, 2020-03-10
- RT @edmundlee: A disease specialist in Seattle had the ability (and instinct) to test for coronavirus as early as January.
Officials told… 22:22:15, 2020-03-10
- @OregonGovBrown Have the state troopers drag those deadbeat GOP legislators back to the capital so they can do thei… https://t.co/SjjrUUWNWh in reply to OregonGovBrown 21:53:22, 2020-03-10
- Doing it. Not liking it. ? https://t.co/ElRtKm8Glw 21:36:26, 2020-03-10
- RT @ShiraOvide: Instead of photos of stock traders looking shocked, just photos of computer servers all day long: https://t.co/wrMxIa9Ps9 21:26:51, 2020-03-10
- @CostaSamaras @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @RegAssistProj @joesmyth But no like literally… https://t.co/qQ3i1IniWS in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:20:28, 2020-03-10
- @CostaSamaras @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @RegAssistProj @joesmyth Because of all the ho… https://t.co/SLfK7cVwMW in reply to CostaSamaras 21:15:38, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth Which of course neces… https://t.co/A2wq9WKJyQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:13:44, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth Like even in the Boul… https://t.co/JbyuXPfbvB in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:13:01, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth There are *so many* d… https://t.co/sFsn918QC7 in reply to DavidPomerantz 21:09:22, 2020-03-10
- @NuclearAnthro Do you have a take on whether Heisenberg failed to make a bomb for Germany on purpose in some sense? in reply to NuclearAnthro 21:04:48, 2020-03-10
- @interfluidity Winter Is Coming. in reply to interfluidity 21:00:20, 2020-03-10
- RT @RaulACarrillo: your periodic reminder that the entire financial system is a creature of law and can be reconfigured at any time but in… 20:59:17, 2020-03-10
- @maggie_shober @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth So is it that even th… https://t.co/42Sdpc1Wj9 in reply to maggie_shober 20:47:36, 2020-03-10
- @leahstokes @yayitsrob @alexismadrigal So much about this feels like a crazy time-lapse of the issues and failures… https://t.co/dpsiKrKlVg in reply to leahstokes 20:27:53, 2020-03-10
- Given where the US and EU are headed on this, I think China may come out looking quite good in the long run. What d… https://t.co/KNzBaoXbYC 20:26:14, 2020-03-10
- Slightly ranty reply thread about the focus on public power agencies (rather than investor owned utilities) in a cl… https://t.co/WHpRMbfhgy 20:20:30, 2020-03-10
- @amywestervelt @leahstokes ? *sigh* yeah. in reply to amywestervelt 20:12:01, 2020-03-10
- @maggie_shober @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth Hmm, what's the natur… https://t.co/CAXFKHB8Fp in reply to maggie_shober 20:08:01, 2020-03-10
- @3blue1brown This is… not a straightforward question in an election year. in reply to 3blue1brown 20:01:43, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth And now mostly I work… https://t.co/8ufNp9NuL1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:56:55, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth I started my climate… https://t.co/eoICrzgz5q in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:55:00, 2020-03-10
- @DoctorVive @DavidPomerantz @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth Oh it's *exhausting*… https://t.co/ohzpi6T42S in reply to DoctorVive 19:51:53, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth Which personally I wa… https://t.co/VZ6kNRnAQK in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:48:33, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth These are instrumenta… https://t.co/85zphruKwp in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:47:06, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth And if you've got a c… https://t.co/e12jOkJ74G in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:45:20, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth Flat demand curve hur… https://t.co/o5YQozmqtJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:43:46, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth When there's an expen… https://t.co/SYiOUqc2DQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:42:02, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth So why box ourselves… https://t.co/UcpPmvBFEY in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:38:52, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj @joesmyth If there's one thing… https://t.co/DGSzTeuBnq in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:36:09, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj Personally I'm not convinced. A… https://t.co/Io96uxXUV3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:34:17, 2020-03-10
- @DavidPomerantz @DoctorVive @maggie_shober @leahstokes @CostaSamaras @RegAssistProj The probably inflammatory analo… https://t.co/Ldbfw1Yawe in reply to DavidPomerantz 19:29:18, 2020-03-10
- @darkolina Also I love love love all the "hortera" pictures of you enjoying street food in Mexico. It's such a simp… https://t.co/fwySxwSPiw in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:16:36, 2020-03-10
- RT @feliciasonmez: How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart https://t.co/A4Fm9hXLF3 very useful piece from @Voxdot… 19:12:14, 2020-03-10
- RT @andersem: Holy cow.
@YIMBYtown, the national pro-housing conference meeting in Portland next month, just announced its lead keynote sp… 19:10:53, 2020-03-10
- RT @BraveBosom: Italy went from 20 confirmed infections to 9,000 in 2 weeks.
Meanwhile in Oregon, @OHAOregon recommended school district… 19:06:27, 2020-03-10
- Worth noting:
"At the time of the meeting, we were absolutely following national guidance on travel and in-person… https://t.co/pvYS5ztn2P in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:05:01, 2020-03-10
- I guess that's why they call it "going viral!" in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:02:14, 2020-03-10
- Another small-ish conference, from last week, which I considered attending to try get journalists interested in usi… https://t.co/tGJs7qfE3j 19:01:42, 2020-03-10
- This (healthcare?!) conference apparently only had ~300 attendees. Around a quarter of them have now tested positiv… https://t.co/xgCmk3Y3jM 19:00:22, 2020-03-10
- Just. Ten. More. Months. https://t.co/ozeoaW8SOC 18:49:09, 2020-03-10
- @darkolina Siiii, claro. ¿En dónde, y con quién? Lo será una aventura. in reply to darkolina 18:44:03, 2020-03-10
- Salí de la casa por solo un ratito, por la primera vez en una semana ¿y lo que topé? https://t.co/lugfoVhPx7 18:40:45, 2020-03-10
- Even within the narrow, twisted confines of our current fiscal/policy discussion the *responsible* thing to do righ… https://t.co/LIpv6HakqX 17:55:19, 2020-03-10
- RT @ezraklein: Good time for a Green New Deal. https://t.co/nZbI7rmvhg 17:47:16, 2020-03-10
- @darkolina Lo va a venir aquí también. ¡Por lo menos allí ya saben que hay un problema! Uy. in reply to darkolina 17:10:41, 2020-03-10
- @ericmbudd I guess that's what happens when the nature of reality itself becomes partisan. in reply to ericmbudd 16:47:45, 2020-03-10
- @thmscwlls Banged up TEU from Longmont, $3300? https://t.co/wPGc7lW0TA in reply to thmscwlls 16:21:46, 2020-03-10
- RT @darkolina: Al parecer, el @CoronaVid19 podría, tal vez, quizá, desestabilizar al mercado, en consecuencia a las elecciones de EUA y Tru… 16:03:29, 2020-03-10
- @ericmbudd pr0n in reply to ericmbudd 16:01:57, 2020-03-10
- @ericmbudd WHERE DOES ANYONE GET THAT KIND OF NEWS? omfg in reply to ericmbudd 14:02:22, 2020-03-10
- RT @AnnieLowrey: Could not be a better time for green infrastructure investments: We're borrowing for free. We need fiscal stimulus. Domest… 12:09:01, 2020-03-10
- @CHThiem Oh. I guess the annual Austria family getaway is probably off. Colorado is nice in the summer! in reply to CHThiem 12:07:25, 2020-03-10
- @mitchellbyars https://t.co/xbUxo2IObe 09:13:15, 2020-03-10
- RT @anne_theriault: North Americans: *hoarding toilet paper, vociferously debating the merits of hand sanitizer*
France: FOR THE LAST TIME… 01:23:02, 2020-03-10
- @ericmbudd Ah now I see where 45 is going with this: "Doctor, you mentioned the ration of ten women to each man. No… https://t.co/9CG7HXfQHg in reply to ericmbudd 01:20:42, 2020-03-10
- https://t.co/wULHSWuajQ 21:40:41, 2020-03-09
- @ericmbudd Wow that is a lot of winning. in reply to ericmbudd 21:40:09, 2020-03-09
- @MRC_SLC I remembered reading it way back when, and searched for the exact quote, which I found in some frequent fl… https://t.co/uxxiqRMRiw in reply to MRC_SLC 19:36:39, 2020-03-09
- RT @silviast9: 1/ I may be repeating myself, but I want to fight this sense of security that I see outside of the epicenters, as if nothing… 19:05:28, 2020-03-09
- Well that was fast. https://t.co/IHLmTYyMUi 18:38:00, 2020-03-09
- RT @jasonvanschoor: 3/ The current situation is difficult to imagine and numbers do not explain things at all. Our hospitals are overwhelme… 18:28:48, 2020-03-09
- From the January, 2003 @Harpers Index:
"Ratio of net profit earned by U.S. airlines since 1970 to federal subsidie… https://t.co/GjTvCBzsGV 18:10:00, 2020-03-09
- RT @TimMLatimer: @posamentier @sfwilson3 @hughrmacmillan @CostaSamaras @ZaneSelvans Yes. Might be a good time to point out, if you are an o… 10:24:50, 2020-03-09
- @ericmbudd And that is exactly what bonds are for. Good jorb. in reply to ericmbudd 10:16:22, 2020-03-09
- RT @ezraklein: The pivot Trump is about to make from downplaying the coronavirus to using it to justify xenophobia and scapegoating is goin… 22:30:17, 2020-03-08
- @CostaSamaras Seems like a lot of geophysicists and drillers and hydraulic fracturing tech could go toward enhanced geothermal systems. in reply to CostaSamaras 18:40:07, 2020-03-08
- @thebmbennett @cmgosnell Well, she also has a shared house with more structured chores than it sounds like your cur… https://t.co/x5zDfWvfA8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:32:48, 2020-03-08
- @thebmbennett @cmgosnell Ahhh, gotcha. in reply to thebmbennett 18:27:21, 2020-03-08
- @thebmbennett @cmgosnell has what seems like a sweet coworking setup there, if that's something you like: https://t.co/7EFkteB3Yz in reply to thebmbennett 16:48:05, 2020-03-08
- @ericmbudd @cmgosnell Including a small private list with rotating membership (called "completist") where I put peo… https://t.co/mKP1r5RHxI in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:31:41, 2020-03-08
- @ericmbudd @cmgosnell Also reminds me just how atypical my online experience is in some ways, since I completely bl… https://t.co/utOgljaJOH in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:29:43, 2020-03-08
- (Very) Long, thoughtful thread on how/why social media algorithms differentially affect coalition vs. authoritarian… https://t.co/0InlVMeccB 14:59:17, 2020-03-08
- @tweedsio Have y'all been considering trying to do a virtual/remote conference instead? 13:09:20, 2020-03-08
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem The distinction I'm getting here though is why not base the income thresholds on the population… https://t.co/o8qZisBdjG in reply to ericmbudd 13:06:48, 2020-03-08
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd ? I wonder how the policy decision was made to use area resident incomes rather than area emplo… https://t.co/5ocVqK9ReI in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:50:27, 2020-03-08
- Nice short explanation of virus structures here too: https://t.co/JEzFR1wrYA in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:40:57, 2020-03-08
- I did not realize that viruses have lipid bilayers like cells! I thought they were just little rigid protein capsid… https://t.co/FExfa6SqWU 12:35:26, 2020-03-08
- @bolderbekah @CHThiem IIRC it's some kind of "metropolitan / non-metropolitan area" as defined by BLS or Census, bu… https://t.co/s5OGdbPeEG in reply to bolderbekah 12:19:31, 2020-03-08
- @CHThiem It turns out BLS collects this info! Boulder area median wage is $23.60/hr so like, $47k/yr. Compared to t… https://t.co/s4X0zJ27j8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:53:21, 2020-03-08
- I feel like this would make an *awesome* historical serial drama. Like NARCOS meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon… https://t.co/HKtamqeBh2 11:37:00, 2020-03-08
- @CHThiem I thought Boulder was even more bonkers!
It'd be great if instead of basing the affordability threshold o… https://t.co/RhQGaLGrHX in reply to CHThiem 11:22:04, 2020-03-08
- RT @EliMcCann: YOU GUYS. I just saw the most wild thing! A man started walking toward the Girl Scouts cookie stand in front of the grocery… 11:13:50, 2020-03-08
- RT @WhoresofYore: Ching Shih (1775-1844), was a pirate who terrorized the South China Seas. She was working in the floating brothels of Gua… 11:05:24, 2020-03-08
- RT @DigiVictorian: The adverts in Victorian newspapers never cease to amaze me. Suffering from a cold? It's time you learned 'All About Opi… 11:02:43, 2020-03-08
- RT @alicia_deliciaa: El coronavirus me la pela https://t.co/ceVRq0FM6x 11:02:33, 2020-03-08
- Then you gesture at China and how effectively their authoritarian response was eventually able to limit contagion a… https://t.co/HtUVtYQptp in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:37:29, 2020-03-07
- And if the controls are accepted, then hey, you've successfully imposed a centralized police state!
Maybe it doesn… https://t.co/LyuZI2P6ho in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:32:28, 2020-03-07
- If people resist these controls — especially more liberal urban populations, partly because of where they are comi… https://t.co/85DcGWVjxJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:29:23, 2020-03-07
- With a lagging, uncoordinated public health response in the US, there will be an exponential growth period. At some… https://t.co/BarcHMotjl in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:27:57, 2020-03-07
- It seems like a bumbling mess now, but surely there's a great right-wing narrative to be woven around the pandemic.… https://t.co/MKwpAXyfTv 16:23:30, 2020-03-07
- Troll Offerings to the Algorithm God! https://t.co/9n7lI1Y8N2 16:14:08, 2020-03-07
- We can't help it. We're linear beings, trapped in a complex exponential world. https://t.co/F8zy4edRTJ 16:00:37, 2020-03-07
- Nation states aren't the only ones interested in the treasure trove of data on your devices. Abusive intimate partn… https://t.co/WDX9Ss5Q01 15:53:58, 2020-03-07
- @ericmbudd @StephanyForCO Wow nobody for frackenlooper? in reply to ericmbudd 15:35:17, 2020-03-07
- RT @SarahTaber_bww: ::Henry George intensifies further:: https://t.co/rMg8h89pTv 15:02:14, 2020-03-07
- RT @SarahTaber_bww: ::Henry George intensifies:: https://t.co/J2MtDQNesH 15:02:09, 2020-03-07
- @teclista Jajaa, omg <3 in reply to teclista 13:44:45, 2020-03-07
- RT @ElleArmageddon: Eat trash, be free. https://t.co/Hm9dZ5DD7x 10:36:21, 2020-03-07
- @ericmbudd Seems like it could end up with the western US on fire and remote or quarantined national political conv… https://t.co/RfEFGP00Oy in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:16:05, 2020-03-06
- @ericmbudd Also I'm super excited to see how Mexico deals with this kind of thing! in reply to ericmbudd 23:05:51, 2020-03-06
- @ericmbudd It could be slower than that… but it sounds like only if we do something huge and coordinated and grin… https://t.co/MORNWvuMkq in reply to ericmbudd 23:02:25, 2020-03-06
- @ericmbudd You're trolling me. in reply to ericmbudd 22:58:20, 2020-03-06
- RT @maiamajumder: Hey @JoyceLauNews; there are a number of great Twitter lists of #COVID19 experts (a few of which I’m on). If anyone in my… 22:13:52, 2020-03-06
- @ericmbudd Roll 1d20 to save against the coronavirus. Must roll less than your constitution, deducting 1 point for… https://t.co/22N7gahr5i in reply to ericmbudd 21:36:56, 2020-03-06
- ~2 million ICU admissions, assuming a ~10 day stay on average, at ~$10,000/day is ~$200 billion in healthcare costs… https://t.co/9XcEAwkJPP 20:30:29, 2020-03-06
- RT @bluser12: Jamie Galbraith brings the GOODS https://t.co/7RbEeQgguj 20:23:49, 2020-03-06
- RT @sethbannon: American Hospital Association "Best Guess Epidemiology" for #codiv19 over next 2 months:
96,000,000 infections
4,800,000 h… 20:23:29, 2020-03-06 - RT @yasnayae: "Tenemos la opción de construir espacios minúsculos que alcanzan un valor descomunal gracias a la fuerza utópica que contenga… 20:08:04, 2020-03-06
- @ericmbudd @NateSilver538 It could be a pretty cool case study in epistemic uncertainly, honestly. in reply to ericmbudd 16:47:54, 2020-03-06
- @ericmbudd I mean why would you not grift a billionaire, given the opportunity? in reply to ericmbudd 09:03:04, 2020-03-06
- Lots of problems facing humanity illuminated by this story. https://t.co/BGi7z54Kl8 08:06:55, 2020-03-06
- @electronecon Whoa. Meta. in reply to electronecon 07:57:42, 2020-03-06
- @leahstokes I think that may be the best board game I've played. Has definitely lent a surreal familiarity to this whole thing. in reply to leahstokes 21:10:20, 2020-03-05
- @erinoverturf Feels like it might somehow be related to Cassandra. in reply to erinoverturf 18:06:31, 2020-03-05
- Haha j/k we don't have any profits, what we have are "deferred revenues." https://t.co/71lSOeGSsN 17:24:08, 2020-03-05
- @BraveBosom It was too perfect! I had to go check the article you linked to to make sure it wasn't already embedded… https://t.co/zVkQf58pXi in reply to BraveBosom 16:52:36, 2020-03-05
- @kimmaicutler My god that would be such a dream team. ? in reply to kimmaicutler 16:49:11, 2020-03-05
- @BraveBosom https://t.co/LfQ7WMbGs6 in reply to BraveBosom 16:44:34, 2020-03-05
- @meltzere It's those danged transients again! in reply to meltzere 16:35:25, 2020-03-05
- @MaryHeglar Ha, "Swearing: A Biophysical Perspective" Sounds pretty respectable to me 🙂
https://t.co/2R52AEoDla https://t.co/1brBkGcbT5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:32:45, 2020-03-05
- @MaryHeglar People who curse are more trustworthy: https://t.co/qIsUCLjoxn in reply to MaryHeglar 16:27:13, 2020-03-05
- Is it just me and @ubuntu, or after 20 years, is Bluetooth still completely flaketastic? 08:21:01, 2020-03-05
- @MaryHeglar https://t.co/RqVoAemBck in reply to MaryHeglar 07:43:52, 2020-03-05
- @SoniaPoulton @frannyarmstrong @SadiqKhan @ProstitutesColl @WHO @hrw @amnesty Well, what about trusting the sex wor… https://t.co/5SYzhaK6md in reply to SoniaPoulton 03:49:36, 2020-03-05
- @SoniaPoulton @frannyarmstrong @SadiqKhan @ProstitutesColl @WHO @hrw @amnesty I feel the need to speak up on this i… https://t.co/bMnxYsXysK in reply to ZaneSelvans 03:37:01, 2020-03-05
- @SoniaPoulton @frannyarmstrong @SadiqKhan @ProstitutesColl And while I can't speak to the graphic design choice her… https://t.co/GOumuwi2qH in reply to ZaneSelvans 03:29:57, 2020-03-05
- @ClaudiaCeramics @TfL @SadiqKhan @ClickOffOrg @WalsheSam @K_IngalaSmith @ProstitutesColl And while I can't speak to… https://t.co/LsYCdJpnGB in reply to ZaneSelvans 03:28:17, 2020-03-05
- @ClaudiaCeramics @TfL @SadiqKhan @ClickOffOrg @WalsheSam @K_IngalaSmith I've seen this stat cited by… https://t.co/RXopsRaNmi in reply to ClaudiaCeramics 03:19:26, 2020-03-05
- @SoniaPoulton @frannyarmstrong @SadiqKhan I've seen this stat cited by @ProstitutesColl, an org made up of & advoca… https://t.co/I4mwkdfMXe in reply to SoniaPoulton 03:18:50, 2020-03-05
- @edrubin @tweedsio @yimbytown @MadelineKovacs I'm sure y'all are already following this closely but, ugh. Not the g… https://t.co/eYX3LcoX2v 02:28:13, 2020-03-05
- RT @maggiekb1: https://t.co/QqXoAWVQPq 23:34:56, 2020-03-04
- RT @trvrb: Running these simulations forward with a mean doubling time of 6.1 days, we estimate the number of current infections in this tr… 23:34:01, 2020-03-04
- RT @hypervisible: After giving gas cans and lighters to all takers, Facebook now passing out free glasses of water. https://t.co/O6W3aSYe17 23:32:28, 2020-03-04
- RT @CT_Bergstrom: 2. Current estimates based on genetic data for the known Seattle-area cases have 80 to 1500 cases locally (median around… 23:30:23, 2020-03-04
- @Nikishka I dunno how far you are into the worker co-op conversion process but this is a thing I wish I'd known mor… https://t.co/v8zXQtLCjW 22:32:12, 2020-03-04
- @KendraWrites Oh man, it is a scary vaccination too — it's alive but attenuated somehow and comes with a biohazard… https://t.co/00p0oTnuw3 in reply to KendraWrites 22:20:31, 2020-03-04
- @Olivia_R_Will @ericmbudd @ldp7744 @jwpcPBC @ntnsndr @USFWC Well, we're already working with @WegnerCPAs (out of Ma… https://t.co/c9omVuujQ7 in reply to Olivia_R_Will 22:19:42, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd @ldp7744 @jwpcPBC @ntnsndr @USFWC @Olivia_R_Will Do we actually have to pay out the member allocations s… https://t.co/Y7JF3dMfoO in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:13:13, 2020-03-04
- Wow for waaaaay more than I ever read on this before here's a backgrounder from @Institute_coop on co-op internal c… https://t.co/J0ZiwYzHeE in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:08:01, 2020-03-04
- @tarah My god who among us does not think pie is a legitimate breakfast food? in reply to tarah 21:02:42, 2020-03-04
- @ntnsndr So I'm not terribly confused and this tiny slice of the tax code actually makes some kind of self-consistent sense? in reply to ntnsndr 20:40:07, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd Am I getting this not-paid-out-in-cash dividends thing ? anywhere close to right? We made a profit and w… https://t.co/NB78cJHcyZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:32:45, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd But none of this precludes the utilization of this capital in the operation and ongoing growth of the co… https://t.co/xfN4iceTSz in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:29:27, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd The cumulative payout and reinvestment over time determines the equity stake that different members have… https://t.co/8jELnvTROC in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:26:34, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd And on top of that potential benefit, you avoid double taxation, because the profits were passed through… https://t.co/gioAJUHmRu in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:21:01, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd The co-op is gonna lose 20% of its profits. Either it goes directly to the IRS, or it gets paid out in c… https://t.co/jdrufg2Z2a in reply to ericmbudd 20:18:29, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd It's a pass-through entity that also allows you to take advantage of the lower marginal tax rates of mem… https://t.co/PkQnKrozFU in reply to ericmbudd 20:08:25, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd And as with climate, the longer you wait to take action, the more radical the action you take has to be to get the same outcome. in reply to ericmbudd 20:05:40, 2020-03-04
- After 10 years of this, I think I might finally understand how co-op patronage dividends that aren't paid out in ca… https://t.co/BCm98F8AQW 20:04:01, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd It seems weird that this is at all confusing to people. Especially for McGrath (Crush the turtle!) Donat… https://t.co/qU7JpyIVJb in reply to ericmbudd 19:47:47, 2020-03-04
- After the fact it will be both interesting and horrific to see the measurable epidemiological consequences of the F… https://t.co/JBGKB8VVN5 19:05:30, 2020-03-04
- RT @interfluidity: usually the narrative is that Bernie and Warren types are trying to take over and transform the Democratic party, but it… 17:16:15, 2020-03-04
- Oh right. When you ask someone to revise a paper in peer review, then you *also* have to review the *new* version of the paper. 16:05:21, 2020-03-04
- RT @DrJaneFlegal: You love to see it https://t.co/X67qFTLw8w 08:09:19, 2020-03-04
- @DrJaneFlegal Ooooh, the meta-take. in reply to DrJaneFlegal 08:09:09, 2020-03-04
- @ericmbudd Dude there's still 10 months left in 2020. in reply to ericmbudd 23:30:13, 2020-03-03
- "Deliciosa gaseosa hecha con las mejores frutas artificiales del país." https://t.co/htH8qeK1DB 22:59:29, 2020-03-03
- RT @GinaRivers90: Este mundo es sólo víctima de un montón de tíos que no se quieren sentar https://t.co/8G2Me49GiN 22:52:04, 2020-03-03
- RT @ChekosWH: los bernie bros me recuerdan a los lopezobradoristas una madre 22:51:47, 2020-03-03
- RT @eisingerj: Biden's proposition:
Obama was good.
Trump is bad.
I have no new scary ideas. 22:40:39, 2020-03-03
- RT @AstroKatie: The fact that primaries are not done via ranked-choice voting is absurd 20:36:07, 2020-03-03
- @erinoverturf I feel like there's still plenty of room for an unhappy ending here. Unfortunately. in reply to erinoverturf 20:28:23, 2020-03-03
- RT @FryRsquared: It's an extraordinary coincidence. But for me, the most powerful bit of the original tv prog was this:
This is our 2018… 20:27:36, 2020-03-03
- @ericmbudd But is it a toxic love? in reply to ericmbudd 19:16:16, 2020-03-03
- @drvox FYI Dave that account is identified as a trollbot by @BotSentinel. Also maybe of interest, their previous wa… https://t.co/MMMjISQyi6 in reply to drvox 15:00:08, 2020-02-29
- Hasta luego chicos. Voy a Cuajimoloyes. 55km con 1600m de subir. https://t.co/KZcgaBJKXq 11:26:59, 2020-02-29
- What with all the "Solidarity" and "Collaboration" and "Effective government response" and "Telling the truth to th… https://t.co/CG4pB0zZ5d in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:47:01, 2020-02-29
- 23 pages of clarity on COVID-19 from the WHO, based on their 2 week mission to China. Those recommendations at the… https://t.co/prQP2e2ZV7 10:42:52, 2020-02-29
- @sueprant @ericmbudd @ewarren Yeah unfortunately that was my like my personal Warren story. in reply to sueprant 09:59:32, 2020-02-29
- @ericmbudd "Smart. Strong. Voting For." The @ewarren story. in reply to ericmbudd 09:51:21, 2020-02-29
- @Olivia_R_Will So many warped, deeply fucked up popular love songs out there. It's honestly creepy to listen to the lyrics as words. in reply to Olivia_R_Will 22:25:17, 2020-02-28
- @mikedecr @thebmbennett ? @cmgosnell mergy mc merge merge in reply to mikedecr 19:53:24, 2020-02-28
- @thebmbennett ? Anyone from open data/science side of the world have suggestions? @lilscientista @choldgraf… https://t.co/Dlav6vAPIZ in reply to thebmbennett 18:06:45, 2020-02-28
- RT @thebmbennett: Do I know anyone that considers themselves a Python/SQL tutor/mentor? Who has 1-2 hours a week to tutor 2 junior data ana… 17:37:36, 2020-02-28
- The anxiety inducing sense of precarity in the US (and especially stupid expensive Boulder, Colorado) is a big part… https://t.co/ISCHxUwqXl 16:42:03, 2020-02-28
- RT @Noahpinion: If this is true, then even assuming a (high) 1% mortality rate, that would mean 20,000 infected in Iran. The official numbe… 14:13:03, 2020-02-28
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem I did! But they're asking me to volunteer and knock doors, not vote. in reply to ericmbudd 14:11:28, 2020-02-28
- @qpyoungnews Nah, I think it's in crisis. Just a really slow, boring kind of stagnation crisis. And I was the TAB chair before Rigler. in reply to qpyoungnews 14:10:48, 2020-02-28
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd I keep having to tell the friendly campaign folks who are texting me that I already sent in my overseas ballot. in reply to CHThiem 14:06:34, 2020-02-28
- @choldgraf We've mostly gone to setting acceptable thresholds/ranges. Like should this table have exactly 243,499 r… https://t.co/de7lyIsxxb in reply to choldgraf 12:02:24, 2020-02-28
- @CHThiem @ericmbudd #WhenWereYouRadicalized in reply to CHThiem 11:57:56, 2020-02-28
- Hmm. Well this doesn't seem good. https://t.co/ZNAGH8p2oV https://t.co/LRRwMDzcHh 11:50:45, 2020-02-28
- @shayshinecastle Holy shit congratulations! in reply to shayshinecastle 11:01:54, 2020-02-28
- @ericmbudd In mine it went to the beginning. in reply to ericmbudd 10:28:03, 2020-02-28
- @ericmbudd Dudebro's screed starts around 57:30 in reply to ericmbudd 10:22:58, 2020-02-28
- RT @ZaneSelvans: @sewo_sewo @cj_gauss Stocks are going on sale. You will continue contributing like always over the next decade, and you wi… 08:11:07, 2020-02-28
- @CHThiem @bhccoops @IngramCoop Co-ops: a gateway drug to all kinds of things! in reply to CHThiem 08:09:39, 2020-02-28
- @ericmbudd At the bottom. in reply to ericmbudd 07:35:28, 2020-02-28
- RT @ericmbudd: a depressing and unjust story of capitalism's failure in America that is all too common https://t.co/Lpm9agGsub 07:32:54, 2020-02-28
- @ericmbudd @sewo_sewo @cj_gauss But I really do think both of these things. in reply to ZaneSelvans 07:21:38, 2020-02-28
- @ericmbudd @sewo_sewo @cj_gauss https://t.co/CN6OM6Ap49 in reply to ericmbudd 07:12:45, 2020-02-28
- @davidrogers27 It's funny how hard it can be to find the "right docket" for these things! in reply to davidrogers27 20:47:48, 2020-02-27
- @sewo_sewo @cj_gauss Or you know, alternatively, the fabric of our global civilization might totally unravel due to… https://t.co/NimdN6UTBb in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:28:45, 2020-02-27
- @notFromShrek Man that guy was a mega douchcanoe. in reply to notFromShrek 20:25:15, 2020-02-27
- @sewo_sewo @cj_gauss Stocks are going on sale. You will continue contributing like always over the next decade, and… https://t.co/A3vAn8TT97 in reply to sewo_sewo 20:22:55, 2020-02-27
- @interfluidity Oh I also have this problem. in reply to interfluidity 20:16:14, 2020-02-27
- The folks that don't want to just vote for this on Planning Board w/o discussion appear to feel they need opportuni… https://t.co/NL4QVzTPqi in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:47:15, 2020-02-27
- Screaming into the (Mexican) void, watching a #Boulder Planning Board meeting about housing co-ops. Same classhole… https://t.co/UW56gEpa9y 19:14:54, 2020-02-27
- I should probably stop reading @drvox. It's become an exercise in confirmation bias. https://t.co/122uuo6prm 17:13:21, 2020-02-27
- Curious what @ntnsndr thinks of this take. https://t.co/ccmicixwrM 16:03:18, 2020-02-27
- @interfluidity IIRC the 1918 flu was also like this — it preferentially killed healthy younger adults (like all th… https://t.co/BKf46h6Foe in reply to interfluidity 16:00:50, 2020-02-27
- @ericmbudd Is there a difference at this point tho? in reply to ericmbudd 15:57:03, 2020-02-27
- @ericmbudd Is it really the same rule in the County? in reply to ericmbudd 15:56:01, 2020-02-27
- @LaurenGifford @ericmbudd Sounds like someone's been taking @ramez Nexus trilogy a liiiiiitle too seriously. in reply to LaurenGifford 15:09:56, 2020-02-27
- @LaurenGifford @ericmbudd I like the half-assed scribble there. in reply to LaurenGifford 15:05:57, 2020-02-27
- @evacide Ouch. in reply to evacide 13:58:15, 2020-02-27
- Oh and hey it turns out someone running for President is already in the White House. https://t.co/kmaDWVVAae 13:52:58, 2020-02-27
- @mlipsitch @interfluidity A thing I'm curious about: how do pandemics affect virus evolution? Does the genetic dive… https://t.co/dn46ktiCDb in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:04:09, 2020-02-27
- An look at how the season & climate affects flu & cold virus transmission, from @mlipsitch https://t.co/AxJ5eSHAoD via @interfluidity 12:01:33, 2020-02-27
- ? https://t.co/eeOJ9UIjRW 11:24:44, 2020-02-27
- If you want deep nerdy background on how diseases move from wildlife populations into human populations,… https://t.co/9BTP9cFqRw 07:30:58, 2020-02-27
- I find myself reflexively suspicious of younger people wearing suits in their profile pics. 07:23:40, 2020-02-27
- @DougBachman That certainly would be consistent with their behavior. in reply to DougBachman 07:20:44, 2020-02-27
- RT @LibyaLiberty: When the government has the power to take away citizenship, no citizen is safe. https://t.co/9nxqsu7tRK 21:54:48, 2020-02-26
- @ericmbudd I do not like green eggs and ham! in reply to ericmbudd 21:38:47, 2020-02-26
- The curse of choosing an especially shitty kind of optimality over systemic robustness, episode eleventybillion. https://t.co/mK4XnFLQlq 21:27:43, 2020-02-26
- @alexadoingstuff As if plenty of homeless folks and undocumented immigrants were not hard working and tax paying. in reply to alexadoingstuff 19:45:24, 2020-02-26
- @johnffarrell It's so frustrating to see ride-hailing still pushed as part of sustainable transportation systems. I… https://t.co/soZfcWLxQJ in reply to johnffarrell 18:36:30, 2020-02-26
- @ericmbudd ??️ in reply to ericmbudd 18:31:52, 2020-02-26
- We did the same thing with I-25 in Colorado. Traffic was just as bad as before the project 5 years later. And they'… https://t.co/oB4C08sq3q in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:30:02, 2020-02-26
- It's an insane (and willful) misallocation of resources. What would $7.5B buy in terms of bus rapid transit? Afford… https://t.co/gaRMKUTPE9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:27:12, 2020-02-26
- @PlazaPerspectiv In theory Austin has a #VisionZero plan, but serious traffic injuries increased by 15% between 201… https://t.co/GZY9GfI4wo in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:22:43, 2020-02-26
- Adam Greenfield (@PlazaPerspectiv) who's on the city's Pedestrian Adivsory Commission has been organizing in opposi… https://t.co/rVzEWI7Hq0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:21:09, 2020-02-26
- It's part of a high risk network that makes up on 8% of all streets, but accounts for 70% of all traffic injuries: https://t.co/PUFw3lsw6F in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:19:39, 2020-02-26
- I-35 was on CNU's top ten list of freeways that should be removed altogether: https://t.co/RFwxQi9dll in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:17:33, 2020-02-26
- @peevish Adam Greenfield (@PlazaPerspectiv) who is on the city's Pedestrian Advisory Commission has been fighting the expansion for a while. in reply to peevish 18:16:24, 2020-02-26
- TXDOT is delusional Re: $7.5B expansion of I-35 in Austin. Any congestion relief will be gone within a couple of ye… https://t.co/nQJOIMgGnk 16:36:46, 2020-02-26
- No really, we're going to get better at this. But not in an annoying way. https://t.co/M9FXiF6Nv7 14:09:51, 2020-02-26
- @drvox Egged on by algorithmic amplification of fear-inducing social media posts, many of which are fabrications, w… https://t.co/BICZffJkBP in reply to drvox 13:48:24, 2020-02-26
- @sairasameerarao @ericmbudd @Denverite Wow that's totally fucked. That was one of the best acts of public space cre… https://t.co/TxG4cE4Kv5 in reply to sairasameerarao 13:41:24, 2020-02-26
- RT @interfluidity: this is fucking insidious.
it may not have been remotely intentional. but we shouldn’t have to wonder. the way we’ve ar… 11:26:29, 2020-02-26
- An interesting thread looking at the unholy congress of pandemic fears + social media dis/mis-information.
- @ericmbudd Get yer fix while you still can! in reply to ericmbudd 10:04:52, 2020-02-26
- @DynamicWebPaige @DeepMind @GoogleAI ohmygosh I thought the WiFi in your profile pic was photoshopped! in reply to DynamicWebPaige 07:34:03, 2020-02-26
- @ericmbudd The *Caronavirus* on the other hand…
https://t.co/K3OuxmDCCE in reply to ericmbudd 07:24:51, 2020-02-26 - @ericmbudd https://t.co/weIxUiU5LM in reply to ericmbudd 00:27:33, 2020-02-26
- @DrChrisClack @drvox @gilbeaq I have no idea where they stack up in the universe of fusion designs, but I just love… https://t.co/FzxF7FkgJI in reply to DrChrisClack 00:25:11, 2020-02-26
- Though sadly the writers imagined all this happening with a *generally* functional US government in place.
Someone… https://t.co/jiUj13YaSf in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:57:07, 2020-02-25
- It's also spread both by airborne droplets and "fomites" (stuff you touch) as is the current virus. The film depict… https://t.co/qWoQcmzLlv in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:51:50, 2020-02-25
- The virus in the film spills over from wildlife into domesticated animals in China, and from there to humans. It on… https://t.co/IZsPfcd0aE in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:47:36, 2020-02-25
- If you haven't seen the 2011 film Contagion, it's worth a watch! Developed with advice from WHO and CDC to reflect… https://t.co/l1CjcBG1Ec 23:45:07, 2020-02-25
- @ambrown Yeah, definitely does not seem like the kind of thing that favors a progressive outlook in the electorate. :-/ in reply to ambrown 23:27:17, 2020-02-25
- The focus on stock market impacts and "The Economy" in coronavirus media coverage has seemed bizarrely trivializing… https://t.co/ijfXawjq10 in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:25:57, 2020-02-25
- How would a coronavirus pandemic affect the US election? Would it be different in rural vs. urban districts? We cou… https://t.co/8DebV8sPl3 23:22:12, 2020-02-25
- @ericmbudd I like how even Pete is giving him the sidelong glance with a "burned!" look on this face in the middle. in reply to ericmbudd 23:02:06, 2020-02-25
- Ah, imagine a country with functioning institutions. https://t.co/bq0bMKwPls 21:54:36, 2020-02-25
- @seancllns @TheDemocrats Hey now, Google is a corporation too my friend. in reply to seancllns 21:25:57, 2020-02-25
- ?? QUICK CALL THE VCs ?? https://t.co/z3RkyTHr1K 21:17:11, 2020-02-25
- @darkolina @nils_gilman Es bien chido pero, hoy en dia… demasiado de las veras. Lo escribió hace… 6 años?! in reply to darkolina 21:15:19, 2020-02-25
- Mine is:
"We're all in this together. And we have no idea what we're doing." https://t.co/8HQGbeqUEj 21:09:44, 2020-02-25
- RT @mattyglesias: Bloomberg’s denial that Xi is a dictator is much weirder than anything Bernie has ever said about any foreign regime. 21:07:54, 2020-02-25
- Yeah why don't @TheDemocrats just organize their own debate with their own questions and just stream it on YouTube… https://t.co/ZSMCCiPjzm 21:03:58, 2020-02-25
- @PyData I just want some stickkkkerrrz, why aren't they for sale up there? Like do a 5 for $5 or something! in reply to PyData 21:00:52, 2020-02-25
- @darkolina Conoces este ensayo escrito por @nils_gilman sobre la "insurgencia gemela" de los ladrones y los oligarc… https://t.co/3MtWXIWIkm in reply to darkolina 20:58:12, 2020-02-25
- And he's also right. https://t.co/XivSIpoV8m 20:51:43, 2020-02-25
- And, we have liftoff. https://t.co/wvfxNdqzXa 20:50:03, 2020-02-25
- It's true, she's right. https://t.co/RdnzExuQEo 20:48:26, 2020-02-25
- Now *that* is an endorsement! https://t.co/TdZvVtYuKy 20:42:35, 2020-02-25
- @BradleyRoss @ericmbudd Yep, it went to the US supreme court in 1974 or thereabouts I think. Doubt the current SCrO… https://t.co/NUnEFCLlEe in reply to BradleyRoss 20:41:20, 2020-02-25
- @ericmbudd Fire safety code already exists and applies to everyone and the houses (and neighborhoods, and infrastru… https://t.co/k5BySCiQir in reply to ericmbudd 20:39:30, 2020-02-25
- And if it's 1%, it would be the same scale as the 1918 flu in terms of sheer numbers. Or all of WWII. On average, w… https://t.co/xT8eRptaQd in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:28:04, 2020-02-25
- Even if the true fatality rate ends up being ~0.1%, as with seasonal influenza, that man infections would still mea… https://t.co/gqfRXUkahA in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:24:56, 2020-02-25
- “Actually, let me start again: I think the likely outcome is that it will ultimately not be containable.”
Lipsitch… https://t.co/zpcxLZEkHK 14:13:47, 2020-02-25
- @JesseJenkins @gilbeaq Ouch for #ClimateTwitter's faith in democracy too. in reply to JesseJenkins 11:52:15, 2020-02-25
- This seems like a stopgap at best. Regardless of fuel, ride hailing services still worsen congestion and cannibaliz… https://t.co/AQ4B6AzYhg 10:11:46, 2020-02-25
- @ericmbudd How many people have any idea what a "housekeeping unit" is? in reply to ericmbudd 09:52:02, 2020-02-25
- @ericmbudd Hmm, that's annoying! in reply to ericmbudd 09:51:09, 2020-02-25
- @ericmbudd What do the elipses (…) for option 3 mean? in reply to ericmbudd 09:48:58, 2020-02-25
- @ericmbudd Is Bloombito even going to set up the infrastructure to accept donations? in reply to ericmbudd 09:46:59, 2020-02-25
- RT @OrinKerr: It is perplexing that press coverage of a new virus that could cause millions of deaths focuses so much on how it is affectin… 07:22:31, 2020-02-25
- @thebmbennett ?♂️ in reply to thebmbennett 21:57:34, 2020-02-24
- @ericmbudd We're all secretly white supremacists, apparently. in reply to ericmbudd 19:09:24, 2020-02-24
- @ericmbudd Yeah, you and like, Asia. in reply to ericmbudd 18:49:58, 2020-02-24
- @jenn_bernstein Awww, ?❤️ in reply to jenn_bernstein 18:45:15, 2020-02-24
- RT @jenn_bernstein: I’m three follows away from 1000, so if you know three people who like a grab bag of spatial science, nerdy cartography… 18:43:17, 2020-02-24
- @bryanlbowen Why does it always have to be about innovation. Can't we just make nice old fashioned cities again?
I… https://t.co/WKqwD7neeC in reply to bryanlbowen 18:42:33, 2020-02-24
- @cosmocatalano @ericmbudd As I thnk @InternetHippo said: The Democratic party is now home to everyone who isn't lit… https://t.co/gbsrkTsP5j in reply to cosmocatalano 17:46:44, 2020-02-24
- @Thatmushroom @ericmbudd ⛵⛵⛵⛵???? in reply to Thatmushroom 17:07:09, 2020-02-24
- @ericmbudd This can't possibly be working right? We're not this dumb. Please tell me we're not this dumb. in reply to ericmbudd 16:50:40, 2020-02-24
- RT @wattTime: We’re #hiring for several roles: Analysts, Operation Managers, Software & ML Engineers, and more. We’re an environmental nonp… 15:16:39, 2020-02-24
- @drvox Alas, you are a superspreader. in reply to drvox 14:55:04, 2020-02-24
- @DavidPomerantz Every other utility has said "New gas plants that y'all are gonna bail us out of shortly." in reply to DavidPomerantz 12:31:39, 2020-02-24
- RT @drvox: This is straightforwardly, inarguably anti-democratic. Republicans are making it clearer & clearer, at every level, that they do… 12:20:14, 2020-02-24
- RT @NateSilver538: I can't help but be amused by the context here, which is that the words "RACIST" and "SEXIST" were also graffitied but t… 09:51:49, 2020-02-24
- El uso celoso del espacio público para guardar los coches particulares: una idioma sin fronteras. https://t.co/vjriODVQzR 08:21:02, 2020-02-24
- @SarahMackAttack Would definitely swipe right for cephalopods! in reply to SarahMackAttack 07:33:16, 2020-02-24
- RT @DuBarryPie: In 2010, I had good union health insurance. Obamacare was the law of the land. In November that yr my 1yo son was struck by… 00:04:26, 2020-02-24
- @ericmbudd UUuuuuhgggh. Why can't this mountain of cash go to enfranchisement work. in reply to ericmbudd 23:55:44, 2020-02-23
- @neponita Hmmm, creo este cable es para la electricidad, no los datos. Los de datos son de vidrio, no cobre. in reply to neponita 23:47:17, 2020-02-23
- La puesta del sol, encima del cerro detrás de mi casa. Fui por bicicleta. La temporada del calor empieza. Todo es d… https://t.co/bkU3xvU9Mt 20:49:30, 2020-02-23
- RT @DrJenGunter: I read Marianne Williamson’s book on depression. It is horrific. Her premise is you are just super sad and maybe you need… 18:20:41, 2020-02-23
- RT @mattbc: We should not platform anti-vaxers. https://t.co/yAEUmVvdiR 18:20:22, 2020-02-23
- @sewo_sewo Well there's a whole lot goin' on right now. I'm sure we'll get around to it eventually! in reply to sewo_sewo 15:02:20, 2020-02-23
- Sounds like #coronavirus is likely too contagious to contain. Larger clusters with unknown sources of infection app… https://t.co/rAgGgRSTJW 14:39:52, 2020-02-23
- @CatalystCoop @Docker @lilscientista @OKFN @kirstie_j Came across @SylabsIO Singularity project, which is specifica… https://t.co/EenOMkyRKU in reply to CatalystCoop 13:18:29, 2020-02-23
- @ericmbudd ? in reply to ericmbudd 11:07:08, 2020-02-23
- @SpenceEnergyUT But I think that's fundamentally different than looking at two *outcomes* — like 2°C vs 4°C — and… https://t.co/EuTaqbr1Ni in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:13:59, 2020-02-23
- @SpenceEnergyUT They certainly matter in the efficient allocation of resources — i.e. it's easier to get a given o… https://t.co/dFjbLfS0vb in reply to SpenceEnergyUT 09:11:11, 2020-02-23
- RT @MaryHeglar: I’m still supporting Elizabeth Warren, but if you think Bernie is more dangerous than Bloomberg….bitch wut? 08:59:14, 2020-02-23