- RT @GreatDismal: To not have confirmation bias would be like not having an asshole. To not know you have either would be highly problematic. 16:30:33, 2014-04-05
- RT @ShapeThePlace: Continually baffled by some #architects inability to understand simple concept of active ground floors #Urbanism http://… 16:18:50, 2014-04-05
- RT @TheOnion: Landmark Supreme Court Decision Lets Americans Cram Cash Directly Into Politicians' Mouths http://t.co/VEeWqXiq4H http://t.co… 15:39:23, 2014-04-04
- A good look at the cost of LA Metro's free parking, in relation to potential fare increases. What about @RideRTD? http://t.co/mlk1DfquJX 00:59:47, 2014-04-04
- Data from @SFMTA_SFPark shows obvious impacts of pricing parking. And of not pricing it after 6pm: http://t.co/YaT9fng5St 00:49:12, 2014-04-04
- The hard, round carbide teeth
of an underworld-dwelling xenoforming beast: http://t.co/j1jWGBDvBL 00:37:26, 2014-04-04 - @sumnums mostly I imagine very different cities. in reply to sumnums 00:17:43, 2014-04-04
- @sumnums One thing I loved about "Her" was the unobtrusive, unstated, depiction of an entirely pedestrian and mass transit Los Angeles. in reply to sumnums 23:54:41, 2014-04-03
- Some aspects of the surveillance done in Stand Alone Complex seem quaint post-Snowden. Others are not yet quite practical, like eye-hacking. 23:26:06, 2014-04-03
- Wow, strong words on the utility business from @NREL chief Dan Arvizu in an interview with Australian @renew_economy: http://t.co/Ywckwtcu6C 22:24:08, 2014-04-03
- RT @sugarmags3: Sometimes I think I'd prefer if they were all heavily redacted. http://t.co/XoEzt6ER18 22:04:25, 2014-04-03
- RT @politico: Supreme Court strikes down aggregate campaign giving limits
http://t.co/GJiXdAE80h http://t.co/ACjaeSr4qQ 22:04:05, 2014-04-03 - RT @sugarmags3: Really interesting reading in this week's hot docket at the COPUC. #mysterioustestimony http://t.co/eTc1MwcSK2 22:03:37, 2014-04-03
- RT @UN_ClimateTalks: Highly relevant for @IPIECA, @ExxonMobil
Pic via @CorinnaJungjoha http://t.co/0AARnuSKUu 21:59:07, 2014-04-03 - RT @sumnums: Twitter is an awesome technology for oversimplifying complex issues. 21:55:16, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Finally last year the coal industry started to come around. They got nowhere to go but down: http://t.co/b5Z8PCB1MQ #L… 14:46:42, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The Congressional Research Service tried to point all this out to congress in 2010. But hey, we've got 200 years of co… 14:46:35, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Unfortunately the @IEA was still quoting @EIAgov coal "reserves" in 2011, despite their questionable economics: http:/… 14:46:29, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: More detailed 2008 @USGS analysis of the Gillette coal field in WY found just 6% of the reserves were economic: http:/… 14:46:24, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: In 2002 @USGS evaluated national coal resources, and found only about 10% of the @EIAgov "reserves" were economic: htt… 14:46:20, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: And in 2001 the SEC demanded coal companies stop reporting inflated reserve numbers on their financial statements: htt… 14:46:14, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The @EIAgov in 1997: "We don't look at the economics of the coal reserves we report" http://t.co/b5Z8PCB1MQ http://t.c… 14:46:08, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: A massive downward revision in US coal reserves has been a long time coming. Our look at the indications: http://t.co/… 14:46:02, 2014-04-03
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: The @EIAgov said 266Gt of not economically unattractive coal, but the @USGS said 28Gt. Pretty different numbers. http:… 14:45:57, 2014-04-03
- It's silly how good I feel for salvaging a gallon of fermenting milk by turning it into cheese. Like magic! 10:23:58, 2014-04-03
- @ericmbudd I do like their transparent pricing, transparent handset subsidy fees, discount for unlocked phones, no contract BS, etc. in reply to ericmbudd 15:15:57, 2014-04-02
- I've had both libertarians and socialists tell me I should run for office. I must be doing something wrong. Or right? #SoConfused 10:51:32, 2014-04-02
- @mikesalisbury78 I love @VaclavSmil. Inspired by rants like https://t.co/lr1Iac8NC3 I'm teaching this class monthly: http://t.co/fPh0Wz0dzU in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:08:36, 2014-04-02
- @mikesalisbury78 It's a small subset of this post on carbon taxes, in the context of Colorado: http://t.co/cEI4JMEPeN in reply to MikeSalisbury78 10:06:10, 2014-04-02
- @MikeSalisbury78 Did Will forward you my rant about the BC carbon tax vs land-use/transportation being responsible for gasoline use decline? 23:16:25, 2014-04-01
- Live in Boulder's UniHill area? Fill out this 5 minute survey so we can understand neighborhood issues & priorities: https://t.co/14m5IyA0a3 22:21:08, 2014-04-01
- RT @meltzere: People dressed in purple raise their hands. Speakers on occupancy limit issue are maybe a third of the crowd at #Boulder coun… 18:42:12, 2014-04-01
- RT @meltzere: Many speakers want #Boulder to reconsider occupancy limit that prevents more than three unrelated people from living together. 18:41:55, 2014-04-01
- RT @meltzere: Also a lot of people here to talk about affordable housing in #Boulder. Council will get an update on the housing strategy la… 18:41:48, 2014-04-01
- #MakeBoulderHome is dominating open comments. Young, old, students, professionals. For affordability, sustainability, equity. So awesome. 18:39:56, 2014-04-01
- Every seat at City Council is taken. Many folks for dogs on open space… But there's a ton of purple wearing shared housing advocates too. 18:09:19, 2014-04-01
- RT @ClimateWest: Map shows location of federal #coal leases in #Colorado, as well as exploration areas, http://t.co/XbDjxwYx4k 14:22:15, 2014-04-01
- .@VaclavSmil on limits. Boulder's laws against shared housing outlaw those of us who want to use less and live more: https://t.co/mcWhVu2qKN 13:51:07, 2014-04-01
- @ericmbudd Have I sent you this beautiful @VaclavSmil rant on CCS? https://t.co/lr1Iac8NC3 Sometimes I have to watch it to feel sane. in reply to ericmbudd 13:34:39, 2014-04-01
- If you buy out one link in the value chain, bankrupting the rest, who eats their sunk costs? 13:26:11, 2014-04-01
- How much are all the coal mineral rights in the US worth? All the mining companies? Railroads? Power plants? Atmospheric dumping rights? 13:24:57, 2014-04-01
- But power plants are just one piece of the coal value chain. Are others cheaper/easier to purchase, and just as disruptive to combustion? 13:23:33, 2014-04-01
- Managing the retirement process gracefully, rather than allowing it to collapse in potentially costly chaos. 13:21:52, 2014-04-01
- Thinking about how you get coal plants retired early — i.e. who eats the sunk costs. Rate-payers? Tax-payers? Investors? 13:21:04, 2014-04-01
- @j4cob @httpseverywhere Yeah, I don't know what changed, but it seems to be working again now. in reply to j4cob 13:09:17, 2014-04-01
- If @BLMNational used @OMBPress social cost of carbon, they wouldn't be able to lease any coal. To the public, it's worth more in the ground. 00:58:54, 2014-04-01
- @kurtklein Yeah, you can just imagine the look on his face as he's saying that. "What was I thinking?" it says. in reply to kurtklein 00:23:31, 2014-04-01
- Is this Government v. Corporate espionage? Part of me thinks it would be great to have more of that. Or does it? http://t.co/pxS8hUbLUv 00:01:02, 2014-04-01
- An interesting framing of some of Boulder's current political issues from the @boulderweekly http://t.co/2BnZKQ0sLL 23:51:37, 2014-03-31
- @sumnums But it feels like crap to be That Guy. in reply to sumnums 23:45:54, 2014-03-31
- RT @sumnums: Fear of exclusion from a group is why most people lack the ability to be objective. 23:43:54, 2014-03-31
- @neil21 Much more from me on this here: http://t.co/8Ipf3QhrzD (including a section just about BC's tax, if you search/scroll). 21:34:51, 2014-03-31
- @neil21 I ask b/c posts like this: http://t.co/WP5FcVp02Y don't even mention land-use/transportation policy impacts, and it infuriates me. 21:33:30, 2014-03-31
- @neil21 Which do you think is responsible for decreased CO2 emissions/gasoline use in BC? Carbon tax, or land-use/transportation policies? 21:32:17, 2014-03-31
- We should just buy out the entire US coal industry and shut it down for good. $50B would be a small price to pay… http://t.co/Qegj3ztnHZ 21:26:50, 2014-03-31
- Am I really the only climate wonk that finds a causal link between BC's carbon tax and emissions (gasoline use) reduction tenuous at best? 20:48:10, 2014-03-31
- Less Car, More Go… a crowd-funded & sourced documentary about cargo bikes, & the range of human powered possibility! https://t.co/oJpK9OO7Mh 19:08:42, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Many more thoughts on the power of carbon prices vs. climate policies here: http://t.co/SOAii2QqL1 @climatedesk @mothe… 13:21:10, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Seems more likely that good Vancouver land-use/transpo policy reduced driving than the carbon tax @chriscmooney @clima… 13:19:45, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Also, BC carbon tax is small compared to other liquid fuel taxes already in place @chriscmooney @climatedesk @motherjo… 13:19:39, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Also, half of BC lives in Metro Vancouver, w/ strong land-use/transpo policies to reduce driving @chriscmooney @climat… 13:19:29, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Reasons we're skeptical: BC was already a very low carbon economy: 86% hydro, 14% gas electricity. @chriscmooney @clim… 13:19:18, 2014-03-31
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Has British Columbia's carbon tax been a success? http://t.co/sAWv3PHNUT @chriscmooney @ClimateDesk @MotherJones 13:19:13, 2014-03-31
- Suspect based on my experience that @SpiderOak can offer unlimited storage because the service is computationally limited on the client side 12:17:42, 2014-03-31
- The power of subsidies: more photosynthesis in Iowa than the Amazon. To cheap meat, lousy biofuels, & HFCS! http://t.co/DWnqho4lgz @NASA_EO 11:17:07, 2014-03-31
- @drfunkyspoon Here's to cheap meat, lousy biofuels, and high fructose corn syrup! A testament to the power of ill advised subsides. 10:25:23, 2014-03-31
- @ericmbudd It's a comedy. Seriously. Biggest anti-trust suit ever at the time. Broken by a delusional, manic whistleblower. in reply to ericmbudd 16:12:06, 2014-03-30
- @sugarmags3 Went for bike ride. Ate big brunch. Took nap. Taxes did not end up done. What am I doing wrong? in reply to sugarmags3 14:53:03, 2014-03-30
- @ericmbudd Why not just phase them out over 5-10 years? Also, have you seen "The Informant"? About ADM price fixing scandal… in reply to ericmbudd 13:34:42, 2014-03-30
Author: Zane Selvans
A former space explorer, now marooned on a beautiful, dying world.
- @ericmbudd Ohgawdno, I was just talking shit. We should kill all the big 5 (soy, corn, cotton, rice, wheat) subsidies dead. in reply to ericmbudd 14:34:01, 2014-03-29
- @ericmbudd What if we just tax it as much as required to subsidize the corn in the first place and see what happens… Also, ethanol. in reply to ericmbudd 14:19:37, 2014-03-29
- The next wave of CIA black sites will totally interrogate people with fMRI. Gonna yank da intel right out yo head. http://t.co/jcQ8HQeJnJ 23:45:34, 2014-03-28
- Breathtakingly beautiful earthlings that we will dissolve as we xenoform our homeworld, likely in your lifetime: https://t.co/cXMGNxZw0I 18:30:46, 2014-03-28
- @ericmbudd Whodathunkit? in reply to ericmbudd 08:55:28, 2014-03-28
- RT @23rdstudios: ALERT Denver trying 2 shut down @Airbnb plz sign and RT! https://t.co/7LeutCzGys @PivotDesk @Boulder_Bcycle @ZaneSelvans #… 08:52:15, 2014-03-28
- @interfluidity Probably a good instinct.
Until the hyenas come. in reply to interfluidity 08:48:29, 2014-03-28
- A tale of transition from suburban arterial to urban mid-rise, mixed-use avenue in Toronto: http://t.co/ygcLHpQHA2 08:09:41, 2014-03-28
- Amazing to see what is sold as Ecstasy/Molly. Less than half of all pills contain any MDMA at all: http://t.co/cO84taQjgH 23:22:52, 2014-03-27
- We should do more of the kind of drug testing enabled by @DanceSafe. Please consider supporting them on @indiegogo http://t.co/wMOXZjqaQB 23:07:49, 2014-03-27
- 1st @ClnEnergyAction Sustainability by the Numb3rs was awesome! 24 people enjoyed the calculations! Next one is 4/24 5:30pm @BoulderFuse 20:21:57, 2014-03-27
- @cruiserboutique sweeeet 🙂 I'll see if I can make it out there tomorrow. in reply to cruiserboutique 20:03:31, 2014-03-27
- @cruiserboutique do you happen to have a Mundo Lux out there that's test-rideable? 17:07:45, 2014-03-27
- Help make sharing sustainable, affordable, community housing legal in Boulder: http://t.co/49NLwgrL1Z Please RT! @shareable @peers 08:39:47, 2014-03-27
- @sugarmags3 A tiny freight hopping hobo in the making? in reply to sugarmags3 01:11:35, 2014-03-27
- There are a lot of problems that we can build our way out of as cities in America. (@VictorDover) 18:50:09, 2014-03-26
- Interesting that @VictorDover chose an example of good Boulder #StreetDesign on Mapleton Hill that would be illegal to build today. 18:30:57, 2014-03-26
- @ericmbudd I've seen interesting discussion about energy ROI… that eventually it's a conversion (coal/nukes/gas to liquids) not extraction. in reply to ericmbudd 10:34:05, 2014-03-26
- @mrc_slc Yeah, by a pretty fair margin. in reply to MRC_SLC 01:13:06, 2014-03-26
- Doing my first performance calculation tonight! Which emits more CO2: shipping lettuce from CA to CO, or driving to the store to buy it? 20:25:59, 2014-03-25
- Care about affordable, sustainable, community oriented housing in Boulder? Come to City Council next Tues April 1st! https://t.co/wwYGi8tv1E 19:23:45, 2014-03-25
- Sit/stand desk. Chair. Monitor. Etc. Going for a quick ride. http://t.co/LudEIBNIMS 13:28:38, 2014-03-25
- Moving my home workstation in to the new @ClnEnergyAction offices beneath @NewEraColorado in @downtownboulder. By bike of course. 🙂 13:26:49, 2014-03-25
- @ericmbudd @yubabicycles Oh, I'd use it every day. It would become my around-town bike… worry is how often would my *other* bikes get used. in reply to ericmbudd 11:49:16, 2014-03-25
- @ericmbudd I'm trying to convince myself I can (or is it that I can't?) afford a new @YubaBicycles Mundo Lux. http://t.co/S5DvsX8xYm in reply to ericmbudd 11:04:11, 2014-03-25
- UNFCC Secretary @CFigueres thinks we'll have a comprehensive climate treaty in 2015. Boy I hope she's right: http://t.co/nA42CFKIbk 18:58:57, 2014-03-24
- @support Getting OSCP error on https t.co "because the authenticity of the rec'd data couldn't be verified" w/ @firefox 28 @HTTPSEverywhere 18:56:55, 2014-03-24
- @HTTPSEverywhere I'm getting OSCP errors w/ https t.co "because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified." on @firefox 28 18:48:55, 2014-03-24
- @twitter I'm getting an OSCP error on https t.co links "because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified." using FF 28 18:44:03, 2014-03-24
- @ericmbudd @miamiurbanist Because Miami is doomed to drown? http://t.co/VqNVtCVdns in reply to ericmbudd 11:26:47, 2014-03-24
- I like camping when it's below freezing at night, so I should be able to sleep out on my deck in March. Right? Mmm, down comforters. 23:13:03, 2014-03-23
- @sugarmags3 So far the dumpster seems pretty sweet… just like back home in Pasadena! in reply to sugarmags3 22:06:13, 2014-03-23
- The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has some great resources on how small housing is green housing: http://t.co/buFK9PBlNY 21:30:34, 2014-03-23
- @alexsteffen You could always use TOR… then you could live in a different random locational filter bubble every time you use the internet… in reply to AlexSteffen 20:22:42, 2014-03-23
- Granny flats, studios, carriage houses… whatever the name, they help families, young & old! Legalize them in Boulder! http://t.co/zpL3I50XWd 15:10:56, 2014-03-23
- @sumnums Mmmm, succulent interest deductions. in reply to sumnums 08:02:46, 2014-03-23
- Come talk beautiful human-scale street design with @VictorDover at Boulder's Chautauqua this Wednesday, 5:30-7:30pm: https://t.co/rOJ7Wqwroj 15:39:50, 2014-03-22
- @bikepedbrian Bertrand Russell's teapot, FTW… http://t.co/YpJVlirwvB in reply to bikepedbrian 15:35:28, 2014-03-22
- @ericmbudd OMG. And of course AEI thinks that's a *good* thing. Asshats. 11:49:22, 2014-03-22
- RT @errolmorris: FACING DOWN DONALD RUMSFELD, http://t.co/EivW6LuSfQ (A new interview with me, dog hair and all…) 10:18:11, 2014-03-22
- RT @errolmorris: The writer from the Telegraph asked me, "Do you worry that your movie is too subtle?" My answer, "Yes." 10:17:41, 2014-03-22
- RT @errolmorris: What if you make a movie about self-deception and no one notices, are you self-deceived? 10:17:34, 2014-03-22
- Electric cars are a distraction from building great cities but I do enjoy watching @TeslaMotors piss off car dealers: http://t.co/QxLyk2Bzw5 10:13:55, 2014-03-22
- Frustrating day reading & writing about coal reserves. Good night of snuggling, documentary, discussion. 01:04:00, 2014-03-22
- @COHealthOP yes, but you're still not following me so I can't DM you. 17:04:15, 2014-03-21
- @iea Unless of course you include any kind of reasonable climate and public health costs. Then it's the most expensive source of power. in reply to IEA 09:44:11, 2014-03-21
- RT @ScottWesterfeld: Plot idea: 97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billion… 21:47:43, 2014-03-20
- Politicians discussing climate change, a tiny sculpture by Isaac Cordal in Berlin. Looks about right… http://t.co/wIL8GBGnDs 21:41:35, 2014-03-20
- East Arapaho has historic cultural heritage to preserve? We're at the very beginning of Boulder's urban history. Look forward, not back. 20:42:16, 2014-03-20
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: "We do not want to replicate Xcel's business. We want to transform it." (Boulder's Heather Bailey): http://t.co/8sfBe… 16:58:20, 2014-03-20
- Photos of some incremental mixing of land uses in not-so-urban parts of Portland, OR: http://t.co/lRaig3JWng 16:31:10, 2014-03-20
- @neil21 @wisemonkeysblog Mmm, seems to have been the @disconnectme privacy plugin blocking them for some reason… in reply to neil21 16:28:42, 2014-03-20
- @neil21 @wisemonkeysblog I'm not seeing any photos on that post… are they supposed to be visible? in reply to neil21 14:44:42, 2014-03-20
- @uscan @envdefensefund Uh, are you thinking of past and future people? Cause I'm pretty sure there's not 13 billion doing anything today… in reply to uscan 14:02:59, 2014-03-20
- There are 3 Nissan Leaf EVs in the @NewEraColorado parking lot in Boulder. And zero bike racks. Lamesauce. 11:13:32, 2014-03-20
- @trueanomalies My guess is she's using it as a paddle, to direct the floating log… in reply to trueanomalies 08:58:28, 2014-03-20
- @cohealthop I can't respond to direct messages if you're not following me… in reply to COHealthOP 23:04:46, 2014-03-19
- It seems wasteful to outlaw people sleeping in every bedroom in a house. Help us #MakeBoulderHome! http://t.co/49NLwgrL1Z 22:57:53, 2014-03-19
- @alexsteffen @bruteforceblog price of taxi medallion would be a good proxy for monopoly rent, beyond CapEx/O&M required to provide service. in reply to AlexSteffen 15:25:19, 2014-03-18
- Our descendants will probably say similar things about Bangladesh. Florida. The Netherlands. The San Joaquin Valley, etc. 15:23:32, 2014-03-18
- Most of my ancestors came from Doggerland, which was inundated by the North Sea when the ice caps began melting: http://t.co/ux69S4U8VG 15:18:38, 2014-03-18
- @alexsteffen Iike how pedestrian fatalities skyrocket w/ vehicle impact speed… orbital energies are 10^6 x larger than human powered things. in reply to AlexSteffen 12:23:53, 2014-03-18
- @alexsteffen And the film was incredibly generous on survivability of the accident. In reality everyone would have just died immediately… in reply to AlexSteffen 12:20:01, 2014-03-18
- @sumnums Wow, only 95x? I would have thought it was even higher. in reply to sumnums 22:52:57, 2014-03-17
- Proud to live in a city with a low discount rate & an awareness of fat-tail risk when it comes to natural disasters: https://t.co/Qbyv4xBRpw 22:17:08, 2014-03-17
- Finally got my insurance card from @COHealthOP! If only @C4HCO would change my enrollment date. I've been calling them weekly for ~3 months! 17:53:01, 2014-03-17
- @GoldyHA @bruteforceblog @sallyjclark Um, I'm pretty sure the lawyers *are* the plan for working with regulators. True at the CO PUC anyway. in reply to GoldyHA 17:14:47, 2014-03-17
- @prostreetcar @ericmbudd they must have seen the NYC bridge numbers from 100 years ago… http://t.co/JW2l6iX1wq in reply to prostreetcar 10:45:01, 2014-03-17
- @neil21 @chinzedpt @jeffspeckaicp cf Los Angeles. I had no idea what it wasn't, until I visited Barcelona. in reply to neil21 10:34:34, 2014-03-17
- @neil21 I didn't know until you came along, but I'm in love with T5. in reply to neil21 10:33:05, 2014-03-17
- @stevemouzon it's the bit.ly link in the side bar (on every page) to Original Green at Amazon. in reply to stevemouzon 06:51:21, 2014-03-17
- Finally used up that BFR habañero haul. First grilling of the season. Transcendentally spicy jerk chicken. Oh, the clear sinuses! 19:33:47, 2014-03-16
- @subnaughtsounds That must be why only Larry, Sergei, and Eric have voting shares. in reply to subnaughtsounds 15:21:58, 2014-03-16
- @ericmbudd Freedom Is Slavery. in reply to ericmbudd 15:17:03, 2014-03-16
- @stevemouzon FYI, the link from your blog to buy your book on Amazon is broken… 15:13:34, 2014-03-16
- Somehow only now found @neil21's great little blogs: Stroad to Boulevard http://t.co/PYYIbWIW4T & Mid-rise Mixed Use: http://t.co/OW1sCtkG16 13:39:38, 2014-03-16
- It's easier to admit ignorance together. We don't need to tell stories about everything. It's okay: I don't know, and you don't know either. 12:17:00, 2014-03-16
- Okay, I'm not just going to suppress this cough, I'm going to oppress it. 12:00:50, 2014-03-16
- RT @neil21: "The establishment will not get us out of this mess." http://t.co/lMbh8yjfjN 01:49:06, 2014-03-16
- RT @CommunityCycles: A biodiesel Mercedes Benz just donated to us by our newest car free member! Should be up for auction soon. http://t.co… 14:21:31, 2014-03-15
- A hard-headed look at fossil fuel divestment, what it can and can't do, and how we can make the most of it: http://t.co/Cy1FbYYd1M 13:51:59, 2014-03-15
- But when everyone in the room is speaking one language, it's hard to start a conversation in another. 12:17:13, 2014-03-15
- Feeling co-opted by the language of finance & capital. It's not my native tongue, & it's unlikely that all things can be translated into it. 12:14:38, 2014-03-15
- @sugarmags3 And I'm not sure how they convince themselves it's actually good for the utilities, in wide deployment. 12:05:09, 2014-03-15
- @sugarmags3 Assumption of perpetual 5% annual rate increases also seems kinda crazypants. 12:03:38, 2014-03-15
- @sugarmags3 That ILSR explainer implies fixed VoS payments over course of 25 year contract. True? If so, that's great for mobilizing capital 11:52:02, 2014-03-15
- Honestly, I think I'd prefer an incapacitating stomach flu that lasts 2 days to this cold with a cough that lingers 2 weeks (and counting). 00:57:31, 2014-03-15
- The π-day celebration was unexpectedly awesome. Crammed kitchen, dozens of people, 12+ pies, and all on just 48 hours notice. Ah, #cooplife 23:59:33, 2014-03-14
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Minnesota going ahead with "Value of Solar" tariff instead of net-metering. Will be interesting to see how it goes: ht… 13:37:52, 2014-03-14
- Another look at the social cost of carbon, from @NRDC. Discount rates & risk aversion by far the most powerful inputs http://t.co/g7Qv4teuDU 13:31:34, 2014-03-14
- @alexsteffen Ugh, I'm often paralyzed by doing the opposite while writing. Need to get over it. I blame my academia/PhD hangover. in reply to AlexSteffen 13:24:04, 2014-03-14
- Happy π Day! We will be making tasty round foods and shoving them in our π-holes at Masala tonight. Also, just 3 months 2 weeks to Tau Day! 13:18:51, 2014-03-14
- .@SenatorFeinstein's remarks on Senate vs. CIA shenanigans. Amazing what it took to get her to care about privacy… http://t.co/oV9LpWoAKk 13:42:07, 2014-03-12
- @elakdawalla Increase your hourly rate 🙂 in reply to elakdawalla 13:38:08, 2014-03-12
- A rambling but good look at problems of regional transit planning, funding, and land use, from @StrongTowns http://t.co/OJSXJcfLBv 10:07:38, 2014-03-12
- @jeffspeckaicp Actually Earth's 12 mile high equatorial bulge (due to the planet's rotation) dwarfs nearly all local topography. in reply to JeffSpeckAICP 09:44:20, 2014-03-12
- @bruteforceblog Seeing your tweets interleaved with photos of 5-alarm fire in SF is… uh, awkward. Or ironic. Can't tell which. in reply to bruteforceblog 23:36:30, 2014-03-11
- Learning what I can about how the coal industry values its vast stores of unburnable carbon, with help from @PwC_LLP http://t.co/Z7OCexrucv 21:46:45, 2014-03-11
- An awesome city life can be had with a small resource footprint… yes, even with kiddos: http://t.co/qPxaH4qBbd 14:35:58, 2014-03-11
- @ericmbudd Anything we can do to make using a phone in a car more annoying is an improvement… in reply to ericmbudd 09:38:01, 2014-03-11
- This is totally like @GSElevator, but for Boulder coffee shops: http://t.co/Omatvxr3AP 09:36:19, 2014-03-11
- Finally got my 2011 and 2012 taxes done. Turns out I didn't owe any taxes… which is why I didn't bother filing in the first place. 01:59:09, 2014-03-11
- Sometimes it feels like a curse to be attracted to the strong, smart, passionate women I'm surrounded by. And sometimes it just feels nice. 20:38:47, 2014-03-09
- RT @RunsAsCoded: Oh my, dinosaur-comic about driving is perfect http://t.co/FKThMf7WuP http://t.co/ujePbDEYVU 10:54:31, 2014-03-09
- Attack on PG&E's Metcalf substation remains unsolved, and unsettling. Another good reason for distributed microgrids: http://t.co/7bXRUDZkDy 23:52:37, 2014-03-08
- RT @chrislhayes: Basically no one in politics has internalized the fact that we're gonna have to leave 80% of known fossil fuel reserves in… 22:58:58, 2014-03-08
- Life expectancy at birth vs. health spending per capita. Chile spends 85% < US for same outcome: http://t.co/y1WjuPSlJX via @conradhackett 22:51:49, 2014-03-08
- @ericmbudd Ratio is even worse than I remembered. Trans-pacific containerized round-trip is equivalent to just ~500 highway miles. in reply to ericmbudd 17:36:07, 2014-03-08
- GHGs per ton*km of freight. Sea is ~25x as efficient as trucking. From @IEA http://t.co/upeSE8kKYL http://t.co/6fuPSZ11GO 17:31:03, 2014-03-08
- @fennybergs @neweracolorado Oooh, that's some tough competition. in reply to Fennybergs 17:26:50, 2014-03-08
- Spring morning on a residential street in Zürich. Certainly we wouldn't want to build anything like this in Boulder… http://t.co/bMDaOcqg6k 16:25:14, 2014-03-08
- @ericmbudd Hey, I'm all for making energy more (honestly) expensive… but given current labor/energy prices, this isn't (necessarily) crazy. in reply to ericmbudd 15:20:31, 2014-03-08
- RT @espinozaa: Large vs small scale renewables. A diverse panel discusses wonky details @ZaneSelvans http://t.co/bFiGo834Me 15:18:30, 2014-03-08
- @ericmbudd Depends… a trans-pacific container trip is about the same energy as 1000 miles on a truck. in reply to ericmbudd 15:17:43, 2014-03-08
- Senate steals docs from CIA. CIA hacks Senate to see how they stole them. Cyber-civil-warfare? http://t.co/PrR8oIEVA7 15:16:08, 2014-03-08
- Transportation won't change w/o both carrots and sticks. Or, at least carrots and removal of more different carrots: http://t.co/RIwhm2Oobq 14:58:13, 2014-03-08
- The 10th circuit court has ruled Colorado legislators have standing to challenge the constitutionality of TABOR: http://t.co/ZgGj2pOhz3 14:57:04, 2014-03-08
- RT @CommunityCycles: Stolen bike alert! Black 42" Long Haul Trucker, heart decal on back. Please spead in #Boulder @303cycling http://t.co/… 11:00:13, 2014-03-07
- @ericmbudd OMG. Planning board meeting is still going! in reply to ericmbudd 22:10:00, 2014-03-06
- @ericmbudd the implication that students aren't people was kinda hard to swallow with a straight face. in reply to ericmbudd 21:51:26, 2014-03-06
- Permanently affordable owner occupied housing near new intense development can't capture increased land values, but still get impacts. Hmm. 21:34:07, 2014-03-06
- Wow: "We need to encourage CU to build more housing so we can free up all these rental properties for people." (Crystal Gray's PB interview) 20:14:55, 2014-03-06
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Looks like German utilities are acting out their own version of the Death Spiral. How will it end? https://t.co/SsRPTd… 09:55:09, 2014-03-05
- I'm on a panel discussing distributed vs. utility scale renewable energy at CU Thu 11:30-12:30pm. Come heckle! http://t.co/M4BTf9Qq0s 13:52:22, 2014-03-04
- I'd much rather see an "automobile obedience ordinance" than jail time for jaywalkers in Boulder: http://t.co/TErRyaKnao 11:12:50, 2014-03-03
- RT @cruickshank: Ah, Peninsula NIMBYs. Never a dull moment! RT @ClaraJeffery: OMG this quote: http://t.co/JNijRhQ23R 18:03:54, 2014-03-02
- Vaclav Smil on the need for limits, and the difficulty of turning away from our materialistic value system: https://t.co/FQyg975EKD 17:54:15, 2014-03-02
- @TiltorTeam Now, if only there were a competing anarchist product, that could bid up the disperse vs. riot prices… cc @subnaughtsounds. 02:55:13, 2014-03-02
- Huh. An app that lets biz or govt interests pay protesters to disperse, not riot. Now, is there an anarchist version? http://t.co/au6QS3nOaj 02:52:10, 2014-03-02
- RT @subnaughtsounds: what fucking world is this? – http://t.co/JzXDdVNnmc 02:46:09, 2014-03-02
- @bfr_tweets i like bldrfoodrescue in reply to BldrFoodRescue 01:59:07, 2014-03-02
- Snowy BFR run here I come. Hopefully no delicate greens will freeze on the way… @ericmbudd? 16:30:22, 2014-03-01
- @ericmbudd Yeah, I should head out. Frustrated by rsync. Grr. in reply to ericmbudd 16:21:56, 2014-03-01
- @ericmbudd Pick up is at like 5pm I think. And I will be sloooooow. in reply to ericmbudd 12:28:51, 2014-03-01
- @ericmbudd Woo hoo! Yay studs. in reply to ericmbudd 11:54:33, 2014-03-01
- @ericmbudd I'm doing a BFR run from Masala to Lucky's in NoBo later… in reply to ericmbudd 11:52:48, 2014-03-01
- The internet is down. House is dead quiet. I guess I should go shovel some snow. 10:08:52, 2014-03-01
- I'm teaching a class called Sustainability by the Numb3rs, on order of magnitude calculations, if anyone's interested http://t.co/U0TloawNs6 19:35:34, 2014-02-28
- @ericmbudd Yeah. Which is a pain in the butt for everyone, and leads to uneven policy application. in reply to ericmbudd 10:13:44, 2014-02-28
- @ericmbudd Regulatory inertia. We don't want that much parking, but we're afraid of politics around changing the rules. Thus: reductions. in reply to ericmbudd 10:12:46, 2014-02-28
- I don't consider being called "utopian" an insult. We need more, better, and more realistic utopian options on the table to explore. 10:00:21, 2014-02-28
- @ericmbudd Actually, I'm pretty sure we do regulate that kind of thing 🙂 New construction today is required to put in bike parking. in reply to ericmbudd 09:45:24, 2014-02-28
- @ericmbudd That's actually the amount of parking the city requires there. It's not part of Boulder Junction proper. Lamesauce! in reply to ericmbudd 08:52:04, 2014-02-28
- Got my first filling in decades today. Memories of having all my baby teeth extracted. Bright lights. Pastel masks and voices looking down. 01:19:15, 2014-02-28
- @drfunkyspoon @titansaturnmoon Drill baby, drill! in reply to DrFunkySpoon 14:09:11, 2014-02-27
- RT @sugarmags3: @ZaneSelvans stay tuned. Think OCC will be the bikini clad sign holder? Or massaging coach for XCEL? 14:17:49, 2014-02-26
- I definitely want to see a @solarcity vs. @XcelEnergyCO cage match. 14:13:23, 2014-02-26
- RT @sugarmags3: Next up, XCEL. Just likened himself to the Lorax speaking for the trees as the utility representative. Then noted his kevla… 13:26:30, 2014-02-26
- Oooh, @EIAgov is providing their coal data via a RESTful interface. Maybe I don't have to curate my own database: http://t.co/9JEk0aqxKM 01:27:20, 2014-02-26
- @planboulder Come see the hulking gargantuan monstrosities! Watch the man swallow the sword! See the light of the neon glowing from within! in reply to PLANBoulder 19:01:06, 2014-02-25
- Gah, the more planning board applications and responses I look at the more I'm convinced nobody in America knows how to build public spaces. 17:09:32, 2014-02-25
- Woo hoo! The community-wide EcoPass study has finally been released (PDF): http://t.co/slpIaaialT Thanks @BoCoDOT @bouldergobldr & @RideRTD 15:25:33, 2014-02-25
- @bruteforceblog Ha, wow, coincidence. Saul Griffith mentions "heirloom design" as sustainability strategy. And also wankers (he's an Aussie) in reply to bruteforceblog 12:52:36, 2014-02-25
- @bruteforceblog Let me guess: you watched Saul Griffith's @longnow talk on climate/energy, and you have German glasses made by Lunor. in reply to bruteforceblog 12:44:08, 2014-02-25
- @ericmbudd Well, I guess I'm young at heart then. in reply to ericmbudd 20:26:13, 2014-02-24
- RT @AlexSteffen: Denying the possibility—even likelihood—of change in fundamental systems defines a society which has become non-adaptive. 15:31:19, 2014-02-24
- @sightline Thanks! But I bought it w/ a tweet right when it came out. We've successfully gotten some council members to purchase it. in reply to Sightline 11:10:04, 2014-02-24
- @sightline No, just putting together resources for our shared housing campaign in Boulder, and your stuff is central… in reply to Sightline 10:49:46, 2014-02-24
- @sightline Okay cool, just didn't want to confuse someone else. Has it done well? I liked the blog series/eBook combo resource a lot. in reply to Sightline 10:40:06, 2014-02-24
- RT @BicycleLobby: Carless drivers are preferable to driverless cars. 10:35:40, 2014-02-24
- @Sightline is it still possible to get Unlocking Home by "paying with a tweet" or is it now for monetary purchase only? Just checking. 10:35:21, 2014-02-24
- @alexsteffen Have you read Peter Norton's "Fighting Traffic"? We were somehow easily convinced to ignore the initially obvious carnage. in reply to AlexSteffen 10:18:10, 2014-02-24
- @ericmbudd But it only applies to land that has received the subsidies. Which is, like, the entire midwest. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:31:32, 2014-02-24
- @ericmbudd CA demanded this in exchange for supporting commodity ag subsidies, which midwest benefits from, but CA doesn't really. in reply to ericmbudd 09:29:17, 2014-02-24
- @ericmbudd I think I first came across it in a @michaelpollan book. in reply to ericmbudd 09:28:05, 2014-02-24
- There's always someone you feel closest to, but that doesn't mean anybody feels closest to you. #GraphTheoryAndRelationships 09:13:05, 2014-02-24
- @ericmbudd It might not all be in CA if farmers weren't fined for growing vegetables in other states under a longstanding ag subsidy deal… 08:58:09, 2014-02-24
- I can't be the only one with an impulse to bait the NSA using provocative Google searches. 00:25:07, 2014-02-23
- @ericmbudd Oh my, you're quite a ways outside the bubble. That's like a 2 week ride from here… in reply to ericmbudd 00:05:04, 2014-02-23
- The #gotofail bug (coincidentally?) went live right when Apple was "added" to #NSA's #PRISM program: http://t.co/9GSX2N0HYj So, uh, yeah. 23:59:28, 2014-02-22
- Test your browser/device for vulnerability to Apple's gaping iOS/OSX SSL vulnerability here: https://t.co/Hl4ndDMfJF No really, test it! 23:48:16, 2014-02-22
- RT @csoghoian: Just to be clear – there is a nasty, exploitable security flaw in OSX+iOS, no patch exists for OSX, and most users don't kno… 23:05:27, 2014-02-22
- RT @csoghoian: Don't worry. The security update used to patch Apple's iOS SSL authentication flaw will be delivered to you securely via a S… 22:52:09, 2014-02-22
- Walker, there is no path. The path is made by walking. 10:30:56, 2014-02-22
- RT @bruteforceblog: 80% of rentals in NL are social housing run by non profits, building nearly 60%(!) of all new units http://t.co/QrADGVX… 01:55:53, 2014-02-22
- Some (legal) barriers to cooperative housing: http://t.co/vXnp3NFXUh California specifc… but similar problems exist elsewhere. 01:55:41, 2014-02-22
- @ericmbudd I think we might be in the same world. The "grownups" don't realize this world exists. Nevermind the non-monogamy & dumpstering. in reply to ericmbudd 20:44:26, 2014-02-21
- @sugarmags3 Huh. I'd have thought that would result in some kind of irony-induced spontaneous combustion. in reply to sugarmags3 20:32:56, 2014-02-21
- @sugarmags3 yup. in reply to sugarmags3 20:29:59, 2014-02-21
- @sugarmags3 Whoa, uh, saywut? 20:26:36, 2014-02-21
- RT @evolvingcities: In Copenhagen, snowplows & sweepers prioritize bike-lanes over cars: http://t.co/MgDkbV1coH http://t.co/VpK0ELnrSE (via… 19:09:26, 2014-02-21
- Oooh, @zoecello is coming to the @BoulderTheater May 3rd. Never seen her live before. Looking forward to it. 11:28:25, 2014-02-21
- @SpiderOak why do you gobble up all the memory on my headless linux VPS and then die? So sad. So not backed up. 23:49:52, 2014-02-20
- Will Toor (mostly) debunks Ken Beitel's #US36FLAP points one by one: http://t.co/H2XOpdlemb 23:18:10, 2014-02-20
- A decent Op-Ed from Will Toor et al. about #US36FLAP: http://t.co/ORMuSD5IIC 23:15:22, 2014-02-20
- @alexsteffen Honestly, I don't know how city staff doesn't go insane. in reply to AlexSteffen 18:14:41, 2014-02-20
- RT @AlexSteffen: Again, if your "neighborhood character" rests on inequitable+ unsustainable systems, fighting change doesn't make you a ba… 18:12:40, 2014-02-20
- @ericmbudd Same developer is also building at old 7-11/Buffalo Exch. site, Affordable project on church property downtown, Boulder Junction. in reply to ericmbudd 17:18:35, 2014-02-20
- @ericmbudd Yes. Planning board was apparently in love with the project. in reply to ericmbudd 17:00:17, 2014-02-20
- @bruteforceblog basically we want to build Das combi-HAUS you describe here: http://t.co/hdV4uVuZxs 02:53:23, 2014-02-20
- Which casts our immanent deep energy retrofit in a slightly different light. Can we prepare for cutting the pipe? 02:34:40, 2014-02-20
- The pipes will come out like the ancient phone lines and derelict ethernet cables we pulled down off the house last year. 02:32:05, 2014-02-20
- If this house lasts another 110yrs, it will have seen both introduction & final disconnection of natural gas. If we succeed with climate. 02:30:29, 2014-02-20
- @bruteforceblog thanks! in reply to bruteforceblog 02:24:32, 2014-02-20
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: “Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.”
— Kurt Vonnegut 02:24:11, 2014-02-20 - @bruteforceblog Well the developer would probably be us 🙂 in reply to bruteforceblog 02:23:17, 2014-02-20
- @bruteforceblog I'm thinking something that could be shared with/digested for housing authority board, city council. in reply to bruteforceblog 02:21:56, 2014-02-20
- @bruteforceblog know any good general resources talking about how best to do that? Especially affordable + durable + low-energy. in reply to bruteforceblog 02:07:59, 2014-02-20
- That time when your smartphone is just old enough you start thinking about rooting it, since it won't get further official software updates. 01:52:11, 2014-02-20
- And @TheOnion totally nails why I'm joining the member-governed @COHealthOP insurance cooperative: http://t.co/hbGoEJAPEF 01:36:18, 2014-02-20
- The member governed, non-profit @COHealthOP insurance co. is presenting at @BoulderFuse tomorrow (Thu) 5:30pm: https://t.co/HFRDp57aNp 22:27:08, 2014-02-19
- @smakelainen @sydnets @kencaldeira re-processing means waste is ultimately fission products, which last ~10^2, not ~10^4 years (Unlike Pu/U) in reply to smakelainen 17:06:50, 2014-02-19
- @johndpmorgan @kencaldeira @sydnets For sure, CO2 is awful – gigantic in both space and time. in reply to JohnDPMorgan 17:02:14, 2014-02-19
- @denverstreetart Thankfully good cities (and good bike infrastructure) don't have to be scarce resources! in reply to DenverStreetArt 16:58:38, 2014-02-19
- RT @Streetfilms: Once you spot a #sneckdown, start imaging treatments like these: https://t.co/JS1ONZic7m From @BikePortland 16:40:25, 2014-02-19
- Please please please build us these these these! @bouldergobldr http://t.co/0VkzfMXEte via @GreenLaneProj @peopleforbikes 16:15:14, 2014-02-19
- RT @GreenLaneProj: Dear City Hall: Please consult this checklist before building your next intersection. Thanks. http://t.co/WlMvXmbfch htt… 16:10:35, 2014-02-19
- @ericmbudd @nextcityorg Oh, ouch, #data #normalization #fail in reply to ericmbudd 16:07:33, 2014-02-19
- @kencaldeira @sydnets renewables are space intensive at scale but nuclear (w/o reprocessing) has vast temporal footprint. Interesting trade. in reply to KenCaldeira 23:57:32, 2014-02-18
- RT @sumnums: It's amazing how well-conditioned most are into believing environmental sustainability, well-being, and economic efficiency ar… 23:51:52, 2014-02-18
- RT @The_Pocius: the best part about bitcoins is that you get to watch libertarians slowly discover why financial regulations exist to begin… 08:55:46, 2014-02-18
- @ericmbudd Bike touring in Latin America… 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 23:32:19, 2014-02-17
- @ericmbudd about 3.5 yrs of van+basement+cash rental vs. 3 yrs in the co-op now. in reply to ericmbudd 23:29:09, 2014-02-17
- My co-op is the only legal Boulder housing I've had. I slept in a van, an illegal basement in an over-occupied house & an unlicensed rental. 23:20:20, 2014-02-17
- @ericmbudd That's fine, as long as @AdblockPlus still blocks them… in reply to ericmbudd 22:52:17, 2014-02-17
- RT @ericmbudd: a few open rooms to rent in the Masala co-op near downtown Boulder—communal living, $500-600/mo. contact @ZaneSelvans http:/… 21:35:49, 2014-02-17
- @ericmbudd @meltzere @dailycamera @abuvthefold The environmental angle is especially rich. in reply to ericmbudd 16:02:23, 2014-02-17
- @ericmbudd Yeah I know, I'm on Ken's mailing list. Blah. in reply to ericmbudd 16:01:06, 2014-02-17
- RT @JN_Seattle: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Daily is out! http://t.co/xJ7hB43Zjz Stories via @ZaneSelvans @cianginty 14:24:57, 2014-02-17
- @ericmbudd oh yeah. I'm sure Chapman is a disaster. in reply to ericmbudd 10:50:47, 2014-02-17
- @ericmbudd went to Lost Gulch. Gritty, but ice free. in reply to ericmbudd 10:40:03, 2014-02-17
- ICYMI: my attempt to explain the US-36 P3 project policy & funding: http://t.co/L9u0Y3s2lb (psst… @StreetsblogNet check out #US36FLAP) 10:27:39, 2014-02-17
- Fitch: "High occupancy vehicles (HOV) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) use could limit the desirability. [of US 36 debt]" http://t.co/ZkY6I7mV1w 03:15:10, 2014-02-17
- Anyone out there really understand long-term infrastructure equity investing? Who buys this stuff, and why? 03:10:05, 2014-02-17
- A look at the US36 managed lanes P3 deal from the bond rating agency's point of view: http://t.co/ZkY6I7mV1w 02:47:26, 2014-02-17
- @ericmbudd Looks like someone has linked to it from the Camera comments section too… in reply to ericmbudd 17:58:09, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Ah, wonderful. Someone else posted it there independently, so I don't have to 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 17:55:52, 2014-02-16
- RT @AlexSteffen: Which means that you can raise the walkable density of a whole neighborhood by making a part of it a very compact multifam… 16:56:22, 2014-02-16
- RT @AlexSteffen: Every block doesn't need to be dense, if the ppl on that block can walk to dense places+ enuf ppl live in the area to supp… 16:56:17, 2014-02-16
- RT @AlexSteffen: The single least-understood aspect of compact community is that density works on averages within walksheds. 16:56:12, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Look at my Strava records on Flagstaff. I am too slow for you 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 16:52:40, 2014-02-16
- Spring in February. Hopefully there's not too much grit or ice on Flagstaff. Gonna go wave at the divide from Lost Gulch Overlook. 12:48:52, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd You will never see it as a line-item. It comes out as a reduction in your annual returns. in reply to ericmbudd 12:45:48, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd My biggest 3: VTIAX: http://t.co/3GiZJlaEJa or VTSAX: http://t.co/zd4rmXZlSt VBTLX: http://t.co/IlH4b3BEAf in reply to ericmbudd 12:45:09, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Are the admin fees like a fixed $ amount per fund per year? It's easy to look up the ERs on Morningstar with the name/symbol. in reply to ericmbudd 12:43:13, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd I was going for more of an explainer than a polemic or rebuttal… in reply to ericmbudd 12:41:44, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd I'm happy to sit down and wade through it if you want. Morningstar is the go-to place for looking up fees/portfolios, etc. in reply to ericmbudd 12:40:24, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Should I post a link to my 36 thing in the anti-P3 meetup group? Or is that asking for trouble? 12:34:49, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd If you're lucky, there will be a couple of their Spartan index funds, 0.10% ER. in reply to ericmbudd 12:29:27, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd HR wants easy admin, know zip about investing, get locked into plans by e.g. Fidelity. Employees then have no low ER choices. in reply to ericmbudd 12:26:15, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd There's also a lot of split incentives between employer retirement plans, their providers, and the (oblivious) employees. in reply to ericmbudd 12:22:23, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Yeah, I think the trend will keep going to a point. Institutional money will go passive. Retail investors, not so much. in reply to ericmbudd 12:21:50, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Markets that are delusional, schizophrenic, and manic-depressive can also be very unpredictable 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 12:20:29, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Quibble: passive investors just have to believe the market can't be predicted. Efficient markets are one way to be unpredictable. in reply to ericmbudd 12:19:52, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd It's the same pile of money as the ETF VTI that they mention. in reply to ericmbudd 12:18:18, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd I'm skeptical that we'll get to zero across the board. People like stories about how they are above average too much. in reply to ericmbudd 12:17:57, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd Vanguard Total US Stock Market Index Fund, Admiral shares: Expense Ratio = 0.05% Zero is functionally already here. in reply to ericmbudd 11:55:21, 2014-02-16
- @ericmbudd which in Boulder County refused to fund the maintenance of their own streets in November… in reply to ericmbudd 10:44:42, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd And I don't think there's a good solution for them, honestly. Which will kind of suck. Politically. Economically. Socially. in reply to ericmbudd 10:36:41, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd I kinda doubt it, as O&M costs swamp CapEx, & the resulting development patterns are so unproductive, time wasting. in reply to ericmbudd 10:23:11, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd As with energy, I think it's vastly cheaper to solve the road problem on the demand side: Build. Better. Cities! in reply to ericmbudd 10:19:40, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd What are the bad failure modes where a highway that can't pay for itself with tolls should actually still get built? in reply to ericmbudd 10:18:45, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd God forbid anybody do an actual financial analysis of a highway project. Toll roads done right could be awesome. in reply to ericmbudd 10:15:31, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd I'm sure it's much more fun than the 600 page contract! in reply to ericmbudd 09:48:25, 2014-02-15
- So apparently @ColoradoDOT went and released the #US36FLAP contract w/ some financials redacted: http://t.co/v5zpTEVq1j 09:42:43, 2014-02-15
- @bud_t Thanks! Hopefully it was informative. Still wish I understood why these deals end up being sooo looong. It's not NPV of cash flows. in reply to Bud_T 09:40:05, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd 326 people have seen my US36 post. Most of them before 9:30am on a Saturday. Don't people have anything better to do? Oh, wait… in reply to ericmbudd 09:38:33, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd Do *you* understand why deals like this end up being 50-100 years long? It can't be NPV of cash flows! in reply to ericmbudd 09:34:03, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd Looks like they've redacted some financials. in reply to ericmbudd 09:33:40, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd You're shitting me. Before it gets signed? in reply to ericmbudd 09:29:10, 2014-02-15
- RT @beebigelow: must read, Coloradans RT @MikeThomson22: Excellent piece on #US36FLAP. http://t.co/PG35EUMHtv 09:15:54, 2014-02-15
- @mikethomson22 Thanks! Still wish I could understand why the terms on these P3 deals are soooo loooong. in reply to MikeThomson22 09:15:34, 2014-02-15
- RT @MikeThomson22: Excellent piece on #US36FLAP. http://t.co/rfy1w2aUzl 09:14:58, 2014-02-15
- @clmarohn @StrongTowns curious what you think of #US36FLAP in Colorado. Non-ponzi-scheme financing is under attack: http://t.co/FMIJtNjJyC 01:33:03, 2014-02-15
- @drfunkyspoon is this KSR talk going to be posted online? I love that guy, even though he got me into grad school. Plays mean disc-golf too. 18:04:00, 2014-02-14
- RT @drdarsci: KSR remarks hesitation to move on climate change is like sitting in a hotel when the fire alarm is going off #AAASmtg #aaas_s… 18:02:29, 2014-02-14
- My attempt to explain how the #US36FLAP deal works… in 3000 words or less! http://t.co/L9u0Y3s2lb @bouldergobldr @ColoradoDOT @36commuting 18:00:37, 2014-02-14
- A presentation (PDF) from MPACT64 on Colorado's transportation funding situation… or, why we're resorting to P3's: http://t.co/kbtsEEZoqu 11:54:09, 2014-02-14
- Population stabilizing, households shrinking, # of households still growing… but my co-op is >2x US avg. in 1893. http://t.co/ZYjiJY0X3o 07:48:47, 2014-02-14
- @ericmbudd @emilymbadger either that, or… more co-ops! 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 07:43:42, 2014-02-14
- Defend Colorado's new air quality standards! This might be dumbing the issue down a little too much, but who knows? http://t.co/TscWhcuo3W 23:58:06, 2014-02-13
- Choice of discount rate & risk aversion now affects carbon prices much more than improvements in climate models. http://t.co/9Z3fC8tv8g 21:44:41, 2014-02-13
- RT @bruteforceblog: A few years old but still relevant: making transportation sustainable: insights from Germany. Painful how different. ht… 21:31:37, 2014-02-13
- So I'm talking distributed generation on this panel w/ folks from @RockyMtnInst, @XcelEnergyCO, & @TriStateGT. Should be fun! Or like Comps? 21:12:25, 2014-02-13
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: RMI is celebrating the disruption of utilities by renewables, and so are we! http://t.co/HnQgYV4E1k 21:05:44, 2014-02-13
- Some nice coverage of #US36FLAP by the @dailycamera http://t.co/Ebn5DBRe1l (in April of last year…) 17:50:25, 2014-02-13
- RT @sugarmags3: Timing is awesome on the new Science article on methane. Coloradan's, I'll see you at the rulemaking next week. http://t.co… 17:00:56, 2014-02-13
- The amount of public engagement you can get when you're willing to lie to people is amazing. Almost makes it a tempting option. Almost. 09:30:28, 2014-02-13
- @fishnette do you know, does your beau take the ITE Trip Generation Handbook seriously at all? If not, what does he do? #Nerdsportation 22:06:42, 2014-02-12
- RT @jpmeyerDPost: Opinion: Nothing sinister in U.S. 36 highway deal http://t.co/UVkwxuYpBx #US36FLAP 21:57:28, 2014-02-12
- RT @abuvthefold: Folks at #US36FLAP mtg blasting TV news, media for not covering this issue. Apparently they haven't been reading @dailycam… 21:21:43, 2014-02-12
- @trueanomalies Have you seen the JF Hyde version? Whoa. http://t.co/UDwVOAj17z in reply to trueanomalies 18:57:36, 2014-02-12
- And if you want the 80 page deep dive on US36, here's the contract summary: http://t.co/0mu6FhZREj from @ColoradoDOT @36commuting 17:43:17, 2014-02-12
- The @ColoradoDOT FAQ on US36 reconstruction project: http://t.co/Tl16L9sPnd cc @36commuting 17:41:26, 2014-02-12
- Visualizing the space intensity of cars. NYC bridge capacities have been cut in half post WWII:
http://t.co/hizQfSrnzp via @JeffSpeckAICP in reply to JeffSpeckAICP 16:33:00, 2014-02-12 - @36commuting @bouldergobldr Once every couple of weeks, regional buses only, almost always bringing my bike along for the ride. in reply to 36commuting 13:48:34, 2014-02-12
- I love bikes. I want to hug them, and their riders too. This video still makes me laugh and cry (in a good way): https://t.co/cAUglNBmFH 13:40:29, 2014-02-12
- @ericmbudd Very different kind of co-op. More like the NYC co-ops, which are really like condo-associations w/ membership restrictions. in reply to ericmbudd 13:07:06, 2014-02-12
- @ericmbudd Please share the counter articles back and debunk! in reply to ericmbudd 08:23:09, 2014-02-12
- "Guests are welcome, but please let us know ahead of time, and be sure to let your guests know about our naked policy." #OnlyInBoulder 23:10:03, 2014-02-11
- @bruteforceblog Vancouver, BC regs seem to be pretty much duplexes, no? Policymaker doublethink on this issue is so painful to watch. in reply to bruteforceblog 22:01:38, 2014-02-11
- @bruteforceblog You've seen @Sightline's series on this stuff, right? Trying to get our whole council to read it… http://t.co/d1veGY5BZK in reply to bruteforceblog 21:56:22, 2014-02-11
- @bruteforceblog Ah, nomenclature. DADU is detached in Seattle? I think they're both ADU's in Boulder… both seem like no-brainers to me. in reply to bruteforceblog 21:52:34, 2014-02-11
- Good piece on how granny flats took off in Portland once the city made them easy. Boulder can do this too: http://t.co/2qrS4wuXQW 21:46:14, 2014-02-11
- RT @stevemouzon: density does not equate to highrises. Hamburg was denser as a lowrise city than when rebuilt after WWII as a city of highr… 18:40:05, 2014-02-11
- RT @JesseJenkins: PSA: Advertising your page on #Facebook is a waste of money! Here's why (watch the whole thing)… http://t.co/dKSWd2aZup… 09:25:42, 2014-02-11
- Finish this @AlexSteffen sentence: "A planet of small ultra-rich cities and sprawling low-density slums will be…" http://t.co/zzpNfJGb0P 00:15:04, 2014-02-11
- @ericmbudd I think there are at least 2 others. We'll see. Everyone is last minute. in reply to ericmbudd 00:09:17, 2014-02-11
- @ericmbudd Woo hop! I think you might be the first, then. 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 00:06:53, 2014-02-11
- @fishnette Well, thankfully we have smartphones and Google Docs OCR… 🙂 in reply to fishnette 00:00:45, 2014-02-11
- @ericmbudd Enforcement on all this sounds like kind of a nightmare… in reply to ericmbudd 23:19:55, 2014-02-10
- It's a good thing the Density Atlas only has a hundred case studies… or I'd be here all night: http://t.co/puGH6slNjI 22:40:55, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Did I send you this talk by @Andres_Duany on Detroit and "lean urbanism" https://t.co/KtuRGTaqFD in reply to ericmbudd 22:19:51, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Okay, I'll stop bugging you 😛 in reply to ericmbudd 22:15:48, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd We dealt with skyrocketing poverty in cities in the 20th century. Flow back to cities can be vastly cheaper than expansion was. in reply to ericmbudd 22:15:35, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd And I hear you haven't submitted your TAB application yet 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 22:13:43, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd I think it'll be culturally uncomfortable, but totally doable. Like just about everything in 21st century America. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:13:21, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Have you read Chuck Mahron's "Growth Ponzi Scheme" posts? What did you think of the case studies? http://t.co/dsivKoQDak in reply to ericmbudd 22:10:42, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Personally I hope we as a nation let a lot of it crumble, and re-build a much leaner, human-scale system… in reply to ericmbudd 22:09:49, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Impact64 polling: only sales tax had a chance. Gas Tax = #Fail. The more they told people about VMT tax, the worse it fared. in reply to ericmbudd 22:07:02, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd I'll be shocked if the contract doesn't get inked… but issue isn't going away. No one wants to pay for the transportation system. in reply to ericmbudd 22:03:24, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Lots of greens still don't get that fuel is the least of motordom's sustainability problems. in reply to ericmbudd 22:00:38, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Most depressing part of all this has been seeing "environmentalists" willing to rail against transit priority. in reply to ericmbudd 21:59:49, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd The project and the contract are somewhat independent (how, I'm not exactly sure). in reply to ericmbudd 21:58:23, 2014-02-10
- A good long-form look at the US36 BRT/HOT managed lane project. It's not exactly nefarious: http://t.co/WDTRPnV6KV 21:50:33, 2014-02-10
- @Streetfilms the #sneckdowns are coming up in the Boulder Transportation Advisory Board meeting 🙂 20:06:10, 2014-02-10
- Sometimes I feel like Planning Board has all the fun. Then I remember their packets are 500 pages long & their hearings are quasi-judicial. 19:40:56, 2014-02-10
- I do occasionally wonder if the things we get in paper, not digital form, are the things staff doesn't want spread around too widely. 19:30:07, 2014-02-10
- Turns out the school could participate in the NPP as well… so they're covered long term if they need to be. 19:05:35, 2014-02-10
- There's a little bit of parking immediately around the school… enough to satisfy BVSD's teacher's union contract requirements. Kind of. 18:36:29, 2014-02-10
- Green space was preserved at the school in part due to lobbying by this same neighborhood's residents… 18:25:03, 2014-02-10
- Mapleton school is the main driver of the expansion of the NPP. Limited off-street parking to preserve green space… which means overflow. 18:23:13, 2014-02-10
- Mapleton Hill asking for a pre-emptive expansion on some blocks, currently ~35% occupied. Is that really in line w/ the existing policy? 18:16:47, 2014-02-10
- Any neighborhood can ask for a new NPP, if parking is >75% full (>60% for an expansion). $17/yr for residents, $328/yr for commuters permits 18:11:55, 2014-02-10
- At TAB talking about neighborhood parking permit (NPP) district expansions… and one reduction (for the 1st time, like, ever?) 18:09:25, 2014-02-10
- @bruteforceblog @alexsteffen @agpublic Entire Grácia neighborhood of Barcelona is < 7 stories, but ~30,000/km^2. And also awesome. in reply to bruteforceblog 14:39:44, 2014-02-10
- One of my favorite @VaclavSmil talks. Especially the part where he prays the Saudi royal family gets assassinated. https://t.co/dra1iWOfBl 14:22:52, 2014-02-10
- RT @smotus: Well played, Girl Scouts. Well played. http://t.co/4AWaFaHiO1 09:04:02, 2014-02-10
- @wpmudev know any resources for going to mandatory SSL/HTTPS admin w/ mapped subdomains and wildcard cert? I'm not finding anything obvious. 18:05:26, 2014-02-09
- RT @maitelsadany: Brilliant Graffiti from #Turkey on the Internet Censorship Law: http://t.co/gzwAtpGtOo via @erdemKolbakir #internetimedok… 08:28:29, 2014-02-09
- For all the billions we spend on spy sats looking inward, we ought to be searching for these outward threats too: https://t.co/0edq98Gr3t 16:45:38, 2014-02-08
- @csoghoian That's right, Snowden must have used the mighty "wget dash arrr" (pirate edition). in reply to csoghoian 15:35:26, 2014-02-08
- Great interview w/ Kim Stanley Robinson on California as a terraformed and yet still utopian space: http://t.co/PcNEinEYDc 12:58:56, 2014-02-08
- You're a ghost, driving a meat coated skeleton made from stardust. What do you have to be scared of?
[who said this?] 12:08:13, 2014-02-08
- Maybe not incidental that KfW lends at 2-3% for building EE retrofits. Future retains 1/2 its value 25-35 years out w/ those discount rates. 00:54:10, 2014-02-08
- @bruteforceblog @alexsteffen The city and the housing authority seem into doing a lot more of it. We'll see about the neighbors… in reply to bruteforceblog 21:14:24, 2014-02-07
- @bruteforceblog @alexsteffen Affordable housing forum Q&A last night in Boulder focused on shared living: co-ops/co-housing… baugruppen 🙂 in reply to bruteforceblog 21:13:21, 2014-02-07
- @alexsteffen Psst! bug @bruteforceblog to get part 7 linked in on all the pages in that series… http://t.co/suyFhOrwTC in reply to AlexSteffen 17:51:45, 2014-02-07
- RT @bouldercolorado: @downtownboulder businesses: meeting on Feb. 14 for improvements to Pearl Street's West End. http://t.co/ogGYvZjvJD ht… 15:46:27, 2014-02-07
- I do kinda wish car companies would focus on 35k US traffic deaths/year… and bike shops would talk more about style: http://t.co/wBab2AWcmW 13:27:57, 2014-02-07
- Seems like they're actually trying to create a parallel bike/ped/transit network that is car-free, not remove cars: https://t.co/xj5tb4qhV1 12:51:54, 2014-02-07
- And another article about Hamburg's connected car-free greenway network plan: http://t.co/IohP81PmSd 12:50:55, 2014-02-07
- Is Hamburg, Germany really planning to go car-free in the next 20 years? http://t.co/i2aA0weDjk 12:50:15, 2014-02-07
- RT @scottholton: Hamburg: After Decades of Car-Filled Streets, Can A Modern City Turn its Back on the Automobile? http://t.co/OATFRH6LxC #c… 12:39:48, 2014-02-07
- Why can't we build density and affordable housing along our existing transit corridors that are designed for high capacity? (Betsy Martens) 20:05:23, 2014-02-06
- Housing cost increases in Boulder take about 900 units out of market rate affordability every year. But do we care? (Betsy Marten) 19:56:55, 2014-02-06
- Lots of people in other cities are actually happy living in studio apartments & good public spaces. Why not here? (Isabelle McDevitt) 19:49:00, 2014-02-06
- Should we add internet connectivity and continuing education to the list of "basic needs" we think people are entitled to? (Stuart Lord) 19:25:13, 2014-02-06
- Single family detached housing is basically built out in Boulder. Future will be attached multi family dwellings, infill. (Jeff Yegian) 19:21:19, 2014-02-06
- On our current path, permanently affordable housing and market rate housing costs will diverge dramatically. (Jeff Yegian) 19:19:13, 2014-02-06
- More rental housing units will be added in Boulder than any year since the 1970s. 19:12:01, 2014-02-06
- RT @CommunityCycles: Come to Walk Bike Summit open house 5 pm Millennium hotel 16:39:05, 2014-02-06
- Lots of folks shoehorning land use and parking policy into the 5 Es. Ha ha. #bws2014 15:27:34, 2014-02-06
- Lots of folks making the connection between land use patterns and the kinds of transportation systems that could work. #bws2014 11:39:15, 2014-02-06
- Françoise Poinsatte bucking that trend… noting that space constraints can be overcome if we take some space from cars, parking. #bws2014 11:30:29, 2014-02-06
- Sensing a correlation between age and resignation to the suburban status quo. #bws2014 11:28:01, 2014-02-06
- Man, people really have a hard time imagining a world that's different from the present, even when you tell them to do just that. 09:57:19, 2014-02-06
- Interesting skit at walk bike summit… In which the main prop indicating a person's preference for urbanism is a smartphone. 09:09:05, 2014-02-06
- @ericmbudd Well, you might want to go ahead and send them an email in support instead if you can. They do read them. cc @scottholton in reply to ericmbudd 07:19:04, 2014-02-06
- @ericmbudd were you going to go to planning board tonight to support that @scottholton project at 1750 14th with the 43 microunits? 01:53:19, 2014-02-06
- RT @trueanomalies: New crater! <3 @coreyspowell: An asteroid just slammed into Mars and did…this. http://t.co/vRQMnngRMS http://t.co/ywf… 22:15:38, 2014-02-05
- @COHealthOP still struggling to get @C4HCO to update my enrollment… Why does this have to be so painful? in reply to COHealthOP 19:24:47, 2014-02-05
- @ericmbudd @downtownboulder I think it's great. More than anything, downtown needs more humans to make it more active all day, all year. in reply to ericmbudd 10:34:36, 2014-02-05
- @sugarmags3 With a question like that… it kinda almost doesn't matter what the answer is. in reply to sugarmags3 10:27:10, 2014-02-05
- RT @radleybalko: The State Dept. is telling Americans going to Sochi that their communications may be monitored.*
(*Also, Americans not g… 10:22:13, 2014-02-05
- @ericmbudd *twinkles* in reply to ericmbudd 09:29:09, 2014-02-05
- @ericmbudd and yet so much more to be done… in reply to ericmbudd 09:18:35, 2014-02-05
- @ericmbudd The shape of the discussion will only become clear upon the arrival of the opposition. in reply to ericmbudd 00:24:20, 2014-02-05
- @ericmbudd So far so good. Positive responses from Zan, Mary, Lisa. Who knows where it'll end up… in reply to ericmbudd 00:23:42, 2014-02-05
- @ericmbudd @boulder_bcycle @car2godenver And hopefully an @egocarshare key fob too… 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 16:09:51, 2014-02-04
- I know it's cold, but if you support letting folks live with whomever they choose, come to Council tonight at 6pm: https://t.co/V6v7pTRaPH 15:31:36, 2014-02-04
- Whoa. California as a terraformed (xenoformed?) space, interview w/ Kim Stanley Robinson: http://t.co/PcNEinEYDc via @AlexSteffen 12:32:57, 2014-02-04
- @sugarmags3 Nope. I despise live internet video. Archive it. Send me a link. Let the masses watch whenever. in reply to sugarmags3 12:12:33, 2014-02-04
- @sugarmags3 Hard to imagine it being any less productive than just a single webinar…. in reply to sugarmags3 12:09:53, 2014-02-04
- RT @interfluidity: “walled gardens” were bad enough before the walls became one-way mirrors. 08:59:50, 2014-02-04
- @clmarohn Preferably while halving the scale of your failures… in reply to clmarohn 08:55:15, 2014-02-04
- @alexsteffen I'm teaching that class again soon. They're all going to watch your Shareable Future of Cities TED talk beforehand. in reply to AlexSteffen 17:02:03, 2014-02-03
- RT @AlexSteffen: Here's @ZaneSelvans good summary of the arguments for better cities—not better cars—as the climate solution we need: http:… 17:01:11, 2014-02-03
- @ericmbudd Almost all of it is organic FB sharing, from my mention of the post in connection to US36/EV stuff last week. in reply to ericmbudd 16:06:58, 2014-02-03
- Glad to know that my blog can handle a few thousand visitors a day… even happier that I know it because of this post: http://t.co/foGMIYwvex 16:04:59, 2014-02-03
- RT @BrentToderian: "Stop letting your traffic engineer design your city!" – @JeffSpeckAICP's key advice to America's mayors. 12:37:59, 2014-02-03
- Interesting forum on the future of housing in Boulder, this Thursday 2/3, 6:30pm at @ImpactHubBldr http://t.co/3dT5Gl41xq 10:12:46, 2014-02-03
- @ericmbudd Jeezus, who collects all this data, and what does anyone do with it? in reply to ericmbudd 00:47:37, 2014-02-03
- And then there were nine.
TdC moved from Masala to North Haven this weekend. 00:27:26, 2014-02-03
- @ericmbudd Yeah, but that seems like a silly place to draw the line. Motordom is a system, and it includes all those other moving parts too. in reply to ericmbudd 00:19:50, 2014-02-03
- @ericmbudd They're talking about the automobile manufacturing industry… which is but a tiny cog in the grander motordom machine. in reply to ericmbudd 00:12:30, 2014-02-03
- @ericmbudd But even so, annual car costs definitely aren't 1/5th of $9k/yr, which would be required to match 3% number. in reply to ericmbudd 00:04:25, 2014-02-03
- @ericmbudd Definitely includes all operating costs. Meant to model "average AAA member" using car for personal transport. in reply to ericmbudd 00:03:29, 2014-02-03
- @tservo I think that might be 2 humans in every bed… in reply to tservo 23:51:42, 2014-02-02
- @ericmbudd US GDP=1.6e13. Cars in US=2.5e8, $/yr/car (AAA)=9e3. => Cars = ~14% of US GDP. And that's before parking, highways, & oil wars. in reply to ericmbudd 23:45:43, 2014-02-02
- @ericmbudd I have a hard time believing that 3% number. Seriously? in reply to ericmbudd 22:00:45, 2014-02-02
- Is it just me, or does "A Human in Every Bedroom" seem like a slogan for a campaign it is ridiculous to even need to have? 21:58:09, 2014-02-02
- Great blog series from @clmarohn & @StrongTowns on how the last 60 years of suburban growth have been a Ponzi Scheme: http://t.co/dsivKoQDak 16:10:30, 2014-02-02
- @ericmbudd Great! Send them an e-mail too. They read them, esp. >= 24hrs ahead. in reply to ericmbudd 15:53:08, 2014-02-02
- @ericmbudd Which plan? That link goes to the PB packet, which has like 50 pages on the proposed development… in reply to ericmbudd 15:48:20, 2014-02-02
- @ericmbudd OMG, unbundling is a total no brainer here. Too much parking? Just sell it into the CAGID pool on a year-by-year basis. in reply to ericmbudd 15:43:54, 2014-02-02
- @ericmbudd For unbundling, or just generally? And the bike path, creek, teahouse, farmer's market. If it were a baugruppen I'd move in. in reply to ericmbudd 15:39:38, 2014-02-02
- @ericmbudd I knew as soon as the phone buzzed that it was you favoriting that last tweet… in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:35:38, 2014-02-02
- 43 micro-units in downtown Boulder, replacing a surface lot. Why not unbundle the parking? https://t.co/5SYDtDLwPZ http://t.co/yYRW7rDfiU 15:27:07, 2014-02-02
- So, I hear the Superb Owl starts at 4:20. #GoAwayBroncos 13:56:37, 2014-02-02
- Does collecting all the clothes that aren't *actually* dirty from my hamper, and putting them back in my dresser count as "doing laundry"? 11:49:00, 2014-02-01
- Riots in Kiev after months of protest against the president's alignment of Ukraine w/ Russia, instead of the EU: http://t.co/RYWyujIc7l 11:21:37, 2014-02-01
- @ericmbudd @ridertd But I get what you're saying. Chrysalis co-op folks spent 400 hours getting their neighborhood pass set up. in reply to ericmbudd 15:30:27, 2014-01-31
- @jessejenkins @theenergycraig Another logic like… a carbon tax at the point of extraction that makes the tar sands economically untenable? in reply to JesseJenkins 15:28:51, 2014-01-31
- @ericmbudd @ridertd Probably not true if you include all the hours of labor required to pay for the car as "effort". in reply to ericmbudd 15:28:45, 2014-01-31
- @jessejenkins Ultimately all the export routes have to be shut down — rail, existing pipelines — to keep the carbon in the ground. in reply to JesseJenkins 14:56:08, 2014-01-31
- @jessejenkins Isn't the #NoKXL point that blocking the pipeline is necessary, but not sufficient to shut in the tar sands? in reply to JesseJenkins 14:55:02, 2014-01-31
- Highlights confusion over what it is that makes cars bad socially/environmentally. Oil is a tiny part of the problem: http://t.co/foGMIYwvex 13:17:23, 2014-01-31
- @ericmbudd I will forward something in email. It's getting weird and political, and I'm afraid it's going to be a debacle. in reply to ericmbudd 13:08:06, 2014-01-31
- Frustrated to see fight to get electric vehicles allowed in HOV/HOT/BRT lanes on US-36. How awesome would it be to sit in ELECTRIC TRAFFIC! 13:06:04, 2014-01-31
- RT @Sightline: SEA 55, DEN 14 Denver currently recycles 14% of its trash, Seattle >55%. Some fans talk trash, others recycle it. #GoHawks @… 11:06:12, 2014-01-31
- @boulderchamber You might want to de-link the Book of Faces from yer Tweeter. It splatters all over the place when you post pictures. in reply to BoulderChamber 11:05:06, 2014-01-31
- I had a great birthday. Conspiring to change the world. Co-op sushi party. The house felt homey again. 09:59:28, 2014-01-31
- RT @ggreenwald: NEW from Laura Poitras in Denmark & HuffPost: US Spied On Negotiators At 2009 Climate Summit http://t.co/SUMWhJNHiI – http:… 16:26:38, 2014-01-30
- @stapletontma @drcogorg So the jetpacks are part of the NW Rail project then? 😉 in reply to StapletonTMA 16:27:35, 2014-01-29
- @sugarmags3 @awea And isn't there a @USDARD program that's supposed to support just that? http://t.co/f3yHEFwH94 in reply to sugarmags3 14:59:19, 2014-01-29
- @novickor @bikeportland Much of it probably never should have been built. Let it crumble. Re-build lean, human-scale. http://t.co/dsivKoQDak in reply to NovickOR 13:02:44, 2014-01-29
- @sumnums aww, I really liked those screwed up stats. What are the real numbers? in reply to sumnums 01:00:10, 2014-01-29
- @sennicholson @cosendem Now if only we could also work together to reduce the climate risks that endanger them: http://t.co/dk5Wh0J0m7 in reply to SenNicholson 16:06:51, 2014-01-28
- In theory, I've just canceled my Anthem health insurance. Did an ACH stop at my credit union just in case. Now, on to joining @COHealthOP. 14:25:05, 2014-01-28
- A quick calculator to estimate your tax credit eligibility with new healthcare laws: http://t.co/p7b8XBHv8G Covers more than half my premium 11:32:07, 2014-01-28
- Amazed that bus+bike combo got me from Boulder to Vine St. half an hour faster than my driving coworkers who left at the same time. Whoa. 10:36:17, 2014-01-28
- OH: "I left the stupid car2go thing in front of my house for like 1hr, & it was gone, so I had to bike in the snow, and it was kinda nice." 10:30:40, 2014-01-28
- Enjoyed overhearing car-free young folks at Vine St. talking w/o irony or ideology about how they hate driving, cars aren't worth the money. 10:25:24, 2014-01-28
- RT @JesseJenkins: .@EIAGov Deputy Gruenspecht: From 1950-2008, we saw maybe 2 yrs with declining electricity demand. Since 2008, been flat/… 09:23:39, 2014-01-28
- @sumnums Dunno. Some things really are just social norms — if we agree, then they're true. But atmospheric physics? Not so much. in reply to sumnums 09:21:32, 2014-01-28
- @sumnums Whoa, they're so rich they secrete money? Like, it oozes out of their pores and mucous membranes? Gross. in reply to sumnums 09:10:33, 2014-01-28
- @Dogacracy Right now I've got Schwalbe Marathon Winter tires… Carbide studs in their 4th and probably final season. in reply to Dogacracy 08:13:18, 2014-01-28
- I fell in love with bikes in Japan when I was 14 RT @sumnums: In Japan bikes have a 46% modal share on weekdays and a 61% share on weekends. in reply to sumnums 00:17:29, 2014-01-28
- @sumnums do you have a reference for that? I fell in love with bicycles living in Japan when I was 14. in reply to sumnums 22:41:19, 2014-01-27
- Some people are amazed I want to bike in this kind of weather, but I'm always shocked anyone wants to drive in it. 17:24:56, 2014-01-27
- And now a bike+bus adventure to Denver, so I can talk about the Utility Death Spiral down at the Vine Street Pub http://t.co/J2WEjLiMIR 15:21:24, 2014-01-27
- @sumnums @shareable Life extension by consensus 🙂 in reply to sumnums 15:18:27, 2014-01-27
- RT @Shareable: Join a co-op, live longer. No, really. These UK cooperatives show us how it's done. http://t.co/lZUIoSQSR7 #coop #collcons #… 14:05:17, 2014-01-27
- @tombrammar that's great! Still curious, when there is a capital cost premium do people often account for energy price hedge value of PH/EE? in reply to tombrammar 13:38:47, 2014-01-27
- Looking forward to Boulder's new downtown bike station: http://t.co/8D8IiAoEmY Thanks to @CommunityCycles for advocating for it! 13:36:35, 2014-01-27
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: In our response to wildfires, CO is failing to adapt to, mitigate, or even openly discuss climate change: http://t.co/… 12:22:14, 2014-01-27
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: We have rejected climate adaptation again. Maybe because we refuse to call it climate adaptation? http://t.co/1yRtGQd4… 11:36:06, 2014-01-27
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: From @hickforco in Sept: “Scientists tell us this pattern isn’t going to change,” And why is that? http://t.co/s4xf41S… 11:36:01, 2014-01-27
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: It's strange how everybody notices wildfires are getting worse, but nobody wants to talk about why: http://t.co/Xv10O… 11:35:57, 2014-01-27
- @mrmoneymustache @elevationscu Yeah, sheesh. Kinda sad to see. cc @CommunityCycles in reply to mrmoneymustache 08:38:05, 2014-01-27
- RT @mrmoneymustache: "You need four wheels to carry two" – Oh man, embarrassed for my credit union @ElevationsCU pushing SUV loans. http://… 08:36:22, 2014-01-27
- RT @HistoryInPics: Real Medusa http://t.co/kmRubPvDoo 23:51:40, 2014-01-26
- RT @KaseyKlimes: There's a lot of underutilized space with an excellent scale tucked away behind everything. Why not use it? 18:50:04, 2014-01-26
- RT @KaseyKlimes: I suspect bringing American cities back to human scale will require the conversion of alleys into versatile pedestrian pla… 18:50:00, 2014-01-26
- @amazing_maps Are you sure you don't you mean "will be flooded when we've melted all the world's ice?" That's certainly the plan anyway… in reply to Amazing_Maps 17:17:58, 2014-01-26
- RT @dabeaz: When the US finally figures out that it needs to replace its entire system of insecure credit cards, can we also switch to metr… 09:16:17, 2014-01-26