- RT @natfriedman: I'm interested in talking to people who are doing ambitious work to address climate change, using GitHub.
If this applies… 19:25:11, 2020-02-22
- RT @mattyglesias: What’s more likely, a meaningfully contested convention or a convention that gets canceled because the authorities are di… 19:12:22, 2020-02-22
- RT @mattyglesias: My plea to my fellow DC insiders to chill out about Bernie:
He’s a skilled politician who will govern in a broadly simi… 18:08:19, 2020-02-22
- RT @HelenBranswell: 1. This thread should be read as a companion to @kakape's terrific analysis of where things stand with the #COVID19 out… 15:11:10, 2020-02-22
- RT @kakape: For me and for everyone I know who has been following #covid19, the last few days have felt like a profound shift in the epidem… 15:10:41, 2020-02-22
- @Ben_Inskeep Is the already built gas just being kept around as backup? Are there projections for the actual genera… https://t.co/XayRbFjIEv in reply to Ben_Inskeep 08:38:45, 2020-02-22
- ?????
??️??️? https://t.co/s0RP9OHXu9 00:02:17, 2020-02-22 - @homelessphilos1 @dailycamera If he'd come in blind from Timbuktu, maybe. But he'd been working with the city for m… https://t.co/XFzczkeug0 in reply to homelessphilos1 21:32:37, 2020-02-21
- @sueprant @rachelkfriend Wow, that is such a bummer. Just like, nothing? To anyone? I hope it's not something awful… https://t.co/df17AnOuH7 in reply to sueprant 21:29:03, 2020-02-21
- RT @GinaRivers90: Oigan, suscríbanse todos al Newsletter de @datacivica ??
Trae recomendaciones padrísimas del equipo (desde exposiciones… 18:05:56, 2020-02-21
- Every. Place. https://t.co/qmpKVFVFlC 15:10:13, 2020-02-21
- @InariPopcorn ?♀️??♀️??♀️? in reply to InariPopcorn 15:06:10, 2020-02-21
- @InariPopcorn Actually I think it was this one. ?❤️ https://t.co/R5dLqT1JrK in reply to InariPopcorn 11:31:00, 2020-02-21
- @ardalis @aniccia @asymco Not in cities designed for bikes to be used all year long. https://t.co/1hVlJ3JJTU in reply to ardalis 09:42:37, 2020-02-21
- @aniccia @asymco That seems like the same thing as saying the costs are far ahead of ebikes too, which seems like a… https://t.co/5Run4bfryp in reply to aniccia 09:26:48, 2020-02-21
- RT @CatalystCoop: An interesting #OpenData curation & sharing PostDoc at MIT, focused on energy!
Cc: @kirstie_j @lilscientista @OKFN @CSVC… 09:03:47, 2020-02-21
- RT @MaryHeglar: I’ve been mis-cited as a scientist more times than I can count and it honestly makes me really sad that people think that i… 08:14:48, 2020-02-21
- @ericmbudd End racism: kill everyone? in reply to ericmbudd 22:39:53, 2020-02-20
- I guarantee that WOC with a physics PhD is more brilliant and tenacious than her white dude peers. "Diverse" candid… https://t.co/TFGlPKZyKs 20:45:57, 2020-02-20
- RT @Twitter: It's not Mercury, it's you 20:40:03, 2020-02-20
- Not related to LIDAR or #EnergyTwitter, but here's some sex workers & educators whose voices I respect & enjoy.… https://t.co/QbCzZDyXl9 20:01:36, 2020-02-20
- I would love to put my privacy & trust requiring services in the hands of @firefox / @mozilla. VPN, password manage… https://t.co/NQfCM04cxg 19:32:47, 2020-02-20
- @devonzuegel I got frustrated with always having dull knives, and so learned how to sharpen them by hand with a sha… https://t.co/6jAeAGN6cR in reply to devonzuegel 19:24:02, 2020-02-20
- With 4 pages of not quite ranting caveats about FERC's data hygiene in the README… https://t.co/Dbdb4uad4J 15:52:51, 2020-02-20
- Like okay I'm clearly a stan for Warren, and I'll be perfectly happy to see Bernie win. But this *actually* feels l… https://t.co/H5xMKMTwd7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:01:56, 2020-02-20
- ALL ????FOUR???? CANDIDATES?!?! #PresidentWarren https://t.co/cvg9Ussmhd 13:59:13, 2020-02-20
- @WonkTheWalk @gschivley @MichaelEWebber @hausfath @chrisnelder @ranjit_energy Publication date August 2020? in reply to WonkTheWalk 11:05:34, 2020-02-20
- Does this weirdness make sense to anyone else familiar with FERC Form 1 data? https://t.co/B2so2rQh5s 09:25:13, 2020-02-20
- RT @MarisaKabas: Warren just had her best hour of fundraising *ever*….it's almost as if Republicans have no idea what Democrats want http… 22:07:35, 2020-02-19
- @leahstokes ??? in reply to leahstokes 21:52:56, 2020-02-19
- @erinoverturf Mad skillz, not made skillz. ?♂️ in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:37:41, 2020-02-19
- RT @TheRachelFisher: This woman who was attacked by a bear in California and had her face ripped off did a reddit AMA and she said the wors… 21:36:33, 2020-02-19
- RT @ezraklein: This is your regular reminder that primaries should be decided using ranked-choice voting. 21:33:23, 2020-02-19
- Nevermind $100,000,000,000 — if you need scientific notation, something is wrong. https://t.co/RCE3x9TSnG 21:22:22, 2020-02-19
- @DoctorVive God he's so awful! in reply to DoctorVive 20:51:10, 2020-02-19
- RT @Limericking: The Democrats, live on TV,
Debated which issues were key,
& Liz, teaching class,
Handed Mike his whole ass,
A thing that w… 20:36:46, 2020-02-19 - RT @ClintSmithIII: Saying "I worked very hard for it" to justify your position as a billionaire is one of the most absurd things I can imag… 20:35:07, 2020-02-19
- RT @ramez: Amen. True environemental justice has to consider the people who've emitted the least and who stand to suffer the most. And thos… 20:35:00, 2020-02-19
- RT @DrJaneFlegal: Guys, call me crazy, but it is inconsistent and bad to articulate a strong domestic commitment to environmental justice w… 20:34:07, 2020-02-19
- RT @ericmbudd: Mike Bloomberg did not work very hard to prepare for the debate. https://t.co/QGZZr46Q24 20:28:28, 2020-02-19
- #NotAllBillionaires 20:22:09, 2020-02-19
- I kind of hate this analogy but it does seem like we've turned our elections into the WWF and unexpectedly Warren s… https://t.co/p3w5HPgvCQ 20:20:04, 2020-02-19
- RT @bpmehlman: Bloomberg brought a wallet to a knife fight. 20:16:26, 2020-02-19
- @ericmbudd @ewarren Also the Senate. in reply to ericmbudd 20:12:36, 2020-02-19
- RT @furrygirl: #DemDebate https://t.co/P5rGMqZVqw 20:06:52, 2020-02-19
- Ah los carteles, son malos.
- RT @imillhiser: Liz Warren is demonstrating how she'd debate Trump right now. 19:50:35, 2020-02-19
- @propublica @turbotax I mean they've got a whole series on their bullshit: https://t.co/ukSbGSeWzW in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:48:01, 2020-02-19
- Seems like a good time to bring up @ProPublica's coverage of @turbotax's dirty tricks:
- RT @amywestervelt: Bloomberg is really up here in 2020 binders full of women-ing #DemocraticDebate 19:44:17, 2020-02-19
WANT AVATAR. 19:40:31, 2020-02-19
- RT @cthulhu4america: Bloomberg refuses to revel in his material power and throw it in America's face — a diminutive stance of fear. Own you… 19:40:12, 2020-02-19
- RT @TheOnion: ‘I’ll Rule You Peasants With An Iron Fist,’ Says Bloomberg To Standing Ovation During DNC Debate https://t.co/305Jij8I67 http… 19:38:26, 2020-02-19
- RT @epicciuto: Warren has no fucks left to give, and I am here for it 19:29:08, 2020-02-19
- @leahstokes https://t.co/RqVoAemBck in reply to leahstokes 19:13:56, 2020-02-19
- @ericmbudd ??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️??️?… https://t.co/BiVHJ5Q6Va in reply to ericmbudd 19:08:34, 2020-02-19
- RT @LeslieMac: When folks ask me why I am a #BWFWarren, it’s because she has been learning for a long time & is willing to learn more still… 18:54:27, 2020-02-19
- RT @TheRoot: All the leading Democratic presidential candidates have severe flaws when it comes to black America.
And then there’s Elizabe… 18:54:19, 2020-02-19
- RT @TheDailyShow: Hey NBC, you can't just ignore Elizabeth Warren. She's not Matt Lauer's history of sexual harassment https://t.co/Mp0qLEP… 18:53:57, 2020-02-19
- @erinoverturf Also the made cargobike parenting skillz! in reply to erinoverturf 18:53:14, 2020-02-19
- RT @ericmbudd: .@ewarren "cites her proposal to regulate tech in an effort to help small businesses succeed online, and notes that her plan… 18:52:35, 2020-02-19
- RT @SawyerHackett: Here’s a fun piece of electability trivia.
Elizabeth Warren is the only candidate to defeat an incumbent republican in… 18:51:57, 2020-02-19
- @gschivley @MichaelEWebber @hausfath @chrisnelder @ranjit_energy Like actual generation? Does that data exist in th… https://t.co/Wys2xc8ySc in reply to gschivley 18:51:25, 2020-02-19
- @ginnyhogan_ Someone should cue the Imperial March when he enters. in reply to ginnyhogan_ 16:41:26, 2020-02-19
- @chrisnelder Yeah, ironically the atmosphere does not respond to us building a zero-carbon energy system. Just shut… https://t.co/qHkduixhxW in reply to chrisnelder 15:19:45, 2020-02-19
- It's nuts that @erinoverturf doesn't have more followers.
@CHThiem… https://t.co/ftovsJvka8 13:26:43, 2020-02-19 - @KevinSLeahy @S_HastingsSimon @Guay_JG @electronecon @leahstokes @matthewcgray @bodnarclimate Oh just imagine a wor… https://t.co/bxMRRGfXCW in reply to KevinSLeahy 12:24:43, 2020-02-19
- @Revkin The only honest kind!
Reminds me of an interview with William Gibson where his worlds were described as dy… https://t.co/1raDn02mw2 in reply to Revkin 11:51:06, 2020-02-19
- The lived experience of losing them is just too hard sometimes. in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:41:11, 2020-02-19
- What is utopia but a vision of the best possible outcomes? And the best possible outcomes are getting worse fast en… https://t.co/iDGf2jm4iY 11:40:12, 2020-02-19
- @KevinSLeahy @S_HastingsSimon @Guay_JG @electronecon @leahstokes @matthewcgray @bodnarclimate Seems like this would… https://t.co/cXxccjcqpw in reply to KevinSLeahy 11:33:22, 2020-02-19
- @CHThiem omgwtf WHY in reply to CHThiem 11:29:51, 2020-02-19
- @KevinSLeahy @S_HastingsSimon @Guay_JG @electronecon @leahstokes @matthewcgray @bodnarclimate And then Tri-State ha… https://t.co/VbEyPb3Kpw in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:08:18, 2020-02-19
- @KevinSLeahy @S_HastingsSimon @Guay_JG @electronecon @leahstokes @matthewcgray @bodnarclimate Another challenge (th… https://t.co/SAdbSHqiDb in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:07:39, 2020-02-19
- @KevinSLeahy @S_HastingsSimon @Guay_JG @electronecon @leahstokes @matthewcgray @bodnarclimate Securitization for mu… https://t.co/ui07zgI3ky in reply to KevinSLeahy 11:04:35, 2020-02-19
- @S_HastingsSimon @electronecon @Guay_JG @leahstokes No I haven't seen it except probably via ironic references I di… https://t.co/5sc08CrtWO in reply to S_HastingsSimon 10:19:33, 2020-02-19
- @electronecon @Guay_JG @S_HastingsSimon @leahstokes We tried to highlight the Just Transition opportunities in CO s… https://t.co/gIFpSmLgIc in reply to electronecon 10:14:23, 2020-02-19
- @Guay_JG @electronecon @S_HastingsSimon @leahstokes I agree that paying the ransom is often a good deal, but we nee… https://t.co/SMdKFD4aDH in reply to Guay_JG 10:00:42, 2020-02-19
- Both in energy and housing, understanding the relationships between O&M vs. CapEx is a big deal. https://t.co/XUevczksKw 09:02:28, 2020-02-19
- Morgan Stanley almost lamenting about Xcel: "They struggle with getting to complete elimination of fossil fuels."… https://t.co/sdoJp67NiQ 08:15:48, 2020-02-19
- @Guay_JG @leahstokes I usually end up feeling sheepish trying to explain securitization and our advocacy for unecon… https://t.co/ykG47733rT in reply to Guay_JG 06:51:03, 2020-02-19
- I feel seen. https://t.co/DBs0xbGZMk 06:42:50, 2020-02-19
- @jaclynasiegel Oh man. I bet the Q&A afterword will be lit! in reply to jaclynasiegel 06:41:08, 2020-02-19
- RT @ErikaMunozzzzz: @tacosdedatos Software Carpentry tiene algunas lecciones en español https://t.co/Nyc9Ep69Ok 19:17:44, 2020-02-18
- @shayshinecastle It was especially annoying because it was a fundraiser for the pro-housing side of things. in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:17:18, 2020-02-18
- @shayshinecastle I remember being kind of shocked and (silently) horrified at some campaign fundraiser hosted at Ju… https://t.co/xYb4kKRLHx in reply to shayshinecastle 18:26:18, 2020-02-18
- @wjrigler @RSAConference "Here's a free USB stick!" in reply to wjrigler 18:20:58, 2020-02-18
- RT @gwensnyderPHL: It's also my considered opinion that it's even fishier that Telegram's best-known/nost notorious user bases (Ukrainian d… 17:08:19, 2020-02-18
- ???? https://t.co/CHTbEpdGw9 17:03:12, 2020-02-18
- RT @erinoverturf: #ErinsEnergyEmploymentEmporium https://t.co/FELQXRvZKh 17:01:28, 2020-02-18
- We need one big scary bankruptcy, or maybe a better strategic understanding ofunder what circumstances PUCs disallo… https://t.co/nJHf6jykyj 15:04:21, 2020-02-18
- RT @TheOnion: Rod Blagojevich Trying To Sell Presidential Commutation To Cellmate For $2.8 Million https://t.co/UIczauJ3Tc https://t.co/r0w… 14:36:51, 2020-02-18
- Also working on getting the input data archived separately and semi-automatically, so we don't have to roll it in w… https://t.co/kNY7GWOKFY 14:25:28, 2020-02-18
- @markgelband @swingleft @staceyabrams @fairfightaction I think in those contexts too even the largest personal fort… https://t.co/8jmmpXRtMY in reply to markgelband 13:05:44, 2020-02-18
- ??????? https://t.co/FJupAlvT3G 12:45:53, 2020-02-18
- @ewarren @ericmbudd ??? in reply to ewarren 12:45:17, 2020-02-18
- I mean are we actually living inside a game of Monopoly now? Is that the "simulation" Silicon Valley was obsessing… https://t.co/O96hTupH3o 12:27:25, 2020-02-18
- I think this goes for the rest of us plebians too — if you were thinking of spending money on carbon offsets, or s… https://t.co/KFs1fxUezp 12:23:40, 2020-02-18
- In *Indiana* which has historically been a big coal producer. And is not particularly sunny. And has no real regula… https://t.co/2st8GfiFcZ 12:19:36, 2020-02-18
- @RockyMtnInst Also summarized in this @greentechmedia post from: https://t.co/QSiiGTeugY in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:13:51, 2020-02-18
- Chart via this @RockyMtnInst collection of stats on gas-in-buildings: https://t.co/xfuDT4lZpe in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:12:50, 2020-02-18
- @leahstokes I wonder what @staceyabrams could do with $10B to improve access to and participation in our democracy. in reply to leahstokes 12:06:23, 2020-02-18
- RT @leahstokes: Everyone is asking: how should Bezos spend the $10 billion. My two cents? On political advocacy to elect climate champions… 12:04:00, 2020-02-18
- @Dan_Canoeth @CatalystCoop Seems like not good enough though — like we can and should avoid every dollar of re-inv… https://t.co/M5rI5x6C6f in reply to Dan_Canoeth 12:01:14, 2020-02-18
- @ericmbudd Cars gonna car. in reply to ericmbudd 11:57:35, 2020-02-18
- In the Northeast, where gas distribution systems can be ~100 years old, investments being approved are often on the… https://t.co/XZ3kus2b8f in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:43:38, 2020-02-18
- On the often ignored gas distribution side, massive capital investments are being made. Up sharply since 2009. All… https://t.co/5lHrRuN5s7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:26:54, 2020-02-18
- RT @AnandWrites: I literally wrote a book about billionaires taking over the world, and even I cannot believe that what is shaping up now i… 08:13:20, 2020-02-18
- "Hmmm. Maybe I'll save this part for later." https://t.co/46TLI3wQFH 08:11:42, 2020-02-18
- @jbouie Ugh, it was amazing. I wanted more of that soundscape, and tried to find other similar work by the composer… https://t.co/MZRqXwQBFV in reply to jbouie 22:16:34, 2020-02-17
- @ClaraJeffery I imagine you'd want a tandem. It might be kinda borderline… but it's such an awesome place to expl… https://t.co/dub4ZN5lr9 in reply to ClaraJeffery 22:07:25, 2020-02-17
- @ClaraJeffery The first time i did it as part of a group of ~10 folks plus a guide for 2 weeks, and subsequent trip… https://t.co/sEAdn195lL in reply to ClaraJeffery 22:01:52, 2020-02-17
- @ClaraJeffery I've done several trips from 10 days to 12 weeks. I'm sure there are folks who do all-inclusive trips… https://t.co/KxiHTGbO5i in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:27:46, 2020-02-17
- @ClaraJeffery Sea kayaking down Baja on the Gulf of California side is absolutely amazing, and March is a great tim… https://t.co/i4Wz4iTvhr in reply to ClaraJeffery 20:26:23, 2020-02-17
- Voting in Colorado is like this and it is *amazing* even from Mexico.
Now let's add in ranked choice voting. Espec… https://t.co/7nFXBkdOrB 20:21:23, 2020-02-17
- So it would be nice if there were a credible threat of some kind. A line in the sand. An attractive but limited tim… https://t.co/EMVa3Rxgvz in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:07:24, 2020-02-17
- But this is all still scary and uncertain, if you're used to a relatively risk-free monopoly return on capital inve… https://t.co/MXTc7X3csc in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:04:36, 2020-02-17
- It could also allow the utilities to bundle together all these appliances into thermal energy storage / load shifti… https://t.co/pOZj021t6x in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:02:40, 2020-02-17
- It could also help avoid the sticker shock that some folks have from buying more efficient appliances for themselve… https://t.co/XBJtgCycra in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:58:40, 2020-02-17
- If it was designed right, this could also address the split incentives that exist now between renters and landlords… https://t.co/xZb2nURfib in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:57:29, 2020-02-17
- Instead of replacing ageing gas infrastructure or building new distribution systems, roll heat pump based HVAC syst… https://t.co/Eo6AOLaWoV in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:54:33, 2020-02-17
- So one idea that has been floating around is that instead of just winding up the gas utilities entirely — which th… https://t.co/UhTScRQCQe in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:51:01, 2020-02-17
- And then we also have to deal with the fact that a bunch of the natural gas "infrastructure" doesn't belong to the… https://t.co/oIPm5FxdFB in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:48:15, 2020-02-17
- But if all the pipelines and distribution systems and compressors and meters and other infrastructure associated wi… https://t.co/TQSuFowPT8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:46:39, 2020-02-17
- With lots more wonktastic detail to be found in these @EnergyInnovLLC white papers on "Managing Financial Transitio… https://t.co/mlBuKbPxWH in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:44:03, 2020-02-17
- @drvox Securitization of what would otherwise become stranded assets is one way of doing this, which is gaining som… https://t.co/4pBlSXUQ31 in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:42:02, 2020-02-17
- @drvox If we can get the doomed carbon assets (coal and gas plants) off the electric utility books, and let them re… https://t.co/1q0lFiZC9z in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:36:55, 2020-02-17
- @drvox It's easier to imagine a future for the electric utilities, since we still want electricity — more of it ev… https://t.co/5sS91hz9zL in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:35:18, 2020-02-17
- Okay so if as @drvox outlines here, "renewable" (non-fossil) natural gas is at most going to play a small niche rol… https://t.co/yx4Nw5bVzg 16:32:59, 2020-02-17
- More like a down payment. https://t.co/1frXVEiuGG 16:29:18, 2020-02-17
- @thmscwlls dude what is going on over there?
https://t.co/j3OUwjgaDN https://t.co/PGTquxYvhQ 16:08:59, 2020-02-17
- RT @CatalystCoop: We've released v0.3.2 of the PUDL python package. It should be available via PyPI and @condaforge now.
Very brief releas… 14:45:17, 2020-02-17
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek Trying to get in @Noahpinion's good graces no doubt. in reply to ericmbudd 14:21:43, 2020-02-17
- There's reasons beyond climate that one might want more local food systems — diversity of supply, transparency, la… https://t.co/Hu8nZ47L9F 11:44:37, 2020-02-17
- @gschivley Maybe they don't have enough beer? in reply to gschivley 22:04:47, 2020-02-16
- RT @gwensnyderPHL: Unironic galaxy brain gif https://t.co/kKwLpOvatZ 21:05:09, 2020-02-16
- @electronecon So much winning! in reply to electronecon 20:40:15, 2020-02-16
- @ericmbudd @bryanlbowen From Sea to Shining Sea. in reply to ericmbudd 18:18:54, 2020-02-16
- @SciencePaige @CatalystCoop @COESSING Oh ha, I thought somehow @theAGU was getting into @openstreetmap there for a second. in reply to SciencePaige 14:45:03, 2020-02-16
- @MattBakerEnergy @brendanpierpont @davidrogers27 @electronecon @cmorehouse10 @UtilityDive To me "sunk cost" suggest… https://t.co/Kau7Xbcrxc in reply to MattBakerEnergy 13:56:38, 2020-02-16
- Another look at coal's collapse from @cmorehouse10
Most coal retirements haven't been particularly just transition… https://t.co/VL4qlBjg1V 13:52:03, 2020-02-16
- We may not have a common word for this financial idea yet, but we're certainly going to find one, and eventually th… https://t.co/UsOH4TaLn7 13:25:08, 2020-02-16
- @nonprofit_hoe Mmmm. Sounds like a rodent/ant problem is in the works too. in reply to nonprofit_hoe 07:59:20, 2020-02-16
- RT @nils_gilman: As I get set to vote in my primary, here’s my position:
1. My primary vote goes to Warren. Liz ain’t perfect—no one ever i… 07:56:43, 2020-02-16 - RT @NB_Chris: Front page feature as condensed J. G. Ballard novel, complete with luxury property turned Darwinian prison, empty swimming po… 00:11:44, 2020-02-16
- RT @tiffanycli: Cool! So all you need to do to have privacy is just wear this microphone jammer bracelet and apply some anti-facial-recogni… 00:11:38, 2020-02-16
Author: Zane Selvans
A former space explorer, now marooned on a beautiful, dying world.
- RT @Bakari_Sellers: This @Trevornoah clip is very Baldwin-esque. So much truth. Here is your 4 minute weekend viewing. https://t.co/FqcfPsW… 23:44:58, 2020-02-15
- RT @elizaorlins: Isn’t it amazing when old videos of the candidate you love and support surface from 2005 and you get to see that they are… 23:42:34, 2020-02-15
- RT @Viejo_Cthulhu: Soy un monstruo grotesco y horrible, pero por lo menos no ataco a una activista que ha luchado por las mujeres violentad… 21:57:19, 2020-02-15
- RT @Viejo_Cthulhu: ¿En tu ciudad de arquitectura no euclidiana sumergida eternamente en el fondo del océano o en la mía? 21:53:35, 2020-02-15
- It's like, our superpower / curse. https://t.co/h36S52qv1R 21:31:00, 2020-02-15
- @patbahn I kinda feel like Wall Street (and the equity side of tech) is this whole other thing. Where it's not real… https://t.co/pazazgAHjs in reply to patbahn 21:23:59, 2020-02-15
- @joshdr83 Ah, would correlate perfectly with the days that bikes aren't allowed on the Betasso loop. Would be good for trail running. 🙂 in reply to joshdr83 21:21:17, 2020-02-15
- RT @evacide: More evidence that we are in one of the weirder timelines. https://t.co/dtnCyfxPTY 16:52:31, 2020-02-15
- @GreatDismal Standard Hitachi Magic Wand on the other hand… in reply to GreatDismal 15:09:11, 2020-02-15
- When we're funded, we pay ourselves $35/hr at Catalyst. Adjusted for inflation, that's exactly what I earned at my… https://t.co/Nmw3AlNwGe in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:04:54, 2020-02-15
- RT @Samantharhill: "Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpo… 14:44:17, 2020-02-15
- But like, systemically, it seems dicey to depend on attracting top talent with warm-fuzzies when the habitability o… https://t.co/FqyCkMpB1n in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:18:12, 2020-02-15
- And I'm not *complaining* about not making an "industry" salary here. I love the autonomy that we have at… https://t.co/PYeJmu2A9p in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:15:58, 2020-02-15
- And I'm sure a lot of the folks working on these problems are paid well. But for some reason it seems like collecti… https://t.co/HHhuAi3gQU in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:09:11, 2020-02-15
- Or pre-fabricated modular structural insulating panels (SIPs) and the super-efficient windows and doors required to… https://t.co/vfRHGCmIKl in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:05:11, 2020-02-15
- How much do engineers at Vestas designing 15MW floating offshore wind turbines make? Or the folks building bullet t… https://t.co/u54DRW2Mhr in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:03:09, 2020-02-15
- Or how about more efficient and automated mass timber fabrication techniques? Small modular and/or high temperature… https://t.co/r1b9TwPUVd in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:00:41, 2020-02-15
- I'd love to see the salaries of folks working on better heat pumps for domestic thermal applications, carbon-free i… https://t.co/InSvBXdHIr in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:57:37, 2020-02-15
- It just seems weird that we're okay with an economy that prioritizes (mostly) useless smartphone app production ove… https://t.co/GuntPzxFwY in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:54:30, 2020-02-15
- Screwed this up late last night by looking at the wrong line on my taxes.
?: BS CS, PhD Geophysics
⏳: 5 years
?️:… https://t.co/34GcWOeMKX 13:52:07, 2020-02-15 - #BelieveMen https://t.co/BXpXWAFb0Y 11:31:00, 2020-02-15
- @interfluidity Beyond the basic necessities "prosperity" is so wildly subjective and socially mediated! 3 cars? 500… https://t.co/ixJYeVn1Te in reply to interfluidity 00:39:44, 2020-02-15
- Wow, ni siquiera un "AMLO?" https://t.co/nQkK4wts9w 00:32:33, 2020-02-15
- @Caltech @CUBoulder *geophysics, I meant. Oy. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:50:02, 2020-02-14
- @thebmbennett @Caltech @CUBoulder Just imagine what the world would be like if folks could make a decent living doing useful things! in reply to thebmbennett 22:48:53, 2020-02-14
- @ericmbudd But c'mon, it's ~3 weeks of "lost output" but at a *non-surge* price of ~$10k/day (if ventilated, in the… https://t.co/quRbbyDE4N in reply to ericmbudd 22:27:38, 2020-02-14
- Why is it only "stoking class warfare" when the poor do it? 21:51:14, 2020-02-14
- @SwiftOnSecurity Seriously, what's the best password manager? in reply to SwiftOnSecurity 21:50:20, 2020-02-14
- RT @DrJenGunter: THE HPV VACCINE WE CAN ELIMINATE CETVICAL CANCER IN MY LIFETIME https://t.co/yd2tJnvzGu 21:46:04, 2020-02-14
- @ericmbudd @shawncreed https://t.co/hCCO0IARXh in reply to ericmbudd 21:38:13, 2020-02-14
- @shawncreed @ericmbudd Just because there's a person behind the name doesn't mean they aren't a bot. A human being… https://t.co/XG7Rr9RKAN in reply to shawncreed 21:31:16, 2020-02-14
- I mean just think of opportunities for surge pricing on ICU beds! in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:25:08, 2020-02-14
- But great for GDP or no? https://t.co/3e3824nGJJ 21:19:58, 2020-02-14
- And I see a burning, melting world from a distance. populated with zombies, xenoformers, and hedonists. in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:30:35, 2020-02-14
- They came home when my dad got yellow fever. He spent the 8th grade bedridden. And has since been consumed by Fox N… https://t.co/Z5rlal42B2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:27:33, 2020-02-14
- My great grandparents were 7th Day Adventist missionaries in Guangzhou, and my grandmother grew up speaking Cantone… https://t.co/Yze9bNYmuk in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:25:11, 2020-02-14
- Believing anything so fervently that you *act* on that belief is an isolating experience. Refusing to have your tru… https://t.co/2FtlD2DvR5 15:10:50, 2020-02-14
- @ericmbudd "Plutes gonna plute." in reply to ericmbudd 14:51:33, 2020-02-14
- RT @janburtonco: Great housing article, by the greatest housing journalist: @conordougherty "People …have to accept it’s hypocritical to… 14:33:50, 2020-02-14
- RT @interfluidity: bloomberg is a real test of the soul the the United States’ professional class. https://t.co/yOZXR1Ba7g 11:27:19, 2020-02-14
- RT @KhaledBeydoun: "Mike Bloomberg isn’t running against Trump. Mike Bloomberg is running against Bernie Sanders."
- RT @ElBloombito: Gentrificatioño es just rojo-liñing para los ricos. #SiSePayday 22:17:19, 2020-02-13
- @ericmbudd Hmm. I can think of some worse scenarios. in reply to ericmbudd 16:49:06, 2020-02-13
- I imagine @marazepeda @ntnsndr @marjorie_kelly @jwpcPBC @dhh @operaqueenie @matthewstoller might have interesting t… https://t.co/ZY2bi4GuQB 16:47:54, 2020-02-13
- RT @AnandWrites: I'm worried Bloomberg is going to start using "Plutes gonna plute" as a campaign mantra because he doesn't realize it's a… 11:34:55, 2020-02-13
- Unicorn density seems like it could also be an indicator of who allows platform monopolies to capture rents. Or tax… https://t.co/7iNJZVeKHp 09:49:44, 2020-02-13
- RT @blakezeff: The degree to which Michael Bloomberg is using his fortune to fundamentally alter & manipulate U.S. politics to his personal… 08:57:00, 2020-02-13
- Man, I didn't think it was possible, but if there were *one* way to get me not to vote in November, it might be by… https://t.co/l7GMEuPFuy 08:15:46, 2020-02-13
- RT @willwilkinson: That so many people are desperate for a mega-multi-billionaire to save us from mob boss authoritarianism by buying an el… 08:14:42, 2020-02-13
- RT @profcarroll: Warren is the only candidate hammering Trump’s criminality and that’s why the media can’t deal with her because running he… 22:44:13, 2020-02-12
- RT @VanityFair: “If Trump could get away with locking up his political opponents, that’s exactly what he’d do,” says a former U.S. attorney… 22:44:07, 2020-02-12
- @LiaraRoux @marjorie_kelly You and @nonprofit_hoe might enjoy each others company if you haven't crossed paths already. in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:14:32, 2020-02-12
- @LiaraRoux @marjorie_kelly It's such an enormous and rich space of possibilities to explore, but it seems like a weird niche in the US. in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:12:15, 2020-02-12
- @LiaraRoux I also really liked "Owning Our Future" by @marjorie_kelly which is a relatively quick read on how owner… https://t.co/w3pXa95HpF in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:10:51, 2020-02-12
- @LiaraRoux An interesting collection of essays from various employee ownership advocates / organizers on the demutu… https://t.co/aDU8UdRul4 in reply to LiaraRoux 21:08:55, 2020-02-12
- RT @LiaraRoux: I spend way too much time thinking about how, in order for employees to be properly compensated by business owners, they nee… 21:06:46, 2020-02-12
- RT @nhannahjones: Redlining was an explicitly racist policy that ensured that until 1968 98 % of federally insured loans went to white Amer… 19:56:26, 2020-02-12
- Hmmm. https://t.co/MVtsdT9PRe 19:55:58, 2020-02-12
- ????? https://t.co/MXIhj8kyZ3 19:38:48, 2020-02-12
- But if you have to choose between Caligula and Augustus, there's really no contest.
Lol you don't get to choose. https://t.co/101RRcKNkv 18:23:02, 2020-02-12
- I mean, if you're say, Guatemala, there's a pretty good case to be made that others (especially the US) have impose… https://t.co/MmRrodjZHO in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:06:17, 2020-02-12
- It's a bummer that the US has *chosen* to be a country with poverty, has *decided* that poorer sick people should d… https://t.co/SlDd5LOL8G 17:03:14, 2020-02-12
- Idaho: Ignorance Is Strength. https://t.co/R0YgKXoVgE 15:34:20, 2020-02-12
- Like seriously guys, when you've been a bad actor on an issue for 30 years… maybe it should take 30 more years of… https://t.co/HM6kMQNJ3E 09:52:52, 2020-02-12
- No no no, it's *beyond* beyond petroleum! B2P! https://t.co/VQyxqY80V1 09:04:50, 2020-02-12
- RT @DrSimEvans: The global oil & gas industry has doubled the share of its investment going towards renewables & CCS…
…as of 2019, it only… 08:32:09, 2020-02-12
- RT @DrSimEvans: Very occasionally, this most hated of #dataviz tools (the humble pie chart) is actually a good way to tell the story of oil… 08:31:43, 2020-02-12
- RT @JKSteinberger: Honestly, I feel as though I'm losing my everloving mind. Does no one else remember that BP has done this kind of re-bra… 08:31:36, 2020-02-12
- My feed seems weirdly divided on the BP "net zero" announcement, between snark and adulation. 07:28:45, 2020-02-12
- @DrJaneFlegal It kind of reminds me of all those AAA-rated mortgage backed securities where the risk had been offloaded onto someone else. in reply to DrJaneFlegal 07:24:22, 2020-02-12
- Like this, but with CYBER. https://t.co/6y9J5wLYbc 23:31:14, 2020-02-11
- RT @Sammy_Roth: Seems the Democrats are hellbent on repeating the Republican mistakes of 2016, when GOP voters failed to coalesce around an… 23:29:19, 2020-02-11
- @CHThiem @MarkyV The decaplex. The do-decaplex. The duodecaplexathon! in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:27:48, 2020-02-11
- @CHThiem @MarkyV Oh yeah, the ? OctoPlex ? in reply to CHThiem 23:06:13, 2020-02-11
- RT @alvarombedoya: Um here’s a couple
1) Deny unanimous consent. The Senate schedule runs on the assumption that not 1 senator will object… 22:34:44, 2020-02-11
- I imagine that following the US elections while living outside the US feels like being into soccer while living ins… https://t.co/Qw9Ccvpuo1 21:23:05, 2020-02-11
- RT @JillFilipovic: Can we just do an extra-super Tuesday where every registered Democratic in the country casts their ballot on the same da… 21:19:58, 2020-02-11
- @CHThiem ?️ in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:58:36, 2020-02-11
- @CHThiem No but maybe sexplex? in reply to CHThiem 18:55:31, 2020-02-11
- RT @dobbyloca: "Todos nosotros, si estamos razonablemente cómodos, sanos y seguros, tenemos enormes deudas con el pasado. No hay forma, por… 16:19:54, 2020-02-11
- @ericmbudd How about "Candidates whose commonly used moniker begins with B." in reply to ericmbudd 13:31:41, 2020-02-11
- RT @socialistshawty: the sprint and t-mobile merger is great news for consumers who are looking to pay a little more in exchange for less i… 11:51:36, 2020-02-11
- RT @TheOnion: Sprint, T-Mobile CEOs Merge Into Grotesque Executive Hybrid https://t.co/5v0l2d6qQ7 https://t.co/EijGYX1sVk 11:51:30, 2020-02-11
- I want to believe. https://t.co/QtnHpcrSLT 11:19:52, 2020-02-11
- 300 MB is the equivalent of what, 75,000 pages of text? Tens of thousands of pages worth of "notes on financial sta… https://t.co/GNssI4RAm0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:11:07, 2020-02-11
- It seems nutso to me that all this official regulatory data is published, and then apparently substantially modifie… https://t.co/gIj0cLsCmA in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:02:15, 2020-02-11
- @CatalystCoop Weirdly, it seems that at some point in the last 2 years, @FERC has swapped out their published datab… https://t.co/DaeqB09cDN in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:00:38, 2020-02-11
- So I was about to wipe out my stale local PUDL datastore and replace it with the files we just published in the fir… https://t.co/o6vioyEsIP 10:57:23, 2020-02-11
- I have so much email to do but man do I not want to do it. 10:29:46, 2020-02-11
- RT @MLiebreich: In Dec 2019, I said onshore wind and solar would see world record LCOEs below $10/MWh by 2030. Based on what I'm hearing no… 01:12:54, 2020-02-11
- RT @AkshatRathi: All the catastrophic fire headlines from 2019 add up to this: 7.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide.
After generally declin… 01:09:59, 2020-02-11
- RT @CarbonBrief: NEW – Guest post: Could the Atlantic Overturning Circulation ‘shut down’? | @metoffice https://t.co/ZGJpR2ZBsN https://t.c… 01:08:22, 2020-02-11
- RT @dwallacewells: “Over five months, bushfires along the south-east coast of Australia have blackened an area bigger than Ireland.
They ha… 01:05:42, 2020-02-11 - RT @jbouie: I am at a Pete event and I kid you not, I spoke to an older gentleman who says Buttigieg is “on his wavelength” and whose Mille… 01:02:02, 2020-02-11
- RT @MattBors: Sanders is too divisive and extreme. We need to put forth a billionaire who stumped for Bush and will tear apart the democrat… 00:58:49, 2020-02-11
- RT @CIAGoFundMe: OCTOBER 2020 debate roundup
Pete Buttigieg: my fifteen point plan to eliminate the deficit starts with cutting social sec… 00:58:33, 2020-02-11
- Reagan. We were forced to watch his 2nd swearing in at school. I was in the 3rd grade. https://t.co/cxMiEY16Sq 23:40:55, 2020-02-10
- The US has built a system where the more money you steal, and the more people you cheat and harm, the less likely i… https://t.co/Dr7Sf1RGZR 22:58:21, 2020-02-10
- @ericmbudd @MarkyV https://t.co/iYyZH3JbtD in reply to ericmbudd 22:14:55, 2020-02-10
- @MarkyV @ericmbudd https://t.co/I4vBgtxIce in reply to MarkyV 22:07:49, 2020-02-10
- At this rate, he'll get to 100% in the polls after spending as much as Warren's wealth tax would have cost him over… https://t.co/JIsLwpmW8H 22:02:36, 2020-02-10
- Of the 40 people that @Twitter currently suggests I might want to follow, 37 of them appear to be male. I wish ther… https://t.co/wFZ5j1g63W 21:55:55, 2020-02-10
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/poNu6lf8lS in reply to ericmbudd 21:49:47, 2020-02-10
- RT @erinoverturf: The @EnergyFdn is hiring a Program Director, West Campaigns to build public support for clean energy and climate policies… 21:46:43, 2020-02-10
- @erinoverturf @EnergyFdn @MeredithinCO in reply to erinoverturf 21:46:22, 2020-02-10
- @ericmbudd But will they continue to lose comparable ground to his $2 billion in spending? in reply to ericmbudd 21:39:44, 2020-02-10
- So is it going to be an Oligarch Battle Royale then? The Fossil Barrons vs. The Surveillance Capitalists? Seems lik… https://t.co/inQM8PxtAK 20:45:57, 2020-02-10
- @interfluidity @TrumpWasHere He loved Big Brother. in reply to interfluidity 20:41:53, 2020-02-10
- @ericmbudd March is the snowiest month.
April is the 2nd snowiest month. in reply to ericmbudd 19:34:20, 2020-02-10
- Curious what the climate-focused #YIMBY contingent on here would think about this kind of thing. https://t.co/0SbBGtDkWn 17:58:03, 2020-02-10
- 7 years after @billmckibben's "Terrifying New Math" this remains both a desperate and useful framing of our task. A… https://t.co/WCPeOD3DRS 13:11:36, 2020-02-10
- RT @SarahJamieLewis: @La__Cuen “When [a journalist] asked if I was an activist or a researcher, I told them I was a witch"
One of the thos… 10:39:14, 2020-02-10
- As promised Friday… here are some more details on what all is in the data release, and how you might go about acc… https://t.co/HK1ZOw1YOD 10:30:56, 2020-02-10
- Folks like to quote Justice Brandeis on how the "states are laboratories of democracy" but most people haven't done… https://t.co/94A8zyPVQf 09:39:32, 2020-02-10
- @Yubico Your linked plugin to set up @WordPress for 2FA seems like it might be a bit dated. 400 users, no updates i… https://t.co/5nKiyJuzVd 22:52:07, 2020-02-09
- @drvox tbh this chipper alternative you has been disconcerting. in reply to drvox 21:40:22, 2020-02-09
- The concentration of wealth & CO2 are both problems of stocks and flows.
The structure of the system is set up to… https://t.co/Vqj1Hnn1Ge in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:10:57, 2020-02-09
- Like that "normal" thing that some people want to go back to, it's gone. Tyler doesn't live here any more!
Also, i… https://t.co/47RkpN1gYr in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:04:26, 2020-02-09
- I once spent an evening binge-watching home birth videos on YouTube with a lover. Definitely intense!
Then we move… https://t.co/8YnLwCAi62 18:32:02, 2020-02-09
- This is one of the things I like about both Warren and Bernie. They're ready for a fight, and we need to have a fig… https://t.co/bxSDTm2Fws 18:24:40, 2020-02-09
- As a nerdy atheist kid, I could not get out of small town America fast enough. Left at 17 and never looked back. https://t.co/MlIeoADPNA 18:13:08, 2020-02-09
- RT @vitaincerta: New #HealthDisparities research @JAMANetworkOpen thread ? 1/
7 callers made 804 calls to randomly selected primary care… 18:03:56, 2020-02-09
- So the more money we borrow for the next 10 years, the more fiscally responsible we're being. Right? Especially if… https://t.co/JSx9QlLzbq in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:05:27, 2020-02-09
- Looks like they're negative out to 10 years. 0.15% at 20 years. 0.31% at 30 years… https://t.co/6Cwi8LjoXu in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:55:34, 2020-02-09
- Also aren't real interest rates for the federal government approximately zero? And don't we have a few trillion dol… https://t.co/eecKlqHdwm 16:49:20, 2020-02-09
- @erinoverturf @joshdr83 I've been working on it for a few weeks on the recommendation of a few folks I respect, but… https://t.co/SmW6hCPxl6 in reply to erinoverturf 16:44:39, 2020-02-09
- @ericmbudd ??️??️ in reply to ericmbudd 15:35:53, 2020-02-09
- @drvox Or maybe he likes the trap. Maybe he's part of the trap. Maybe the trap is bipartisan. in reply to drvox 15:35:10, 2020-02-09
- @ericmbudd @CarinaJulig @Denverite Not a turnoff! in reply to ericmbudd 15:30:41, 2020-02-09
- Hice un pozole rojo de Instapot. ¡Este país es un paraíso de chiles! https://t.co/5RXVs9lJg3 14:29:23, 2020-02-09
- @gschivley And an annual all-country, all-transit (bus, train, gondola, ferry, etc.) pass costs like $3500 — less… https://t.co/9cJL43cAtP in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:33:25, 2020-02-09
- RT @destenienock: @TheDeviantDev @BlackWomenPhDs @CarnegieMellon @UMassAmherst 2/2 – The question of merit vs AA never crossed my mind. @ e… 13:27:42, 2020-02-09
- RT @destenienock: @TheDeviantDev @BlackWomenPhDs @CarnegieMellon @UMassAmherst I think the hiring was because I had a 4.0 GPA in electrical… 13:27:04, 2020-02-09
- RT @BlackWomenPhDs: @DestenieNock is an Asst Professor @CarnegieMellon in Engineering & Public Policy. She’s the 1st black woman to be tenu… 13:24:07, 2020-02-09
- RT @destenienock: @TheDeviantDev @BlackWomenPhDs @CarnegieMellon @UMassAmherst 1/2 – You would need to ask my department chair and each per… 13:23:29, 2020-02-09
- @erinoverturf I love cooperative games and wish I'd had them when I was a kid! The competition aspect really put me off games early on. in reply to erinoverturf 13:19:03, 2020-02-09
- @gschivley I really appreciated how in Switzerland, you can take the train and gondolas to and from the skiing. in reply to gschivley 13:13:36, 2020-02-09
- @ericmbudd Episode 12,678. in reply to ericmbudd 12:53:14, 2020-02-09
- @ericmbudd Reminds me of that Bernard Montessier book "Cape Horn: The Logical Route" in reply to ericmbudd 12:52:48, 2020-02-09
- @ericmbudd Wut? Is this not the whole point of the event? in reply to ericmbudd 12:49:52, 2020-02-09
- A Mexican street performer playing Andean pan pipes while wearing a feather headdress and clothes of North American… https://t.co/1zl6lslLLz 10:52:55, 2020-02-09
- RT @CatalystCoop: If you happen to be at @NARUC this week and want to talk about open US electricity data and the new stakeholders it can b… 08:33:15, 2020-02-09
- [Narrator] It was not cool. https://t.co/1eTfo3dKkE 07:59:32, 2020-02-09
- @drvox Ha, sounds like US healthcare too. in reply to drvox 07:58:24, 2020-02-09
- @ericmbudd Maybe he's a bot? in reply to ericmbudd 23:14:00, 2020-02-08
- OMFG two plus two *literally* equals five. https://t.co/MChpMxoX87 22:36:10, 2020-02-08
- @girlziplocked Relatedly, @_HannahRitchie had a wonderful post/dataviz at @OurWorldInData last week looking at the… https://t.co/y0b0gKBscD in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:17:48, 2020-02-08
- @girlziplocked My guess is it's linked to the framing of going veg as a moral or purity issue, and we tend not to g… https://t.co/W7odG4A3ad in reply to girlziplocked 19:16:07, 2020-02-08
- RT @juaki_: durísimo golpe al narcotráfico, gracias valientes policías https://t.co/onmSbRQWPC 19:05:09, 2020-02-08
- And a more different ouch. https://t.co/jQtnF9jnzS 14:49:00, 2020-02-08
- Ouch. https://t.co/80OYP8A4gS 14:45:27, 2020-02-08
- @drvox Here's an atmospheric documentary short about the underground hiphop/rap scene in Chongqing, a city of ~10 m… https://t.co/dFuejRttlU in reply to drvox 14:43:55, 2020-02-08
- @MichaelEWebber @russellgold I really appreciated Blade Runner 2049's depiction of solar deployed at an industrial… https://t.co/9zbWbxIEOM in reply to MichaelEWebber 11:24:13, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd @ElBloombito I feel like we kinda missed the opportunity in 2009 somehow. in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:29:41, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd @ElBloombito Ever the optimist! in reply to ericmbudd 10:28:47, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd @ElBloombito So what year do you think we see the first trillionaire? in reply to ericmbudd 10:26:12, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd @ElBloombito Do you think it become a qualitatively different problem when that level of control can be… https://t.co/AGdI44Yu0U in reply to ericmbudd 10:24:10, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd @ElBloombito Until it all come crashing down around them with pichforks and torches. in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:20:20, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd @ElBloombito And I mean, from a purely financial point of view… it probably makes sense to do so. "Hmm… https://t.co/c3dEVWCmyZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:19:26, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd Yeah. It's nuts. People like @ElBloombito and Bezos and LordZuck could spend a few billion on *every* el… https://t.co/15roPVYOMj in reply to ericmbudd 10:17:28, 2020-02-08
- @TheCharlier Do you think the good urban design aspects are just neglected? Or actively disincentivized in the profession? in reply to TheCharlier 10:12:40, 2020-02-08
- @ericmbudd OUR BILLIONAIRES OUR CHOICE! in reply to ericmbudd 10:11:14, 2020-02-08
- @TheCharlier Honest question: why is this so hard? Like it doesn't seem *that* complex to do these things well (as… https://t.co/njoPtv0XU2 in reply to TheCharlier 09:28:48, 2020-02-08
- "If you look at American health care spending in international terms, you’ll think you’re going insane." –… https://t.co/WySEwNUG98 09:07:42, 2020-02-08
- RT @SachaBaronCohen: We don’t let 1 person control the water for 2.5 billion people.
We don’t let 1 person control electricity for 2.5 bi… 08:59:57, 2020-02-08
- RT @ayanaeliza: WOAH. This answer from @ewarren on racism and how to combat the race wealth gap is so on point. ??
I love her most for he… 08:58:39, 2020-02-08
- RT @LeslieMac: So no one came in third huh? ?? https://t.co/clPXQn1IcO 08:58:26, 2020-02-08
- This has been 5 months in the works! Will tweet more about it on Monday. Really hope it makes the data accessible t… https://t.co/Q8nLeU3U98 17:29:43, 2020-02-07
- RT @Damien_Deluxe: What a shot. #nCoV2019 #coronavirus https://t.co/1NSymvQwOR 09:01:14, 2020-02-07
- RT @jonberland: The woman's screams from inside the box… #NotTheFlu #coronavirus #nCov2019 https://t.co/bzmWf2ovGg 09:01:09, 2020-02-07
- RT @ZackBergerMDPhD: You are in a country that imprisons minorities in concentration camps.
Your leader equates party with country.
How… 07:00:59, 2020-02-07
- Mmmmm. Scandanavian procedural pr0n. https://t.co/MhNkmQzTPs 06:57:11, 2020-02-07
- God I hope this doesn't go sideways like it did in Boulder when we had our first Planning Board hearing on the co-o… https://t.co/yw5Oi1Y2ua 23:18:16, 2020-02-06
- RT @trekonomics: Things are different this year. 23:08:09, 2020-02-06
- A 20 minute snapshot of the modern rap/hiphop scene in Chongqing. A city of 10-30 million people, depending on wher… https://t.co/LfBEsZpjIJ 23:04:31, 2020-02-06
- RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: BREAKING: Two men in first and second place. One man still in fourth. What is this “third place” you speak of? https://t… 22:34:18, 2020-02-06
- RT @heathercorinna: Hey, everybody. I had a rough day today. One part was extra awful. I want to talk about it in this thread. It’s about w… 22:30:01, 2020-02-06
- C'mon y'all. This is not very cooperative. Principle 7: Concern for Community.
- @alfred_twu @interfluidity And iIf 50% or 75% or 90% of residents have arrived in the last 20-30 years, do they abs… https://t.co/jG6lc47n9t in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:19:22, 2020-02-06
- @alfred_twu @interfluidity Sorry, I meant what fraction of each city itself, since the urban population has boomed… https://t.co/If0FJwlUXy in reply to alfred_twu 20:17:36, 2020-02-06
- @bryanlbowen Or… https://t.co/QoaaXvBoOT in reply to bryanlbowen 16:38:09, 2020-02-06
- Oooh, interesting. How does this compare with avoided emissions from direct reduction of iron ore using electrolyze… https://t.co/W9NqoPwAuX 16:02:30, 2020-02-06
- They are in league with the virus, whether they know it or not. https://t.co/2KifQw3woh 15:58:49, 2020-02-06
- RT @ZackBergerMDPhD: Half an hour after @Doc4CampClosure doctors and medical professionals gathered at the @CBP offices in DC, #D4CC leader… 12:22:53, 2020-02-06
- @drvox Wait are you saying paramilitary death squads serve no practical purpose? in reply to drvox 11:38:40, 2020-02-06
- Just 59% to go! https://t.co/t38mWipt8V 11:19:51, 2020-02-06
- @drvox Endless bitter gratitude to Lisa Morzel for showing me the many ways that Yes can really mean No. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:08:33, 2020-02-06
- @drvox It didn't even mention coal or renewables. It was just "If building something new is cheaper than running wh… https://t.co/vKV5Dy0Bon in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:06:00, 2020-02-06
- @drvox And then in the #coleg our bill that would have allowed cheaper electricity with more stable prices in a mor… https://t.co/XxPjn5KFZe in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:03:33, 2020-02-06
- @drvox For almost a decade, we saw an endless parade of NIMBYs who would never outright oppose affordable housing a… https://t.co/WgsGmOZoAX in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:01:56, 2020-02-06
- @drvox I think my personal cynicism on this comes from a combination working on housing policy in Boulder, and tryi… https://t.co/RTyesZbKFx in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:59:56, 2020-02-06
- "The American ship of state becomes a version of the ship of Theseus, replaced plank by plank until very few of the… https://t.co/kdJqlCIuZo 08:54:57, 2020-02-06
- @DrJaneFlegal Sometimes it feels like some weird modern statistical version of Calvinist predetermination. Are we d… https://t.co/JhnVSyjIFS in reply to DrJaneFlegal 07:41:35, 2020-02-06
- @joshdr83 We provided housing for a bunch of Americorps folks over the years at @bhccoops in Boulder and at times i… https://t.co/zWLAR0DJdA in reply to joshdr83 07:36:12, 2020-02-06
- @pepcanadell @GlobalChangeBio Whoa, what is going on with India? in reply to pepcanadell 07:32:22, 2020-02-06
- @interfluidity But what fraction of all these cities have been built in the last 20 years? It may be that the only… https://t.co/gLPkYHjxBc in reply to interfluidity 07:24:50, 2020-02-06
- @GR_G_R Hmm. Seems like it might be out of order. in reply to GR_G_R 23:04:48, 2020-02-05
- @EpiEllie I bed @madprime knows some good ones. What about the survey data collected by @PGorg? in reply to EpiEllie 23:03:04, 2020-02-05
- @seancllns Sadly no, but we want to make something similar, maybe that can be queried via Twitter. in reply to seancllns 22:10:54, 2020-02-05
- @drvox When we finally run out of stones. in reply to drvox 22:07:43, 2020-02-05
- Boooooooo! https://t.co/dU4mNSu1Nv 21:06:37, 2020-02-05
- Bollards need to be able to cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to vehicles. https://t.co/jWlGJp1TS7 20:52:50, 2020-02-05
- It'd be great to know how this works (or not!) on Windows especially (since nobody at @CatalystCoop has a Windows m… https://t.co/PL1cctEXQC 19:01:42, 2020-02-05
- Regarding @drvox's depressive realist take on the GOP's newfound awareness of climate change:… https://t.co/YzFDuHgj5k 17:21:15, 2020-02-05
- RT @crsseviltwin: Les voy a arruinar la representación: ok, es gay, pero también blanco, ex militar, cristiano, moderado (= derecha), q se… 17:17:54, 2020-02-05
- @btx91 @drvox Oh you're too kind. in reply to btx91 17:11:56, 2020-02-05
- @shwinnebego @drvox I think there's the potential for a rapid flip to genuine but insane engagement. I think it'll… https://t.co/YdYRllCG0j in reply to shwinnebego 16:11:23, 2020-02-05
- @drvox So the line of argument that's optimal in terms of preventing or delaying action is no longer denial, it's s… https://t.co/F6c5ZmixPY in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:06:15, 2020-02-05
- @drvox It seems like what's changed is public opinion, not the GOP position. The context that they have to operate… https://t.co/DxOh7v1rIf in reply to drvox 16:03:05, 2020-02-05
- @YIMBYtown Hey I just registered for the conference, but it seemed like only $250 tix were left at Eventbrite. I… https://t.co/Nip7i5pCun 13:31:11, 2020-02-05
- @CHThiem Oh man. I *also* just got asked to review something, related to Catalyst work. I thought I had escaped! in reply to CHThiem 13:16:10, 2020-02-05
- And it would be a super bummer if we unnecessarily prevented ourselves from developing large-scale, dispatchable, z… https://t.co/WT6pG7WsBC in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:35:02, 2020-02-05
- But all in all, it seems like a *relatively* minor risk, compared to others associated with oil and gas production,… https://t.co/xx2Fp6yx1r in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:30:25, 2020-02-05
- Which isn't to say fracking related seismic activity is zero risk — there've been a few times where real damage wa… https://t.co/IiRrgvdgat in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:28:29, 2020-02-05
- This is why I am bothered by fearmongering reports of "thousands" of fracking related earthquakes. Like okay there… https://t.co/bK3rwRIHck 11:26:39, 2020-02-05
- @RealHotTake @MaryHeglar @carolynkor I wonder how much market cap it would take to get them to talk about periods. in reply to RealHotTake 10:28:30, 2020-02-05
- RT @GlobalEcoGuy: A good thread on how making steel can be adapted to very low carbon processes. Good engineering insights from many folks… 10:26:50, 2020-02-05
- Shocked, I tell you. Shocked. https://t.co/w7hwITVaKe 09:47:10, 2020-02-05
- Sometimes I call this kind of strategy "Paying the climate ransom." And sometimes it seems worthwhile, especially i… https://t.co/MBP2BO1lJO in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:07:44, 2020-02-05
- So again, we are going to need financial tools and policies to wipe out that fossil infrastructure quickly.
Should… https://t.co/j8B6h2SWcf in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:05:36, 2020-02-05
- And as with coal plants, gas pipelines, etc. sunk capital stands in the way:
"But even if [we] can get hydrogen-ba… https://t.co/BYaPsRwlF9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:02:52, 2020-02-05
- @croselund @RockyMtnInst Seems like electrolytic hydrogen production for direct reduction of iron ore would be a *g… https://t.co/1TSOzzHmbW in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:59:56, 2020-02-05
- Great overview of ongoing efforts to decarbonize steel & cement production via @croselund and @RockyMtnInst: https://t.co/9A4GXtI7J4 08:58:46, 2020-02-05
- @ericmbudd @alex_burness @shayshinecastle @cmgosnell @meltzere https://t.co/VpmN9n4weg 22:23:07, 2020-02-04
- @edelstudio Dayumn you are fast! in reply to edelstudio 21:55:29, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen And while we're just at the beginning of the project, of course there is the xenoforming of our ho… https://t.co/mUfydIcGCo in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:54:14, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen @neilfws Another thing somewhat in this vein is all the collected records of eclipses from around… https://t.co/wYu5eCoNz4 in reply to michael_nielsen 21:48:34, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen I mean Jeezus, I'm using Dask, which uses Pandas which uses SciPy+Numpy which use LAPACK which was… https://t.co/Oo3xkcUqE5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:42:36, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen I suspect that we will see some software with intergenerational lifetimes. Derivatives of derivati… https://t.co/jQn3cL4ixM in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:34:15, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen Because hell no I don't want to have to rebuild this thing from scratch.
I often wonder what it i… https://t.co/fmRZauCOzm in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:28:58, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen One feature that a lot of these things share, I think, is a maaaaaaasive up front capital investme… https://t.co/IVX3Kv9BtZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:27:09, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen Also the subterranean irrigation canals called Qanats, developed by the Persians originally ~2500… https://t.co/eMrtSeQr16 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:24:44, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen Also: the cooperatively managed irrigation / terracing systems in Bali, more than 1000 years old,… https://t.co/OIn1SP7LXw in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:17:27, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen Chinese too I would imagine!
There are also some very long term infrastructure maintenance projec… https://t.co/1N9BNDolth in reply to michael_nielsen 21:13:21, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen There's a bunch of medieval universities, some nearing 1000 years old now, like Oxford. And here's… https://t.co/PoCTdB4wwa in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:07:29, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen The project is ongoing after 9,000 years with corn in Mexico: https://t.co/XZYTFUrn7R in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:53:44, 2020-02-04
- @michael_nielsen Domestication and breeding of wild plants to create crops? in reply to michael_nielsen 20:51:25, 2020-02-04
- RT @rgunns: oh hell no https://t.co/Wq3mWEmnXk 20:41:21, 2020-02-04
- Paper on the hydrogen reduction process: https://t.co/MWFm5W29UR in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:38:41, 2020-02-04
- RT @efra_tzuc: ¿Alguien en esta sala de chat me pude orientar sobre descarga masiva de documentos en PDF con R?
Muy amables. 20:29:58, 2020-02-04
- @efra_tzuc @NicHuete Quizás @tacosdedatos? in reply to efra_tzuc 20:29:46, 2020-02-04
- @joshdr83 And then in the second, if the carbon is actually going into the steel, how efficient can that be made? L… https://t.co/pbcLjl0gn1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:23:52, 2020-02-04
- @joshdr83 Is it true that there are two separate roles played by carbon in steel making? One as a reducing agent in… https://t.co/x5wwaaGr7b in reply to joshdr83 20:22:26, 2020-02-04
- @tmstreet @ericmbudd ????? in reply to tmstreet 18:45:30, 2020-02-04
- Wow, he's gonna plute right out there in the open. https://t.co/igjM2rG9A4 18:08:54, 2020-02-04
- @CHThiem Wow, they must not be very optimistic about TVAP Phase II to do that right now. in reply to CHThiem 17:22:35, 2020-02-04
- Another company in this space is Boston Metal, using molten oxide electrolysis: https://t.co/8Z8dCpIsqf
https://t.co/XiFRBX2rHe in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:21:17, 2020-02-04 - English info here. Also they apparently have operations in Iowa.
https://t.co/R4cef7me12 https://t.co/3UKbccrzOW 17:00:11, 2020-02-04
- Still not tired of winning. https://t.co/pseKwwROXQ 16:55:37, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd Sometimes it seems like every opportunity for positive change in the world — no matter how awesome, or… https://t.co/gqAQWHxHoZ in reply to ericmbudd 16:04:00, 2020-02-04
- But maybe they can take the fight outside with the lumberjacks. https://t.co/RDF88rnxus in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:36:31, 2020-02-04
- Kinda feels like the concrete industry is really trying to speak directly to the toxic masculinity endemic in the b… https://t.co/SqVbJdXQp3 15:33:29, 2020-02-04
- I would not have guessed that "douchecanoe" was in the @OED but here we are.
https://t.co/2fUNwGDSpN https://t.co/k5hgpqvGvo 15:17:28, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd You're not stuck in traffic. in reply to ericmbudd 15:11:38, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd For everyone to be a statistics expert, you must also be a statistics expert. in reply to ericmbudd 15:09:08, 2020-02-04
- @_HannahRitchie my god what a douchecanoe. in reply to _HannahRitchie 15:07:57, 2020-02-04
- @ZackBergerMDPhD Oh man I used Google Translate when I was in physical therapy in Turkey last year and the one col… https://t.co/sQutFZFFjm in reply to ZackBergerMDPhD 14:17:59, 2020-02-04
- "Architectures of Constraint" sounds like it would be a good @NaomiOreskes title.
Probably also gonna be popular t… https://t.co/RBtJPvTTCo 14:16:05, 2020-02-04
- @drvox This reminds me of some of the single-payer healthcare policy discussion in that Vox series on global health… https://t.co/gtvwekuzLY in reply to drvox 14:03:56, 2020-02-04
- Yet another great writeup/dataviz from @_HannahRitchie https://t.co/ZFTh5gXqUt 12:26:44, 2020-02-04
- @drvox @SarahTaber_bww is probably the best person to have a good take on this. in reply to drvox 12:19:39, 2020-02-04
- @Thatmushroom @ericmbudd Hah, yes also that. in reply to Thatmushroom 12:14:32, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd Less than 5% controlled by fossil fuel companies? in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:52:58, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd Passively managed by algorithms. in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:12:50, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd I like my democracy like I like my mutual funds. in reply to ericmbudd 11:05:42, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd @CatalystCoop In some less tragic timeline maybe Schlumberger pivoted to developing enhanced geothermal… https://t.co/759dVMR3lp in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:08:04, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd No no no, why do that when we're already halfway to banning snow instead? in reply to ericmbudd 09:56:42, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd I hope/suspect that the fossil infrastructure securitization and capital recycling tools that… https://t.co/jLKKIxHXtJ in reply to ericmbudd 09:55:18, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd Though at least those countries have the money to burn. These plants will be sold for scrap long before… https://t.co/JPaPbjKlTJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:52:14, 2020-02-04
- @ericmbudd Yeah. Japan and Germany both. It's tragic. in reply to ericmbudd 09:45:55, 2020-02-04
- I really should have just gone ahead and learned how to use @Docker before embarking on this data release.
Next time. 09:41:29, 2020-02-04
- @EIAgov Hey is there a direct link to your RTO/ISO data user survey that would be appropriate for sharing? Or is it… https://t.co/2MHMf0LVsx 09:38:30, 2020-02-04
- @Oxfam Somewhat more recent data in a similar vein from @_HannahRitchie at @OurWorldInData https://t.co/WTu0mUUJ28 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:34:10, 2020-02-04
- This is an insane assertion — both currently and historically, the wealthiest people are overwhelmingly responsibl… https://t.co/TCK7UogpJf 09:32:43, 2020-02-04
- RT @CatalystCoop: ? Welcome to #EnergyTwitter @karldw_ ?
Karl is a PhD student at Berkeley, and did almost all the work of integrating the… 09:27:13, 2020-02-04
- This would be *especially* awesome if all the data gets US Govt. public domain licensing, rather than the patchwork… https://t.co/5fRWldx6SC 08:52:54, 2020-02-04
- RT @dril: Keep an eye on "Apps", in 2013 and beyond. 23:33:53, 2020-02-03
- Well we are off to a great start this year aren't we. https://t.co/RqVoAemBck 23:32:39, 2020-02-03
- @ericmbudd There's no way they could do it again after this is there? in reply to ericmbudd 23:21:17, 2020-02-03
- @nonprofit_hoe Also it's somehow great that the lefty firebrands in this election are in their 70s. Like what happened to poor Petey? in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:00:04, 2020-02-03
- @nonprofit_hoe Just say No. in reply to nonprofit_hoe 21:52:34, 2020-02-03
- @holz_bau I would not have figured you for the "open carry" type. in reply to holz_bau 21:41:07, 2020-02-03
- @KendraWrites It's a fucking obsession, the economic impacts. Even in the NYT coverage I feel like it's been half t… https://t.co/BxtVlMfugD in reply to KendraWrites 20:03:02, 2020-02-03
- @nikkibot @MichaelBennet I mean, *I'm* not going to tell him. in reply to nikkibot 19:50:33, 2020-02-03
- @CostaSamaras And then there was the (carnivorous) bike vs. the (vegan) car thing that blew up in 2016… https://t.co/BPmwKeAXHr in reply to CostaSamaras 19:49:13, 2020-02-03
- @MateoCrosby (and I only know these things because I was on the Transporation Advisory Board at the time) in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:53:36, 2020-02-03
- @MateoCrosby Boulder *does* know how to do confusing signage.
That button law is… not great. Sadly some pedestri… https://t.co/ZplfB62rHf in reply to MateoCrosby 18:51:48, 2020-02-03
- @MateoCrosby This isn't true. Bikes are allowed to use crosswalks in Colorado, though Boulder did impose a 8 mph sp… https://t.co/YnlxGAcXJF in reply to MateoCrosby 18:45:27, 2020-02-03
- Wait @MichaelBennet is still running for president? 17:42:07, 2020-02-03
- @ericmbudd But still looking good naked. in reply to ericmbudd 16:30:12, 2020-02-03
- @DavidPomerantz Similarly, Donald Shoup was able to see how free parking is an unmitigated urban clusterfuck becaus… https://t.co/p2pZnhY1z0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:20:34, 2020-02-03
- @DavidPomerantz I just wanted to bang my head into the wall throughout the entire book.
Basically anyone who looks… https://t.co/ERMhOKqTtG in reply to DavidPomerantz 12:18:14, 2020-02-03
- @DavidPomerantz And a very similar kind of thing is happening now, in the capture of regulatory mindshare / framing… https://t.co/K00LfQhjxh in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:45:01, 2020-02-03
- @DavidPomerantz I.e. since the day it was possible to know this, we have known it.
But this understanding was anat… https://t.co/4TBGWohyMI in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:42:44, 2020-02-03
- @DavidPomerantz I highly recommend Peter D. Norton's book "Fighting Traffic" about the advent of urban motordom bet… https://t.co/6vITaXSDlC in reply to DavidPomerantz 11:40:16, 2020-02-03
- RT @Phineas: Remember, Marcus Aurelius has already absolved you of the duty of having a take https://t.co/hLSNy7a5OB 09:03:56, 2020-02-03
- "Science does not say we should do things." https://t.co/ZpKmPw9z2V 09:01:52, 2020-02-03
- @Olivia_R_Will The Grácia neighborhood of Barcelona is my favorite urban experience so far. Almost entirely pedestr… https://t.co/II5OKbL2RT in reply to Olivia_R_Will 23:49:06, 2020-02-02
- RT @judesantopietro: OAXACA:
Vengan al performance de mi reciente libro de poesía #Tiawanaku? (trad. #IlanaLuna, @OrcaLibros)
Los espero en… 22:13:45, 2020-02-02 - Er, rather apparently I now meant @holz_bau in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:38:51, 2020-02-02
- RT @awalkerinLA: Remember all those things I was saying that electric vehicles don't actually do?
https://t.co/vMDKg7HKYH 20:36:28, 2020-02-02 - RT @awalkerinLA: People are asking: Aren't EV Hummers or Mustangs or Porsches better?
❌EVs won't stop 40,000 deaths per year
❌EVs won't en… 20:36:06, 2020-02-02 - RT @awalkerinLA: @TransAlt @jessiesingernyc @DrTaraGoddard This idea that EVs are now going to get advertised with the "same delirious irra… 20:35:34, 2020-02-02
- RT @awalkerinLA: @TransAlt @jessiesingernyc @DrTaraGoddard Here we go. This Porsche ad has all the quintessential dangerous driving, lots o… 20:35:26, 2020-02-02
- RT @DrTaraGoddard: I probably won't be watching the Super Bowl, but if you are, can you please note how many car ads there are, and how man… 20:34:50, 2020-02-02
- The only Über Bowel content I am here for: https://t.co/LEMmkPMoTr 20:33:53, 2020-02-02
- Does anyone have neighborhood or larger scale imagery for what an all mass-timber, car-free urban environment would… https://t.co/VnITflH8Pn 19:34:33, 2020-02-02
- RT @carlzimmer: The NPR reporter told the truth. https://t.co/Iekturkii3 19:05:52, 2020-02-02
- The tactic described in this thread unfortunately seems to generalize to getting away with almost anything. https://t.co/yL325xLNfo 18:49:36, 2020-02-02
- RT @existentialcoms: Remember last Superbowl when the richest man alive spent millions of dollars on ad to let us all know his we should tr… 18:45:22, 2020-02-02
- Like yes of course if we construct the system such that one kind of housing tenancy is structurally disempowered so… https://t.co/CWx1FthZbB in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:02:46, 2020-02-02
- This is such a bizarre argument. Why not just change the rules so that renters aren't constantly getting screwed?
"… https://t.co/1TcoUtzqZM 16:58:58, 2020-02-02 - @interfluidity @foxjust Have you looked at Swiss mortgages? They seem unique — if I understand correctly a big par… https://t.co/zHIZhEvDNn in reply to interfluidity 16:52:03, 2020-02-02
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/kUDyaQCVuu in reply to ericmbudd 15:06:20, 2020-02-02
- Whenever I get a new follower on here that I admire or fear, I stalk myself by scrolling back through my last few d… https://t.co/VMiAwI12Bc 13:10:44, 2020-02-02
- Ironically, my 2000th follower is @postgrowth. 11:07:16, 2020-02-02
- @egies @KendraWrites It's not news, but @LupaApp lets you listen to @radioambulante stories at different speeds, an… https://t.co/ZaWwQfkZ2K in reply to egies 11:02:43, 2020-02-02
- Hard to imagine a world where smallpox still runs amok, but plenty of people alive today lived in that world. https://t.co/KOhrJGLFLR 10:02:45, 2020-02-02
- Also strangely it could *only* be used with induction heating. But in an #ElectrifyEverything future that probably… https://t.co/HglijhmHDl in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:56:56, 2020-02-02
- I mean it kind of seems like magic — you could get the energy into the cooking vessel non-thermally, and then keep… https://t.co/AErcx2GENK in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:47:44, 2020-02-02
- @CHThiem Hmm. But then what's the flipside, when you start seeing the docks disappear? in reply to CHThiem 09:39:31, 2020-02-02
- Has anybody made a vacuum insulated, electric induction pressure cooker? Like a hybrid between an induction range,… https://t.co/vtPcKm8Rqd 09:38:08, 2020-02-02
- RT @simon_deliver: 99 smartphones are transported in a handcart to generate virtual traffic jam in Google Maps. Through this activity, it i… 08:39:56, 2020-02-02
- And the link is here, btw: https://t.co/YlxjLS7UMJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:43:44, 2020-02-01
- RT @bobwyman: "It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." – W. Edwards Deming https://t.co/2u0Gu8RTQ0 23:42:10, 2020-02-01
- RT @KendraWrites: Anyway, friendly reminder that economic systems are supposed to serve human wellbeing not the other way round.
We tend… 23:36:21, 2020-02-01
- RT @ThadCulley: Hot take on 2050 announcements part 3:
IOU: Hey everyone, we are going on a diet! We are going to lose 50 pounds in the… 19:20:07, 2020-02-01
- RT @ElephantEating: I know energy people complain about this (energy source vs. energy carrier) all the time, but it is the same as if some… 18:50:40, 2020-02-01
- RT @croselund: Last night at the hotel bar I hung out with a couple of oil and gas guys. "Horizontal drilling"; shale is what brought them… 18:46:06, 2020-02-01
- RT @ZackBergerMDPhD: Good health wishes to everyone in China including the million Muslims in concentration camps
祝却中国人健康好,包括在集中营的穆斯林 17:21:28, 2020-02-01
- @drvox @mattyglesias Y'all should get together and do a satirical one for Trump as well. in reply to drvox 17:13:58, 2020-02-01
- "Coal production off the charts in 2020!"
But in a good way. https://t.co/MmQy9Mg1qF 17:13:11, 2020-02-01
- @ElephantEating Wow, best repurposing of pointlessly high ceilings ever! in reply to ElephantEating 16:35:07, 2020-02-01
- Same. https://t.co/3ILlFhDLTi 16:24:49, 2020-02-01
- For years I thought this didn't apply if you had somewhat more complicated taxes like I did — self employment inco… https://t.co/aAZ3PSJfLE 14:47:35, 2020-02-01
- @arvindpawan1 @gschivley @RichardMeyerDC Ha, "logic" in reply to arvindpawan1 13:06:25, 2020-02-01
- @arvindpawan1 @gschivley @RichardMeyerDC MMmmmmBTU too. Because M is the Roman numeral for "thousand" so MM is a thousand thousand, right? in reply to arvindpawan1 13:01:26, 2020-02-01
- Maybe even more, it's the institutions and centers of economic and political power that have grown up around, and o… https://t.co/V11c1l4pJy in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:11:25, 2020-02-01
- And usually, what we have to change isn't just our mindset — it's the rules and norms that have oozed out into our… https://t.co/oO4e8UT9Y9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:08:39, 2020-02-01
- And doing so *relative to the status quo* looks unfair to some people. But the status quo advantages some things, a… https://t.co/sTL9Gggtru in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:06:50, 2020-02-01
- There are other internally self-consistent policy universes that can and do exist, where cooperatives and other kin… https://t.co/LEnEzsyryz in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:04:38, 2020-02-01
- When we give easy financing and tax breaks to private equity and other extractive capital enterprises, and design o… https://t.co/KBR1lLDU07 in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:01:52, 2020-02-01
- In the long run the loan guarantees would have been pretty much zero cost, and would have enabled member-focused in… https://t.co/Vkjso47Lcr in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:59:23, 2020-02-01
- And then second, after a couple of years, they just cancelled all the loan guarantees, rendering all the health ins… https://t.co/kDDPlrQIb7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:56:19, 2020-02-01
- GOP sabotaged all this in at least 2 ways. First, they made it illegal for the co-ops to use any of these startup f… https://t.co/0Y8OPHWpky in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:55:03, 2020-02-01
- So to start up a new insurer, you need a mountain of cash — or at least access to a mountain of cash in the event… https://t.co/1rvbhW4Gyy in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:53:13, 2020-02-01
- Being an insurance company means having a pile of assets from which you can pay claims. Inflow of premiums needs –… https://t.co/PAS8Ykg2LU in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:50:38, 2020-02-01
- One (sad) example of this that I went through: the ACA enabled health insurance cooperatives, like @COHealthOP, whi… https://t.co/2yAYJc89ik in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:48:29, 2020-02-01
- And sometimes that means bootstrapping new institutions into existence — there are things that can persist and thr… https://t.co/cufUUexc8T in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:45:07, 2020-02-01
- Like it's not just that people don't think or want to create co-ops or employee owned companies, or work with credi… https://t.co/rQcCeCNzYF in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:43:21, 2020-02-01
- It'd be great to have this kind of diversity in the institutions that and orgs that make up our economy, and I thin… https://t.co/uZIpsHX4h1 10:39:50, 2020-02-01
- "As we think about how to deal with climate change, the line between ambition and delusion is not at all sharp." –… https://t.co/PPHqAbMlCp 08:46:16, 2020-02-01
- It's all just so Roman. Sycophants in the Senate making procedural motions and fawning speeches about Caesar, Frien… https://t.co/nOoJrebzC0 20:57:43, 2020-01-31
- RT @maryannehitt: This is bananas. Duke Energy can’t get a closely watched solar project on the grid b/c it can’t get permission *from itse… 20:47:32, 2020-01-31
- @tweedsio @CatalystCoop And then by happy coincidence, @YIMBYtown is happening the very next week, in the same chur… https://t.co/32H6KEWRyz in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:37:41, 2020-01-31
- Excited to be heading to @tweedsio in #PDX March 27-28 to present on @CatalystCoop's PUDL project and learn from a… https://t.co/nBqm7zwU6r 17:35:47, 2020-01-31
- @bitsweat Man that all sounds so nice, and like things I've never really known. in reply to bitsweat 16:50:54, 2020-01-31
- @interfluidity Somebody needs a nice new aluminum baseball bat for Christmas. in reply to interfluidity 16:06:52, 2020-01-31
- @JacquelynGill And they sound so magical in the long subarctic twilights. *swloooon* in reply to JacquelynGill 13:28:09, 2020-01-31
- *sigh* https://t.co/RFabtcuMQC 13:04:20, 2020-01-31
- @kevpluck Wow, that seems kinda short. I wonder how long my pants last. in reply to kevpluck 10:15:04, 2020-01-31
- Burn 'em to the ground and salt the earth. https://t.co/jgzaFT85zc 21:52:15, 2020-01-30
- @MaryHeglar @amywestervelt Well y'all must be doing something right then! in reply to MaryHeglar 16:55:20, 2020-01-30
- Now I get a cookie. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:42:50, 2020-01-30
- @drvox Sounded like a decent porn intro there for a sec. in reply to drvox 14:40:59, 2020-01-30
- Well, Happy Birthday to me. https://t.co/G5k04lp9ij 14:23:49, 2020-01-30
- It does seem like cheating is frequently the rational thing to do, if we learn from those who've done well anyway. https://t.co/Z4OqN5s9mh 09:31:24, 2020-01-30
- I think this is esp. interesting in the context of fossil fuel divestment convo: as w/ tobacco, divestment *could*… https://t.co/vEA7LTyI8W 08:45:21, 2020-01-30
- RT @grescoe: To hell, where it belongs. https://t.co/uMA5scEG4V 08:40:45, 2020-01-30
- @ericmbudd Who needs addresses when Amazon just uses your GPS coordinates to select the nearest delivery kiosk, and… https://t.co/476ZhGGqgI in reply to ericmbudd 08:32:33, 2020-01-30
- @ericmbudd thousands? in reply to ericmbudd 19:44:49, 2020-01-29
- If you thought *losing* a 25 year long lawsuit against a $200+ billion corporation would be unpleasant, well, this… https://t.co/EPLMLs4UeN 16:07:10, 2020-01-29
- Just from the point of view of pedagogy, having the same number of senators as there are "percents" is very confusi… https://t.co/xZBcVbV2Wu 12:37:33, 2020-01-29
- On one hand, it seems odd to freak out about a disease that's infected ~10,000 & killed ~100, when (say) cars will… https://t.co/3VKwK1dIUw 11:25:13, 2020-01-29
- Interesting look at Exxon financials from @ieefa_institute explaining how you can tell dropping stock price is beca… https://t.co/TReBsno4Oa 10:33:37, 2020-01-29
- It's like we're scamming ourselves. https://t.co/ESyuJxnFrJ 09:30:49, 2020-01-29
- @DoctorVive @annajanejoyner Whenever I start getting into long discussions about it with someone newly interested -… https://t.co/CLZw3Ft3we in reply to DoctorVive 14:58:44, 2020-01-28
- RT @ANARTAME5344335: Oaxaca capital https://t.co/YArqsL5yga 11:59:06, 2020-01-28
- @ericmbudd @bouldercounty Boooooooooo. in reply to ericmbudd 09:59:49, 2020-01-28
- @ericmbudd Especially given that they are the chipper, shining faces of a totalitarian, technocratic, consumer oligarchy. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:41:28, 2020-01-28
- @ericmbudd I think this is only going to get weirder. These shared collective artificial personalities that million… https://t.co/cl7ipacWF2 in reply to ericmbudd 09:40:23, 2020-01-28
- Things like this seem outrageous. But then later, they often somehow end up seeming normal. How far can we slide in… https://t.co/TWmbJqbzd0 09:23:37, 2020-01-28
- RT @ntnsndr: @fileneresearch @MehrsaBaradaran For instance: a revenue-neutral public fund that lends to credit unions for organizing campai… 21:21:18, 2020-01-27
- RT @claytoncubitt: "To avoid the draconian locks that John Deere puts on the tractors they buy, farmers throughout America's heartland have… 17:32:42, 2020-01-27
- @drvox Solar panels. in reply to drvox 15:39:01, 2020-01-27
- Todavía me sorpresa de cuales cosas me dan el sentido de que estoy *viviendo* y no viajando en el extranjero. Espec… https://t.co/xGCQXiRkIQ 14:43:00, 2020-01-27
- @tweedsio hey, do y'all have any sense of when decisions might be made on who gets to attend in Portland? Feeling a… https://t.co/fGeMbZEF7P 14:05:27, 2020-01-27
- @ericmbudd @AaronBrockett12 If only we could prioritize "local" food in the sense that… you can walk to get it. in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:48:32, 2020-01-27
- @ericmbudd @AaronBrockett12 Bummer. Esp. given that driving to/from grocery store emits about the same GHGs as all… https://t.co/sdy9GPE8Nn in reply to ericmbudd 13:00:41, 2020-01-27
- @ericmbudd Especially nutty w/ the 50% affordable Holiday 'hood right up there. in reply to ericmbudd 12:58:01, 2020-01-27
- An ortholinear split ergonomic keyboard in a solid maple case? Niche manufacturing generates a bunch of interesting… https://t.co/arfsOk8mLD 12:00:12, 2020-01-27
- @ericmbudd Well that will help with the plague of jobs I guess. in reply to ericmbudd 11:56:59, 2020-01-27
- @a66mike99 @netflix @Caltech @Oxitec All of which reminds me… I really need to get a mosquito net for my bed. in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:04:25, 2020-01-27
- @a66mike99 @netflix @Caltech @Oxitec There was a good @longnow debate between @DrewEndy and Jim Thomas (in which it… https://t.co/GgdlwYDXIt in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:59:19, 2020-01-27
- @a66mike99 @netflix @Caltech @Oxitec Some research suggests that mosquito-borne illnesses have killed half of all t… https://t.co/BDLChV9Ftx in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:52:30, 2020-01-27
- @a66mike99 @netflix @Caltech @Oxitec But it would be surprising to me if there *weren't* some unexpected consequenc… https://t.co/5Pz1iDso3W in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:50:16, 2020-01-27
- @a66mike99 @netflix @Caltech @Oxitec I don't think it's the kind of thing that we can prevent from being done, long… https://t.co/0L729LMme6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:47:50, 2020-01-27
- @a66mike99 @netflix I have friends who have been working on it, first at @Caltech in Bruce Hay's lab, and now at… https://t.co/PxIszuJwLe in reply to a66mike99 10:45:48, 2020-01-27
- The @Netflix #Pandemic series is eerily well timed, and so far an interesting exploration of vaccine research, vari… https://t.co/RbhhVYZyOs 08:43:35, 2020-01-27
- RT @MaryHeglar: In order to “adapt” to a climate that has warmed by 1.5 degrees, you have to hold it to 1.5 degrees. Same for 2 degrees. Or… 08:32:47, 2020-01-27
- Okay like this but for infrastructure. https://t.co/Dc2b2BpC31 22:38:12, 2020-01-26
- @MaryHeglar As close to aliens as we're gonna get in this lifetime! in reply to MaryHeglar 22:36:58, 2020-01-26
- @ericmbudd But isn't there some overall conservation of wealth? Or is wealth going to be destroyed? Or is it just t… https://t.co/5A6W7SHHny in reply to ericmbudd 11:32:16, 2020-01-26
- @bryanlbowen @ericmbudd Wait is that satire? in reply to bryanlbowen 16:53:00, 2020-01-25
- @bryanlbowen Just an extra 2.0 FAR. So close, and yet so FAR away. in reply to bryanlbowen 16:52:21, 2020-01-25
- @johnrobb Blog post w/ background: https://t.co/kaBj3Jf146 in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:03:38, 2020-01-25
- A real time #coronavirus outbreak dashboard from Johns Hopkins. via @johnrobb https://t.co/FUZB3jwIQ8 16:03:17, 2020-01-25
- And even if it's true, it's a crappy kind of "ahead" to be. https://t.co/U8fMBRDAUa 15:57:20, 2020-01-25
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek I don't like being unsure whether I'm exhausted because I'm sick, because I haven't eaten… https://t.co/URiKzGBJE1 in reply to ericmbudd 15:48:04, 2020-01-25
- And I haven't been particularly careful… for better or worse. Hopefully past the worst of it. in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:09:47, 2020-01-25
- Finally ate something after having nothing but water and juice since Thursday morning. It's been a year since I got… https://t.co/0aSn6WSvdT 14:08:05, 2020-01-25
- Somehow extra weird to follow the #coronavirus news after having spent months playing a long Pandemic Legacy campai… https://t.co/KAFxh8iQOJ 13:41:48, 2020-01-25
- RT @DynamicWebPaige: I was a lucky, lonesome, curious kid growing up in the middle of nowhere, who had access to an Apple ][.
Computers an… 13:33:39, 2020-01-25
- RT @AlexandriaV2005: Hey media, I have another issue and I'm just gonna come out and say it. Please stop referring to youth climate activis… 13:27:20, 2020-01-25
- @drvox The only place I've stayed in SD was Ocean Beach, and it was enjoyable. Relatively walkable, nice food co-op… https://t.co/sgts9iTGCi in reply to drvox 12:56:17, 2020-01-25
- @drvox I would not call it swimmable in the winter, personally. Can be nice on hot days in the summer, but even then it's cool. in reply to drvox 12:55:04, 2020-01-25
- @CHThiem After the climate apocalypse, all the parking will be free.
But especially at the ski resorts. in reply to CHThiem 10:58:25, 2020-01-25
- @ericmbudd Ahh, solar parking lots. in reply to ericmbudd 10:51:53, 2020-01-25
- RT @PeterBrannen1: Geology has done more than any field to help me comprehend the gravity of the climate crisis. And much of what we know a… 12:45:18, 2020-01-24
- @DavidPomerantz The P is for Plute? in reply to DavidPomerantz 09:05:14, 2020-01-24
- Tengo que irme más en bici. https://t.co/Qe2R7an2UF 17:28:23, 2020-01-23
- @otherlab "Then the Sun calls the shots. Remember that." in reply to otherlab 17:26:42, 2020-01-23
- @bolderbekah @ericmbudd There is no i in team! in reply to bolderbekah 17:22:37, 2020-01-23
- @ericmbudd Oh come on 150,000,000,000 is still a finite number. in reply to ericmbudd 16:16:03, 2020-01-23
- @Thatmushroom @ericmbudd Ah okay so they're basically just increasing the occupancy limit to 8? That's much better… https://t.co/Phj9yBzqPW in reply to Thatmushroom 16:15:03, 2020-01-23
- And "Nobody wants to make new housing co-ops" when the application is 100 pages long, costs $1000, takes 4 months t… https://t.co/nSbgZoSYS8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:53:43, 2020-01-23
- See also: "Nobody wants to ride transit" that runs infrequently, isn't on time, gets stuck in traffic because there… https://t.co/IV8itzBiYL in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:50:28, 2020-01-23
- A friend of mine who does online education highly recommended these online courses about climate change from the UN… https://t.co/FCnRtdzlSU 15:48:03, 2020-01-23
- Hmm. Like the "See, millennials don't want to live in cities." argument? The cities where creation of new housing h… https://t.co/0uEZCkjAFP 15:46:26, 2020-01-23
- And The Waters Will Come. https://t.co/Lw3lXtWkaG 14:38:20, 2020-01-23
- Seems like the only time this happens is with universal conscription or a draft of some kind. https://t.co/ROAxxw0yqP 11:37:04, 2020-01-23
- @choldgraf Currently doing a documentation review for new release of our utility data software, and it feels like a slog. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:55:03, 2020-01-23
- @choldgraf Definitely agree! in reply to choldgraf 09:53:14, 2020-01-23
- @ericmbudd They're just letting the system relax to a new equilibrium. in reply to ericmbudd 09:52:38, 2020-01-23
- @cmgosnell Wut? https://t.co/Tg8OsQg7FC 22:18:10, 2020-01-22
- @PCarewGeo @todrobbins @CatalystCoop @LaughLax We have a script that can extract all of the FERC Form 1 databases a… https://t.co/LJSc2u5IMu in reply to PCarewGeo 22:11:15, 2020-01-22
- @todrobbins @CatalystCoop @LaughLax @PCarewGeo We use this data to support advocates who are arguing to state regul… https://t.co/iUzs5tvkB1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:51:28, 2020-01-22
- @todrobbins @CatalystCoop @LaughLax @PCarewGeo Not *this* data I think. It's on the production side, and details th… https://t.co/6NW65p3Fn0 in reply to todrobbins 16:50:32, 2020-01-22
- Or put another way, in order for the US to be carbon neutral by 2050, on average natural gas needs to lose at least… https://t.co/Z0gLd4igPF 15:16:52, 2020-01-22
- @LaughLax @PCarewGeo @CatalystCoop Oh we have plenty of pain to share alright, and a laundry list of data tasks we'… https://t.co/rMRBk3gAkA in reply to LaughLax 14:53:17, 2020-01-22
- @SpenceEnergyUT Maybe this is too long / general but I really liked Smil's Making the Modern World just for an over… https://t.co/X1tNJYdKG5 in reply to SpenceEnergyUT 12:43:26, 2020-01-22
- @gschivley I'm not immediately seeing the transmission line data in there, is it not under "utility" data? in reply to gschivley 11:01:59, 2020-01-22
- RT @CatalystCoop: Gradually, and then all at once. https://t.co/nxovhMwlXW 09:33:56, 2020-01-22
- @Olivia_R_Will Oh oh, now do housing co-ops! in reply to Olivia_R_Will 09:28:39, 2020-01-22
- @CHThiem @cesargalicia_ I can't imagine why! in reply to CHThiem 09:23:08, 2020-01-22
- I would probably move back to Apple from Linux if this was integrated into the platform. https://t.co/pQo1X6ZRwx 22:39:12, 2020-01-21
- @CHThiem So you're saying one of your kids might be dating before anybody moves in there? in reply to CHThiem 22:35:36, 2020-01-21
- @ericmbudd @EcofiltroMexico I suspect there are huge markets available to them in places with heretofore unreliable… https://t.co/hZkApCw3j2 in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:44:43, 2020-01-21
- @ericmbudd Like I tried to order a 5-gallon clay water filter from @EcofiltroMexico directly and it required a loca… https://t.co/DqCePsWqVl in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:43:28, 2020-01-21
- @ericmbudd In other blaming Jeff Bezos news Amazon Mexico is… disarmingly fast and reliable. And does not care wh… https://t.co/hUcVcS6Buc in reply to ericmbudd 16:39:45, 2020-01-21
- @cesargalicia_ @CHThiem si vas a pasar por CDMX… in reply to cesargalicia_ 16:37:55, 2020-01-21
- @ericmbudd Can we blame Jeff Bezos? in reply to ericmbudd 16:36:31, 2020-01-21
- @ericmbudd Oh dang, and they *just* opened the SoBo location. in reply to ericmbudd 16:36:12, 2020-01-21
- @KevinSLeahy @akornblatt It does seem wild that the oil & gas industry has been granted a blanket exemption from ma… https://t.co/LgPyGYqOaZ in reply to KevinSLeahy 16:32:42, 2020-01-21
- However, according to @USDOT “There isn’t anything specifically preventing them from doing that. Testing is the res… https://t.co/V8vw68Lviq in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:12:49, 2020-01-21
- A truck carrying >270,000 picocuries of radium-226 must display a radioactivity symbol & meet HazMat requirements.… https://t.co/nQxc00lJ8S in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:11:12, 2020-01-21
- "Radioactive oil-and-gas waste is purposely spread on roadways around the country. The industry pawns off brine — o… https://t.co/tgNz4R26rs in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:03:38, 2020-01-21
- “Pipes still laden with radioactivity were donated by the industry and reused to build community playgrounds.” https://t.co/nJihIKdWxK 15:03:04, 2020-01-21
- Cc: @thmscwlls @CHThiem https://t.co/Q72ybpqnXP 14:34:46, 2020-01-21
- @ericmbudd Well thankfully as we know from Boulder City Council meetings all the best policy gets made between midnight and 5am. in reply to ericmbudd 12:19:10, 2020-01-21
- @ericmbudd But is it possible to obstruct congress when half of congress wants to be obstructed? in reply to ericmbudd 12:12:33, 2020-01-21
- So it's the disease-allied flying monkey brigades against humanity then. https://t.co/21d8AJIEcV 12:09:36, 2020-01-21
- Automatic pipeline approvals, granting eminent domain + endless procedural delays for anyone who wants to appeal th… https://t.co/I4o2QFMTaz 10:49:53, 2020-01-21
- @ntnsndr @Sci_hub is very good about not sending spam. in reply to ntnsndr 10:42:19, 2020-01-21
- @drvox What is it exactly that you don't like about the idea of writing a book? in reply to drvox 09:31:10, 2020-01-21
- RT @DrJenGunter: My recent @TEDTalks where I explain why we have such heavy periods, discuss menstruation vs estrus, and explain how strong… 21:05:25, 2020-01-20
- @ericmbudd @CHThiem Those look like anarchosocialist colors to me! in reply to ericmbudd 17:31:38, 2020-01-20
- "Yes there will be a lot of jobs on Mars." https://t.co/gwvHJnx1bB 12:49:20, 2020-01-20
- "Over half" https://t.co/0CUk9TMBnu 12:42:40, 2020-01-20
- I would be very happy to watch my retirement portfolio tank due to this realization. (Especially if it were to happ… https://t.co/BzSCaixl14 11:15:47, 2020-01-20
- As Richard B. Alley has pointed out:
"If you were to ask how much of the warming that we see recently has been cau… https://t.co/Zg7zzKgROt 11:08:12, 2020-01-20
- @drvox Blockchain!! in reply to drvox 22:43:59, 2020-01-19
- RT @CHThiem: "…our political system is stacked against candidates of color, as many typically aren’t as well known or well connected to t… 22:43:04, 2020-01-19
- @CHThiem @radioambulante But probably that's not how it works in Boulder. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:40:25, 2020-01-19
- La vendedora de tacos en la esquina no tuvo cambio el viernes, y me dijo que podía pagar después. Subitamente me hi… https://t.co/bEeI5PsnpJ 17:06:21, 2020-01-19
- @chaspinrad @opavote @BoulderCoopFood It's bonkers. So many obvious improvements to make in this democracy. Sooooo maaaaaany. in reply to chaspinrad 16:45:00, 2020-01-19
- @CHThiem IIRC @radioambulante had an episode about a single mom and her son who migrated from Venezuela (I think) a… https://t.co/0oNgD2HgEz in reply to CHThiem 16:25:53, 2020-01-19
- Why would you start your book with that and turn of at least half your potential readers immediately? Like, still-i… https://t.co/DQ31Kf34Fv in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:57:56, 2020-01-19
- Reading "Debt: The First 5,000 Years". Great so far except for the intro where author recounts mansplaining money t… https://t.co/gJ70e110GQ 15:56:29, 2020-01-19
- Me da vergüenza que estoy tanto entretenido por esta cuenta. https://t.co/LrObKiXFx4 13:01:29, 2020-01-19
- Voting my overseas ballot in the CO presidential primary. Even after just a couple of real experiences with ranked-… https://t.co/kX2qU67r0F 12:18:36, 2020-01-19
- Cc: @ericmbudd @CHThiem in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:47:25, 2020-01-19
- I mean if the org isn't in crisis right now do you really need to go to the board meetings? https://t.co/JoF11wNaRD 11:42:47, 2020-01-19
- RT @kashhill: The privacy paranoid among us have long worried that all of our online photos would be scraped to create a universal face rec… 00:28:22, 2020-01-19
- RT @pixelatedboat: The only ways to make it through primary season are to log off or go insane, and I have chosen to go insane 00:25:47, 2020-01-19
- In a closed drainage basin, in an evaporative regime, this is a one way trip. Those lands will not come back into p… https://t.co/7vJDTE5DK4 00:14:56, 2020-01-19
- RT @LizbethMateo: Sometimes I forget that everyone can read my tweets ?. I always appreciate that the tweet screenshots ppl choose to inclu… 16:56:02, 2020-01-18
- @ericmbudd Dayummmn in reply to ericmbudd 16:46:57, 2020-01-18
- See also "That time the Mediterranean Disappeared" form @EonsShow https://t.co/gkjbb553fv in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:42:32, 2020-01-18
- It is a pretty dang cool planet we all happen to be trapped on. https://t.co/Et6m8GR7PN 15:37:29, 2020-01-18
- Or maybe they do want what they say they want, but they want it by virtue of society magically having not done all… https://t.co/7Kxg70J4S2 15:31:52, 2020-01-18
- (he tweets, from Mexico, where he moved after burning out from spending a decade fighting aforementioned fight, hav… https://t.co/520cZGa1C4 in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:22:58, 2020-01-18
- ¡Vaquero de Datos! https://t.co/cxbfXqUzKU 14:15:19, 2020-01-18
- And also: US housing / land-use / transportation system isn't *incidentally* or *accidentally* unfair. It was desig… https://t.co/bWK4ePGZtT in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:14:17, 2020-01-18
- I'm whining here, but my real point is: creating sustainable, equitable, economically vibrant, livable cities in th… https://t.co/4oKVAHH9bQ 14:00:41, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @Thatmushroom @bouldercolorado It would be a ballot measure under TABOR, and it would be radical, and vi… https://t.co/qm79c8gIBR in reply to thmscwlls 13:47:45, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @Thatmushroom @bouldercolorado Yet another great argument for a hefty land value tax 🙂 Renting and owni… https://t.co/qReWqoN7dx in reply to thmscwlls 13:08:50, 2020-01-18
- RT @interfluidity: it was the combination of monopoly and *very high top tax rates* that led profit-rich companies to “squander” profits on… 12:37:50, 2020-01-18
- @Thatmushroom @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado And so long as we allow the land value appreciation to be privatized, pro… https://t.co/md6hzgIGxY in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:36:48, 2020-01-18
- @Thatmushroom @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado And even with a zoning free-for-all, we'd still reserve the nicest places… https://t.co/U8Kg334oCw in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:35:30, 2020-01-18
- @Thatmushroom @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado And yet… where in the US is this even really on the table? I mean, it's… https://t.co/8s0vjHzBcV in reply to Thatmushroom 12:33:44, 2020-01-18
- @Thatmushroom @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado But here's no reason to expect public desires to be self consistent. Do w… https://t.co/0nBFGIstPH in reply to Thatmushroom 11:36:17, 2020-01-18
- @Thatmushroom @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado Cities (and other levels of government) need to focus on policies that st… https://t.co/EQxlLthFgb in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:30:17, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado So we just go round and round and round in circles for decades, pretending to be confus… https://t.co/FMV6BTja0h in reply to thmscwlls 11:28:39, 2020-01-18
- @Thatmushroom @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado I don't know that it's so much "stronger" property rights as *different*… https://t.co/pvrMXkXiZc in reply to Thatmushroom 11:23:42, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado No, see, that's the problem — people don't want the things they *say* they want. But i… https://t.co/axrEAgTwam in reply to thmscwlls 11:21:39, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado All electric 4-5 story traditional urban mixed use mass timber passivhaus buildings dis… https://t.co/Z7Qi5pu7Ab in reply to thmscwlls 11:16:33, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado Or at least, unpopular among the landed, moneyed folks who show up and feel entitled to… https://t.co/aUWzSDB6Nv in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:07:49, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado This is like the CEO of Shell saying that despite everyone in the fossil fuel industry… https://t.co/h3thcTR37I in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:06:05, 2020-01-18
- @thmscwlls @bouldercolorado Oh come on. This is such a canard. We know what to do. And it's backed up by plenty of… https://t.co/AAlMPZ21b3 in reply to thmscwlls 11:00:11, 2020-01-18
- @MattPinder1 I really liked Peter D. Norton's book "Fighting Traffic" about how this process got started, when cars… https://t.co/UXTep4as0D in reply to MattPinder1 10:57:53, 2020-01-18
- RT @ElBloombito: ¡Cuidado! El Sñowado que make los calles muy peligrosa. Por favor usando los helicoptero. Menos traffico bueno. 10:32:45, 2020-01-18
- RT @Sammy_Roth: Also: "A Sierra Club secret shopper survey of 909 dealerships around the U.S. found that 74% weren’t selling EVs at all. Se… 10:28:43, 2020-01-18
- @elemdoubleu @shayshinecastle Oh I think it's a kind of market-rate affordability mechanism. in reply to elemdoubleu 09:57:46, 2020-01-18
- @MasynMoyer @shayshinecastle My best guess: It's already publicly owned, and it's far away from all the neighbors.… https://t.co/w50Rb3Rwit in reply to MasynMoyer 09:56:56, 2020-01-18
- @shayshinecastle Narrator: It was not. in reply to shayshinecastle 09:55:14, 2020-01-18
- RT @S_HastingsSimon: Hey #energytwitter I'm trying to build a list of women working on electricity markets, especially wholesale market des… 08:59:13, 2020-01-18
- @DrTaraGoddard @ericmbudd @notFromShrek Oh that's funny. I had to take i off my phone. Too compulsive. And I have a… https://t.co/GEGBcXkRGP in reply to DrTaraGoddard 08:58:49, 2020-01-18
- @S_HastingsSimon @joshdr83 Maybe… @erinoverturf @gwenergy @cmgosnell @priyald17 @meredithforhd12 or at the very l… https://t.co/V9N79NZbUf in reply to S_HastingsSimon 08:57:29, 2020-01-18
- @DrTaraGoddard @ericmbudd @notFromShrek Boy can you ever! https://t.co/MOayE0aLY0 in reply to DrTaraGoddard 08:49:46, 2020-01-18
- @ericmbudd I hear the GOP is working on this. Maybe you've taken the wrong side. in reply to ericmbudd 08:43:34, 2020-01-18
- @DrTaraGoddard Pues… por eso, obtuve mi residencia temporal en México. in reply to DrTaraGoddard 21:53:26, 2020-01-17
- RT @brucenilles: So new temporary window of low gas prices crushes remaining coal (bc existing gas plants run flat out) and causes gas comp… 21:46:41, 2020-01-17
- This is under RCP8.5 which is thankfully looking unrealistic, but even on the current ~3-4°C trajectory, that much… https://t.co/4CTfIJvOCg in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:29:19, 2020-01-17
- "In India, by 2030 160-200 million people could live in regions with a 5% average annual probability of experiencin… https://t.co/Xn7kzXWaRg in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:27:13, 2020-01-17
- (The perils of actually living in a 15 minute neigborhood…) in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:19:18, 2020-01-17
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek OMG, wait, which one has the blue checkmark? in reply to ericmbudd 21:17:52, 2020-01-17
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek I feel like your nametag is slowly taking on a kind of sepia retro Instagram filter. in reply to ericmbudd 21:12:15, 2020-01-17
- Like here's the chart where they helpfully note that the useful economic labor performed by a human drops off quick… https://t.co/5H2ZeWHUO1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:11:20, 2020-01-17
- It's bizarre to me that right-wing militias are willing to potentially storm the Virginia statehouse, because guns,… https://t.co/XK41r4m9yB 20:04:02, 2020-01-17
- Ah, technology. https://t.co/yoUnh7FXP1 19:41:15, 2020-01-17
- It would be so easy to eat just salad. If salad was the only thing I had at home. But the guy on the corner with pa… https://t.co/o0z6JdCdGq 19:24:42, 2020-01-17
- @drvox At least if I learn Spanish maybe someday I could live in one of the Spanish cities that bans cars. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:39:27, 2020-01-17
- @drvox This is one reason I'm living in Mexico — I want to believe it's more possible for a place where everyone d… https://t.co/q1iBOjoxpC in reply to drvox 17:38:47, 2020-01-17
- Ah, Barcelona, me encanta: “En total, la reducción alcanzará los dos millones de toneladas de CO2, de los que una c… https://t.co/Pfi6CjW9gI 17:29:01, 2020-01-17
- And us plebs can't wait for dedicated transit right-of-way and protected bike lanes. https://t.co/gS6OZXgLVf 15:51:25, 2020-01-17
- Okay y'all at @EIAgov seriously why would you publish a spreadsheet entitled "final release" and then go back and a… https://t.co/W4xAEwEl0K 15:49:23, 2020-01-17
- Let the liquidation begin. https://t.co/OyxwHVFBBZ 15:08:26, 2020-01-17
- @interfluidity Reminds me of the high discount rates used in electric utility planning decisions. in reply to interfluidity 11:48:44, 2020-01-17
- Cc: @matthewstoller https://t.co/W8da30CZhH 11:46:26, 2020-01-17
- Can someone please convince me that all large scale social structures are not just artifacts of random chance and s… https://t.co/S0LWBeZscX 11:14:01, 2020-01-17
- @MaryHeglar Lots of folks working on the problem ultimately come to the conclusion that the best outcome would be f… https://t.co/vn8QYmo3vo in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:06:27, 2020-01-17
- @MaryHeglar This makes my skin crawl, and also reminds me of the conclusion of "Into Eternity" a documentary about… https://t.co/3uGkDdufah in reply to MaryHeglar 11:03:09, 2020-01-17
- @joshdr83 Warren should just challenge The Orange One to single combat to the death. in reply to joshdr83 09:57:38, 2020-01-17
- RT @LetsFishSmarter: This goal is entirely reasonable and in-line with what everyone would be doing at all levels if they treated #ClimateC… 06:40:34, 2020-01-17
- @MarkyV @yoavlurie Except in this case, it will destroy dozens of major cities, create hundreds of millions of refu… https://t.co/a8nWeubYv8 in reply to MarkyV 23:32:30, 2020-01-16
- @CHThiem Hopefully the mood at @YIMBYtown will be upbeat! in reply to CHThiem 22:17:53, 2020-01-16
- @ericmbudd Or do they care but with a sign error? in reply to ericmbudd 15:47:43, 2020-01-16
- @ericmbudd Wow he actually just said that out loud holy shit. in reply to ericmbudd 15:46:31, 2020-01-16
- Is there a role for these organizations going forward?
Their reserves should be expropriated and left in the grou… https://t.co/qr8cVmw1iw in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:51:25, 2020-01-16
- Shell CEO on climate change:
“Yeah, we knew. Everybody knew. And somehow we all ignored it.”
They didn't *ignore… https://t.co/wmAcJiGRyy 14:47:26, 2020-01-16
- If buses were given dedicated lanes even remotely in proportion to the number of people they transport in major cit… https://t.co/ZX8lTPkLXW 14:18:31, 2020-01-16
- Also also, the piece repeats the ASCE $1.4 trillion US infrastructure shortfall number, but in a lot of ways it's B… https://t.co/WRy8g5yv3d in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:50:46, 2020-01-16
- @hoosteeno @mozilla I got a 3 year deal on NordVPN and currently pay $3/mo, but I'd pay $5-10/mo for similar servic… https://t.co/ut1H3Biqyd in reply to hoosteeno 09:47:35, 2020-01-16
- Always an interesting housing co-op kitchen conversation. Even if it's completely safe, the *idea* bothers some peo… https://t.co/NGGGw66Fc6 09:31:39, 2020-01-16
- RT @DrJenGunter: The Handmaid's Tale starts with armed militia taking over https://t.co/7zQ4tGDj2g 09:21:30, 2020-01-16
- And also, can we pivot to building big infrastructure without the abuse and injustice that have led environmentalis… https://t.co/amUMg1D7cr 09:19:40, 2020-01-16
- @gschivley @JanelleCShane Computational photography is getting crazy. What even is a photograph! https://t.co/8S4blNf55u in reply to gschivley 09:13:40, 2020-01-16
- RT @merbroussard: So much invasion of privacy.
The pregnancy-tracking app Ovia lets women record their most sensitive data for themselves… 21:13:59, 2020-01-15
- @MaryHeglar Their "satire" ends up *both* having more depth *and* being more engaging than like 95% of all straight news! in reply to MaryHeglar 21:02:29, 2020-01-15
- @MaryHeglar @Trevornoah @hasanminhaj @ambermruffin @iamjohnoliver My god that would be amazing. in reply to MaryHeglar 20:59:56, 2020-01-15
- (and also… let's set a date for the other 50%) in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:50:58, 2020-01-15
- I *love* co-ops and am very happy to see them take this stance, but *good god* it's been a long, difficult road to… https://t.co/4WT0F3XAVY 20:49:44, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites Right, we can (and have) set up a shitty system, even when circumstances don't require it. The juxtap… https://t.co/IYo27EHa35 in reply to KendraWrites 20:36:38, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites I feel like the "sustainable development index" makes a good attempt at quantifying some of this stuf… https://t.co/W4Nd6OHtRS in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:31:30, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites I should probably read the books. in reply to KendraWrites 20:28:56, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites Like, we could pretty easily give everyone *enough* of the basic necessities to live long, healthy, m… https://t.co/TPmbvUCYpi in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:27:48, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites Okay, but even just within the Federation, the apparent experience of being able to live without *hav… https://t.co/Z9P2faKMfZ in reply to KendraWrites 20:24:33, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites I've been very confused by the "basic assistance" thing in this story. Like what differentiates it fr… https://t.co/yXl2tVF0hJ in reply to KendraWrites 20:08:53, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites It's not like, perfect, but it's trying! And I appreciate that. Also I love the (atmospheric, instrumental) soundtrack. in reply to KendraWrites 20:05:27, 2020-01-15
- @KendraWrites Have you seen Code 46? The central story is more biopunk, but the backdrop is climate changed — with… https://t.co/xTb9nT9m6M in reply to KendraWrites 19:53:57, 2020-01-15
- As a civilization, we need to build trillions of dollars worth of new and *different* infrastructure in the next de… https://t.co/ys0cREgE0t 19:48:15, 2020-01-15
- If you think the 2020 trade-offs are unattractive, the 2035 trade-offs will be grim, and the 2050 trade-offs apocal… https://t.co/H5wlpOqWAU 19:45:46, 2020-01-15
- We've enabled catastrophic auto dependence and sprawling, inefficient land-use patterns via financial products. We… https://t.co/G9SIHA0Duo 17:49:13, 2020-01-15
- Sad to hear about the @mozilla layoffs today. I would LOVE to pay y'all for my VPN, password manager, encrypted cl… https://t.co/9DbIOdwPL8 17:32:14, 2020-01-15
- @ericmbudd I wonder how long this kind of cohort effect will persist. Will every generation get its own platform mo… https://t.co/g5eZpUfBpz in reply to ericmbudd 17:25:03, 2020-01-15
- @ericmbudd Maybe they should just require all new office space to be constructed in Fresno or Bakersfield or something. in reply to ericmbudd 16:27:16, 2020-01-15
- @drvox Got Wood? in reply to drvox 12:04:31, 2020-01-15
- @erinoverturf @TriStateGT @highleyunlikely Do you have a sense of what kind of transition assistance, if any, is on… https://t.co/Mhl4IhmJRF in reply to erinoverturf 11:48:42, 2020-01-15
- @RodSchoonover Ah okay, so it's a kind of natural variability, just with a multi-year timescale. in reply to RodSchoonover 11:38:56, 2020-01-15
- RT @CatalystCoop: More than a gigawatt of new wind and solar from @TriStateGT in the next 5 years.
Seemed hard to imagine, even a year ago… 11:31:59, 2020-01-15
- @hausfath Is there a clear physical explanation for the jump into another regime over the last 5 years, rather than… https://t.co/QqIZFzuage in reply to hausfath 09:31:35, 2020-01-15
- @ericmbudd Definitely hoping Sanders supporters will be voting for Warren in the primary!
And I'll vote for Biden if I have to, but, ugh. in reply to ericmbudd 09:27:44, 2020-01-15
- @grquetin Really? Barring some wild feedbacks (which are admittedly possible) I get the sense that 4°C is more like upper bound now. in reply to grquetin 08:59:03, 2020-01-15
- @Ben_Inskeep Hmm. It'll be hard to address that particular issue without the coal. :-/ in reply to Ben_Inskeep 08:10:17, 2020-01-15
- @Ben_Inskeep Meaning the coal producers that supply the Indiana plants? Is it mostly coming from within Indiana too… https://t.co/WEiZ1x8JO1 in reply to Ben_Inskeep 07:55:55, 2020-01-15
- @Ben_Inskeep Do you really feel like it's still ironic? It seems like a large portion of the GOP has been perfectly… https://t.co/rLGgleyLeK in reply to Ben_Inskeep 07:54:19, 2020-01-15
- Pyromaniacs.
But what's the real motivation behind this? Is it protecting Indiana coal miners? Utilities that don… https://t.co/TeB7aZfF52 07:48:46, 2020-01-15
- Speaking of which, is anyone in the @ClimateChangeAI sphere working on regulatory stuff? Like textual analysis of t… https://t.co/MctYTDA0ze in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:11:17, 2020-01-15
- Goes great with: https://t.co/kIDcrtdsUw in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:07:21, 2020-01-15
- This x1000. The rules are the game. https://t.co/iZbOKnxrO8 00:06:41, 2020-01-15
- RT @playnikes: Imagine being a white suburban mom when the Eddie Bauer edition ford explorer dropped shit musta been lit 23:57:17, 2020-01-14
- @chaspinrad @ericmbudd I just realized I'm not sure which label you're talking about avoiding… anarchist, or libertarian. in reply to chaspinrad 23:54:39, 2020-01-14
- A 9 foot tall woman riding a war elephant: "I'd like to ride storms, kill sharks in the open sea, drive out the agg… https://t.co/59odSCF1Lk in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:18:36, 2020-01-14
- The road to 4°C is paved with green intentions. https://t.co/j7hwBnUGpY 22:06:17, 2020-01-14
- At first I thought this was a job posting at Trieu.
But even if they aren't building a quantum centrifuge, I'm sur… https://t.co/klgPeM0gJB 22:04:53, 2020-01-14
- @ericmbudd Absolutely! Electric bikes, electric trains, electric buses. I'm all in! in reply to ericmbudd 21:49:24, 2020-01-14
- @ericmbudd SOLAR FUCKING ROADS FOR THE BOOMERS in reply to ericmbudd 21:47:54, 2020-01-14
- "We are under attack by those who would like to maintain groupthink by demonizing dissent and [compromise] science… https://t.co/FTCQ1QHjDS 17:59:10, 2020-01-14
- White collar drug dealers. https://t.co/jIp2wdD3lT 16:46:47, 2020-01-14
- RT @ChrisVillani44: The first of seven Insys sentencing hearings is taking place this afternoon for executives convicted of participating i… 16:44:56, 2020-01-14
- @ericmbudd @chaspinrad I guess I'm in that quadrant too: https://t.co/TOijqNVMO7 in reply to ericmbudd 14:49:50, 2020-01-14
- Just for scale, the dude could pay ~100,000 people to work full time at $15/hr just using his passive investment in… https://t.co/q23OrZLhom 14:45:24, 2020-01-14
- @ericmbudd He could pay ~100,000 people $15/hr full-time out of just his passive investment income. in reply to ericmbudd 14:40:13, 2020-01-14
- @Thatmushroom @MarkyV @BicycleColo Don't worry, once Pence takes over we'll all get very familiar with this narrati… https://t.co/0u3hdry7kR in reply to Thatmushroom 11:17:32, 2020-01-14
- @SarahdawnH @memrise @duolingo I've also really enjoyed YouTube videos from @elspanishdude for offbeat conceptual explorations in english. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:34:06, 2020-01-14
- Also maybe a problem: a lot of "good jobs" are focused on using digital surveillance on platform monopolies to take… https://t.co/sg7nSvUcWD 09:08:58, 2020-01-14
- Still not tired of winning. https://t.co/7WGTIaaNlW 09:06:07, 2020-01-14
- @joshdr83 @EIAgov Man, those year end tax credit deadlines. in reply to joshdr83 09:04:31, 2020-01-14
- @joshdr83 Party on Wayne. in reply to joshdr83 09:01:55, 2020-01-14
- @MarkyV @Thatmushroom @BicycleColo The Handmaid's Tale. in reply to MarkyV 08:55:26, 2020-01-14
- @ericmbudd Can confirm. in reply to ericmbudd 23:27:14, 2020-01-13
- @SarahdawnH Para agregar vocabulario, yo uso un programa se llama Anki (en linea, o dispositivo mobil, o laptop). M… https://t.co/apkuuDzimD in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:21:21, 2020-01-13
- @SarahdawnH Me gustan mucho @radioambulante y @lasraraspodcast. Puedes echar un vistazo a @LupaApp también. Y hay T… https://t.co/xcbHOawuE8 in reply to SarahdawnH 23:17:29, 2020-01-13
- @MarkyV @Thatmushroom @BicycleColo Under His eye. in reply to MarkyV 23:12:42, 2020-01-13
- @ericmbudd I've never met a rich librarian. in reply to ericmbudd 23:11:14, 2020-01-13
- @yashar Nitrous Oxide. in reply to yashar 23:06:41, 2020-01-13
- @RenegadeSci Nice work if you can get it! in reply to RenegadeSci 23:04:21, 2020-01-13
- @LaughLax @hausfath I do appreciate how they lighten up the mood with a little Comic Sans though! in reply to LaughLax 23:01:14, 2020-01-13
- See also: Uber. Electric cars. Autonomous cars. Cars in tunnels under cities. Transit on tall skinny legs that can… https://t.co/MBRBrBcVRZ 22:58:45, 2020-01-13
- @Olivia_geog You might like Sarah Taber if you haven't come across her already… https://t.co/vC7PFWKuSB 20:13:48, 2020-01-13
- @KenCaldeira 6/ What would it be like if we could sense that heat all at once, whenever we used fossil fuels, inste… https://t.co/Kjjo8Jx0RZ in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:05:39, 2020-01-13
- Again, the atmosphere is a long lever, and it's leveraging the sun: every unit of heat released by burning fossil f… https://t.co/vM02kpC7BQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:56:19, 2020-01-13
- 4/ It only takes us about 3 years to put more heat into the oceans via greenhouse warming than all the energy that… https://t.co/p1GUefl6kw in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:50:32, 2020-01-13
- @hausfath But for the foreseeable future, the rate at which we pump heat into the oceans is determined not by the *… https://t.co/UeH5JrpjNN in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:45:04, 2020-01-13
- @hausfath 2/ The additional heat (i.e. energy) stored in the oceans during 2019 was ~40x more than all energy consu… https://t.co/ARUskwS2yy in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:40:50, 2020-01-13
- 1/ A paper looking at just how much heat is accumulating in the oceans, found via @hausfath https://t.co/kUNZxPEL9f https://t.co/2vC37teSJy 19:30:23, 2020-01-13
- RT @gaywonk: Billionaires want Bernie vs Warren.
Big Pharma wants Bernie vs Warren.
Biden wants Bernie vs Warren.
Trump wants Bernie vs War… 18:49:15, 2020-01-13 - RT @_waleedshahid: "[@AOC] has given $300,000 to other incumbents, including some in swing districts. And I'm asking the chairwoman of the… 18:49:11, 2020-01-13
- Looks like a great series exploring a wide variety of Actually Existing universal healthcare systems. There are so… https://t.co/5Dan9DGnTU 13:27:21, 2020-01-13
- RT @jaylannc: This is billionaires donating to charity https://t.co/n0LFWzu8ZF 13:01:21, 2020-01-13
- @CostaSamaras That's the nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere condensing out. Just like in the Kuiper Belt. Duh. in reply to CostaSamaras 12:59:21, 2020-01-13
- I do love what the socialist women running some of Europe's cities have done. https://t.co/3sWJ9Iaiuw 11:14:01, 2020-01-13
- I'm not tired of winning yet. https://t.co/dGwoCe9hf7 08:57:35, 2020-01-13
- @DrTaraGoddard 1/2 mv^2 ftw. in reply to DrTaraGoddard 08:45:42, 2020-01-13
- @johnffarrell Whispers of a nameless fear…
It's just funny because they do a lot of this kind of corporeal bookk… https://t.co/pEhsHZlAJT in reply to johnffarrell 08:42:56, 2020-01-13
- @johnffarrell Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of a housing cooperative? in reply to johnffarrell 20:29:20, 2020-01-12
- Beautiful plasma: https://t.co/RLCbOykeCg in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:27:12, 2020-01-12
- Exploration of the schematics, from the inside out: https://t.co/8NaztKAjPJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:26:46, 2020-01-12
- Time lapse of assembling the machine. From 2004-2015! https://t.co/5xAbCzEo6W in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:26:04, 2020-01-12
- This fusion reactor is… twisted. Literally. Looks like some kind of alien technology, the shape optimized by a co… https://t.co/ewMKbXE97D 20:25:12, 2020-01-12
- RT @Uriel_Hedz: Si hacemos conferencia en San Cristóbal. ¿Van a venir? ?
RT si vendrían ? https://t.co/d0BbUUK2j0 19:27:38, 2020-01-12
- RT @NWSNewYorkNY: As of 1:30pm, new record highs have been set at Central Park (68°), Newark (69°), JFK (68°), Islip (68°), and Bridgeport… 19:25:57, 2020-01-12
- RT @themadstone: Amazon is helping Australia’s largest oil and gas company use AI to accelerate oil production https://t.co/nLMp7bkrEH 19:18:57, 2020-01-12
- In a world where everybody you interact with for day-to-day business works below the API. https://t.co/tsEy4VzTEi 17:29:00, 2020-01-12
- RT @merbroussard: "Sexual harassment, in addition to its many other harmful effects, tends to retard a female scholar’s progress. This is b… 07:40:01, 2020-01-12
- Yet Biden still apparently believes that the GOP will suddenly become cooperative, honest, and competent if he repl… https://t.co/mFpYHvKm8T 07:36:47, 2020-01-12
- RT @PeterBrannen1: TFW CO2 is 1,000 ppm https://t.co/rtebVj4qwV 16:48:01, 2020-01-11
- @thebmbennett Socialist! in reply to thebmbennett 11:21:28, 2020-01-11
- Wow this is… not nothing. https://t.co/PADtYSwmns 11:15:09, 2020-01-11
- @KHayhoe for some reason @tracemetalclean whom I came across in your climate scientist list, has been identified as… https://t.co/HV7FZv8zZA 11:12:05, 2020-01-11
- @ericmbudd Mmmm, "natural." in reply to ericmbudd 11:02:07, 2020-01-11
- @ericmbudd Hey I have an idea for an experiment, let's spread tropical diseases into the mid-latitudes and see if U… https://t.co/qK9NRL268n in reply to ericmbudd 10:09:37, 2020-01-11
- It seems like it would be a huge bummer to build out cities for the 2nd half of humanity poorly, and also in circum… https://t.co/UWsomE7kHp in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:53:03, 2020-01-11
- Which goes along with something I heard Paul Romer say about cities — that the cities we build this century are…… https://t.co/QiUCxrMPuE in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:49:46, 2020-01-11
- So I wonder if we'll have the same opportunities to replace these (or maybe, the next generation of) young building… https://t.co/hdKSOY3LTA in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:47:22, 2020-01-11
- But I think we may be in for something weird soon. In a lot of the world over the last few decades, we've created a… https://t.co/umm79QgYGE in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:44:54, 2020-01-11
- So if most buildings have always been junk, and only the beautiful / durable ones survive for the long term, then d… https://t.co/hOp5Yvz1XL in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:40:38, 2020-01-11
- And thinking about building stock in kind of "demographic" terms, I wonder if this survivorship bias might be stron… https://t.co/rtHO3WNQIm in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:38:24, 2020-01-11
- At the same time, I've also suspected that maybe this feeling is just a survivorship bias — that we only see the n… https://t.co/NpteWq2mtu in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:35:56, 2020-01-11
- For a long time it's felt to me like something fundamental changed ~100 years ago in the way we build buildings. So… https://t.co/I3dca8I77h 09:33:55, 2020-01-11
- At some point the centrist bias becomes… untenable. https://t.co/C2XO6Vgd7k 17:23:53, 2020-01-10
- @joshdr83 We got legislation passed that would allow IOU coal plants to be securitized with some of the savings nec… https://t.co/E52K2rU6oI in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:20:02, 2020-01-10
- @joshdr83 In some of the counties in CO with coal plants, IIRC, they account for an absolute majority of the overal… https://t.co/ZlH8BLwzWJ in reply to joshdr83 17:17:39, 2020-01-10
- Given the economics of modern global logistics, and the relative costs of raw materials and labor, it blows my mind… https://t.co/udvOieFhEq 12:39:06, 2020-01-10
- RT @SarahTaber_bww: You know, as someone from an industry where shady bosses use ICE to scare workers into submission during/after successf… 12:30:26, 2020-01-10
- RT @HeidiSloanForTX: Poverty is the draft. https://t.co/RpgLxOYwqq 11:17:55, 2020-01-10
- Ignorance Is Strength! https://t.co/vDyxsM5Wt1 11:15:00, 2020-01-10
- Even traditional biofuel usage today is at close to record (absolute) levels. My morning empanada de mole amarillo… https://t.co/yNii9nR3Ra 10:15:17, 2020-01-10
- Certainly seems like the main strategy behind retail investment products — mutual funds, ETFs, etc. But I didn't r… https://t.co/EhlhlkdUDo 07:20:35, 2020-01-10
- Welp, there goes the neighborhood. https://t.co/sq5GQC1zs1 07:08:51, 2020-01-10
- @bryanlbowen @CHThiem Hopefully you've learned enough to dismantle it. in reply to bryanlbowen 22:22:56, 2020-01-09
- And then I was like "Huh, it's like behind-the-meter battery storage. They probably need way less centralized water… https://t.co/4tnwwjBjKa in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:18:11, 2020-01-09
- TIL municipal water distribution here is in shifts. If I understood correctly, every 2 weeks we get a day with wate… https://t.co/idjH254yCJ 21:15:00, 2020-01-09
- @sharethecities At first I was like "Are these like, lockers for unhoused folks? I'm surprised she would advocate against them." in reply to sharethecities 21:10:16, 2020-01-09
- @bryanlbowen @CHThiem Then you can start rakin' in the *big* bucks. in reply to bryanlbowen 21:08:26, 2020-01-09
- @ericmbudd Billionaires be delusional, man. in reply to ericmbudd 20:48:20, 2020-01-09
- RT @CatalystCoop: There's a whole lotta latent change baked into the US electricity system now, just waiting for the right policy and finan… 20:19:33, 2020-01-09
- Instead of terraforming Mars, I realized I needed to work on *not* xenoforming Earth. in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:07:33, 2020-01-09
- Reading this book at the same time as Richard B. Alley's "The Two Mile Time Machine" (about paleoclimate volatility… https://t.co/N3sUTuf0K3 20:06:23, 2020-01-09
- RT @ewarren: I've got a plan to create 10.6 million green jobs, and @rgunns—one of the architects of the #GreenNewDeal—is here to answer yo… 19:52:58, 2020-01-09
- RT @evanlweber: ?@SunriseMvmtCO needs our help!
22 Sunrisers were arrested w/o warning @ CO statehouse today. They were complying with pol… 17:51:59, 2020-01-09
- Hmm, I think mostly I know the wrong kind of attorneys for this but… do any of y'all have suggestions? @jwpcPBC… https://t.co/qumzmjDOhz 17:50:53, 2020-01-09
- Maybe I'm just jaded, but I'm finding it hard to imagine the US identifying so wholeheartedly with its immigrants,… https://t.co/e0OAtVFXpj 14:50:14, 2020-01-09
- @ClaraJeffery 10 in reply to ClaraJeffery 12:06:50, 2020-01-09
- @drvox https://t.co/H1bKYWri8U in reply to drvox 12:05:58, 2020-01-09
- @ericmbudd @storm80303 @AnalyzeBoulder I randomly met a Canadian data engineer who works for @Clirrenewables at… https://t.co/L7wP2rimvj in reply to ericmbudd 11:44:05, 2020-01-09
- Financially, getting public power / co-op fossil assets out of the way is harder than IOUs, b/c they're often alrea… https://t.co/96xkF7fDAi 11:15:38, 2020-01-09
- @Thatmushroom At the same time that hardware (as well as small to medium scale energy storage and distributed gener… https://t.co/jLq7cDaSlu in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:03:38, 2020-01-09
- @Thatmushroom Creating neutral distribution system operators and installing the hardware for bidirectional flow of… https://t.co/s0I2C9PmhQ in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:01:30, 2020-01-09
- @Thatmushroom I think both are good and are in no way in conflict with each other. Long-distance transmission capac… https://t.co/Sk6ixTGU98 in reply to Thatmushroom 10:59:12, 2020-01-09
- Also, if we allowed electricity transmission to be built under the same rules as pipelines, and really took cumulat… https://t.co/JDLTo23qyh in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:06:45, 2020-01-09
- What can I say? Lying to the public works. At scales ranging all the way from #BoulderCouncil up to the federal gov… https://t.co/hHO7Mywq33 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:58:24, 2020-01-09
- And come *on* with the whole "They've been advocating for carbon prices for more than a decade." line.
Yes publicl… https://t.co/JghWFw505M in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:55:15, 2020-01-09
- "The [energy] majors cannot — and should not — abandon their core oil and gas business overnight."
What a steaming… https://t.co/OdAMBIvNcH 09:51:44, 2020-01-09
- @plutokiller Yeah Death, Despair & Poverty didn't seem like a very good desert attraction. in reply to plutokiller 07:59:23, 2020-01-09
- New pipelines that will need to be written off as stranded assets well before the end of their useful lives. Who wi… https://t.co/ZBuPKf2gPm 07:54:29, 2020-01-09
- @Thatmushroom Ah physics, making new building prohibitively risky, costly, and complex. If only we could get rid of… https://t.co/65ZIG6KGQU in reply to Thatmushroom 21:24:13, 2020-01-08
- At half a billion light years away, this seems likely. I wonder if it would feel different than them being extant,… https://t.co/vJYU0a2IPi 21:18:13, 2020-01-08
- RT @archillect: https://t.co/B0JGJ2YD0d 20:32:36, 2020-01-08
- h/t @CHThiem in reply to ZaneSelvans 20:12:16, 2020-01-08
- RT @ICONOCLASTIAE: The story here is not only that they are surveilling sex workers.
It’s that they’re enforcing a set of Arbitrary behavi… 20:08:43, 2020-01-08
- RT @dmtrubman: Here's a pretty good example of how a lot of pedestrian infrastructure is really auto infrastructure. https://t.co/N0K3LRgkHL 20:06:21, 2020-01-08
- “Edited:
I removed two paragraphs about an extreme solution to the housing crisis I heard proposed at a Neighborho… https://t.co/Sgu7UACVMp 20:04:00, 2020-01-08
- *awkward* https://t.co/cWFlrqvEUC 20:03:33, 2020-01-08
- A flipside of this is that lowering interest rates on and increasing supply of clean energy financing probably has… https://t.co/0ziFISxovg 20:02:30, 2020-01-08
- Like tunneling through some kind of capital cost activation energy. https://t.co/RYMjC5lzE8 19:49:40, 2020-01-08
- RT @CHThiem: Apropos #Boulder: “It sounds extreme, but a nonzero number of very nice liberal neighbors have suggested, usually in a hushed… 18:43:17, 2020-01-08
- @CHThiem Hah, did they edit out that sentence because it seemed so outlandish? in reply to CHThiem 18:10:16, 2020-01-08
- RT @andrew_leach: Oh, I know how this ends. The balloon council will come out as an early supporter of balloon release pricing only to piv… 17:59:35, 2020-01-08
- Unless you think global oil price spikes are *upside* risks. https://t.co/ItDxYph2JF 10:01:00, 2020-01-08
- Interesting in relation to @CHThiem's piece on the Boulder Valley Comp Plan and "carrying capacity": ~8x the curren… https://t.co/YZHF8TboEV 09:57:24, 2020-01-08
- RT @NBedera: In the wake of the #MeToo movement, there are a lot of academics starting to study sexual violence for the first time. (Welcom… 07:41:30, 2020-01-08
- I mean that totally sincerely, and that creeps me out. I remember posting it last time and feeling like it was some… https://t.co/pg7kV8roBk in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:36:03, 2020-01-08
- The War Prayer, by Mark Twain. Remembering remembering the last war. Written in 1905. It felt less cliché last time… https://t.co/Kf9vSOBfSr 00:26:32, 2020-01-08
- Pasé mi juventud en el Valley Central de California. Hasta hace 3 años, nunca habia escuchado nada de esta historia… https://t.co/ntbTn0biYT 23:52:24, 2020-01-07
- RT @matthew_d_green: Past absence of cyberattack implies that industrial control systems are not blindly trusting software running on a Win… 23:44:28, 2020-01-07
- 27. Saddam was behind 9/11. Colin Powell said Saddam had WMDs. Decapitation strike. Greeted as liberators. Mission… https://t.co/wIBgIqGLq5 23:41:05, 2020-01-07
- Is this… algorithmically generated clickbait? Or are we maybe just living in a simulation after all. https://t.co/ziWOW9xDQn 23:23:54, 2020-01-07
- @thebmbennett Tobacco Power! Innovation! in reply to thebmbennett 23:20:17, 2020-01-07
- I guess "Invite-only" is just one part a continuum including "Open, but with massive, shared blocklists." and "Plen… https://t.co/twWRLqLWqa 23:11:44, 2020-01-07
- @thebmbennett I wonder what kind of historic site it will become some day? in reply to thebmbennett 23:06:41, 2020-01-07
- Sutter's Mill and the Northern CA gold country. https://t.co/qJnFMeSImV 23:03:57, 2020-01-07
- @CHThiem Exactly. in reply to CHThiem 23:01:42, 2020-01-07
- It's like, *literally* warming your hands with a blowtorch. That's over there. In the other room. https://t.co/8fUgYNjFL1 23:00:57, 2020-01-07
- @ZLabe I really like the slightly more dynamic and narrative visualizations. More story, more engaging, but just as… https://t.co/YtzgDWjuyN in reply to ZLabe 22:44:46, 2020-01-07
- @ZLabe My god Zack you lazy bastard where have you been.
(Thank you so much for making all these visual!) in reply to ZLabe 22:41:02, 2020-01-07
- All the Bayesian feels. https://t.co/zTz4rKUrPy 22:34:33, 2020-01-07
- I'm with her. https://t.co/y4T8QTZbZG 22:31:16, 2020-01-07
- Wait doesn't everyone like to talk about oligopsony at city council meetings? https://t.co/Sfu5zondXc 22:28:43, 2020-01-07
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: Attention: Will the owners of a blue planet with plate tectonics please attend to your vehicle. It is overheating. 22:26:40, 2020-01-07
- As much as the Universe, we are trapped inside a giant cooperative game under incomplete information. https://t.co/fNm57EMdQi 22:23:44, 2020-01-07
- @CHThiem Who knows maybe that's better! in reply to CHThiem 22:19:30, 2020-01-07
- If there are coral reefs on Earth in 50 years, it will be because humans did something.
And if there aren't coral… https://t.co/fVxuGFLISX 22:08:14, 2020-01-07
- @ericmbudd My god is he *still* predicting this? Is he alright in the head? in reply to ericmbudd 17:27:01, 2020-01-07
- @CHThiem ohhh noooes, did you find a surrogate device for your column? in reply to CHThiem 17:26:17, 2020-01-07
- RT @blkahn: Australia is using helicopters to kill 10,000 feral camels because they're coming in conflict with humans over dwindling water… 14:29:17, 2020-01-07
- RT @JoshuaPotash: Happening now, in Mitch McConnell’s office:
Protesters are reciting Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.
Which ou… 14:28:52, 2020-01-07
- RT @MaryHeglar: He ran as a hypocrite. How is that complicated? https://t.co/3UhdumBc6o 11:21:55, 2020-01-07
- Little known fact: Pompeo is actually Dr. Manhattan. https://t.co/iPaOynGCOK 11:20:53, 2020-01-07
- Coal and gas plants, coal mines, oil & gas wells, gathering, transmission, and distribution pipelines, as well as m… https://t.co/KVLL9wyl3Z in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:15:10, 2020-01-07
- For both climate mitigation and adaptation, it's imperative that we develop policy and financial mechanisms not onl… https://t.co/t0Df1Wt4P5 11:11:02, 2020-01-07
- But hey, 1 out of 5 is… not that great. https://t.co/hBQJ1xLSX7 11:04:48, 2020-01-07
- @shwinnebego @chitrans_plant @CatalystCoop @cmgosnell A bunch of folks at @bochaneighbors & @bhccoops who actually… https://t.co/NoihWISXg9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:56:13, 2020-01-07
- @shwinnebego @chitrans_plant We got really bored of scraping PDFs and spreadsheets by hand to understand what coal… https://t.co/rNvDaIy2i0 in reply to shwinnebego 10:52:27, 2020-01-07
- @casualhexes @strommen @PassiveHouseBB There are higher heating/cooling loads, as well as more energy in pumping wa… https://t.co/RQOYSGraMt in reply to casualhexes 10:47:21, 2020-01-07
- Regarding the plots of the UK's rapid phase out of coal, which have been circulating lately as evidence that a rapi… https://t.co/jZsxrEHW3W 07:46:46, 2020-01-07
- @BHN_cn They're from the paper which I linked to. in reply to BHN_cn 07:34:12, 2020-01-07
- RT @alexbaca: iso hallucinogenics to cope with this https://t.co/HAvXSFQOQe 22:38:25, 2020-01-06
- Finalmente logré encontrar un refrigerador de segundo uso y lo trajé a mi casita, y lo hace frio, pero no mucho. Me… https://t.co/9wTtKCo6vH 21:41:10, 2020-01-06
- @rgunns "Thank you for coming to my Ted talk." in reply to rgunns 20:47:24, 2020-01-06
- @MaryHeglar @electronecon Bike touring through eastern Europe in the early 1990s I accidentally bought a whole kilo… https://t.co/cu4cAxKqgj in reply to MaryHeglar 19:28:07, 2020-01-06
- RT @CostaSamaras: Since oil is a globally traded commodity, & our transport & freight system is 92% oil-powered, when there’s a price spike… 19:24:39, 2020-01-06
- @ericmbudd Should feel familiar to the orange menace. in reply to ericmbudd 17:34:11, 2020-01-06
- Oh dang I meant to point @erinoverturf your way as well. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:19:53, 2020-01-06
- @ericmbudd Like, they'll have to choose between NIMBY + Muni candidates, or YIMBY + Anti-Muni, or run their own can… https://t.co/VK8DNY9A7q in reply to ericmbudd 15:01:44, 2020-01-06
- @ericmbudd Oooh, they may face a tough choice at the ballot. Vote splitting opportunity! in reply to ericmbudd 14:41:40, 2020-01-06
- @markgelband @ericmbudd Yeah well, when it takes 15 years to get anything built you have to start early… in reply to markgelband 13:58:24, 2020-01-06
- @NanaimoCommons The EPA's "Boiling it down to BTUs" report is kind of dated, and doesn't look at a very aggressive… https://t.co/vNEKTG1x77 in reply to NanaimoCommons 12:41:29, 2020-01-06
- @ericmbudd Time for TVAP Phase 2! in reply to ericmbudd 12:25:42, 2020-01-06
- @thebmbennett ☝️ Cc: @CostaSamaras @ShellyMBoulder @PauliJllo @noelinjm @lilscientista @kirstie_j @hausfath… https://t.co/CfThCW4U11 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:21:26, 2020-01-06
- A great reason to build dense housing *not* right along ginormous arterials… but a couple hundred meters away. C… https://t.co/cMOzJojA0b 11:27:05, 2020-01-06
- It's kind of like saying white noise is contains a lot of information because it can't be compressed. https://t.co/jU7WhmgOsw 11:22:11, 2020-01-06
- Yo #EnergyTwitter if you actually want to see your dream sustainable energy systems built in this lifetime, I encou… https://t.co/c3lw9iLKNe 11:17:50, 2020-01-06
- I re-watched Jarhead this weekend. A Marine sniper's 1st person account of the futility of the 1990 Gulf War, which… https://t.co/Fhwa0zAdNr 11:14:01, 2020-01-06
- @gschivley @priyald17 @hausfath @zicokolter @JesseJenkins @jfdecarolis @openclimatedata @openmod @reshmigh I imagin… https://t.co/buvn1k4zcO in reply to gschivley 11:12:39, 2020-01-06
- These articles are annoying.
Also, it's wild that I can spin up a cloud compute cluster that uses 100kW of power w… https://t.co/po9jzOqkbW 09:22:57, 2020-01-06
- No es de extrañar que México se siente similar a mi pueblo de nacimiento en el Valle Central de California. https://t.co/qejQFlILRz 09:12:07, 2020-01-06
- @thebmbennett @sunrisemvmt Also congratulations! It sounds like it would be an *awesome* job. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:03:32, 2020-01-06
- @thebmbennett @sunrisemvmt What does experimentation mean in this role? Like A/B testing on messaging? in reply to thebmbennett 09:02:38, 2020-01-06
- RT @thebmbennett: Today I start my dream job as the Data Director of the @sunrisemvmt. I get to run the experimentation and analysis to bui… 09:00:48, 2020-01-06
- I do wish they'd included more samples between 4 stories and 16 stories though — especially with new mass timber t… https://t.co/v5BjAhuVxf in reply to ZaneSelvans 08:46:53, 2020-01-06
- Not a new result, but traditional mid-rise buildings have the lowest embodied & operational energy per unit of hous… https://t.co/thHWJWxf0U 08:21:04, 2020-01-06
- RT @WhoresofYore: This hero has managed to raise $500,000 for groups fighting the wild fires in Australia by sending one nude for proof of… 16:50:44, 2020-01-05
- RT @infinite_scream: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 20:53:06, 2020-01-04
- Come *on* I don't care how much it costs, I don't care if it's legal, I don't care how "bad" he was. End the Foreve… https://t.co/X7QG35IB2j 19:18:01, 2020-01-04
- Uhhhh, espero que no. https://t.co/vYDm1j9vj8 15:29:23, 2020-01-04
- @SheilaG36880996 @DavidQuammen FYI David this Sheila G account has been identified as a trollbot by @BotSentinel in reply to SheilaG36880996 22:49:20, 2020-01-03
- @Thatmushroom @gschivley @joshdr83 @priyald17 @edrubin and @tweedsio and @grant_mcdermott would know better! in reply to Thatmushroom 22:23:18, 2020-01-03
- @CareyWKing @MichaelEWebber I *want* to believe that past improvements in human development are primarily due to im… https://t.co/V40VmKnuA3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:36:48, 2020-01-03
- @CareyWKing @MichaelEWebber Is anybody trying to discern how much of what we've historically called "economic growt… https://t.co/hOqh90rSNb in reply to CareyWKing 21:33:23, 2020-01-03
- An account of white supremacist violence and black resistance in 1919 makes me think about how we choose what to re… https://t.co/ENc0558LW5 19:51:05, 2020-01-03
- This piece in the Journal of the American Planning Association reminds me of climate scientists finally coming arou… https://t.co/B8aqYPELKh 17:29:02, 2020-01-03
- Anyone else from #energytwitter working with data and machine learning tools gonna attend TWEEDS March 27-28 in Por… https://t.co/Kkx0pFjNMs 17:19:47, 2020-01-03
- @jasonhickel Is there hope for more long-term historical SDI data? I would *love* to see what the full universe of… https://t.co/zKYnkZIrh0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:40:38, 2020-01-03
- Meanwhile, Mexico is at ~$18,000 per capita, but still slowly and steadily trending upward. Curious how income dist… https://t.co/abnATJfwg7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:39:14, 2020-01-03
- India is now approaching the level of SDI at which China started declining. China per-capita income in 2008 was $76… https://t.co/vU0UElPBZf in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:36:12, 2020-01-03
- Really interesting to look at how SDI evolves over time for different countries — would love a longer time series!… https://t.co/2I0TP4yGXp in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:13:09, 2020-01-03
- The original paper (which I've posted before) outlining the SDI and reasoning behind it, is up here: https://t.co/z6w6OihJSI in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:54:24, 2020-01-03
- A website for exploring the sustainable development index — a kind of resource normalized human development index,… https://t.co/uE5cxL9WjY 08:21:00, 2020-01-03
- I feel really lucky both to have been born into one of the de facto global languages, and to be able to immerse mys… https://t.co/2STr9tzwFR in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:04:33, 2020-01-02
- Great piece on the challenges of dealing with the legal process of seeking asylum as someone who only speaks a (rel… https://t.co/8LI9owiKkR 23:01:53, 2020-01-02
- RT @IlhanMN: So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction?
Real question is, will those with congressiona… 21:16:33, 2020-01-02
- My god why is everything is so willfully dumb. It's like we want to fail, and take everything beautiful down with u… https://t.co/seMp3Olu29 20:08:08, 2020-01-02
- Same color scheme even. https://t.co/cbyJBLZKkv in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:02:22, 2020-01-02
- @thebmbennett Do you have any favorite lightweight CRM solutions? Or resources for how to think about organizing th… https://t.co/XyP8RDgfEa in reply to thebmbennett 17:46:29, 2020-01-02
- "On the Beach"
https://t.co/ccXjIOlP4z https://t.co/aD0h6qzqDo 17:43:05, 2020-01-02
- Private platform monopolies aggressively *prevent* any kind of useful innovation. You can't build anything with / o… https://t.co/jIIzXHjxli 17:15:19, 2020-01-02
- I want to believe. https://t.co/PhIcc2bFV5 15:48:56, 2020-01-02
- @ericmbudd Avast matey, thar be other lamentable solutions to ye problem too. ☠️ in reply to ericmbudd 15:38:04, 2020-01-02
- Tener ningun agua potable ni comida en la casa por días de fiesta: no una idea tan genial. 17:56:17, 2020-01-01
- @ericmbudd Oy and that was like 6 weeks ago. in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:20:14, 2019-12-31
- @ericmbudd Hopefully not like this https://t.co/0Emo7xoBJE in reply to ericmbudd 16:19:53, 2019-12-31
- How about an alcohol tax to fund overnight transit service year round?
I wonder how the cost would compare to the… https://t.co/IOZUhVk9kb 15:09:18, 2019-12-31
- @grquetin Cf: https://t.co/6uLQkifuEf in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:04:38, 2019-12-31
- @grquetin But if the question is about somewhere with the population density of Wyoming or Montana or Nebraska… I… https://t.co/JMmvGBoTeE in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:03:45, 2019-12-31
- @grquetin E.g. LA+Orange+Ventura counties in SoCal have the same population and land area as the Netherlands, but a… https://t.co/ssDzsdjmc0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:01:46, 2019-12-31
- @grquetin I think it probably looks/feels a lot like Switzerland or the Netherlands or Southern France. In a lot of… https://t.co/jnZFuHUm2L in reply to grquetin 15:00:12, 2019-12-31
- @CHThiem Oy. That kid's gonna see 2100. in reply to CHThiem 14:05:58, 2019-12-31
- @ericmbudd Is it not in ur tweets? in reply to ericmbudd 14:03:55, 2019-12-31
- @ericmbudd The answer, my friend, is twisting in the wind. in reply to ericmbudd 09:02:24, 2019-12-31
- RT @AmyThunig: If you’re not in Australia, let me explain – this is mid morning, the sun has risen, it is 9:30am in Summer. Yet the sky is… 22:00:11, 2019-12-30
- @CHThiem https://t.co/Bf3hgvM8wC in reply to CHThiem 21:55:20, 2019-12-30
- Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
Red sky at night, sailors delight.
Red sky at 2pm who the hell knows wha… https://t.co/LvwW3Xkb0G 21:03:09, 2019-12-30 - My god debugging things that take 5-10 minutes to run is like mental torture. Slow enough to be boooooring, but not… https://t.co/pAoWn3J1Qb 20:59:59, 2019-12-30
- Was dealing with end-of-year portfolio rebalancing. Am pretty creeped out by how well the markets are doing, given… https://t.co/chaBGYtWsP 17:00:03, 2019-12-30
- How beauteous mankind is!
O brave new world,
That has such people in't! https://t.co/VRggHCYTKA 16:57:31, 2019-12-30 - Y por los muchos años, incluso siglos, que siguen, también.
Cc: @tacosdedatos @PauliJllo Parece que habrá oportuni… https://t.co/JhKTGJ6cfP 15:35:43, 2019-12-30
- @ericmbudd And he's on the @BoulderCoopFood board too! in reply to ericmbudd 14:16:56, 2019-12-30
- @CFEmx @NuScale_Power @anes_oficial “en la última subasta el precio al que CFE adquirió electricidad fue 50% más ba… https://t.co/Fpdic3nJbY in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:18:13, 2019-12-30
- @CFEmx @NuScale_Power Mientras teniendo este peleo con la industria solar, via @anes_oficial: https://t.co/xmeFK5qZi6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 12:15:48, 2019-12-30
- Home was an hour long walk from school in a rural area, but I walked all over town. At 14 I started biking the 12 m… https://t.co/xBZg8opQje 11:47:21, 2019-12-30
- It has already slipped away. We need the courage to admit where we are in this long, long game.
Mitigate for 2°C.… https://t.co/pdj3bKv0Be 11:40:58, 2019-12-30
- @JanetMaxLive @detroithrbarbie @charles_gaba Weird, I did look back but didn't see it. Maybe it was on a little bra… https://t.co/0kW2mhbhtk in reply to JanetMaxLive 11:32:26, 2019-12-30
- Interesante, @CFEmx está estudiando la posibilidad de construir nuevas plantas nucleares, incluso algunos de los SM… https://t.co/488cTxGUI2 11:14:01, 2019-12-30
- I mean seriously, the GOP is basically the Gilead legislature at this point. https://t.co/quVxfilQ0Y 10:05:40, 2019-12-30
- @CHThiem I'm happy for you that you're finally chucking it! I *wish* I had been able to quit when I tried. You're t… https://t.co/ZGpk2o43GX in reply to CHThiem 10:03:08, 2019-12-30
- One of these things is not like the others. https://t.co/quVxfilQ0Y 08:47:48, 2019-12-30
- Una buena exploración de como sería una ciudad construido por y para mujeres, con ejemplos de las esfuerzas de Barc… https://t.co/COZPLX0tPh 08:21:00, 2019-12-30
- @charles_gaba It would be really interesting to see these compared to the actual demographic breakdown of adults in… https://t.co/pH4HWuzFbH in reply to charles_gaba 00:06:44, 2019-12-30
- RT @TheOnion: GOP Lawmakers Watch Silently As Trump Strangles Each Of Their Loved Ones In Turn https://t.co/sygtdPer8w #OurAnnualYear2019 h… 22:28:18, 2019-12-29
- Y también sobre los certificaciones de energía limpia (como RECs): https://t.co/WH4gzUyfiC in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:15:37, 2019-12-29
- Me parece que hay una lucha entre CFE y los generadores independientes. https://t.co/2dAAHWpZQO 21:13:18, 2019-12-29
- @CHThiem There must be a statute of limitations or something! in reply to CHThiem 21:11:43, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen If you like this genre, and you like thinking about the feedback loops that link policy, infrastru… https://t.co/FqqHzNZ3RE in reply to michael_nielsen 20:03:23, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen Another book I loved in the "too dense for any normal person and yet not actually a textbook" genr… https://t.co/J8XkTuvhYB in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:53:24, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen @EnergyInnovLLC Incredibly frustrating that we have zero or even negative real interest rates righ… https://t.co/D3PprmJGtL in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:50:06, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen Saul Griffith from @otherlab has been giving a lot of good talks / interviews about this issue lat… https://t.co/RsI01bcWhV in reply to michael_nielsen 19:45:56, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen It's much more focused on technical issues, but does get into waste disposal, reprocessing, altern… https://t.co/FR01pbXO8J in reply to michael_nielsen 19:43:07, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen @EnergyInnovLLC Big financing and regulatory reforms / tools needed, but in different ways in buil… https://t.co/WVpz2mD0VP in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:41:23, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen Another issue here is that even when solar+storage do make the most economic sense, they don't aut… https://t.co/389BUn1rPr in reply to michael_nielsen 19:38:19, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen There's some other examples of countries w/ different development priorities that are much more pa… https://t.co/Crt2dfPHSt in reply to michael_nielsen 19:33:59, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen @VitalikButerin @zhitzig @glenweyl I'm sure I'm not the first to point this out, but if <2°C warmi… https://t.co/eAofLHvWFl in reply to michael_nielsen 19:31:09, 2019-12-29
- @michael_nielsen @VitalikButerin @zhitzig @glenweyl I found David Bodansky's "Nuclear Energy" really helpful as a b… https://t.co/0Km74DK3Da in reply to michael_nielsen 19:27:22, 2019-12-29
- China-sized family separation. https://t.co/rIP51wK9jg 18:51:12, 2019-12-29
- It's almost like the whole "reading and writing" thing hasn't really taken off. We have all these zettabytes of ext… https://t.co/2egbgRAEWM 17:49:18, 2019-12-29
- ?♂️ https://t.co/uZM9B5utXL 17:40:21, 2019-12-29
- It shouldn't be radical to ask whether there are better economic development paths. We only just industrialized at… https://t.co/CkqhgHVdzn in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:43:55, 2019-12-29
- The big spread in wealth and resource consumption for countries with similar real quality of life metrics is huge.… https://t.co/CIoQ36dcxc in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:36:32, 2019-12-29
- When we've tried sit down and think through what we want our economies and development to *do*, it usually doesn't… https://t.co/enW9TnoYDA in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:31:37, 2019-12-29
- Some countries, like Costa Rica and Sri Lanka, have gotten *far* more human development per unit resource consumpti… https://t.co/iUCNWADdnW in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:13:44, 2019-12-29
- But to me the challenge of climbing that slope also begs the question of *what is development for* in the first pla… https://t.co/J9vSWTyx6g in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:10:49, 2019-12-29
- @leahstokes' "Narwhal Slope" gives some idea of what truly globalizing this kind of industrialization and economic… https://t.co/rc3SI0F8ts in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:58:24, 2019-12-29
- It's cliche at this point, but the future that's already here *really* is not evenly distributed. And if we believe… https://t.co/RUThJeZSYl in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:54:12, 2019-12-29
- But the mass consumption side of industrialization didn't take off until post-WWII, and even then only in a few pla… https://t.co/pzV5cgbAJa in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:49:51, 2019-12-29
- My grandmother was born in 1909. Draft animals were still the engines of agriculture and local transportation. The… https://t.co/SpXXpQcmNY in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:45:27, 2019-12-29
- But the more I read, the more it seems like we weren't fundamentally limited by our need for fossil energy resource… https://t.co/BFJdeK75Kb in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:39:02, 2019-12-29
- And then eventually, this cautious civilization discovers nuclear physics, and the possibility of essentially unlim… https://t.co/FT9WcsT6AX in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:35:50, 2019-12-29
- And along the way, I imagined the need to use local and relativley constrained resources, and a couple of serious b… https://t.co/l3NYKD70WS in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:33:26, 2019-12-29
- Especially, places with easy access to hydroelectric power early on, and later wind, and concentrating solar for th… https://t.co/Ooqhg96mwr in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:31:34, 2019-12-29
- I imagined a story in which humanity develops the ideas of industrialization, but runs into resource limitations ea… https://t.co/lvKLSHGEGf in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:28:13, 2019-12-29
- The lag between knowing how to do a thing in theory, and doing it at civilization scale is a long running theme in… https://t.co/ZFkJjy5FSW in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:24:57, 2019-12-29
- @VaclavSmil In retrospect (of course) this shouldn't have been so surprising — CO2 emissions are a decent proxy fo… https://t.co/Ae1CL953Ml in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:16:03, 2019-12-29
- @VaclavSmil Before I started looking into it, I imagined that this alternative history would branch off in the 1700… https://t.co/0001k7xCK7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:13:05, 2019-12-29
- @VaclavSmil In popular depictions (at least the PBS & BBC ones I was exposed to as a kid) the historical lens seems… https://t.co/qizWAOW5WW in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:10:38, 2019-12-29
- @VaclavSmil More than anything, I've been shocked at *just how recent* the act of industrialization is. The act as… https://t.co/V4Sm7Zpo1F in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:07:50, 2019-12-29
- I was inspired to start my (most recent) @VaclavSmil reading binge because of this idea about an alternative histor… https://t.co/gDcB25OFsS 15:03:14, 2019-12-29
- @VaclavSmil Another summary, if you aren't keen on a whole book about prime movers… https://t.co/7VbUX946B0 in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:05:46, 2019-12-29
- In 1893 he inventor of diesel engines believed they would enable small-scale, decentralized industrial production a… https://t.co/8AajcLcSNF 13:04:10, 2019-12-29
- I really gotta take care of this no-coffee-at-home situation. Where even do the mornings go? 12:51:54, 2019-12-29
- RT @Splitcoil: Do you hate Nazis? Do you feel powerless to fuck with them? Because you're not. You can donate to ProPublica, and ProPublica… 21:51:06, 2019-12-28
- No tengo agua caliente en mi cocina, pero el agua está caliente, porque la tuberia pasa por el sol en la tarde — t… https://t.co/fwp4lD1lVL in reply to ZaneSelvans 15:00:20, 2019-12-28
- ¿Porqué los calentadores solares de agua no estan en cada techo México? En Turquía son casi universales, incluso en… https://t.co/mfcXTStasu 14:57:39, 2019-12-28
- RT @Dana_Corres: Y hoy en Las Aventuras del Megalomano Delusional de Elon Musk ™, traemos para ustedes:
Elon descubre el metro. https://t.… 14:32:06, 2019-12-28
- Caminando por las calles de Pontevedra, Galicia en Google Streetview, se puede ver la reclamación de la ciudad para… https://t.co/o87oyJ344X 08:21:00, 2019-12-28
- "Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted." — Aldous Huxley https://t.co/qW2enwfXRy 23:51:12, 2019-12-27
- @notFromShrek Sounds like a documentary… in reply to notFromShrek 23:38:40, 2019-12-27
- Es increible como una ducha tibia y una cama con sábanas y almohadas parecen como lujos después de una semana de la… https://t.co/SMvZVP1tA0 21:14:24, 2019-12-27
- RT @CatalystCoop: In addition to making new investments in capital-intensive renewables, storage, transmission, energy efficiency etc. hell… 12:16:36, 2019-12-27
- A strange game. The only way to win is not to play. https://t.co/h7QRV9DR4x 11:59:47, 2019-12-27
- RT @JessicaHuseman: Domenich plagiarized at the Post, was forced to apologize after calling Kagan the "first openly gay justice" (she isn't… 11:28:46, 2019-12-27
- @schmangee @ericmbudd We're so good at figuring things out when we have to. But then we also seem to want to put ou… https://t.co/gUZOrc43VN in reply to schmangee 11:19:20, 2019-12-27
- I think this gives you access to a square about 1.4km on a side, so 14 x 14 blocks, with 40 store fronts per block,… https://t.co/825QvaXkg7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:07:21, 2019-12-26
- If you can walk 1km in 15 min, and each block face is 100m long, and each storefront is 10m wide, how many store fr… https://t.co/g6evZXf1JR in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:03:14, 2019-12-26
- But you *don't* get this feeling in the drive-to pseudo-urban spaces that often crop up in the US. Little pedestria… https://t.co/2filXVM9I6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:20:10, 2019-12-26
- It's like the pedestrian flipside of parking. It's how a city with no cars actually works. The volume of stuff and… https://t.co/3oyAR4rz7G in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:17:38, 2019-12-26
- But the same holds true for… hardware and toilet paper, coffee and lightbulbs, sheets and cell phone cases.
The… https://t.co/RdB0XWoO2P in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:12:51, 2019-12-26
- This has especially come up for me with street food and not having a kitchen set up yet. If I want atole y platanos… https://t.co/M2s0FwMQus in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:10:48, 2019-12-26
- None of this is surprising in a theoretical sense — but the *experience* of it is kind of magical. I don't have to… https://t.co/WxsDY8iVlr in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:07:14, 2019-12-26
- One (major!) consequence of this, and of having lots of commercial uses mixed in with everything else, is that once… https://t.co/9Cwz64AGw9 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:05:10, 2019-12-26
- @drvox With all these long-ass interviews making the rounds it almost seems like you're on a book tour. But where's… https://t.co/i1c7SlQxHV 12:43:32, 2019-12-26
- @ericmbudd @bolderbekah More generally it just feels like the tendrils of the online surveillance capitalism busine… https://t.co/chVoRHpPfJ in reply to ericmbudd 08:49:11, 2019-12-26
- @ericmbudd I feel like we're still just at the beginning of the story of the interactive speakers that listen to ev… https://t.co/k3QVquRIrZ in reply to ericmbudd 08:45:57, 2019-12-26
- I keep experiencing new streets every day, even though I'm never going out of my way. There's so many equally conve… https://t.co/4t9xkLQCAj in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:55:27, 2019-12-25
- The experience of walking in a city with a dense, interconnected network of streets is truly 2 dimensional. And 2D… https://t.co/jYKi9sjfpg 21:53:28, 2019-12-25
- RT @cesargalicia_: Conservadores llegando inadvertidamente al punto. https://t.co/Fip3Ig2IA9 21:46:20, 2019-12-25
- @ericmbudd And there are only four lights. in reply to ericmbudd 23:33:21, 2019-12-24
- Could anything be further from grassroots popular support than this? Bloomberg campaign used prison labor (via a su… https://t.co/JoKMoDhPa7 20:32:03, 2019-12-24
- Plus a bunch of 4-6 story mixed-use buildings. I'd move there. The old part of Oaxaca definitely makes me wonder an… https://t.co/9sFVjgGu81 20:24:34, 2019-12-24
- @CHThiem Completely wasted apparently! ? in reply to CHThiem 14:24:37, 2019-12-24
- @CHThiem So what you're saying is… you've been knotty? in reply to CHThiem 13:52:50, 2019-12-24
- @ericmbudd This sounds like the things we called "suburbs" up until about… 1940. in reply to ericmbudd 13:51:13, 2019-12-24
- RT @RottenInDenmark: Yeah but the downside is that cities would become wildly more pleasant and equitable https://t.co/bqFZs9mGek 09:56:41, 2019-12-24
- What from today will be this cringeworthy in 50 years? https://t.co/PHfu2Ddjac 21:31:25, 2019-12-23
- O&M FTW. https://t.co/uzWqGZQu21 19:35:37, 2019-12-23
- @erinoverturf Not to mention those PUC hearings in the Windowless Room! in reply to erinoverturf 16:34:25, 2019-12-23
- Sucede que tengo roomies inesperados… En el baño. Con el tamaño de la palma de mi mano. ????? https://t.co/ydWdOP2WoV 13:45:53, 2019-12-23
- And this kind of dry bureaucratic rulemaking is how we xenoform the homeworld. A great explanation of arcane (but i… https://t.co/CVcEd9CIju 13:36:44, 2019-12-23
- I'm currently replacing the bare daylight CFLs in my new little apartment. Traditional markets in Guatemala and Mex… https://t.co/nlaXjsHVax 10:51:29, 2019-12-23
- RT @GretaThunberg: Not even catastrophes like these seem to bring any political action. How is this possible?
Because we still fail to make… 08:59:50, 2019-12-23 - Paging Jaime Lannister. https://t.co/Rt7kZbR1Yw 21:42:34, 2019-12-22
- RT @gvwilson: Are you teaching a data science class next semester? Do you want your students to work with real-world data? Do you want to t… 14:49:17, 2019-12-22
- @SarahdawnH Yeah, it's all extra tragic because it's predictable — predicted even! And yet we still can't seem to… https://t.co/9nc1PNtfr3 in reply to SarahdawnH 14:39:08, 2019-12-22
- @SarahdawnH Ugh. But continuing to insure them, and having insurance companies go bankrupt (and be unable to pay ou… https://t.co/WJFMNWTb9s in reply to SarahdawnH 11:30:37, 2019-12-22
- RT @paytonchung: Architects find 4-story courtyard apartments will save the world:
– lowest embodied CO2 for buildings+infrastructure
– low… 11:15:54, 2019-12-22
- RT @Econ_Marshall: “It’s just not fair,” said the owner of the wine cave https://t.co/TcQAiLEY5y 10:49:07, 2019-12-21
- Dissent on the MOPR ruling from @RichGlickFERC https://t.co/v35h8kHWwT in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:37:25, 2019-12-20
- Every market is a social construct. Especially electricity markets! The question is for whom is the market construc… https://t.co/ZX75XPjCJf 09:33:22, 2019-12-20
- (I have trouble answering this question in new social contexts because the honest answer sounds too surreal and dys… https://t.co/3zwwChSB33 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:15:24, 2019-12-20
- "So what do you work on?" https://t.co/hX03JLa7cu 09:12:34, 2019-12-20
- RT @SeanMcElwee: cant add more progressive judges if there aren’t seats. gotta add seats, it’s pretty simple. 20:01:08, 2019-12-19
- Evergreen tweet. https://t.co/EKMU5xfZjB 17:05:37, 2019-12-19
- @seancllns Never to be lost again. in reply to seancllns 15:30:14, 2019-12-19
- RT @wirecutter: In light of recent reports about the security of Ring devices, we’re suspending our recommendation of Ring products & updat… 15:09:07, 2019-12-19
- RT @CatalystCoop: After efforts to build our own processes on top of @scikit_learn we finally stumbled across the Python Record Linkage Too… 15:07:48, 2019-12-19
- "But the climate has always changed…" https://t.co/2HyiFMJm4z 15:00:37, 2019-12-19
- El proceso de trabajar desde afuera es tan diferente que desde adentro. Se puede ser difícil para convertirse. https://t.co/hzXRA6YOEl 08:59:41, 2019-12-19
- @darkolina @modescriticism ???? in reply to darkolina 08:50:47, 2019-12-19
- RT @matthewstoller: "If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable." – Brandeis
Don't create a space for sex wo… 15:00:41, 2019-12-18
- RT @daniellamartic: El mundo https://t.co/VVVMXkjQP4 11:56:14, 2019-12-18
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/8VMLHjjiIl
Via @daniellamartic y @darkolina in reply to ericmbudd 11:53:34, 2019-12-18
- @ericmbudd Plenty of room for a good restructuring though! in reply to ericmbudd 11:45:55, 2019-12-18
- @CHThiem "If you want to do something evil, wrap it in something boring." in reply to CHThiem 09:21:36, 2019-12-18