- RT @Econ_Marshall: “It’s just not fair,” said the owner of the wine cave https://t.co/TcQAiLEY5y 10:49:07, 2019-12-21
- Dissent on the MOPR ruling from @RichGlickFERC https://t.co/v35h8kHWwT in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:37:25, 2019-12-20
- Every market is a social construct. Especially electricity markets! The question is for whom is the market construc… https://t.co/ZX75XPjCJf 09:33:22, 2019-12-20
- (I have trouble answering this question in new social contexts because the honest answer sounds too surreal and dys… https://t.co/3zwwChSB33 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:15:24, 2019-12-20
- "So what do you work on?" https://t.co/hX03JLa7cu 09:12:34, 2019-12-20
- RT @SeanMcElwee: cant add more progressive judges if there aren’t seats. gotta add seats, it’s pretty simple. 20:01:08, 2019-12-19
- Evergreen tweet. https://t.co/EKMU5xfZjB 17:05:37, 2019-12-19
- @seancllns Never to be lost again. in reply to seancllns 15:30:14, 2019-12-19
- RT @wirecutter: In light of recent reports about the security of Ring devices, we’re suspending our recommendation of Ring products & updat… 15:09:07, 2019-12-19
- RT @CatalystCoop: After efforts to build our own processes on top of @scikit_learn we finally stumbled across the Python Record Linkage Too… 15:07:48, 2019-12-19
- "But the climate has always changed…" https://t.co/2HyiFMJm4z 15:00:37, 2019-12-19
- El proceso de trabajar desde afuera es tan diferente que desde adentro. Se puede ser difícil para convertirse. https://t.co/hzXRA6YOEl 08:59:41, 2019-12-19
- @darkolina @modescriticism ???? in reply to darkolina 08:50:47, 2019-12-19
- RT @matthewstoller: "If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable." – Brandeis
Don't create a space for sex wo… 15:00:41, 2019-12-18
- RT @daniellamartic: El mundo https://t.co/VVVMXkjQP4 11:56:14, 2019-12-18
- @ericmbudd https://t.co/8VMLHjjiIl
Via @daniellamartic y @darkolina in reply to ericmbudd 11:53:34, 2019-12-18
- @ericmbudd Plenty of room for a good restructuring though! in reply to ericmbudd 11:45:55, 2019-12-18
- @CHThiem "If you want to do something evil, wrap it in something boring." in reply to CHThiem 09:21:36, 2019-12-18