- RT @Keira_Havens: Ok, I’m still thinking about this George Church/Epstein discussion from earlier today. A thread on science, legitimacy,… 09:03:35, 2019-08-03
- Or if you *do* understand the policies it requires and you have no fucking intention of implementing them. in reply to ZaneSelvans 01:13:08, 2019-08-02
- Assuming we keep having elections. in reply to ZaneSelvans 01:09:21, 2019-08-02
- No. https://t.co/AWRmwgojI5 22:48:50, 2019-08-01
- I think a lot of us will live to see presidential debates where time is spent on questions about managed retreat pl… https://t.co/AxHOnjy9NL 22:46:30, 2019-08-01
- I love how Henry George sometimes gets classified as a socialist, and other times as a free-trade zealot.
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek Oh you're *fancy* biking. I see. in reply to ericmbudd 22:24:37, 2019-08-01
- RT @JayInslee: Democrats should stop thinking — naively — that we can sit down and have tea with Mitch McConnell to pass our bold progressi… 17:05:31, 2019-08-01
- This dichotomy between explicitly stated and implied (but ignored) policies shows up *everywhere*. Vision Zero? 30%… https://t.co/4X2slc3rMu 14:19:54, 2019-08-01
- @ClarkWDerry God what a mess. in reply to ClarkWDerry 12:53:11, 2019-08-01
- This is a structural policy issue which will affect *any* US city that becomes prosperous relative to its former se… https://t.co/x0TGPrBNJy 11:19:02, 2019-08-01
- @ClarkWDerry Oh wait, do you mean that even *without* buying the mines back they would be on the hook for reclamati… https://t.co/DYAhPgiRgm in reply to ZaneSelvans 11:15:46, 2019-08-01
- @ClarkWDerry How/why can they find someone to take the hot potato? in reply to ClarkWDerry 11:12:29, 2019-08-01
- Paying $20M to get something that you just paid $20M to *get rid of* seems like an extremely normal and sound busin… https://t.co/00U5rKHNvX 08:40:09, 2019-08-01
- RT @bonehugsnirony: friend: where have you been? i miss you
me: [gradually descending into madness through minor inconveniences that erode… 23:56:53, 2019-07-31 - RT @EtheHerring: The top image is a fictitious weather report imagining what the weather would be like in 2050 for a 2014 French TV documen… 21:46:22, 2019-07-31
- RT @ABC: DEVELOPING: A shelter in place order has been issued as a fire rages at an ExxonMobil refinery in Baytown, Texas.
It's the latest… 20:50:07, 2019-07-31
- RT @CostaSamaras: This is a warning from the ghost of Christmas present https://t.co/3a3xFf4enV 20:49:33, 2019-07-31
- RT @erbclimate: Ms. Gunn-Wright is spot on about this. We looked at this last year. It’s a crisis and will continue to be. https://t.co/6oZ… 20:47:45, 2019-07-31
- RT @rgunns: why is no one talking about immigration in the context of climate change? we need an immigration system that can actually handl… 20:47:12, 2019-07-31
- Anybody have favorite books to recommend on this? The last thing I read was Inevitable Revolutions, which was from… https://t.co/n1o5Qlq21E 20:45:30, 2019-07-31
- Down with the Turtle of Moscow! https://t.co/SdpeAhPLxH 19:37:36, 2019-07-31
- RT @ryanaboyd: Why does the Cop Senator not simply arrest the other candidates? 19:36:00, 2019-07-31
- Boy do we have some shit work work through. https://t.co/CLIo6iltBu 19:08:41, 2019-07-31
- How did we get so afraid of *doing* anything. https://t.co/gwa7JsLscr https://t.co/UREuIVDevt 18:29:01, 2019-07-31
- @choldgraf I think the general idea of stewardship meshes really well with open source projects. You don't *own* it… https://t.co/lqOrk5nhso in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:12:53, 2019-07-31
- @choldgraf I really like "steward" and "stewardship" for this kind of relationship with a thing. And there's a whol… https://t.co/165d4US3b8 in reply to choldgraf 18:11:08, 2019-07-31
- @ericmbudd @notFromShrek Where you riding? in reply to ericmbudd 18:06:40, 2019-07-31
- @rgunns Oh god. I keep forgetting there are two nights. in reply to rgunns 18:06:10, 2019-07-31
- @markgelband Probablamente, chuchitos. in reply to markgelband 17:17:45, 2019-07-31
- @markgelband The NIMBY factions are first of all, gaslighting everyone into thinking we are supposed to govern citi… https://t.co/6Dj0Y1WDQi in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:58:09, 2019-07-31
- RT @benmsanderson: With some regret, I'm not going to #AGU19 this year. Our community needs to find ways of maintaining international coll… 16:52:24, 2019-07-31
- @markgelband It's great when it's possible, and there are good contexts for it! Like a single household! But you… https://t.co/IIVIkW09Na in reply to markgelband 16:48:24, 2019-07-31
- RT @drvox: Sure, we need lots of innovation to tackle climate change, but to be clear, when Rs (and conservative Dems) invoke innovation, w… 16:47:41, 2019-07-31
- Same. https://t.co/PYG4dJHvNx 16:45:12, 2019-07-31
- There's an analogy here to the national scene. Calls for "bipartisanship" and cries of "divisiveness" are in effect… https://t.co/KIqdUBuqOB in reply to ZaneSelvans 14:00:20, 2019-07-31
- They know this, explicitly or intuitively, and lobby aggressively for more process, especially on the odd occasion… https://t.co/MJxnMaoHhy 12:58:52, 2019-07-31
- RT @HenryKraemer: As currently manifested in most places, public input processes are designed to give the most institutionally powerful peo… 12:54:54, 2019-07-31
- Seriously, WTF?
At the very least partner with a different *kind* of journalistic organization for independent mod… https://t.co/UbL0pP8Kiw 12:18:05, 2019-07-31
- @a66mike99 @choldgraf Great distributed (human) computation origin story for @duolingo too. See @LuisvonAhn's TED t… https://t.co/y9WGIqgukC in reply to a66mike99 12:11:58, 2019-07-31
- @alexbaca Definitely! Just not in San Francisco. Lots of investigation into how to re-create those kinds of in betw… https://t.co/89XqFVZMiv in reply to alexbaca 11:30:02, 2019-07-31
- @choldgraf I've had great luck building vocab in Spanish with Anki. There are also shared decks of thousands of com… https://t.co/2gqbCheipS in reply to choldgraf 10:27:32, 2019-07-31
- RT @RARohde: CORRECTED: Number of days per year with passable water for ordinary ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific via the Arc… 08:46:24, 2019-07-31
- RT @owillis: democrats haven't won the white vote for at least 44 years. in that time theyve held the presidency for 20 years but the mains… 08:39:35, 2019-07-31
- RT @priyald17: We are now recruiting submissions for the "Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning" workshop at #NeurIPS2019! #climate… 08:35:37, 2019-07-31
- @cmgosnell Oh hey, it's gonna be in your neck of the woods next time.
Also I can't sleep. https://t.co/k6K2YWj9I8 02:19:29, 2019-07-31
- @notFromShrek @ecoffey Well @ApacheArrow seems to be primarily written in C++ so there must be a way to slice arrays in there somewhere 😉 in reply to notFromShrek 22:14:11, 2019-07-30
- @MarkyV @markgelband @ericmbudd @CarinaJulig "Will it get me re-elected?" in reply to MarkyV 22:07:36, 2019-07-30
- @bryanlbowen @CHThiem https://t.co/yNvhirNfgM in reply to bryanlbowen 22:02:21, 2019-07-30
- @bryanlbowen @CHThiem That's why they call it the Nightmare Rectangle! in reply to bryanlbowen 22:00:29, 2019-07-30
- @markgelband @ericmbudd @CarinaJulig Their proposed development includes substantial (and perhaps… delusional) ex… https://t.co/Ye3eKJXGPi in reply to markgelband 17:10:56, 2019-07-30
- @ericmbudd @CarinaJulig The Hill People are going to lose their minds. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:01:47, 2019-07-30
- @ericmbudd @CarinaJulig Oh man. Let the circus begin. Any bets on how long it takes the developer to get through the process? in reply to ericmbudd 17:01:21, 2019-07-30
- @CHThiem I don't understand how there are no screens here! Or in Siberia?! in reply to CHThiem 16:52:53, 2019-07-30
- @chrisnelder So glad Texas is running the experiment so we can all learn from it. in reply to chrisnelder 13:16:40, 2019-07-30
- @ericmbudd Like weed and espresso. The hippie speedball. in reply to ericmbudd 10:56:54, 2019-07-30
- But it's too early for beer. https://t.co/DE1bJ8cqD3 10:44:19, 2019-07-30
- @ericmbudd Feels like there's a good climate change analogy here too. Any historical notion of normalcy is becoming… https://t.co/h4zr0BtoUf in reply to ericmbudd 09:51:35, 2019-07-30
- @jfdecarolis @nworbmot @davidwogan @philipsargent @AukeHoekstra @MLiebreich @openmod @jonashoersch @gschivley… https://t.co/KTUS2v5Agm in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:42:50, 2019-07-30
- @jfdecarolis @nworbmot @davidwogan @philipsargent @AukeHoekstra @MLiebreich @openmod @jonashoersch @gschivley… https://t.co/XxhZuTbUg3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:41:05, 2019-07-30
- @jfdecarolis @nworbmot @davidwogan @philipsargent @AukeHoekstra @MLiebreich @openmod @jonashoersch @gschivley… https://t.co/Wde3hdWDhy in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:32:12, 2019-07-30
- @jfdecarolis @nworbmot @davidwogan @philipsargent @AukeHoekstra @MLiebreich @openmod @jonashoersch @gschivley You c… https://t.co/WqlJVraU8k in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:30:43, 2019-07-30
- @jfdecarolis @nworbmot @davidwogan @philipsargent @AukeHoekstra @MLiebreich @openmod @jonashoersch @gschivley Conda… https://t.co/KEcMsOIrLx in reply to jfdecarolis 09:29:35, 2019-07-30
- @jfdecarolis @davidwogan @AukeHoekstra @nworbmot @philipsargent @MLiebreich @openmod For the scale of what you're w… https://t.co/JBo6yCLzWW in reply to jfdecarolis 09:28:02, 2019-07-30
- @brucenilles @chrisnelder It made me think more like… My Buddy: https://t.co/iJgz5ReZZl in reply to brucenilles 23:57:46, 2019-07-29
- "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" https://t.co/eM4cfqXKaE 21:38:50, 2019-07-29
- @AriPeskoe @gilbeaq @JesseJenkins @CatalystCoop @KevinSLeahy @amedsker @gschivley Maybe we should make a twitter bo… https://t.co/5iMGJDTc8F in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:21:31, 2019-07-29
- @AriPeskoe @gilbeaq @JesseJenkins @CatalystCoop @KevinSLeahy @amedsker @gschivley Fuel costs for Clifty & Kyger (Sa… https://t.co/vOm3N9SHe6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:04:23, 2019-07-29
- Improved simulations of atmospheric feedbacks indicate the climate may be more sensitive to emissions that we thoug… https://t.co/AzdkjXVwvd 21:04:00, 2019-07-29
- @AriPeskoe @gilbeaq @JesseJenkins @CatalystCoop @KevinSLeahy @amedsker @gschivley Aren't there better paths that co… https://t.co/cRpc26OSua in reply to AriPeskoe 20:07:54, 2019-07-29
- Researchers believe that mosquitoes have killed half of all the humans who have ever lived. More than 50 billion pe… https://t.co/MvS6p94BEa 18:29:00, 2019-07-29
- @JesseJenkins @KevinSLeahy @gilbeaq @amedsker @gschivley Those three plants, all units, net generation in TWh 2011-… https://t.co/MQFjeCWtRC in reply to JesseJenkins 18:27:22, 2019-07-29
- @JesseJenkins @KevinSLeahy @gilbeaq @amedsker @gschivley Okay also Clifty Creek. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:39:19, 2019-07-29
- @JesseJenkins @KevinSLeahy @gilbeaq @amedsker @gschivley Oh, Sammis wasn't specifically subsidized… they just dec… https://t.co/uwwptk0tOq in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:37:41, 2019-07-29
- @JesseJenkins @KevinSLeahy @gilbeaq @amedsker @gschivley Let me look… do you know the plant names of the top of your head? Besides Sammis? in reply to JesseJenkins 17:35:40, 2019-07-29
- Sounds like some kind of vampire startup. Which I guess it kinda is. https://t.co/mqtQteFdrb 16:42:00, 2019-07-29
- There's got to be a way to turn this into a sporting-event like annual ritual. But what would we end up rooting for… https://t.co/aLL5sEz4i9 12:55:03, 2019-07-29
- RT @bnystedt: mac fans: the mac is great definitely buy one its the superior platform by far
also mac fans: dont buy any macbook apple sel… 12:48:28, 2019-07-29
- @CHThiem Reminds me of this Lapis Lazuli mine in Afghanistan. Today. https://t.co/sKthAZzt1p in reply to CHThiem 12:40:04, 2019-07-29
- All the *real* money is in sitting around doing absolutely nothing with the housing that already exists. https://t.co/sDqmz44TAB 12:37:57, 2019-07-29
- @savyajha Added twist: my grandmother grew up speaking Cantonese in Guangzhou in a 7th Day Adventist missionary com… https://t.co/UJziodPkT3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:18:37, 2019-07-29
- @savyajha I think I really would like to know. But I'm not sure the information survives. It would have happened be… https://t.co/OV5ZvxQ8o6 in reply to savyajha 10:16:44, 2019-07-29
- I do wonder how my grandparents managed to score 20 acres of almonds and 20 acres of oranges on the east side of th… https://t.co/H6h0YHAvYC in reply to ZaneSelvans 00:00:35, 2019-07-29
- RT @Noahpinion: This is actually a recurring theme in the history of U.S. immigration. Every time the U.S. decided it was time to do a big… 22:09:47, 2019-07-28
- @Noahpinion @JohnKageleiry (also if you don't already you should just follow @SarahTaber_bww for lots of amazing de… https://t.co/4kphnsg9FA in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:06:24, 2019-07-28
- Re-upping this great / horrible thread on the things we do to immigrants in the name of the (white) ag biz. https://t.co/IqxOXG6oVo 22:02:31, 2019-07-28
- @Noahpinion @JohnKageleiry This also feels relevant to the current moment: https://t.co/NLiSeFwxqg in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:56:03, 2019-07-28
- @Noahpinion @JohnKageleiry I grew in the Central Valley, and I got the sense that farms often prefer illegal worker… https://t.co/PZAYrr3bII in reply to Noahpinion 21:54:54, 2019-07-28
- @mcmansionhell I blathered a little bit in response to it last fall. The way they used property taxes to fund extre… https://t.co/CrWIUtHpqy in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:40:39, 2019-07-28
- @mcmansionhell This essay on some of the history of Vienna's social housing (and vision of leftist urbanism more ge… https://t.co/QyR7JGa5gT in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:34:29, 2019-07-28
- @mcmansionhell https://t.co/60zZKJZezD in reply to ZaneSelvans 21:27:46, 2019-07-28
- @mcmansionhell I think it's this one: https://t.co/rrhw7kVeIA in reply to mcmansionhell 21:26:18, 2019-07-28
- There are 22 tweets in this thread.
Optics, sure, right. https://t.co/d1rK5MiCC9 19:14:49, 2019-07-28
- Cars: 1,350,000
Plus 20-50 million more injured or disabled.
Also cars are driven by people. For now anyway.… https://t.co/4bHEYds1Hq 19:01:13, 2019-07-28
- RT @SpikeEcks: Women: get death and rape and deathrape threats constantly over Twitter.
Police: "sorry, nothing we can do."
Dude: Makes o… 17:32:42, 2019-07-28
- @MasynMoyer @blocktogether is one attempt to collaboratively and proactively filter out folks who are worth blockin… https://t.co/r4iDGeygpK in reply to MasynMoyer 17:31:55, 2019-07-28
- RT @CostaSamaras: can’t wait for when the startups that pay their interns, hence attracting the best talent from a diverse workforce, some… 16:14:07, 2019-07-28
- @ericmbudd @bolderbekah @rachelkfriend @dailycamera Hah, the person on a bike in that PomPom piece lived at Masala.… https://t.co/HEc4LoWcBg in reply to ericmbudd 13:14:36, 2019-07-28
- @ericmbudd @bolderbekah @rachelkfriend @dailycamera All the hateclicks from the hateclickbait. in reply to ericmbudd 12:50:01, 2019-07-28
- @ericmbudd Well I guess you must not speak Finnish. in reply to ericmbudd 10:04:45, 2019-07-28