- At one point they go to some traditional Mongolian games, out in the steppes, and watch wrestling, filmed by a tablet controlled quadcopter. in reply to ZaneSelvans 23:58:25, 2017-09-02
- A 40 minute film about 6 weeks bikepacking through the steppes of Mongolia. https://t.co/XS9eeqsqwh 23:54:10, 2017-09-02
- Ooooooh, beautiful Rohloff dirt-road touring bike from Tumbleweed. Why, thinglust, why?! https://t.co/XmMmLqXsGL 14:58:46, 2017-09-02
- RT @climate_ice: Copenhagen 850 years old and it lies within fewer meters of sea level than we should expect sea level to rise in the next… 13:12:52, 2017-09-02
- Or, you know, more than $5 works too if that feels right… https://t.co/ncOgze4LfO 08:39:47, 2017-09-02
- RT @GoddardTara: Students showing up late, falling asleep in class, not focused, skipping assignments? Housing/food insecurity isn't conduc… 00:04:22, 2017-09-02
- RT @MattOswaltVA: "You have a choice Houston, starve to death…or eat vegan."
"I'll s… 23:10:04, 2017-09-01 - RT @cmclymer: $1 – white guy
$5 – white guy
$10 – white guy
$50 – white guy
$100 – white guy"Let's do Harriet Tubman on $20."
"STOP ERAS… 21:52:35, 2017-09-01
- Some day we will stop rebuilding our coastal cities. I’m sure it isn't now, but folks alive today will live to see… https://t.co/3z9UwrGAiF 09:57:22, 2017-09-01
- @RichardValenty @PLANBoulder @edbyrneboulder @jillgrano @Sam4Council Just curious, did you do this in real time, or… https://t.co/bpuIHEqw9p in reply to RichardValenty 09:50:11, 2017-09-01
- Nicely done thread of questions & responses from Aug. 30 @PLANBoulder #BoulderCouncil candidate forum! https://t.co/OWX8KkpFH8 09:49:30, 2017-09-01
- @BoulderChamber A whopping 42 pages of council candidate info! @CommunityCycles @ULIColorado @ZayoGroup @ABetterBoulder in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:12:54, 2017-08-31
- Direct link to the archived FB live video here: https://t.co/b8azxDs7PN https://t.co/u5y7WPEgh3 18:07:04, 2017-08-31
- @markgelband @BoulderChamber They say that the video will be uploaded to YouTube within the next few days. in reply to markgelband 18:00:35, 2017-08-31
- The @BoulderChamber has posted all #BoulderCouncil candidate questionnaire responses on their website here: https://t.co/x7nmqu3fJQ 18:00:06, 2017-08-31
- If you couldn’t make it to the @BoulderChamber candidate forum last night, they have the video posted on FB here: https://t.co/hCd1Tx8LSw 17:57:47, 2017-08-31
- @JesseJenkins Hey Jesse, where’s your “zero marginal cost electricity markets” thing? I can’t find it, & @ericmbudd needs to read it… 🙂 07:59:55, 2017-08-31
- @MarkyV The dream of the 90s is alive in… oh wait, no. in reply to MarkyV 23:16:13, 2017-08-30
- RT @hanlonbt: Confession time: As Policy Director for the @SFyimby Party, I just ripped-off the @SierraClub's late '90s plan to mitigate cl… 22:47:57, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/lmux6iWoaz in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:10:35, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/2Tkowxc0X4 in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:09:20, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/42d9fr9qMe in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:08:05, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/MqL3Q2a0Hs in reply to ZaneSelvans 19:00:30, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/UxdDBWM7vV in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:59:46, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/LTr6YyCxQe in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:58:20, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/dwsdFgexIe in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:56:16, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/mHBLHrqchC in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:53:38, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/NTzeuAL3Y8 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:52:29, 2017-08-30
- @markgelband @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Don't worry. in reply to markgelband 18:47:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/RfRaed4GBM in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:46:12, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/bL3QmDSU29 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:41:39, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/1oSmsQs3sI in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:39:34, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco @jillgrano @NewEraColorado… https://t.co/LAXjaVA3V1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:38:05, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@jillgrano leading off with he… https://t.co/kL1PdL5eXl in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:37:01, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Now on to the second batch of 7 candidates in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:35:09, 2017-08-30
- @scottholton @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco This is a forgivin… https://t.co/OrFDxT5lar in reply to scottholton 18:31:43, 2017-08-30
- @scottholton @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Horrendous in reply to scottholton 18:29:29, 2017-08-30
- @markgelband @beanaman @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Median a… https://t.co/GWohS2Uq68 in reply to markgelband 18:28:55, 2017-08-30
- @scottholton @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco You should have se… https://t.co/7WoUsB69EO in reply to scottholton 18:28:19, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Can't help but imagine my respo… https://t.co/z3Bt5pgQLD in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:26:39, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Believes this is compatible wit… https://t.co/s9UE1FHzd1 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:24:26, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@ericmbudd came here from St L… https://t.co/MMiVbCFl2j in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:23:04, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Folks are giving closing statem… https://t.co/S8qCekuUQL in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:21:54, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Gerstle wants required on site… https://t.co/TCKwYjb0GG in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:18:54, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Camilo doesn't know anything. W… https://t.co/8rCM09nd2n in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:16:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Cindy Carlisle thinks public en… https://t.co/yoZFHQd0TM in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:14:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Answer focuses on need to use l… https://t.co/eVZ5bckMqD in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:13:01, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@janburtonco asked why if we'r… https://t.co/aqAWfojKpV in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:11:20, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Boulder Muni effort is an attem… https://t.co/1qCt4cLquL in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:09:57, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@ericmbudd doesn't fault Xcel,… https://t.co/4bjcumoP1b in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:08:39, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco .@ericmbudd gets the municipali… https://t.co/F4Bi9yXZBW in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:07:05, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco Matt Benjamin excited about mix… https://t.co/UA6CcFYCRg in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:04:24, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd @janburtonco First question is about the Bou… https://t.co/LiaTFzVfVn in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:03:29, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd Both @janburtonco & @ericmbudd with a focus… https://t.co/FslG1QvOdJ in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:57:25, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder @ericmbudd At least three folks running this year are i… https://t.co/XlTyLG4I8j in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:53:53, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder Both Matt Benjamin & @ericmbudd opening with focus on g… https://t.co/UQjXOMSAjU in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:52:07, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder Live stream on the @BoulderChamber Facebook page if you… https://t.co/ILnClJMcMD in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:48:40, 2017-08-30
- @ZayoGroup @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles @ABetterBoulder Each candidate will get one question to answer in perso… https://t.co/Odp5y9qzF6 in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:46:55, 2017-08-30
- Packed house at @ZayoGroup for a #BoulderCouncil forum in collaboration w/ @BoulderChamber @CommunityCycles… https://t.co/r1AXk7uz5n 17:45:05, 2017-08-30
- @drvox And there are other plants that should be vulnerable to the same swap. in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:43:48, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Which would be a $2-3B investment in renewables, all competitively bid, along with retirement of another 660MW of coal. in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:42:58, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Our monopoly just proposed going to 55% renewables over the next ~8 years. https://t.co/ukZ5E5ViPO in reply to drvox 13:38:17, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Massive deployments of wind & solar have the inverters installed… waiting to be programmed to respond to a m… https://t.co/BDnAs92ffn in reply to ZaneSelvans 13:27:20, 2017-08-30
- @drvox Just had a great presentation from grid engineer at WCEA last month and it blew my mind in a good way. Lots… https://t.co/NyMLH7v3mk in reply to drvox 13:26:03, 2017-08-30
- @drvox You gotta do a post on voltage regulation, system inertia, synchronous condensers & how micro-inverters will… https://t.co/RsziGPgSQd in reply to drvox 13:20:16, 2017-08-30
- It would be easier to act like a utility if we knew we were going to be running a utility, instead of a zombie laws… https://t.co/zXse2phf2F 11:30:26, 2017-08-30
- @alex_burness It would be great if you could just live-tweet all the PUC proceedings. 🙂 in reply to alex_burness 11:27:28, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell @COsenGOP @LOLGOP And why would anybody expect this process to en… https://t.co/AOPuLpqeGk in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:03:18, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell @COsenGOP @LOLGOP If so, they revealing themselves as pyromaniacs… https://t.co/OiWqELc4J3 in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:02:23, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell What will @COSenGOP do with this? What does the @LOLGOP do with i… https://t.co/wuaT9gGSpP in reply to ZaneSelvans 10:00:06, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell This is a multi GW admission by Xcel, the Office of Consumer Coun… https://t.co/UtAUZQZ3Wi in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:58:19, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell The retirement of these uneconomic coal plants and replacement wi… https://t.co/a8RpQwhqkK in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:57:04, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell Supposedly the remaining 1% RESA would be dedicated to more distr… https://t.co/xDC61hQPaM in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:34:26, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @cmgosnell They’re also proposing to reduce the 2% RESA (renewables surcharg… https://t.co/7Wx8zJ7bEt in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:33:46, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO I will leave that to the magic PUC fingers of @cmgosnell 🙂 in reply to erinoverturf 09:19:39, 2017-08-30
- @erinoverturf @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Man do I want to see those bids. It is going to be some kind of crazy pre-qualified PTC fire-sale. in reply to erinoverturf 09:17:40, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Or is it all part of one monster RFP, subject to creating a reliable overall electricity system? in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:16:47, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Still not clear to me how firm the mix of renewables vs. dispatchable resour… https://t.co/2RcoXZBx8H in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:16:09, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf (at least, if the fuel based power is going to have a substantial capacity factor.) in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:14:59, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Though, on a net present revenue requirement basis, pure CapEx renewables/st… https://t.co/MO4dkouBHt in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:14:27, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf This should allow Xcel to have no preference for gas over (say) solar + electricity storage. in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:13:30, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO @erinoverturf Interestingly, 75% utility ownership target applies to both “dispatchable… https://t.co/0WY9JVuZMj in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:11:49, 2017-08-30
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Great to see that ALL of the resources would be acquired through competitive bids, even if… https://t.co/r2uUYOwgLu in reply to ZaneSelvans 09:10:01, 2017-08-30
- @Neubadah @bitsweat I mean hey, seems hella qualified. in reply to Neubadah 21:49:32, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado Also, FYI, @bouldercolorado is one of the stipulating parties, supporti… https://t.co/ZJTPeS6JT5 in reply to markgelband 18:55:38, 2017-08-29
- *If* the PUC goes along with the proposal. Which seems like a no-brainer. But this isn’t a done deal. Lord knows wh… https://t.co/evbtQwm95R 18:47:10, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado Also, why on Earth are you less concerned about Xcel than Boulder in th… https://t.co/BHJ3KNXAWv in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:24:38, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado And I only know to ask questions about the depreciation schedules and e… https://t.co/GOsYdvgZQ5 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:21:25, 2017-08-29
- @seancllns @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado To be fair, I did call his mass grid-defection scenario a fantasy. in reply to seancllns 18:18:37, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf But maybe such questions are outside the bounds of the WRA social media policies… 🙂 in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:16:44, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf Read/skimmed it. Just wondered if you were supportive of his assertions. in reply to erinoverturf 18:16:03, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @erinoverturf @bouldercolorado It’s a huge improvement! And similar to what we’ve been working on for… https://t.co/Lf0B7ZyXlu in reply to markgelband 18:10:34, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf Do you think the rural tax base and employment impacts will be positive/acceptable? Skimming didn’t s… https://t.co/WifuCkZMBd in reply to ZaneSelvans 18:00:59, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf Is there a compelling reason for Comanche 1&2 to be the only plants considered, given the current economics? in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:59:20, 2017-08-29
- @erinoverturf What all kinds of things can be part of the conversation? Is the regulatory asset + accelerated depre… https://t.co/e5KVeoo5A2 in reply to erinoverturf 17:57:45, 2017-08-29
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Which makes it hard to see how they are also half of Xcel’s overall coal fired generation.… https://t.co/hLSWzVqdWD in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:35:35, 2017-08-29
- @Bikechess @XcelEnergyCO Yeah… but they’re not the only huge plants. Comanche 1&2 are about half the generation of… https://t.co/4esIf9EcAF in reply to Bikechess 17:34:53, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO Zero marginal cost energy markets are going to be very different than per-kWh markets. in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:25:41, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO And there are many possible utility cost recovery schemes. We’ll have to talk about how… https://t.co/qg8PFlQdnR in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:24:47, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO I see no reason to think a large number of people will defect from the grid — and certai… https://t.co/nCrWlxJpGb in reply to markgelband 17:23:24, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO GHG reduction is 60% over ~9yrs, which is about the rate we need (50% every 10yrs for decades, for ev… https://t.co/RTTSKSDYX7 in reply to ZaneSelvans 17:02:34, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO Ah yes, the urban energy autarky fantasy. That’s why you don’t make sense here. in reply to markgelband 16:50:14, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO Or are there other anticipated changes to the capacity factors of the remaining fossil plants… in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:36:44, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO Curious to see how retiring just Comanche 1&2 can result in this scale of overall energy content shif… https://t.co/GTzON6V6FI in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:36:21, 2017-08-29
- @markgelband @XcelEnergyCO Somehow you manage to get everything related to utilities exactly backwards. This is the… https://t.co/OERGNiLjoK in reply to markgelband 16:35:08, 2017-08-29
- @PremierMembers @Picklebric @ElevationsCU I’d prefer two factor authentication (2FA) would to security questions an… https://t.co/kZPT2IJUE0 in reply to PremierMembers 16:12:10, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO Comanche 1 & 2 are also… not the only Xcel plants whose operations are economically uncompetitive wit… https://t.co/dIFF9lF69Y in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:08:20, 2017-08-29
- @XcelEnergyCO This is awesome! They’re also asking for big regulatory assets and accelerated depreciation. Is that… https://t.co/CzAdYueubG in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:05:51, 2017-08-29
- So @XcelEnergyCO is proposing to retire (some) of their coal plants which are more costly to run than new wind is t… https://t.co/grnVMXdloh 16:03:41, 2017-08-29
- A housemate taught me how to make kettle corn and I am ruined. https://t.co/1qf94HWZi2 12:50:07, 2017-08-29
- RT @AlexSteffen: What Houston shows us, yet again, is that we live in a world of predatory delay. 09:32:00, 2017-08-29
- Setting up @Picklebric's free checking account at @PremierMembers. @ElevationsCU costs $7.50/mo, but their bike par… https://t.co/wqbdxalLn8 09:16:00, 2017-08-29
- Campaign kickoff for Mark McIntyre at @fullcycle Taproom. Funny to see Penny Lane vaguely reincarnated in the space… https://t.co/AC6KZLppmS 18:13:59, 2017-08-28
- @LizinBoulder This is one reason why I love @boulderosmp! Parking & transportation is the other big piece. We enabl… https://t.co/bNkrOzDbQ5 in reply to LizinBoulder 17:31:39, 2017-08-28
- @LizinBoulder No, prevent them from being built, like we currently prevent duplexes & apartments from being built i… https://t.co/CTRVcEngp2 in reply to LizinBoulder 17:25:40, 2017-08-28
- @LizinBoulder Today we require it with our zoning, parking, and transportation investments. We could also prevent it with the same toolkit. in reply to LizinBoulder 17:04:25, 2017-08-28
- Great example of why urban infill and density is preferable to sprawl. https://t.co/2LDAv87EGl 15:44:33, 2017-08-28
- @kevpluck Yeah, the pandas dataframes are just a convenient place to play with the data, merge, group, prep for out… https://t.co/KJrbNMhARt in reply to kevpluck 11:17:47, 2017-08-28
- @kevpluck I use Python and pandas data frames for this kind of think. Merged tabular data definitely seems easier f… https://t.co/67gR7Z433V in reply to kevpluck 08:34:47, 2017-08-28
- @JasenThorpe @ericmbudd Oh but we already have. in reply to JasenThorpe 00:55:42, 2017-08-28
- @ericmbudd Quantum simultaneity. In parallel universes, he has tweeted all possible tweets. They tunnel from one un… https://t.co/pHziB2Qszb in reply to ericmbudd 00:28:20, 2017-08-28
- RT @nils_gilman: The transition from Weinberg's faith in "technological fixes" to Rittel & Webber's "wicked problems" is the point where mo… 08:13:49, 2017-08-27