- Humans are so cute. Someone is crowdfunding an artificially intelligent vibrator. Because SCIENCE! https://t.co/rDWa45mqQe cc @GreatDismal 16:58:02, 2014-12-06
- RT @ABetterBoulder: Come hear @VictorDover speak about good human scale street design this week! 3 chances, Mon, Tue, & Wed. nights: https:… 16:48:36, 2014-12-06
- @KenCaldeira Another interesting plot? Cumulative area under the various curves vs time => timescale on which diff. plants are better/worse. in reply to KenCaldeira 16:11:57, 2014-12-06
- @fonnesbeck OMGWTF?! I don’t know if I can use SciPy anymore. in reply to fonnesbeck 16:09:22, 2014-12-06
- It’s fun to watch company named Tesla scare the crap out of Edison’s utility model. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! http://t.co/LJSBEJFuMD 16:01:34, 2014-12-06
- @PassiveHouseBB @BarnLight The post-climate-apocalypse Weird West is definitely going to be using LED lighting. in reply to PassiveHouseBB 15:27:09, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: Shutting down 28th Street. #Boulder #Ferguson https://t.co/W9UfJmvfFS 15:00:10, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: Headed south on Folsom. Boulder #Ferguson march has swelled to about 500 people. Police peacefully supervising. http://t.… 14:22:30, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: Right now at Folsom and Pearl. #ICantBreathe #Boulder #Ferguson https://t.co/QNX9r4Qqr1 14:22:11, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: This crew is at Pearl/16th, headed east. They plan to stage die-ins at major intersections. Just like last week, but with… 14:21:43, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: We'll be updating our story on the Boulder protests throughout the day at http://t.co/90JIKa55cz. 14:21:27, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: 4.5-minute die-in on Pearl. #Boulder #Ferguson http://t.co/I9MPyUAifT 14:21:18, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: Stopping traffic on Canyon. These gals are all about it. #Boulder http://t.co/WmOeDTRs8K 14:21:08, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: Broadway and Pearl. #Boulder http://t.co/tknIK78Pzd 14:20:40, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: 300ish protesters are headed to Pearl Street. #Boulder https://t.co/NjysEdRaQC 14:20:30, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: Boulder protesters plan to meet at 28th and Colorado at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, then march to shut down US 36. 14:18:55, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: Practicing chants. Solidarity march begins soon. Majority women here. I've met a lot of LGBT + youth, too. #Boulder https… 14:18:14, 2014-12-06
- .@EdwardAbbeySays “God Bless America. Let’s save some of it” https://t.co/dIlvYYCAF5 13:00:33, 2014-12-06
- RT @EdwardAbbeySays: "There are some things one would rather have done than do." – #EdwardAbbey 12:59:41, 2014-12-06
- RT @alex_burness: At Broadway & Canyon, people trickling in for the solidarity march through Boulder. I'd guess 200+ right now. No cops her… 12:40:16, 2014-12-06
- @ericmbudd now if only I had some noodles, it would be Sichuan dan dan noodles… What you up to? http://t.co/WwSuudL5rc 11:27:08, 2014-12-06
- RT @MasalaCoop: OH: "I spent two hours picking out this outfit; I’ve been meditating ALL DAY; we HAVE to go out!” cc @OnlyInBoulder #StayOu… 23:57:16, 2014-12-05
- @bruteforceblog @dailycamera I’m all for reversing asinine laws! But it’s good to realize that’s the project you’re taking on. in reply to bruteforceblog 12:52:51, 2014-12-05
- Rent control is illegal in CO. C’mon people. Google *before* you LTE MT @dailycamera: LTE #Boulder needs rent control
http://t.co/EKEUf6toDb 12:13:40, 2014-12-05 - @COHealthOP OMG, guys, you have *got* to set up decent electronic payment through @C4HCO. Don’t make us use checks anymore! Archaic! 12:11:46, 2014-12-05
- @ztamble FERC Form 1 is published in a vintage FoxPro DB dating from when they started electronic reporting in 1994: http://t.co/342ubJ6P25 in reply to ztamble 12:04:28, 2014-12-05
- @ztamble By which I mean, are the Berkeley folks scraping regulatory filings for their own DB, or do they use yours? in reply to ztamble 11:42:20, 2014-12-05
- @ztamble FERC Form 1 has production costs (nice to compare vs. DSM program costs per kWh saved). Also undepreciated capital asset values. in reply to ztamble 11:41:46, 2014-12-05
- @ztamble EIA923 has all fuel deliveries and their price per heat content month by month, plant by plant. Exposes fuel cost trends. in reply to ztamble 11:39:18, 2014-12-05
- We’ve successfully made health insurance cheaper & more accessible, but managed to keep it a gigantic pain in the ass. #singlepayer 11:25:29, 2014-12-05
- @ztamble Do you slurp in federal filings as well, like @FERC Form 1, @EIAgov form 923, and the newish EPA GHG reporting? in reply to ztamble 10:23:24, 2014-12-05
- @ztamble Ah, gotcha. I don’t suppose your data stream also underlies the recent @BerkeleyLab DSMreport, does it? in reply to ztamble 10:22:24, 2014-12-05
- @ztamble Do you know if there's something up w/ the @QuadROI website? Connection keeps timing out. 08:40:19, 2014-12-05
- @alex_burness Thank you! Sounds like an epic meeting. in reply to alex_burness 00:49:17, 2014-12-05
- @alex_burness Very curious to hear what those conditions look like. Any discussion of the multi-use path connections East-West? in reply to alex_burness 00:45:37, 2014-12-05
- Interested to see if city response to proposed Googleplex at Pearl & 30th gets Boulder tech scene into politics. http://t.co/lmLL4OlKXs 00:43:11, 2014-12-05
- @WesternMEM Okay, in in the GTM w/ my headphones plugged in whenever. in reply to ZaneSelvans 16:46:51, 2014-12-04
- @WesternMEM Just about to fire up the Teleportation device… in reply to WesternMEM 16:40:44, 2014-12-04
- RT @cmgosnell: Germany's utility split their assets: good & evil. They will let evil go bankrupt. Cheers to the slow death of coal. http://… 16:19:19, 2014-12-04
- Techno-optimism I can believe in: keeping an extra micro USB cable plugged in next to my bed. Just in case somebody wants to sleep over. 15:45:39, 2014-12-04
- RT @COindependent: Denver will be Phoenix (or Tucson) so what they're talking abt now in Lima and next year in Paris matters http://t.co/B2… 15:34:56, 2014-12-04
- @sugarmags3 No no, procrastinating by *not* working on it. Not by working on it. in reply to sugarmags3 15:17:18, 2014-12-04
- Remember how we indicted and convicted a Boulder cop on all counts for killing #MapletonElk? Stark contrast. #BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe 10:55:55, 2014-12-04
- Advocating for the climate feels like lobbying for Bruce Banner. No votes or donations. But you wouldn’t like it when it’s angry. #HULKSMASH 10:51:02, 2014-12-04
- RT @buttermilk1: Denver cops protecting kids marching in protest run down by driver: http://t.co/sq8CLrwegl 07:55:57, 2014-12-04
- RT @gasnerpants: Not terribly excited for the police drones to come out on nights like tonight. 22:55:58, 2014-12-03
- @sugarmags3 Like I said, I’m procrastinating. 🙂 in reply to sugarmags3 16:15:45, 2014-12-03
- Scrooge denied Cratchit a warming lump of coal. At @ClnEnergyAction we wear puffies to avoid coal fired electric heat. I want a #Passivhaus 14:48:06, 2014-12-03
- @bberwyn you should chat with @shwinnebego, friend of @ClnEnergyAction at the #COP20 in Lima for some global context on CO GHG inventory. 14:26:14, 2014-12-03
- @shwinnebego Wanna talk to Bob Berwin at @COindependent on #COP20? He’s writing about the 2014 CO GHG Inventory, just released today. 13:58:03, 2014-12-03
- @NaomiAKlein @ElizKolbert I was disappointed by that tool. 2kW society makes me optimistic! It's different from today, but that’s okay. in reply to NaomiAKlein 13:35:08, 2014-12-03
- @schmangee Lots of P3 chatter around Denver w/ @HPTECO @MikeSalisbury78 and @WillToor Hopefully tying them to managed BRT/HOV/HOT lanes. in reply to schmangee 13:30:52, 2014-12-03
- RT @drgrist: Like my man Pericles said, "Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest … 15:58:45, 2014-12-02
- @shwinnebego I just posted a few > 4°C papers/resources on your FB post. It’s pretty ugly, obviously. 15:25:10, 2014-12-02
- Annual @TheAGU climate dirge begins: MT @JayFamiglietti: W. Antarctic melt rate has tripled: http://t.co/Ylk9hPF9wE http://t.co/KysBfXbDCq 15:00:33, 2014-12-02
- @JayFamiglietti Is that cumulative mass anomaly, or annual? I.e. 5mm total contribution so far (I assume/hope) or 5mm/year now? in reply to JayFamiglietti 14:48:43, 2014-12-02
- I just couldn’t resist. In Drones We Trust: http://t.co/DMjXJJndeT It would go great with a local screening of the new @DroneDoc 14:42:07, 2014-12-02
- RT @NathanNWE: #streetoftheday Shanghai, China. http://t.co/6fDt9IXBs4 09:09:52, 2014-12-02
- @alexdecordoba @citizenfour Dunno. We’ve got one theater in Denver, and one in Ft. Collins (Colorado). Hopefully it’ll open more widely. in reply to alexdecordoba 01:39:49, 2014-12-02
- Does anybody know if @citizenfour will be playing in Boulder? When/Where? 00:59:30, 2014-12-02
- In an unstable organization, financially autonomous employees can add stability. But in a stable organization, do they actually erode it? 18:09:19, 2014-12-01
- Steve Pomerance on Boulder’s housing strategy. Worth noting that the city is actually 50/50 renter/homeowner overall: http://t.co/QFwWPnSc0E 15:03:10, 2014-12-01
- @shwinnebego Ashwin, you’re using FB like Twitter. Nobody will see your posts. Please put them on Twitter instead. 14:08:22, 2014-12-01
- RT @drgrist: Of course, now that Obama has gone from "disengaged" to "emboldened," DC pundits will criticize him for that. 12:07:13, 2014-12-01
- RT @drgrist: Obama kicking ass; Gallup approval ratings rising. Pundits flummoxed. 12:06:53, 2014-12-01
- @shwinnebego Please tweet the sh*t out of this conference. in reply to shwinnebego 12:02:59, 2014-12-01
- Cities need to set priorities & make hard choices. "Not deciding" is a decision. If you want the status quo, own it. http://t.co/RpkzAdKAgC 11:53:51, 2014-12-01
- "It’s what you get when you call anything easy ‘sustainability' & conspire w/ communities to avoid making choices." http://t.co/RpkzAdKAgC 11:44:55, 2014-12-01
- Best City Council study session ever. Glad that @BoulderHousing snatched CZB up right after the city fired them. http://t.co/ZADBJqEwgo 11:34:43, 2014-12-01
- "Your policy makes this happen. This is what you want. […] You don't fill the middle because you don't want to.” http://t.co/ZADBJqEwgo 11:31:13, 2014-12-01
- "We could cool down all these problems by making Boulder a little crappier. That housing strategy works for Buffalo." http://t.co/ZADBJqEwgo 11:29:00, 2014-12-01
- Both unsurprised and disappointed that Boulder fired these folks: http://t.co/RpkzAdKAgC @AlexSteffen & @clmarohn have you come across them? 11:22:45, 2014-12-01
- *cough* ‘burbs, utilities MT @AlexSteffen: With carbon unburnable, vital to note stranded assets in systems dependent on cheap fossil fuels 11:00:08, 2014-12-01
- And some of them even contain yogurt… MT @MasalaCoop: This weekend we actually ran out of yogurt containers. http://t.co/GGmR3sskpY 09:05:01, 2014-12-01
- RT @MasalaCoop: Never thought it would happen, but this weekend we actually ran out of yogurt containers. http://t.co/Q5MneDOe2F 09:03:31, 2014-12-01
- RT @buttermilk1: MT @andredarmanin: RT @jbouie: This from Chris Rock is the realest shit I've read all week. http://t.co/D7isgiJG6j http://… 08:32:52, 2014-12-01
- RT @somebadideas: This video of Amazon's latest "fulfillment center" sure upends the definition of "labor" http://t.co/xm4cMb8ZFg via @tcar… 00:54:13, 2014-12-01
- @andrew_leach @AlastairFraser @JoelWWood You asked for SCC as econ. benefit of abatement. I agree cost is much lower => it's a great deal! in reply to andrew_leach 23:36:57, 2014-11-30
- Ditto for Earth MT @JoelWWood: I think the climate policy discussion in Canada would benefit from people stating their SCC priors up front. 23:27:50, 2014-11-30
- @climate_ice @PromiceGL Is there good reason to project ongoing exponential melting described in the video? Why expect successive doublings? in reply to climate_ice 23:16:28, 2014-11-30
- A short film narrated by #CarlSagan, in the name of the Universe’s Joyful and Persistent Understanding. Wanderers: https://t.co/IxZbt9eqjC 22:49:03, 2014-11-30
- @JoelWWood @andrew_leach @AlastairFraser Which would probably result in an unpleasant economic discontinuity… but sooner, rather than later. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:31:00, 2014-11-30
- @JoelWWood @andrew_leach @AlastairFraser Compared to OMB SCC, I want lower risk & social discount rate. Say 95%, 1% => $500 < SCC < $1000. in reply to JoelWWood 22:28:48, 2014-11-30
- @AlastairFraser @andrew_leach @JoelWWood Also even at ~$7/gal, fuel is a modest fraction of overall automotive costs. Definitely concerning. in reply to AlastairFraser 22:18:11, 2014-11-30
- @AlastairFraser @andrew_leach @JoelWWood Real estate values are vast sunk transportation system costs/commitments. in reply to AlastairFraser 22:16:10, 2014-11-30
- @AlastairFraser @andrew_leach @JoelWWood I think transport is esp. hard to shift b/c many alternatives need different land use patterns. in reply to AlastairFraser 22:13:32, 2014-11-30
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: RT @brucenilles: That is news. Sweet news. E.ON to quit gas & #coal & focus on #cleanenergy http://t.co/fuTPAh9Ju7 cc … 21:53:07, 2014-11-30
- @drgrist Why is it so frightening to people to think that we need to *decide* what’s good? It seems so familiar, so human to me. in reply to drgrist 19:48:50, 2014-11-30
- RT @NWSBoulder: 24 Hour Temperature change from @NWSWPC RTMA. 25-40°F colder E CO, but little cooling W slope! #ArcticFront #COwx http://t.… 19:35:36, 2014-11-30
- RT @MasalaCoop: The co-op is kind of desolate over the holidays, with only 3-4 people home. How can this be the occupancy limit? State mand… 18:25:00, 2014-11-30