- So awesome to talk to other @NASCO_Coops folk, hear what's similar and different in all our communities. 16:22:50, 2014-11-07
- @bserrurier @MikeSalisbury78 @neil21 @StantecUrban @StreetsblogNet Esp. w/ induced demand, "forecasts" are normative statements, disguised. in reply to bserrurier 09:49:05, 2014-11-07
- @MikeSalisbury78 @neil21 @StantecUrban @bserrurier @StreetsblogNet why do we insist on forecasts rather than making normative statements? in reply to MikeSalisbury78 08:45:58, 2014-11-07
- @trueanomalies any meetup plans in Ann Arbor ever get figured out? Crossing Indiana now… 08:32:31, 2014-11-07
- @ericmbudd uh, wut? Tell me you're not going to be doing that commute in Boulder. in reply to ericmbudd 21:50:54, 2014-11-06
- @ericmbudd You'd think that #Boulder would totally be into New Age media. #stayoutofmynamastespace in reply to ericmbudd 21:40:52, 2014-11-06
- @ericmbudd by which you presumably mean reading the paper the next morning, hot off the presses… in reply to ericmbudd 21:33:58, 2014-11-06
- And of course I just realized this, as I'm driving much further this weekend than I have cumulatively since getting a smartphone in 2010. 21:31:24, 2014-11-06
- @ericmbudd I anticipate a spanking, not encouragement. Also I'll probably miss the meeting, driving back from Ann Arbor Monday. in reply to ericmbudd 21:26:11, 2014-11-06
- Amazes me that any boondocks bike ride cuts my net connection, but I can tweet all night on the interstate. Not evenly distributed, indeed. 21:24:28, 2014-11-06
- @sugarmags3 Ooooh, I thought you were referring to my tweeting about the city attorney wanting to talk to TAB about blogging and tweeting… in reply to sugarmags3 21:04:51, 2014-11-06
- @sugarmags3 I definitely do not get that reference… in reply to sugarmags3 21:00:39, 2014-11-06
- Item 4 on next TAB meeting agenda looks juicy… "Discussion with the City Attorney regarding Board role and blogs/Twitter." Cc @ericmbudd 20:14:21, 2014-11-06
- RT @thereaIbanksy: don't fall into the trap http://t.co/FgLQWM7p0z 19:39:52, 2014-11-06
- RT @trevortimm: Dear @MarkUdall: Please read the CIA torture report from the Senate floor. You no longer have anything to lose. http://t.co… 19:39:30, 2014-11-06
- RT @neil21: Instead of "local", "collector", "arterial" just have "street" and "great street".
(For inter-urban highway, have "toll road".) 18:04:40, 2014-11-06
- RT @KetanJ0: World's largest study into 'wind syndrome' finds it's not real. *lack of surprise intensifies* http://t.co/gHh9Xz2dwc http://t… 18:03:42, 2014-11-06
- Nebraska. My ancestors lived in sod houses here. They fled to California last time the dust storms came. Now California is dry as well. 17:58:17, 2014-11-06
- Full moon rising over stabilized aeolian landforms along the Platte river. The dunes are sleeping. Waiting for their day to come. Soon. 17:01:25, 2014-11-06
- 36 hours of driving round trip to @NASCO_Coops Institute. 200kg of CO2 for each of the 5 of us. About a fifth the emissions of flying. 16:13:46, 2014-11-06
- Off eastward through the plains. Passing alternating wind turbine blade and carbon filled trains as the sun goes down in the west. 16:07:45, 2014-11-06
- RT @MasalaCoop: Rare Colorado post election day harvest of tomatoes and chiles… http://t.co/wgpIIr93Iw 12:47:29, 2014-11-06
- Imagine needing to get a bunch of special permits to build energy wasting auto-dependent housing. Rather than the other way around. 07:22:42, 2014-11-06
- RT @DrFunkySpoon: INCREDIBLE breakthrough image of planetary formation around a young star!!! http://t.co/O6j2TEJJKx #astrobiology http://… 06:26:43, 2014-11-06
- @DrFunkySpoon Holy cow! At first I thought you were posting an image from the preview of Interstellar you went to! in reply to DrFunkySpoon 06:25:39, 2014-11-06
- @alex_burness Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? in reply to alex_burness 21:51:21, 2014-11-05
- @neil21 The @LongNow folks do all kinds of interesting stuff. You might enjoy @footage’s Lost Landscapes of San Francisco talks. in reply to neil21 21:36:54, 2014-11-05
- @kbcran And I’d just read the AR5 Synthesis Report the day before. So I was not in the world’s most moderate mindset. in reply to kbcran 21:32:43, 2014-11-05
- @kbcran He was being super unhelpful at the utility workshop thing on Monday… blah blah impossible w/o fossil fuels blah blah intermittency… in reply to kbcran 21:30:08, 2014-11-05
- @kbcran When defining failure: “Well then humanity is totally f*cked!” #StuffIProbablyShouldNottHaveSaidToBobGreenleeInThatMeeting in reply to kbcran 21:10:39, 2014-11-05
- Seems doubtful that anyone writing on the Xcel side of this PUC docket is suffering an existential crisis as a result. But why not? 18:21:14, 2014-11-05
- @drgrist If you throw in BC and cut California off just south of Santa Cruz I will definitely emigrate. in reply to drgrist 18:14:09, 2014-11-05
- @drgrist Then here’s hoping you have plans for an early retirement… in reply to drgrist 16:23:01, 2014-11-05
- @climate_ice Sweet. Any chance there’s some extra oil, gas, or coal hidden underneath the ice sheet that we’ll be able to get at now? in reply to climate_ice 09:28:15, 2014-11-05
- RT @JesseJenkins: Massachusetts voters delink gas tax from inflation, ensuring continuous decline in road and transport infrastructure budg… 08:07:39, 2014-11-05
- @sugarmags3 At least DC will now have the excuse that they are all baked out of their gourds. in reply to sugarmags3 22:20:17, 2014-11-04
- @86redshoes Well, practice makes perfect you know! in reply to 86redshoes 21:45:33, 2014-11-04
- @86redshoes Personhood losing big apparently. Again. For the third time. in reply to 86redshoes 21:34:23, 2014-11-04
- @ericmbudd Well at least we’ve got that. Blargh. in reply to ericmbudd 21:33:54, 2014-11-04
- @ericmbudd Man the Bubble Barricades! Also, you seen anything on 67? in reply to ericmbudd 21:33:07, 2014-11-04
- @86redshoes Udall lost. Governor too close to call. GMO labeling failed. Haven’t seen the personhood results mentioned yet… in reply to 86redshoes 21:32:16, 2014-11-04
- @86redshoes We suck, apparently. in reply to 86redshoes 21:30:25, 2014-11-04
- @86redshoes Ugh, why did I even let myself look at the Twitter. 21:28:58, 2014-11-04
- RT @drgrist: It’s a good night to live in a state with legal weed. 21:15:23, 2014-11-04
- Passing ideas through others can be an information losing game of telephone. But with some folks, like @cmgosnell, ideas actually improve! 15:10:38, 2014-11-04
- @sugarmags3 After our love of free parking, US regulated utility policy is about as Soviet as it gets. in reply to sugarmags3 09:37:28, 2014-11-04
- More national media coverage of our local food waste diversion heroes @BldrFoodRescue This time from @goodnews http://t.co/mqgHyk9Ing 09:31:57, 2014-11-04
- @ericmbudd And it takes a village to raise an all-seeing, all-knowing weaponized, autonomous botnet. in reply to ericmbudd 22:02:06, 2014-11-03
- RT @sugarmags3: "The most important elections happening tomorrow aren't for Congress" http://t.co/KTwOhGEyPN 21:50:30, 2014-11-03
- TIL: I have about 5 minutes of patience for the guy with the bucket of gray paint on climate & energy issues, before resorting to profanity. 19:43:09, 2014-11-03
- TIL: people really have a hard time absorbing reality of carbon budget constraints. Like, deer in headlights hard. 19:35:04, 2014-11-03
- TIL: even amongst citizens concerned & involved in utility policy, stale narratives abound re: intermittency, costs, risks of inaction. 19:34:09, 2014-11-03
- TIL: temporal, locational, and other attribute based electricity pricing is too complicated for normal people. Intermediaries required. 19:32:28, 2014-11-03
- Radical transformations: Necessary. Possible. Elusive. 19:18:06, 2014-11-03
- And today we’re going to design a brand new electric utility for Boulder. Should be interesting. Also, hopefully awesome. 08:24:20, 2014-11-03
- Which is worse: Soviet expropriation of private homes for mandatory sharing, or #Boulder’s occupancy limits enforcing mandatory consumption? 00:26:59, 2014-11-03
- @drgrist Eww, fennel. Gross. in reply to drgrist 00:23:22, 2014-11-03
- Sometimes I wonder what #Boulder would get if we said: build whatever you want, but it has to meet #Passivhaus, and can’t have any parking. 00:18:05, 2014-11-03
- @mimstah @OpenBoulder @dailycamera @meltzere Can’t wait for the first historic mid-century Martin Acres ranch house… in reply to mimstah 23:36:43, 2014-11-02
- RT @drgrist: The mismatch between what IPCC says is necessary & what ANY country is doing is so huge, it has created a kind of surrealist a… 22:52:16, 2014-11-02
- @drgrist Transmission definitely the way to go. in reply to drgrist 22:51:32, 2014-11-02
- Hmm, I think this "tonic water” that someone left at our Halloween party, that I just used to make lemonade, actually had booze in it. 22:48:34, 2014-11-02
- I lost 25lbs earlier this year. Now I’m torn between wanting to get rid of unused, oversized pants, and the fear that they might fit again. 17:52:43, 2014-11-02
- RT @neil21: SUV driver: Why won't this idiot pedestrian cross?
Me: Why has this faceless death machine stopped? No way I'm walking in front… 17:03:48, 2014-11-02 - RT @MasalaCoop: Our first garden brunch! In November no less! http://t.co/IYttno5kw0 13:53:12, 2014-11-02
- .@bradplumer At a 5% discount rate. Value the future more highly and mitigation costs go down, even become negative. It’s a choice. in reply to bradplumer 11:50:45, 2014-11-02
- As does avoiding 3°C… MT @bradplumer: Avoiding 2°C means zeroing out emissions this century: http://t.co/nhK1lKZ9tc http://t.co/aogjvqeeiM 11:27:51, 2014-11-02
- @bradplumer Looks to me like the same can be said for 3°C as well. in reply to bradplumer 11:01:57, 2014-11-02
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: IPCC CO2 budget for 66% chance of < 2°C: 1000Gt. For odds better than Russian Roulette, cut that number in half. http:… 09:10:08, 2014-11-02
- RT @EliasHinckley: @nelderini @JesseJenkins illustrating my point re absolutism: “@ianbremmer: The Path to All Knowledge
(Love this) http:… 07:55:04, 2014-11-02 - RT @MasalaCoop: And it’s always nice when the house ends up cleaner the day after the party than it was the day before. Good excuse to mop. 07:12:28, 2014-11-02
- RT @MasalaCoop: Great Masalaween this year. Burlesque show went well. Good DJ. Nobody too drunk. Lots of people costumed. No police. 07:12:24, 2014-11-02