- RT @MasalaCoop: Miraculously, we got the flamenco duo inside by 11pm, and avoided neighbor Tim’s wrath. Gosh, imagine a whole funky co-op n… 23:43:11, 2014-09-06
- Accompanied by late summer crickets and a nearly full moon… @MasalaCoop: Flamenco guitar house concert tonight… http://t.co/qha8y2rOXi 20:29:26, 2014-09-06
- The new bike racks at @REI in #Boulder need to be spaced twice as far apart to be useful. 32" not 16" http://t.co/R7XVhekMUo 14:31:10, 2014-09-06
- Live bluegrass on the porch and free curbside mind control devices. Maybe there's hope for #Boulder after all. http://t.co/mNYr72cmJH 10:08:27, 2014-09-06
- RT @BadAstronomer: An astronaut can’t figure out his computer, so he drops acid. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly 01:44:26, 2014-09-06
- The 2nd annual @BldrFoodRescue Feast of Fermentation is coming up, Oct 11th: https://t.co/TYKqWNIsLe this year it’s at the @BldrRiverside 15:01:29, 2014-09-05
- Seems like the problem is that the people we can affordably house in Boulder might be different from those engaged politically in Boulder. 13:00:58, 2014-09-05
- Single family detached market is tighter, but attached is easier to supply, cheaper. Q is who we want to live here. It'll all sell or rent. 12:56:51, 2014-09-05
- Having many more jobs than employees in #Boulder mandates commutes. Balancing them is necessary but not sufficient to reduce commuting. 12:51:06, 2014-09-05
- At @PLANBoulder housing forum. Few attached dwellings built today for ownership, because of liability issues in CO re construction defects. 12:34:09, 2014-09-05
- RT @ericmbudd: @ZaneSelvans it's telling that the first sentence in most people's speech often includes "I am a homeowner" 11:42:40, 2014-09-05
- Oh, another LTE in the @dailycamera whose comments I’m not reading. Me, on inclusion in civic process around housing: http://t.co/s8rTcnPlx5 11:35:41, 2014-09-05
- RT @ABetterBoulder: An alternate take on livable #density in #Boulder, from former councilwoman Françoise Poinsatte: http://t.co/a80EfZMLsE… 11:28:31, 2014-09-05
- Tiny (urban) homes FTW! MT @dailycamera: 12-unit apartment building in #Boulder sells for $1.85M http://t.co/pji98tRJt5 11:12:08, 2014-09-05
- What home space gets used most? Super important for co-op design, where space is limited. BIG social kitchens please! http://t.co/HIKslJlrV7 10:59:33, 2014-09-05
- RT @sagabrown: I’d pay more “@golan: .@Twitter… give me an unfiltered, chronological feed with no ads; I'll give you $5.99/year. Now STFU a… 00:11:28, 2014-09-05
- RT @thereaIbanksy: #power http://t.co/y6wKAw6SnZ 23:21:52, 2014-09-04
- Registration is open for 2014 @NASCO_Coops Institute! I’m speaking on our campaign to legalize co-ops in #Boulder: https://t.co/h6G3LWL6gF 23:18:55, 2014-09-04
- Wanna talk housing not in front of City Council? Check out the @PLANBoulder forum Fri 9/5 12-1:30 at @alfalfasmarket http://t.co/iEolwB64AP 16:05:19, 2014-09-04
- @ericmbudd Unfortunate, that. Open source twitter alternatives called this one like, 5 years ago. But nobody listens… in reply to ericmbudd 11:15:17, 2014-09-04
- @ericmbudd They destroy everyone’s carriage returns as far as I can tell. Also, you’re batting a big fat zero in the comments. 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 10:57:29, 2014-09-04
- Nice LTE in the @DailyCamera from @EricMBudd on livability and urbanism in the context of building out E. Boulder: http://t.co/fE7c6iDlEE 10:53:01, 2014-09-04
- RT @MWenergynews: Minnesota regulators expected to vote on adopting federal carbon cost today http://t.co/cMIthxiwHL 10:05:52, 2014-09-04
- RT @meltzere: I'm inordinately excited about the lane change-ups on US 36. They finished stuff! They're starting new stuff! #lightattheendo… 09:58:12, 2014-09-04
- Days like this, the ability to envision a changed world seems like a curse. Will it be transcendently better, or horrifically worse? 22:25:53, 2014-09-03
- RT @fiatfluxxx: @ZaneSelvans "We can't make co-ops legal because everyone would flood to the city, and nobody wants to live in a co-op anyw… 22:03:14, 2014-09-03
- A followup article from @meltzere in the @dailycamera on last night’s housing discussion, w/ a quote or two from me: http://t.co/UTrOufWEeh 22:01:43, 2014-09-03
- Maybe we should just campaign to raise the occupancy limit to 3.5 people and see how much outcry we get. You know, as a “pilot project." 12:48:52, 2014-09-03
- @bikepedbrian Glad somebody appreciated it! Felt a little overwhelming. Still feels overwhelming. in reply to bikepedbrian 12:43:48, 2014-09-03
- And I guarantee there’s gonna be a whole lot more smack talking before this is over! @meltzere @dailycamera 11:41:37, 2014-09-03
- I hear I’m getting smack-talked on the @dailycamera site. My sanity dictates I not look, but if anyone else wants to: http://t.co/PS2V3lyVcq 11:39:34, 2014-09-03
- @meltzere I wish I shared that sentiment. If controversy disqualifies something from being an early win, then there will be no early wins. in reply to meltzere 11:07:39, 2014-09-03
- RT @ericmbudd: @ZaneSelvans rental housing just houses people who don't show up ro city council meetings 08:31:48, 2014-09-03
- @meltzere I talked briefly w/ Jeff Yeagin, he confirmed ADUs and Co-ops were going to working groups, coming back in December, if doable. in reply to meltzere 02:04:06, 2014-09-03
- Okay, I think I need to go home to my completely legal, utterly non-threating, affordable, sustainable co-op now and sleep. 23:47:24, 2014-09-02
- I *think* they just voted to have ADUs and co-ops go to the working groups, and come back in December. Not completely clear. 23:44:10, 2014-09-02
- I think council is getting tired. Having trouble keeping track of the proposal on the table. 23:40:56, 2014-09-02
- When owner occupied housing becomes rental housing it isn’t lost! It’s still housing! Apparently it just houses the wrong people. 23:33:42, 2014-09-02
- There seems to be confusion on council as to whether they support doing co-ops or ADU fixes in the near term. 23:31:49, 2014-09-02
- Sounds like there’s generally support for going ahead on Palo Parkway “opportunity site", exploring development options. 23:25:23, 2014-09-02
- Oh, #Boulder city council, your lips say yes, but your eyes say no. 23:16:43, 2014-09-02
- Allowing ADUs and co-ops in just a single zoning district is a great way to say “Yes” without actually changing much. 23:13:59, 2014-09-02
- All these very modest changes can be done with a modest amount of staff time and outreach, if we’re willing to just embrace the controversy. 23:11:39, 2014-09-02
- Jones: why not pilot legalizing all the illegal co-ops? Also we have a detailed proposal. Let’s just *do* it. 23:09:42, 2014-09-02
- .@Shoemaker4City wonders if maybe we could legalize one of the existing illegal co-ops as a pilot project… see how it goes. 23:08:32, 2014-09-02
- Jones: “If we don’t shortlist these items, when will we see these issues again?” Driskell: 2nd quarter 2015. 23:07:26, 2014-09-02
- Morzel is up for fixing existing ADUs and cooperative ordinances early. @MaconCowles up for both as well. 23:04:53, 2014-09-02
- George not up for ADUs or cooperatives now; Sam in favor of equity co-ops in the near term, simple ADU fixes. 23:03:59, 2014-09-02
- Mary Young is up for cooperative housing going forward, ADUs could be “daylighted.” 23:02:57, 2014-09-02
- Tim Plass suggests that ADU and cooperative housing be removed from from “early wins” based on difficulty of senior occupancy limits. 23:01:38, 2014-09-02
- There’s no way to avoid conflict in this process. Anything meaningful will be controversial. Council needs to pick which conflict they want. 23:00:12, 2014-09-02
- Rules have just been suspended so the meeting can continue rambling in a giant meta-NIMBY Möbius strip into the wee hours. 22:58:40, 2014-09-02
- Um, @MaconCowles, when a house “flips” to being an investment property, we don’t lose housing. I’d guess it houses more people, actually. 22:56:03, 2014-09-02
- If we had better code enforcement, would neighborhoods actually be willing to experiment more? Color me skeptical. 22:45:15, 2014-09-02
- RT @meltzere: Story out of council meeting: Senior occupancy proposal stymied amid #Boulder housing debate. http://t.co/SPn3CyifJR 22:43:18, 2014-09-02
- It sounds like @Shoemaker4City is looking for some way to legally force students out of single family housing. 22:42:19, 2014-09-02
- Seriously considering a life of crime at this point. Deviant Housing Developer? Is that a thing? 22:41:07, 2014-09-02
- Morzel: “Are we just going let people keep living in illegal co-ops and ADUs? Apparently yes, w/ no code enforcement” — (laughter) 22:37:26, 2014-09-02
- Also, Morzel wants co-ops & senior housing in lowest density zones — the least affordable, least walkable parts of town. Great. 22:31:39, 2014-09-02
- That’s what infill and redevelopment means — taking something that’s full, and making it fuller. That’s how cities evolve over time. 22:30:54, 2014-09-02
- Morzel: “Some neighborhoods already feel like they’re full.” Yeah. They all feel that way. And technically, they’re all wrong. 22:29:41, 2014-09-02
- Mary Young: are the housing working groups going to be “content experts” or “community members who can think outside the box." 22:10:54, 2014-09-02
- We already understand many of the flaws in the code. Why can’t we start fixing them? Because we fear change. 22:09:50, 2014-09-02
- David Driskell clearly aware that many incentives to create large (expensive) housing exist within our code today. 22:05:36, 2014-09-02
- Councilwoman Morzel asking about impacts of units per acre limits on how many small units we get. Fewer of them, as it turns out. 22:02:48, 2014-09-02
- Adrian Sopher: “Also, recall that virtually all of you supported, while on council, the planning and projects now getting built out." 21:53:24, 2014-09-02
- Adrian Sopher: “Can’t we wait until the buildings are finished before we decide they’re ugly?” 21:52:21, 2014-09-02
- .@FlatironsH4H has a waiver from @Habitat_org international… allowing custom designed homes to fit into #Boulder. Cost impacts? 21:46:14, 2014-09-02
- .@FlatironsH4H is interested in working w/ @BoulderHousing on the Palo Parkway site, already dedicated to affordable housing. 21:43:14, 2014-09-02
- 23 speakers on the comprehensive housing strategy, and 38 in open public comment. 21:40:54, 2014-09-02
- Former councilwoman Françoise Poinsatte: “My mixed-density neighborhood is actually kinda up for ADUs, increased density, co-ops, etc." 21:39:02, 2014-09-02
- .@WillToor’s comments focused primarily on issues of social equity, encouraging more renter input. Also “Good luck with the balancing act!" 21:34:58, 2014-09-02
- Tony Bricca from CU Student Govt. “I might be gone in a few years, but the students will still be here. Engage with us now!" 21:32:46, 2014-09-02
- OMG. There’s a CU student talking to city council. Who let this guy in here? Oh right. They’re a third of the city. 21:29:59, 2014-09-02
- Sue Prant speaking now, with the hand-held microphone, at a nice resounding Philadelphia volume. 21:28:28, 2014-09-02
- Since more than half of Boulder rents their housing, and many people don’t own single family homes. 21:21:42, 2014-09-02
- Statistically, that would mean they’d make up significantly less than half the people on the working groups. 21:20:15, 2014-09-02
- Neighborhood homeowners are concerned that they won’t be adequately represented on the housing working groups. 21:17:23, 2014-09-02
- Lincoln Miller: we got some co-op "pilot projects” here already. Turns out they’re affordable. They work. 21:16:04, 2014-09-02
- Another person in attendance counted roughly even 10 vs 11 on the senior occupancy limits. 21:09:31, 2014-09-02
- Staff has given their outline on the housing strategy. Now doing questions, public comment next… and I think I’m up first. 20:47:10, 2014-09-02
- Once you realize the rules can be changed, the game becomes secondary. The rules are the game. 20:34:57, 2014-09-02
- Process is itself a powerful political tool. Maybe the most powerful. Control the process, control the outcome. 20:34:03, 2014-09-02
- Councilmember Jones just checking in: “Our goal is still to move things forward here guys, right?” Supports co-op fixes, but it’s complex. 20:19:08, 2014-09-02
- First reading of the ordinance increasing senior occupancy limits has been pulled. Bye bye! See you in 2015. Maybe. 20:16:31, 2014-09-02
- If you’re in that boat please check out: http://t.co/aQ0WUXvWgV 20:14:22, 2014-09-02
- Shared housing advocates in the audience have taken to watching live internet video streams of pandas, baby owls to console themselves. 20:13:57, 2014-09-02
- Co-op ordinance and senior occupancy limits probably not going to come back to Council in 2014. So there’s that. 20:11:16, 2014-09-02
- Sounds like the idea of “early wins” is about to go down in flames, based on City Manager’s commentary. 20:10:50, 2014-09-02
- Basically no direct pushback from Council on what to me felt like some pretty outrageous neighborhood sentiments. 20:08:21, 2014-09-02
- Zan talking about her experience living 2 doors down from @MasalaCoop, as an example of good neighborly community housing. 20:05:25, 2014-09-02
- .@Shoemaker4City wants us to “Find a neighborhood that’s up for it” and run a pilot. This does not inspire hope. 20:04:00, 2014-09-02
- But if increasing senior occupancy limits had this much resistance, how will occupancy more widely fare? Seniors will end up with nothing. 20:00:24, 2014-09-02
- .@MaconCowles wants to address occupancy more broadly, not focus on seniors alone. Says it seems unfair. 19:58:24, 2014-09-02
- Next reading of the ordinance will not happen on September 16th. Will need to be re-scheduled to address concerns. 19:57:10, 2014-09-02
- Council seems to want much more discussion about even this. I'm despairing that we are ever going to change anything. 19:56:30, 2014-09-02
- (occupancy in particular — obviously there are other senior housing issues to deal with!) 19:54:40, 2014-09-02
- If we actually fix the co-op ordinance, then doing anything w/ seniors becomes kind of immaterial. 19:54:15, 2014-09-02
- Lots of people wanting to push senior question out to when we deal w/ the co-op ordinance. Because that’s going to be easy? Yeah, riiight. 19:52:37, 2014-09-02
- Tim Plass wants some answers for people at next reading of the senior occupancy ordinance. So hopefully we’ll actually get a 2nd reading! 19:51:26, 2014-09-02
- Overall count is about 2:1 against increasing occupancy limits for seniors. 19:50:37, 2014-09-02
- @ericmbudd Dangit! I missed your comments! 19:49:41, 2014-09-02
- Meanwhile it looks like Boulder Housing Coalition Founder and ED Lincoln Miller had to take a little time out, lest he break decorum. 19:29:13, 2014-09-02
- Neshama Abraham speaking eloquently in favor of elder shared housing. “We’re just talking about a group of friends living together." 19:28:18, 2014-09-02
- How can everybody so loudly claim to be in favor of affordable housing for seniors, while opposing it? #doublethink 19:27:10, 2014-09-02
- Senior says: “Most seniors I know have trouble even living w/ 2 people.” That’s fine. Nobody’s asking you to live w/ others. 19:24:55, 2014-09-02
- Not everyone came to Boulder for its “small town feel.” And yes, people can have families in small units. Especially in co-housing. 19:22:04, 2014-09-02
- Former council member, county commissioner and co-op founder @WillToor just arrived. Sweaty bike helmet and all. 19:20:29, 2014-09-02
- "On street parking a big issue — so much that 2-way street has become 1-way street,” It’s called a “yield” street. Great traffic calming. 19:17:25, 2014-09-02
- Neighbors have 1-2 car garages, which would mitigate on-street parking issues. If they weren’t almost entirely used as non-vehicle storage… 19:15:34, 2014-09-02
- Palo Park would be 14 units/acre, 2-3x the neighborhood, and just high enough to support transit. 19:14:19, 2014-09-02
- 148 neighbors against “high density” affordable housing at Palo Parkway. How about a park instead? 19:13:43, 2014-09-02
- In 1950, US household size was close to 4, homes were ~1000sf. Today, ~2.5 and 2500sf. Most seniors can remember convivial living! 19:11:21, 2014-09-02
- If you’re familiar with social experiments, they’re less frightening. But this isn’t an experiment. 19:10:26, 2014-09-02
- Several residents of NoBo Senior Co-housing Wild Sage — in favor of more housing options for seniors, including co-ops. 19:09:37, 2014-09-02
- “I can’t imagine 6 people like me in a 3BR house!” That’s right. They won’t be like you. 19:04:07, 2014-09-02
- “We use low density to attract young families to Boulder” Really? Last I checked we were chasing them out with low density, high prices. 19:03:01, 2014-09-02
- Current speaker focusing on climate change, population growth. Suggesting that “growth” in Boulder == global growth, bad for climate. Hmm. 18:57:51, 2014-09-02
- Some folks calling out development as at odds with Comp Plan… which envisions a compact walkable Boulder, which requires development. 18:53:48, 2014-09-02
- Mike Marsh bringing up Al Bartlett, claiming more people means lower quality of life. Depends what you mean by quality of life. 18:45:54, 2014-09-02
- Another anti-occupancy speaker who claims to be worried about age discrimination, frustrated we can’t do ADUs. So sad. 18:42:21, 2014-09-02
- Mary Young wondering how many cars they have now… it’s 1 per person. 18:39:09, 2014-09-02
- Cedar Barstow, senior w/ 7BR home in NoBo, wishes they could fill it and live communally. 18:38:14, 2014-09-02
- Carolyn Bninski from Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center speaking in favor of senior occupancy change. She wants to do it! 18:37:20, 2014-09-02
- @ericmbudd Talk about what kind of somewhat more urban city you’d love Boulder to become and why! Demographic/driving trends, etc. in reply to ericmbudd 18:35:05, 2014-09-02
- Also everyone seems to think that even 6 seniors living in a home would “disrupt the family orientation of neighborhoods.” w/o explaining. 18:32:00, 2014-09-02
- 2nd anti-senior speaker does not understand what increasing senior occupancy means. Worried about subdivision, houses becoming apartments. 18:30:36, 2014-09-02
- @ericmbudd Are you signed up to speak? Open comment signups open until 6:30pm. 18:26:08, 2014-09-02
- 1st comment against senior occupancy, says it’s age discrimination. Which it is. But it’s a special case allowed by FHA & HOPA. 18:25:08, 2014-09-02
- Hard to convince younger people to sign up to speak publicly, because “they didn’t prepare”. Hard to understand that few others have either. 18:00:45, 2014-09-02
- Unknown number of people speaking about comprehensive housing strategy, which is agenda item 5A. Maybe 7:30pm? 17:54:47, 2014-09-02
- There are already at least 30 people signed up for open comment, which will focus on urbanization, maybe senior occupancy limits too. 17:47:43, 2014-09-02
- I am about to start live-tweeting a #Boulder city council meeting on urbanization & housing policy. And I’m *totally* going to remain calm. 17:41:14, 2014-09-02
- That reading utility policy papers seems like a relaxing break after this weekend says something unflattering about Boulder housing policy. 13:43:16, 2014-09-02
- Long piece from @drgrist about his unplugged year. This is exactly why I go on long ridiculous multi-day bike rides: http://t.co/yOR5LpYNhm 12:33:20, 2014-09-02
- @drgrist WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We missed you so much. in reply to drgrist 12:22:36, 2014-09-02
- If your Grand Vision for the future looks almost exactly like the present… you don’t actually have a vision for the future. #justsaying 12:20:39, 2014-09-02
- Tippety-tap, keyboards awhir. Room over occupied.
Words all ablur.And apparently it looks like we’ve been sponsored by Apple. 20:33:09, 2014-09-01
- We have totally freaked the squares. Big square freaking party Tuesday 5:30pm at City Council. Oh yeah, baby. Libations FTW. 18:39:54, 2014-09-01
- Ice cream and occupancy limits in half an hour! We’ve been testing the ice cream. It seems to be working. https://t.co/Mj86z1jfEg 18:31:50, 2014-09-01
- For some reason I’ve been humming the Imperial March all evening. Darth Vader’s theme from Star Wars. Can’t imagine why. 03:23:09, 2014-09-01
- RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: A sane person to an insane society must appear insane. 03:09:39, 2014-09-01
- @alex_burness if you’re ever looking for non-PBC, non-developer housing sentiments, lemme know. There’s others. Young urbanist renters, etc. 00:05:04, 2014-09-01
- @ericmbudd What are you doing Tuesday night? I hear City Council is gonna be a real hoot! Sadly I can’t find my hip flask… in reply to ericmbudd 23:55:03, 2014-08-31
- In the @DailyCamera it’s @PLANBoulder vs. developers on housing. Wish they’d talk to some younger renters too… http://t.co/Aar5YiuwFu 23:37:57, 2014-08-31
- Biked Flagstaff & 68J to @BldrFoodRescue peach cobbler & ice cream induced food coma at @MasalaCoop. Nap time. 14:10:02, 2014-08-31
- @KevinHotaling Painfully biased occupancy “survey” from Martin Acres… if you know any libertarians there: http://t.co/fqoxZLPTJx 01:38:33, 2014-08-31