- If you’re crazy enough to buy a new car on credit, make it an EV & bundle it w/ PV & home EE upgrades: @SnuggHome https://t.co/c6Lv1xjVt0 15:07:45, 2014-06-28
- Drinking lemonade and caging rambling tomatoes. http://t.co/X0Ijs1MNuZ 14:28:29, 2014-06-28
- RT @CommunityCycles: An inspirational article on how to move truly large things by bike from @mrmoneymustache out in Longmont: http://t.co/… 00:54:31, 2014-06-28
- Manipulating the emotions of hundreds of thousands of Facebook users FOR SCIENCE… http://t.co/gf0NlujqoN (Next up: for fun and profit.) 00:02:19, 2014-06-28
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: GHG emissions broken into sectors & sub-categories, look at that, biggest rectangle goes to passenger vehicles in CA. h… 23:53:51, 2014-06-27
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: Afternoon ritual burning of ancient limited pools of energy to move metal shells away from the sea at a snails pace. ht… 23:51:50, 2014-06-27
- RT @GaryRidesBikes: Anyone who is not up to task of pushing back on our car culture even a little bit, they are just not serious about Cali… 23:50:00, 2014-06-27
- There’s something satisfying about putting the co-op’s address down as the official address for a political campaign committee. 09:22:39, 2014-06-27
- A realtime visualization of global cyberattacks? Really? http://t.co/gnrpQy0TpP 17:19:28, 2014-06-26
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: An overview of US utility decoupling policies from 2009… is there anything more recent out there? http://t.co/zni8F50W… 17:17:57, 2014-06-26
- RT @RMEnergyTracker: ICYMI: 2013 #Wind contracts in Midwest hit “lowest prices we have ever seen in the U.S.” http://t.co/BNeRChFvom http:/… 17:06:09, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Discontinuous change scares the crap out of me. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:45:05, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Certainly exists in city planning context too… incumbent NIMBYs, facing demand for different kinds of cities, holding out. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:44:52, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Mostly thinking about it now in context of utility regulation. Overhangs from defunct biz models w/ cash + regulatory capture. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:43:58, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen I think it’s mine. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone else had come up with it too though. in reply to AlexSteffen 11:42:07, 2014-06-26
- @AlexSteffen Overhangs created by incumbent resistance also lead to more discontinuous and dislocating change when it finally happens. in reply to AlexSteffen 22:47:19, 2014-06-25
- Boss just stormed in, spandex clad. Guess it’s Bike to Work day. Funny. Kinda just felt like a normal day… 10:27:18, 2014-06-25
- Decoupling is just a means to an end, of creating utilities in the biz of helping people use less energy while getting more (ha!) utility. 14:07:40, 2014-06-24
- Utility revenue decoupling alone isn’t enough. Splitting total system cost evenly across all customers would be “decoupled” & also awful. 14:05:51, 2014-06-24
- What is “enough” in the context of a #highenergyplanet? 2kW/person is ~20 human equivalents, working 24/7. Where do we draw the line? 12:48:24, 2014-06-24
- Juno Reactor + 215 pages of wonktastic utility decoupling goodness courtesy of CPUC 14AL-0660E. Makes me kind of tingly all over. 12:23:05, 2014-06-24
- I'm starting to wonder if "complicated" isn't just another way of saying "intimate" 00:27:38, 2014-06-24
- I’m about to go on @WBAI to talk about coal supplies & economics for @ClnEnergyAction. Will be on @pacificaradio tomorrow noon-ish I think… 17:26:20, 2014-06-23
- @ericmbudd Oh. I read one book of hers. That was enough. in reply to ericmbudd 16:38:05, 2014-06-23
- My dudes include: Carl Sagan, Edward Abbey, @VaclavSmil, Kim Stanley Robinson, @AlexSteffen, Jan Gehl… 16:33:35, 2014-06-23
- Putting together a list of my influences & suggested reading. It’s very male. What women should I read on humanity’s place in the universe? 16:31:15, 2014-06-23
- Risk oblivion = high variance: @GSElevator: #1: The most and least successful people all share the same trait: thinking they’re never wrong. 15:31:13, 2014-06-23
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: Hank Paulson, former head of @GSElevator er Goldman Sachs, on pricing the enormous but fuzzy risks of climate change: … 23:22:27, 2014-06-22
- Scouting for an adventure. Sunset over the mist shrouded continental divide. Come out and play with me. http://t.co/oyh5BFRciW 22:06:25, 2014-06-22
- I am indescribably happy to be part of the co-op community in Boulder. Thank you for existing. 15:17:29, 2014-06-22
- @ericmbudd What is it you wish we would build but don’t have the cash for? https://t.co/B5xwGqVQrS in reply to ericmbudd 15:16:24, 2014-06-22