- Come talk beautiful human-scale street design with @VictorDover at Boulder's Chautauqua this Wednesday, 5:30-7:30pm: https://t.co/rOJ7Wqwroj 15:39:50, 2014-03-22
- @bikepedbrian Bertrand Russell's teapot, FTW… http://t.co/YpJVlirwvB in reply to bikepedbrian 15:35:28, 2014-03-22
- @ericmbudd OMG. And of course AEI thinks that's a *good* thing. Asshats. 11:49:22, 2014-03-22
- RT @errolmorris: FACING DOWN DONALD RUMSFELD, http://t.co/EivW6LuSfQ (A new interview with me, dog hair and all…) 10:18:11, 2014-03-22
- RT @errolmorris: The writer from the Telegraph asked me, "Do you worry that your movie is too subtle?" My answer, "Yes." 10:17:41, 2014-03-22
- RT @errolmorris: What if you make a movie about self-deception and no one notices, are you self-deceived? 10:17:34, 2014-03-22
- Electric cars are a distraction from building great cities but I do enjoy watching @TeslaMotors piss off car dealers: http://t.co/QxLyk2Bzw5 10:13:55, 2014-03-22
- Frustrating day reading & writing about coal reserves. Good night of snuggling, documentary, discussion. 01:04:00, 2014-03-22
- @COHealthOP yes, but you're still not following me so I can't DM you. 17:04:15, 2014-03-21
- @iea Unless of course you include any kind of reasonable climate and public health costs. Then it's the most expensive source of power. in reply to IEA 09:44:11, 2014-03-21
- RT @ScottWesterfeld: Plot idea: 97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billion… 21:47:43, 2014-03-20
- Politicians discussing climate change, a tiny sculpture by Isaac Cordal in Berlin. Looks about right… http://t.co/wIL8GBGnDs 21:41:35, 2014-03-20
- East Arapaho has historic cultural heritage to preserve? We're at the very beginning of Boulder's urban history. Look forward, not back. 20:42:16, 2014-03-20
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: "We do not want to replicate Xcel's business. We want to transform it." (Boulder's Heather Bailey): http://t.co/8sfBe… 16:58:20, 2014-03-20
- Photos of some incremental mixing of land uses in not-so-urban parts of Portland, OR: http://t.co/lRaig3JWng 16:31:10, 2014-03-20
- @neil21 @wisemonkeysblog Mmm, seems to have been the @disconnectme privacy plugin blocking them for some reason… in reply to neil21 16:28:42, 2014-03-20
- @neil21 @wisemonkeysblog I'm not seeing any photos on that post… are they supposed to be visible? in reply to neil21 14:44:42, 2014-03-20
- @uscan @envdefensefund Uh, are you thinking of past and future people? Cause I'm pretty sure there's not 13 billion doing anything today… in reply to uscan 14:02:59, 2014-03-20
- There are 3 Nissan Leaf EVs in the @NewEraColorado parking lot in Boulder. And zero bike racks. Lamesauce. 11:13:32, 2014-03-20
- @trueanomalies My guess is she's using it as a paddle, to direct the floating log… in reply to trueanomalies 08:58:28, 2014-03-20
- @cohealthop I can't respond to direct messages if you're not following me… in reply to COHealthOP 23:04:46, 2014-03-19
- It seems wasteful to outlaw people sleeping in every bedroom in a house. Help us #MakeBoulderHome! http://t.co/49NLwgrL1Z 22:57:53, 2014-03-19
- @alexsteffen @bruteforceblog price of taxi medallion would be a good proxy for monopoly rent, beyond CapEx/O&M required to provide service. in reply to AlexSteffen 15:25:19, 2014-03-18
- Our descendants will probably say similar things about Bangladesh. Florida. The Netherlands. The San Joaquin Valley, etc. 15:23:32, 2014-03-18
- Most of my ancestors came from Doggerland, which was inundated by the North Sea when the ice caps began melting: http://t.co/ux69S4U8VG 15:18:38, 2014-03-18
- @alexsteffen Iike how pedestrian fatalities skyrocket w/ vehicle impact speed… orbital energies are 10^6 x larger than human powered things. in reply to AlexSteffen 12:23:53, 2014-03-18
- @alexsteffen And the film was incredibly generous on survivability of the accident. In reality everyone would have just died immediately… in reply to AlexSteffen 12:20:01, 2014-03-18
- @sumnums Wow, only 95x? I would have thought it was even higher. in reply to sumnums 22:52:57, 2014-03-17
- Proud to live in a city with a low discount rate & an awareness of fat-tail risk when it comes to natural disasters: https://t.co/Qbyv4xBRpw 22:17:08, 2014-03-17
- Finally got my insurance card from @COHealthOP! If only @C4HCO would change my enrollment date. I've been calling them weekly for ~3 months! 17:53:01, 2014-03-17
- @GoldyHA @bruteforceblog @sallyjclark Um, I'm pretty sure the lawyers *are* the plan for working with regulators. True at the CO PUC anyway. in reply to GoldyHA 17:14:47, 2014-03-17
- @prostreetcar @ericmbudd they must have seen the NYC bridge numbers from 100 years ago… http://t.co/JW2l6iX1wq in reply to prostreetcar 10:45:01, 2014-03-17
- @neil21 @chinzedpt @jeffspeckaicp cf Los Angeles. I had no idea what it wasn't, until I visited Barcelona. in reply to neil21 10:34:34, 2014-03-17
- @neil21 I didn't know until you came along, but I'm in love with T5. in reply to neil21 10:33:05, 2014-03-17
- @stevemouzon it's the bit.ly link in the side bar (on every page) to Original Green at Amazon. in reply to stevemouzon 06:51:21, 2014-03-17
- Finally used up that BFR habañero haul. First grilling of the season. Transcendentally spicy jerk chicken. Oh, the clear sinuses! 19:33:47, 2014-03-16
- @subnaughtsounds That must be why only Larry, Sergei, and Eric have voting shares. in reply to subnaughtsounds 15:21:58, 2014-03-16
- @ericmbudd Freedom Is Slavery. in reply to ericmbudd 15:17:03, 2014-03-16
- @stevemouzon FYI, the link from your blog to buy your book on Amazon is broken… 15:13:34, 2014-03-16
- Somehow only now found @neil21's great little blogs: Stroad to Boulevard http://t.co/PYYIbWIW4T & Mid-rise Mixed Use: http://t.co/OW1sCtkG16 13:39:38, 2014-03-16
- It's easier to admit ignorance together. We don't need to tell stories about everything. It's okay: I don't know, and you don't know either. 12:17:00, 2014-03-16
- Okay, I'm not just going to suppress this cough, I'm going to oppress it. 12:00:50, 2014-03-16
- RT @neil21: "The establishment will not get us out of this mess." http://t.co/lMbh8yjfjN 01:49:06, 2014-03-16