- @ericmbudd which in Boulder County refused to fund the maintenance of their own streets in November… in reply to ericmbudd 10:44:42, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd And I don't think there's a good solution for them, honestly. Which will kind of suck. Politically. Economically. Socially. in reply to ericmbudd 10:36:41, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd I kinda doubt it, as O&M costs swamp CapEx, & the resulting development patterns are so unproductive, time wasting. in reply to ericmbudd 10:23:11, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd As with energy, I think it's vastly cheaper to solve the road problem on the demand side: Build. Better. Cities! in reply to ericmbudd 10:19:40, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd What are the bad failure modes where a highway that can't pay for itself with tolls should actually still get built? in reply to ericmbudd 10:18:45, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd God forbid anybody do an actual financial analysis of a highway project. Toll roads done right could be awesome. in reply to ericmbudd 10:15:31, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd I'm sure it's much more fun than the 600 page contract! in reply to ericmbudd 09:48:25, 2014-02-15
- So apparently @ColoradoDOT went and released the #US36FLAP contract w/ some financials redacted: http://t.co/v5zpTEVq1j 09:42:43, 2014-02-15
- @bud_t Thanks! Hopefully it was informative. Still wish I understood why these deals end up being sooo looong. It's not NPV of cash flows. in reply to Bud_T 09:40:05, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd 326 people have seen my US36 post. Most of them before 9:30am on a Saturday. Don't people have anything better to do? Oh, wait… in reply to ericmbudd 09:38:33, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd Do *you* understand why deals like this end up being 50-100 years long? It can't be NPV of cash flows! in reply to ericmbudd 09:34:03, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd Looks like they've redacted some financials. in reply to ericmbudd 09:33:40, 2014-02-15
- @ericmbudd You're shitting me. Before it gets signed? in reply to ericmbudd 09:29:10, 2014-02-15
- RT @beebigelow: must read, Coloradans RT @MikeThomson22: Excellent piece on #US36FLAP. http://t.co/PG35EUMHtv 09:15:54, 2014-02-15
- @mikethomson22 Thanks! Still wish I could understand why the terms on these P3 deals are soooo loooong. in reply to MikeThomson22 09:15:34, 2014-02-15
- RT @MikeThomson22: Excellent piece on #US36FLAP. http://t.co/rfy1w2aUzl 09:14:58, 2014-02-15
- @clmarohn @StrongTowns curious what you think of #US36FLAP in Colorado. Non-ponzi-scheme financing is under attack: http://t.co/FMIJtNjJyC 01:33:03, 2014-02-15
- @drfunkyspoon is this KSR talk going to be posted online? I love that guy, even though he got me into grad school. Plays mean disc-golf too. 18:04:00, 2014-02-14
- RT @drdarsci: KSR remarks hesitation to move on climate change is like sitting in a hotel when the fire alarm is going off #AAASmtg #aaas_s… 18:02:29, 2014-02-14
- My attempt to explain how the #US36FLAP deal works… in 3000 words or less! http://t.co/L9u0Y3s2lb @bouldergobldr @ColoradoDOT @36commuting 18:00:37, 2014-02-14
- A presentation (PDF) from MPACT64 on Colorado's transportation funding situation… or, why we're resorting to P3's: http://t.co/kbtsEEZoqu 11:54:09, 2014-02-14
- Population stabilizing, households shrinking, # of households still growing… but my co-op is >2x US avg. in 1893. http://t.co/ZYjiJY0X3o 07:48:47, 2014-02-14
- @ericmbudd @emilymbadger either that, or… more co-ops! 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 07:43:42, 2014-02-14
- Defend Colorado's new air quality standards! This might be dumbing the issue down a little too much, but who knows? http://t.co/TscWhcuo3W 23:58:06, 2014-02-13
- Choice of discount rate & risk aversion now affects carbon prices much more than improvements in climate models. http://t.co/9Z3fC8tv8g 21:44:41, 2014-02-13
- RT @bruteforceblog: A few years old but still relevant: making transportation sustainable: insights from Germany. Painful how different. ht… 21:31:37, 2014-02-13
- So I'm talking distributed generation on this panel w/ folks from @RockyMtnInst, @XcelEnergyCO, & @TriStateGT. Should be fun! Or like Comps? 21:12:25, 2014-02-13
- RT @ClnEnergyAction: RMI is celebrating the disruption of utilities by renewables, and so are we! http://t.co/HnQgYV4E1k 21:05:44, 2014-02-13
- Some nice coverage of #US36FLAP by the @dailycamera http://t.co/Ebn5DBRe1l (in April of last year…) 17:50:25, 2014-02-13
- RT @sugarmags3: Timing is awesome on the new Science article on methane. Coloradan's, I'll see you at the rulemaking next week. http://t.co… 17:00:56, 2014-02-13
- The amount of public engagement you can get when you're willing to lie to people is amazing. Almost makes it a tempting option. Almost. 09:30:28, 2014-02-13
- @fishnette do you know, does your beau take the ITE Trip Generation Handbook seriously at all? If not, what does he do? #Nerdsportation 22:06:42, 2014-02-12
- RT @jpmeyerDPost: Opinion: Nothing sinister in U.S. 36 highway deal http://t.co/UVkwxuYpBx #US36FLAP 21:57:28, 2014-02-12
- RT @abuvthefold: Folks at #US36FLAP mtg blasting TV news, media for not covering this issue. Apparently they haven't been reading @dailycam… 21:21:43, 2014-02-12
- @trueanomalies Have you seen the JF Hyde version? Whoa. http://t.co/UDwVOAj17z in reply to trueanomalies 18:57:36, 2014-02-12
- And if you want the 80 page deep dive on US36, here's the contract summary: http://t.co/0mu6FhZREj from @ColoradoDOT @36commuting 17:43:17, 2014-02-12
- The @ColoradoDOT FAQ on US36 reconstruction project: http://t.co/Tl16L9sPnd cc @36commuting 17:41:26, 2014-02-12
- Visualizing the space intensity of cars. NYC bridge capacities have been cut in half post WWII:
http://t.co/hizQfSrnzp via @JeffSpeckAICP in reply to JeffSpeckAICP 16:33:00, 2014-02-12 - @36commuting @bouldergobldr Once every couple of weeks, regional buses only, almost always bringing my bike along for the ride. in reply to 36commuting 13:48:34, 2014-02-12
- I love bikes. I want to hug them, and their riders too. This video still makes me laugh and cry (in a good way): https://t.co/cAUglNBmFH 13:40:29, 2014-02-12
- @ericmbudd Very different kind of co-op. More like the NYC co-ops, which are really like condo-associations w/ membership restrictions. in reply to ericmbudd 13:07:06, 2014-02-12
- @ericmbudd Please share the counter articles back and debunk! in reply to ericmbudd 08:23:09, 2014-02-12
- "Guests are welcome, but please let us know ahead of time, and be sure to let your guests know about our naked policy." #OnlyInBoulder 23:10:03, 2014-02-11
- @bruteforceblog Vancouver, BC regs seem to be pretty much duplexes, no? Policymaker doublethink on this issue is so painful to watch. in reply to bruteforceblog 22:01:38, 2014-02-11
- @bruteforceblog You've seen @Sightline's series on this stuff, right? Trying to get our whole council to read it… http://t.co/d1veGY5BZK in reply to bruteforceblog 21:56:22, 2014-02-11
- @bruteforceblog Ah, nomenclature. DADU is detached in Seattle? I think they're both ADU's in Boulder… both seem like no-brainers to me. in reply to bruteforceblog 21:52:34, 2014-02-11
- Good piece on how granny flats took off in Portland once the city made them easy. Boulder can do this too: http://t.co/2qrS4wuXQW 21:46:14, 2014-02-11
- RT @stevemouzon: density does not equate to highrises. Hamburg was denser as a lowrise city than when rebuilt after WWII as a city of highr… 18:40:05, 2014-02-11
- RT @JesseJenkins: PSA: Advertising your page on #Facebook is a waste of money! Here's why (watch the whole thing)… http://t.co/dKSWd2aZup… 09:25:42, 2014-02-11
- Finish this @AlexSteffen sentence: "A planet of small ultra-rich cities and sprawling low-density slums will be…" http://t.co/zzpNfJGb0P 00:15:04, 2014-02-11
- @ericmbudd I think there are at least 2 others. We'll see. Everyone is last minute. in reply to ericmbudd 00:09:17, 2014-02-11
- @ericmbudd Woo hop! I think you might be the first, then. 😉 in reply to ericmbudd 00:06:53, 2014-02-11
- @fishnette Well, thankfully we have smartphones and Google Docs OCR… 🙂 in reply to fishnette 00:00:45, 2014-02-11
- @ericmbudd Enforcement on all this sounds like kind of a nightmare… in reply to ericmbudd 23:19:55, 2014-02-10
- It's a good thing the Density Atlas only has a hundred case studies… or I'd be here all night: http://t.co/puGH6slNjI 22:40:55, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Did I send you this talk by @Andres_Duany on Detroit and "lean urbanism" https://t.co/KtuRGTaqFD in reply to ericmbudd 22:19:51, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Okay, I'll stop bugging you 😛 in reply to ericmbudd 22:15:48, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd We dealt with skyrocketing poverty in cities in the 20th century. Flow back to cities can be vastly cheaper than expansion was. in reply to ericmbudd 22:15:35, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd And I hear you haven't submitted your TAB application yet 🙂 in reply to ericmbudd 22:13:43, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd I think it'll be culturally uncomfortable, but totally doable. Like just about everything in 21st century America. in reply to ZaneSelvans 22:13:21, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Have you read Chuck Mahron's "Growth Ponzi Scheme" posts? What did you think of the case studies? http://t.co/dsivKoQDak in reply to ericmbudd 22:10:42, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Personally I hope we as a nation let a lot of it crumble, and re-build a much leaner, human-scale system… in reply to ericmbudd 22:09:49, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Impact64 polling: only sales tax had a chance. Gas Tax = #Fail. The more they told people about VMT tax, the worse it fared. in reply to ericmbudd 22:07:02, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd I'll be shocked if the contract doesn't get inked… but issue isn't going away. No one wants to pay for the transportation system. in reply to ericmbudd 22:03:24, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Lots of greens still don't get that fuel is the least of motordom's sustainability problems. in reply to ericmbudd 22:00:38, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd Most depressing part of all this has been seeing "environmentalists" willing to rail against transit priority. in reply to ericmbudd 21:59:49, 2014-02-10
- @ericmbudd The project and the contract are somewhat independent (how, I'm not exactly sure). in reply to ericmbudd 21:58:23, 2014-02-10
- A good long-form look at the US36 BRT/HOT managed lane project. It's not exactly nefarious: http://t.co/WDTRPnV6KV 21:50:33, 2014-02-10
- @Streetfilms the #sneckdowns are coming up in the Boulder Transportation Advisory Board meeting 🙂 20:06:10, 2014-02-10
- Sometimes I feel like Planning Board has all the fun. Then I remember their packets are 500 pages long & their hearings are quasi-judicial. 19:40:56, 2014-02-10
- I do occasionally wonder if the things we get in paper, not digital form, are the things staff doesn't want spread around too widely. 19:30:07, 2014-02-10
- Turns out the school could participate in the NPP as well… so they're covered long term if they need to be. 19:05:35, 2014-02-10
- There's a little bit of parking immediately around the school… enough to satisfy BVSD's teacher's union contract requirements. Kind of. 18:36:29, 2014-02-10
- Green space was preserved at the school in part due to lobbying by this same neighborhood's residents… 18:25:03, 2014-02-10
- Mapleton school is the main driver of the expansion of the NPP. Limited off-street parking to preserve green space… which means overflow. 18:23:13, 2014-02-10
- Mapleton Hill asking for a pre-emptive expansion on some blocks, currently ~35% occupied. Is that really in line w/ the existing policy? 18:16:47, 2014-02-10
- Any neighborhood can ask for a new NPP, if parking is >75% full (>60% for an expansion). $17/yr for residents, $328/yr for commuters permits 18:11:55, 2014-02-10
- At TAB talking about neighborhood parking permit (NPP) district expansions… and one reduction (for the 1st time, like, ever?) 18:09:25, 2014-02-10
- @bruteforceblog @alexsteffen @agpublic Entire Grácia neighborhood of Barcelona is < 7 stories, but ~30,000/km^2. And also awesome. in reply to bruteforceblog 14:39:44, 2014-02-10
- One of my favorite @VaclavSmil talks. Especially the part where he prays the Saudi royal family gets assassinated. https://t.co/dra1iWOfBl 14:22:52, 2014-02-10
- RT @smotus: Well played, Girl Scouts. Well played. http://t.co/4AWaFaHiO1 09:04:02, 2014-02-10
- @wpmudev know any resources for going to mandatory SSL/HTTPS admin w/ mapped subdomains and wildcard cert? I'm not finding anything obvious. 18:05:26, 2014-02-09
- RT @maitelsadany: Brilliant Graffiti from #Turkey on the Internet Censorship Law: http://t.co/gzwAtpGtOo via @erdemKolbakir #internetimedok… 08:28:29, 2014-02-09