- What better way to avoid the Superbowl than brunch with friends and building bicycle wheels with dynamo hubs? #
- Ugh. Working on this paper is giving me thesis flashbacks. #
- Pasadena's bike plan draft is out. Check it out and give feedback on Feb 23rd at 6:30pm in City Council Chambers: http://bit.ly/9VMwR5 #
- Deadlines are for quitters… #
- I'm giving a talk on retirement investing for scientists and engineers at Caltech: http://bit.ly/bkezAn Please come heckle! #
- Considering changing the licensing on all my photos to be Wikipedia compatible CC-BY-SA instead of CC-BY-SA-NC. #
- Hyperactive sauerkraut fermentation all over the counter. Website migration scripting. Where's my coffee? #
- The always dripping shower makes me feel like I live in a cave. That, and the 10°C inside air temperature no matter how nice it is outside. #
- On my way down to @CICLEorg HQ to talk like a web monkey. #
- Whoa, post-meeting pre-dumpster nap ran into overtime. So much for my freegan evening. Guess I'll do some more web monkeying. #
- Anybody want to come out with me for the Spoke(n) Art ride tonight? http://bit.ly/cKVJJI #