- Not only can I not concentrate, I also can't sleep. #
- How Boulder became bikeable. This is at least half the reason I want to live there: http://bit.ly/XwZV8 (video by Bikes Belong) #
- qGIS 1.3.0 is named after one of Saturn's moons (Mimas), and it's not crashing on my computer. That's good. #
- I'm so tired of hating the world. #
- Getting extraterrestrial GIS working always takes too long. It's like they think the Earth is the center of the universe or something. #
- Tomorrow, I am for to be mapping some tectonics of the ices. Again. For the third time. #
- Carl Sagan: "The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars." Talk about a big 'if'… #
- I really don't look forward to coffee any more. #
- I wish I could make an update about something more personal than the geospatial databases which are giving me a headache., but I can't. #
- Two interplanetary exploration show-stoppers: Pu-238 RTGs http://bit.ly/8s584 and DSN bandwidth http://bit.ly/18t2wh #
- Back to mapping, and the land of the living… right after I get some coffee. #
- Snow returning to Siberia; Europe & the Niger delta twinkling in a thin sliver of moonless night; southern ocean vortices: I see you, Earth. #
- I remind me of an asshole. #
- Okay, I'm getting dizzy from the lineaments now. Maybe that's enough for now. #
- If the Earth had an intelligence agency, I would totally interview with them. #
- I knew there was some reason I kept putting off mapping. These overalls have never felt this loose before. #
- "Accidentally" spiced everyone out at dinner with bean sprouts+chiles+garlic. #
- More than 1000 intersections to classify, at 30 seconds each that's… still 8+ mind-numbing hours. Ugh. #
- Huh, I wonder where all that mapping I did earlier today went. *poof* ERROR, ERROR, ERROR. p.o.s. 🙁 #